Bowen Island Undercurrent December 15 2023

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inc. GST



VOL. 49 NO. 49



School’s in session PAGE 6



HAPPY HANUKKAH! A gathering was held in Snug Cove on December 7 to celebrate the beginning of Hanukkah. At sundown on the first night a candle is lit on the menorah, an act which these youngsters were responsible for, and which will be repeated for eight nights until the Jewish festival is complete. Bowen’s unique menorah was handcrafted by Matthew van der Giessen, who also led the ceremony. You can see more from last week’s Hanukkah celebration on Page 7. / Alex Kurial photo

Riley’s Cidery received a renewal of their temporary use permit in a split vote from council this week. The cidery business, which operates on Laura Road, was first granted a temporary use permit (TUP) by the municipality’s (BIM) previous council in March 2021. The land would otherwise need to be rezoned to allow permanent cidery operation. The TUP move wasn’t without controversy though, as more than 100 letters were sent to BIM in the leadup to the decision. Total letters were weighted favourably toward approving the TUP, 72-33, but the split was much closer in the immediate mailout area surrounding the property, totalling 7-6 in favour of granting the TUP. CONTINUED ON PAGE 3



Friday, December 15, 2023

A2 •

BC Hydro pole replacement at BC Ferries washrooms on Trunk Rd

BIM Holiday Hours Municipal Hall closes at noon on Friday December 22, 2023 for the winter break. We reopen at 8:30 am on Tuesday, January 2, 2024 in the New Year.

BC Hydro will be replacing the hydro pole near the BC Ferries washrooms on Monday, December 18, 2023. Expect single lane alternating traffic. Please allow extra time when travelling through the area and follow the directions of crew.


All Council meetings are open to the public to attend in person or electronically, unless noted otherwise. January 8, 2024 1:00 pm Regular Council Meeting

Jobs Temporary On-call winter roads staff www. work-with-us

2024 Bowen Waste Services schedule 2024 waste collection schedules are now available. Download your own copy from the website or pickup a copy at BIRD or Municipal Hall.


Outstanding 2023 taxes & utilities Outstanding 2023 balances must be cleared by December 31, 2023 to avoid daily interest accumulating in 2024. Ways to pay:

Warm wishes for the holidays

• • • • •

Online through Bill Payments in your online banking Mail a cheque that reaches us before December 31 In person at the Municipality before 12 noon on December 22, 2023 Drop off a cheque in the after hours drop box Post dated cheques OK

Not sure if you have an outstanding balance or what the balance is? Questions? Call 604-947-4255 ext 8 or email

Driveway Runoff Now that rainy weather has returned, and before cold weather starts in earnest, reminder to residents to ensure their driveways are not draining onto roads resulting in hydroplaning hazards or possible black ice as the weather turns cold.

Last chance to defer your 2023 taxes Still thinking about deferring your 2023 property taxes? December 31, 2023 is the deadline for deferment applications. • The regular program is for residents 55 or older, a surviving spouse of any age or a person with disabilities. • The families with children program is for those who are financially supporting a child. To familiarise yourself with the application steps and to see if you meet the eligibility requirements, go to: annual-property-tax/defer-taxes

Contact Bowen Island Municipality PAID ADVERTISEMENT December 15, 2023

Phone: 604-947-4255 Bowen Island Municipal Hall Fax: 604-947-0193 981 Artisan Lane Email: Bowen Island, BC V0N 1G2 Website:

Hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Monday to Friday Closed statutory holidays

Find us on Facebook Bowen Island Municipality

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Friday, December 15, 2023 • A3

Cidery doubles as “museum” of apples CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

Unlike the public’s viewpoint, council wasn’t divided at all and approved the TUP unanimously. Despite a subsequent petition from some neighbours challenging the BIM decision which eventually went to the BC Supreme Court (the court ultimately sided with the municipality), Riley’s Cidery opened in July 2021. Since then the sprawling five-acre property, originally owned by John and Josephine Riley before changing hands to current owners Christine Hardie and Rob Purdy, have been busy welcoming customers through their doors, while also maintaining the sizeable orchard of around 1,200 trees and 1,000 different varieties of apple. In advance of the original TUP’s expiration in three months, the cidery requested a renewal of the TUP for another three years. This time around it was council who were more split than the public over the matter. Letter submissions were well down from the original application but still weighted in favour of approval overall by 6-1 for properties within 300-metres of the cidery, with another three letters of support from the rest of the island. Manager of planning Daniel Martin, in recommending the TUP renewal be accepted, noted this support of neighbours, and the fact there have been no violations of the TUP since the permit was granted.

