QUEEN VS GREEN The monumental battle between the Ice Queen and Spring Green took place last Saturday during the Green Man Festival. Fittingly featuring rainfall for dramatic effect, the two forces of nature duelled it out to see which season would reign supreme. The May Queen (Aviva Rabinowitz), Green Man (Cathy Miller), Town Crier (Archer Florendo), & Ice Queen (Claire Carchrae) all had crucial roles to play in the decisive battle - turn over to Page 5 to see how they all fared! / Alex Kurial photo
Unified effort clears damage from snowstorm
JOHN LUNN Contributor
They say that necessity is the mother of invention, but sometimes a common need creates uncommon ingenuity. That’s what happened when a few neighbours of Bowen’s Bluewater area started thinking about a solution to the large piles of fallen trees and broken limbs resulting from the heavy snowfall on March 3.
The clean-up project seemed like an ideal candidate for a neighbourhood small grant from the Bowen Island Community Foundation, and a small organizing group comprised of Jesse Lyon, Chela Davison, Trevor Hodge, Claire Stewart, Sarah Graham, and Claire and Mick Rushton agreed to start the application process. While awaiting the decision on a grant award, the group connected with Ian Stuart, who had already supported similar clean-up efforts in Tunstall Bay and Bowen Bay neighbourhoods. Ian (with colleague Todd Sorbo) generously offered up his time, equipment, and expertise to support the project.
604.220.7085 buyonbowen.com TOP of allRealtors2022-2023 in GVREB *perGVREB MLS reportedsales 10% MARY LYNN MACHADO PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION on Realtor2023 #1 BowenIsland * ‘FLoht HAUS’ AMODERN ESCAPE FLOATING ABOVE HOWE SOUND 1460 EAGLE CLIFF ROAD $3,288,000 Oneofthe longestcantilevers on a residentialbuildinginWestern Canada co-listedwithHaneefViraniPREC* Virani Real Estate Advisors 3bedrooms2.5 bathrooms mediaroomgarage
$1 inc GST FARMERS MARKET SEASON IS UNDERWAY PAGE 6 FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2024 VOL. 50 NO. 21 BIUndercurrent BowUndercurrent www.bowenislandundercurrent.com .50 COME CHEK OUT THE SHOW PAGE 9
AllCouncilmeetingsareopen tothepublictoattendin personorelectronically,unless notedotherwise.
May 27,2024
1:00 pm
Land Use Amendment 1034Miller
CouncilwillbeconsideringFirstReadingofBylawNo.652,2024atits RegularCouncilMeetingheldat1:00pmonMonday,May27,2024.This meetingwillbeheldattheMunicipalHallandonlineviaZoom.Notice ofFirstReadingisbeingprovidedasCouncilmaydecidetonotholda PublicHearing.
Thisamendmentwilladd“GeneralServices”tothelistofPrincipal UsesofLand,BuildingsandStructuresintheVillageCivic(VCi)zone Theamendmentwasrequestedbytheownersof1034MillerRoad inordertopermitthecontinuedoperationofaninsuranceoffice withouttheneedofaTemporaryUsePermit.Allpropertiesmarkedin blueonthemapwillbeaffected.
FireSmart Neighbourhoods
1:00pmonSaturday,May25,2024 FireHall#1onMillerRoad
BABlackwell,aforestfireconsultantcompany,iscomingtoBowen. TheywillbepresentingonFireSmartneighbourhoods.
Theneighbourhoodrecognitionprogramisallaboutneighbours comingtogethertomaketheirneighbourhoodFireSmart.Every FireSmartneighbourhoodneedsaFireSmartchampion.
TheonehourpresentationwillbeanintroductiontoaNeighbourhood RecognitionProgramunderFireSmartCanada,thebenefitsof becomingrecognizedasaFireSmartNeighbourhood,andthestepsto becomearecognizedneighbourhoodaswellastoremainrecognized.
Ferry lineup reminders
Withtheadventofsummerandbusierferries,hereareafew remindersabouttheferrylineup
TheapplicationmaybeviewedatMunicipalHallbetween8:30AM and4:30PM,MondaythroughFriday(excludingstatutoryholidays)or ontheMunicipalwebsiteat www.bowenislandmunicipality.ca/planning
WrittensubmissionsmaybedeliveredtoMunicipalHallby 11:00amonMay27,2024inperson,bymail,byfaxorbyemailto mayorandcouncil@bimbc.ca
VerbalsubmissionsmaybemadetoMayorandCouncilatthe meeting.
