Bowen Island Undercurrent

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POTATO POWER Tuesday was the Sciencepalooza at Bowen Island Community School, featuring dozens of creative projects from student scientists This included the hypothesis by (L-R) Amelia Curry, Greta Gloag, & Olivia Curry that it’s not just light bulbs that can power a lamp - potatoes can too. The trio was right, proving that potatoes are not just tasty but can have practical applications as well. You can find more projects inside the paper, including the winner of the Egg Drop challenge. / Alex Kurial photo

Snug Cove House plans resurrected

A long-imagined housing project which looked to have fallen to the wayside has new life following a reenvisioning of the design.

Snug Cove House, a proposed living space for seniors, was on the verge of breaking ground last summer when a sharp spike in construction costs forced building plans to be called off But several months later a contractor approached Snug Cove House Society with ideas to revitalize the project. The society now has the funds to begin construction, and hopes to do so this year.

The building located at 1082 Miller Road would contain 24 one-bedroom units To make the project possible financially the house will need several development variance permits (DVP), including those related to lot size, parking spots, and setbacks Many of these have been granted by council in the past in anticipation of the house being constructed. But given some design changes, a new public consultation and review period is now underway.

A decision on the various DVP’s is expected at the April 9 council meeting. If the project proceeds a portion of the neighbouring lot would be used for a septic field



Submissionsby Friday March22


Ad spacereservation by Thursday March21 andadsubmission by Monday March25

FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 2024
VOL. 50 NO. 11 BIUndercurrent BowUndercurrent


AllCouncilmeetingsareopen tothepublictoattendin personorelectronically,unless notedotherwise.

March 25, 2024

1:00 pm



BIMisseekingtemporarysummerstafftosupportourRecreation teamwithrunningchildren’sdaycamps,andourPublicWorkscrewon maintaininghealthyroadsandparks!Thesepositionsaregrantfunded. Ifyouhaveanyquestionsaboutthesepositionsorwishtoapply,please

RecreationDaycampLeaders–2-3full-timepositionsavailable $23.98-$26.21perhourbasedonexperience.Mustbe18+,responsible forplanningandfacilitatingdailysummercampsforchildrenages5-11 andsupervisingCampstaffandvolunteers

RecreationDaycampAssistants–2-3positionsavailable.$20.84$22.78perhourbasedonexperience.SupportsDaycampLeadersto facilitatesuccessfulchildren’sdaycamps,andhelpsupervisecamp volunteers

SummerRoads&ParksAssistants–2positionsavailable.$21.00-$24.00 perhourbasedonexperience.Maintainhealthyroads,parks,beaches, docks,andothercriticalinfrastructuretomaximizepublicsafetyand enjoymentofBowen’ssummeramenities!

Sustainable Community Grants

Doyouneedsupportforaprojectthatincreasesclimateresiliency throughcommunityactionorenvironmentalprotection?

BIMisinvestinginclimateactionthroughtheSustainableCommunity GrantProgram.Manydifferenttypesofprojectsmaybesupported. Projectsshouldbeachievablewithintheyearofthegrant,relatetothe evaluationcriteria,andbenefitthecommunity.

Pleaserefertothegrantcriteriafordetails,andbeinnovative.Weare acceptingapplicationsuntilApril15,2024at4:30pm.

Claimyour Home Owner Grant

Homeownerscanapplyfortheircurrentyearortheirretroactive homeownergrantsonlinethruoghtheprovince.Thehomeowner grantreducestheamountofpropertytaxesyoupayeachyearonyour principalresidence

Theregulargrantamountis$570.Ifyourpropertyisassessedbelowthe thresholdandyoumeetcertainqualificationcriteria,youwillreceive thefullregulargrantamount.Ifyourproperty isassessedoverthethreshold,youmay receiveapartialgrant.

Thegrantthresholdfor2024is$2,150,000 assessedvalue.Thegrantisreducedby $5foreach$1,000ofassessedvalueover $2,150,000.Eligibleownersofproperties assessedupto$2,264,000mayreceivea partialregulargrant.