Councillor concerns centered more around how the municipality handles temporary use permits in general, rather than reservations about the operation of the cidery. Coun. Judith Gedye provided some context to the history of TUP use on Bowen. “When there was that general amendment to the Official Community Plan in terms of taking out the language of short-term and seasonal, and putting in all of the areas around the whole island and changing the definition of temporary use… I think that was a massive change, and that changed the character of TUP’s altogether,” said Gedye. “In some ways it feels like we’re skirting around the whole process of having a public hearing and a rezoning application and all of the amendments and nuances that can come from that whole process,” she added. A rezoning application is a more thorough and lengthy process, but brings a permanency to the final decision. Riley’s has contemplated beginning the rezoning journey, but opted to go the TUP route for now. “The fact that there isn’t a rezoning application and the fact that hasn’t happened… we’re left in this situation in terms of do we just renew, or do we start considering some of the issues… I’m not reassured that they (Riley’s) are going to apply for rezoning,” said Gedye. Coun. Sue Ellen Fast said she’s thinking beyond the cidery


ALEX KURIAL Editor Community Centre Despite previous estimates that the new Community Centre on Bowen Island Trunk Road may be ready early in the new year, the latest guess for the doors to open is now mid to late-April. “When we look at the critical path of all the dependant items, it’s likely that it will be around that time when we’ll

see final completion and handover of that project,” said chief administrative officer Liam Edwards. When asked by Coun. Tim Wake what the reasons are for the numerous delays, Edwards said part of the reason was “As with every project – especially on Bowen – the beginning had significant delays in terms of getting to the proper elevations to begin construction.” The CAO added it was also a challenge to find skilled workers for the project, and some of the construction estimates were overly optimistic. The delay won’t affect recreation programming though,

when coming to a decision. “This is more than a cidery. To me, it’s a living gene bank of heritage apple varieties and it’s like a museum… I think this is a wonderful service (preserving apples) that Bowen Island can do for the future and for Canada and the Northwest.” “I think the cidery helps support the bigger project, and the bigger project is the one I’m more interested in… Other heritage apple collections die when the people move on or die. This is a collection that has been collected from those previous folks, it’s something very special. I’m in favour of renewing this TUP to give the applicants more time to make their plans and come forward with a rezoning application,” said Fast. Coun. Tim Wake agreed that the apple preservation factor was important to focus on. “I think there’s a lot of benefits to this (renewal). We certainly want to allow the voices of complaint, but it’s clear to me – especially with this conversation – the applicant realizes a rezoning application is going to be required. I think the business should carry on, the heritage protection is happening because the cidery is in existence,” said Wake. Council voted 5-2 to approve the new TUP, with Gedye and Coun. Alex Jurgensen, who also favoured a rezoning application, in opposition. The permit is for a three-year term, through Dec. 11, 2026.

as the Bowen Children’s Centre has agreed to continue hosting classes until the Community Centre is complete. The owners of the current Municipal Hall at Artisan Lane have also agreed to extend the municipality’s stay into the spring. Development Cost Charges Efforts to recover costs in the Snug Cove Sewer System are expected to be finalized in the new year. For residential users, the development cost charges (DCC) will be based on a per capita rate. The commercial sector will be assessed on a rate per square metre, but that formula is still to be finalized. It’s planned to be ready early in 2024 following more data analysis and a meeting with the development community, after which it will go to the Finance Advisory Committee and Snug Cove Sewer System Local Advisory Committee for review.

