HAPPY CANADA DAY! There were plenty of smiles - and funny faces too - at Canada Day Reimagined on Monday. The July 1 event focuses on community, celebration, and reconciliation in order to provide a more holistic picture of this country we call home. To see more photos from the event, including the always popular Fire Truck Spray Down, head over to Page 5. / Alex Kurial photo
Bowen eyes new model for local water systems
The municipality will decide whether to adopt a new approach to governing the Island’s numerous water systems during council next week.
Bowen’s seven water systems are currently overseen by Local Advisory Committees (LAC), which are made up of residents from those neighbourhoods along with a council liason. These LAC are responsible for reviewing utility budgets and advising council on financial and other matters related to water operations.
Under the proposed model, which can be found in the agenda package for the July 8 council meeting, this reporting would now come directly to council and effectively end the LAC model. The bylaws establishing the LAC would be repealed, and no more LAC meetings would take place in the future. Instead, Community Information Meetings will be held to keep residents informed of changes or updates to neighbourhood water issues or developments
Established Local Service Areas (LSA) would remain, along with all of the current LSA budgets and rates.
BICS Year End Assembly Celebrates Educators & Community & Parent Volunteers!
SARAH HAXBY Community School Coordinator / BICS
Bowen Island Community School appreciates its parent and community volunteers and all that they do: from the Friday Lunch program to the Lost and Found, extra reading, the school garden, Science Fair, fundraising for playground additions and more! Every year we recognize and celebrate all of our volunteers, and every year we hold nominations for the BICS Volunteers of the Year Awards (VOTYA) and the Community Spirit Awards (the new name for former ACEbc Awards). The “ACE awards” have been given out across B.C. for over 40 years by the Association for Community Education in British Columbia (ACEbc).
At the BICS Year End Assembly Sarah Haxby, Community School Coordinator, and Angie Vyner and Tara Forshaw, the PAC (Parent Advisory Council) co-chairs, and Helen Wallwork, one of the CSA (Community School Association’s) co-chairs joined the BICS principal and vice principal in the gym to give out some special awards.
People from the community may nominate more than one person for each category each year, but each recipient may only receive an award once in a lifetime!
The awards recognize volunteers, staff and community members who make a positive difference in our community The Community Spirit Awards and BICS Volunteer of the Year Awards are currently sponsored by the Community School Association (CSA), which, along with the school’s Parent Advisory Council, the PAC, are two organizations that support
the school Many of the things around the school, including playground equipment additions, and many of the fun things that we have done this year, like the whole school field trip and Fam Jam event are made possible in part thanks to the support of parent and community volunteers.
The Community Organization award goes to Basia Lieske, leader of the Light Up Bowen event. Under the leadership and vision of Basia, LUB volunteers have spent countless hours decorating the Cove, organizing Santa and working with a crew of elves for many years now. LUB brings a sense of community coming together and joy to the community through lighting up the Cove. Basia couldn’t attend the assembly, and so Rebecca Ander, one of the LUB volunteers, accepted on behalf of Basia and Light Up Bowen.
The recipient of the Community Spirit Individual volunteer is Jes Slater Jes is a community-minded person who helps out with many important groups on Bowen Island, including a group that helps to keep our trails clear, builds new trails and inspires and educates people of all alges on how they can get out and walk and hike! Jes helps out in the community in many ways, she is not only with Bowen Trails but has also volunteered on the Bowfest Committee and at BICS in many ways, including helping with Sciencepalooza. Thank you Jes!
Jana Honing is one of the Bowen Island Community School Volunteers of the Year Award (VOTYA) recipients Jana has helped at BICS in many ways over the years, as well as this year when we wanted to recognize and thank her for her many hours and dedication to helping BICS especially for
Community Spirit Award Winners (L-R) Jes Slater, Tara Forshaw, Angie Vyner, Jana Honing, Rebecca Ander, Victoria van Schouwen, Sarah Haxby, Helen Wallwork. (Not pictured - Basia Lieske) / Submitted photo
her support of the Friday Lunch Program this year
Angie Vyner and Tara Forshaw received VOTYA awards for their leadership as PAC co-chairs extraordinaire. They made fundraising fun, and their dedication to supporting the PAC and BICS this year was greatly appreciated. BICS would like to thank them for helping to make this a super fun year with many things including the Kindergarten Tea Towels, Photos with Santa, the Movie Matinee, Growing Smiles plant sale, the amazing Fam Jam event and more!
