Bowen Island Undercurrent

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Adventures await Bowen’s newest Family Physician

There’s a new family physician at the Bowen Island Community Health Centre Dr Lindsay Downey recently began the role at the island facility, a position she’s worked in for more than a decade in rural Ontario before her recent move out west

Downey’s medical career originally began in the lab performing research. But she soon came to miss the human interaction component of health care When Downey began her medical school rotations, she realized a widespread approach was her calling.

In fact, on her first day of medical school she was assisting with an operation on a baby and felt this was her calling. With the next rotation in paediatrics and the ones that followed, she felt the same way.


I am beyond grateful for all my clients who put their trust in me to work hard for them this past year. Many thanks also to those who continue to refer me to their friends and family.

You are appreciated!

MARY LYNN MACHADO PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION I am also honoured to be included again in 2023 as a member of the prestigious Medallion Club In one of the slowest markets in many years I’m proud to report that I was *according to GVR MLS reported sales for sales on Bowen Island TOP REALTOR® in 2023 2022 & 2023 TOP 10% of all Realtors in the Greater Vancouver Realtors* 604.220.7085 buyonbowen com
GARDEN Despite the snow on the ground, the Bowen Island Community School Student Garden Club, led by the Community School Coordinator, has been keeping busy over the winter. Check back next week as they share the answer to a popular question of what to do with waxed amaryllis bulbs once they fade... Hint: There is plenty of life left in them yet! / Sarah Haxby photo


AllCouncilmeetingsareopen tothepublictoattendin personorelectronically,unless notedotherwise.

March 6, 2024

12:00 pm

BluewaterParkWaterSystem CommunityInformation MeetingviaZoom

March 11, 2024 1:00 pm


SeekingPublicComment SeekingPublicComment





SnugCoveHousehasappliedforadevelopmentvariancepermitto enablethedevelopmentofa24-unitseniorshousingdevelopmentat 1082MillerRoad

BIMstaffarepreparingtointroducetheapplicationtoCouncilatthe March11thmeeting Atthattime,Councilmaychoosetosetaformal datetoconsiderissuanceoftheDevelopmentVariancePermit Additionalnoticewouldbesentadvertisingthedecisiondate Theapplicationseeksavarietyofvariances,includingtothetotallot coverage,requiredsetbacks,heightofretainingwalls,andareduction ofrequiredparkingspacesfrom14to13


InformationavailableatMunicipalHallbycalling604-947-4255ext 230oremaildmartin@bimbc.caandmakinganappointmenttospeak toDanielMartin,ManagerofPlanningandDevelopment OfficeHoursareMondaytoFriday,8:30amto4:30pm,excluding statutoryholidays.Moreinformationavailableonourwebiste:


WrittensubmissionsmaybedeliveredtoMunicipalHallby11:00 amonthemeetingdateinperson,bymail,byfaxorbyemailto mayorandcouncil@bimbcca






BIMhasreceivedaTemporaryUsePermitApplicationat604Grafton Road BowenIslandstaffarereviewingtheapplicationandpreparing tointroducetheapplicationtoCouncilattheirMarch11,2024meeting Atthatmeeting,Councilmaychoosetosetaformaldatetoconsider issuanceoftheTemporaryUsePermit Additionalnoticewouldbesent advertisingthedecisiondate

KiwiInnovationCPMhasappliedforatemporaryusepermitfortheuse ofthepropertyat604GraftonRoadasaHomePrefabricationFacility.

KiwiInnovationwishtoconstructatemporarybuildingapproximately 220sq m (2,400sq ft)inareatobeusedfortheconstructionof prefabricatedhomepanels,comprisingofwoodframingandblownin cellulose Thepanelsareintendedtosupportconstructionofnetzero homestructures


InformationavailableatMunicipalHallbycalling604-947-4255ext 230oremaildmartin@bimbc.caandmakinganappointmenttospeak toDanielMartin,ManagerofPlanningandDevelopment. OfficeHoursareMondaytoFriday,8:30amto4:30pm,excluding statutoryholidays.Moreinformationavailableonourwebiste:


WrittensubmissionsmaybedeliveredtoMunicipalHallby11:00amon themeetingdate:



Friday, March 1, 2024 A2 • BowenIslandMunicipalHall 981ArtisanLane BowenIsland,BC V0N1G2 Hours:8:30am-4:30pm MondaytoFriday Closedstatutoryholidays Phone: 604-947-4255 Fax: 604-947-0193 Email: Website: BowenIsland Municipality Find us on Facebook bowenislandmunicipalityca/subscribe Subscribe to our mailing list
Contact Bowen Island Municipality wwwbowenislandmunicipalityca
Questions?ContactDanielMartin,ManagerofPlanning andDevelopment,byemailatdmartin@bimbc.caor bycalling604-947-4255ext230 Questions?ContactDanielMartin,ManagerofPlanning andDevelopment,byemailatdmartin@bimbc.caor bycalling604-947-4255ext230

January RCMP Stats on Bowen Island



Bowen Island responded to 47 calls for service in the month of January:

Domestic Disputes

Police investigated a domestic dispute Criminal charges were laid.


3 assault investigations

Uttering Threats

1 uttering threats investigation.

Check Wellbeing

2 well-being checks. In both instances the people were found to be ok

Missing Person

1 missing person investigation. The person was found safe

1 request from North Vancouver RCMP to locate a missing male believed to be on Bowen Island. The male was located in West Vancouver

Property Lost and Found

2 reports of found car keys. Owners were identified and keys were returned to them

1 report of found door keys


1 vehicle with no insurance VT issued

2 reports of erratic drivers Both drivers located and given a warning.

1 vehicle crashed into the ditch No injuries


Report of theft of bicycle. Suspect was identified and arrested.


2 reports of mischief to BC Ferries public washrooms with graffiti. Suspect identified and arrested.

1 report that someone lit a fire in the BC Ferries public washroom.

1 report of the Library glass door being shattered.

1 report of broken car windows parked in front of the Legion.

Mental Health

3 people reported to be in a mental health crisis. All located and provided with support

Suspicious Activity

- Report of squatters in a cottage. Police attended and entered the cottage There were no squatters inside the cottage and no evidence of anyone having been there.

- Report of a male walking through someone’s yard.

- Suspicious male rummaging through a pile of construction debris. Male was identified.

- Report of possible intruders inside a residence Police attended and ensured that the house was secure. No one was in the residence


Apply by March 15 at

Hunting Licence

1 hunting licence application.

Liquor and Cannabis Licensing

2 liquor licences issued.

With Spring around the corner, we would like to remind residents to clear any overgrown vegetation that may be covering their address street number and/or ensure that it is clearly visible from the roadway First responders, such as the RCMP, the Fire Department and the Paramedics, rely on these number signs to locate the property when responding to emergencies

If you do not have a sign identifying your house, or would like to upgrade to a reflective type sign, the Rotary Club of Bowen Island has made number signs available for purchase

You likely have seen these 6x24 inch blue signs while driving around Bowen Island. These signs are reflective, can be seen when illuminated at night and are visible when approached from both directions of travel In an emergency, minutes saved in the response time will make a difference

If you would like to acquire a street sign from the Rotary Club, or obtain further details, please visit their internet site at

Thank you in advance for your time to address this extra level of safety.


August 04, 1953 – November 26, 2023

In great sadness we share with you the passing of Kirstie MacLise (Stark) Kirstie grew up in Modesto, California on a peach ranch until, at 18, she married and moved to Vancouver to study at UBC before embarking on a long and successful career in law as a practitioner and author Those fortunate enough to know her will remember Kirstie as warm, creative, and fiercely loyal to those she loved. She also had a great zest for life and a love of travelling, treasuring her trips to Africa, the Fast and Furious movies, and feeding the squirrels who used to visit her on her deck. It was very important to her to spend time with friends and family, sharing her pottery, going on walks to look at birds, and heading down to the beach on a sunny day to skip rocks. Above everything else, Kirstie loved her family She was the most wonderful mother to her four boys, making sure they had lives full of adventure and curiosity She will be missed so very, very much.

A celebration of life will be held for her in the late spring, early summer, when we can say our final goodbyes on a warm, sunny day

THIS MONTH’S TIP FOCUSES • A3 Friday, March 1, 2024



Four Nights of Twelfth Night

To the Editor,

As Bard on the Rock’s Twelfth Night cast and crew readies for its final two shows this weekend, some thanks to all those who contributed to its success

The audiences, of whom there were, and will be as well this weekend, multitudes And boisterous and wonderfully appreciative. Thank you, for without you there’s no point.

The energy that flows back and forth between the actors and audience is always an amazing thing to behold Together they create and share the moment, a brief hour-anda-half, and then it’s gone, leaving not a wrack behind.