Planning a 2024 island event? Here’s a little guide to help you get started


A4 •

Friday, December 15, 2023



Carols & Choirs

It was a lot of fun to experience a pair of Bowen traditions last weekend, the Community Choir concerts and reading of A Christmas Carol. Between the performers and venue setups both were successful in transporting audiences throughout time and place, be it to the Cratchit’s dining room on Christmas Day, or to a musical great hall from centuries past. And while I enjoyed each show through the lens of a first-timer, it is clear there’s a timeless element to these performances as well based on how many people I talked to who come year-afteryear. I can certainly understand what brings them back each December. Not only was it my first time seeing both events in-person, but I also had the opportunity to pitch in as part of the lights crew for each show under the guidance of our Island lighting master Ian Davidson, who is a true joy to work with. Much of the mood and tone for our Bowen productions is established long before the show starts when Ian arrives for lights setup. Along with our talented performers, the skillsets combine to create a memorable experience. The lights, and actors, will be shining next during a production of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night early in the new year - a play which Graham Ritchie shrewdly found a way to make sure people are aware of during his emcee role at the choir concerts. You’ll see more of those events later in the paper, along with plenty of other artsy experiences ahead here on the island. There’s also many Christmas events in the next week as the big day is now just over a week away. The final Undercurrent of 2023 is also next Friday, so if you have a story you’d like to see with this year’s publication date, please send it along! See you next week! - Alex Kurial, Editor THE WRITE STUFF. The Undercurrent encourages reader participation in your community newspaper. You must include your full name and a daytime phone number (for verification only). The editor reserves the right to edit for clarity, legality, brevity and taste. Please limit to under 500 words. HERE’S HOW: To submit a letter to the editor, fax 604-947-0148 or mail it to #102, 495 Bowen Island Trunk Road, PO Box 130, Bowen Island, BC V0N 1G0 or email All Advertising and news copy content are copyright of the Undercurrent Newspaper. All editorial content submitted to the Undercurrent becomes the property of the publication. The Undercurrent is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, art work and photographs.

#102–495 Bowen Trunk Road, PO Box 130, Bowen Island BC, V0N 1G0 Phone: 604.947.2442 Fax: 604.947.0148 DEADLINE for advertising Monday, 4 p.m. DEADLINE for editorial Tuesday 5 p.m. Bowen Island Undercurrent Subscription Rates: Mailed 1 year subscription on Bowen Island: $55, including GST. Within Canada: $85 including GST Newsstand (Single Copy) $1.50 per copy, including GST

ISSN 7819-5040

National NewsMedia Council.

EDITOR Alex Kurial editor@bowenisland

ADVERTISING Tracey Wait ads@bowenisland


PUBLISHER Matt Blair publisher@bowenisland 2011 CCNA


The Undercurrent is a member of the National NewsMedia Council of Canada, which is an independent organization established to deal with acceptable journalistic practices and ethical behaviour. If you have concerns about editorial content, please email editor@ or call 604-947-2442. If you are not satisfied with the response and wish to file a formal complaint, visit the website at or call toll-free 1-844-877-1163 for additional information.

Friday, December 15, 2023 • A5


Reader hopes rental rules remain unchanged Dear Mayor and Council Members, I am writing to express concern on the proposed ban of standalone vacation rental properties that are not primary residences. As a long time Bowen Islander, I feel this is potential overreach, particularly due to the low numbers of licensed Airbnb’s on the island. The affordability argument works both ways - there are Bowen Island homeowners that need to meet escalating costs and using a legitimate and legal form of short-term rental is a necessity to maintain home ownership. How does prohibiting short term rentals make housing more affordable for Bowen

Island residents? It seems that this will punish a small group of homeowners who are trying to cover much, much higher costs, namely property taxes (provincial and municipal) and interest rates (federal policy). Further, having safe accommodation options for overnight visitors seems ideal to support small businesses - from the e-bike rentals to the General Store to the restaurants, cideries and island golf course. And have them return again to support the local economy. A healthy mix of housing could be the goal, but banishing a few short term vacation rentals feels like misdirected policy. Respectfully, - Lisa Purdy

Muni Morsels: More park discussion CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3