TheCouncilMeetingwillbeheldinpersoninCouncilChambersand onlineviaZoom
PleasecontactDrewBakken,IslandCommunityPlanner,bycalling 604-947-4255ext233orbyemailatdbakken@bimbc.ca
Here’swhat you need to know about boarding the ferry on Bowen.
Lineupbehindthelastvehicleinthe line,orinthefirstopenspaceclosest totheferry.Yes,thismeansyoumay “fillthegaps.”
Inthetwolaneareaoftheferryline, parkintheshorterlane SnugUp!Parkwithintwofeet(0.6m) ofthevehicleinfrontofyou. Beinyourvehicleatleast10minutes beforethescheduleddepartureofthe ferry
Cyclists:loadandunloadwithfoot passengers.Walkyourbikeacrossthe ramp
Parkintheferrylineunlessyouare waitingtoboardthenextsailing. Speedtogettotheferry.Speed limitsareenforcedbytheRCMP Lookforatollbooth.Thefareyou purchasedinHorseshoeBayincludes thereturntrip! MakeaU-Turnonthehilltogetinto theferryline
Stoporparkbeyondthe“Endof FerryLineUp”sign.Ifthelanesare fullyouwillnotgetontheferry. Comebackforthenextsailing. Stoporparkincross-hatchedareas Theyaretheresothatferrytraffic doesn’tblockentrancestostores, sidestreetsandparkinglots.
Foot passengers
Arriveatthewaitingareaatleast 10minutesbeforethescheduled departure Waitforferrytraffictoloadorunload beforecrossingthestreet-evenat crosswalks
Walkontheroadafteryoucrossthe ramp.Movetothesidewalkssothat vehiclescanunload. Lookforatollbooth.Thefareyou purchasedinHorseshoeBayincludes thereturntrip!
Friday, May 24, 2024 A2 • bowenislandundercurrent.com BowenIslandMunicipalHall 981ArtisanLane BowenIsland,BC V0N1G2 Hours:8:30am-4:30pm MondaytoFriday Closedstatutoryholidays Phone: 604-947-4255 Fax: 604-947-0193 Email: bim@bimbc.ca Website: BowenIsland Municipality Find us on Facebook bowenislandmunicipality.ca/subscribe Subscribe to ourmailing list May24,2024 ContactBowen IslandMunicipality www.bowenislandmunicipality.ca Do Don’t
Don’t leave agap. But if you see a gap, fill it!
Bluewater, BICF, & local developer chip away at snowstorm damage
The community needed to come together and volunteers had to be organized. As the event approached, more than 60 homes signed up to get help with their debris and receive the wood chips for use in their gardens. Many neighbours caught the vision and volunteered to make the event a success.
On the cool, clear morning of April 6, Bluewater mobilized Neighbours volunteered to work in shifts of up to a dozen people at a time Most were tasked with walking down the roads of the neighbourhood behind a truck and chipper, loading brush from each residence along the way, while others cleared remaining smaller debris with rakes and leaf blowers, or flagged traffic
A few even went ahead of the crew, bucking up some larger debris into movable sizes. Still others supported the effort by providing snacks and lunch to hungry workers.
The results of everyone’s hard work? Bluewater neighbours have proactively
addressed their (sometimes overwhelming) snowfall damage and green waste without resorting to trucking debris off-island or burning it on site If every neighbourhood on Bowen were to organize in a similar way, the island could be in a much safer position as the summer wildfire season begins Several Bluewater neighbours who participated expressed a desire to make the cleanup an annual event.
The other significant outcome of this community gathering was a topic of conversation amongst 40-plus volunteers throughout the day and at the neighbourhood after-party: many neighbours met for the first time, and as they helped each other, they made connections and memories along the way.
To start something like this in your own neighbourhood you can visit https://bowenfoundation.com/neighbourhood-small-grants/
And if you want to donate to the community foundation, you can find out more at ht tps :// www .c an ad ahelps.or g/en/ dn/m/24424
Listings are always freeinour weekly community calendar.
Please email your listing to Alex by Tuesday5 p.m. forthat week'sedition.