The Community Spirit Award for Community Education is presented to an
individual who has rendered exemplary service, support and leadership in education. BICS teacher Victoria van Schouwen has shown leadership in continuing community connections over many years at BICS; including intergenerational programs such as the Grandfriends program, leadership and year-round, outdoor, experiential learning in the community, and a variety of community service projects including planting bulbs at the new Fire Hall to beautify as well as delivering cards of thanks to our community’s first responders.
We would like to thank everyone who takes the time to make our community, and our community school, a better place!
Thank YouSchool BusDrivers!
Abig shoutouttoexpressappreciation for thewonderful jobthat ourschoolbus drivers have done.
Many thankstoColin and all theother drivers who helped make the school year asuccess.
Notice of Open WaterSwim Event on July13
SwimBowen’sannual CancerCarefundraisingevent will host75open-water swimmersalongwith acrewofwater safety marshals in kayaks,paddleboardsand zodiacs on Saturday, July 13 between9:30 and 11:30 am
To ensureeveryone’s safety,wewould be ever so grateful if boaters(and boat launchers) could avoid the southend of Tunstall Bayduringthis time.Additionally, if you canrelocate anyboats moored in the area forthat2-hour window, we’d be doublyappreciative, as that will help us provide aclear line-of-sight between course-markerbuoys for swimmers and safety marshals
If you have questions or concerns,please email us:swimbowensociety@gmail.com
With Oceans of Gratitude!
-The SwimBowenTeam
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TheUndercurrent is amember of the National NewsMedia Council of Canada, which is an independentorganization established to deal with acceptable journalistic practices and ethical behaviour.Ifyou have concerns about editorial content, please email editor@ bowenislandundercurrent.com or call604-947-2442. If youare not satisfied with the response and wish to file a formal complaint,visit the websiteatmediacouncil.ca or call toll-free1-844-877-1163 foradditional information.
Bowen celebrated Canada’s national holiday with Canada Day Reimagined on July 1. There were lots of games and activities for kids and adults, including hockey, soccer, tug of war, sack races and more, along with booths set up by various community groups to visit - plus food and drink too. The event also places an emphasis on the important task of reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples. Visitors to the Project Hummingbird station had the opportunity to learn about the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and its work, including the 94 Calls to Action which resulted from it
The event concluded with the traditional Fire Truck Spray Down, which on a hot day proved a refreshing and enticing prospect for the many Canada Day revellers
Alex Kurial photos
Humpback focused on feeding comes withinoar length of kayakers
Times Colonist
Kayakers on BowenIsland hadavery closeand potentiallydangerous encounterwith ahumpbackwhale last month areminder that the whales are focusedonfeedingand often obliviousto their surroundings
Photos shared on social mediabyBowen Island SeaKayakingshowagroup ofkayakershuddledhardagainstthe shoreasa humpback —now identifiedasMalachite, athree-year-old male —was lunge-feeding within apaddle’s length ofthe boatersand theshore.
Jackie Hildering, ahumpbackresearcher with the Marine Education and Research Society, said the humpback whale wasnot showingcuriosityabout the boats, but feedingonschools of small fish
Humpbacksare returningtothe Salish Sea after their migrations from breedingin Hawaii, Mexico and CentralAmerica where thereislittle food and they areworking hard to build up reserves in the Salish Sea, said Hildering.
Shesaid humpbackssuchasMalachite have “verystrongsitefidelity” for feedingin the Salish Sea, usuallytaughtbytheirmothers. “Itissoimportantfor boaterstorealize that this is what humpbacksare so often doinghere… theyare feeding,”she said. “Collision is averyrealrisktothe safetyof all boaters.”
