June 14, 2024

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HOIST THE COLOURS HIGH The excitement of the Round Bowen Race starting line is hard to equal, as well over 100 boats jockey and position to get the best start. Competitors included skipper Jason Vandergaag and the crew of Bandit, who eventually finished 7th Place in their division after a 5+ hour trip around the island. For more pictures and race results, sail on over to Page 8. / Alex

Greenline Ferries is continuing its push to bring passenger-only ferry service from downtown Vancouver to Bowen Island and the Sunshine Coast.

The company first announced their intentions for vehicle-free sailings at the end of 2022. Runs from Vancouver to Bowen would take approximately 45 minutes, and 75 minutes to Gibsons The battery-powered vessels would hold around 150 passengers and be based out of a hub station near the downtown Waterfront Station and Canada Line.

While the initial presentation focused more on the vision of the project, Monday’s follow-up report to council by Greenline founder and CEO Callum Campbell included more details about how to make the ferry a reality. Chief among these was where the ferry would dock on Bowen.

Kurial photo ALEX KURIAL Editor
CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 Bowen passenger ferry eyes 2026 launch date ZERO-EMISSION SAILINGS GOAL $1 inc GST BOWEN ISLAND FC WELCOME ALL TO THE PITCH PAGE 6 FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 2024 VOL. 50 NO. 24 BIUndercurrent BowUndercurrent www.bowenislandundercurrent.com .50 STRAWBERRY SATURDAY! PAGE 7


AllCouncilmeetingsareopen tothepublictoattendin personorelectronically,unless notedotherwise.

June 24, 2024 1:00 pm

We’rehiring Temporary HumanResouces Coordinator

BIMhasanupcomingvacancyforatemporaryHumanResources Coordinatorcoveringastaffmaternityleave,beginningOctober 2024.Thisisaskilledgeneralistposition,coveringawiderangeof workofvaryingcomplexityinsupportofinternaloperationsatthe municipality.Formoreinformationpleaseseethefulljobdescription andcompensationonourwebsite.

Toapply,sendacoverletterandresumetoLiamEdwards,Chief AdministrativeOfficer,atledwards@bimbc.caordropoffan applicationpackageatMunicipalHallforLiam’sattention.


Annual Report

The2023DraftAnnualReportforBowenIslandMunicipalitywillbe presentedtoCouncilatitsRegularmeetingonMonday,June24,2024.

WeinviteyoutoreviewthedraftAnnualReportandtoprovideyour commentsandquestionsinwritingorinpersonatthemeeting.


www.bowenislandmunicipality.ca/reports-publications oratMunicipalHallduringregularbusinesshours.


1. SpeakattheCouncilmeetingduringPublicComments

2.SubmityourwrittencommenttoMayorandCouncilat mayorandcouncil@bimbc.ca

Foryourwrittensubmissiontobeincludedintheagendapackage, pleasereviewthepublicsubmissiondeadlines:


Property TaxNotices

TaxesDue:4:30pmonTuesday,July2,2024 10%latefeeappliedafterduedate.

Ifyouhaven’treceivedyourTaxNotice, pleaseemailfinance@bimbc.caorcall604-947-4255extension8.


Thebiggestsourceoflatepenalties comesfromunclaimedHomeOwner Grant.

Ifyouqualify,andyoupaythe discountedpropertytaxamount,you mustalsoCLAIMtheHomeOwner Grant.UnclaimedHomeOwnerGrants areconsideredunpaidtaxes.Youmay qualifyifyourhomeisassessedat under$2,264,000.

ClaimyourHomeOwnerGrantnowbygoingonline: Youcanalsocall1-888-355-2700forassistanceorcomeinto MunicipalHallandwe’llhelpyouwithyouronlineclaim


Theapplicationtakesafewweeks,soit’sagoodideatostartnowto seewhat’srequiredandifyouqualify


Friday, June 14, 2024 A2 • bowenislandundercurrent.com BowenIslandMunicipalHall 981ArtisanLane BowenIsland,BC V0N1G2 Hours:8:30am-4:30pm MondaytoFriday Closedstatutoryholidays
604-947-4255 Fax: 604-947-0193 Email: bim@bimbc.ca Website: BowenIsland Municipality Find us on Facebook bowenislandmunicipality.ca/subscribe Subscribe to ourmailing list June14,2024 ContactBowenIsland Municipality www.bowenislandmunicipality.ca

Electric ferry would connect Bowen directly to downtown Vancouver


Campbell explained that Seymour Bay was the preferred site for placement of the ‘charge barge’ , a structure which serves as both a docking station for the ferry and a waiting area for passengers The barge is then connected to shore via a gangway.

