

An opening ceremony for the Bowen Island Community Health Centre was held on Monday.
While it’s still a few weeks away from the official April 29 opening, members of the Health Centre and the community were joined by provincial health minister Adrian Dix at the Miller Road facility to mark an achievement years in the making. The centre’s offerings will enhance primary care access for Islanders significantly both upon opening and over the coming years.
“We’re doing something that I think is remarkable, something that’s going to attract health care professionals here, something that’s going to bring people more care and better care… It is amazing and I am very proud of this community,” said Dix, adding he expects around 3,500 patients to be connected to a primary care provider at the centre over the next two years.
AllCouncilmeetingsareopen tothepublictoattendin personorelectronically,unless notedotherwise.
April22, 2024
1:00pm RegularCouncilMeeting
May 2, 2024
10:30 am BoardofVarianceMeeting
PROJECTDESCRIPTION:ABoardofVarianceapplicationhasbeen submittedfor235ShoreLanetoreducethesetbacktothesea,for ingroundswimmingpool,from15metresto11.14metres
Writtensubmissionsaccepteduntil12:00pmonApril30,2023: ByE-mailtoplanning@bimbc.ca,inperson,bymailto981ArtisanLane, BowenIsland,BC,V0N1G2orbyfaxto604-947-0193
Toensureafairprocess,writtensubmissionscannotbeacceptedafter thedeadline.
Seeourwebsiteformoreinformationat: www.bowenislandmunicipality.ca/planning
Questions?ContactDanielMartin,ManagerofPlanningand Development,byemailatdmartin@bimbc.caorbycalling 604-947-4255ext230.
• BylawServicesOfficer-PermanentFull-time
• RecreationProgrammer-PermanentFull-time,includingthree weekdaysandtheweekend
• FerryTrafficMarshals-Temporary,on-call
Tofindoutmoreaboutthesepositions,includingadetailedjob descriptionandsalaryrange,pleasegotoourwebsite:
Questions?ContactKatStephensbyemailathr@bimbc.caorcall 604-947-4255ext226
PROJECTDESCRIPTION:BIMhasreceivedanapplicationtoamend theOfficialCommunityPlanandLandUseBylawtoenablethe subdivisionof564CollinsRoadtobesubdividedintotwoproperties. StaffarepreparingtointroducetheapplicationtoCouncilattheApril 22,2024RegularCouncilMeetingandareseekingdirectiontoreferthe applicationtoadvisorycommittees
IfCouncilchoosestoadvancetheapplicationtherwillbefurther opportunitiesforthepublictocommentontheapplication,includinga formalPublicHearingwhichwouldbeheldbeforeabylawisadopted.
MOREINFORMATIONATMUNICIPALHALL:Theapplicationmay beviewedatMunicipalHallbetween8:30AMand4:30PM,Monday throughFriday(excludingstatutoryholidays)oronthemunicipal websiteatwww.bowenislandmunicipality.ca/planning
Questions?ContactDanielMartin,ManagerofPlanningand Development,byemailatdmartin@bimbc.caorbycalling 604-947-4255ext230.
ThePlaninformsandfocusesthedecisionsandpoliciesofCouncil duringthistermofoffice,andincludesfourgoalstohelpusachieve ourvision.
Special Contributor
Marian Bantjes’ relationship with AI is… complicated
You can’t say that AI (artificial intelligence) was her muse when she created Complications, a fascinating exhibit on display at The Hearth until April 22. Nor can you call AI her artistic partner. The exhibit’s whimsical prints represent hundreds of hours manipulating and composing images she generated with a computer program called Midjourney. And before she spent many more hours piecing them all together, she drew out the design by hand.
It’s her brain, her sense of humour, her absolute mastery of graphic design, that compel the viewer to be beguiled by each piece’s countless details which only become apparent when you step towards the massive gilt frame.
The vase that’s filled with a bouquet of fluffy white clouds? Come closer and you’ll see dozens of beefy, half-naked wrestlers locked in battle. It’s simply impossible not to giggle at the incongruity of it all. The branches of flowers arranged in stark contrast to the black background? You’ll wonder if she unearthed portraits by a Dutch master who hundreds of years ago was commissioned to paint endless variations of women’s intricate bouffant hair styles and neck collars, no two of them the same.
Banjtes used Midjourney’s text-to-image algorithms to create the individual images in each of the pieces.
