July 26, 2024

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FULL CREDITFORCLEANUPCRE W Bowen’sbeachesaresignificantlycleanerthanksto the effortsof First CreditUnionemployeesduringthecompany’sCommunityImpact Day. With afocus on theenvironment, (L-R)Annie Arbuckle,K atarina Tichopad,Kevin Manning,&KristenHelssenheaded outon aThursdayafternoonandmadesurenotrash wasleftbehindastheywalkedourlocalbeaches. First CreditUnionhasmadetheday anannualeventsince 2014,witheachoftheirdifferentcommunities picking avolunteeractivitytoparticipate in. More than120employeestookpar tthisyearacross B.C.

Diverserangeof Muni Community Grantrecipients


Eightorganizations will be the recipientsoffundsfrom the Community Grants Advisor yCommittee

Just over$31,000 wasawarded in totalfollowingapplicationstothe municipalcommittee. Amajor beneficiar y ofthedecisionwasthe BowenChildren’s Centre,receiving $10,000 toward the Family Place portionoftheirchildcare centre. Family Placefunctionsas adrop-inarea fornew parentsandtheir children,andalsooffersclasses and activitiesfor youngfamilies.

On the educationside,Island Pacific School received $5,000 to fund abursary foranIsland student. TheBowen Island Librar yFoundationreceived$800 to puttowardthe 100th Birthday Celebrationofthe OldGeneral Store, taking placeon Saturday,August10atthe Library.

BowenIsland Food Resilience Societywas awarded $3,730foraccessible seed processing equipment, while the BowenIsland Conser vanc yis$3,500 closer to their goal of publishinga book aboutMannion Bay.


Thisclassiccharacterhomesitson awide,slice-of-pie-shaped0.31acrelotontheLenoraLoopinDeep Bay-oneofBowen’smostsought-afterneighbourhoods.ThisisoneofLenora’srarelargerproperties -flatandusable,with afully-fencedandwell-establishedgardenofmaturefruit-andspecimentrees. Insideis4-5bedrooms-includingaguestsuitebelow- and alarge,unfinishedworkshop/ar tstudio. Cozyandquaint,withheatpump(inclcooling),largesouth-facingdeckofftheLR/DR,and aunique Danishfireplaceatthecentreofyourentertainingarea.Allwithin aver yquickwalkoftheferry, school,CrippenPark/KillarneyLaketrails,andPebblyBeach.

We’rehiring aSeniorFinanceClerk

Duetointernaladvancement,BIMhas avacancyfor apermanent,fulltimeSenior FinanceClerkstartingassoonas possible.This position providesgeneralaccountingandadministrativesupport aspart ofthe CorporateServicesteam,andfields generalinquiriesfromthepublic. Applicationswill be acceptedonanongoingbasisuntilthe positionis filled.



Questions?Contact KatStephens,HRCoordinator, athr@bimbc.caor call604-947-4255ext.226

FireBanin Effect


ThisprohibitionwillbeinplaceuntilThursdayOctober31,2024or untiltheorderisrescinded

Thismeansnocampfires, beachfires,orotheropenburningonpublic andprivateland.

Questions?ContactBowenIsland Fire Rescueon604-947-9324.

BIMhasmultipleopeningsforcustodiansatthenewCommunity Centrefacility, startingmidAugust.

Part-timepermanentandcasual workisavailable,withthepotential forfull-timeemploymentinthefuture. Trainingwill be providedas needed,andduetothefacility’soperationalneedswestronglyprefer BowenIsland residentsascandidatesforthese positions.

Applicationswill be accepteduntilthe positionsarefilled,with interviewingto be scheduledonanongoingbasis.

Forafulljobdescriptionandcompensationpackagepleaseseeour website:



Dogsarenot permittedonBowenBayBeach,TunstallBayBeachand SandyBeachduringthemonthsofJulyandAugust,exceptforservice dogs

Onallother beaches, dogsmustbeona leashorunder yourcontrolat alltimes(within 3metres).

FurtherinformationaboutdogsonBowencan be foundhere:


Callout forC itizenofthe Yearnominations


Is theresomeone you knowthatdeser ves recognitionfortheircontribution to our Islandcommunity?

Pl ea se for wa rd aw rite upfor your Citizenofthe Yearnominationandwhy you believe theydeser ve therecognition. Youcanemail yoursubmissiontobihistorians@telus.net,ordropitoff at the Bowen Island Museum &ArchivesinSnug Cove.The submissiondeadlinethisyearis Thursday,August1.

Here ishowthecommitteemakesthe always difficult selection:

Once we have allthenominations,each memberofthecommitteeranks thenomineebetween1-5,1-Poorand 5Excellent.


-Remarkable Volunteer Service

-Impacton Community

- Volumeof Work

-Inspirational Role Model


-Ourcommitteewillfavourthosenomineesthat provide volunteer work withno monitar ygainor personal benefit.

- Popularity of anomineeshouldnot be the finaldecidingfactorof ourdecision.


MeetPeanut,oneofBowen VeterinaryServices’mostsenior clients.Despiteherage,this wonderful18-year-oldgirlisstill resilientasever!Facinghealth challengesastheycomelikea champ!Initiallyunsureofeveryone whenfirstrescuedPeanuthas blossomedintoalovingcompanion whoadoresherfamilyandis veryadoredbythem.TheBowen VeterinaryServices Teamlovesto supportsomanyofBowenIsland’s furbabies,youngandold!

Can’tmakeourusual9-5opening hours?Wewillbeopenuntil 7pmon Thursdaysforthesummer.Giveusa calltobookanappointmentorcome by.Welookforwardtoseeingyou!


Mon-Fri9-5 ClosedSat &Sun

-Recent Activityisimportant, however,longevity of service to ourcommunity should be astrongconsideration.

-Preference to candidatesthatlivehere fulltime.

-Nominationsareonlyaccepted if candidates have notpreviously received the Citizenofthe Year.

Bowen’slasttwo Citizensofthe Year were RondyDikeandBasiaLieske.

Bowfest &B owen Pridereceive funds


BowenPride,aneworganizationwhich heldtheisland’s first ever publicPride event withthePride Stride,Ride,& Picnic inJune, wasawarded$2,500 to assist intheir goalof becominganannualevent.Andthe fastapproachingBowfest, nowlessthana month away,received $3,000 to go toward paying musicians.

Sw imBowen wasalsothe recipient of

$2,500 to help withtimingdevicesand beachequipment.

“Mymanythankstothecommunity grantscommittee, as wellas to the successful applicants,” said mayorAndrewLeonard. Applicationsfrom BowenIsland Resilient Housing(BIRCH)for$6,000and LightUp Bowenfor arange of$5,000 to $10,000 were deferred to thefall to allowformoreinformationtobegatheredontheprojects.

Livemusic at Bowfest wasgiven aboostthanks to agrant aimed at paying musicians,suchas last year ’s per formancebyQueeras Funk./ Alex Kurialphoto




patrick.weiler@parl.gc.ca 604-913-2660



School ’s OutFor Summer

Thank yous omuchtoeverybodywho shared their work forthis week’s Island Wide. Clocking in at arobust32 pages,we’ve once again equalled the re cord for the largest Undercurrent ever.With twoofthesesizes tuckedawaythis year,perhapstheyare becoming morecommon. Thisiscoolforthe reporter in mewhoenjoys reportingandphotographingwhat’s goingonaround town,and to see all of yourreportsandpictures too. However the layoutsideofmeis abitmore hesitant,as thesedomakefor some late Wednesdays. But all worthitintheend!

And withthat, itistimeforthe papertogo on itsannual summerbreak. Tracey andI will be away untilafter BC Day,andthenext issueofthe paperwillcome outthat Friday on August 9. Just intimeforthe ball tournament! We’ll be sure to have alltheinfotoget you set for thebigweekend at thefield.

Hopefullywewillall be able to enjoy thenext fewweeks relaxing withoutanything too newsworthy takingplace.Thisofcourse includes thecougarwhichhas somehowlandedon our island,whichcannowbeseenonvideo onthe local socialmediapage. Many communities live ever yday in closeproximitytocougars (and other wildanimals),howeverforBowen they’renot acommon sight. So pleaseexercise cautionwhen youare outonthetrailsorin thewoods. It maybeagood idea tokeepyour petsinsideas much as possible,especiallyat night. Youcanfind good informationabout livingsafelywithcougarsonthe‘StayingSafe Around Wildlife’sectionoftheBCgovernment website. Stay safe outthere, andlet’s hopethis comestoa welcome resolutionforallofthe humansandanimalsonthisisland.

