Malkin Creek Trail expansion finds support
The Parks, Trails and Greenways committee has their sights set on expanding the Malkin Creek Trail system in 2023
There are a few goals to this project, outlined during the committee’s final meeting of 2022 on Dec 19 Many of them revolved around connecting the already existing trails and parks in the area, which would promote more use of the spaces
The most immediate addition of trail would be immediately south of Amelia Lane in Malkin Creek Park The path would run from an improved parking lot where the trail currently veers off the road, and reappear at a new parking lot at the end of the lane
This would connect the Malkin path to the Bowen Bay Trail which also runs to the end of Amelia Lane, and also give people a real path between the two, instead of the current approach of walking along the road
Local resident Ian Stuart, who lives next to Malkin Creek Park, has offered to pitch in his own time and effort to make this portion of the path happen
“There’s a very easy way to go from there (existing parking lot) up to what would make a great parking area off the trail head,” says Stuart, adding he could do much of the work with his own machines
$1 inc GST TEDDY BEAR GALA WRAPS Bears off to rest PAGE 12 A FERRY MERRY NEW YEAR’S EVE: Eventful voyage closes 2022 PAGE 6 THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 2023 VOL. 48 NO. 49 BIUndercurrent BowUndercurrent .50
WELCOME TO 2023! - A group of hearty participants were determined to start the new year off with a splash, braving the freezing waters of Bowen Bay Beach to take part in the Polar Bear Plunge on NewYear’s Day While it may have been quite the shock, there were a variety of inventive ideas back on shore to get warm once plungers had enough of the frigid sea For the event photo gallery, check out Pages 8-9 / Bruce Steele photo
BowenIslandMunicipalHall 981ArtisanLane BowenIsland,BC V0N1G2 Hours:8:30am-4:30pm MondaytoFriday Closedstatutoryholidays Phone: 604-947-4255 Fax: 604-947-0193 Email: Website: BowenIsland Municipality Find us on Facebook bowenislandmunicipalityca/subscribe Subscribe to our mailing list January5,2023 Contact Bowen Island Municipality wwwbowenislandmunicipalityca Events AllCouncilmeetingsareopen tothepublictoattendin personorelectronically, unlessnotedotherwise. January 9, 2023 6:15 pm RegularCouncilMeeting January 23, 2023 6:15 pm RegularCouncilMeeting PAID ADVERTISEMENT 1710 Whitesails Dr PermitapplicationTUP2022-0191 Allowuptofourtrailersfortemporaryworkeraccomodation Councilwillbeconsideringatemporaryusepermit(TUP) applicationattheJanuary23,2023RegularCouncilmeeting LedcorConstructionLtd isaskingCounciltoallowuptofour trailersontheproperty Thetrailerswillprovidetemporary workeraccomodationforconstructionworkersbuildinga houseontheproperty Thetimeperiodrequestedisuntilthe housereceivesanOccupancyPermit,butisnottoexceed threeyears. Draftconditionsofthepermitincludeasecuritydepositand amanagementplanfortheoperationofthetemporaryworker accommodation MOREINFORMATION: ThepublicisinvitedtomakeanappointmenttotalktoDaniel Martin,ManagerofPlanningandDevelopment,aboutthe application Theapplicationcanalsobeviewedonourwebsite: wwwbowenislandmunicipalityca/planning YOURCOMMENTSAREWELCOME: WrittensubmissionsmaybedeliveredtoMunicipalHallin person,bymail,byfaxorbyemailto VerbalsubmissionsmaybemadetoMayorandCouncilatthe meeting: 6:15PMonMonday,January23,2023 inCouncilChambers,MunicipalHall,or virtuallyviaZoom wwwbowenislandmunicipalityca/council-meetings 1308 Hillcrest Road PermitapplicationDVP-2022-0328 RemoveparkingrequirementsforB&B
requestedtoreducethe2requiredparkingspacestozero. MOREINFORMATION: ThepublicisinvitedtomakeanappointmenttotalktoDrew Bakken,Planner1,abouttheapplication. Theapplicationcanalsobeviewedonourwebsite:
YOURCOMMENTSAREWELCOME: WrittensubmissionsmaybedeliveredtoMunicipalHallin person,bymail,byfaxorbyemailto VerbalsubmissionsmaybemadetoMayorandCouncilatthe meeting: 6:15PMonMonday,January23,2023 inCouncilChambers,MunicipalHall,or virtuallyviaZoom wwwbowenislandmunicipalityca/council-meetings SeekingPublicComment Questions?PleasecontactDanielMartin, ManagerofPlanningandDevelopment, SeekingPublicComment Questions?PleasecontactDrewBakken,Planner1, byphone at604-947-4255extension233or byemailatdbakken@bimbcca BIFR recruiting volunteer First Responders HiringEvent SundayJan15,10am-12pm FireHall,MillerRd Joinusforameetandgreet tofindoutmoreaboutthis position volunteer-hiring-event/ Thursday, January 5, 2023 A2 • bowenislandundercurrent com