Shesaid baleen whales arenot known to have bio sonar/echolocation to interpret their surroundings.Theycan surface sud-
denlyafter longdives,hardlyevertravelin a straight line and cansuddenly become acrobaticwith breaches.
When not feedingordiving, humpbacks canbe sleepingornursing nearthe surface and be difficult to detect.
BowenIslandSea Kayaking owner Steve Mather didnot return callsfor an interview, but staffconfirmedthe encounter.
Onsocialmedia,Mathersaid the kayakerssaw the humpback from adistance and deliberately positionedthemselvesby theshore wheretheythought they could watchsafely.
“The humpback haddifferent ideas. Amazinglytheyactuallycaptured thewhole episodeonvideo. We chosenot to publish [the videos] specificallybecause we don’t want to encouragekayakerstoget closeto marine mammals,” said the post.
Butthe company did sharephotos of the encounter from adistance.“We aresharingthesephotos,not thekayaker’s footage, becauseit serves as an excellentexample of just howclosetoshoreahumpbackmight be feeding. And that even though effort was takentobeinaseemingly safe spot,the kayaks foundthemselves in an extremely dangerousposition betweenan80,000poundwhale and arockwall. Thankfully everyone wasOK, butitcould have ended much differently.
“Hopefullywecan alllearn from this how unpredictable whalescanbeand that we need to give them lots of space.”
BowenIsland SeaKayakingalsonoted it’s the lawtokeep100 metres from whales— 200 metres if they arerestingor with acalf —and 400 metres fromall orcasinsouthern
Sunday Mass at 9.30 Contact AngelaPowell604-947-2515
CATES HILLCHAPEL www.cateshillchapel.com 604-947-4260 (661 Carter Rd.)
Sunday Worship10:00 Rev. Phil Adkins Contact aryana.rayne@gmail.com •www.shirathayam.ca
SHIRATHAYAM(Song of the Sea)
BOWEN’S JEWISH COMMUNITY Shabbat Gatherings~ Holidays
B.C. waters
Hilderingsaid “significanthuman injuries”can result from collisions with whales Shesaid kayaks and paddleboardshave been flipped,boats have been disabledand peoplehavebeenthrownfromtheir boats, sufferingbluntforcetrauma.
In June 2017, aguidedfishing boat collidedwith abreachinghumpbackoff Haida Gwaii. Mike Hamill,apassenger,was thrown into theair and landedonthe console of the vessel. Hamill’s back wasbrokeninthree places,whichlefthim aparaplegic.
Hilderingsaid BowenIsland SeaKayaking presented theright messagewithits social
mediapost. “Weneed peopletodothe right thingswhenposting these photos,thatthere arelawsthatexist that protectthe whales and the peopleseeingthem,”said Hildering. TheMarineEducation andResearch Societyispartneringwith tourism group4VI and the NorthIslandMarine Mammal Stewardship Association this year on amarine mammal viewingbest practices program.
It urgestouristsand locals who view whales and sharethoseexperiencesthrough social mediatodosowithawarenessofthe rulesand laws that protectthe speciesand ecosystems where marine mammals live.
5:20 am -exceptSundays 6:20 am 7:30 am 8:35 am 9:35 am 10:40am 12:05pm 1:15 pm 2:40 pm 4:00 pm -exceptWednesdays 5:10 pm 6:15 pm 7:20 pm -exceptSaturdays 8:50 pm 9:50 pm 10:50pm DEPARTHORSESHOE BAY 5:50 am 6:50 am 8:00 am 9:05 am -except Wednesdays. 10:10 am 11:15 am 12:40 pm 1:55 pm 3:30 pm 4:40 pm 5:45 pm 6:50 pm 7:50 pm -except Saturdays 9:20 pm 10:20 pm QUEEN OF CAPILANOFERRY SCHEDULE MAY162024 TO OCTOBER142024 Schedules changeonstatutory holidays. Stay up to date at bcferries.com
Agroup of kayakers on BowenIsland got an up-close encounter witha feeding whaleon June 15./Bowen Island SeaKayakingphoto(viaFacebook)
Artinthe Garden returns for Year Two
TheBowen Island Garden Club is bringingbackits Artinthe Garden evening for another year
Theevent debutedlastyearfollowinga well-received suggestion by Garden Club memberDougElliott. Thenight takesplace inaBowen garden, andpairs socializing with worksbylocal artists,alongwithwine tastings.The artworks areavailable forpurchase, with partialproceedsgoingtowardan island charityorgood cause.