Having an event?
bowenislandundercurrent.com • A3 Friday, May 24, 2024
Some of the 60+ volunteers who helped make the Bluewater storm cleanup effort a major success / John Lunn photos
Spring is Here
Abig congratulations to everybodyinvolved in puttingonthe GreenMan Festival last weekend! It wasjustasfun as last year andhad some neatnew elements as well.You canreadup on everyone who broughtthisspecialBowen momenttolife rightonthe nextpage, courtesy of organizer Archer Florendo akaTownCrier
Speaking of Town Crier,thatrole wasonce held by Murray Athertonwho oneyearago (to the day) came acrossthree Undercurrent editors -myself,Bronwyn Beairsto, andMartha Perkins -while outfor astroll on theMarina Boardwalk.This year,fate(andthe festival) hadusall in the same place again. Naturally Murray,who wasonhand to seethe current Town Crier,tooknotice,and onceagain came over to grab agroup shot.Bronwyn isstill rockingitaseditor of the CoastReporter over on the Sunshine Coast,and asreaders mayhave noticedlastmonth Martha still enjoys writinga good storyand taking pics for the paper. Bronwyn and Martha arespecial friends and Iamalwayshappy when they find theirway back to Bowenfor avisit.Perhaps nextyearwill make three Maylongweekend meetups in a row... have yourcameraready Murray!
Next week is ourMay Island-Wide,so as always submissions of all typesare welcome!
-AlexKurial, Editor
THE WRITE STUFF. TheUndercurrentencouragesreader participation in your community newspaper.You must include your full name anda daytimephone number (for verification only). Theeditorreservesthe righttoeditfor clarity,legality, brevityand taste.Pleaselimit tounder 500 words.HERE’S HOW:Tosubmita letter to the editor,fax 604-947-0148 or mailittoPOBox 130, BowenIsland,BC, V0N1G0 or email editor@bowenislandundercurrent.com
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All Advertising and newscopycontent arecopyrightof the Undercurrent Newspaper.All editorial contentsubmittedtothe Undercurrent becomes the property of the publication. TheUndercurrent is not responsible forunsolicited manuscripts,art work and photographs National NewsMedia Council.
TheUndercurrent is amember of theNational NewsMedia Council of Canada, whichisanindependentorganization established to dealwith acceptable journalistic practices and ethical behaviour.Ifyou have concernsabout editorial content, pleaseemail editor@ bowenislandundercurrent.comorcall 604-947-2442. If youare not satisfied withthe response and wishtofilea formal complaint, visit the websiteatmediacouncil.ca or call toll-free 1-844-877-1163 foradditional information.
2011 CCNA CA NAD IAN COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER AWARD 2011 PUBLISHER Matt Blair publisher@bowenisland undercurrent.com CARTOONIST Ron Woodall ADVERTISING Tracey Wait ads@bowenisland undercurrent.com EDITOR Alex Kurial editor@bowenisland undercurrent.com
BowenTrunk Road, PO Box130, BowenIsland BC,V0N 1G0 Phone: 604.947.2442 Fax:
bowenislandundercurrent.com DEADLINE foradvertising Monday,4p.m. DEADLINE foreditorial Tuesday5 p.m. BowenIsland UndercurrentSubscription Rates: Mailed 1year subscription on BowenIsland: $55, including GST.Within Canada:
Friday,May 24,2024 A4 • bowenislandundercurrent.com
Green Man Festival ushers in Springtime on Bowen
Contributor / Town Crier
Hear Ye, Hear ye! The Springtimes have come!
Thank you all so much for coming to the Green Man Festival this year! I’m so happy all of you came to see what the youth of Bowen were able to put together for our second year of bringing back the Green Man Festival!
Of course, none of this would be possible without the support of our numerous volunteers and sponsors! After the success of the Green Man Reimagined last year, I wanted to make sure this year was just as memorable. Like I keep talking about, Green Man has always been a festival that is held really close to my heart and I want to make sure people remember it as fondly as I do.
I’m really happy with how it came together this year, and thank you to all of you who braved the rain to come and witness this legendary battle. These small town events are so important to nurture and cherish because it’s these kinds of events that help to bring together the Bowen community in some of our quirky and special ways
Like last year, that was the goal for this year’s Green Man Festival. I wanted to bring together the community in a way where everyone would have some fun. Whether it was because you remember going to the old Green Man Festival in 2014, you remember Green Man Reimagined from last year, or you’re
here as a kid yourself, experiencing the magic of these Island traditions is one of the things that makes Bowen unique, so thank you all so much for supporting me and my peers as we bring back the magic of old.