The same magic is conjured up during rehearsals as the actors build the story word by word, line by line, scene by scene, idea by idea. It’s an astonishing process. So, thank you actors, brilliant!

And thank you William Shakespeare for being such a clever man/woman/team and thoughtfully providing no detailed stage directions or program notes or media interviews or late-night TV appearances, thus giving us enough space to make our own contributions and create something new every time

Thanks to stage manager Maureen Sawasy for once again, for the ninth time, keeping the rehears-

als productive and the performances smooth To Shirley Wrinch for her skill and imagination and hundreds of hours creating costumes that would be honoured on Broadway, Hollywood, London’s West End and both Stratfords To Ian Davidson for his mood-creating lighting designs, and Alex Kurial for helping him execute them To Neil and Keona Hammond for their awesome music and patience in coaching the cast to make the best use of it.

To Judi Gedye for helping to keep the actors’ costumes and nerves together. To Kat Stevens for creating and expediting the posters and tickets and programs.

To Frazer Elliott and John Parker for leading the stage-building

To the Hearth for insurance and the terrific Theatre on the Isle folks for the stage and for all the million vital ways they helped To Helen Wallwork and Collins Hall for the friendly rehearsal space and Island Pacific School for the dressing space and Cates Chapel for the performance space And last but most decidedly not least, Catherine Epps and the wonderful Cates Pharmacy crew for so patiently handling all the ticket sales.


- Graham Ritchie Director, Twelfth Night

Editor’s Note & Correction* A letter that appeared in our December 8, 2023 edition was incorrectly attributed. “Concern over short-term rental future”, appearing on Page 7, was written by Jan Stevens, and not the individuals credited in the issue. Our apologies to the letter author for the error.

#102–495 Bowen Trunk Road, PO Box 130, Bowen Island BC,V0N 1G0

Phone: 604.947.2442 Fax: 604.947.0148

DEADLINE for advertising Monday, 4 p.m.

DEADLINE for editorial Tuesday 5 p.m.

Bowen Island Undercurrent Subscription Rates: Mailed 1 year subscription on Bowen Island: $55, including GST Within Canada: $85 including GST Newsstand (Single Copy) $1 50 per copy, including GST ISSN 7819-5040


THE WRITE STUFF. The Undercurrent encourages reader participation in your community newspaper. You must include your full name and a daytime phone number (for verification only) The editor reserves the right to edit for clarity, legality, brevity and taste. Please limit to under 500 words. HERE’S HOW: To submit a letter to the editor, fax 604-947-0148 or mail it to PO Box 130, Bowen Island, BC, V0N 1G0 or email editor@bowenislandundercurrent com




All Advertising and news copy content are copyright of the Undercurrent Newspaper All editorial content submitted to the Undercurrent becomes the property of the publication The Undercurrent is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, art work and photographs National NewsMedia Council. The Undercurrent is a member of the National
Blair publisher@bowenisland
NewsMedia Council of Canada, which is an independent organization established to deal with acceptable journalistic practices and ethical behaviour If you have concerns about editorial content, please email editor@ or call 604-947-2442. If you are not satisfied with the response and wish to file a formal complaint, visit the website at or call toll-free 1-844-877-1163 for additional information.
undercurrent com Ron Woodall Tracey Wait ads@bowenisland Alex Kurial editor@bowenisland undercurrent com
A4 •
March 1, 2024


CSA addresses BICS staffing change

Dear Editor,

We would like to clarify and update the Community School Association article that was printed in last week’s issue of the Undercurrent (Feb. 23).

The article was submitted before a major change occurred at Bowen Island Community School.

On February 15, 2024, the West Vancouver School District announced a change to the staff at BICS. After 44 years, the role of the Community School Coordinator position was deemed to be no longer required for the

smooth running of the school.

This announcement has huge ramifications for the Community School and for the Bowen Island community as a whole.

The present day Community School Association (which was originally formed to assist the coordinator and the school in 1980) will be having an emergency meeting to discuss the implications of this change and to decide upon a course of action.

- On behalf of the CSA Board, Deb Blenkhorn, Pernille Neilsen, Kalindi Son, Helen Wallwork, Sarah Winny

Open Letter to BC Ferries

Dear BC Ferries, (CC’d to Bowen Island Municipal Mayor and Council, and local BC MLA, Jordan Sturdy)

Regarding the events that transpired on Sunday, February 17, 2024 as a 25-plus year resident of Bowen Island I bring forth a significant issue of concern for your attention and action.