BC RentBank

Rentbanksareonepartofhousingstabilityandhomelessness preventionthathelpstenantsmaintaintheirhousingwhentimesget tough.Rentbankstakeaholisticapproachtohousingstability,offering financialassistanceandindividualizedsupportservicestohelptenants navigatetheirwayoutofthefinancialchallengesthatareputtingtheir housingatrisk,andtowardshousingstability


• Interest-freeloanstohelplow-to-moderateincomerenterswho arestrugglingtopayrentand/oressentialutilities(gas/hydro).

• Themaximumloanamountisupto$3500.

• Repaymenttermsarefrom6monthto36months.

• Termsofagreementaresetbyrentbanksthemselves.

Thisisaloanprogram. Applicantswillneed todemonstratethey havethefinancial abilitytopayregular monthlyexpenses andthemonthly loanrepayment,and ifeligible,willbe requiredtosubmitbank statements,proofoftenancy,andIDaspartoftheapplicationprocess

Friday, March 15, 2024 A2 • BowenIslandMunicipalHall 981ArtisanLane BowenIsland,BC V0N1G2 Hours:8:30am-4:30pm MondaytoFriday Closedstatutoryholidays Phone: 604-947-4255 Fax: 604-947-0193 Email: Website: BowenIsland Municipality Find us on Facebook Subscribe to ourmailing list March15,2024 ContactBowen IslandMunicipality

Friendlyreminder from Bowen IslandFireRescue

Volunteerfirefightersusetheirhazardlightswhentheyareen-routetoanemergencycall. Pleasecheckyourrearviewmirrorfrequentlywhendrivingonlocalroadssoyouwill noticeifafirefighterorfirstresponderisdrivingbehindyouintheirpersonalvehiclewith hazardlightsflashing.Ourvolunteerfirefightersusetheirhazardlightstoletyouknow whentheyareen-routetothefirehalltorespondtoanemergencycall-out.Allfirefighters haveBIVolunteerFireRescuelicenseplatebordersontheirvehicles.Pleasepullover whenyoufeelitssafetoallowourvolunteerstopass–yieldingcouldsavesomebody’s life.

Community CentreUpdate

ConstructionoftheCommunityCentrecontinuesintoSpringascontractorsarefinishing theinteriorandroof


InJanuary,weputoutacallfordigitalarttobeusedforglasssafetymarkingsinthe CommunityCentre,andreceivedanamazingarrayofsubmissionsfromlocalislanders. AjurywasselectedbythePublicArtAdvisoryCommitteetoevaluatetheartandselect twowinners.We’redelightedtoannouncethatdesignsbySimonJamesandEleanor Rosenbergwillsoongracetheglass,providingsafetyandbeauty!


TheBowencommunityhasreallycometogethertocreatethisCommunityCentre, andthiswillbehonouredonaDonorRecognitionwallrightinsidethefrontdoors.All contributionsover$200willberecognizedonthedonorwall.We’llbefinalizingnamesby March27,soifyouhaven’tcontributedyet,here’syourlastchance!


WinningdesignbySimonJames • A3 Friday, March 15, 2024 March15,2024 PAID ADVERTISEMENT



A+ Students

Thereare some pretty neat examplesofwhat ourBowen students have been up to in the paperthis week,includinganow decade-long fundraiseratIsland Pacific School to combat youth homelessness. It’s areality of thecrisis that is not alwaysthoughtofatfirst,but just a ferry ride away in Vancouver aremanyyouth who find themselves without aplace to stay at night. Thankstothe work of Covenant House and eagersupporters such as IPS(who always seem to be up to somethingimportant and impactful) many moreavenues of help are made possible each day, and will continueto be into the future.

Up at BowenIsland Community School the scientists of tomorroware beinginspiredwith thereturn of the Sciencepalooza, which Sarah Haxby recaps nicelyonthe next page.Abig thankyou to BICS for invitingmetotakepart in thefun as ajudge,and to thestudents whoenthusiasticallyexplained their projects to me,fromthe hypothesis to conclusion. It isclear from the excitement of theday that therewill be many moreexperimentsinthese kids’futures.ThanksalsotoTim Hausch (seen belowprior to another ascentinhis bucket) for making the EggDroppossible.The challenge reallyhad everybodyinvestedand is awonderful example of howtomakescience fun.

