Bowen Island Undercurrent April 12, 2024

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FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 2024

PLAY BALL! Both kids and adults rallied for a thorough cleanup effort of the Snug Cove baseball field last Saturday in anticipation of the new season ahead Once the hard work was over, there was plenty of time for some fun (and snacks) around the bases too. You can read and see more of the volunteers’ efforts to spruce up the diamond on Page 9. / Andrea Layzell photo

A new storytelling group is sparking conversation and togetherness in the community.

Speak the Spark, an evening of story sharing by local residents, now has a few sessions in the books after launching last year. Chela Davison, Cat Main, Sarah-Jane Curry, and Dominique Lando are the team behind the idea, which came from a motivation to better get to know their friends and neighbours here on the island.

“We’d each had a different pull and desire for community engagement, but - noticing the amount of digital connectivity and the kinds of engagement that happens in online spaces - a desire and need for empathy and connection,” says Davison of the in-person gatherings.

The group’s first evening took place at Tuscany restaurant in the Cove, but it didn’t take long to find themselves at capacity. This led to experimenting with Evergreen Hall in Deep Bay, a venue which worked well for the last evening and will once again play host to Speak the Spark this month. The group notes that the hall itself sparks fond memories, with many people recalling the dances they used to attend there back in the day.


BEAUTIFUL,WELL-LOVED ARTS & CRAFTSSTYLE HOME WITH PANORAMIC VIEWS AND GUEST SUITE Finished with European flair and unique, vintage features sourcedfrom turn-of-the-century homes in Victoria andOak Bay. •180° mountain/valley/ocean views •fully-fenced garden, lawn and patios •4bedrooms/3full bathrooms •includes 800+ sq.ft. guest suite COMING SOON 604.220.7085 TOP of allRealtors2022-2023 in GVREB *perGVREB MLS reportedsales 10% on Realtor2023 #1 MARY LYNN MACHADO PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION BowenIsland *
inc GST
Let’s Talk About
VOL. 50
15 BIUndercurrent BowUndercurrent .50 THE FAR REACHING ARMS PAGE 7

AllCouncilmeetingsareopen tothepublictoattendin personorelectronically,unless notedotherwise.

April22, 2024

1:00pm RegularCouncilMeeting

We’reHiring BylawServicesOfficer

BIMhasanimmediatevacancyforafull-timeBylawServicesOfficer responsibleforeducationandenforcementofMunicipalbylaws.

Theworkinvolvesconductingregularpatrols;preparingeducational materials;andrespondingtoandinvestigatingpubliccomplaintsand inquiries,referringmorecomplexcasestothedepartmentManager

TheBylawServicesOfficerisresponsiblefortheeducationand enforcementofMunicipalBylawsandPolicyadministrationin accordancewiththeBowenIslandMunicipalityBylawEnforcement Policy

Formoreinformationaboutthisjob,includingadetailedjobdescription andsalaryrangecheckoutourwebsiteat:

We’reHiring RecreationProgrammer

BIMhasanimmediatevacancyforafull-timeRecreationProgrammer specializinginadultfitness,sports,outdoorrecreation,andlifelong learning.

TogetherwiththeRecreationteam,theRecreationProgrammerdesigns andimplementsdiverserecreationalandculturalprograms,events,and activitiesfortheBowenIslandcommunity

Thispositionis35hoursperweek,10:00am-6:00pm,workingthree weekdaysandtheweekend.

Formoreinformationaboutthisjob,includingadetailedjobdescription andsalaryrangecheckoutourwebsiteat:

Municipal Hall Closure Staff Development


We’reclosedonWednesday,April17,2024,from11:15amforanstaff developmentevent.


Invasive Species Action Himalayanblackberry

Needtogetyourblackberryundercontrol?Getitbeforeitget’syou. Earlyspringisthebesttimetodigouttheroots,whichistheonlywayto erradicateblackberry

DrinkingWater Advisory forpeople with compromised immunesystems

TheProvincialHealthOfficeradvisesallBritishColumbianswith compromisedimmunesystems(suchasHIV,organorbonetransplants, chemotherapyormedicationsthatsuppresstheimmunesystem)to avoiddrinkingwaterfromanysurfacewaterorgroundwaterthatis undertheinfluenceofsurfacewater,unlessithasbeenboiled,filtered, distilledortreatedwithUV.BowenIslandandotherareasinBritish Columbiausesurfacewatersources(lakes,rivers,streams).