Initially viewed as a decision between Snug Cove and Seymour Bay, Campbell said the latter provides several travel advantages. These included creating a secondary access point to the island, and would avoid increasing – and could in fact decrease –traffic congestion in the Cove. The CEO added he’s had constructive conversations with Bowen Island Properties, who are in the midst of development projects in the area, and that the two companies see each other as assets

The ferry’s design, originally based on the MS Medstraum out of Norway, is now modelled after a vessel from marine design company BMT. Campbell said the updated model is built more specifically to endure Howe Sound conditions, including wind, waves, and debris Speeds would be approximately 23 knots.

In addition to its 150 passengers, the electric ferry is expected to hold around 20 bicycles and four wheelchairs. The daily schedule would include three

round-trips between Bowen and Vancouver The downtown station is not yet known, Campbell had hoped to secure use of TransLink’s SeaBus berths but after discussions with TransLink learned this wouldn’t be possible. He says Greenline is currently exploring three other locations near the Canada Line, which is a priority for the company

Funding-wise Campbell says Greenline is 80 per cent of the way toward making the passenger ferry service a financial reality. An updated timeline would see orders for the ships placed this fall, followed by a 16-month construction period Service could then begin in mid-2026.

Council were enthusiastic about the plan, though realized there was still much more work to be done. One of the biggest questions raised was the current lack of transit service to the Seymour Bay area and its distance from the town centre, both of which pose an issue for a passenger-only service. The Golf Course and Seymour Bay Beach are currently the major draws for visitors at the southeast bay.

Campbell says more consultation with the public, council, and several other invested parties, including TransLink and Bowen’s Transportation Committee, are planned in the coming months

Authentically Indigenous Festival gets underway


The Hearth Gallery’s Authentically Indigenous Festival, featuring works gathered by guest-curator Simon Daniel James, began last weekend at the gallery. Saturday included a pair of special events with a Youth Celebration in the afternoon and an Artist Opening Event in the evening.

One of the festival’s marquee events, an Indigenous Feast this Saturday, has been forced to change venues due to expected inclement weather Originally scheduled for Meadowbrook Market, the feast will now take place at the Hearth Gallery. The date remains the same, Saturday, June

15, but the start time is now 5:30 pm as the feast begins with a performance on the Eagle Gathering Stage outside the gallery. Doors will open at 6 pm, with food service scheduled for 6:30 - a Farmed and Foraged Indigenous Menu served canapé style.

Pleasenotethenewticketpriceof$40,which includes one drink Everyone who has purchased a ticket so far will be refunded the difference. There will also be limited tickets availableatthedooronSaturday Eveningfestivities will include performances, storytelling, and a silent auction. Ticket information can be found on the Hearth website.

Next Friday, June 21 is National Indigenous Peoples Day. A special ceremony will take place at the Eagle Gathering Stage at 1 pm with drumming, songs, and guest performances

Please email your listing to Alex by Tuesday5 p.m.forthat week'sedition.


Renderings of both the ferry and charge barge designs which would be used for a passenger ferry to Bowen Island. / Greenline Ferries images



an event?
are always free in our weekly community calendar.
bowenislandundercurrent.com • A3 Friday, June 14, 2024
Festival guest-curator Simon Daniel James was joined by Kung Jaadee at last Saturday’s Youth Celebration (Alex Kurial photo, left). Later evening, Simon and his daughter Mizuki performed on Eagle Gathering Stage during the Artist Opening Event. (Murray Atherton photo, right).