Have agreat week folks!

THE WRITE STUFF. TheUndercurrent encourages reader participation in your communitynewspaper.You must include your fullname and adaytime phone number (for verification only). Theeditorreservesthe righttoeditfor clarity,legality, brevityand taste. Please limit tounder 500 words. HERE’S HOW:Tosubmit aletter to the editor,fax 604-947-0148 or mail it to PO Box130, BowenIsland,BC, V0N1G0 or

#102–495 BowenTrunk Road, POBox 130, BowenIsland BC,V0N 1G0

Phone: 604.947.2442 Fax: 604.947.0148

DEADLINE foradvertisingMonday, 4p.m.

DEADLINE foreditorial Tuesday5 p.m.

BowenIsland UndercurrentSubscription Rates: Mailed 1year subscription on BowenIsland: $55, including GST. Within Canada: $85 includingGST Newsstand (Single Copy) $1.50 per copy,including GST ISSN 7819-5040


All Advertising and newscopycontent are copyrightof the UndercurrentNewspaper.All editorial content submittedtothe Undercurrent becomes the property of the publication. TheUndercurrent is not responsible forunsolicited manuscripts,art work and photographs.

National NewsMedia Council.

TheUndercurrent is amember of the National NewsMedia Council of Canada, which is an independentorganization established to dealwith acceptable journalistic practices and ethicalbehaviour. If youhave concerns about editorial content, please email editor@ or call604-947-2442. If youare not satisfied withthe response and wishtofile a formal complaint, visit the or call toll-free 1-844-877-1163 foradditional information.

PUBLISHER Matt Blair publisher@bowenisland CARTOONIST Ron Woodall ADVERTISING Tracey Wait ads@bowenisland AlexKurial editor@bowenisland
A4 •
Friday,March 15,2024

BICS Sciencepalooza and Gravity-Defying Eggs!

There was a hypothesis that it was time to hold a science fair at Bowen Island Community School this year, and the experiment was a huge success!

A month of scientific thinking was kicked off by the Sciencepalooza school assemblies with demonstrations of the physics of force and motion with guest presenters Jes and Harvest Slater, followed by demonstrations on how to set up a successful experiment with some liquid nitrogen demonstrations by Dr Travis and Kathryn Beals.

Science World presenters also came to the gym with educational and inspirational scientific demonstrations. On March 12 the Science Fair featured displays by the more than 40 students who created displays about their science experiments, which ranged from potato batteries to volcanos to looking at YouTube fakes

Guest Judges looked at all of the displays, and we would like to thank all the volunteers, who were a mix of special guests from the community which included Grandfriends, the Undercurrent’s editor, and parent

volunteers. Thank you to Guest Judges Alex Kurial, Susan Nelson, Jes Slater, Steve Elves, Janina Elliott, and Phil Adkins.

A huge thank you to our VIP volunteer: Tim Hausch and his big red van with the cherry picker lift bucket that carried all 40 Egg Drop Challenge entries high into the sky before gravity brought them dramatically down to earth again!

The 40 eggs were all encased in edible and/or recyclable materials with dimensions of the egg capsule fitting into a large zip-style bag. Nineteen eggs survived the dramatic and “splat-eriffic” fall to earth, and were then judged by weight, with the lightest three winning. Sailor’s 2.6 oz egg-saving contraption came in first place, with AJ’s 2.8 oz. in second and Finn F.’s 2.9 oz egg capsule in third place

An honourable mention goes to the entry that had an egg laid by the family’s pet chicken that survived the drop encased in the safety of a home-made loaf of bread!

A big thank you to all the parent and community volunteers, to BICS staff, and everyone who helped to make the monthlong learning experience such a success, and congratulations to all the science fair participants!

Having an event? Listings are always free in our weekly communitycalendar. Please emailyour listingto Alex by Tuesday5p.m. for thatweek's edition. Thank you! • A5 Friday, March 15, 2024
Dr. Travis and Kathryn Beals warmed up the students’ interest in science with some very cool liquid nitrogen demonstrations! / Sarah Haxby photo (Check out more Sciencepalooza photos on Page 6.)