The youth and kids on this island are amazing, and what empowers us even more, is that we have the support of our families, and our community And of course we could not have done this without all the help from our sponsors, performers, and volunteers!
A big thank you to (in no particular order)
Liz Nankin, Docsnsocks, Jack and Julie from Tir-na-nOg, Paul the Juggler, Kit and their youth band, the Hearth Gallery, Bowen Island Public Library, the Union Steamship Marina, Marysia McGilvray, Bowen Island Community Foundation, Bowen Island Municipality, and Jaime Scheffer.
Thank you to all of my friends, the teen representatives, who helped me bring my dream to life again this year! Bea Carchrae and Nex Zimelstern who ran face painting, Sam Irelan and Isaac Prokter who ran wand making, Kaitlyn Banal, who helped us set up and fought on the side of the Ice Queen, and last but definitely not least, thank you to our wonderful actors, Cathy Miller (the Green Man), Aviva Rabinowitz (the May Queen), and Claire Carchrae (the Ice Queen).
And last but not least, thank you to my parents, who have always supported my silly little sense of whimsy and have helped me organize and plan this event for the past few years, as well as being the ones who handle all the financing!
Popular andbusy short-term rental nearKillarney Lake requires an on-call housekeeper to turn over themainhome and2separateB&B units between guest stays this season. This positionis well-suited forsomeone with aschedule flexible enough to do turnovers between 10am and3pm.For more detailsortoschedule an on-site interview, please email: bowenhospitality@gmail.com
Help Wanted@$45 /hr Vacation Rental/ B&B Housekeeping
There was some history on display as past festival actors Tina Nielsen (Ice Queen) & Graham Ritchie (Green Man) joined their present-day counterparts Claire Carchrae & Cathy Miller prior to the show. / Alex Kurial photo
Following the dramatic battle, everybody celebrated the day with a traditional dance around the Maypole. / Alex Kurial photos
bowenislandundercurrent.com • A5 Friday, May 24, 2024
Archer Florendo (left) & Sarah Haxby (right) came fully dressed and prepared to take part in the festival. / Morgan Darcy photos
FarmersMarket Opening Day
Despitegreyskies and pouringrain there was still a strong turnout throughout last Saturday morningfor the first FarmersMarketof2024. It’s nowfullsteam(andhopefully sunnyskies) ahead for theweekly eventwhichtakes place everySaturdayatBowen IslandCommunity School from 10 am to Noon. Seeyou there!
PlacesofWorship WelcomeYou
Sunday Worship 10:30am Rev. Lorraine Ashdown
www.biuc.ca |1122 Miller Road 778-688-2061 OFFICE HOURS WEDNESDAY10-4ORBYAPPOINTMENT
CATES HILL CHAPEL www.cateshillchapel.com 604-947-4260 (661 Carter Rd.) ST.GERARD’SROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH
Sunday Mass at 9.30 ContactAngelaPowell 604-947-2515
Sunday Worship10:00 Rev. Phil Adkins
SHIRAT HAYAM(Songofthe Sea)
BOWEN’SJEWISH COMMUNITY ShabbatGatherings ~Holidays
Contact aryana.rayne@gmail.com •www.shirathayam.ca
Thevendor roster foropeningday at the Farmers Market included (clockwise from top) Noah & Rachel Pryce-Jones withson Dillon (left) and members of theEndswell Farm team. Thestand features homegrown produce, andthey’re also in charge of distributing the Community Supported AgricultureHarvest Boxes. /Father-daughter combo Davidand Sophie Griffiths paidlittle mind to the conditions while operating their fresh produce stand, though discussedthe possibilityofa tent if thisweatheroccursagain. /BrennaCook Fowler wasfeaturinglively and colourfulcards shecreated based on Bowen-inspired scenes./ Thetrioof(L-R) Quin Ouellette, Chloe Collins,and BouweBikkerswerecustomizing hats forfolks in whatever artworkand patterns theychose. And, the group is donating15% of their earnings at the Market to cancerresearch./ Alex Kurial photos
5:20 am -exceptSundays 6:20 am 7:30 am 8:35 am 9:35 am 10:40am 12:05pm 1:15 pm 2:40 pm 4:00 pm -exceptWednesdays 5:10 pm 6:15 pm 7:20 pm -exceptSaturdays 8:50 pm 9:50 pm 10:50pm DEPARTHORSESHOE BAY 5:50 am 6:50 am 8:00 am 9:05 am -except Wednesdays. 10:10 am 11:15 am 12:40 pm 1:55 pm 3:30 pm 4:40 pm 5:45 pm 6:50 pm 7:50 pm -except Saturdays 9:20 pm 10:20 pm