Thisisnotageneralboil-wateradvisoryforthegeneralpublic,but ratherisdirectedonlyatpeoplewithcompromisedimmunesystems.If indoubtaboutyourimmunesystemstatus,pleasediscussthisfurther withyourphysician.

Friday, April 12, 2024 A2 • BowenIslandMunicipalHall 981ArtisanLane BowenIsland,BC V0N1G2 Hours:8:30am-4:30pm MondaytoFriday Closedstatutoryholidays Phone: 604-947-4255 Fax: 604-947-0193 Email: Website: BowenIsland Municipality Find us on Facebook Subscribe to ourmailing list April12,2024 ContactBowenIsland Municipality


Muni Morsels - April 8 Meeting

Green Light for Snug Cove House

The future seniors housing complex on Miller Road was given the green light this week with the granting of a development variance permit.

The planned 24-unit building is now on the verge of reality following decades of attempts to break ground on the project. Construction is expected to begin later this year. To make the building viable financially, the DVP will allow for flexibility in areas such as parking spaces and various

dimension requirements.

“Having seen this (project) in previous go-arounds, I’m delighted to have it in front of us again,” said Coun. Sue Ellen Fast. The DVP was granted unanimously

A Pre-Fab Future

A temporary use permit was approved to allow for the construction of prefabricated home parts at a central Bowen Island location.

Island company Kiwi Innovation made the application to construct a light manufacturing facility at their vacant lot along Grafton Road, between Mount Gardner and

Earth Day Festival & Fix-It Fair

On Saturday April 20, Island Pacific School will celebrate Earth Day by holding an Earth Day festival and Fix-It Fair.

The festival will include stations where visitors can explore a multitude of ways for people to be kinder to the Earth. There will be tours of our pollinator and vegetable garden as well as our hydroponic food tower and indoor honeybee hive. There will be stations for people to plant seeds and bring home their own pollinator-friendly flowers, information on nature-based carbon sequestration methods, an Ocean-debris art display and activities, displays of stu-

dent’s upcycling projects, and opportunities to learn about fast fashion and upcycling clothing solutions.

We will have a special guest from “Our Social Fabric” - an organization in Vancouver that collects and resells waste materials from large industries to teach people about creative solutions to reducing waste. We hope to add further activities in the coming weeks.

The festival will also include the very popular Fix-it Fair where people can bring in their broken electronics, jewelry and other items as well as clothing that needs repair.

The event will run from 11 am to 3 pm. We look forward to seeing you there!


Carter Roads The TUP will be in effect for three years. Following that, Kiwi has expressed their desire to construct a permanent residential or commercial development on the land. The 0.57-acre space was originally zoned to be a gas station.

“I’m in favour of this motion because pre-fab panels… is good environmental thinking. Creating these on-island also reduces travel back and forth. It seems to be a win-win for the climate,” said Coun. Sue Ellen Fast

Coun. Tim Wake agreed “This is the direction everyone is going in terms of off-site manufacturing of housing, rather than on-site stick framing, having to go for weeks or months on end with buildings exposed to the weather. It’s really going to help us create some of the smaller, more affordable units that we need.”

The temporary use permit was approved unanimously

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($85 to offisland addresses)

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Thank youfor your supportoflocal journalism. • A3 Friday, April 12, 2024



TheGrounds Crew

Wowwhat alot of greatstories and photoswehad sent in this week! Amongthemall we’regettingaprettythorough look at alot of what’s happenedorcomingupinthe past fewor nextfew days.Thisincludes endings and beginnings,some sports coverage,the nextinstallmentinthe alwayspopular Fix-It Fair, and achance to hang outwith theequally popularIsland goatsPickles andPeanutas they go aboutsome importantbusiness.

Abig shoutouttoeverybodywho worked so hard this past weekend to getthe ball field readyfor the new year.There’s goingtobe many,manyhours spentthere over thenext few months,and the quality of playand fan experience is goingtobemuchhigherbecause of this crew (and alsoall thosewho maintain thenow sparklingfield goingforward).