Participants in theEgg Drop had to make suretheir egg survived quitethe fall without acrack.The competition waswon by Sailor Cooke,who was rewarded with thefamed EggDropTrophyfor hersafeand ingeniousdesign.


DEPART BOWENISLAND 5:20 am -exceptSun. 6:20 am 7:30 am 8:35 am 9:40 am 10:50 am 12:00 pm 1:10 pm 2:55 pm 4:00 pm -exceptWeds. 5:10 pm 6:15 pm 7:25 pm -exceptSat. 8:55 pm 10:00pmTuestoSun WaterTaxionly 11:00 pm Tues to SunWater Taxi only DEPART HORSESHOEBAY 5:50 am 6:50 am 8:00 am 9:05 am -except Weds. 10:15am 11:25am 12:35pm 2:20 pm 3:30 pm 4:35 pm 5:45 pm 6:50 pm 8:20 pm -except Sat. 9:30 pm Tues to Sun. Water Taxi only 10:30pmTuestoSun. Water Taxi only Queen of Capilano Ferry Schedule IN EFFECT UNTILWEDNESDAY MARCH27TH . Earlywarning: Full berthclosure April 6th. Scan code belowfor more info on sched. Schedulescan change PlacesofWorship WelcomeYou CATES HILL CHAPEL 604-947-4260 (661 Carter Rd.) ST.GERARD’SROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH BOWEN ISLANDUNITEDCHURCH Sunday Mass at 9.30 Contact AngelaPowell604-947-2515
Gatherings ~Holidays
Lorraine Ashdown |1122
am Rev.
Rev. Phil
Dela Butler Gutelius(above)saidshe likestoblowthings up,and did just that with her vinegar and baking soda volcano.Meanwhile, ScottyParker (right) harnessed thepower of steamtopropelhis boat. Isla Towne and Livea Stevenson (left) hada special assistantfor their projectbraveBubbles the Hamster,who travelled through amazeatvarying speeds inpursuit of food at the end.Meanwhile WyattWebb (right)showedjust how electric astatic charge can be. snaps by Alex Kurial (ground) &Tim Hausch (sky).
A6 •
Friday,March 15,2024


Saturday, March16

French Connections at theLibrary

Drop in and join us to practice your conversational French, and gettoknowotherFrenchlanguage learnerson Bowen Island! Thefocus is on beginner andintermediate speakers.Meets 10:30to11:30

Saturday,March 16

SKY Scrabble

Scrabblelovers unitefor head-to-head friendlyScrabble games,for 55+.RSVPfor aseatata tableasspace is limited at ournewly openedSeniors CottageonCardena Drive. 1to 3 pm.Email

Saturday, March16

Garden Club SpeakerSeries

Fred Nilsen, retired directorofthe Hoyt Arboretumin Portland, Oregon, inspires as he shares examples of fall and winter plants that provide seasonal interest with colorful blooms,foliage, and bark.Bowen Public LibraryAnnex, doors at 4pmand talk at 4:30. Club members free,or$5.

Sunday, March17

SKY Hangouts

Drop in at the Cottage on Cardena:wewill beoffering a warm place to stop in for acoffee, teaand atreat while visitingwith fellowseniorsorfriends.From1to 2:30 pm. Hangouts alsotakingplace Tuesday,March 19 and Friday, March22, all at same time and place.

Monday,March 18

SKY Strech &Strength

At BowenCourt from 9to9:45 am,everyone55+ welcome. NoguestspeakersduringMarch!

To March19

Nowruz Scavenger Hunt at theLibrary

Come play ourNowruzScavenger Hunt atBowen Library! Find pictures of Haft-Seenitems hidden in the children’s section to discoverwhattheysymbolize

Tuesday, March19


Free for 55+ at BowenCourt with Marc Gawthrop playing onpiano.Runsfrom10to 11 am.

Wednesday, March20

FibreArtsGuild Meeting

MeetatCollins Hall from 10:30 am to Noon. Knitters, crocheters,stitchers, quilters, weaversofall levels welcome Please bringShow&Tell

Wednesday, March20&Friday,March 22

SKY Walks

Meeting at the Catholic Church at 10:30 am.Friday walk at same timeand place.