Schedules change on statutoryholidays. Stay up to date at bcferries.com
Friday,May 24,2024 A6 • bowenislandundercurrent.com
bowenislandundercurrent.com • A7 Friday, May 24, 2024 Tim Rhodes REALTOR® tim@rhodesonbowen.com RoB RHODES ON BOWEN rhodesonbowen.com 604.341.9488 INNOVATION REALTY INC. 1620 EVERGREEN LANE Offeredat$3,298,000 3 Bed| 3 Bath|2,285SqFt| Garage |0.79 Ac 917ELROND’SCOURT Offeredat$2,498,000 3 Bed| 3 Bath|Den |3,342SqFt| 0.28 Ac 520 SMUGGLER’SCOVEROAD Offeredat$2,699,000 3 Bed| 3 Bath|Studio |2,555 Sq Ft |1.28Ac
‘Art from the Archives Unveiled” features on Bowen Arts Tour
Bowen Island Museum & Archives
Art guides us through history by taking us on journeys from stories of the past. The current show from the Bowen Island Museum & Archives - ‘Art from the Archives Unveiled’ - leads us on a discovery of our place, familiar locations depicted through the artists eye that Bowen Island and the West Coast have inspired.
The exhibit features works by Bill Bob Bates, Sam Black, Diane Buchanan, Rosemarie Ternow Dowell, Antonia Eastman, Lionel LaMoine Fitzgerald, Sarah Haxby, Hans Lehr, Ione McIntyre, Pamela Regan, Gregg Simpson, Patty Smith and The Carters.
New to the collection, Pamela Regan’s paintings are scenes of Bowen in the 40’s Pamela graduated from the Vancouver School of Art in 1941. She was part of several group shows at the Vancouver Art Gallery from 1941–1956.
Hans Lehrs’ painting of Grafton Bay circa 1912 (on community loan from Gail Dalby) was created when he was a caretaker at Endswell Farm. Gail visited the bay and lined up the rocky shoreline, imagining herself in the exact spot her grandfather stood 112 years ago.
Ione McIntyre’s (nee Collins) two works of Collins Farm join the show on loan from a private collection. Ione grew up on Collins
Farm and hitchhiked to New York to study at the League of Arts in New York. Artist Sarah Haxby traces the life and history of Ione in her painting “friend, painter, teacher, mentor’. Sarah analyzes the process of visual quotations used throughout Ione’s creative endeavours.
Did you know Bowen’s connection to the Group of Seven? Learn the history of Lionel LaMoine Fitzgerald and Lieben, owned by the Nielson’s, a retreat space for artists and intellectuals from the 1940’s–1960’s. It was a unique part of Canadian culture, guests including novelist Earle Birney, poet Malcolm Lowry and artist Gordon Smith.
Other coast works include paintings from Gregg Simpson and Diane Buchanan, which take us on their artist journey with pieces from past to present and Patty Smith, who has been painting for over eight decades is featured with her image of ‘Evergreen Lane’.
Unveiling art reveals a rich strand of human culture and offers us a unique perspective of the past.
‘Art from the Archives Unveiled’ links up as part of the Bowen Arts Tour on May 25/26, a two-day free self-directed tour showcasing Bowen’s incredible talent with 130 artists and 21 art studio and hub locations. (bowenartstour.com) ‘Art from the Archives Unveiled’ closes on June 8. Visit us during the Bowen Arts Tour or pop by before close to explore how the pieces start to weave together as part of our collective culture. We’re open daily 10 am to 4 pm
Many works of art, including
Jerry Kahne says that while this short-term renter didn’t have any funds, he was still happy to help out with accomodation for the friendly visitor.
bowen ! here’s arts tour 2024 BowenArtsTour.com thisweekend! Undercurrent GRADissue June 21 Grads (oryourparents)please emailAlex yourphoto and 100words (orless) by June 14th editor@bowenislandundercurrent.com fun pics from your school yearsare welcome too! FULL TIME WORK ON BOWEN ISLAND Please call Gary at 604-830-9266 Twin Island Excavating is looking to hire aClass 3withair dump truckdriver.
this one by Pamela Regan, will be on display during ‘Art From the Archives Unveiled’. / Submitted photo
Friday, May 24, 2024 A8 • bowenislandundercurrent.com
Seniors GardenTea PartyReturns June 8
LICHEN TILLEY SeniorsKeeping Young
The community is invited to join the Bowen Island Museum and Archives and SKY (Seniors Keeping Young) in celebratingand honouring senior Bowen residents by enjoying aconvivial afternoon social tea on Saturday, June 8from 1to4 pm.