Alright, that is surely enoughfromme. The summer vacationis callingmy name.Itcontinuestobeawonderfulexperience to coverthis littleislandandmeetallthepeoplewho callit home.Ihopeyou have agreatcoupleofweeks, and we’ll seeyou ontheother side.

THEWRITESTUFF. TheUndercurrent encourages readerparticipationinyourcommunitynewspaper.Youmustincludeyourfullname and adaytimephonenumber(for verificationonly). Theeditorreser vesthe righttoeditforclarity,legality, brevityandtaste.Pleaselimit to under500 words. HERE’S HOW:Tosubmit aletter to theeditor,fax604-947-0148ormailit to PO Box130, BowenIsland,BC,V0N1G0 or emaileditor@bowenislandundercurrent.com


Phone: 604.947.2442 Fax: 604.947.0148 bowenislandundercurrent.com

DEADLINE foradvertising Monday, 4p.m. DEADLINE foreditorial Tuesday5p.m. BowenIslandUndercurrentSubscription Rates: Mailed 1yearsubscriptionon BowenIsland: $62.50, including GST.Within Canada:$85includingGSTNewsstand (Single Copy)$1.50per copy,includingGST ISSN7819-5040

All Advertisingandnewscopycontent arecopyrightof theUndercurrent Newspaper.Alleditorial contentsubmittedtotheUndercurrent becomestheproperty ofthepublication. TheUndercurrent isnot responsible forunsolicited manuscripts,art work andphotographs.

National NewsMedia Council.

TheUndercurrent is amemberoftheNational NewsMedia Councilof Canada,whichisanindependentorganizationestablished to dealwithacceptable journalistic practicesandethicalbehaviour. If youhave concernsabouteditorial content, pleaseemaileditor@ bowenislandundercurrent.comorcall 604-947-2442. If youare notsatisfiedwiththe responseandwish to file a formal complaint, visitthe websiteatmediacouncil.caor call toll-free 1-844-877-1163 foradditionalinformation.


WaterGovernance–What isitthat needs to change?


Chair/ King Edward Bay Water System Local Advisory Committee

The revisionof water governanceon Bowen is overdue. Kudos to the Mayor and Councilforgraspingthistask, butlet’s understandwhat needs changingandwhat might be lostif we change thewrongthing.

Local Advisory Committee(L AC) chairs heard that Council had not be enfully infor med theproblemsof water governance,and seekmoredirectinvolvement withthe public to direct staffaccordingly. In the Undercurrent, Kristen Watson (CFO)explaine d that change isne eded because there was noformal mechanismfor staff to infor m Councillorsof waterproblems.

It is hard to believe that for20 yearsthere has beenno‘formalmechanism’for staff to advise Councillors. Regardless,iftheydid not,itisanastonishingderelictionof public duty but, morelikely,itis simply untrue.

CouncillorAlison Morse, forexample, has attendednearly every LACmeetingfora decadeandisdiligent in attending Council. Municipality (BIM) staff and Councillors work side by sideand see eachotherfrequently. So, canit be truethat Council has not beeninformedoftheissues?Idon’t think so

We alsoheardthat theeffort ofadministering seven LACs wasa burden. Thisis entirely reasonable, butanother wayoflooking at thisisthat thecommunity’sincreasing concern about water governance has caused increasing engagementin someareas.

Thecommunityis wantingmore explanation, ju st ificat ion,andaccountabil ity However, asan LAC chairfor about10 years, I have detectedagrowing resentment in BIM staff athavingtheirassertionsand assumptions challenged.

It seemsthereareimportantquestions directlyimpacting water security andthe community’sfinancial burden to which staff will simply not respond. Forexample,‘Will you follow the guidanceof our Bylaws?’ No response. ‘Can you telluswhat youare doing to ensurecost savingsare being made and we are getting valueformoney?’ No response. ‘Would you tellusofthecondition of the wellthat wastaken outofcommission recently?’ No response.

‘Will you prioritizepreser vationof wells

inthis servicearea?’ No response. There must be someexplanationforthis reluctanceasthequestionsarenotthat difficult. Perhapstruthfulanswers can’t be justified, or perhapsit reveals somethingelse.

It isasif BIMnolonger seethecommunity asprimary stakeholdersinthis. Localcommunitiesaredefined by Local ServiceAreas established inindividual bylaws Thos e communities have had,and willcontinue to have,exclusivefinancial responsibilityfor the waterinfrastructureintheir LSA. Good and bad outcomesof BIMdecisionsleave thecommunity responsibleforallthecost.

In that financial sense the community istheonly stakeholder. Withtheproposed changeslocalcommunities will have noorganized mechanism to comment or adviseonthe water systemthat itexclusively pays for. It is hard to seehowtheprimary stakeholdersin each servicearea will bebetter served by this. For someit won’t matter. Forothers, it will.

Ifthe Council really istakingdirectcontrol/oversightofoperationsand publicconsultation, we must understandthat they servea wider responsibilitythanindividual serviceareas. We canonlyhopethat this Council,orthenext, willnotletthis oversight slipasthe structure, history,and human nature suggestsitmight.

Thetruthisthat, without much helpfrom councillors, LACs have madeanimportant contribution over recent years, especially in respectoftransparency. We nolonger get datathat mixesimperial gallonsand US gallons,or datafromunequaltime periods to compare, because we pushedforit. Data wasincomprehensibleandimpossible toprocess.Nowthereisoftenafew days to considerit, andthepresentationsare morecoherent.

Staffused to make long presentations, preventing serious discussions Now we getmore succinctpresentationsandmore robust dis cussion. Follow-up remains a problemastheminutesarewrittenina style that capturesnothingoftheconcernsordiscussion, but we have worked onthis.

LACs alsopreventedthe wastefulexpenditureof hundredsofthousandsofdollars inconsultant’s reports proposed by staff when so much pipeneeded to be putin theground. Is thereanyoneon Bowenwho thinksthisisa badthing? Isn’tthishow publicconsultationshould work?

This year ’s PacificNorthwestLightning SailingChampionship was claimed by Bowen’s ownJaneHenley, togetherwithacrew featuringdaughterClaire andson-in-lawIan./Submittedphoto

VIEWS Whatliesahead for Water



Most Boweners wouldconsider this good forthecommunity, butit wouldnot have happened without our pushing back.

Iamnot sayingthat theengagement ofthecommunity through LACs isexclusively responsiblefor all these positive outcomes, butI cannot seetheincentivefor BIM to change withoutit. Councildidnot add much weight overthe years. So, I wonderifthisincentive to evolve towards greater transparenc y and moremeaningful publicengagement willnow be diminished by theproposed changes.

We will have to organizeascommunitiesandlobby endlesslyto sustaintheprogress thathas been made. It would be amistake to rely on Councillors to keepthepressure on asthey will be resistant.

Thisis because BIMdoesn’tthink it should be subject to scrutiny. They

resent goingthroughthemotionsof publicengagementand have resisted,in so many ways,that contribution. Theproposed water governance changes revealtheir resistance.

Afterall, BIM will be relievedofthe burdenof having to talk to anymemberofthe public aboutany matter related to water. I worr y aboutthis, especiallyas BIM hasno realcommitment to fiscal restraint.

LACs have provideda structurefor engagement, however badly managed or supported aroundtheisland, andhowever much BIMdisliked the process. Thetruth appears to be that there wasneveran attempt to make themeffective. Now,there will be just acoupleof publicmeetingsa yearfor individuals to attend.

It will be meaninglessininfluencinga municipalitythat is resistant to engaged governance. Thisisthe problemthatmust be fixed, withor without LACs

I WishI Could Tell You

Dear Dad,

I wish you were stillhere Dad, so I could tell you about SwimBowen andallthe beautiful thingsunfurling fromthis littleidea fromallthose years ago.

I wish you could have seenthe joy onthe beach that morni ng andhow it magi ca ll y eras ed - ifonl y fo ra moment- any hear t achesor worr ies weighing onus.