ADevelopmentVariancePermitapplicationhasbeensubmittedfor 1308HillcrestRoad(shownonmap)toremoveparkingrequirements TheapplicantswishtooperateaBedandBreakfastoperationat theirproperty,wherenoon-siteparkingcurrentlyexistsTheyhave
Thisisapublicnoticeundersections213and217oftheCommunityCharter. BowenIslandMunicipalityintendstoundertakewellupgrades,construct watermainreplacements,andundertakeexplorationofnewwellsforthe benefitoftheBluewaterParkLocalServiceArea
Weintendtoborrow$3,100,000fromtheMunicipalFinanceAuthoritywith a30yearmaximumrepaymenttermtofundthisworkneededtoensure deliveryofclean,safedrinkingdrinkingwatertoBluewaterParkresidents Theloanwouldbere-paidinfullbymeansofalocalservicetaxIfyour propertyiswithinthelocalservicearea(outlinedinblue),youwillbe subjecttoaParcelTaxofapproximately$1,18700peryear,forthe next30years.
Councilmayproceedwiththisserviceunlessmorethanhalfofthe landownersrepresentingatleast50%oftheassessedvalueofthe landandimprovements(buildings)thatwouldbesubjecttothelocal servicetax,petitionagainsttheservicebyFebruary6,2023(30days afternoticehasbeengiven)
YoucangetmoreinformationaboutLoanAuthorization(Bluewater ParkWaterImprovements)BylawNo 595,2022,andthefinancingplan ontheMunicipalwebsiteat,oratMunicipalHall,981ArtisanLane,Bowen Island. IfyouownpropertywithinthelocalserviceareaandyouareINFAVOURofthefinancingplanforthisproject,noactionisnecessary.
BowenIslandMunicipalHall 981ArtisanLane BowenIsland,BC V0N1G2 Hours:8:30am-4:30pm MondaytoFriday Closedstatutoryholidays Phone: 604-947-4255 Fax: 604-947-0193 Email: bim@bimbcca January5,2023 PAID ADVERTISEMENT RegularCouncilMeetingat6:15PMonMonday,January23,2023 1125GraftonRoad-BowenCiderHouse ALoungeEndorsementAreaapplicationhasbeensubmittedforBowenCiderHouseat1125GraftonRd. (shownonmap)forthedevelopmentofaloungewhichwillconsistofa117m²indoorareaanda125m² outdoorarea.1125GraftonroadisdesignatedAgriculturalLandReserve(ALR)whichpermitsacidery farmuseandaserviceloungearea MOREINFORMATION: ThepublicisinvitedtomakeanappointmenttotalktoNatashaCheong,IslandCommunity Planner,abouttheapplication Theapplicationcanalsobeviewedonourwebsite:www bowenislandmunicipalityca/planning YOURCOMMENTSAREWELCOME: WrittensubmissionsmaybedeliveredtoMunicipalHallinperson,bymail,byfaxorbyemailto mayorandcouncil@bimbcca VerbalsubmissionsmaybemadetoMayorandCouncilatthemeeting: 6:15PMonMonday,January23,2023inCouncilChambers,MunicipalHall,or virtuallyviaZoomwwwbowenislandmunicipalityca/council-meetings Questions?PleasecontactNatashaCheong,IslandCommunityPlannerbyphoneat604-947-4255, extension247,
1. Confi
3 SubmittheformtotheCorporateOfficer
4 InpersonorbymailtoMunicipalHall,981ArtisanLane,BowenIsland,BCV0N1G2
ThisnoticehasbeenmaileddirectlytoallpropertiesintheBluewaterParklocalservicearea,andpubliclypostedasofJanuary5,2023. Questions? PUBLIC NOTICE OF INTENT ToborrowfundstofinanceBluewaterParkWaterImprovements, subjecttopetitionagainst. Seeking Public Comment for a Lounge Endorsement Application bowenislandundercurrent com • A3 Thursday, January 5, 2023
• Bye-mailtobim@bimbcca • Byfaxto604-947-0193
Welcome to 2023 folks! I hope you all had an enjoyable and relaxing holidays, and were able to see some family and friends I felt our December snowfall was a beautiful touch for the Christmas aesthetic, though right on schedule it’s given way to the more common west coast rain. Will the snow make a January reappearance like last year? We’ll see I was very fortunate to escape Vancouver during storm day (Dec 23) on one of the few flights to leave YVR that day. Arriving at the airport in the middle of the night (I was unsure if I would make it in the morning) there were stranded travellers trying to nab some sleep wherever they could. The flight board featured a slew of cancellations, but a few flights to the States were still scheduled to take off After a pretty sleepless night - and constant checking of the big board - the 6:45 am flight to Chicago blessedly pulled away from the gate, and the many happy travellers on that United flight were on their way.