Thursday,March 21

SKY Yoga

Yoga with DianaatBowen Court($5 feefor non-members freefor SKY members) from 10 to 11 am

Saturday, March23

Small Town Pride: Film &Discussion at theLibrary

With Leah Gregg. Join us at1 pm for this documentaryon the joys and challengesofbeingqueer in asmall town,then stay for adiscussion ledbyLeahGregg at 2pmon“What can BowenIsland do to better supportour LGBTQ2S+ community?”and “What could acommunityPride eventlooklike on BowenIsland?” Find

Sunday, March24

Book Donation Day at theLibrary

10 am until volunteers’binsare full (nolater than 12 pm). Pleasebring goodconditionedbooks to the Library Annex.

Sunday, March24

Author Talk atthe Library

With CarolCramonher book TheManyFaces of MAID:

What to Expect When SomeoneYou Know ChoosesMedical Assistance in Dying. Carolwilltalkabout compilingthe stories of17people,includingherself,who supportedaloved onethrough MAID. Reverend Lorraine Ashdown will join Caroltooffer herperspective.1:30

Monday,March 25

Rotary SpeakerSeries

Charles McNeill, senior adviser to UNDP on Forests and Climate, will be theRotary speaker at 7:30 pm at Artisan Eats,the titleofhis talkbeing “Report on the recent ClimateConferenceinDubai (COP28) and on last week’s Conference at the VaticanwithPopeFrancisonIndigenous Peoples’ Knowledge”.Everyoneiswelcome to join the Rotary Clubfor thisinteresting and apposite presentation.


Chair Yoga with Jackie

Join Jackie from 1to2pmatCollins Hall fora gentle approach to stretch,breath, alignment, balance,and relaxation. Slidingscale $15-20, drop-inorpay forthe month in advance.Email formoreinfo



1:30 to 4:30 pm at BowenCourt.Fee $5 perpersonper session. Book by email ( no laterthan 6pmonMonday. Also email formoreinformation.

Meditation Evenings

EveryWednesday nightfrom7to8pm. Please contact John at 604-506-7197 formoredetails.


Legion Dinners

Dinnersheldevery Friday except forlongweekends.$13 for membersand $15 fornon-members.Doors open at 5:30 pm,withdinnerat6:30 pm.Tickets available forLegion membersonThursdays (purchase at Legion) and at the doorsonFridayiftickets remaining.

REGULAR HOURS Mon-Fri 9-5 Closed Sat &Sun CONTACT 604.947.9247 COCO&REMY Meet the newest additionofthe family,Coco! Here she is alongside her adored brother Remy. This sweet girl came into the clinic for her first round of puppy vaccinesand won everyone over without even trying. Major projects don’t need to have major impacts. WoodfibreLNG will housenon-local workers on afloatel, reducingpressure on local housingin Squamish. • A7 Friday, March15, 2024

Island Pacific School marks 10 years of Sleep Outs


Island Pacific School celebrated a service milestone last month by participating in their 10th annual Sleep Out in support of Covenant House.

The fundraiser is now a fundamental part of students’ final year at IPS. The work began a decade ago when Jennifer Henrichsen, assistant head of school and Grade 9 homeroom teacher, was exploring the community service aspect of the program with her students

Henrichsen explained the students were looking for a greater challenge “They wanted to work with kids that are their age, they wanted to give back to other youth, and I wanted them to have an organization that had the full picture of support when you’re dealing with homelessness,” she says

So she reached out to Covenant House, and the partnership was born. The Vancouver-based organization works with young people age 16 to 24 who are experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness. Covenant House offers several support programs across its three downtown locations, along with dozens of residences for youth receiving assistance

“It’s so much more than a shelter,” says Jennifer Hall, manager of corporate foundation and community fundraising for Covenant House. She says the group’s work centres on a continuum of care, which includes outreach teams working on the ground, counselling and guidance, assistance with substance abuse, and spaces to either drop-in or stay based on the youth’s needs.

“It’s a whole program where we nurture the whole person,” says Hall. “The

youth come and they make the decision to walk through our doors, they make the decision to stay or not… which I think is part of the success of the program. Because it’s for youth who have gotten to a place where they are ready to reach out for support.”