The use of vases originated from a discussion with Douglas Coupland. She’d shown him some of the things she was working on back when Complications was just a glint in her eye and he said she should go bigger. He also suggested the use of figure ground.
“With figure ground, there’s a focus on an object and then there’s a background. When he said figure ground, the first thing that popped into my head was the image of the vase. I liked it because I thought most artists end up doing a vase of flowers. But the vase could hold anything. And what if there’s no focus of the vase; what if the vase is just a flat thing and stuff comes out of the void?”
Coupland was also at her 60th birthday party at her home on Bowen Island, where she’s lived for almost 30 years. She printed out some of the images that Midjourney had created for her and asked her guests if they were art. Some people said no. Bantjes said yes.
“AI is capable of making images of such astonishing beauty and surprise that it is very hard for me to say ‘That’s not art,’” she explains. “AI completely delights me at times, frustrates me at other times and continually astonishes me as to how stupid it is. It’s got this façade of intelligence that masks its supreme stupidity.”
It’s the stupid side of AI that makes her not fear it as an artist.
“AI has such an effed-up non-understanding of the world that it makes amazing things,” Bantjes says.
*A longer version of this story, which explores Bantjes’ fascination with AI, is on the Undercurrent’s website.
Marian Bantjes’ exhibit, Complications, is at The Hearth until April 22. Her piece Crustaceans may first appear to be a vase of flowers Step closer and the bouquet reveals itself of dozens of AI-generated spot prawns and other fantastical sea creatures. / Martha Perkins photo
NoticeisherebygiventhattheBowenIslandMunicipality(BIM)iscontemplatingmakinga directawardofafixedpricecontracttoGreatPacificConsultingLtd,tocompletedetailed designofthenewwastewateroutfallwithintheSnugCoveSewerLocalServiceArea.
ThetermofthecontractisexpectedtoproceedinMayandbecompletebySeptember 2024,andisnottoexceed$123,547,excludingGST,intotalpotentialvalue.
TheBowenIslandMunicipalityhaschosennottotenderthecontemplatedcontractfor thefollowingreasons:
1. Replacementofthefailedwastewateroutfallisapressingregulatoryrequirementand anenvironmentalimperative.
2. Designforthenewoutfallcanproceedmostefficientlybyhiringthefirmthat completedthepreliminarydesignandEnvironmentalImpactStudyforthenew outfall.
3. TherearesufficientfundsintheSnugCoveSewerReservetofundthedetaileddesign workwhileconcurrentlyconductingtheborrowing(PetitionAgainst)processforthe capitalfundingrequiredfortheproject,resultinginlessdelaysforcompletingthe project.
•AnyChallengeobjectingtotheNOIisrequiredtobeinEnglishandsenttotheOfficial ContactinwritingorsuchChallengewillnotbeconsidered
•ChallengestotheNOIshouldbereceivedbytheOfficialContactbeforetheClosing DateandTime
•ASubmissionDeclarationFormmustaccompanyanyChallengessubmittedby emailorhardcopy.
•IfBIMreceivesaChallengetotheNOIbeforetheClosingDateandTime,BIMmust assesswhetherthechallengeisjustified;andwhetheracompetitiveprocessshould beundertaken.
•IfnoChallengestotheNOIarereceivedpriortotheClosingDateandTimeor noRespondentsubmitsaChallengethatisjustifiedbyBIM,BIMmaycommence contractnegotiationswiththeSupplierforthegoods,servicesand/orconstruction describedintheNOI.
Enquiriesandanyresponsesprovidingnewinformationwillberecordedandposted toBCBidasAddendaorotherwisedistributedtoRespondents.Despitetheforegoing, BIMmaychooseinitssolediscretionnottorespond,respondinwholeorinpart, orreformulateenquiriesinwholeorinpart.BIMmayinitssolediscretionchoose whethertopostanysuchenquiriesandresponsestoBCBidorotherwisedistributeto Respondents
ChallengestothisNOIbecomethepropertyofBIMandwillbeheld,subjecttothe provisionsoftheFreedomofInformationandProtectionofPrivacyAct.
981ArtisanLane,BowenIsland,BC V0N1G2
Friday,April 19,2024
What awonderful dayitwas on Monday to seethe CommunityHealth Centre come to life While I’ve been able to watch theconstruction processoverthe past two and abit years, it’s clearthat so much work wasdoneby many amazingpeople for alongtime before that, prior to ashoveleverenteringthe ground.