Even then arriving at my end destinationLaGuardia Airport in New York City - wasn’t assured A ‘bomb cyclone’ had descended upon the Windy City, and hundreds of flights were seeing the dreaded red lettering pop up next to their name But again fortune was on my flight’s side, and we were off to the Big Apple that afternoon.
A New York Christmas Remembering Imke Zimmermann
The good luck meant I could spend a lovely Christmas with family in the city and upstate New York City is truly out of a storybook during the holiday season, from Times Square, to St Patrick’s Cathedral, to the unequalled Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center
The small towns of upstate New York hold their own charm too, with their ever stretching snowy forests and mountains, frozen rivers and lakes which provide the perfect setting for pickup hockey games, and wholesome and resourceful community spirit. When bone chilling temperatures made the local church uninhabitable for Christmas Eve service, my cousin’s family moved the entire operationcarolling, attendees, and all - to their house. It was a soul warming evening, and a true embodiment of the Christmas spirit. There was nowhere else I would have rather been.
I hope 2023 will be a year of happiness and good fortune for all of us and our loved ones.
- Alex Kurial, Editor
Dear Editor,
My family and I were saddened to hear about the passing of Imke Zimmermann. We send her family our deepest sympathies and condolences.
Imke was a very kind, empathic and wise person, and a truth speaker who always stood up for humanity and for the rest of nature. She did so with the unwavering
conviction that one ’ s love for all of life must be lived through words and actions that always strive to defend the essence and spirit of life itself, in all its forms.
And she did so with an equally unwavering strength and determination.
Imke inspired the greatest respect in her friends, her neighbours and beloved family members. She was a wonderful example of what it means to be fully
human, a person who showed us what a totally different and better world it would be if it were populated with more people like this remarkable human being.
Most of all, we will remember her sweet smile, the humble yet victorious smile of a human spirit who was always one with love.
- John Sbragia
THE WRITE STUFF. The Undercurrent encourages reader participation in your community newspaper You must include your full name and a daytime phone number (for verification only). The editor reserves the right to edit for clarity, legality, brevity and taste. Please limit to under 500 words HERE’S HOW: To submit a letter to the editor, fax 604-947-0148 or mail it to #102, 495 Government Rd., PO Box 130, Bowen Island, BC V0N 1G0 or email
All Advertising and news copy content are copyright of the Undercurrent Newspaper All editorial content submitted to the Undercurrent becomes the property of the publication
The Undercurrent is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, art work and photographs
National NewsMedia Council.
The Undercurrent is a member of the National NewsMedia Council of Canada, which is an independent organization established to deal with acceptable journalistic practices and ethical behaviour If you have concerns about editorial content, please email editor@bowenislandundercurrent com or call 604-947-2442
If you are not satisfied with the response and wish to file a formal complaint, visit the website at mediacouncil ca or call toll-free 1-844-877-1163 for additional information
Thursday, January 5, 2023 A4 •
2011 CCNA A N A D A N OMMUN Y N W AP R WARD 2011 PUBLISHER Matt Blair publisher@bowenisland undercurrent com CARTOONIST Ron Woodall ADVERTISING Tracey Wait ads@bowenisland EDITOR Alex Kurial editor@bowenisland undercurrent com #102–495 BowenTrunk Road, PO Box 130, Bowen Island BC,V0N 1G0 Phone: 604 947 2442 Fax: 604 947 0148 DEADLINE for advertising Monday, 4 p m DEADLINE for editorial Tuesday 5 p.m. Bowen Island Undercurrent Subscription Rates: Mailed 1 year subscription on Bowen Island: $55 including GST Within Canada: $85 including GST Newsstand (Single Copy) $1 50 per copy, including GST ISSN 7819-5040 VIEWPOINTS
Hoping for a Positive outcome on the TUP front
MARY LETSON Positively Fit
It feels a bit surreal to be applying for a Temporary Use Permit (TUP) for Positively Fit, my Bowen Island business of 25 years with 17 years in its present location on Senior Road.