Round the Island

Lastweekend’s RoundBowen Race wasonce again abreathtakingsight to behold. Seeing morethan100 sailboats maneuveringfor position (and somehownever seeming to hit each other) while eventuallymanagingto line up in asweepingstartinglineisa rare spectacle.The first year Iwitnessed it I could hardly believe it wasreal, and even nowI am still amazed at the scale of the race.Idon’t expectthat is afeelingthat will go away,no matterhow many youend up attending in life

I’dliketothank Oydis and the entire crewof Moxie for again invitingmeout for andupclose andpersonalview of the race -sometimesso closeIcan’t believe we weren’t smackedinto by the competitors. All collisions were avoided though,and it turnedout to be an absolutelybeautiful dayonthe waterfor everyone fortunateenough to setsail.

Thecherry on topofthe whole daycame very early on -apod of Orcasjumping and swimmingbyuson the wayout into Howe Sound. After so many excited Everything Else postsabout localwhale sightings,I wasso happy to finallysee them in-person (and very close!) myself.Itwas aspecial starttoone of the best Bowendaysofthe year

-AlexKurial, Editor

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2011 CCNA CA NAD IAN COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER AWARD 2011 PUBLISHER Matt Blair publisher@bowenisland undercurrent.com CARTOONIST Ron Woodall ADVERTISING Tracey Wait ads@bowenisland undercurrent.com EDITOR Alex Kurial editor@bowenisland undercurrent.com #102–495 BowenTrunk Road, PO Box130, BowenIsland BC,V0N 1G0 Phone: 604.947.2442 Fax: 604.947.0148 bowenislandundercurrent.com DEADLINE foradvertising Monday, 4p.m. DEADLINE foreditorial Tuesday5 p.m. BowenIsland UndercurrentSubscription Rates: Mailed 1yearsubscription on BowenIsland: $55, including GST.Within
Friday,June 14,2024 A4 • bowenislandundercurrent.com


Start Snapping those Pics!


Calling all nature lovers! Showcase your nature photography in the Bowen Island Conservancy Photo Contest!

Do you have a knack for capturing photos of our island’s incredible natural creatures, plants and surroundings? Then we have the perfect way for you to share your talent and make a real difference to our island community!

Bowen Island Conservancy’s ‘Caring for Nature’ initiative invites you to take your best shot and help show off our local biodiversity:

Help showcase Bowen Island’s fascinating natural world with photos of insects, birds, mammals, lichens, trees, seaweeds, sea creatures, water and land habitats Anything you choose. Show us what you care for in Nature!

• Help us raise awareness about the importance of caring for our island’s rich biodiversity

• Inspire others to appreciate and care for Bowen’s natural world.

The contest is open to all ages! Whether you’re a seasoned photographer or just starting out, there’s a category for you! (Kids, Teens, and Adults.) Submit up to three (3) entries by the dealine of Midnight on Friday, August 16.




The most captivating photos will be featured at Bowfest on August 24. First, second, and third places will be selected in each category with exciting prizes.

This is more than just a contest; it’s a chance to make a difference and help tell the story of Bowen’s biodiversity. By sharing your photos, you’ll be helping us all to look more closely at the amazing diversity of life around us and to appreciate the irreplaceable natural wonders of our island.

We can’t wait to see the wonders of Nature through your lens!

Visit the Bowen Island Conservancy website for information on the ‘Caring for Nature’ initiative, and the entry form, rules, use and eligibility for the Photo Contest, at bowenislandconservancy.org/biodiversity

Perhaps a photograph of a Roughskinned Newt like this one will vie for a prize / Louise Loik photo

Speaking of nature shots, Sea Lion Season continues around Bowen Island as the creatures are clearly enjoying our waters for their summer home. We’ve got some above and below the surface shots of them this week, the topside pic taken by Chris Wilson of a very happy Sea Lion enjoying its own Herring ball during “Sunday Brunch” last weekend Meanwhile, Bob Turner got his camera underwater at Hood Point to find this Sea Lion eyeing up a school of Anchovies at the start of the month. Now well fed, both of them can resume their usual routine of sleeping and bellowing on Bowen docks.


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bowenislandundercurrent.com • A5 Friday, June 14, 2024

Just Kicking It


Bowen Island’s soccer club is bolstering the ways that all members of the community can become involved with the world’s most popular sport.