Metro Vancouver park proposal Following a meeting with the Islands Trust Executive Committee (ITEC) in mid-October, the municipality sent a letter to Metro Vancouver explaining that significant changes would be needed to their proposed park at Cape Roger Curtis if they hoped to advance the project to a second reading. “I believe at this point the applicant needs to know some direction from us,” said Mayor Andrew Leonard at the time. “My belief is that the application and the underlying concept at this point – from everything we’ve heard from the community, from our staff, and that I’ve experienced firsthand – is that there needs to be significant changes made to this that address the impacts of this project. And those haven’t been sufficiently addressed.” During Monday’s meeting Edwards shared the most recent correspondence from Metro Vancouver. “Effectively their response was saying that they believe their application is in alignment with the Official Community Plan and the Islands Trust Policy Statements, and they respectfully request more details as to how they can achieve the concerns raised by the Islands Trust.” During a meeting in August, the ITEC found Metro’s park plan in violation of 10 of

its organization’s policies. “They (Metro Vancouver) did also state that they believe their application does address many of the concerns and conditions identified, and that several of those would be outside the scope of the project, requiring significant financial contributions from their level of government that they weren’t prepared to make,” continued Edwards. The municipality hasn’t responded yet, but the CAO said their reply will emphasize the message that it’s Metro Vancouver, not the municipality, who are responsible for doing the work to bring the park proposal in line with the Islands Trust policies. “We have been rather clear, and at this stage we’re not in a position to provide that specificity they’re looking for. We can’t speak on behalf of the Islands Trust,” said Edwards. “At the very least we would anticipate there would be a consideration of an amendment to their application, particularly around the intensity of use that is contemplated in their application. That might look like a reduction in their number of campsites, more concrete evidence on how they would manage traffic and volumes to and from the site, and some more concrete examples of how they would manage activities on the site,” said the CAO.

Drone Deliveries

For years, Bowen Islanders have recognized the value of having fast access to automated external defibrillators (AED) by having them posted by Rotary in many neighbourhoods. A scientific paper published this week in Sweden reports on a study whereby AEDs were delivered to the site of cardiac arrest victims in minutes by a drone. During the study period (from April 21, 2021 to May 31, 2022), 211 suspected out-of-hospital cardiac arrest alerts occurred, and in 72 (34%) of those a drone was deployed. Among those, an AED was successfully delivered in 58 (81%) cases, and the major reason for non-delivery was cancellation by dispatch centre because the case was not an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. In cases for which arrival times for both drone and ambulance were available, AED delivery by drone occurred before ambulance arrival in 37 cases (67%), with

a median time benefit of 3 minutes and 14 seconds. If someone in your household suffered sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), how long would it take for you to retrieve your neighbourhood AED? Did you receive the training to learn how to manage the situation? Best wishes, - Robert Ballantyne

JOHN WAYNE MILLER Feb. 14, 1943 - Dec. 4, 2023

John passed away peacefully at Lions Gate Hospital on December 4, 2023. He is survived by his wife Pam, his daughter Kelsey, son-in-law Stéphane, and grandson Zachary. John was born in Vancouver and spent his early years in several small coastal B.C. communities. He later attended Strathcona Elementary School and Britannia High School in Vancouver, where he graduated top of his class in 1961. John spent 30 years working for B.C. Tel before taking early retirement in 1999. For many years, he quarterbacked in a touch football league and in later years played rugby with the Evergreens and Snow Caps. John was a long time resident of North Vancouver before moving to Bowen Island in 1997, where he enjoyed hiking, rowing, kayaking, swimming and riding his bicycle. By request, there will be no service. In lieu of flowers, please consider making a donation to a charity of your choice.

A6 •

Friday, December 15, 2023

Learn new talents at the Cultural Campus KATHLEEN AINSCOUGH The Hearth Gallery Start the new year by exploring your sense of creativity! During the month of January, the Hearth Gallery space will be transformed into the Cultural Campus - Art School at the Hearth. Over three weeks, there will be multidisciplinary workshops offered by an amazing array of inspirational instructors. Have you been dreaming of joining the Circus? Learn balance techniques with award winning International Circus Artist Ruby Rowat. Now an occupational therapist, Ruby brings deep body wisdom from more than 40 years as a performing circus artist, organizing tours and directing, to her coaching. This is a chance to experience the body’s felt sense of trust, simple communication, and new movement. Partner Acro is offered for youth to 40, and ages 40 to 100. We can all use a little more balance in our lives. A Visual Artist who wants to add some new layers and techniques to their work will want to take at least one of the mixed media, drawing and painting classes. Try something new with Mixed Media Turner with Golden paints expert Sonya Iwasiuk where you will learn about the many options for layering and special painting effects. Learn the magic of mono-printing with a gel plate with Jennifer Love. Use your unique prints and image transfers to add layers to your work and deepen your creative processes. This is a two-day workshop, perfect for taking a deep dive into something new and wonderful! Jennifer Love has