Onceagain, our partnership is pleasedtohost thisyear’stea which promises to be just as congenial as theformer, with music to be provided by Bowen musicians and refreshments donated by local eateries. We thank our generous supporters, including Artisan Eats Café, Bowen Sushi, Barcelona, the Snug Café, Tippy’s, and the Bowen Island Literacy Task Group.
Last year’s tea was aresounding success of community spirit and joy. This year’s gathering promises to be equally delightfulsoweare hoping this event will be an annual tradition.The previouscelebra-
tionsaw an impressiveturnout of visitors appreciating an afternoon filled with music, tasty treats, and heartwarming camaraderie.Local restaurantsdonated afine assortment of food.
This year, with music in thebackgroundprovidedbyBowen musiciansMarc Gawthrop, Arthur Szabo and the Halcyon Daze Band, the lawn of themuseum will be aperfect backdrop for our party, an atmosphere filled withlaughter, conversationand thejoyand warmthofold friendsreconnecting.
Invitations have been extended to Bowenseniors,although the entire community is encouraged to come and socialize with our long-standing neighbours.Ifyou haven’t received an invitation, contact info@skyonbowenisland.catojoinin thecelebration
Mark your calendars for this June 8and look forwardtoawonderful afternoon of community,companionship andconnection. We anticipate the pleasure ofyour company.
AnnieArbuckle& Thomas Newman hadnochoicebut to banishCalder Stewartfrom thestage during Theatreonthe Isle’s rehearsal fornextweek’s production of ‘Three ComediesbyAnton Chekov”. (Stewart waslater allowedtoreturn.) Theshow, directed by Heather Hodson, runs forfour nights in arow from openingnight on Thursday, May 30 to thefinale on Sunday, June2.Full details including ticket informationcan be found in theCalendar on Page 12. /Kat Stephens photo
WoodfibreLNG willhousenon-local workers on afloatel, reducingpressure on local housinginSquamish.
Meet the lovely George, our very handsomepet of the week! Georgewas recentlydiagnosed with diabetes. Since he hasbeen takinginsulin he’s starting to feel like hisold self andgratefulto have such awonderfulvet team on Bowen. George’smom says that hisinsulin shots areabreeze, andthathegets alittlepiece of cheese which he never forgets. Luckyboy!Justlikehumansour furry friends can have diabetes too,quick detection paired with medication for supportiskey to keepingthemfeeling happy and healthy.Call or email Bowen Veterinary Services to book your annualwellness appointment to keepontop of your companions health needs.
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need to have major impacts.
projects don’t
bowenislandundercurrent.com • A9 Friday, May24, 2024
Friday, May 24, 2024 A10 • bowenislandundercurrent.com Health and WellnessonBowen To advertisehere please call the Undercurrent at 604-947-2442 oremail ads@bowenislandundercurrent.com $12 per week DR.GLORIACHAO FAMILY DENTIST FRIDAY 10-4:30PM AT ARTISAN SQUARE 604-947-0734 HORSESHOEBAY 604-921-8522 www.bowenislanddental.com NEW PATIENTS WELCOME BC WIDE CLASSIFIEDS ANSWERS PUZZLE TODAY'S facebook.com/BIUndercurrent Joinour growing network! Jointhe conversationat www.facebook.com/BIUndercurrent Join our growing network! Jointhe conversationat i . gnome matter what it is..s... People love abargain! 604-653-7851 classifieds.vancourier.com MARKETPLACE bowenislandundercurrent.com Your Community Call or email to place your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604-362-0586 •604-653-7851 classifieds@van.net THANK YOUFOR RECYCLING THIS NEWSPAPER. THISNEWSPAPER. PLEASERECYCLE