One of the activities run by Covenant House is the Sleep Out program. The fundraiser takes on different forms depending on who is participating, and includes a student edition which the IPS kids take part in. Students spend the day volunteering at Covenant House before experiencing some of the realities of finding yourself without a home. This includes finding food with minimal resources, and of course spending the night outside. While adult sleep outs often take place in the alley behind Covenant House, the student versions take place at the school’s location of choice, in this case Island Pacific School’s own backyard

Hall says the point is not to pretend you are homeless. “It’s not about trying to approximate what that would be like, because we’re doing it for a night… It’s about creating space for empathy and awareness,” she explains “When they walk by someone who’s outside on the street they’ll see the person first before they see the homelessness… It creates understanding of why someone might be in that circumstance.”

“And it creates space for you to have a conversation and learn about it without there being any judgement. Obviously, the fundraising side of it is really important for Covenant House, but also the awareness building When we’re working with a school, those students talk to their parents who talk to their friends and it just helps really grow that understanding of why somebody might be in the situation

they’re in,” says Hall.

The IPS sleep out day this year was February 28, but preparation for the Grade 9’s begins months in advance. A member of Covenant House visits the school in December to talk about what to except and what fundraising for the event looks like. Then, when the week of the sleep out arrives, Henrichsen gathers the students to “make sure that they were aware that they were going into a situation that may be uncomfortable for them I told them and their parents that I wanted them to be cold, hungry, and tired and wet. And we checked all those boxes, which is the point.”

The day starts at school with a ferry to the mainland and bus ride to downtown The students then walk down Granville Street to

Covenant House for their volunteer work, which this year was helping prepare for an adult sleep out later that week At 4 pm it’s then time to go out and find dinner – with a budget of just $3 each By pooling their resources Henrichsen said they were able to scrape together some meals, such as peanut butter sandwiches or instant noodles. But healthier or more substantial meals were off the table.

After spending some time downtown – in this case in the elements during a rainy day –the students return to Bowen and IPS, where they settle in for the night outside A recap of the day includes a talk with Vancouver Coastal Health nurse Kristen Locher about her work on the Downtown Eastside, and then it is off to bed.


To subscribepleasecall604-947-2442oremail Deliveredtoyour Canada Postmailbox everyweek for$55 peryear ($85 to offisland addresses) Thank youfor your supportoflocal journalism.
Friday, March 15, 2024 A8 •


In the morningstudents writereflections on the day before, and then it’s rightoff to class–the realityfor many youth who find themselves homeless but arestill trying to pursue their education.

“Theyalsorealizethat doing this for just onenight washardfor them.But if youhad to do that nightafter nightafter nightfor months, that they were gettinga very lightexperience,although it wasitwas impactful enough to understand that,” says Henrichsen.

Sheadds that focusing on young peoplefurther drives thepointhome.“Ithink understanding that kids even their agecan be dealing with issues that theydon’t normallyhavetothink about- domestic Violence,physicalviolence,fostercaresystems,drugaddiction within theirfamilies,never mind within themselves,mentalhealth issues,all of those things that contribute to ayouth being unhoused or beingout of their house and trying to find their way-it’ssomuchmoreresonating when you realizethat could be a15-yearold,” says Henrichsen.

TheSleep Outs serveasmorethanjustaneducational experience,there’salsoafundraisingcomponentwhichIPS hastaken part in fromthe start. In their decade of work with Covenant Housethe school hasraised morethan$90,000 to supporttheir efforts, includingmorethan$8,000this year.

“Itseriously blows us away everysingleyearbecause they’rethis tinyschooland theyjustare mighty.They raised so many donations,” says Hall.

Henrichsen says the impact is lasting, andschool alumni continue to supportCovenantHouse and similar organizations after graduatingIPS.“Thebiggest thingistohavethem understandthatpeople whoare unhousedare part of ourcommunity, andtobuild empathyfor peopledealing with harder times.And that thereishope, and theycan be part of abetterfutureand amore hopeful future.”