Andrea Layzell gives us alookatthese volunteerslater in the paper, andyou may have already noticedsome of the younger helpersonthe frontpage. Sheincludedone more photoofAngie Vyner andNovabelow, whichwas toogoodnot to include.Well done everyone and seeyou outthere soon!

All Advertising and newscopycontent arecopyrightof the Undercurrent Newspaper.All editorial contentsubmittedtothe Undercurrent becomes the property of the publication. TheUndercurrent is not responsiblefor unsolicited manuscripts,art work and photographs. National NewsMedia Council. TheUndercurrent is amember of theNational NewsMedia Council of Canada, which is an independentorganization established to dealwith acceptable journalistic practices and ethical behaviour.Ifyou have concerns about editorial content, please email editor@ or call 604-947-2442. If youare not satisfied withthe response and wishtofile a formal complaint, visit the or call toll-free 1-844-877-1163 foradditional information. 2011 CCNA CA NAD IAN COMMUNIT NEWSPAPE AWARD 2011 PUBLISHER Matt Blair publisher@bowenisland CARTOONIST Ron Woodall ADVERTISING Tracey Wait ads@bowenisland EDITOR Alex Kurial editor@bowenisland #102–495 BowenTrunk Road, PO Box130, BowenIslandBC,V0N 1G0 Phone: 604.947.2442 Fax: 604.947.0148 DEADLINE foradvertising Monday,4p.m. DEADLINE foreditorial Tuesday5 p.m. BowenIsland UndercurrentSubscription Rates: Mailed 1year subscription on BowenIsland: $55, including GST.Within Canada: $85 including GST Newsstand (Single Copy)$1.50 per copy,including GST ISSN 7819-5040 THE WRITE STUFF. TheUndercurrentencourages reader participation inyourcommunity newspaper.You must include your full name and adaytime phone number (for verification only). Theeditorreservesthe righttoeditfor clarity,legality, brevityand taste. Please limit tounder 500 words. HERE’SHOW:Tosubmit aletter to the editor,fax 604-947-0148 or mailittoPOBox 130, BowenIsland,BC, V0N 1G0or
12,2024 A4 •


Re: Islands Trust 2024/25 Budget

I’d like to comment on the reporting of the Islands Trust budget. When Bowen voted to become a municipality, it was on the condition that we remain in the Islands Trust with their special mandate to preserve and protect.

We gained control of land use planning and bylaw enforcement, but opting out of some services and not others required a somewhat complicated funding formula that requires detailed examination and separation of expenses

Reporting of the Trust budget for 20242025 mentioned, in particular, “Projects planned by Islands Trust for the year ahead include the creation of an accessibility committee and several land use planning projects. Many of these are taking place on Salt Spring Island…” I can assure Boweners that none of the planning or bylaw enforcement expenses in the Trust budget have been included in our share.

The process of budget review meant looking at each line and questioning anything related to planning. One very expensive item was new office space for Salt Spring Island. An early version of the budget proposed payment from surplus.

Trustee Sue Ellen Fast successfully argued that Bowen would have contributed to general surplus funds that had accumulated and thus indirectly would be helping to pay for a planning expense, which would be contrary to our funding formula. In part, that’s how the original estimate of an 18 per cent increase got reduced to 10 per cent. Trustee Fast has more experience, is well-

versed in the nuances and went through the proposed budget in detail and argued successfully for several recalculations.

In addition, as I understand it, but admittedly I am on shaky ground here in terms of the sophistication of my understanding, the separation of Bowen from the pool of all the islands creates a slightly confusing skewed reference to percentages. Any increase for all the islands is shared by a larger population with generally lower property values, while our share increase is linked to just our census numbers and our generally higher property values.

There is the comment in the reporting that, “As a percentage of the organization’s total budget however, Bowen’s contribution is almost exactly the same, 3.56 per cent this year compared to 3.47 per cent for 2023/24.”