My TUP application will be introduced to Mayor and Council this Monday night, January 9. We are not renovating or expanding or changing the business in any way. It has operated in its present form for decades Nor has the operation of the business impacted the neighbourhood negatively as confirmed by the dozens of support letters I have received from neighbours, clients and members
In fact the opposite is true in that my business if anything improves the neighbourhood and has contributed to the health and wellbeing of the Bowen Island community as a whole. What has changed however is I no longer live on the property and run it as a home based business. Here is the back story as to how I find myself here
I started Positively Fit as a one woman enterprise in 1997 out of the Bowen Island Community Recreation gym and eventually moved my training to the Strang’s Gym - now the Orchard Recovery Gym
Back in the early 2000’s, the Strang’s Gym was home to several fitness trainers including myself When the Strang’s decided to build a private recovery centre and close the gym to public use, Lorinda generously
gave me one year to find a new home for my thriving business
My husband and I looked at our options, then looked to our home with its large, flat backyard at 1042 Miller Road as an excellent location for a small fitness studio - a permanent, stable home to nurture Positively Fit’s growing clientele and an opportunity to expand the business model by offering
In 2005 we set to work planning the space, working with the municipality to ensure all the necessary paper work was in place including building permits and requested setbacks On March 1, 2006 we opened Positively Fit as a home-based business.
Since then the business has grown and now employs four trainers, providing a superb space for personal training and members to lean into their health and wellness Positively Fit also provides a foundation from which to launch the community based, fitness event volunteer work I do, the most recent project being SwimBowen raising funds for islanders in cancer treatment
My husband and I have since moved to the other side of the island and rent out the house next to the Studio as a (much needed) long term rental When the business licenses were introduced in January 2020, I immediately filled in the paper work and sent off my completed
application to BIM
However, my application was declined as Positively Fit is no longer a home-based business And because the property is zoned residential and not commercial – Positively Fit is not in compliance
In order to be in compliance and receive a business license, I have three options:
Option #1: Apply for commercial re-zoning However, we understand that the long term vision for the Miller Road corridor does not include commercial zoning. I would then be applying for expensive re-zoning that I wouldn’t get.
Option #2: Lease a space in a commercially zoned area and move the entire business But this is not financially feasible As well, I would argue that part of the Studio’s success is its precise location: private and tucked away in a lane way neighbourhood just steps away from the Cove
Option #3: Apply for a TUP – giving me three years grace with the opportunity to reapply for one more three year term I am acutely aware of the controversy of using a TUP as a tool for which it is not designed, but this is exactly where I find myself I’ve had thorough conversations with BIM Planning Department and this seems to be the only option In fact, this is the option that has been recommended
to me
I am hoping the BIM will grant me a TUP
The irony is that there is nothing temporary about Positively Fit I am a square peg trying to fit into a round hole: an established, well run home-based business that has evolved into a remotely run business I don’t fit any category so the TUP is essentially a band aid approach so I can continue operating.