“The kids raisingthe moneycan seethat thesupport programs that Covenant Houseprovides,thatthereare good news stories comingout of there. Abig thingthat we talked aboutisthat someone who is unhoused,that maybeashortchapterintheirlife.Andit’sonlywithhelp that theycan closethatchapter and starta new one,” says Henrichsen.

Questionsabout yourcareer? WorkBCcanhelp. WorkBChelpsconnectpeoplelivingwith disabilitieswithsupportstosucceedin theworkplaceandtheircareer. yournearestWorkBCcentre. • A9 Friday, March15, 2024
Friday, March 15, 2024 A10 • Health and WellnessonBowen To advertisehere please call the Undercurrent at 604-947-2442 oremail $12 per week DR.GLORIACHAO FAMILY DENTIST FRIDAY 10-4:30PM AT ARTISAN SQUARE 604-947-0734 HORSESHOEBAY 604-921-8522 NEW PATIENTS WELCOME BC WIDE CLASSIFIEDS ANSWERS THANK YOUFOR RECYCLING THIS NEWSPAPER. Join our growing network! Jointhe conversationat Join our growing network! Jointhe conversationat MARKETPLACE Your Community Call or email to place your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604-362-0586 •604-653-7851 classifieds vancourier com 604-653-7851 i . gnome matter what it is..s... Peoplelove a bargain! Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT Aprivate room or bachelor suite for rent starting May 1st, 2024. IamFrench, Canadian, African American, female PhD student, who works and studies full-time. Iamquiet, mature, responsible, non smoker looking for asingle room or abachelor suite in a safe home. Ihave good references and Ihave been on the island for 4years. My budget is $700. Iamhappy to cook, clean and bake and take care of the garden to pay for higher rent. Please call 778-323-7749. • A11 Friday, March 15, 2024 Styleand service for every budget ® On Bowen serving Sea to Sky 604-785-0990 Charmaine Heffelfinger CONTACT US FORA FREE QUOTATION WWW WHITEHART.CA ADDRESS 302-566ARTISAN LANEBOWEN ISLAND,BC PHONE 1(778) 999-3434 BUILT GREENBCBUILDER NEWCONSTRUCTION RENOVATIONS RESTORATION ADDITIONS SECONDARYSTRUCTURES UNIQUE OUTDOORSPACES SUBCONTRACT WORK TimRhodes REALTOR® 604.341.9488 RHODESONBOWEN REAL ESTATE MARKETING goingthatextra mile Andy Rainsley:604-947-0674• CELL 778-231-7283• BOWEN HOME SERVICES BOWEN HOME SERVICES love the life you live Computer problems (ITtrainer Property checks Tili Home andCommercialwork GeneralRepairs Electrical repairsoralterations ApplianceRepair(25 Years) Plumbing fixes Computer problems (ITtrainer) 604-679-9483 Property checks Flooring Tiling Picturehanging Flat Pack building 100% LocalBowen Island Electricians RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL SERVICE 604328 4329 COMPLETE HOME RENOVATIONS INTERIOR &EXTERIOR QUALITY WORKMANSHIP REDSEALTICKETED &INSURED SNUG COVE CONSTRUCTION 604 925 8711 "Wedogood work!" 604-987-7663 Metalroofing| Tradeticket certified#00012-RO-96 Flatroofing| Sheetmetalflashing AsphaltShingles|Repairs Local towing and recovery, battery boosting, unlock vehicles, tire change……. Call 604-341-6351 BOWEN TOWING 604-947-1717 | I&.ITOWING HAULING LTD HAUNG TD •• • FlatDeck Towing • Equipment Moves • MaterialDeliveries • ScrapCar Removal •Irrigation •Landscape Lighting •Hydroseeding Office: 604-947-9686 Callnow forLandscape Lighting Services and Installations WindowBlinds OnBowen 778-995-1902 & &AAWNINGS WNINGS Gary Charette Roofinginc ServingBowen Island since 2000 Alltypesofroofing Professionally Installed ROOFINGSPECIFIC LIABILITYINSURANCE &VALID WCB WWW.GARYCHARETTEROOFING.COM bowenislandundercurrent Stories and photos from In printand online allthe time your community rent re ent com Storiesand photos from your community In printand online allthe time

Library events aim to promote dialogue around Pride support

Bowen Island is a small community with neighbourliness, opinions galore, heart, and increasingly, Pride.