been an artist and teacher for over 40 years. Jen was a founding member of Foxglove Fibre Arts Studio/Gallery on Bowen Island, and has participated in numerous exhibitions on the Sunshine Coast, Bowen Island and Vancouver. Wanting to learn a few tunes on that Ukulele that is tucked in the closet? Ukulele is one of the most accessible musical instruments to all, in fact, it is excellent for learning music. A perfect gift for that closet musician or someone just starting out. Add a workshop to that shiny new or rehomed Ukulele under the tree. Ages 10 and up are welcome to sign up! Bob Doucet will be your musical guide. Kitchen parties will never be the same! We’ve all been juggling a lot of new things over the last few years. How about learning how to juggle for real? Juggling offers many benefits. Focus, movement, both physical and mental exercise, problem solving, and meditative aspects are all involved. It can also be relaxing. Time to take on the challenge, and have some fun! Learn from the master Juggler himself, Paul Stewart, who has attended four International Jugglers Association conventions, and one European Juggling Convention. He also ran a juggling club here on Bowen for four years. Explore movement and interaction with time, space, and others around you with Here and Now: Introduction to Performance Art with Mathilde Rohr. Back from her two-month artist residency and exhibition on Gabriola, Mathilde will guide you through interdisciplinary explorations. Decelerate, listen, connect, let the movements and actions of your body unfold in interaction with time, space, and oth-

Ruby Rowat teaching pyramids and counter balances during Partner Acro (left), and Bob Doucet strumming on his ukulele. / Submitted photos ers around you. This one-day workshop at the Hearth Gallery is sure to inspire deeper explorations. Add some new steps to your party moves with East Coast Swing Dancing. Kelly and Aaron Woods will have you steppin out with confidence and style in just two sessions (and a bit of practice in the living room). Kelly and Aaron have been swing dancing together for over 25 years. They began their dancing career during the swing craze of the late 1990’s, have taught throughout the Lower Mainland, and worked as special skills extras for movie and television. There’s much more to choose from in these winter offerings at the Hearth’s Cultural Campus: Bowen Island’s Fibre Arts Guild mentors will host Improv Quilting in the Round – make a block or two to contribute to another community quilt fund-

Having an event? Listings are always free in our weekly community calendar. Please email your listing to Alex by Tuesday 5 p.m. for that week's edition.

Thank you!

raising project with mentors from the guild. Power Point Poetry with Jude Neale; Art and Journaling for Emotional Healing with Kamila Bubnikova; Figure drawing with Stuart Slind and live model; Abstraction by Design with Marlene Lowden (Sold Out); Introduction to Watercolor painting with Liz Watson (Sold Out). Many of the offerings are booking up already! Register early to reserve your spot(s). Last day to register is January 2, 2024 Gift certificates for tuition are also available online. Give the gift of creativity to someone you love (that includes yourself!) Visit the Cultural Campus page for more information on the amazing offerings coming this January! Get your ART on at the HEARTH! Questions? Email https ://thehear thar ts onbow hearth-cultural-campus-01-2024

Friday, December 15, 2023 • A7

Menorah Lighting Bowen’s Jewish community celebrated the beginning of Hanukkah at sundown last Thursday, Dec. 7. Matthew van der Giessen led the crowd gathered at the Christmas Tree Lawn both Jewish and non-Jewish - in songs and stories. van der Giessen was backdropped by the driftwood menorah he built

from wooden pieces which washed up on Bowen shores. He constructed the six-foot tall structure at the Belterra workshop. It’s the third year the menorah has been part of Bowen’s holiday landmarks in the Cove. The final night of Hanukkah is this Friday, Dec. 15, when the ninth and final candle of the menorah will be lit.

Matthew van der Giessen led last week’s celebrations marking the start of Hannukah, including lighting of the menorah candles. / Alex Kurial photos

Live & Work on Bowen Island!