Increased administrative costs we will be contributing to are costs like rent and unionized wage increases, plus an unavoidable upgrade of the computer operating system, and the hiring of a new CAO. We also voted to support the Islands Trust Conservancy’s research and programmes which includes, in addition to accumulating assets, some popular educational webinars on stewardship (freshwater resource mapping, wildfire preparation).

Going into the final budget discussions, the Financial Planning Committee had recommended reducing Conservancy funding while supporting special projects that were of local interest to specific islands. That discussion resulted in my goal to get better representation for Bowen on the Financial Planning Committee.

I offer this comment in the hope of improved understanding and increased support for the valuable work of the Trust.

Wednesday morning was the soft launch of Tippy’s Cookhouse, the new restaurant from Glenn Cormier of the Bowen Island Pub. The venue will be specializing in breakfast and lunch from its Snug Cove location. Tippy’s is holding an open house this Saturday, April 13 from 11 am to 2 pm for anyone interested in touring the space, and then the restaurant is fully open for business on Tuesday, April 16. / Basia Lieske photo

Come join Peanut & Pickles this Sunday, April 14 for a cleanup of the Grafton Lake Trail! Help out the pair of goats as they pick up and sort garbage and recycling. Stick around for a hike up to Dennis Lynn lookout. Meet at the Grafton Lake Dam at 10 am, and find more trail-based events in this week’s calendar!

- Bowen Island Trail Society • A5 Friday, April 12, 2024

Ladies GolfSeason set to teeoff


BowenWomen’s Golf

Calling all Lady Golfers!

Spring is here and the Bowen Women’s League is gearing up for another funfilled season on our spectacular9-hole golf course.

Please join us at ourwelcome cof-

fee party at the Clubhouse (810 Beach Drive) on Thursday, April 18 from 10 to 11:30 am at The Shed Eatery -coffee and pastries provided.

Consider playing around afterthe meetingorstaying forlunch and meeting like-minded women.

The league playsevery Thursday morning, with theofficial start of the seasonbeing April 25 with tee

times starting at 9am, rain or shine. The season is filled with games, prizes and laughs. Membership at thecourse not arequirementto join the league, you can payas you play!

Golfers ofevery levelwelcome.The league goes throughSeptember, where we have awind up lunch and assorted prizes for all participants.

BOWEN ISLANDPUBLICLIBRARY SUMMER READINGCLUB PROGRAMLEAD APPLYBYAPRIL 26,5PM EMAIL:INFO@BOWENLIBRARY.CA Find out moreat: Major projects don’t need to have major impacts. WoodfibreLNG will housenon-localworkers on afloatel, reducingpressure onlocalhousinginSquamish.
Friday,April 12,2024 A6 •

Remembering theApple Tree

REV.LORRAINE ASHDOWN BowenIslandUnitedChurch

Many of you know that ourbeloved Apple Tree at Bowen Island United Church has gone to its finalrestingplace.

The tree held many memories forIslandersofall ages. Itwas climbed by children, provided shade for manya Strawberry Tea and various outdoor eventsand wassimply abeautiful old Bowen icon.

As stewards of this treasured tree, Bowen IslandUnited Church invitesthe Community to gather around theremnant of our tree at 6:45 pm on Saturday, April 20. We’ll tell some stories,share memories andthen headintoCollins Hallat7:15 and be entertained by aBowen Islandstarstudded line up.

Admission is by donation and therewill be aconcession andperhaps afew surprises.

If you can’t make the event, butwould like to help supportour overallproject of removing andreplacingthe tree, please send an e-transfer to

We do hope that many of you will join usaswehonourthe AppleTree andshare dreams and visionsofwhatwillcome next in theyard of Bowen Island United Church, aplace whereall are welcome. Always.