Andhow itbrought out the best inallofus, the strongest sw immers flying throughthe water like dolphinacrobats, andthe sloweramong usdeterminedly pulling through the rough water keeping in our heartsloved oneslost or those withus going throughthe real hard work of cancer treatment.

I wish you could have feltthe waves withmeas I climbed up and overthe rolling sea with hundreds ofwhite jelly fishfloating silently beneath melikeaquatic stars. AndhowI steadied my mindthroughthe rhythmic patternof turn, inhale, reach, roll,exhale

AndhowItried to run at thefinishline. AndhowIfell spectacularly, my legscollapsing undermeasifI hadno legs at all.

Mostly I wishIcould tell you how SwimBowenlights peopleupforallthe best reasons, touchingonallthe ways we can be strong. Strong in our bodies, strong in ourselvesand strong forothers.

It’s abig beautiful wave Dad-picking usupandfloating usfor ward.

I wish you were here.



TheBowenIslandGolfAssociationisseeking amotivated individualtofillthefull-timepositionofOperationsManager. ReportingtotheBoardofDirectorstheOperationsManager plays apivotalroleinoverseeingallcluboperationsincluding thecareandmaintenanceofthegolfcourse,theShedRestaurant andtheTKPerformance Trainingfacility. For afullpositiondescriptionplease visitourwebsiteathttps://www.bowengolf.com/. InterestedapplicantsshouldsendtheirCVtoAdmin@bowengolf.com onorbeforeFriday,August16th,2024.


- Mary Letson
Mary Letson reachesthe SwimBowen finishline./ Alys Williamsphoto


FoodasMedicine:A Path to Better Health

I spoke last month to Bowen’sRotar y Club abouthowallofushereon Bowen Island can benefitfromthe well-documented relationship between diet and chronic diseases such asdiabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia.

I explored scientific datafrom reputable reports such asthe EAT-Lancet Commission, Harvard University dietary guidelines, Canada’s NationalDietary Guide and the Food Revolution Network, among other sources.

Thediagnosisofdiabetesoftenimplies a lifetimeofmedication. However, a study titled “Lifestyle Interventionor Metformin for Type 2DiabetesPrevention,” published in the New England Journalof Medicine foundthat combininga plant-based diet withexercise reduced diabetes incidence by 58 per cent, while thediabetesdrug Metforminloweredit by only31 percent.

Certainfoods significantlyimpacthealth conditionslikehighblood pressure, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, andobesity The topthree culpritsare refined sugars (found

inwhiteflour,white rice,andtable sugar), saturatedfats,andtransfats. Despitethis knowledge, many hospitals stillprescribe medicationsinsteadofdietaryshifts.

Forthose at risk ofhighblood pressure, weshould be cautious about sodium, saturated fats,andtransfats. Foodslikemeat, cheese and buttercontainallthree, makingthem risky choices.Processed snacks, sugary foods, andalcoholshouldalso be limited Instead,optfor potassium-r ich foodslike potatoes, sweet potatoes,melons, peaches, bananas, squash,broccoli, spinach, lentils,and soy.Almondmilkand soy milkareexcellentalternatives.

If you’re de aling wi thel evat ed tr iglycer ides and cholesterol, avoid shortening, margarine,friedfoods, and bacon. Th es e contr ibut e to at heros cl eros is,a conditionwhere low-densitylipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol accumulates in blood vessels Conversely,pr ioritize vegetables, whole grains, andplant-base d proteins in yourdiet.

Maintaininga healthy weight is crucial forpreventing ch ro nicdis ea se s. Ob esit y leads to edema, inflammation, sleep disturbance, fatigue, abdominalobesity,and


September13 -15

Joinus fortheliterary eventoftheseason! Writeon Bowen isbackwithanamazingline-upof workshopsand events,includingan eveningwithacclaimedauthorand Governor-General Awardrecipient, JOHN VAILLANT, (picturedatleft). We’llkickthingsoffwith Rhythmsand Rhymes: An EveningofLiterary Delight:featuringlocal authors,poets,storytellersandperformers.Choosefrom eightdiverseandinteractiveworkshopsthatwillhone yourwritingskills,sparkcreativity,andprovide valuable insightsintothe worldofwriting.Enjoyadelicious luncheondiscussionandotherspecial events! Forfull details,visitour website:


pain. Fordiabetes patients, it poses even greater risks

To shedexcess weight, focuson nutrient-densefoodslikegreen vegetables,nonstarchy veggies,legumes,freshfruits,whole grains, nuts,and seeds. Limit “empty calorie”foods such asprocessedmeats, junk food, sugary drinks, cakes, and pastries. Avoidacid-forming foodsthat promote inflammationanddisease Instead, choose alkalinefoods rich inantioxidants, anti-cancercompounds,andanti-agingproperties. Plant-based dietsprotect against oxidative stress and support overallhealth.

Research consistently links animalprotein consumption to cardiovascular diseases, cancer,andmortality. Foroptimal hearthealth, prioritize plant-basedproteins.

These foods contain potassium, magnesium,fiber,plant sterols,vitamin E, flavonoids,andotherheart-protective nutrients.

The EAT-Lancet Commission, Harvard Me dical School’s Healthy Eating Plate, Canada’s NationalDietary Guideand the Food Revolution Network allemphasize the importanceofplant-based foods for maintaininghealthandpreventing chronic diseases. These guidelines recommend a diet rich infruits, vegetables,wholegrains, beans,legumes, nutsand seedswhilelimiting the intake ofmeat, dair y products, refined carbohydrates, saturatedfats,and transfats.

Food is indeed medicine Remember, everymealisanopportunity to promote the well-beingof ourselvesandtheplanet.

Hyunjoo Leepresentedatalk to the BowenIsland RotaryClub at Ar tisanEats inJune./Charles McNeillphoto

TheOldGeneral Store’s100thBirthday Part y


Mark your calendarsfora100thbirthdaypicnicon Saturday, August 10from12 to 3pm.

Themosticonic buildingin Snug Cove, the Old General Store/Library,is100 years

oldthis yearandis stillavibrantcommunity hub. Joinusfora1920s stylepicnic,heritage displays, musicandactivitiesforthe wholefamily.

The event begins at Noon withfamily picnicsonthe Library lawn.Bringablanket andapicnicfor yourselves to enjoy,ororder apre-madepicnic“basket” from severalof ourlocal restaurants(moreinfo available

soon at bipl.ca/100)

There will be a youth jazzband serenading yourpicnic with some1920s tunes,while gamesandactivities will be availablefor kidsofall ages.

At 1:30 we’llhearfrom some keyindividualsinvolved in savingthe buildingfrom demolition back inthe early 1980sandthen at 2pm we’ll gather ever yoneforagroup

community photo. In betweenthere will be gamesfor the kids, souvenirs to collect,opportunities to share your storiesofthe building, anddisplaysinsideand outsidethelibraryshowing the many livesandincarnationsofthe 1924 Union Steamship Company Store.

We hope to see you on Saturday, August 10 starting at Noon. Ever yoneis welcome!


PanoramicView Lot|0.59Ac|Offeredat$1,100,000. Spectacular panoramicviewsacross Howe SoundfromBlack Tusk to Cypress Mountain, Vancouverandthe UniversityEndowmentLands,MountBaker, andsouthtothe Gulf Islands.

3Bed |3Bath |Studio|2,555Sq Ft |1.28Ac |Offeredat$2,699,000. A rare opportunity to ownpropertyatBowen’sHood PointWest. Over1,800sq.ft. of deck facing HoweSound, GambierIsland,andthemountains.Themezzaninestudioistheperfectplace to create. 520SMUGGLER’SCOVEROAD,BOWENISLAND

3Bed |2Bath |1,384Sq Ft |1/2 Duplex |Offeredat$1,298,000. Sparkling7-year-old CatesHillhalf-duplex rancherhas asunny south-facinglot.WalktoSnug Cove, theferry, andschools. Idealfordownsizing.Perfect foryoung families,it’s ontheschoolbus route. 945RIVENDELLDRIVE,BOWENISLAND


4BED +DEN |2 1/2BATH| 2,019SF |1.66 Ac | NEWPRICE$1,538,000. Craftsmanstyle4-bedhomeonCatesHill. Waterandmountainview. Walk to the ferry, schools, shopping,cafes, community centre, health centre, or connecttotheBowenIslandtrailsystem.