This will surely be one of the most impactfulprojectscompleted on the island in terms of benefits available forthe community,and from an aesthetic pointofviewI’vefound both theinside and outside pleasanttolookattoo Congrats to everyone who took part in the projectoverthe years, and to everyone who donated too-the final communityfundraising figure reallyshows just howstronglypeoplegot behind this campaign!
Theofficial openingday is April29, and three days beforethat is ourfinal Aprilpaper which just happenstobeanIsland-Wide issue. So, that means it’s time to make acommunity calloutfor stories,photos,musings, andmore. If thereisapic you’reproud of or something you think the town should know, this isthe issueto showcaseitin!
Bigkudos to ourVancouver Canuckstoo, who as of Wednesdayafternoon at thevery leastare Division Champions for the firsttime since 2013. It’s ourfirst playoffs since2020, and first one we cangather togetherto cheerfor since 2015. By the time thispaper comesout we should knowour firstround opponent, and then thefun of playoff hockeybeginsthisweekend. Some excitingweeks of puck ahead!
-AlexKurial, EditorTHE WRITE STUFF. TheUndercurrent encourages reader participation in your community newspaper.You must include your full name and adaytime phone number (for verification only). Theeditor reservesthe righttoedit for clarity,legality, brevityand taste.Pleaselimit to under 500 words. HERE’S HOW:Tosubmit a letter to the editor,fax 604-947-0148ormailitto PO Box130, BowenIsland,BC, V0N 1G0 or email editor@bowenislandundercurrent.com
Island Pacific School held a blessing ceremony on April 10 for the new Colin Ruloff Community Field House at the school Bob Baker (S7aplek) and the Eagle Song Dancers (Spakwus Slolem) performed the blessing on behalf of Squamish Nation. The space has already played host to many school and community events since being completed last year, and will be the site of many more Island events for years to come, including a dance party at the end of next month. / Jen Henrichsen & Julia McCaig photos
Stay Tuned for Appreciation Event in June....
Toeachandeverydedicated,generousmemberof ourcommittees,thediligentsoulstirelesslyserving inourlibraries,thebravemenandwomenwho serveasfirstresponders,thesteadfastteamsof emergencysupportvolunteers, thepassionate facilitatorswhobringsportstolife,andthe promisingLeadersinTrainingwhorepresentour future
Yourunwaveringcommitmentandboundless energyarethedrivingforcesbehindtheflourishing tapestryofourcommunity.It'sthroughyour selflessness,expertise,andpassionthatwe continuetogrowandthrivetogether
Onbehalfofourentirecommunity,BowenIsland MunicipalStaff,MayorandCouncilextendour deepestgratitudeforyourinvaluablecontributions. THANK YOU!!!
Sunday Worship10:30 am
Rev.Lorraine Ashdown
www.biuc.ca |1122 Miller Road 778-688-2061
Sunday Mass at 9.30
Contact Angela Powell604-947-2515
Contact aryana.rayne@gmail.com •www.shirathayam.ca FOOD BANK DROP-OFF
604-947-4260 (661 Carter Rd.)
Sunday Worship10:00
Rev. Phil Adkins
SHIRATHAYAM (Songof the Sea)
Shabbat Gatherings ~Holidays
In fact the centre hasalready attracted several ofthose professionals to be part of its team, including Dr. Lindsay Downey, Dr. Stephanie Shorter,and nurse practitioner Laura FitzGerald, who were all in the crowd. Afocus on team-based care is atthe core ofthe centre’s identity, and when fully staffed will also include nurses, counsellors, social workers, adietician and physiotherapist, adental practice, and the new homeofLifeLabs.
Health Centre Foundation president TimRhodes was emotional while recounting the efforts made over the past decade to make this day possible. “Ten years ago the decision was made that a health centre was crucial to providing on-island access to health care services that most communities take for granted. There was no plan.There was no money. There was no land.Frankly you really had noidea what you were taking on,” said Rhodes to Health Centre Foundation members whowere there since theinception of the project, includingColleen O’Neil and Dr. LloydPurdy.
“But you took the first step, and with uncanny synchronicity, you stepped up to provide the expertise we needed whenwe needed it. Your passionand determination createdthis reality,” says Rhodes. O’Neil received particularpraise for her fundraising efforts, which servedas
amassive driverfor the centre’s success. Overall the Foundation raised $8.6 million throughcontributions from more than 550 families. Along with the province’s $3.1 million in funding it was enough to bring the project over the finish line. O’Neillwill continue at the centre as acommunity health worker, arole she is joined in by Megan Smithand Matt Smith.