The Island’s independent schools have been holding much-loved Pride events for their students, and here at the Library we held a Mini Pride Parade last June With so many BC communities large and small establishing their own events to celebrate those who are LGBTQ2S+, can Bowen Island do more to show support and inclusiveness? An upcoming program at the Bowen Island Library aims to spark discussion around this topic

On Saturday, March 23, at 1 pm, we’ll be showing the film “Small Town Pride,” co-written and directed by Riley Sparks, (who grew up on Bowen Island!), and Chelle Turingan. This 60-minute documentary is an intimate look at the joys and challenges of being queer in small towns, following LGBTQ2S+

people and allies as they prepare for their local Pride celebrations.

We are honoured to have Bowen Island local Leah Gregg lead a discussion after the film Leah is a self-described “enthusiasm enthusiast, champion of positivity, and purveyor of silliness” You may have seen her in her hot dog costume emcee Bowfest last summer, or at the rally at Bowen Island Community School for trans-inclusiveness. Leah is passionate about positive social change and inclusive communities, and volunteers with several organizations on Bowen.

“I’m honoured to be a part of this community and this event,” says Leah “Our family moved here in summer 2020, and we’ve felt very welcomed by Bowen. With so many wildly creative folks based on the island, I really look forward to brainstorming what a future community pride event could look like here!”

At the discussion, members of the LGBTQ2S+ community, their families, friends, allies, and all interested community members are encouraged to share thoughts and listen to others’ Leah will lead us in discussing the film and explor-

ing how Bowen Island can better support members of the LGBTQ2S+ community.

Members of the Bowen Island Literacy Task Group will also be in attendance to listen and to share information about possible funding available to support Pride on Bowen, whether through a Pride event or other activities or programs

If you’re interested in seeing all-ages Pride events happen on Bowen, and especially if you’d like to be involved in their creation, this is a great opportunity to explore what those might look like and to meet other community members who want the same and make connections.

We look forward to having a wide variety of community members at this event, and encourage people to come for the film at 1 pm, the discussion at 2 pm, or just one or the other whatever works for you All ages are welcome, but please note that this film is unrated (folks can find trailers online if they’d like to get a sense of the film).

We hope to see you there! You can find out more at

SnugCoveTerminalLifeExtension ProjectUpdate

HelloBowenIslanders!Welcometothethirdinstallmentofthe SnugCoveprojectupdates.

We’vemadegreatprogressoverthelasttwomonthsandhave nowsuccessfullycompletedanumberofkeyelementsincluding strengtheningstructuralcomponentsandrestoringdamaged concrete.Inaddition,severalofthemorenotableenhancements includethenewpedestrianwalkwayplating,rubbertransition platesandapronfingers.Theseadditions,uniquetoSnugCove, shouldsignificantlyreducetrafficnoiseforourneighbours.

Whilemuchoftheworkhasbeensmoothandontarget,the slowerstartduetosnowfallearlyintheyearhasmeantwe’ve neededtoextendtheprojectbyaweek,withfullregularservice nowsettoreturnstartingApril8

SailingscheduleswillcontinuetobeamendedTuesdaythrough Sunday,withnochangetoMonday'sscheduleuptoand includingMarch27.Allcurrentsupportsfortravelers,including complimentarywatertaxiandshuttleservice,willremainin placeforthistimeperiod

Tosupportyourholidaytravel,uninterruptedservice,providedon theQueenofCapilano,onthecurrentmodifiedschedulewillbe availableMarch28toApril4,withnowatertaxisavailable

duringthistime.Finalschedulemodificationswilltakeplace betweenApril5and7followingthelongweekend,andwill includeonelastfull-dayberthclosureonApril6.

Allthedetailsandnewprintableschedulescanbefoundonline befoundatbcferriescom

Ilookforwardtoonemorecheck-inwithyouinearlyAprilwhen wewillmarkthecompletionoftheproject.

Thanksagaintoeveryoneforyourpatience,understandingand flexibilityoverthecourseofthiswork.Ithasbeenapleasure servingyou,andIlookforwardtofuturevisitstoBowen!



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