3Bed |3Bath |2,285SqFt|0.79 Ac |Offeredat$2,298,000. Anenthrallingview of the Strait of Georgia, PasleyIsland,andVancouver Islandinthedistance Inside, there’sa subtleZen-likecalmandserene colourswith afocusonnaturefromeachwindow.


Acreagewith aFlat, SunnyBuilding Site |4.94Ac|Offeredat$1,100,000.

Thisveryprivateacreage withlevel,sunny, buildingsitealso features adrilled welland zoning fora detachedsuitewith aroughed-indriveway— perfect foraguesthouse,orthein-laws.

Celebrate Our Community: VolunteerandJointheBowfest100


As we all bask inthe summerglory of Bowen Island, a smallanddedicated team of board members has be enpreparing si nce Ja nuar y for the island’s most cherished annual celebration, Bowfest.

And,asofwriting, we areinneed of more vo lunte er s to ma ke thi s event happen.

Sc hedule d for Sat urday, Au gu st 24, this ye ar ma rk s the48th a nni ve rsa ry ofthefestival, a te st ament to its endurin g char m andlove it ga rner s fromis la nd re si dents Wi ththe maj orit y of la st ye ar ’s bo ard de pa rtin g, a re lativel y newgrou p ha s tak en up the ma nt le aime d at no t ju st ma intainin g the st at usquo, bu t so lidifyin g and grow in g thefestival wi than ey e t o thefuture.

Bo wfes t ha s alw ay s be en a vo lun te er-driven ev en t, it s su cc e ss wo ve n to ge ther by th e ha nd s ofthis unique and sp ec ia l comm unit y on Bo we n Is la nd.Fromthefoot-tappin g mu si c, to thefo od st alls , to the ki d’s infl at ab les, to th e famo us Sl ug Ra ces, each as pe ctofthefestiv alisbr ou gh t to life by vo lun-

te er s andthe ge ne ro usis la nd sp onsor s whoar e vital to en su ri ng Bo wfe st ha ppens.

In this day and ag e, when bu ildin ga st ro ng co mmunit y feel s mo re crucialthan ev er, Bo wfes t presents au niqueoppor tu nit y to en ga ge wi th you r neigh bo ur s an d pl ay a ro lein c re at in g so met hi ng th at r each es be yo nd ju st a oneday fes t, and towa rd s biggerideals a nd v alues.

Th is ye ar, we ar e la unchin g the Bo wfes t 100initi at iv e, aimin g to bu ild a ro bu st ba se of at leas t 100 d ed ic at ed vo lun t ee rs ofall ag es to help wi th va ri ou s as pe ctsofthe ev en t. Wh ethe r yo u ca n sp ar e tw o hour s onFrid ay ev enin g to hel p wi th se tu p, an yt ime durin g the ev en t on S at ur da y,orforthe Su nd ay mornin gt ak ed ow n, you r contribution wi ll be in va luable . All you need is yourselfanda positive spirit.All capabilitiesare very welcome.Note we are also specifically lookingfor some special skills, such as Servingit Right, stagecrewexperience, oraccess to and experience drivingtrucks and vansfor set-up andtake-down

Vo lun te erin g at Bo wfes t isnot

wi thoutits pe rk s. Eac h vo lun te er wi ll re ceiv e anex cl usiv e colle cto r’s item t- shir t and a fr ee tic ke t to Bo wfes t.

More importantly, you will earn bragging rightsontheisland—a way to show that you’ve stood upfor,and with, yourcommunity.

Th e ne ed for vo lunte er s ha s grow n as o ur comm u nit y ha s gr ow n in re cent ye ar s. By jo inin g the Bowfes t 100, yo u ar e not ju st com m ittin g to helpfo r one day; you are st eppin g up to ca rr y fo rw ardal eg ac y of communit y andcel eb rationthat defines ou r is la nd’s character Th isis you r chance to ma ke a difference, to ensure that Bowfe st continues to be a highlight of ou r communit y ca lenda r, andwhere yo u ca n say, “I help ed ma ke this ha ppen.”

We invit e you , you r friends, and you r famil y to jo inusin ma ki ng the 48thAnnual Bowfes ta sp ec tacular ev en t. Si gn up toda y to be a pa rt ofthe Bo wfes t 100andhelp ke ep this be au tifultraditionaliv e for ye ar s to come

To volunteer,pleasevisit our Bowfest website(www.bowfest.org)orfindus on Facebook.

See you at Bowfest!

The Parade&Slug Racesare twoof Bowfest ’s signatureevents./ Alex Kurialphotos






















Mary LynnMachado,Katherine Wolters, ShayleDuffield,DebbieCollingwood, JoForbes,SandyMulholland,JulieSaxton, MichaelHenrichsen,DavidBellringer,Beth Turner














NewsfromtheKnickKnack Nook



TheNookthanksallitsmanysupportersfortheirgenerousdonations.Mostofyourgiftsareselectedforresalein thestore,neverthelesssomeareunsuitableandarebagged andtakenbyvolunteerstocharitiesonthemainland, principallytheSalvationArmy.

Wehaveaccum u lated a largebacklogofbags,and desperatelyneedvolunteerstohelpoutingettingthem off-Island. Ifyoudo a regular ‘town-run’ youcanhel p usoutbycollecting a loadofbagsfromthetentoutside thestoreanddroppin g themoffontheNorthShore,or inthecity.

Itwillonlytaketwoorthreecommittedvolunteerstotak e careoftheproblem. Notethepictureofourtentfilledtobursting! Wereallyneedyourhelp.

CallJohnat:6049476953oremail:kathjohn@fastmail.fm forfurtherdirections.

OnamorepositivenotetheNookispleasedtorecordthat thisyeartherewereanunprecedentednumberofapplicantsforitsScholarshipprogram.Therewere34successful applicants,anincreaseof11studentsovertheprevious year,whichwasalsoarecord.

Thequalitywasremarkably high.Congratulationstoalltherecipient s wh o willbenotifiedbytheBowenIslan d Foundation ThescholarshipsarepaiddirectlytoUniversitiesto offsetfees.

ThisyeartheNookfinancedtheprogramtothetuneof $67,000.Wehopethatitwilllessentheburdenonfamilies scrapingtogetherthecostsofaUniversityeducation.

TheNookisalsoproudinregardtoitsgiftstotwo otherimportantcommunityorganizations.Over$23,000 wasraisedthroughthesaleofyourar t donationstosupportthenewHealthCentre,and$21,000towardsbins forBIRD.


Donationsarepilingskyhigh at theNook,andthe teamneedshelp to deliverthem to charities on themainland./Submittedphoto

extraordinaryachievementonthepartofthe35volunteerswhosecommitmenttothespadeworkof sorting, cleaning,selecting,researching,disposing,accounti ng,maintaining,andmuchelsebesides,makes it allpossible.

A Bowen Trash Bash

We canmakeadifference! Thanks to BowenIsland NeighbourhoodSmallGrantsprogram we have starteda ‘TrashBashonBowen’. Iam grateful to Barb MacDonald(no relation),and Tim King, for initiatingtheprogramonJuly9,2024-thehottest dayofthesummer to date! Withthreepeopleand only 1.5hours, we gotquiteahauloftrashand cansalong Adams Road. We receivedsomethank yousandhornhonksofappreciation. Thereis moremore to do! Futuredatesinlate summeror earlyfall tocome. Please reachoutif you want to join us!/ Carolyn McDonaldsubmission

Mount Gardnerchronicles

As thefirstdeanofhistory at theUniversityof British Columbia,anda contributor to the League ofNations, MackEastmanhadakeen awareness ofhowthepastinformsourpresent. Perhaps this iswhat compelledhim to besuchanadept chroniclerofhis ownlife—includingthedecades spent escaping to hisBowenIslandcabin,which he boughtwhen MountGardner Road wasthe only routeacrosstheisland. Thissummer, visitors tothe BowenIsland Museumand Archivescan discoverhowhisfamily ’s legacyisintertwined with theisland’sevolution. The exhibitisentitled Mt. Gardner Park: Art, Histor y, Family Tiesandthe Eastman/McNeillJourney(1916–2024). It melds Eastman’s ex traordinary archiveswiththear twork of his Paris-bornwife AntoniaLarribeEastman. Compiled by their grandson,islanderCharles McNeill,the exhibitisafascinatingglimpseofan ex traordinary couplewhotravelledfarbutalways loved cominghome to Bowen. Theshowrunsuntil August31./ Martha Perk inssubmission

Since1988,building communitieswhere peoplelovetolive


Construction has startedatSeymour Landing’s newestsubdivision. These sunny, southeast-facing properties arenestled into thecoastal bluffs above SeymourBay, offeringviews of theStraitof Georgia,Vancouver,and MountBaker.Located just ashort walk from Bowen’s9-holepublic golf course,the beach, andanextensive trailnetwork.