Summary of Events

What you need to know about the 10:30 pm (non-existent) water taxi to Bowen Island from Horseshoe Bay on February 17:

- BC Ferries (BCF) website said there was a water taxi scheduled;

- BCF ticket booth person said there was a water taxi, steward for the Langdale ferry said there was a water taxi. Everyone was certain there was a water taxi scheduled. Except that it wasn’t;

- About 15 people (the group) waited for the water taxi, but watched with dismay as the Bowen Island ferry sailed out of the berth;

- When the group went to the ticket booth to ask what was going on, BCF insisted there was no ferry until the group explained they had literally just seen it leave.

- Then when the group asked for BCF to arrange transport, the BCF supervising staff had no idea how to arrange a water taxi, nor had any authority to pay for it.

- Luckily one of the group had previously arranged a water taxi for 11:30pm;

- Cormorant Marine was unable to come earlier because they had no skipper available at such unplanned and short notice. They had to do two runs to take the whole group because the boat was too small to take everyone at once;


The value of historical Family Cabins on Bowen Island

Amidst discussions about housing affordability, the potential fate of family cabins on Bowen Island weighs heavily on many of us. Short-term renting has been a lifeline for covering the escalating costs associated with owning these cherished retreats. For some, the prospect of converting these cabins into long-term rentals due to legislative changes evokes nostalgia for simpler times spent vacationing with loved ones.

Reflecting on the 70-year history of my family’s cabin, purchased in 1954 for a mere fraction of its current assessed value, brings both gratitude and concern. My hardworking Auntie Jerry and Uncle Willy, regular folks seeking respite from city life, invested in a weekend retreat that became a cornerstone of our family’s memories. The cabin, accessible via a single-lane dirt road and later by boat, provided an idyllic setting for bonding over games, swims, and hikes. Its rustic charm, embodied in the kitchen-turned-bathing room and the communal Great Room, fostered countless moments of joy and connection.

Tragically, the original cabin succumbed to a flue fire in 1978, prompting its reconstruction with modern safety standards Despite the upgrades, its essence as a place of familial love and adventure remained unchanged. Upon inheriting the cabin, my son and I grappled with the financial realities of its upkeep amidst rising taxes and expenses. Short-term renting emerged as a solution, allowing us to maintain our ties to Bowen while sharing its magic with others.

However, looming legislative changes threaten this delicate balance. The possibility of losing our cabin to long-term rental mandates strikes at the heart of our family legacy. As a retired individual living on a

fixed income, I rely on short-term renting to sustain our beloved retreat. My son, a young professional, dreams of continuing our tradition of Bowen vacations but faces barriers to home ownership in today’s market.

While we understand the government’s aim to address housing affordability, we urge the Bowen Island Municipality to consider the unique role of family cabins in our community’s heritage. Rather than forcing these properties into long-term rental pools, alternative solutions should be explored.

Approaches such as tiny home villages, apartment developments, or tax incentives for long-term housing investment offer more equitable paths forward.

As stewards of our family’s legacy, we are committed to preserving our cabin’s place in Bowen’s history for future generations. We implore the municipality to recognize the value of these heritage homes and to seek solutions that honor their significance while addressing housing challenges.

In closing, let us not lose sight of the memories made and the bonds forged within these cherished cabins. Our family, alongside many others on Bowen, stands united in our desire to safeguard our heritage and continue creating meaningful Bowen moments for generations to come.

FRAZER B. ELLIOTT Personal Real Estate Corporation 604.910.3401 felliottbowen@gmail com | bowenhomes ca Specializing in BOWEN ISLAND and HOWE SOUND Top 10% of Realtors in the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver 2020-2022 Bowen’s Top Producing REALTOR® for 2021 & 2022* *based on reported MLS sales This is the first time a home has come up for sale on this part of the island This one-year-old home is perched within Rivendell at the top of Cates Hill, and boasts a unique outlook shared with only a handful of other Bowen properties The two level main portion of the home features 3-4 bedrooms, heat pump, and each level opens out onto sundecks with stunning panoramic views of the North Shore Mountains, Bowen’s Mt Collins and Deep Bay Above is a self-contained and well-appointed legal suite - mortgage helper, guest suite or short-term rental potential Above a trail down to the cafes and shops at Artisan Square, and within walking distance of the school, new Community Centre and ferry New home warranty in place for peace of mind 877 RIVENDELL DRIVE $1,998,000 NEW LISTING Open House Saturday March 2nd, 12-3pm • A5 Friday, March 1, 2024

Be there March 9 for Coffee House!