Now Hiring Licensed Practical Nurses Personal Caregivers

 Flexible schedules  Competitive wages & benefits  Travel reimbursement


A8 •

Friday, December 15, 2023

Christmas Carolling

Snug Cove House presented its annual reading of A Christmas Carol on Sunday night. It was a special occasion for the group - the 25th retelling of Charles Dickens’ classic tale. The story of Ebenezer Scrooge and his Christmas visits from three spirits was told by Bowen actors Graham Ritchie, Kat Stephens, Tina Nielsen, and Martin Clarke. Marc Gawthrop accompanied on piano for the full house at Collins Hall, which was decorated for the occasion. Theatre on the Isle also livestreamed the reading. The performance was a success all around: Scrooge opened his heart and became a better man, and the more than 60 tickets sold served as a positive fundraiser for Snug Cove House.

The performance group of (L-R) Graham Ritchie, Kat Stephens, Tina Nielsen, & Martin Clarke took turns reading and playing the various characters - including Ebenezer Scrooge, Bob Cratchit, Tiny Tim, and the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, & Future from Charles Dickens’ novel A Christmas Carol. / Alex Kurial photo

Snug Cove Terminal Upgrade Modified schedule and berth closures


Starting January 8, 2024, BC Ferries will begin work on a $3.7 million terminal life expansion project anticipated to be complete by end of March 2024. To support the work, a modified schedule will be in place from Tuesday to Sunday. The modified schedule is available on

Full berth closures are scheduled for: • January 20, • February 3-4, • and March 9, 2024. Free water taxis, a shuttle bus service on Bowen Island and discounted/complimentary parking at Horseshoe Bay will be available during closures. To learn more scan the QR code or, visit

your community

bowenislandundercurre t co

Friday, December 15, 2023 • A9

Joy to You and Yours

Village Square Dec 24th 9-4pm Closed Dec 25th & Dec 26th Dec 31st 9-6:30pm Jan 1st 11-4pm


Sunday Dec 17th – 10am-5pm Monday – Saturday Dec. 18th – 23rd, 9am-6pm Sunday December 24th - 9am-2pm


604-9 947-9 9888



Christmas Eve 9am to 7:30pm Boxing Day 10am to 9:30pm New Year's Eve 9am to 8pm New Year's Day 10am to 9:30pm


A10 •

Friday, December 15, 2023

A Musicological Journey The Bowen Island Community Choir held a pair of upbeat concerts last weekend which emphasized the holiday spirit. The Saturday double-header took place at Cates Hill Chapel, with an afternoon and evening performance. Ellen Macintosh led the 40 voices in a mix of songs from classical to contemporary. The climax of the concert featured a trip through time: each verse of The Twelve Days of Christmas was set to a different musical style of centu-

ry and country, fom medieval Germany to revolutionary USA. Sheilagh Sparks accompanied the choir on piano, with special musical performances from Julia van Walraven on violin, Laurie Beesting on recorder (and drum), and Peter Clarke manning several instruments including bass, cello, and snare drum. Graham Ritchie served as emcee, and historical guide during the Musicological Journey.

The Bowen Island Community Choir held their winter concerts at Cates Hill Chapel on Dec. 9. Along with director Ellen Macintosh and pianist Sheilagh Sparks, key parts of the performances were carried out by Laurie Beesting on recorder (below left), Julia van Walraven on violin (below right), and Graham Ritchie on guide duty (left). / Alex Kurial photos

tter e l s w e n l i a m ur e Sign up for o

Friday, December 15, 2023 • A11

Christmas is for giving at the Knick Knack Nook

JOHN LAWRENCE Knick Knack Nook

The Nook has been raising funds for the new Health Centre for some time now. This week we were happy to turn over nearly $4,000 in cash, generated from advanced sales of art work ,and proceeds from our Silent Auction. On the subject of art, it looks as if the previously advertised art sale at the Health Centre will be postponed until March owing to delays in construction. However, some of the Art collection will be available for sale through our account on Facebook. Look for ‘Knick Knack Nook’ on Buy and Sell. The art featured can be bought for your personal please. If you choose to gift it to the Health Centre you will receive a tax receipt. All the pieces have been pre-approved by the Health Centre’s Board and will become a part of a permanent collection. Thanks to the volunteers at the Nook who give so generously of their time and energy; and a big thank you to all those Islanders who support us with their donations.