759Seymour BayDrive(Lot8)

•1,400sf,self-containedmainfloorwith 2bedrooms, 2bathrooms.

•1,300sflowerfloor—finish noworlater

•Optionalcarport or garage.

•Startingfrom$1,725,000 +GST (pre-construction price)

765 SeymourBay Drive(Lot7)

•1,900sf,2-storey, open-conceptliving.

•Multipledecks,includingcovered forallseason use.

•3 bedrooms +den,2.5 bathrooms.

•Optionalcarport or garage.

•Startingfrom$1,795,000 +GST (pre-construction price)

MoreBuild Packages availableat www.bowenislandproperties.ca



Achild ’s memoriesofthe OldG eneral Store

When Iwas achildgrowingupon BowenIsland, Irememberhearing that thereweresomegrownupsthat were trying to save the OldGeneralStore building from beingdemolishedbecause it wastoo closetothe road,whichneededto be widened.

Evenas akidof Ithoughtitwasagreatold building, sittingrightat the bottomofthehillinthe Cove.I didn’tknow it wasbuiltinwhat is calledthe Tudor style, butI likedthe lookofit,andknewthatat onepoint, my grandfatherhad beenaSannie Boat driverand hadpossiblyworkedatthe OldGeneral Store(or ‘O GS’ as some people calledit.)

Iknewthat it wasthe second general storeonBowen Island,astheoriginal building, the1907 DaviesStore, whichhad been halfwaybetweenthe BC ferr ydockandthe Cenotaph,had beendemolished. Ifelt strongly in my young heartthat we should save the1924Old General Storefroma similarfate…justtowiden aroad!

Ev enas ak id be tw ee nt he ag eof8 -1 0y ea r so ld, Ic ou ld fe elhowi mp orta nt the bu ildin gw asforthecom mu nit y a nd It houghtitw ou ld b ea shame i fitw as k no ck ed down t he wayo therthings ha db ee nonB ow en Is la nd .Ig re w u ph ea ri ng ab ou th ow ah oteland da nce ha llandother th ings ha db ee nk no ck e dd ow noro ther wi se re move d f ro mt heis la nd,andfeeli ng as adne ss ofne ve rb ein g ab le to ev er se et heold Lo dg ep icnic ,o ld wo od en w at er sl i de at Sa nd yB each,a ndthe wo od en b ri dg eove rt he t opof t h ew at erfall. Th es et hings we re all g on eb eforeIhadthe chance to se et hem

Th isis pe rhap sw hy ,atane ar ly ag e, Ib ecam ea n enthusiastic suppor terofsavinglocalheritage. As akid, I rode my bikearoundtheisland andvisited the baseball diamondand clambered inand outofroadsideditches, sloppingaboutintheweedsand watercress as Icollected

beer cans,and beer bottlesfromwherever Icould;and thenpeddlingto thecur rent GeneralStore at theMiller/ GovernmentRoadcrossroads to cashinthe cansfortheir deposit money.

Wi th ap oc ke tf ull o fc ha ng e, I’dc oa st do wn th eh ill to th em ar ve lousfle am ar ke tt ha tw as ru nni ng as af undra iserinth eO ld Ge neral St or etot ry to save it .G oi ng thr ou ghth e ma ny tables Ir emem be rh av in g ah ar dt ime se ein go ve rm os toft hetables,asIw asquit ey oung ,a nd shor ta tt hat time .Eve ry thin gs melle dl ik eo ld boo ks and sl ig ht ly ofthe we td og sl ee pin gint hecornerofthe ma rk et .T hecolourfulpil e sofd on at ions ch an ge df ro m da ytod ay aslo ca ls ch uc kle dast he yw en tt hr ou ghth e do nat ed cl othe sa ndhous eh olditemsand gu es se dw ho ha dd on at ed wh at.

Therewas abitof akid’s area and Irememberfindingalittle pocket-sizedstuffymouse amongstthe variouskidsitems that Ibought, butmostlyIjustkept savingmoneyand buyingasmanyraffleticketsas Icouldtotry to wintheold-fashionedfabricdollthathad been handmade by DonnaMagee anddonatedasoneofthefundraisingitems.

Theold-fashionfabricdoll hada flower-pattered dress and matching ‘AnneofGreenGables’style hataswellas large, kindlyeyes, somewhat-wild reddish hair,andlittle leathershoesthathadlikelybeenmadefromanoldleather jacket, and hand sewn by Donna, probably onheroldtreadle sewing machine.

Theraffleticketmoney wastohelp save OG Sand my desiretow inthedollblendedw ith my desiretosavethe OldStore,soIpurchased as many tickets asIcould… I boughtsomanyraffleticketsforthedollthat the kindly older womansellingthetickets made acommentabout my keenness, andsuggestedthatperhaps Iwould rather usemymoney to buysomecandy fromthe Bowmart? I shookmyheadand shylysaid ‘not yet,’bywhichImeant : notuntil afterwesaveO GS!

Ikept going...And so didthecommunity.




5:20am -exceptSundays 6:20am 7:30am 8:35am 9:35am 10:40am 12:05pm 1:15pm 2:40pm 4:00pm -exceptWednesdays 5:10pm 6:15pm 7:20pm -exceptSaturdays 8:50pm 9:50pm 10:50pm

DEPARTHORSESHOE BAY 5:50am 6:50am 8:00am 9:05am -exceptWednesdays. 10:10am 11:15am 12:40pm 1:55pm 3:30pm 4:40pm 5:45pm 6:50pm 7:50pm -exceptSaturdays 9:20pm 10:20pm

Schedules change on statutoryholidays.Stayuptodateatbcferries.com

Sarah: afew yearslater, and abittaller.

Withallthefunds raised,Iwas sure wewere goingtosave the OldGeneral Store… and we did! It waswonderful to see that collectively as acommunitywe’dcome together and done somethinggoodtogether.Soweall gottosee the Old General Storeasitwaslifted,moved,given anewfoundationand much work to getitintoits currentposition,hopefully safeenoughfromthe wideningmain road.

My part inthe saving of OGSwas aver ysmall part,and overthe yearsI have come to appreciate allthe work that the main teamofvolunteersdid to save the store. But, as akid, Ifeltproud,and ever ylittlebithelped,and together we did it! We savedO GS!

PlacesofWorship Welcome You


Sunday Worship10:30am Rev.LorraineAshdown www.biuc.ca |1122MillerRoad 778-688-2061


CATESHILLCHAPEL www.cateshillchapel.com 604-947-4260 (661CarterRd.)

SundayMassat9.30 ContactAngelaPowell604-947-2515 SHIRAT HAYAM(SongoftheSea) BOWEN’SJEWISHCOMMUNITY ShabbatGatherings ~Holidays

Sunday Worship10:00 Rev. Phil Adkins Contactaryana.rayne@gmail.com •www.shirathayam.ca

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Peter& Ann –604-947-2248/davidsonpetera@telus.net

Books&Beyond at theLibrary


Whilethe Bowen Island Library’s bookcollectionisalways keptfresh withthe latest titles, we also have brandnewvideo courses, games,and services you’ll want to know about so you canenjoy and make the best useof yourlocallibrary

Have you ever wishedthere wasoneonline spot to see allupcoming Bowen Island events? Thereisnow,onthe Community Calendar,hostedonthe Bowen Library website Butthecalendaris just the structure— we need yourhelp populatingit with yourcommunity events. Youcan easily submit your eventsandfind outmore at bipl.ca/cal

Thisisalsoagreat toolforplanning yournext event, as you’ll be able to seewhatelseis happeningandletother eventplannersknowwhen your eventis happening by havingitonthe calendar. Submit your event today!