My hope is that the new iteration of the BIM Official Community Plan will include new bylaws and zoning that better support small businesses, and can embrace examples like Positively Fit, where proven businesses in residential neighbourhoods can coexist to the benefit of the community
If you would like to support Positively Fit continuing operations in its current form and location, and agree that the business does not detract from the Miller Road neighbourhood, you can send a letter to mayorandcouncil@bimbc ca You can also show your support by attending the Council meeting Monday, January 9 at 6:15 pm
- Mary Letson Positively Fit
Imke (Imme) Zimmermann Rosenstock
On December 20th Imke died in her sleep at home just 10 days short of her 97th birthday having survived both a heart attack and a bout of influenza one month prior Dr Blackwood made many house calls and checked on us daily - we are incredibly lucky and deeply grateful to have this wonderful, dedicated, compassionate, caring human on our island and in our lives We also want to thank the caring and compassionate staff of the community nursing and home care workers who helped us in this final month of moms life
Mom read a book every other day and subscribed to various nature and science magazines which she read from cover to cover For 33 years she tended her flower garden, went for daily walks in the forests of our Island and set her impressions of the beauty that surrounds us on canvass
Mom was born in Northern East Prussia Her parents were incredibly hard working; her mother Ursula von Hein managed to feed her household and eight children with the fruits vegetables and livestock she raised on their land while her father Alfred Rosenstock was a passionate, ecologically oriented forester Like her parents, Imke loved nature, especially forests, but never again wanted to live in an isolated spot like the moors of Prussia, our farm in Quebec, or on an Island! However, after her beloved husband Hans-Jörg died 34 years ago, mom followed us to Bowen Island Ironically, moving to Bowen is the best thing that ever happened to mom (other than marrying dad) Here she met fellow artists and nature lovers, exhibited her paintings and poetry, attended Seniors Keeping Young events and went to Municipal council meetings (where she spoke up with chutzpah and determination whether to save Cape Roger Curtis build affordable housing, or create a performance space)
Mom was of partly Jewish heritage and traumatized by the horrors of WWII She was 8 when Hitler took power and 19 when the war ended, so to help people she became a nurse Imke was very interested in history and understanding the universe and felt compelled to prevent and alleviate the suffering we humans tend to inflict upon each other Whether telling Putin to stop killing people or addressing our Mayor and council; Imke had an opinion and a pen and the Undercurrent was her chosen vehicle for dispensing wisdom She also wrote about her life in a memoir (Bowen library) in part, to put into context why she was so passionate about fairness and justice peace and compassion both in her own family and on a world scale Families are usually far from ideal and ours is the same, but the love of our mother was strong enough to ensure our survival and also hers We will find it weirdly difficult to get used to living without her She was a powerful force in our midst for many decades, a true Bowen character, and we will miss her greatly Imke is survived by her children Silvaine, Arne, Oliver, and Jay Zimmermann, her grandchildren Hanna, Natasha, Sam, Arthur and Leo by four siblings and many nephews and nieces On Dec 30th friends and family gathered to say our goodbyes, with a video portrait of Imke by Natasha, and with Arthur singing his compositions, some inspired by Imkes poems
Book 4 Saturday Classes for the price of 3 at APPLIES TO NEW STUDENTS ONLY OFFER TO BOOK, ENDS JAN 30 SPACE IS LIMITED • A5 Thursday, January 5, 2023
New pathways would create desired Malkin CreekTrail loop
Manager of environment and parks planning Carla Skuce said nobody in the public works department was against the idea, though the water crew had some concerns regarding the water tanks in the area
The new trail would mean infrastructure in the area, including a sample tap, would now be in the path of the public To lend their support, public works asked that the cost of securing or fencing off sensitive areas be covered by Parks, Trails and Greenways (PTGAC)
Public works did enjoy the idea of improving the existing parking situation, and said they’d assist with that work PTGAC resolved to budget a maximum of $3,500 for this initial phase of the project (factoring in Stuart’s help), provided that amount covers the security costs
Following this a ‘Phase 2’ of trail expansion is being considered This stretch would run from the new parking lot at the end of Amelia Lane down to Aaron Sluggett Field, which lies directly south of
Malkin Creek Park Skuce says this open area is severely underutilized
“The Phase 2 trail is so great because it could provide parking for Aaron Sluggett Field My understanding is that Aaron Sluggett Field is really not used at all by anyone, because you have this large open area where you could go for a picnic, but it’s difficult to access And there’s no parking anywhere near it,” says Skuce
The completion of Phase 2 would also create a loop of Malkin Creek Trail throughout the park, and connect Aaron Sluggett Field to the Bowen Bay Trail
While the trail itself doesn’t pose the greatest challenge, this parking lot is a different story. Unlike the first parking lot, this one would require the installation of a culvert and removal of several Alder trees, including the stumps. A potential estimate of $50,000 was theorized for the work.