Bowen Island FC (BIFC) was formed in 2007, and now as it approaches two decades of existence has grown to offer adult and youth programs, along with co-ed soccer and a women’s league too. It’s all part of the club’s philosophy of “soccer for all”.

“We’re not about the standard of play that you bring or anything like that. We want as many people to come use it as an opportunity to meet people and have fun, and then kind of grow a love for the game along the way,” says Andy Gillooley, creative director with BIFC

Andy says when he first came to Canada, it was through local soccer clubs in Prince George and Vancouver that he’d meet people, including building a Liverpool FC supporters group in the city which started as a few dozen and grew to several hundred fans

“That kind of became my community And then as my kids got a little bit older they pulled me into the coaching side of things with them I just wanted to make sure that, because it’s a sport that has given me so much in my life, that I’m able to give something back,” says Gillooley.

Anita Peters-White, general manager of the club, says she’s seen the many positive effects the youth soccer programs have had on local kids. “The reason why I joined the club is because it’s one of the few organizations that pulls kids from all the different schools,” she says, with students from all three local schools – Bowen Island Community School, Island Pacific School, and Island Discovery Learning Community – represented in BIFC

“It’s one of the clubs that brings the community together in a really wonderful environment that’s welcoming. It doesn’t matter what school you go to, it doesn’t matter what neighborhood you live in We come together as a community in the soccer program,” says Peters-White, adding that even if kids split off to different schools as they age, soccer classes and the relationships forged through them still keep friends close together.

BIFC operates several youth teams for boys and girls, ranging from Under-8 to Under-13 squads. The club also has Mini House programs for the island’s future stars, aged four to seven. “When we’re working with the more youth focused levels it’s their first time ever kicking the ball, so we’re working on giving them a grounding in the sport and showing them the fun and community that brings,” says Gillooley.

Specialized programs have become a big focus for the club too, including weeknight academy classes and upcoming summer

camps. These offerings allow for further skill development, and in the summer see expert coaches come to Bowen to teach players even more technical skills to advance their game

These programs also give kids the chance to explore another crucial part of the game – coaching. The small size of Bowen’s field means once players reach age 13 they have to go off-island to continue playing team soccer To keep island kids involved with BIFC, teenagers are able to help out BIFC coaches with these sessions, earning coaching skills and volunteer hours along the way. At age 16, they can then pursue coaching certifications.

Anita says many young players have followed through on this opportunity, describing it as a “bridge to keep them involved in the soccer community that they were a part of.”

BIFC is far from just for kids – the club offers adults the chance to get out and play as well. The Co-Ed Rec League is open to

anyone over 18, and there is also a league for players 50 and over. By popular demand, the club also reignited a Women’s League this year.

Anita stresses that no soccer experience is necessary to come out and join, no matter what age you are or program you are interested in “If you’ve never played soccer before it doesn’t matter My girls had never played soccer before and they joined at 11 years old… You don’t even have to know about soccer to volunteer,” says Peters-White.

“There’s so many people who are willing to help you learn how to play soccer, or how to volunteer, or how to participate in any way. I think every single person who has been involved in it would say that it’s really creating friend groups for their kids, or as adults,” she adds

A full list of youth and adult soccer offerings, including summer camps which start at the beginning of August, can be found on the club’s website at bowenfc.com

Undercurrent GRAD issue June 21 Grads (oryourparents) please emailAlex yourphotoand 100words (orless) editor@bowenislandundercurrent.com fun pics from your school years are welcome too! Last call for submissions! Please emailbyMonday June 17th
Friday, June 14, 2024 A6 • bowenislandundercurrent.com
BIFC practice at Bowen Island Community School. / BIFC photo

Time for Strawberry Tea!

The weather is looking good for midJune The strawberries are ripe and have been ordered These two clues indicate that it is time for our annual Strawberry Tea at Bowen Island United Church We are delighted to welcome the Community to the Strawberry Tea, a long standing tradition hosted by Bowen Island United Church.

From 10 am to 3 pm on Saturday, June 15, the tea will offer a barbeque, sandwiches, gently used clothing, a Silent Auction, a children’s play area, music, pies for sale, and good old Bowen Island United Church, aka The Little Red Church, hospitality

Please note this important info - this will be a CASH ONLY event. We are a home spun event with a low tech approach So please find your favourite ATM and join us for all or part of this splendid day.