Our websiteisthedigitalextensionofthe Library,and there you canfind many resources to learnfromand be entertained by,and you canaccessthem easily with your library card WithMango Languages, our latest videocourse database, patrons canaccess over70 self-paced language learningcoursesanddialectsfromthecomfortofhome.

This year we also subscribed to Creativebug, which hosts over1,000artsandcraftsonlinevideo classes.And LinkedIn Learning has over16,000onlinecoursesin business, computertechnology, software, business, personal development, andcreative skills,allconducted by expertsin theirfields.

DVDs.Andfor cartripsor at home, we also lend out DVD players with screens(theylooklikea laptop). Now you can watch the latest filmsin our DVDcollectionofmovies, TV series,anddocumentaries evenif youdon’t have aplayer just borrow one!

Our newcolourprinter/photo copier/s canner/fax is anotherexcitingadditionthis year. You cannowupload yourdocumentsfrom yourdevice to ourprinter app at bipl.ca/print

Payonlineorin person at thedesk, andcomecollect yourprint jobinthelibrary. Staffarehere to help!And our two-person soundproof booth(AKAthe Pod)isanother new feature, bookableforthosetalk-out-loud Zoomorin-person meetingswhereprivacyandquietispreferred

Notall our services requirealibrary card to access, but for thosethat do, Library staffare happy to get you signed up foroneandhelp youaccess our services. We encourageall Bowen Islanders to browse our website (bowenlibrary.ca) to seeall we have to offeronlineandin-person.

email:cormorantmarine@telus.net web:cormorantwatertaxi.com

Newin our “Library of Things”ofphysicalitems patrons can borrow are two Spintronics sets. Get started building fascinatingmechanicalcircuitsas you solve67fun puzzles. Players ages8 to adult can buildmechanicalcircuits,feelthe pullof voltage,and seetheflowof current. Discoverelectronicsinatangibleandintuitive way,usingthefirst physical equivalentofelectronics ever built. It’s fun, easy to learn, andirresistible to play.

We nowalsolend out USBdiscdrives to play andwriteto

NewSpintronicssetsareamongthenewofferings now available to borrow at the BowenLibrar y.

ow do Ibecome apatient at BICHC?

Venturing Outexhibitoffersnew challenge forpainter



Mary Rose Drescheris having herfirst soloexhibition at the Hearth Gallery in Snug Cove from July 24 to August 12.

Venturingoutofhercomfortzone, Mary specializesinoil paintings,portrayingthe feelingsof joy, wonder,and comfortshe experiencesthroughherconnection to the BowenIsland landscape.

Mary isinspired by the textures,shapes, and coloursbound together by lightto determinethemood ofthe scene.She has abackgroundinarchitecture andfineart andiscurrently displayingafewpiecesat CatchingStarsGaller yinthe Cove

Mary Rose grewup watchingher parents doingart,alwaysfindingitcalling to her. As her children gotolder,shefoundthetime to creativelyexpressthe beauty of Bowen’s wonder.Through painting, shedrawsthe landscape into herself,puttingitbackonto the canvas.

Thepiecesintheshowdepictscenesthat Mary experiencedthroughheradventures exploringBowen Island withherfamilyover the last 10 years. Shehopes to transport

you into theBowen scener yasyouwander throughherexhibit.

Shesays, “Ashumans we often have a senseofdisconnectionfromthe natural landscapeand ayearningtoconnect,painting is awonderful waytoconnect to the landscape.”

Mary Rosealsoenjoysteachingpainting andhas beenoffering some privatelessonsontheisland. In September, afterthe show iswrappedup, sheplans to offermore teachingtoanyone whoisinterestedin learningfirsthandfromher.

VenturingOut runsuntil August 12, with anArtist pARTy this Saturday,July27from 6 to 8pm.

Ar tinthe Garden

TheBowenIsland GardenClubheld theirannual Ar tinthe Gardengatheringearlierthismonth. Theevening featuredsocializing,winetasting s, andtheopportunitytoadd anew pieceofart from alocal Bowenartist to your collection. Theevent picks a goodcauseeachyeartosuppor twith aportionoftheproceeds, whichthis timearoundwasSnug Cove House Societyandtheirpursuitofbuilding aSeniors ResidenceonMiller Road Overall,morethan$7,000was raised forthisgoalthroughthenight’sart sales. /Submittedphotos

Mary RoseDrescherisbehindthe new exhibit ‘Venturing Out’.

Reser ve the Dates forthe Writeon Bowen Festival for Readers& Writers

We arethrilled to announcetheupcomingWriteon Bowen Festivalfor Readers& Writers, set to takeplaceonidyllic Bowen Islandfrom September13 to 15,2024.

Th is mu ch -anticip at ed event, whos e sponsorsincludethe Hearth,Artson Bowen and the Bowen Island Public Library,promises to be aninspiringandenrichingexperience for readersandwritersalike, featuring a varietyof workshops, events,andopportunities to enticetheliterarycommunity.

We’ll be kickingoffthefestivalonFriday night,at the Hearth Gallery/LibraryAnnex, withan eventthat willnodoubtbecomea memorable evening. RhythmsandRhymes: An Eveningof Literary Delight willfeature Bowen authors, poets, storytellers, singer/s ongwriters andotherengaging and talentedartists.

At our gala on Saturday evening,acclaimed author John Vaillant willtakethe stageas our keynote speaker. Johnisa PulitzerPrize finalist, who wonthe Governor General’s Awardforhisfirst book, The Golden Spruce. He has earned numerousother awardsand

accoladesforhis subsequent work,including Fire Weather: The Makingofa Beast, which was published last year.

A riveting read,it chroniclesthe events andafter mat h ofthe2016hor ri fic Fo rt McMurray wildfire, and reflectsontheelevatedthreat of wildfire tr iggered by climate change Joinusforanunforgettable night as Johnshareshisexperiencesand insights, offeringa rare glimpse into hiswriting journey andthe stories behind his works.

This year ’s festival willonce againinclude eightdiverse andinteractive workshopsthat willhone yourwriting skills, sparkcreativity,andprovide valuableinsightsinto the worldofwritingand publishing. Whether you area seasonedwriteror juststarting out, regardlessofthe genre youarewritingorexploring, there will be something for ever yonepresented by engaging and inspiringfacilitators

Discounte d early-bird registrationfor theWriteon Bowen Festivalisopennow. For detaile d infor mationonall events andactivities,pleasevisit our website at writeonbowen.com

TheWriteon Bowen Festivalfor Readers &Writersisanannual eventcelebrating andpromotingtheliteraryartson Bowen

The Future of Bookfest

ANNA-MARIE AT HERTON Friends of Bowen Island Librar y

Thank you Bowen Islandforan awesome book sale–oneof our best!

It wasgreat to be back outsidethe Library wherethe book sales were onceheld.Abig thanks to boththe Libraryandthe Hearth forallowing ususeoftheir space. Localsand visitorsalikeenjoyedthe early sunshine to browse and buy many books

Thelistofthank you’sislong: IlyAllenfor organizingthe volunteers, allthe volunteers (theyshowedupand worked their buttsoff), the Legionfortablesand chairs, the Hearth fortables,andthe Libraryforprovidingthe Annexfor overnight storageandthe saleof children’s books.

I wouldlike to saythat we will see you next year,however we are currently without storage space. We require approx imately 150 squarefeetofflat space, close to Snug

Islandand beyond. Through workshops, readings, and special events, thefestival aims to inspireand supportwritersofall levelsand to fosteralove of reading within thecommunity.

Thefestivalispresentedbythe volunteer-runWriteon Bowen Festival Society,

Cove, easy access(no stairs),andpreferably with someheat. The spacewould be used to store boxesof books, our signage, and bins. Access would be minimalas we accept donations twice permonth.

So Bowen, we desperately need your help – without storagespace – nomore book sales!

If youthink you canhelp,pleasecontact myself,Anna-Marie, atauntieama@shaw.ca or604-947-0333.

Volunteerssettingupthis year ’s Book Sale./ Murray Ather tonphoto

in par tnership wi ththe BowenIsland Public Librar y andthe Hearth, Arts on Bowen. Funding supportisprovided by the BC Arts Council.

Formoreinformation,contact: Jacqueline Ma ss ey , Fe st ival Ma ng er, by emai l at info@writeonbowen.com

NewInfant-ToddlerspacecomingtoBowen Children’s Centre

TheB ow en Children’sCentrew ill soon have new opportunitiesforinfantand toddlercare.