Lastyear’sinaugural Artinthe Garden, hostedbyDougElliottand Owen Plowman at their home,featuredworks fromaround 20Bowen artists.Guests walk the garden –whichinDougand Owen’s case,inaddition to traditional flowerand plantdisplays alsocontains aclassic redtelephone box –and consider pieces whichmay be right for their homes or as gifts.Lastyearmore than$12,000 worthofart wassold, which allowedfor $6,000 to be donated to the BowenIsland Conservancyatthe endof the night.
“Likeevery goodevent it relies on volunteers,”saysElliottabout the evening. Garden
Club members help with findingartists for thenight,alongwith coordinatingfoodand drink. This year Paul Rickettwillbe curating Okanagan wines forthe guests.
Elliottsaysheand Owen areeager to host theevent fora secondyear. “Peoplereally enjoyed that aspect of seeingfriends and chatting andsittingand havingaglass of wine on anice summer evening.”
Thebeneficiaryofthis year’s eventis Snug Cove HouseSociety. Fornearly three decades now the organization hasbeen workingtowardthe creationofaseniors residence on Miller Road, onlytoexperience manypitfallsand roadblocksalong the way.
When the projectlookedclosetobreakinggroundlastyear, an updatedconstruction budget once again pricedthe plan out of reality.
Soon after howevera contractor approachedthe societywith anew plan for theproject he felt wouldbefinancially viable.Excavation hasbegun at the site of thefuturefour-floor, 24-unit seniorsresidence,and agroundbreaking and startto construction is planned forlater thisyear. Thebuildingisexpectedtobecomplete sometime in 2026.
Graham Ritchie,chair of the society’s board,saysthe building will offeranalter-
nativetoseniorswho mightotherwise have to leavethe island. “It’sgoing to be safe, comfortable, and aboveall it’s notgoingto be separatedfromthe community.”
“This is areallyimportant part of ourphilosophy, that there’sgoing to be lots of connection with ourcommunity,”saysRitchie, pointingtothe health benefits of being able to live somewhere you’recomfortable “That’syoursupportsystem. That’s your friends,yourneighbors.It’swhere you’re most relaxed.”
Ritchie adds that after so many yearsof
work it canbehardtobelieve the projectis finallycomingtogether.“It feelstentative. It feelswonderful. There’sstill some hurdles,but we’vebeenjumpinghurdles for 27 years. It’s lookingreallygoodright now, so it feelsexcellent.”
Artinthe Garden takes place Saturday, July 13 from 7to9 pm.Anyoneinterested in attendingcan find tickets by goingtothe BowenIsland Garden Club website. Elliott cautions peoplenot to wait too long though, as ticketsare alreadyaround two-thirds sold for the evening.
Doug Elliott photo
Eclectic Et Cetera - Creations from Remnants & Ruins
The Hearth Gallery
Local artists Stacy Beamer and Kathleen Ainscough are exhibiting mixed media and sculpting at the Hearth Gallery in Snug Cove, from July 3 to July 22.
Kathleen Ainscough is stepping out of her comfort zone using bolder pieces and colours compared to the gentle, quiet neutral pieces that she usually does As an introvert, Kathleen uses her art as a form of expression and as a channel for hope and positivity.
She intends that her pieces work as a form of nonverbal communication stimulating conversations Kathleen has an art school background, and is experienced in many mediums, such as textiles, woodwork and clay.
Kathleen chose to work as a mixed media artist creating layered and textured pieces to generate movement. She grew up with art around her watching her grandmother who was a part of the West Van sketch club
Spending time in her studio gave her
joy from a young age. She draws inspiration from the natural coastal environment - rocks, docks and rusty things.