Each year it is a joy for us at the church to welcome the community; young, elders and everyone in between. I very much look forward to seeing you, your friends and your family on Saturday at Bowen Island United Church, at 1122 Miller Road.


Whether you’repursuing adegree, certification, or specialized training, the BowenIsland CommunityFoundation can helpfund your educational aspirations. Learnersofall ages with ties to Bowenare encouragedtoapply

Last year,25students pursuing post-secondary education and training in fields ranging from nursing and kinesiology to theelectrical trade received financial supportthrough BICF scholarships and bursaries and theKnickKnack Nook Scholarships program,totalling $66,500.


Applywithresumeand coverletter: work@islandpacific.org MIDDLE SCHOOL SUPERHERO MIDDLESCHOOL SUPERHERO Part-Time Educational Assistant & Part-Time Educational Assistant & ProgramSupport for 2024-25 ProgramSupportfor 2024-25 WANTED WANTED
We have an exciting opportunity for an active and engaging personality who is an experienced Educational Assistant and enjoys
with middle school students. Applicants should be 19 years or older, and capableofhelping out with core elementsof the school’s academic learning strategies program. Applicants are encouraged to bring their own distinctive skillset to this position.
community growshere
bowenislandundercurrent.com • A7 Friday, June 14, 2024
Yvette Gabriel at Strawberry Tea. The outfit theme, then and every year, is red! / Lorraine Ashdown photo

RoundBowen Race 2024

LastSaturday’sRound BowenRace,hosted by the BowenIsland YachtClub,boasted a recordnumberofentrantsas140 vessels registeredtotry their hand at theendurance race around the island.

On race morningitwas decidedthisyear’s competition would head south,clockwise around the island. Thefirst boat completed thecircuit in just over 5hours,thoughwith adjusted timingmanyofthe correctedtimes ledtoposition changes.

The fastestboatofthemall was Ferdinand, competing in the SportDivision with Steve Fleckenstein as skipper,at5hours 31 minutes 26 seconds.The topfinisher in the PHRF 1Division was Through (top right photo), skipped by Andrew Hamilton and crossing in 5hours 49 minutes 31 seconds Thequickest finish by aBowen skipper was TrevorTunnacliffe aboard Bee in the Sport Division in 7hours 10 minutes 4seconds.

Otherboats with Bowenskippers which took to theseasfor the race included Seamist with AllardOckeloen, Brigadier (below middle) with Jamie Ogden, M2 with Meghan N, and M3 with KarenMunro


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SHIRATHAYAM(Songofthe Sea)

BOWEN’SJEWISH COMMUNITY Shabbat Gatherings ~Holidays Sunday Worship10:30 am Rev. Lorraine Ashdown

WEDNESDAY10-4ORBYAPPOINTMENT Sunday Worship10:00 Rev. Phil Adkins Contact aryana.rayne@gmail.com •www.shirathayam.ca

5:20 am -exceptSundays 6:20 am 7:30 am 8:35 am 9:35 am 10:40am 12:05pm 1:15 pm 2:40 pm 4:00 pm -exceptWednesdays 5:10 pm 6:15 pm 7:20 pm -exceptSaturdays 8:50 pm 9:50 pm 10:50pm DEPARTHORSESHOE BAY 5:50 am 6:50 am 8:00 am 9:05 am -except Wednesdays. 10:10 am 11:15 am 12:40 pm 1:55 pm 3:30 pm 4:40 pm 5:45 pm 6:50 pm 7:50 pm -except Saturdays 9:20 pm 10:20 pm

Schedules change on statutoryholidays. Stay up to date at bcferries.com
MAY162024 TO OCTOBER142024
WelcomeYou CATES
CHAPEL www.cateshillchapel.com
604-947-4260 (661 Carter Rd.)
BOWEN ISLAND UNITED CHURCH Sunday Mass at 9.30 Contact AngelaPowell604-947-2515
Friday,June14, 2024 A8 • bowenislandundercurrent.com
Alex Kurial photos, NoamOlsson drone photo


Fans were treatedtosomebonus ball last Wednesdayasthe Diggersand Brewersbattledtothe settingofthe suntodecide this midseasonmatchup.