bowenislandundercurrent.com • A11 Friday, May 24, 2024 •Irrigation •Landscape Lighting •Hydroseeding Office:604-947-9686 Callnow forLandscape Lighting Services and Installations 100% LocalBowen Island Electricians RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL SERVICE 604328 4329 strangbrothers@gmail.com 604-947-1717 |ianditowhaul@gmail.com I&.ITOWING HAULING LTD HAUNG TD •• • Flat Deck Towing • EquipmentMoves • Material Deliveries • Scrap Car Removal TimRhodes REALTOR® 604.341.9488 RHODESONBOWEN REAL ESTATE MARKETING goingthatextra mile rhodesonbowen.com tim@rhodesonbowen.com CONTACTUSFOR AFREEQUOTATION WWW.WHITEHART.CA ADDRESS 302-566ARTISAN LANEBOWEN ISLAND,BC PHONE 1(778) 999-3434 BUILT GREEN BC BUILDER NEW CONSTRUCTION RENOVATIONS RESTORATION ADDITIONS SECONDARYSTRUCTURES UNIQUE OUTDOORSPACES SUBCONTRACT WORK COMPLETE HOME RENOVATIONS INTERIOR &EXTERIOR QUALITY WORKMANSHIP REDSEALTICKETED& INSURED SNUG COVE CONSTRUCTION 604 925 8711 9258711 "Wedogood work!" BOWEN HOME SERVICES BOWEN HOME SERVICES love the life you live lifeyou Window Blinds On Bowen 778-995-1902 & &AAWNINGS WNINGS Andy Rainsley:604-947-0674 •CELL778-231-7283 Bowenshirelandscaping.ca• info@bowenshirelandscaping.ca Computer problems (ITtrainer Property checks Tili Home andCommercial work GeneralRepairs Electricalrepairs or alterations ApplianceRepair(25 Years) Plumbing fixes Computer problems (ITtrainer) 604-679-9483 BowenFix@mail.com Property checks Flooring Tiling Picturehanging Flat Pack building 604-987-7663 Metalroofing| Trade ticketcertified #00012-RO-96 Flatroofing| Sheetmetalflashing AsphaltShingles |Repairs Local towing and recovery, battery boosting, unlockvehicles, tire change……. Call 604-341-6351 BOWEN TOWING COURIER SERVICE NOW 5DAYS AWEEK! MONDAY TOFRIDAY Call 604-947-9703 bowenislandfreight@gmail.com Style and service forevery budget ® On Bowen serving SeatoSky 604-785-0990 Charmaine Heffelfinger Cheffelfinger@budgetblinds.com JEFFGORDON Painter/WoodStaining &Finishing J.GORDONPAINTINGLTD. Painter 604-716-6796 jgordonpainting.com Gary Charette Roofinginc ServingBowen Island since 2000 Alltypesofroofing Professionally Installed ROOFING SPECIFIC LIABILITY INSURANCE &VALID WCB WWW.GARYCHARETTEROOFING.COM
Saturday, May 25 & Sunday, May 26
Here’s Bowen Arts Tour
Celebrate the Arts on Bowen Island and join the free self guided tour. Here’s Bowen Arts Tour 2024 runs Saturday and Sunday from 11 am to 4 pm and showcases the art of 130 Local Artists (Visual, Literary & Performing) at 21 Art Hubs BowenArtsTour.com to learn more. Do the Tour!
Saturday, May 25
French Connections at the Library
Drop in and join us to practice your conversational French, and get to know other French language learners on Bowen Island! The focus is on beginner and intermediate speakers Meets from 10:30 to 11:30 am bipl.ca/French
Saturday, May 25
Hip Hop Gathering
Skinny Buff presents the Manifest Hip Hop Gathering, a free dance party in Crippen Park Family friendly live performances run from Noon to 7 pm. Activities & giveaways.
Saturday, May 25
Spring Hoedown
You’re invited to a Spring Hoedown dance party at Island Pacific School. The 19+ fundraiser will celebrate the Colin Ruloff Community Field House’s grand opening. Guests will also be saying a fond farewell to Head of School Scott Herrington. So come saddle up for a rip roaring good time! Tickets $85 (includes meal) at Cates Pharmacy & Phoenix
Saturday, May 25
TBCA Spring Wine Tasting Series
Tunstall Bay Clubhouse is holding a series of Wine Tastings Come join local wine travellers/enthusiasts
Jennifer Strutt and David Smith and swirl, sniff and sip your
way to new wine knowledge, wine friends and some new go-to wines for the summer Search “TBCA” on Eventbrite for tickets. Another tasting takes place Saturday, June 8.