Questions? Find me at bowenislandunitedchurch@gmail. com


April 24 |12:00-2:30PM

Newand interested families areinvited to join us forsomefun EarthDay activitiesand connect withother newstudents whoare starting at Island Pacific School in September 2024. Please RSVP by April 17th. Grades6-9

experience islandpacific school
INVITED REGULAR HOURS CONTACT Mon-Fri9-5 ClosedSat &Sun 604.947.9247
Meet ‘Sender’!Thislovely younglady came into theclinic forher annual physical exam. She wasashappy andexcited aboutmeeting everyone,as thestaffwas about meeting her! Sender not only got away with some tastytreatsbut also got her vaccines up to date and some flea and tickmeds to go home with.Thisisyour remindertocheckifyour pet is due forany vaccines and bookanappointment either by coming by theclinicanytime during our opening hours (Mon–Fri 9am -5pm) or giving us acall. We even offer vaccinebooklets to keep track of theimmunization of your four-legged friends Our friendly staff would be happy to helpyou out. • A7 Friday, April12, 2024
Lorraine Ashdown and Lois Belluk (guitars) serenadeAnna-Marieand Murray Atherton under the shade of thenow-departedApple Tree./Submitted photo

Speakthe Sparklookstokeep growing its storytelling lineup


Evenings typically consist of about sixstorytellers who eachrecount a10-minutelong experience from their life –whichhas to be true.Admission is by donation with funds going toward different Indigenousorganizations in the area, “… which is part of our acknowledgement and wrestlingwith being settlers on this land,”says Davison.

Each night has atheme which influences the typesofstories being told. These are chosen in different ways, sometimes looking to previous topics at similarstorytelling events, and sometimes letting the fatesdecide with the drawing of Oracle cards. Prior themes have included ‘Taking Off’, ‘Something New,’ and now coming up, ‘Chemistry’.

“It’s like you’re going to ashow, but it’s more intimate and you’re hanging outwith your friends,”says Davison. “Some of the feedbackwe’ve heardafter people leave is they feel more connectedtothemselves or connected to each other. There’sthissense of courage andbravery that you’re hearing a personal story from your neighbour that you may not have everheard about them.”

“You get to see adifferent side ofpeople… We might have an idea of folks, but what’s behind the surface?” says fellow organizer Main, adding it’s “an opportunityto get to know peopleinanew light.”

“We’re trying tocreate acontainer where we get to be with each other’s humanity.It’s

entertaining, it’sreally fun. It’s not like it’sa seriousnightoftherapy,” says Main Overtimethe groupishopingtobuild a wide rangeofstories and people whotell them. To do this, they’re aimingtoshow that volunteering to talk in front of acrowd is not asscary as it first sounds.

“What I’ve noticed in talking to different peopleinthe community aboutitis thereare alot of peoplewho areintrigued who also say, I’d love to listenbutI could never tell one.And then the longer you talk, youstart to see they’d really love to be able to, but between that impulseand feeling ready there’s agap,” says Davison. “So we’ve got this curiosity abouthow could we foster more confidence and bravery andreadinesstobeableto tellstories.”

Main says she thinks the crowdsupport can helpwith bringing peopleacross the line fromaudience membertostoryteller. “Yes, it’sscarytoget up in frontofpeople. But wetell stories all the time. We would sitdownhere just as folks and tell stories about ourweekend… It’s actually averysoft landing. People are coming with areally generous ability to listen…That’s actually been reallyinspiring so far to see how warm theaudienceis.”

“Ithinkbecauseit’ssucha bravething to do maybe that’s what also cultivatesthe warmth. We sort of sense that we need to support the person… We can’t check

Speak the Sparkcreators (L-R)Dominique Lando, Chela Davison, &Cat Main (Sarah-JaneCurry wasaway) introduce the theme forthe night’stalks at a storytellinggathering./Submitted photo

out because they’regoingtofeelthat,” says Main.

Thediversity of stories hasalsohelped driveaudienceengagement. “One of the things that makesitsorichisthatsome storiesare reallyfunny,othersare really touching, othersare what’s goingtohappen next?” explains Davison.

“Somepeople have experience as storytellersorperformers,but most don’t and that’s kind of the point. So you reallyget a senseofauthenticityand connectionand awindowintopeople’s livesand who they are,”she adds.

To make the eveningmore inclusive, notesare allowed up on-stage. And for any

audience membersnervousabout showing up, not to worry –there’s no chance of being selectedatrandom to getupand talk.But, the grouphopesthatafter seeing howwarm and welcoming the environment is, that people will be inspiredtoshare their stories in the future.