6:38 pm wasfirst pitch andthe Brewers gotright to work scoringa runinthe openinginning. TheDiggers evenedit up in thebottomofthe 2nd, butatjust1-1 after 2itlookedasifwewerein fora rather low-scoringaffair

That ideawentout the window next inningthoughasthe teams combinedfor 9runs.After 5itwas 10-8 for the Diggers, and after 6the Diggersmaintained theslimmest of leads at 14-13. TheBrewers needed arun in the 7th to keep the game alive, and they gotitcourtesyofJames Winckler,who reachedonaleadoff walk and waseventuallybroughthome by Pete Scott. Ascoreless

home half forthe Diggersmeant we were off to extra innings. With arunner startingon2nd in extras, theBrewers cashedintheir runwhenIishan Cruzknocked home Calvin.But it wasall they managed, leavingthe door wide open fortheiropposition.With the clockhitting9 andduskfirmlysettingin, leadoffman Dan Guillonstepped up and hit adouble to score Adam Woodward and tie thegame. After Guillonworkedhis wayto3rd it wasErik Miller’s turn at theplate.The 2023 Rookie of theYearsaw his opportunity,placinga perfectbuntdownthe 1stbaseline.With no fielder readytomakethe play,Dan wasable to scamperhome from 3rdfor thewalkoff 16-15 win. Thefinal game timereflected a MajorLeaguegameat2hours &30minutes.

-AlexKurial, Scorekeeper

League standings at the halfway point of the season (thru 6/3 games).




Shortstop Erik Miller (#00) laiddowna heads-up buntinextra innings to bringhomeDan Guillon (#17) forthe game-winningrun.Inaddition to the winningRBIMiller reached basetwice on apair of walks and scored both times.Guillon also had astrong dayatthe plate going 3/4 with awalk, scoring twiceincluding the walkoff winner and notching 2RBI. Guillon also pitched the final 2.2 innings of the game,and shut down the Brewers bats when it mattered mostbyallowing just 1run eachinthe 7th and 8th innings.


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Friday, June 14, 2024 A10 • bowenislandundercurrent.com Health and Wellness on Bowen To advertise here please call the Undercurrent at 604-947-2442 or email ads@bowenislandundercurrent.com $12 per week DR.GLORIACHAO FAMILY DENTIST FRIDAY 10-4:30PM AT ARTISANSQUARE 604-947-0734 HORSESHOEBAY 604-921-8522 www.bowenislanddental.com NEW PATIENTS WELCOME GarageSale Season is here! it’sthat timeof year again BC WIDE CLASSIFIEDS ANSWERS PUZZLE TODAY'S MARKETPLACE bowenislandundercurrent.com Your Community Call or email to place your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604-362-0586 •604-653-7851 classifieds@van.net classifieds.vancourier.com 604-653-7851
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Saturday, June 15

Summer Reading Club at the Library

Registration starts for our Summer Reading Club 50-Day Reading Challenge at the Bowen Island Library! Come pick up a booklet, collect stickers, and read your way to earning a medal! Weekly in-Library programs and activities will happen all summer too. Find out more at bipl.ca/src

Saturday, June 15

Strawberry Tea

The annual summer event at Bowen Island United Church. From 10 am to 3 pm, see Page 7 for full details.

Saturday, June 15

Let’s Chat in English! at the Library

A Drop-In Conversation Club for English Learners Come meet with other English language learners at the Library, and practice your conversational English in this friendly space All levels of learners welcome. This one-hour session is led by a volunteer with experience teaching English to new speakers Free, drop-in. Starts at 10:30 am

Saturday, June 15

Catching Stars Celebration

Come celebrate the 6th Anniversary of Catching Stars Gallery. Cheers to 6 years! From 2 to 4 pm at 479 Bowen Island Trunk Road. catchingstarsgallery.com

Saturday, June 15 & Sunday, June 16

Youth Festival of Plays

The Tir-na-nOg Theatre School’s 35th annual Youth Festival of Plays wraps up with two performances of Men at Arms, adapted from the story by Terry Pratchett, on Saturday evening at 7 pm and on Sunday afternoon at 2:30 pm

Saturday, June 15

Summer Dance at the Legion

Hip hop, RnB, soul & funk music w/ DJs Rhek & Big Rube. 8 pm to Midnight. Tickets $15 at the Legion, proceeds go to Legion bar upgrade. 19+ event, members & guests welcome!