Stacy Beamer takes inspiration from eclectic bits and bobs he finds around the Island and Vancouver. Originally with a construction and metal working background, he didn’t realize that he had an artistic bone in his body until he moved to Bowen Island
He found joy in utilizing his skills in a creative way, by giving objects a new purpose and second life He is known for his bold whimsical sculptures scattered around the island.
He works with mixed media using scrap metal, wood, glass, stone, and mud, mostly recycling materials created by nature His art is a mixture of decorative, practical and functional, letting the piece naturally interact with the environment around it
He really enjoys being able to have creative freedom on whatever he is working on, never fully sure how the final product will look until it is finished.
The Artist pARTy with Kathleen and Stacy is Saturday, July 6 at 6 pm at the Hearth
Kathleen Ainscough (above) & Stacy Beamer feature in the Eclectic Et Cetera art show at the Hearth Gallery in July / Submitted photos
Preparing Your Garden for Dry Spells
Right now, we’re all happy to see a day without rain. But the specter of drought is there as a possibility, if not this year, then in coming years. How can we prepare our gardens for times of water scarcity?
Regenerative agriculture is a holistic approach to gardening that emphasizes soil health, biodiversity, and ecosystem resilience. By focusing on soil health and biodiversity, you can make your garden thrive, even in dry conditions The key is to support the many creatures that live in the soil, so they can create the structures that allow water to infiltrate Here’s how principles of regenerative agriculture can help you achieve healthy, water-retentive soil.
1. Minimize Soil Disturbance
Digging disrupts and degrades soil structure. Soil – unlike dirt – is filled with living creatures, from tiny microbes to fat worms, and they need water. These creatures are essential for building structures in the soil that have spaces for moisture.
2. Keep Soil Covered
Keeping your soil covered is crucial for preventing erosion, maintaining moisture, and protecting it from extreme temperatures. You can achieve this by mulching or planting cover crops, also known as “living mulch.” Planting densely also helps create a microenvironment that reduces surface evaporation and keeps water in
3. Maintain Living Roots Year-Round
Having living roots in your soil all year round is important. These roots provide food for soil microbes, which are needed for building a soil structure that can hold water.
4. Increase Biodiversity
Biodiversity is the key to a resilient and productive regenerative garden. When you plant a diverse mix of crops and cover crops, you’re promoting a robust soil ecosystem. Different plants contribute different types of organic matter and root structures, which improve soil structure and water-holding capacity.
5. Effective Watering Practices
How we water during dry spells is also important. Watering in the early morning reduces evaporation, which is crucial when water is scarce. But make sure to water all your soil, not just around the plants Your soil is home to many living creatures that need water to live and build the soil structures that hold moisture.
If soil gets too dry, it can become hydrophobic, meaning water will just run off or pool without being absorbed. One method for retaining water and managing where it goes is to build swales
Swales are a simple earthwork technique for harvesting water. Swales are created on the contour of the landscape with a ditch above a mound The rainfall flows 90 degrees to the slope, collects in the ditch and then is absorbed by the
A healthy level of diversity is important for a successful garden. / Submitted photo
soil and plants’ roots that are in the mound. It’s a natural way to direct water where it’s needed most, and it’s a method used in many locations across the world.
There will be a workshop at Grafton Commons at 10:30 am onSunday,July14onbuildingswales.LisaHollandwillexplain the theory behind swales and provide hands-on practice Lisa is a certified permaculture designer You can register at bowenfoodresilience@gmail.com
Saturday, July 6
Lumberjack Show
Bowen Island’s 8th Annual Logger Sports Show at Veterans Park. Breakfast with Mr. Tube Steak starts around 8 am, elimination events go about 9:30, and full competitions kick off around 11. Tickets $10 at the gate, kids under 12 free Busses all day between the Cove and Park, by donation Still seeking some volunteers and competitors, please visit www.bowenloggingsports.com to learn more.