The nextSpeak the Spark is Tuesday, April 16 at Evergreen Hall, located at 464 Melmore Road. The nightstarts at 7 pm andusually wraps up by 9. Bringing snacks or drinks is also encouraged Speakers who will be sharing tales at the next outing include Davison, Lando, Lorraine Ashdown, Andrew Leonard, Gail Lotenberg, andSimon Daniel James.

DEPART BOWENISLAND 5:20 am -exceptSun. 6:20 am 7:30 am 8:35 am 9:40 am 10:50am 12:00pm 1:10 pm 2:55 pm 4:00 pm -exceptWeds. 5:10 pm 6:15 pm 7:25 pm -noSat.exceptApril 13 8:30 pm 9:30 pm 10:30pmexceptApril 12,13, &14 DEPARTHORSESHOE BAY 5:50 am 6:50 am 8:00 am 9:05 am -except Weds 10:15am 11:25am 12:35pm 2:20 pm 3:30 pm 4:35 pm 5:45 pm 6:50 pm 8:00 pm -noSaturdays except April13 9:00 pm 10:00pmnot on April12,13 &14 QUEEN OFCAPILANOFERRY SCHEDULE APRIL8 2024 TO MAY152024 Schedulescan change withoutnotice. Stay up to date at PlacesofWorship WelcomeYou CATES HILLCHAPEL 604-947-4260 (661 Carter Rd.) ST.GERARD’SROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH BOWEN ISLANDUNITED CHURCH Sunday Mass at 9.30 Contact Angela Powell604-947-2515 SHIRATHAYAM(Songof theSea) BOWEN’SJEWISH COMMUNITY Shabbat Gatherings ~Holidays Sunday Worship 10:30 am Rev. Lorraine Ashdown |1122 Miller Road 778-688-2061 OFFICE HOURS WEDNESDAY10-4ORBYAPPOINTMENT SundayWorship 10:00 Rev. Phil Adkins Contact • FOOD BANK DROP-OFF
Friday,April 12,2024 A8 •

Opening Day at Snug Cove Field

Despite the chilly breeze that swept across the field, Youth Baseball Opening Day on Bowen was filled with excitement as two 5U, two 7U, one 9U, one 11U and one 13U team eagerly took to the ball field.

They kicked off the day with lively base races, setting the tone for a day of fun and friendly competition It was a joy to see the youngsters sprinting down the baseline with new uniforms and smiles on their faces, fueled by the thrill of the game.

Before the event started, the parent community and many youth players rallied together for a massive clean-up effort, ensuring the ballpark was in top

shape The ballfield and surrounding area took a beating this winter, with a lot of broken branches and trees.

On top of the tree debris to organize, the field is often used as a dog park and while most owners are respectful of the field, dog sticks, holes and other “leavings” create dangerous hazards for the players. Volunteers worked tirelessly to ensure that the ballpark was safe for the season ahead.

Under the guidance of dedicated coaches, players enjoyed a variety of baseball-themed activities set up by Dr Nic Lendvoy, including throwing accuracy games, hitting drills, and an obstacle course. Even the youngest players, including the 5U team, were engrossed in the activities, reluctant to leave the field.

The 13U team led the activities and

did an outstanding job giving back to the next generation of baseball players. Special thanks to Amanda Towne, Scott Stevenson, and Colin Turnbull for dedicating their time and effort to ensure that the BBQ was a roaring success, adding the perfect finishing touch to an spectacular opening day event.

Opening Day served as a reminder of the joy and camaraderie that baseball brings even to the littlest ball players on the Island. As the day came to a close, there was a feeling of optimism and anticipation for the season ahead.

And as they look ahead to the challenges and triumphs that await them on the field, one thing is certain – the spirit of baseball is alive and thriving on Bowen Island.

Let’s play ball!