Bowen’sexisting doctors, Matt Blackwood and Susanne Schloegl, are also transferring to the new centre, with Schloegl scheduled for retirement at the end of May.
“The BowenIsland Community Health Centre represents an innovative model of team-based carewith primary careservices collaborating with Allied Healthcare providers, whichhas beencommunity inspired and governed. Ourgoal is not only limited to dealing with what is the matter with you, but we really want to knowwhat matters to you, and provide that level of service,” said Blackwood.
“Ourwhole teamconsiders it aprivilege to work in thisnew building, and with each other, serving the healthcare needs of Bowen Island,” addedBlackwood.
“I think the advantage is obvious in terms of the varietyand types of care youneed,” said Dix on the team-basedcare approach, notinghis ownexperiences working with dieticians, and the province’s push toward ensuring nurse practitioners play amore central role in primary care
APRIL8 2024 TO MAY152024
Schedules canchangewithout notice.Stayuptodateatbcferries.com
“What we’ve done here… is come together to say we’re going to build excellent team-based health care here in the community. It’s going to be attractive to doctors long after the fundraising is a memory, and the work and construction are done. We’re going to be able to attract people long-term to this community,” said the minister.
The Health Centre totals more than 10,000 square feet over two levels and will operate on an annual budget of $2.5 million Opening hours will be 8 am to 8 pm Monday to Friday, and 9 am to 1:30 pm on Saturday. While there isn’t a dedicated emergency room – residents are still advised to call 911 for treatment in the case of an emergency – the centre is equipped to treat some injuries or infections that need urgent care.
Anyone who wishes to become a patient at the Health Centre can do so through the provincial Health Connect Registry or by calling 811. Sign-ups can’t be made by calling the centre Existing patients can find more information on appointments by calling 604-947-9986, or by visiting the centre’s new website
Nation (right). The centre required many hands to finally become a reality (above). / Alex Kurial photos
Areyou concerned about housing, seniors, equity,diversity and inclusion, youth activities, and arts and cultureonBowen?
Thursday April25thatArtisan Square 4-8pm
Cometry outall of ourbathingsuitcover ups forthe summer season!
ModelAmandaEuringer, wearingour Hannah DressinMoroccanBlue/Black, over her bathingsuit. Bamboo sustainablefashion
MOVEMENTGLOBAL TOSHHOME& GARDEN movementglobal.com toshdecor.ca
Isyouroutdoor space "summerready"?
Dropbyfor some inspiration, amocktail& achancetowin a "summerevening's gift box"
Please join us to learn howyour support makes adifference. Weare excitedtoaward $75,000 in community grants, introducethe Foundation’snew boardmembers, and announcesome newinitiatives.
We hope to raise aglasswith youincelebration of community! Sunday, May5,2024–3:00pm •Cates Hill Chapel 661Carter Road, BowenIsland
Please RSVP by Friday, April 26• info@bowenfoundation.com Light refreshments served. www.bowenfoundation.com
Saturday, April 20
Earth DayFestival &Fix-ItFair
Come celebrateEarth DayatIsland Pacific School from 11 amto3pm. Combination eventwiththe spring Fix-It Fair.
Saturday, April 20
SKY Mahjong
MahjongatSenior’s CottageonCardena Drive. Please RVSP to info@skyonbowenisland.catoreserve aseatatthe table. Beginnerswelcome!Runs 1to3pm.
Saturday, April 20
FamilyPlace Discussion
Dads:How canweshowupbestfor ourkids, partnersand most importantlyourselves? We liveinchallengingtimes with many demands.How do we take care of ourselvesand fulfill multiple roles and expectations? RobWynen will lead this 90-minutediscussion amongst dads to explorethese questions and howmentalwellnessimpacts youasparent and partner.Rob is aProfessional Counsellor specializing in men’smental health,empowering them to navigatechallenges and find healing, embodyinghopeinmentalwellness. At FamilyPlace (650 Carter Road) from 3to4:30 pm.
Saturday, April 20
GoodbyetoApple Tree
Meet at BowenIsland United Church to sayfarewell to the belovedApple Tree.Gatheringat6:45 pm with aspecial reception afterwardsat7:15.