Come out and enjoy a wonderful, warm and intimate evening at Cates Hill Chapel, where Bowen Island Community Choir will be hosting its annual variety show of Bowen-local talent, which may even include several of your friends and neighbours!

There will be a wide variety of acts from comedy to moving musical duets and solos. Our friendly neighbourhood emcee, Graham Ritchie will be at the helm, moving us along The Deep Bay sea lion chorus has NOT been invited!

This is an annual event to help support the choir, a 43-strong mixed voice group Coffee, tea and a variety of baked goods will be available. $20 at the door, no tickets, the show begins at 7 pm

Right Where You Left Me


- the group had to pay, which amounted to $450 for the two runs. Gratitude to the two people who paid and many thanks to Cormorant Marine for stepping up to help the stranded passengers. Imagine if a senior or some teenagers had been stranded with no option to get home for the night and nowhere to stay on the Mainland?

This was yet another classic example of BC Ferries poor communication both within the organization and externally, with service users. This happens all too frequently and the BC Ferries Advisory Committees (with local representation from the municipalities) seem powerless to make any meaningful changes

To BC Ferries credit, their senior customer care and engagement team has made attempts to reach out and cover each person’s water taxi trip and parking costs

If anyone was on this trip, and has not been reimbursed, BCF is looking to get in touch with you. Please contact:

Elisabeth Broadley

Assistant Manager, Customer Relations, Customer Care

British Columbia Ferry Services Inc.

The Atrium Suite 500, 1321 Blanshard St., Victoria, BC V8W 0B7

T: 250-978-2022

In closing, we call upon BCF to provide concrete steps to prevent this deplorable kind of situation from occurring again. Perhaps the BCF CEO himself would attend the next Bowen Island Municipal Council meeting to explain to Islanders how BCF will provide better service

We understand that BCF has plans to add 22-plus additional sailings in December 2024 for the Taylor Swift Eras concert in Vancouver, but Islanders just want to have the minimum ferry service levels currently offered, maintained




Enjoy your meal with one of our wide range of wine selections. we have lowered our wine prices JJ’s Kitchen and Bar
Marine Drive (across from the Thunderbird Marine) 604-926-4523 • A monthly open house sponsored by Judi Gedye, BIM councillor and Islands Trustee.
| Collins Hall
March 2nd
Tea & Games
designed board games they
share: Bowen Island Grandfriends age 55+ invited!
- 2:15pm, Tues Mar 5, BICS MPR RSVP to 604 947 0389, STUDENT BURSARY PROGRAM UNLOCK THE WONDERS OF MIDDLE SCHOOL We are committed to welcoming applicants who will thrive in the unique opportunity provided by an Island Pacific School education, regardless of their financial circumstances. Grades 6-9 | Learn More | Apply Today VIEWS
want to
Friday, March 1, 2024 A6 •

The Orcas look to be settling back into the waters around Fairweather, including this pair spotted last week. / Haig Farris photo


The Bowen Island Community Foundation invites you to celebrate four years of Neighbourhood Small Grants on Bowen.

us to learn more about the program and meet project leaders and NSG volunteers


NSG Celebration

March 9, 2:30–3:30pm

Doc Morgan’s

PLEASE RSVP TO: nsg@bowenfoundation com

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VIEWS • A7 Friday, March 1, 2024

Vancouver Coastal Health concerned over water quality


Vancouver Coastal Health says it won’t be waiting much longer to take action if Bowen is not able to get its water quality issues under control.

A delegation from the organization (VCH) – which acts as a regulatory body in relation to Bowen’s water systems – gave a presentation to council this week on the current state of water quality around the island. While they noted many of Bowen’s seven systems were doing well, especially those on the west side, serious concerns were expressed about others, particularly the largest one on the island.

The Cove Bay system, which serves more than 650 properties, is failing several of VCH’s treatment objectives, including reduction of cysts, turbidity levels, and forms of treatment Because of this the Grafton Lake-sourced water remains under a long-standing drinking water advisory for anybody with compromised immune systems.

Dr Alex Choi, medical health officer with VCH, said the issues with the Cove Bay system are serious, and the main focus of the delegation’s visit. “That’s why we’re coming here today, because we are expecting that if we continue to have further delays we are going to need to take action… Given what we’re seeing with Cove Bay, we are seeing

some treatment objectives not being met,” said Choi.