‘The Welcoming’, an oil painting by Bowen artist Diane Buchanan.

When you support the Bowen Island Community Foundation, you’re also supporting the Westside Playscapes Project and dozens of other worthwhile Bowen causes! #CommunityGrowsHere #BetterTogether #ForBowenForEver



Meet Bogey, this older gentleman came to us recently for some routine bloodwork. When we run our bloodwork we are able to look at internal factors such as thyroid levels, kidney health, and much more, that is why it is important to bring your furry friend in as they head into older age so we can make them as comfortable as possible. Make sure to give us a call if you have any questions or would like to book a appointment.

Mon-Fri 9-5



Closed Sat & Sun

A12 •

Friday, December 15, 2023

Here’s Bowen Arts Tour 2024 seeking sponsorship from the Bowen Community JANET ESSEIVA Bowen Arts Tour On the weekend of May 25 & 26, 2024, an island wide art tour will take place. We’ll be showcasing the incredible talent of over 75 local artists, bringing the community together to celebrate the arts. The Here’s Bowen Arts Tour 2024 is being created by a group of volunteers and is supported by the Hearth Gallery. We are dedicated to increasing awareness of Bowen’s amazing artists while driving sales to local businesses. We expect approximately 1,000 to 1,500 participants (locals, friends, family and visitors) who will tour the 20 hubs during the two-day event. We believe that you and your business would be a perfect fit as a sponsor for the Here’s Bowen Arts Tour 2024. Your support will not only help to ensure the success of the event, but it will also provide your business with valuable exposure and a positive association with the arts and our community. We offer Sponsorship levels at Platinum,

Gold, Silver, and Bronze, with each level providing various benefits, such as ads in our tour guide, logo placement, social media promotion, and more. The tour guide will be 36 pages long and we’ll be distributing 5,000 copies. Our goal is to have our sponsors in place by January 15, 2024. The Undercurrent will be partnering with us in creating this Brochure and Tracey Wait is happy to help you with the creation of your ad at no extra cost. If your business is not able to sponsor the event, there are other ways to get involved and show your support. You could consider volunteering, offering your venue as a tour stop, help us with poster placement, and more. For example, some of our restaurant sponsors are also creating a specialty tour cocktail or Menu item to help promote the event. We believe that the Here’s Bowen Arts Tour 2024 will be a great opportunity for your business to connect with the local community and support the arts. We would love to discuss how we can work together to make this event a success for everyone involved.

Queen of Capilano Ferry Schedule NEW OCTOBER 10 - MARCH 31 2024 DEPART BOWEN ISLAND


5:50 am 5:20 am - except Sundays 6:50 am 6:20 am 8:00 am 7:30 am 9:05 am - except Wednesdays 8:35 am 10:15 am 9:40 am 11:25 am 10:50 am 12:35 pm 12:00 pm 1:10 pm 2:20 pm 2:55 pm 3:30 pm 4:00 pm - except Wednesdays 4:35 pm 5:45 pm 5:10 pm 6:50 pm 6:15 pm 8:00 pm - except Saturdays 7:25 pm - except Saturdays 9:00 pm 8:30 pm 10:00 pm 9:30pm 10:30 pm Note: Schedules subject to change without notice Schedule changes on statutory holidays. Please check BCFERRIES.COM

Some of the local artists who will be taking part in the Here’s Bowen Arts Tour 2024 next May. / Submitted photo Thank you for considering our request. We hope to hear from you soon and look forward to the possibility of working together. Feel free to review our website for further

details: To become a sponsor please email Marie Neys or Liz Nankin at bowenartstour@

Places of Worship Welcome You BOWEN ISLAND UNITED CHURCH | 1122 Miller Road


Sunday Worship 10:30 am Rev. Lorraine Ashdown





Contact Angela Powell 604-947-2515

CATES HILL CHAPEL 604-947-4260 (661 Carter Rd.)