The Children’sCentre(BCC) wassuccessfulintheir questtobuild anew Infant-Toddlerspace at their Carter Roadsite. Amulti-monthlongapplicationprocessto the ChildCareBCNew Spaces Fund,administeredbytheprovincial governmentinpartnership withthefederal government’sCanada-WideEarly Learningand ChildCare Agreement, resulted inthe good newsbeingannouncedat the endof April.

“Wel oo ke datc hild ca re on Bo we n,an dwes aw th at a

ma inne ed forus wa sm or ei nfan t- to ddler sp ace ,” sa id An nS ilb er ma n,ex ec ut iv ed ir ec to rofB CC .S he sa ys durin gt he ap plic at io nitw as ea sy to demonstr at et he demandformor ec hild ca re for young er ag es,ast he centr e’sw aitlis tc ur re nt ly ha sa ppr ox im at el y70f amilies si gn ed up

Another ke yc om po ne nt iswhether ac entr eh as the p hy si ca ls pa ce to ex pa nd .InB CC ’s ca se the y do ,t ha nk stoal ar ge lo we rl ev eloftheir c omple x. Th ea re aisa ls oh ome to Fa mi ly Pl ace ,f or pa re nt s and ca re giver sw it hy oung ch ildren,andtheAfter Sc hool Cl ub .B ow en Re c re at io nc la ss eswhic hu se d to tak ep la ceinthe sp ace wi ll be heade dtot hene w Co mmuni ty Ce nt re ,w hic hise xp ec te dtoo pe nl at er this ye ar Theever-growing BowenChildren’s Centre willsoonboast anew Infant-Toddlerspace.

Oncecomplete, thenew space willallowupto18new families to accesspar torfull-time care fortheir toddlers. BCChasplanstomakethe spacehighlyeducationaland motivational,includingasensor yplayground, avariety ofplant, earth, andwaterfeatures,anddifferentkinds of surfaceandbikepaths.Silber mansaysdevelopmentina child’s early yearsissomeofthemostrapidintheirlifetime, andit’simportanttomakesurekidsare stimulated throughoutthis period

“There’s been amovementafoot tochange earlychildcare,it’sstarting to be recognized waymorethanitused to be.Thedevelopmentofchildrenfromthe agesofbirth throughthree, we nowknowyou learnmore language than the rest of yourlife…It’sphenomenal,”saysSilberman. “You’reway smarterthanpeoplegiveyou creditforand way more capable.”

Sh ea ddsthisshiftinviewin ge ar lych ildcar eh asal so shift ed thefo cu sonw h er eg ov ernmen tf undsar ea lloca te d.“Withal lt he re se ar ch th at ’s be endoneand the ch an ge sino urunder st andin gofw ha titistobeat in y huma n,ther eh av eb ee nc ha ng esinho wp eo pl el oo k at ou rf ield. We have so me se ve re ly dedic at ed adv oca te sw h oh av ew or ke dt og ether wi ththe go ve rnmen t,” sheexplains.

BC Cw aspr ev ious ly su cce ss ful wi thanotherpr ovincial go ve rnmen ti niti at iv ef oc us ed on early learnin gw he nitb ec am ea $10/d ay ch ild ca re ce nt re in 2022. Th ey jo ine dt he Bo we nI sl and Ki nder ha us asthe se cond siteto offe rt hisoppor tu nit yo n theis la nd,th ou gh Si lber ma ns ay ss hehopesall of Bo we n’sc hild ca re ce nt re sc an ev en tu all ym ov et o the$10/d ay model.

On cecomplet e(esti mate dtobee ar ly nex ty ea r) BC C’s new In fan t-To ddle rs pa ce wi ll go al on gw ay to wa rd helpin gt heinc re as ed deman df or ch ild ca re theis la nd ha se xperienc ed ,p arti cularly inthe pa st fiv ey ears.A nd while Si lber ma ns ay sitc an be ad iffi cu lt wa it,s heis ea ge r to have th ec ha nce to ca ll so ma ny pa re nt sofB ow en’s young es tc hildrenwho have be en wa itin gont he wa itlis t fo rt hismoment.

“The BowenChildren’sCentreisunique…We’re lucky it’s part ofthisland, we spendatleast half ourtimeoutside during winterand summer.We’re gratefultobeabletodo that, becausethislandis beautiful,”she says.

“I thinkthat it(Infant-Toddler space) will make this happy placeof belonging biggerand better,becausewe’ll be able to answertheneedsofmorefamilies,” said Silberman.

CupShareprogram comestoB owen Island



Island PacificSchool

Ifthereisanything Island Pacific Schooltriestohelpits studentsachieve,it’stomakewaves.

So whenit’s timeforGrade 8studentstoconduct ayearlongcommunityserviceprojectit’saprimeopportunityto makeanimpact.Noticeably,wehavefoundfrom personal experiencethat thebiggestproblems tend to have thewidestvarietyof solutions available.Soobviously we beelined straight for solutions toclimatechange.

On aschooltriptoUBC wewere inspired by acupshare programdesignedtocompletelyeliminatedisposablecup waste. Afterlotsof researching, we’vemanaged to finda perfectorganization to helpusexecutethisgoalfor Bowen Island. Ourhopesforthisprojectare that eventually,with enoughpublicityandconsumer buy-in,thewholeisland will be participatingandtheprogramwill be fullyeffective.

We appliedforand received agrant fromtheKnickKnack Nook to supportstartingacupshareprogramandwethen reachedout to thelocalcafes toparticipate. We arethrilled to announcethat the RuddyPotato, Snug Cafe,andArtisan Eats will be participating. Startingthisweek, customers will be able to gettheirtakeawaydrinksinreusable cups.

We’veallheardofreusable cups,but have you everheard of returnable cups? It hasbeenestimated that 262million disposable cupsarethrownawayeachyearinMetro Vancouver,andwhile reusable cupsareawesome,people oftenforgettobring them.ThenewBowen Island zerowastecupprogramwillallowcustomerstosustainablytake theirdrink to-gobyborrowing areturnable cup.

By partneringwith ShareWares,alocal Vancouver clean tech company,IPS students Juha andHarperare hoping that Bowencan pave the wayforothercommunities to reduce single-use, and eventuallygofullyzero-waste!Asking peopletocompletelyditch allsingle-use products requiresa significantbehavioural change,sothey’restartingwithjust coffeecups to getthe ball rolling.

Next time youwanttoget yourdrink to-goatArtisanEats, theRuddy,or Snug Cafe,but you’ve forgottenyourreusable cup, you canask for aShareWarescup!You’ll paya$1.50 refundabledeposit,enjoy yourdrink,and return your cupto aparticipatingcafe to getyourdepositback.

Withthe ShareWaresprogram, there’sno sign up fe es,andalldepositsarerefunde ddigitallythrough

e-transferafterthe cupsarereturned. Theprogramoperateson aQRcodesystem, so youwill be able to scanthe QRcodeon your cupforinstructions,returning, and to find participatinglocations.


Q:What arethesecups madeof?

A:All cupsandlidsareethicallymade by aBCorpinthe USAoutof100 percentrec ycledpolypropylene.

Q: Do Ineedtoregisterorsignuptouse aShareWares cup?

A: Thefirst timeyou return acup,you will be askedfor yourphonenumbertocreateanaccount butnocreditcards and sign-upfeesarerequired.Youraccountwill be savedon yoursmartphone so you’ll stay logged inandthenext return will be as easy as scan, scan, click!

Q: What if I’mleaving Bowen?

A: Please return your cuptoany participating café on BowenIsland.If youforgettoreturnitbeforeleaving the island, you canreturntoany ShareWaresbininVancouver. Scanthe cuptofindlocations.

Q: HowdoIget my moneyback?

A: Simply scantheQRcodeonthe cupwith yourmobile phone, locate and scanthenearestreturnbin,andfollow the prompts.You canthenchoosetoaccumulateyourbalance, donateittocharity,orrequest ane-transferfor yourrefund.

Q: What if my cupisbroken?

A: Returnitasusual,you will stillget arefundand we ensureitisproperlyrec ycled.

Q: Do Ihaveto wash my cupbeforereturning?

A: No,wehandlethe washingso youdon’thaveto.