Sunday, May 26
BIFS Workshop
“Regenerate Your Soil.” Free Demonstration and hands-on workshop at Grafton Commons (across from Grafton Lake). Learn about loading your soil with beneficial microbes for better growing. Workshop led by Phil Gregory. 10:30 am to 12:30 pm Register at bowenfoodresilience.com
Sunday, May 26
Garden Club AGM/Tour
Join the Bowen Island Garden Club for their Annual General Meeting and Garden Tour of Sunset Nursery. Takes places at 511 Sunset Road from 1 to 3 pm.
Monday, May 27
Rotary Speaker Series
Our guest speaker is Laura Fitzgerald the Nurse Practitioner (NP) working at the new Bowen Island Health Centre. She will talk about the history, scope and function of the NP role in the community. If there is time she’ll explore cholesterol management including prevention, risk factors, practical conversations to have with your primary care provider regarding cholesterol and management of high cholesterol. At Artisan Eate Cafe, doors open about 7 and the meeting starts at 7:30 pm. We plan to conclude by 9.
Tuesday, May 28
Bowfest Annual General Meeting
Festival AGM takes place from 5 to 6 pm at Doc Morgan’s. Wednesday, May 29 & Friday, May 31
SKY Walks
Meeting at Bowfest Field at 10:30 am both days.
Thursday, May 30 to Sunday, June 2
Three Comedies by Anton Chekov
Presented by Theatre on the Isle, experience three of play-
Working towardCommunity Prosperity, Affordability,and Social Inclusion on BowenIsland?
The Community Prosperity Fundisa$25 millioninvestment from theGovernment of B.C.thatadvances poverty reduction and social inclusion—announced on theinaugural B.C. Nonprofit Day.The Fundis partofthe Government of B.C.’s commitment to supporting the non-profit sector and empowering communities to makelocal decisions through local community foundations.The Fundwill provide operational grants for charities and nonprofits for projects up to three years.
Learn more and apply fromMay 24 to June 24 at: https://www.vancouverfoundation.ca/grant-seekers/find-grants/ community-prosperity-fund/ www.bowenfoundation.com
wright Anton Chekov’s works on the local stage. Shows take place nightly from May 30 to June 2, all at Collins Hall starting at 7:30 pm Tickets $25, available on eventbrite.ca
Saturday, June 1
Pride Stride, Ride, & Picnic
Meet at the Farmers’ Market at BICS at 10 am to decorate yourself and/or your ride (bike/scooter/stroller/walker), and make a poster or button. Then, show your pride as we parade down the MultiUse-Path just after 12 pm We’ll land in the Bowfest field for a community Pride Picnic from 1 to 3 pm
Join in for one or all of these events everyone welcome! Details at bowenislandpride.com
Sunday, June 2
Poet Talk at the Library
Talk with local poet John Givins who will be launching his new book ‘Blowing Up Growing Up’. Starts at 1 pm
Storytime at the Library
A free, drop-in program of stories and songs for 2-4 yearolds and their caregivers! Runs from 10:30 to 11 am. Runs through June 5. bipl.ca/storytime
Babytime at the Library
A free, 1/2 hr drop-in program of songs, books, & rhymes for babies 0-18 months & their caregivers! Starts 11:30 am, join us afterwards, at 12 pm, for a casual baby & caregiver social hour bipl.ca/babytime
Farmers Market
The Bowen Island Farmers Market is back for the summer. Come say hi to all the vendors and check out all the food, crafts, clothes, & more at Bowen Island Community School Market runs from 10 am to Noon.
Thank youtothe businesses that generously donated prizesfor our fundraiser, andtoDoc Morgan's for hostingthe event on May 11th. Special thanks to Tom at Doc's for hishospitality andsupport. Additionally, we appreciate the musicaltalents of Sam, James, andJohn, whoprovided agreat atmosphere for our fundraiser. We’re grateful foreveryone who attended andshowed their enthusiasm.
Save the Date forour showat Veteran's Park on July6th, 2024.
Barcelona Tapas& Wine Bar
BowenIslandSea Kayaking
Burley Boys
CatesHill Pharmacy
TheRuddy Potato
BC Fasteners& Tools
BlenzHorseshoe Bay
Cloverdale Paint
EnglishBay Seafood
Olive& Anchor
Pharmasave Caulfield
StarbucksHorseshoe Bay
Superstore NorthVancouver
Trolls HorseshoeBay
community grows here
Friday, May 24, 2024 A12 • bowenislandundercurrent.com