PGTAC decided to send the trail portion of Phase 2 to a future planning process in anticipation of adding it to the 2024 budget. In the meantime they’ll explore options to see what is viable for the second parking lot
Phase 1 of the proposed trail (red arrow) would allow people to walk the Malkin Creek Trail through the park instead of along Amelia Lane Phase 2 (purple arrow) would create a loop and also link up to Aaron Sluggett Field. Bowen Bay Trail (orange line) can be seen off to the right Parking lot one (left P) is an easier fix improving upon an existing space, while parking lot two (right P) would take more effort and money to complete / BIM map
ELLEN COBURN Contributor
It was New Year’s Eve and I was rushing to get home for the festivities At Horseshoe Bay I bought my ticket with five minutes to spare and rushed across the street to Blenz to pick up a hot chocolate for the ride I suddenly realized that my tote bag with my laptop, clothes and jewelry was missing
The ferry was just preparing to leave and I was unable to disembark A crew member called the terminal and a member of the terminal staff would search for it
I was instructed to return to the cafeteria where they would notify if my bag had been found
Rich was the cashier on duty and brought me the bad news that it hadn’t been found, so I returned to Horseshoe Bay to retrace my steps Rich arranged for me to reboard at no cost, but the search was fruitless Rich also called Tracy the terminal supervisor who called Blenz The bag had been found!
She sent her assistant Amy to retrieve it and she delivered it to me on the overhead walkway Tracy gave me the bag I thanked her and hugs were exchanged I thanked her for her help and Amy’s assistance as well
On the crossing I met Beverley who overheard me receive the good news and invited me to join her Bev was a lovely young woman returning home to her two young children
We chatted on the trip about all the times that we both had required the help of the crew to jump start our cars A crew member joined us and told us that they do that twice a day. By the time we arrived at Snug Cove, I had a new friend. We exchanged contact information.
Rich invited me to join him in the cafeteria where he made me a hot chocolate and then accompanied me off the boat. I had met every member of the crew. They all expressed their concern for my situation.
Our ferry system is not perfect but no system is. There are disruptions in service which have nothing to do with the crew. So the next time you ride the ferry, remember the wonderful people like Rich and be grateful to these amazing people and be grateful for the wonderful service they provide for us every day. And also for some of the interesting people we meet on board who are fellow passengers
This was one of the best New Years Eves that I have ever had Thursday, January 5, 2023 A6 •
NYE ferry ride to rememberfeaturing a special cast of characters
Friday, January 6
Dinner at the Legion
The Bailey’s are making South Indian food, including Kerala style lamb curry, Chana Masala, and cabbage and coconut thoran. 75 tickets available at the door starting at 5:30 pm Dinner at 6:30 pm $13 for members, $15 for non-members
Sunday, January 8
Book Donation Day
10:30 am at the Bowen Island Library Annex, until volunteers’ bins are full (no later than 12:30 pm). A volunteer will pre-screen your donations while you wait and will accept those that meet donation guidelines Donors will need to take back any items that do not meet the guidelines See our guidelines and other Book Donation Day dates at bipl link/donatebooks
Thursday, January 12
Gather for Games with SKY (Seniors Keeping Young)
At the Bowen Library. Drop in for fun and friendly games in the cozy Library Annex Anyone aged 55+ can come enjoy cards, chess, Scrabble, Yahtzee, UNO, Rummikub, Boggle, and more, along with tea and coffee Free (SKY membership not required). Join us on any of our winter dates: Thursdays, Jan. 12, Feb 9, Mar 9 from 10:30 am-12:30 pm; Sundays, Jan. 22, Feb 26, Mar 26 from 12:302:30 pm
Thursday, January 12
Game Night! At the Bowen Library
Drop in for all ages, family-friendly games, including cards & board games, Chess, Uno, Snakes & Ladders, Scrabble, Boggle, puzzles, Keva blocks, Lego, Jenga, Yahtzee, Catan, Monopoly, and more! Feel free to also bring your own games. Bring family or friends, or drop in and make new friends here. Thursdays, Jan. 12 & 26, Feb. 9 & 23, and Mar. 9, 5:00-7:30 pm
Sunday, January 15,
French Connections: Fun and friendly conversation practice in French
1 pm at the Bowen Island Library. Drop in and join us to practice your French, and get to know other French speakers on Bowen Island! Focus is on beginner and intermediate speakers, but all levels welcome Join us Sundays, Jan. 15, 29, Feb 12, Mar 5, 19, Apr 2, 16, 30
Wednesday, January 18
Storytime at Bowen Library
10:30 to 11 am A free drop-in program of stories and songs for 2 to 4 year-olds and their caregivers! Runs Wednesdays from Jan. 18 to Mar 8
Wednesday, January 18
Greenline Ferries Open House
5:30 to 8 pm at the Bowen Library Greenline Ferries will be hosting and providing information and answering questions about the proposed passenger ferry which would run between Downtown Vancouver, Bowen Island, and Gibsons
Tuesday, January 24
Drop in to see a Career Advisor at the Bowen Library 11 am to 2 pm Come get one-on-one help with resumes, cover letters, interviewing, job searches, insights on the job market, career and education advice, and more from Janice, the friendly WorkBC Career Advisor Winter/ spring dates are Jan 24, Feb 28, Mar 28, Apr 25, May 23, June 27.