Help Wanted@$45 /hr VacationRental/B&B Housekeeping

Popular and busy short-term rental near KillarneyLake requiresanon-call housekeepertoturnover themain home and 2separate B&B units between guest stays this season. This position is well-suited for someonewithascheduleflexible enoughtodoturnoversbetween 10am and3pm. For more details or to schedule an on-siteinterview, pleaseemail:

Lee Vincent carried out the crucial role of lining the field for the many games ahead this year (Leah Gregg photo, above) Scott Johnson, Lee Vincent, Angie Vyner, & Leah Gregg all leant a helping hand and big smiles during cleanup of the field (Henry Campbell photo, below). They were helped by many other adults, plus some enthusiastic young ballplayers who then took to the field for some play once work was all done (Andrea Layzell photos, left)

COMMERCIAL SPACE AVAILABLE FOR RENT 583 Prometheus Lane (lower levelofArtisan Square) 658 Square feet Self-contained shower, kitchenette and bathroom, make this space your own. Current rent: $1,375 per month Enquiries:
604-240-6525 • A9 Friday, April 12, 2024
Friday, April 12, 2024 A10 • Health and WellnessonBowen To advertisehere please call the Undercurrent at 604-947-2442 oremail $12 per week DR.GLORIACHAO FAMILY DENTIST FRIDAY 10-4:30PM AT ARTISAN SQUARE 604-947-0734 HORSESHOEBAY 604-921-8522 NEW PATIENTS WELCOME BC WIDE CLASSIFIEDS ANSWERS Join our growing tk! Jointhe conversationat Join our growingJointhesationat network! conversationat growing network! J conversationat MARKETPLACE Your Community Call or email to place your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604-362-0586 •604-653-7851 604-653-7851 i . gnome matter what it is..s... Peoplelove abargain! • A11 Friday, April 12, 2024 BOWEN HOME SERVICES BOWEN HOME SERVICES love the life you live THANK YOUFOR RECYCLINGTHIS NEWSPAPER. THANK YOUFOR RECYCLING THIS NEWSPAPER. THANK YOU FOR RECYCLING THIS NEWSPAPER. THANK YOUFOR RECYCLING THIS NEWSPAPER Gary Charette Roofinginc ServingBowen Island since 2000 Alltypesofroofing Professionally Installed ROOFINGSPECIFIC LIABILITY INSURANCE &VALID WCB WWW.GARYCHARETTEROOFING.COM Style andservice for every budget.® On Bowen serving SeatoSky 604-785-0990 Charmaine Heffelfinger 604-947-1717 | I&.ITOWING HAULING LTD HAUNG TD •• • Flat DeckTowing • Equipment Moves • Material Deliveries • Scrap Car Removal COMPLETE HOME RENOVATIONS INTERIOR &EXTERIOR QUALITY WORKMANSHIP REDSEALTICKETED& INSURED SNUG COVE CONSTRUCTION 604 925 8711 "Wedogood work!" Andy Rainsley: 604-947-0674 •CELL778-231-7283• CONTACTUSFOR AFREEQUOTATION WWW.WHITEHART.CA ADDRESS 302-566ARTISAN LANE BOWENISLAND BC PHONE 1(778)999-3434 BUILTGREEN BC BUILDER NEWCONSTRUCTION RENOVATIONS RESTORATION ADDITIONS SECONDARYSTRUCTURES UNIQUE OUTDOORSPACES SUBCONTRACT WORK •Irrigation •LandscapeLighting •Hydroseeding Office:604-947-9686 Callnow forLandscapeLighting Servicesand Installations Localtowingand recovery, battery boosting, unlock vehicles, tire change… Call 604-341-6351 BOWEN TOWING TimRhodes REALTOR® 604.341.9488 RHODESONBOWEN REAL ESTATE MARKETING goingthatextra mile 604-987-7663 Metalroofing| Tradeticketcertified#00012-RO-96 Flatroofing| Sheetmetalflashing AsphaltShingles |Repairs 100% LocalBowen Island Electricians RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL SERVICE 604328 4329 Computer problems (ITtrainer Property checks Tili Home andCommercialwork GeneralRepairs Electrical repairsoralterations ApplianceRepair(25 Years) Plumbing fixes Computer problems (ITtrainer) 604-679-9483 Property checks Flooring Tiling Picturehanging Flat Pack building Window Blinds On Bowen 778-995-1902 & &AAWNINGS WNINGS bowenislandundercurre Stories and photos from In print and online allthe time your community Stories and photos from your community


Saturday, April 13

French Connections at the Library

Drop in and join us to practice your conversational French, and get to know other French language learners on Bowen Island! The focus is on beginner and intermediate speakers. Meets 10:30 to 11:30 am.