Island Pacific SchoolstudentsJuhaPark&HarperChell,alongwith teammembersfromShareWares, delivered reusablecups to localcafeson Tuesday, including Ar tisanEats. / Alex Kurialphoto


Alow scoringgameforthemajorityofthe contest, theCruiserseventuallypulledfar away fromthe Twinson Monday nightbya scoreof12-1.

It wasthe Twinsontheboard inthetop of the1st,butit wasthe last runthey’d musterall gamethankstoacommanding pitchingduoofGradyHuskissonandJamie Weismiller.Huskisson startedthe gameand allowedonlythe single runand 3hits over 3inningswhile strikingout2.Weismiller cameonforthefinal 4inningsand hada perfectouting, allowing 0runs,hits, or walks and strikingout3ashefacedtheminimum

amountofbatterseach inning. Offensively theCruisersopenedupthe game late with 8combinedrunsinthe5th and6thinnings. Thisincludedapairof3 RBI triples,onefrom Weismillerhimselfand theother by teammatePeter Blomberg WiththewintheCruisers areinthedriversseatto claim2ndplace at theendofthe yearasthey nowleadtheDiggers by 1.5 games.Theystill have an outsideshot at the topspot, butwouldneed to wintheir last 2 gamesandhopethe Firemenlosetheir last 2toforce atiebreak scenario.

League Standings forgamesplayedthru7/22.

Jamie Weismiller(#9)oftheCruisershad ahugenight bothonthe mound and at theplate on Monday.Hepitched aper fect 4inningsin reliefwhere hedidn’t allow asinglebaserunner, and at bathit a3-RBItripleandscored 2 runs.PeterBlomberg(#1)hadaccomplishedthesame3-RBItriple feat just an inningbefore, oneof twotriplesforhimonthenight. OverallPeter was2/3 with 4RBI, 2runs,and astolenbase.

Everythingyouneedtosubscribe, renew,orpauseyoursubscription to theUndercurrent oremailusatsubscribe@bowenislandundercurrent.com

DeliveredeveryweektoyourCanadaPostmailbox Callournewsubscriptiondirectlineat604-947-2426

Asmanyofyou remember,Linuswas afixturehereatBowen Veterinary Servicesformanyyears.Linuscouldbe foundeithergreetingclients,comforting patients,orgenerallyproviding emotionalsupportandcomic reliefto usall.

Linuslosthisbattletoatumouronhis heart,whichisironicbecausehehad thebiggestheartandwastheperfect exampleofaninherentlygooddog.And althoughhisearthlylifewasnotlong enough,hisimpactwasprofoundand thatiswhywestartedtheLinusFund.

TheLinusFundwillprovidesupportto patientsandfamiliesinneedofhelp withtheirmedicalbills.Whenfacedwith adifficultdiagnosisitisnormaltofeel scaredandhelplessanditissometimes difficulttocomeupwithallofthefunds necessarytoprovidethecareneeded. We neverwantourclientstofeelthis waysowehopethiswillbe awayto alleviatethatburden.

•Donate -youcanmake acash orcredit/debitcarddonationor etransfertoBowenvs@nva.comwitha notethatitisfortheLinusFund.

•Purchase acandlefor$25 -these locallymadecandlesareavailable forpurchaseororderandallofthe profitsgotowardstheLinusFund.

•SignupfortheLinusFundGolf Tournament

•COMINGSOON- LinusFund Sweatshirtsandcanvasbags


To registerpleasecall604-947-9247or emailBrylie.Guilfoyle@nva.com


Friday, July 26

Interactive Story Performance

“The Secret StoryofEarth& How The Stars Got Their Names : Bowen Island” Join storyteller,Leah Lamb and a special muscal guestforan evening that weaves story, music, community building, and song ona journeythrough one ofthemost mysterious storiesof ourtime:the storyof Earth’s Initiation. Evergreen Hall(464 Melmore Road) at 6:30 pm. Ticketsonline at Eventbrite.

Sunday, July 28

TreeGuilds Workshop

Help yourfruittrees to thrive. Free workshop with Lisa Holland, Permaculture Designer.From8:30 to 10:30am. Grafton Commons GardenacrossfromGraftonLake. Please register by emailing bowenfoodresilience@gmail.com

Sunday, July 28

Capturing Family Stories

Specialpresentation by Larry Adams.Are youinterested inpreserving yourfamily’shistory and passingdown cherished stories to future generations? Find outhow at the Bowen IslandArchives.From11 to 11:30am, by donation. Limited space-please RSVPto bihistorians@telus.net

Sunday, July 28

Quarry Park Salamander Quest

What doamphibiansandfrogsdointheheat ofthe summer? Join Nature Club naturalistsas we leada salamander quest atQuarry Park.Bring rubber bootsor watershoesand clothing you don’tmind getting wet. Meet at the Quarry Park parkinglotadjacent to Sunset Road at 1pm. Led byWill HusbyandAlan Whitehead. Please register by at least2 days beforethe event by writing to bowennatureclub@gmail.com

Tues day, July 30

WildlifeClues with Metro ParksattheLibrary

Get curious with Metro Vancouver park interpretersand learnhow to readanimaltracks, followbird callsandidentifyother wildlife clues!2pminthe LibraryAnnex.Ages 5-14–Dropoff your childforthis2-hour event. Registerall attendees at bipl.ca/SRCevents

Saturday, August3

Dock Dance

Head outandfindafirefighterinthecommunity to secure yourticket to Bowen’sbiggest danceofthe year! Neon Rodeo Revuew/Trixie, Dustin Bentall, Scotty Steel,& Billie Behm. Tues day, August6

Theatre WorkshopattheLibrary

Learn some serious(andnot-so-serious!)acting skills fromlocalthespian Calder Stewart. Ages5-8 starts1pm inthe LibraryAnnexand goes1hour.Ages9-12 starts at 2:30pmandalso runs1hour.Dropoff your childforeither eventinthe LibraryAnnex. You can register your child at bipl.ca/SRCevents

August9 to 11

Fastpitch Tournament

The Bowen Island Fastpitch Tournament runsFriday to Sunday at Snug Cove Field. Stay tunedforthefull schedule.

Saturday, August10

Old General Store100th Birthday

We invite you to bringapicnic to the Library lawn and enjoy music, displays, art,games,activities,agiantbirthday cake andacommunityphoto. Youareencouraged to dress in1920s attire, and to bring your ownpicnicororderagrab and go lunchfromlocalfood vendors.Noon to 3pm.

August12 to 16

Gymnastics Camps

Sign up your kidfor week-long gymnasticsprograms at Bowen Island Community School. Kinder Camps(ages4-7) each day from10am to Noon,and Gym Stars& Gym Club

Camp from12:45 to 3:45pm. Findallthe registrationinfo at bowengymnastics.com

To August12

Venturing Outat Hearth Gallery

Art Show featuring Mary Rose Drescher.ArtistpARTy with Mary Rose on Saturday, July 27from6 to 8pm. More info on Page 22.

Tues day, August13


Create a curiouscraft with Wendy Harding, following along withCreativebug, ourfree craftingvideo classplatform. Craft suppliesprovided.1pminthe LibraryAnnex for ages5-8,and2:30pmfor ages9-12.Dropoff your child for eitherofthese1-hour events. You can register your child at bipl.ca/SRCevents

August14 to September2

JeanBradburyat Hearth Gallery

Artshow with JeanBradbury.ArtistpARTy with Jean on Saturday, August 17from6 to 8pm.

Thurs day, August22

HotSummer Nights

Meet Bowen Islandfirefighters,takea tourofthefiretruck, and spraythebigfirehose! Fire safetyinformationprovided for yourhomeandfamily. Bowen Island Community School parking lotfrom6:30 to 8pm.

Saturday, August24


48thAnnual Bowfest, from11am to 8pm. Music, Food, Kids Inflatables, Slug Races, Biggest Zucchini, Best Lego Build, HouseDJ Mayor McCheese,andMUCHmore.

To August31

Mount Gardner Exhibitatthe Museum&Archives

Comeandvisitthe Bowen Island Museum&Archives for the “MountGardner Park :Art, History, Family Tiesand the Eastman/McNeill Journey”exhibit. Runsthru August.

West Van side stories.

Calloremailtoplaceyourad, MondaythroughFriday8:30amto4:30pm 604-362-0586 •604-653-7851 classifieds@van.net

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