Sunday Worship 10:00 Rev. Phil Adkins SHIRAT HAYAM (Song of the Sea) BOWEN’S JEWISH COMMUNITY Shabbat Gatherings ~ Holidays Contact •

Friday, December 15, 2023 • A13

CALENDAR December 11-17 Bowen Island Food Bank Donations Show your generosity this December! Donations by e-transfer: Drop off nonperishable food donations and cash/cheques at: Collins Hall, 1122 Miller Road. 10 am to 1 pm until Dec. 17. Tax Receipt for financial donations available upon request. December 14-17 Pop-Up Art Gallery You are invited to Christie Grace Designs Pop-Up Gallery featuring unique handmade sterling & gold jewelry. At the Old Lodge Dorm, 460 Melmore Road. Tea & refreshments provided. Dec. 14 & 16 (11 am to 7 pm), Dec. 15 (2 pm to 7 pm), Dec. 17 by appointment, text 778-888-1478 December 15, 16, & 23 Magic of Christmas at Endswell Farm Come join Santa and Mrs. Claus for Christmas fun. Hot chocolate and marshmallows, 40,000 lights, and takehome treat boxes. 6 to 8 pm, tickets at Saturday, December 16 French Connections at the Library Drop in and join us to practice your conversational French, and get to know other French speakers on Bowen Island! The focus is on beginner and intermediate speakers, but all levels are welcome. We meet 10:30 to 11:30 am but participants are welcome to stay longer if the conversation is still rolling! Saturday, December 16 British Christmas Dinner Hosted by Meadowbrook Market and Bowen Cider

House, tickets available at both establishments. From 6 to 10 pm, $75 family style and $25 cider pairings. Saturday, December 16 Charity Christmas Show at Doc’s Come to Doc Morgan’s from 6 to 8 pm to hear Arthur Szabo on guitar, with special guest Makena Coker. No cover, with all donations going to Covenant House Vancouver. Kids welcome. Saturday, December 16 Daniel Wesley at the Pub Full band show with Daniel Wesley at the Bowen Island Pub at 7:30 pm. Opening act from the Snug Cove Blues Band, with special guest. Tickets $30 on Eventbrite. Saturday, December 16 Carmina Bowena Winter Concert Join Carmina Bowena for their Winter concert at Tir-na-nOg Theatre at 7:30 pm. Info on Page 14. Tickets $25 at Cates Pharmacy and on our website at: Sunday, December 17 Christmas Pageant Bowen Island United Church at 10:30 am. Monday, December 18 SKY Stretch & Strength Morning exercises with Catherine P at 9 am. Everyone 55+ welcome to Bowen Court at 1070 Miller Road. Contact Tuesday, December 19 A Child’s Christmas in Wales Annual reading with Martin Clarke and music by Bob Ducet. 7 pm at the Little Red Church. Thursday, December 21 Arts Pacific Gallery Gift Raffle We will be holding our annual gift certificate for $100

raffle with draw taking place on Dec. 21. The gallery is open from Dec. 13 to 24 from 11 am to 4 pm. Tuesday, December 26 Boxing Day Pizza Party at the Legion Legion will be open from 2 to 7 pm for a pizza party with Bowen Pizza Co. complete with nachos and old boxing classics. Members and guests welcome, and all kids too. To January 2 Outdoor Exhibit at the Museum Wander through the annual Museum & Archives winter outdoor exhibit at 1014 Miller Road. Thank you to Diane Buchanan and Blue Aguacil for the installation TUESDAYS Chair Yoga At Collins Hall. Drop-in from 1 to 2:15 pm. Classes are $20 or by donation. Contact Jackie Minns for more info, 604-2209092, or Bowen Bridge 1:30 to 4:30 pm at Bowen Court. Fee $5 per person per session. Your place must be arranged by email no later than 6 pm on Monday. To make your booking or to seek more information, please email THURSDAYS Thursday Art Group Meetings The Thursday Art Group meets 9 am to Noon every Thursday to paint, sketch, draw and create. Always welcoming new members. More info: FRIDAYS Legion Dinners Dinners held every Friday except for long weekends. $13 for members and $15 for non-members. Doors open at 5:30 pm, with dinner at 6:30 pm. This week it’s a turkey dinner with mashed potatoes, gravy, veggies, and butter tarts for dessert. From Patricia and Lynne.

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A14 •

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A16 •

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