The water system’s problems are not without a solution – the Cove Bay Water Treatment Plant is expected to clear up all of the current deficiencies But, it’s now nearing three years since the plant was supposed to come online due to a continued list of technical and engineering delays. VCH acknowledged the work of council and staff and expressed encouragement at the idea of the plant finally being commissioned

“Many of these concerns would have been ameliorated or eliminated with the new filtration plant that was supposed to go into Cove Bay,” says Choi. But she added VCH cannot take much more time to address the water quality. “To be honest this is not a six-months out thing, this is something that we’re going to be talking to staff about right now.”

Choi outlined three main steps the organization could take to deal with the water issue One was increased monitoring of the water itself, which would include more frequent and more forms of testing.

More notifications could also be sent out; the medical health officer pointing out that with tourist season on the horizon the upcoming thousands of visitors may not be closely viewing Bowen-based media, such as municipal alerts or the newspaper, which would leave them unaware of the problem To make sure visitors are


• Saturday, March 9 (full day)

am Mon - Sun

12:00 pm Mon - Sun

1:10 pm Mon - Sun

2:55 pm Mon - Sun

4:00 pm

Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue

4:00 pm Weds:

Dangerous goods only

No passengers

5:10 pm Mon - Sun

6:15 pm Mon - Sun

7:40 pm Mon - Sun

8:55 pm Mon - Sun

Water taxi service will be provided during berth closure and will follow the Queen of Cap regular sailing schedule

No vehicle traffic is available on this date

10:00 pm Mon, Fri, Sat Water Taxi Service Only: Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and Sunday

11:00 pm Mon. Water Taxi Service Only: Tues. thru Sunday except Mar 8 it’s the ferry!

informed alerts could be posted around the ferry terminal and in short-term rental spaces on the island

If turbidity levels continued to rise, the warning could be expanded to include everyone consuming the water, and not just those who are immunocompromised. A final alert step would be a boil water advisory, but Choi said she doesn’t believe that drastic a measure will be necessary anytime soon.

VCH also signs off on permitting on the island, and added this process could come into play as well. “Obviously this is an island where we’ve seen a lot of growth In order to have more connections to the existing system, we may require that you have a completed commission system before those connections would be allowed to occur,” said Choi.

“I know that would have implications for growth and development and that’s why we wanted to come to you early, because those are some of the things that we are considering right now,” she said.

Mayor Andrew Leonard expressed that it was time for a serious conversation about the state of Bowen’s water systems now and into the future, and not just in Cove Bay. He said Monday’s discussion “leaves me with some very significant wonderings about how we got ourselves here, and possibly what might need to change.”

Asking Choi for her thoughts on the mat-

ter, she told the mayor that, in addition to population growth, she sees unique challenges on Bowen which aren’t present in many other municipalities

“It is unusual to have these local area committees and staff needing to have decisions put through them,” she commented on Bowen’s seven local water service areas which provide direction regarding their specific neighbourhoods

“For a municipality this size, having good infrastructure and saved water does cost money So it might be a matter of how are we going to rebuild those cupboards so that money is available for ongoing capital investment Because otherwise it’s possible that we will find ourselves in this situation again,” added Choi

“All of these water systems – even after the (Cove Bay) plant is commissioned – are going to need ongoing maintenance And it’s very challenging if that is only taken from the small group of users of that specific system… There are some hurdles here that staff need to overcome in order to make changes when they have to go through individual advisory committees when they may not have the amount of funding they need to make these ongoing capital investments,” concluded Choi

The one water system which passed all VCH treatment objectives with flying colours was Hood Point on the north of the island.