Thursday, January 26
Babytime at Bowen Library
11:30 am to Noon (12 pm) Join us for a special Family Literacy Week Babytime ”Make it Count!” numbers edition! Babytime is a free, 1/2 hr drop-in program of songs, books, and rhymes for babies 0-18 months and their caregivers
Saturday, January 28
Crafternoon Collages at Bowen Library
2:30 to 3:30 pm Drop in and join us in making art and word collages! We’ll have old magazines, books, and craft supplies for you to create a picture or word-based masterpiece All-ages program, organized by the Teen Advisory Group (TAG) January 22-28
Family Literacy Week at Bowen Library
Find out more about this week’s library programs and resources to nurture literacy (and numeracy!) from a young age onward, by going to
Community Lunches at the Legion
2nd and 4th Tuesday’s of every month from 11:30 am to 1 pm Adult only, drop-in event $10 for a full lunch
Yoga at Collins Hall
Tuesdays from 1 to 2 pm All levels of experience welcome Chair to Standing $15 drop in Email jackie minns@gmail com or call 604-220-9092
Breath & Workspace @ Sweat The Technique Studio
Join this beginner movement class created to rebalance and prep the body for more active mobility. 6 pm
Pre-register weekly at
Thursday Art Group
Each week at Collins Hall, 9:30 to 11:30 am. For enquiries please reach out to or
Men’s Mobility Circuit Class @ 9 am, Mobility Skills Class (All Levels) @ 10:15 am - Sweat The Technique Studio. Pre-register weekly at sweatthetechniquestudio com
Tunstall Bay Ocean Plunge
Saturdays at 11:45 am Free community activity. Register at
M9:15AM SKILLS 2 5:15PM SKILLS T9:15AM SKILLS 5:15PM CONDITIONING W9:15AM SKILLS 2 12:15PM SKILLS TH9:15AM SKILLS 11:00AM CHAIR MOBILITY (JAN 26) 6:00PM BREATH & WORKSPACE 7:15PM NEW YEARS BOOKCLUB (JAN 19 - FEB 9) F9:15AM CONDITIONING 12:15PM SKILLS S9:00AM MENS CIRCUIT 10:15AM SKILLS 11:45AM COLD WATER PLUNGE 12:00PM PELVIC FLOOR WORKSHOP (JAN 14) A SPECIALITY STUDIO FOR MOVEMENT & MOBILITY 582 ARTISAN LANE BOOK ONLINE: SWEATTHETECHNIQUESTUDIO COM BRENNAN Meet Brennan! This old guy comes in for regular appointments to check in on how he’s doing in his old age. He is a delight to have in clinic and the staff is looking forward to his next visit! Patient oftheWeek REGULARHOURS MondaytoThursday9-5 Friday9-1 ClosedSaturdayandSunday Toscheduleappointments,pleasecall 604.947.9247 • A7 Thursday, January 5, 2023
Taking the Plunge!
While many people were busy recovering from the previous night’s festivities, dozens of brave Boweners took to the sea at Bowen Bay Beach for the annual Polar Bear Plunge on New Year’s Day.
Beginning at 2 pm participants dove into the water to mark a refreshing start to 2023. A quick exit to warm clothes and a warm (or cold) drink followed. Congratulations to everybody who took part in completing an impressive challenge on Day One of the new year!
604-947-2442 Delivered to your mailbox every week for $55 per year ($85 to off island addresses) Thank you for your support of local journalism now and always. Thursday, January 5, 2023 A8 •
Bruce Steele photo gallery
This future Polar Plunger cozily took in the scenes from the beach.
Kelly Miller (far right) organized the New Year’s Day event.