Saturday, April 13

SKY Scrabble

Scrabblelovers unite for head-to-head friendly Scrabble games, for 55+. 1 to 3 pm RSVP for a seat at a table as space is limited at our newly opened Seniors Cottage on Cardena Drive. Write to

Saturday, April 13

Johnny & June’s Rockin’ Roadhouse

Live musical tribute to Johnny Cash & June Carter Cash. With the BC Three at Bowen Island Legion. Tickets $25, available at the Legion.

Sunday, April 14

BITS Trail Trash Pick Up and Hike with Goats

Join Peanut and Pickles for a Trail Clean Up Hike. Meet at the Grafton Lake Road Dam 10 am

Sunday, April 14

Bring Your Own Book Club at the Library

A casual book club to discuss books you’ve read old and new, loved or hated Get recommendations and meet other book-loving locals! All ages of adults and youth welcome to drop in from Noon to 1 pm

Sunday, April 14

SKY Hangouts

Drop in at the Cottage on Cardena Drive: We will be offering a warm place to stop in for a coffee, tea and a treat while visiting with fellow seniors or friends From 1 to 3 pm

Hangouts also April 15, 16, 19, same time and place.

Tuesday, April 16

Garden Club Speaker Series

Guest speaker is Jason Crouch from Fraser Valley Rose

Farm He’ll speak all about roses. At Legion from 1 to 2 pm

Tuesday, April 16

Speak the Spark Storytelling

Story evening at Evergreen Hall. See Front Page for more.

Wednesday, April 17 & Friday, April 19

SKY Walks

Meet at Catholic Church (1111 Miller Road) at 10:30 am

Wednesday, April 17

BITS Who Let the Dogs Out?

Join us for a group dog walk around Grafton Lake. Meet at the Grafton Lake Road Dam at 6 pm.

Thursday, April 18

SKY Trek to Gibsons

For info, or to RSVP, write to Please RSVP at least two days in advance

Friday, April 19

Dementia Workshop at the Library

Dementia Workshop: Dementia Friends We all have a part to play! Small, everyday actions can help build a community that is inclusive, supportive of and safe for people living with dementia. Free for everyone Registration is required. Please call the First Link® Dementia Helpline at 1-800-936-6033 to register to attend.

Saturday, April 20

Earth Day Festival & Fix-It Fair

Come celebrate Earth Day at Island Pacific School from 11 am to 3 pm. Combination event with the spring Fix-It Fair. Check out Page 3 for full details

Saturday, April 20

Goodbye to Apple Tree

Meet at Bowen Island United Church to say farewell to the beloved Apple Tree Gathering at 6:45 pm with reception at

7:15. See Page 7 for full details.

Sunday, April 21

Book Donation Day at the Library

Starts at 10 am and runs until volunteers’ bins are full (no later than 12 pm). A volunteer will pre-screen your donations while you wait and will accept those that meet donation guidelines. Donors will need to take back any items that do not meet the guidelines Find out more at

Sunday, April 21

BITS Kids Trail Bike

For ages 6 to 12. Meet at Collins Road behind the Little Red Church Bring your bike, helmet, water, snacks, and of course smiles! Starts at 10 am

Wednesday, April 24

Experience Island Pacific School

New and interested families are invited to join us for some fun Earth Day activities and connect with other new students who are starting at Island Pacific School in September 2024. Please RSVP by April 17. Runs 12 to 2:30 pm


Storytime at the Library

A free, drop-in program of stories and songs for 2-4 yearolds and their caregivers! Runs from 10:30 to 11 am Runs through June 5.

Bowen Bridge

1:30 to 4:30 pm at Bowen Court. Fee $5 per person per session. Book by email ( no later than 6 pm on Monday. Also email for more information.

Meditation Evenings

Every Wednesday night from 7 to 8 pm

Please contact John at 604-506-7197 for more details.


Open Mic Night at Doc’s

Come down to Doc Morgan’s and show off your musical talents! All instruments & singing styles welcome 5 to 8 pm

April 12, 2024 A12 •

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