Places of Worship WelcomeYou CATES HILL CHAPEL 604-947-4260 (661 Carter Rd.) ST. GERARD’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH BOWEN ISLAND UNITED CHURCH Sunday Mass at 9.30 Contact Angela Powell 604-947-2515 SHIRAT HAYAM (Song of the Sea) BOWEN’S JEWISH COMMUNITY Shabbat Gatherings ~ Holidays Sunday Worship 10:30 am Rev Lorraine Ashdown | 1122 Miller Road 778-688-2061 OFFICE HOURS WEDNESDAY 10-4 OR BY APPOINTMENT Sunday Worship 10:00 Rev. Phil Adkins Contact • FOOD BANK DROP-OFF QUEEN OF CAPILANO FERRY SCHEDULE NEW SCHEDULE IN EFFECT - JANUARY 8 - MARCH 2024 DEPART HORSESHOE BAY 5:50 am Mon - Sun 6:50 am Mon - Sun 8:00 am Mon - Sun 9:05 am Thu Fri Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue 9:05 am Weds: Dangerous goods only No passengers. 10:15 am Mon - Sun 11:25 am Mon - Sun 12:35 pm Mon - Sun 2:20 pm Mon - Sun 3:30 pm Mon - Sun 4:35 pm Mon - Sun 5:45 pm Mon - Sun 6:50 pm Mon - Sun 8:20 pm Mon - Sun 9:30 pm Mon, Fri, Sat Water Taxi Service Only: Tues Wed Thurs and Sunday 10:30 pm Mon Water Taxi Service Only: Tuesday thru Sunday except Mar 8 it’s the ferry! DEPART BOWEN ISLAND 5:20 am Mon (except Mon Feb 19) Tue - Fri. Water Taxi Service Only: Saturday 6:20 am Mon - Sun 7:30 am Mon - Sun 8:35 am Mon - Sun 9:40 am Mon - Sun 10:50
n n n n n
Friday, March 1, 2024 A8 •

Rural healthcare a passion for Dr. Downey


Over and over she rotated through various areas of medicine and realized she loved them all When she finally landed in a rural family medicine clinic she realized this speciality offered the opportunity to do a bit of everything in medicine while making a positive impact on the health of her community.

Lindsay knew that she wanted to pursue her career in a smaller town. This guided her to a more comprehensive role; Downey explaining that rural doctors need to know a bit of everything while a detailed sub-specialization would likely draw someone to a larger hospital in the city.

Downey has spent the past 14 years performing numerous roles at her family practice in Georgetown, ON, a short drive west of Brampton and Mississauga. Family physician coverage runs from birth to death, and for Lindsay has included obstetrics, newborn care, disease prevention, long term care, children’s health, end-of-life care and everything in between. Dr Downey’s roles also included teaching Family Medicine Residents as Assistant Clinical Professor at McMaster University and providing care at both a rural hospital: Georgetown Hospital and a much larger centre: the Brampton Civic Hospital

But in the last few years Lindsay and her husband Jordan, along with their three children, began to look elsewhere to continue their lives and careers. Specifically they set their sights on the west coast, where they went on vacations each year to take part in

one of their favourite hobbies – skiing It was during one of these snowy trips to Whistler that Lindsay had an epiphany “Why aren’t we living where we can do this on our weekends?”

As fate would have it a perfect series of events transpired which led Dr Downey to the new Health Centre. One was awareness of the job itself, thanks to a friend of Jordan who lives on the island. A conversation with the centre’s Executive Director Suzanne Saatchi followed which confirmed the upcoming project was one Lindsay wanted to be part of.

“The timing was such that they were ready to talk seriously about what they were looking for specifically, and what their vision would be,” says Downey The more she learned about the Bowen Island Community Health Centre the clearer it became, that this was an opportunity worth the cross-country move

The health centre’s vision includes a focus on team-based care, where many different medical disciplines work together in the same space – just like Lindsay’s practice in Georgetown which included mental health counsellors, dieticians, nurses, a pharmacist and more. “You have people that contribute to the wellness and wellbeing of a community and offer their own expertise… That is the type of care that is sustainable and good for communities – and nice to work in.”

Dr. Downey and the rest of the Health Centre’s care team continue to work out of Artisan Square as they await the opening of the facility, an occasion they are all eager for.

“I’m looking forward to meeting the teams that are taking the other occupancies in the Health Centre too,” says Lindsay.

“The Health Centre is beautiful, and there is something about having natural light come into where you’re working – it’s good for your wellness,” says Lindsay. Bordering on Crippen Park and attached to the trail system, the centre’s location is as unique and inviting

In addition to the job, the nature of Bowen Island and its people also helped seal the deal. During a visit last year to scout things out, Lindsay’s kids were struck by the friendliness of the community and how often people smiled at them “They noticed right away that people went out of their way to acknowledge you and hold the door and say hello Which is just a really good vibe,” she says

Lindsay was also encouraged by the creative spirit of Bowen. “I really like that peo-

ple value and cherish all different varieties of art and culture,” she says The natural features of the island were another selling point, including the many trails, absence of light and noise pollution, and even the recent performance by the sea lion choir, adding she’s very happy with the choice to make such a big move

And of course there’s the patients themselves For the first time in awhile Dr Downey finds herself building her patient list from scratch. “It’s really interesting because I’m building my practice now on Bowen and I’m remembering what it’s like to not know people, and have them not know you. You have to build that trust and you have to invest in the relationship in a different way.”