Sunday, April 21
Book Donation Dayatthe Library
Starts at 10 am and runs untilvolunteers’ bins arefull (nolater than 12 pm). Avolunteer will pre-screen your donations while youwait and will acceptthose that meet donation guidelines.Donorswillneedtotakebackany
items that do not meet the guidelines.Find outmoreat bipl.ca/donatebooks
Sunday, April 21
BITS Kids TrailBike
Forages6to12. Meet at CollinsRoadbehind the Little RedChurch. Bringyourbike, helmet,water,snacks, and of course smiles! Starts at 10 am
Sunday,April 21 (& other dates)
Drop in at the CottageonCardenaDrive:Wewillbe offeringawarm place to stop in for acoffee, tea and atreat whilevisiting with fellowseniors or friends.From1 to 3pm. Hangouts alsoApril 22, 23, 26, same timeand place
Tuesday, April 23
Specialistsatthe Library
Drop in to seeaCommunity Integration Service specialist and/or aWorkBCCareerAdvisor.Community Integration specialistshelp peopleaccessfinancial,housing, and health supports,government programs,disabilityassistance,and more. TheCareerAdvisor helps with resumes, coverletters,interviewing, jobsearches,job market and education advice.11amto2pm. bipl.ca/workbc &bipl.ca/CIS
Wednesday, April24&Friday,April 26
Meet at Quarry Park to walk Headwatersat10:30 am Friday walk same place,it’saguidedFlora Walk with Bowen Recreation, and starts at 10 am
Wednesday, April24
ExperienceIslandPacific School
Newand interested families areinvited to join us for some funEarth Dayactivities and connect with other new students whoare startingatIsland Pacific School in September 2024. Runs 12 to 2:30 pm
Wednesday, April 24
FibreArtsGuild Meeting
BowenIsland FibreArtsGuild meeting at CollinsHall
Thisupdateissimplytoconfirmtheendofconstructiononourlifeextension project,andIcouldn’tbehappiertoreturnyourregular,uninterruptedschedule. Ithasbeenthreefullmonthsofhardworkbyourcontractorandprojectteams, onlymadeeasierbytheunderstandingandhospitalityshownbyyour community.Werecognizetheimpactsofthisworkonyourdailylives,andthe nightlylivesofourimmediateneighboursinSnugCove,andweverymuch appreciateyourpatienceasweworkedthroughthechallengesinherentwith thistypeofwork
Asaresultofthisprojectwork,theberthwillcontinuetoprovidesafeand reliableessentialserviceforyearstocome.Pleasenotethatyoumaystillseeour maintenancecrewsattheberthoverthecomingweeksasthereareoftenminor deficienciestobeaddressedaftersignificantwork;however,Isuspectmynext visittoyourbeautifulislandwillbeforleisureandnotwork
Thanksagaintoeveryoneforyourpatienceand understandingoverthepastseveralmonths
Wishingyousafetravelsandpeacefulnights, JesseLightman
TolearnmorescantheQRcodeor, visitbcferriesprojects.ca/snug-cove-tp
from 7to8:30 pm Knitters,crocheters, stitchers, quilters, weaversofall levels welcome. Please bringShow&Tell.
Thursday, April25
GettingReady for SummerPop-Up
Tryonyourbeach cover-ups,get ideas on howtostyle yourexistingMovementpieces at Movement,and geta headstartatbeautifying your home and Garden at Tosh.At ArtisanSquarefrom4 to 8pm.
Sunday, April28
BowenNatureClub Outing
Come outfor aFernand Moss Discovery Walk.Mosses andferns aresomeofthe world’soldest land plants.Join expertClaudiaSchaeferonawalk from 2to4pmtomeet some of the common mosses and ferns and learn whyso many kinds live on Bowenand howtheymakealiving.Dress for the weatherand wear sturdy walkingshoes.Leaders:DG Blair and ClaudiaSchaefer. Register by at least2daysbefore event: bowennatureclub@gmail.com
Storytimeatthe Library
Afree, drop-in programofstories and songsfor 2-4 yearolds and their caregivers!Runs from 10:30 to 11 am.Runs through June 5. bipl.ca/storytime
1:30 to 4:30 pm at BowenCourt.Fee $5 perpersonper session. Book by email (bowcates04@gmail.com) no laterthan 6pmonMonday. Also email formoreinformation
Meditation Evenings
EveryWednesday nightfrom7to8pm. Please contact John at 604-506-7197 formoredetails.