Saturday, July 6
Catching Stars Artist Party
Catching Stars Gallery presents two feature artists for the month of July - Dave Brewin: Wood & Resin vessels, & Natasha Boskic: Fibre Artist. Join us for the artist reception on Saturday, July 6 from 1 to 3 pm Natasha, award winning fibre artist, will be in attendance Light refreshments. #1479 Bowen Island Trunk Road, catchingstarsgallery.com
Saturday, July 6
Eclectic Et Cetera Art Show at the Hearth Art Show with Stacy Beamer & Kathleen Ainscough runs through July 22 at the gallery. Both artists join the Artist pARTy at the Hearth Gallery on Saturday, July 6 from 6 to 8 pm. More info on Page 8.
Saturday, July 6 (& other dates)
SKY Hangouts
Drop in at the Cottage on Cardena Drive: We will be offering a welcoming place to stop in for a coffee, tea and a treat while visiting with fellow seniors or friends. From 1 to 3 pm. Hangouts also July 9, 10, 12, same time and place. July 6 & 13 hangouts have Mahjong, please RSVP for a seat at the table by writing to info@skyonbowenisland.ca
Tuesday, July 9
Curious Clay Creatures at the Library
Build a mysterious creature out of clay, led by Sara Skuce from The Burrow! Ages 5-8 begins at 1 pm and lasts for 1 hour, Ages 9-12 starts at 2:30 pm and lasts for 90 minutes. Drop-off your child for both at the Library Annex. Please register at bipl.ca/SRCevents
Tuesday, July 11
SKY Yoga
Join Diana for yoga at Bowen Court from 10 to 11 am. $5 fee for non-members free for SKY members
Wednesday, July 10 & Friday, July 12
SKY Walks
Meet at 9:45 am at the Catholic Church on Miller Road. Both walks same time & place.
Saturday, July 13
Art in the Garden
Bowen Island Garden Club presents Art In The Garden. An evening featuring works for purchase by local artists with wine in a beautiful Bowen garden from 7 to 9 pm Proceeds benefit Snug Cove House Seniors Residence. Tickets $30, you can find them by visiting the BI Garden Club at www.bowenislandgardenclub.ca/events
Sunday, July 14
Swales Workshop with Lisa
Free garden workshop on from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm at Grafton Commons garden. Swales are a simple earthwork technique for harvesting water. It’s a natural way to direct water where it’s needed most, and it’s a method used in many locations across the world. More info on Page 9. To register please email bowenfoodresilience@gmail.com
Sunday, July 14
Songwriting Workshop at the Library
Free Songwriting Workshop w/ Bowen-raised Sarah Jane Scouten. Sarah Jane will share her long-honed knowledge of crafting songs, earning her 4 Canadian Folk Music Award
Planning an island gathering?
nominations. Runs 12 to 2 pm. All ages, levels, & genres of songwriter welcome, whether you’re new to songwriting or have written songs before. Please register at bipl.ca/song
Tuesday, July 16
Space Centre: Roving on the Moon at the Library
Join H.R. MacMillan Space Centre experts to learn about the Moon’s unique environment, robotics and coding. 2 pm in the Library Annex Ages 7-12 – Drop off your child for this 1.5-hour event. Register your child at bipl.ca/SRCevents
Tuesday, July 23
Technology Through Time at the Library
Explore technology from the past and learn about how technology has developed from Telegrams to Instagram. 2 to 3:30 pm in the Library Annex. Ages 5-12 – Guardians welcome to attend. Register your child at bipl.ca/SRCevents
Sunday, July 28
Quarry Park Salamander Quest
What do amphibians and frogs do in the heat of the summer? Join Nature Club naturalists as we lead a salamander quest at Quarry Park. Bring rubber boots or water shoes and clothing you don’t mind getting wet. Meet at the Quarry Park parking lot adjacent to Sunset Road at 1 pm Led by Will Husby and Alan Whitehead. Please register by at least 2 days before event by writing to bowennatureclub@gmail.com
Meditation Sessions
Meditation is run on Tuesday from 7 to 8 pm and Sundays from 9 to 10 am. For more info people can contact Michelle by phone or text at 604-880-5609.
Farmers Market
The Bowen Island Farmers Market is back for the summer Come say hi to all the vendors and check out all the food, crafts, clothes, & more at Bowen Island Community School. Market runs from 10 am to Noon.