But, once that connection is established, “It’s very fulfilling,” says Lindsay, who has already begun forging many of these new relationships which will last into the years ahead.

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Dr. Lindsay Downey is the new Family Physician at the Bowen Island Community Health Centre. / Alex Kurial photo
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Saturday, March 2

Meditation with Laura

A free, monthly sitting group, Saturday at 10 am at Bowen Court. Guided meditation for 40 minutes, followed by 20 minutes of discussion for those who wish to stay. All levels welcome Laura Quilici has been practicing mindfulness meditation for over 20 years and currently serves as Board Chair of the BC Insight Meditation Society. For more information email Laura at

Saturday, March 2

French Connections at the Library

Drop in and join us to practice your conversational French, and get to know other French language learners on Bowen Island! The focus is on beginner and intermediate speakers. Meets 10:30 to 11:30 am.

Saturday, March 2

Judi Gedye Open House

With Bowen Island Municipality Councillor Judith Gedye. 3 pm at Collins Hall, discussion topics welcome

Saturday, March 2

SKY Scrabble

SKY Scrabblelovers unite for head-to-head friendly Scrabble games, for 55+. RSVP for a seat at a table as space is limited at our newly opened Seniors Cottage on Cardena Drive Write to

Sunday, March 3

CAWES Fundraiser

Brand new and slightly used pet accessories, plus a variety of household items. 1098 Foxglove Lane from 11 am to 2 pm.

Monday, March 4

SKY Strech & Strength

At Bowen Court from 9 to 9:45 am, everyone 55+ welcome.

No guest speakers during March!

Tuesday, March 5

SKY Musical Movement

Free for 55+ at Bowen Court with Marc Gawthrop playing on piano. Runs from 10 to 11 am.

Wednesday, March 6 & Friday, March 8

SKY Walks & Workshop

Meeting at Seniors Cottage on Cardena Drive at 10:30 am Friday walk at same time and place March 6 walk is followed by a social lunch at the Pub at Noon. March 6 also features the Craft of Writing Fiction with Carol Cram from 2 to 4 pm Workshop at Seniors Cottage, RSVP to

Thursday, March 7

SKY Yoga

Yoga with Diana at Bowen Court ($5 fee for non-members free for SKY members) from 10 to 11 am

Saturday, March 9

Teen Advisory Group at the Library

TAG is for teens who want to make the Library better for themselves and for other teens, and get volunteer hours too! Drop in from 1:30 to 3 pm

Saturday, March 9

Coffee House/Talent Show

Hosted by the Bowen Island Community Choir, at Cates Hill Chapel at 7 pm More info on Page 7.

Sunday, March 10

Book Donation Day at the Library

10 am until volunteers’ bins are full (no later than 12 pm). Please bring good conditioned books to the Library Annex. Find out more at

Sunday, March 10

Book Club at the Library

Join us for a casual book club with a twist! Come discuss books you’ve read old and new, loved or hated. Get rec-

Friday, March

ommendations and meet other book-loving locals! All ages of adults and youth welcome to drop in. Noon to 1 pm.


Chair Yoga with Jackie

Join Jackie from 1 to 2 pm at Collins Hall for a gentle approach to stretch, breath, alignment, balance, and relaxation. Sliding scale $15-20, drop-in or pay for the month in advance. Email for more info.

Pizza at the Legion

Brought to you by Melanie and Bowen Island Pizza Co. Come enjoy pizza and games from 5 to 7 pm. Guests & kids welcome! Also takes place Thursday (Adults 19+ only).


Storytime at the Library

A free, drop-in program of stories and songs for 2-4 yearolds and their caregivers! From 10:30 to 11 am. Runs to March 13.

Bowen Bridge

1:30 to 4:30 pm at Bowen Court. Fee $5 per person per session. Book by email ( no later than 6 pm on Monday. Also email for more information.

Meditation Evenings

Every Wednesday night from 7 to 8 pm Please contact John at 604-506-7197 for more details.


Legion Dinners

Dinners held every Friday except for long weekends. $13 for members and $15 for non-members Doors open at 5:30 pm, with dinner at 6:30 pm Tickets available for Legion members on Thursdays (purchase at Legion) and at the doors on Friday if tickets remaining


Open Mic Night at Doc’s

Come down to Doc Morgan’s and show off your musical talents! All instruments & singing styles welcome 5 to 8 pm

2024 A12 •

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