Babytime at theLibrary
Afree, 1/2 hr drop-in programofsongs,books,and rhymes forbabies0-18 months and their caregivers!Starts 11:30 am,joinusafterwards, at 12 pm,for acasual baby & caregiversocialhour. Starts April25. bipl.ca/babytime
It’s Bowen’sturntoplayhostcommunity this weekend as the Gymnastics club welcomes gymnasts from Pemberton, Whistler, Squamish, North Vancouver, and Surrey to the island for the annual Bowen Island Invitational.
Thecompetitions will takeplace over twodays(seefull schedulebelow)and feature all ages of athletes from youth to high schooland even adults too. Comecheer on our gymnasts startingon Saturday morningatthe BowenIsland Community School gymnasium!
Saturday morning’sevents will include gymnasts from 6to9years old.Eight to 12 year olds will compete in the earlyafternoon,and 9to13yearolds laterin the afternoon. Sunday’s competitions consist of high schooland adult agymnasts.
Saturday, April 20
Flight #1: 9:45 am –12pm:
Performance Interclub: Bowen /Dreams (Surrey)/ Pemberton
9:45am: Warm-Up
11:45 am: Estimated finish/ Awards
Flight #2: 12 pm –2 pm
Performance Interclub:Bowen/ Dreams/ Whistler
12:00 pm: Warm-Up
2:00 pm: Estimated finish/awards
Flight#3: 2:20 pm –5pm
Performance Plus: Bowen/ Dreams/ Pemberton/ Whistler
2:20 pm: Warm-Up
5:00pm: Estimated finish /Awards
Sunday, April 21
Flight #1: 9:45 am –12:45 pm
HighSchool Session and Adult Rotation: Bowen/ Seycove/ Sutherland/ PembertonWhistler
Warm-Up: 9:45 am
12:45 pm: Estimated finish /Awards
Meet Nina, our petofthe week, a sweetheart through and through! Even though Nina is known to be alittle shy at times her brave spirit shone through whenshe recentlycame into theclinic with aneckwound, allowingour team to support herback to her best self!
growing network! Jointhe conversationat
growing network! Jointhe conversationat
The District of Squamish is hosting a public hearing about the Woodfibre LNG (WLNG) floatel temporary use permit at Brennan Park Recreation Centre.
According to a notice listed in The Squamish Chief on April 11, the District will host the public hearing at Brennan Park Recreation Centre on Tuesday, April 23, at 6 pm
The hearing is for residents’ input about the temporary worker accommodation from WLNG, also called the floatel, which would be moored at the WLNG site in Howe Sound.
We did it!
TheBowen Island Community HealthCentre is complete.
Thankstoeveryone whomade ithappen.
We will begin seeing patients at the newlocation on April 29, 2024.
Council members may deliberate about the permit and decide on issuance shortly after the hearing.
At the March 26 committee of the whole meeting, council unanimously moved the permit application to a public hearing but did not list where it would take place.
At the time, council mostly did not hint at which way they were leaning, though Mayor Armand Hurford asked if they had the option to approve a shorter TUP with the possibility of renewal. The senior director of community development, Jonas Velaniskis, confirmed that could be a possibility Kate Mulligan, the director of major projects industrial, added that TUPs could only be renewed once for a maximum duration of three years.
Forasneak peek we’rehosting an OPEN HOUSE
Sunday, April 22, 1:00-4:00PM
Celebratewithusandseewhatthefuture of health carelooks like on BowenIsland. +
Knick KnackNookArt Sale
Proceedstothe BICHC. Buy some artfor yourself or donate it to your Community Health Centre!
According to the District notice, a speakers list for the Brennan Park public hearing can be established ahead of time by emailing phspeakerslist@squamish.ca or by calling 604-892-5217. On April 23, interested speakers can register in-person at Brennan Park between 5:15 and 6 pm
“Everyone will be provided an opportunity to speak. Those not on the speakers list who wish to provide comments at the hearing will be provided an opportunity to speak after everyone on the speakers list has addressed council,” reads the notice.
Electronic or phone-in participation will not be available for this particular public hearing, but people can provide comments in writing by dropping them off at Municipal Hall before 4:30 pm on April 23 or emailing them to hearing@ squamish.ca
“Comments via email will be accepted up to and during the hearing,” states the notice.
The meeting will be able to be viewed live online via squamish.ca/live-meetings
The TUP can be found on the District’s website.
Notyet apatientofthe HealthCentre? Visit our websitefor information abouthow to get connectedtoone of our family pratitioners 604-250-2630
email: cormorantmarine@telus.net
web: cormorantwatertaxi.com