Having an event? Listings are always free in our weekly community calendar Please email your listing to Alex by Tuesday 5 p m for that week's edition editor@bowenislandundercurrent com Thank you! • A9 Thursday, January 5, 2023 An always reliable way to warm up in the cold
Thursday, January 5, 2023 A10 • bowenislandundercurrent com SUDOKU BC WIDE CLASSIFIEDS ANSWERS THANK YOU FOR RECYCLING TH S NEWSPAPER growing network! oin e conversationat o n our growing network! Jointhe conversationat follow us on @BowUndercurrent follow us on @BowUndercurrent MARKETPLACE Call or ema to place your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604-362-0586 • 604-653-7851 Your Community 604-653-7851 gnome matter it is what s... People love a bargain!
II I&I TOWING HAULING LTD Vehicles • Construction Equipment Sea-Can Containers • Tiny Homes Bowen Island • Greater Vancouver Vancouver Island • Sunshine Coast Michael Bingham • 604 947 1717 live the life you love To reserve a spot on this page, contact us at 604-947-2442 or 604-785-0990 Charmaine Heffelfinger On Bowen serving Sea to Sky Window Blinds On Bowen 778-995-1902 &AWNINGS &AWNINGS WWW WHITEHART CA ADDRESS 302-566 ARTISAN LANE BOWEN ISLAND, BC PHONE 1 (778) 999-3434 BUILT GREEN BC BUILDER NEW CONSTRUCTION RENOVATIONS RESTORATION ADDITIONS SECONDARY STRUCTURES UNIQUE OUTDOOR SPACES SUB CONTRACT WORK CONTACT US FOR A FREE QUOTATION letters to the editor are always welcome editor@bowenislandundercurrent com Rants and raves Tim Rhodes REALTOR® 604.341.9488 RHODES ON BOWEN REAL ESTATE MARKETING going that extra mile RoB Septic System Design Type 1, 2, and 3 onsite sewerage systems Water systems engineering BOWEN HOME SERVICES love the life you live 604-987-7663 BOWENISLAND ROOFING ROOFING&REPAIRS Trade ticket certified #00012-RO-96 • Irrigation • Landscape Lighting • Hydroseeding Office: 604-947-9686 Call now for Landscape Lighting Services and Installations bowenislandundercurrent com • A11 Thursday, January 5, 2023
am 6:50 am 8:00 am 9:05 am - except Wednesdays 10:15 am 11:25 am 12:35 pm 2:20 pm 3:30 pm 4:35pm 5:45 pm 6:50 pm 8:00 pm-except Saturdays 9:00 pm 10:00pm DEPART BOWEN ISLAND 5:20 am except Sundays 6:20 am 7:30 am 8:35 am 9:40 am 10:50 am 12:00 pm 1:10 pm 2:55 pm 4:00 pm - except Wednesdays 5:10 pm 6:15 pm 7:25 pm - except Saturdays 8:30 pm9:30 pm10:30pm Queen of Capilano Ferry Schedule Nov 19 - March 31 2023 Note: Schedules subject to change without notice Please check BCFERRIES COM Schedule changes on statutory holidays Places of Worship WelcomeYou CATES HILL CHAPEL 604-947-4260 (661 Carter Rd.) ST. GERARD’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH BOWEN ISLAND UNITED CHURCH FOOD BANK DROP-OFF Sunday Mass at 9.30 Contact Angela Powell 604-947-2515 SHIRAT HAYAM (Song of the Sea) BOWEN’S JEWISH COMMUNITY Shabbat Gatherings ~ Holidays Contact Sunday Worship 10:30 am Rev Lorraine Ashdown | 1122 Miller Road 778-688-2061 OFFICE HOURS WEDNESDAY 10-4 OR BY APPOINTMENT Sunday Worship 10:00 Rev. Phil Adkins Thursday, January 5, 2023 A12 •
Bears on
The Bowen Island Museum & Archives held their Teddy Bear Gala recently, running from December through to the finale earlier this week. There were many special guests for visitors to meet at both the inside and outside displays. Bears from the collections of Shirley Wrinch and Linda Pfaff were among the participants. The tradition was inspired by Lois Meyers-Carter, and has run since 1998. While the bears have gone back into hibernation for now, they’ll be back to visit for the holiday season in about 12 months time
Live music was performed by the ‘Beartles’ - featuring Paul, George, Ringo and of course John.
A fierce hockey rivalry between the Canucks and Canadiens was brewing at the outdoor display. Canucks bear is seen here sitting in the penalty box.
Alex Kurial photo gallery
To bear
bear was the question for Willie Shakesbear (left). Gandalf the Grey Bear and cub Frodo trade stories in the Shire (middle), while Beary Potter prepares for another year at Hogwarts (right).