Saturday, June 15 & Sunday, June 16

Art Show with Andrew Plewes

“Another Painted Garden” by Andrew Plewes. Runs 11 am to 4 pm on both days at 331 Josephine Drive.

Tuesday, June 18

Science of Happiness Public Talk

A talk on the Science of Happiness from a Buddhist Perspective. Topic is “What are the obstacles to finding and keeping hold of your happiness? Class taught by Denise Fitzgerald, takes place at Bowen Court (1070 Miller Road) from 7 to 8 pm, drop-in for $12. Everyone welcome, write denisefitzgerald23@gmail.com to learn more.

Wednesday, June 19

SKY Day Trek

Seniors Keeping Young is headed for a day trip to the VanDusen Botanical Garden in Vancouver Last SKY trek before the summer. Please write to info@skyonbowenisland. ca for full itinerary and to reserve a spot

Friday, June 21

SKY Workshop

Topic is Scam Awareness for Seniors. 10 am at Bowen Court (1070 Miller Road). Workshop is being presented in partnership with Bowen Island RCMP & First Credit Union.

Friday, June 21

National Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration

Ceremony including dancing, drumming, and special guest performances Begins at 1 pm at the Eagle Gathering Stage at the Hearth Gallery.

Sunday, June 23

Bowen Nature Club Hike

Join Alan Whitehead for a vigorous hike along the north flank of Mount Gardner from Bluewater to Killarney Lake



Date: Tuesday,June18,2024

Time: 6:00-7:30PM RSVPforfulleventdetails.

We’vegatheredalistofthefeedbackwe’veheardfromyour communityandFerryAdvisoryCommittee.Nowweneedyourhelp!

Wewanttounderstandwhich,ofthemanytopicswe’veheardabout,are mostimportanttoyou.Joinusforaninteractiveworkshopandhelpusshape thelistofyourcommunitypriorities.

LearnmoreandRSVPat bcferriesprojects.ca/bowen-island orscantheQRcode.Foreventquestions, pleaseemailengagement@bcferries.com


Approximately 5 to 6 hours long. Bring a lunch and water. Dress for the weather and wear sturdy hiking shoes or boots Meeting place details will be provided to all registrants before the event. Please register at least 2 days before the event at bowennatureclub@gmail.com

Saturday, June 29

BookFest Sale

The Friends of the Bowen Island Library presents BookFest, a large sale of quality used books, happening at the Bowen Library Annex and plaza area All proceeds benefit the Bowen Island Public Library. 10 am to 4 pm

Saturday, June 29

Carmina Bowena Concert

Spring into Summer with Carmina Bowena, Bowen’s a cappella chamber choir, with their favourite songs from the Renaissance plus a a few modern surprises Show begins at 7:30 pm at Tir-na-nOg Theatre. Tickets $25 at Cates Pharmacy and at carminabowena.ca

Monday, July 1

Canada Day Reimagined

Canada Day Reimagined is an all-ages community event for Bowen Islanders to celebrate community, reflect on our cultural and colonial heritage, and explore what it means to be Canadian today! Join the event at Bowen Island Community School from 11 am to 2 pm

Saturday, July 6

Lumberjack Show

Bowen Island’s 8th Annual Logger Sports Show at Veterans Park. Breakfast with Mr. Tube Steak starts around 8 am, elimination events go about 9:30, and full competitions kick off around 11. Tickets $10 at the gate, kids under 12 free. Busses all day between the Cove and Park, by donation. Still seeking some volunteers and competitors, please visit www.bowenloggingsports.com to learn more.

@andrewplewesart Painted
BY ANDREW PLEWES Another JUNE 15 &1611am to 4pm331 JosephineDr. BowenIsl.
Friday, June 14, 2024 A12 • bowenislandundercurrent.com

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