August 23, 2024

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It’s been nearly half-a-century of the Island’s premiere summer festival as the 48th Bowfest takes place this Saturday, August 24 To get you in the mood we’ve compiled photos from the Bowen Island Museum & Archives to providea look back at some of the themes, outfits, and events over the decades, including this float from the‘Slug Cove General Store’during Bowfest 1980. You’ll find many more festival memories throughout the paper, and be sure to come by on Saturday as the ‘Underwater’ theme adds its name, sights and sounds to the list./ Museum& Archives photo

Double dose of Citizen of the Year


Many inspiring Islanders have been recognized with Citizen of the Year honours over the years. The prestigious award is given out in advance of Bowfest, and sees the winner treated toa starring role in the festival’s parade– in addition to the feeling of knowing they’ve done substantial work to help out their community.

The title of Citizen of the Year is historically given toa single person, but this year there was no separating the two worthy winners. For their immense efforts over many years to secure our island’s own Health Care Centre, Colleen O’Neil and Tim Rhodes are this year’s Citizens of the Year.

Those who followed the journey of the Health Centre will no doubt recognize these two pivotal contributors to the project, Rhodes as president of the board and O’Neil as vice president They’ve both worked tirelessly over the past decade to make the new facilitya reality.



AllCouncilmeetingsareopen tothepublictoattendin personorelectronically,unless notedotherwise.





ThereisaprovincialfirebaninBritishColumbiathatincludesBowen Island.TheprohibitionisinplaceuntilThursdayOctober31,2024or untiltheorderisrescinded.

Thismeansnocampfires,beachfires,orotherburningonpublicand privatelandbyorderoftheFireChief.


We’rehiringCustodians forthe CommunityCentre

BIMhasopeningsforcustodiansatthenewCommunityCentre facility,startingmidAugust.

Part-timepermanentandcasualworkisavailable,withthepotential forfull-timeemploymentinthefuture.Trainingwillbeprovided.


Fallrecreationprogrammingisnowopen.Allfitnessstudioclasses willresumesooninthenewcommunitycentre.

Anyoneage15+iswelcometo: •RegisterforaprogramthathasspaceOR •Drop-intoanyadultactivity




Citizen(s)ofthe Yearmade Islandhealth care a reality


Like the startof many good storieson Bowen,the pair learned abouttheirnewtitlesviaaphone call fromGraham Ritchie. He informedthemofthe news, andaskedthem to be at the Bowfest Parade startlineon Saturdaymorning

“It’scertainlyanhonour, butanhonour we share with a lotof people,” says Rhodes,notingthat whileheand O’Neil were the Health Centre’s longest serving board members, theentiremission was made possible by the many other members who madeupthe team overthe years.

O’Neil says these teammateshelped keep everyone inspired duringcomplicated anddifficult periodsofthe project. “We just kept hanginginthere because we got more and more very, very skilled boardmembers joiningus andliftingus up.”

Rhodes wasfirst recruited by O’Neilfollowing hiscompletionofa municipalcouncil term. “Colleen came to me and said,‘Well you knowhow to write an agendaand run ameeting, so whydon’t you becomethepresidentofthe Health Centre Foundation?’AndI said wellifthat’s allthat’s involved,that sounds easy,” he recalls. Ofcourse, whileit turned out to be anything but easy, Tim’s steponto the project wasincredibly rewarding.

“I would say my biggestcontribution was I kept tellingthe boardthat as we needed moreandmoreandmoremoney to make it happen,that we’d getthemoney.Andfor some reasonthey believedme.And we did,” says Rhodes.

O’Neildescribesherprimary roleontheprojectas “Health Centre cheerleaderandfundraiser…I was kindofthe spiritandcommunityfaceofit.” There’s a good chance that if you’velived on Boweninthe past 10 years, andcertainly if you’ve ever been out to the Golf Course,that Colleen made a pointof checking if you’d donated to the Health Centre or not. Her persistence wasinvaluableinbringing the project overthefinishline.

Andwhile peoplelikely saw O’Neil out championingthe project to thecommunity,she wants to make sure Rhodes’ work behindthe scenesdoesn’t go unnoticed “I wanted Tim to be chair becauseheused to work inthe municipality, heknowshow to runmeetings, worked foranarchitectural firm,he’s aninteriordesigner,isa techwhizonthecomputer,andheknowshow to write. So you have to be president,” she toldhercolleagueandfriend.

Froma2013community meetingorganized by O’Neil



wherethe Health Centre wasnothing morethanafaroff idea, to thegrandopeningofthe Miller Road facility this April, O’NeilandRhodes’ calmandconstantpresenceon the boardhelped guidethe many people who contributed to the Health Centre’s success. It wasadesire to help Islanders which keptthem perseveringthroughthe many challenges to accomplish such a task.

“Working at Caring Circlefor 10 years… people would come to me withhealthproblems, stuffthat I knewshould happenon Bowen. It’s simple to solve. If somebodycould just have aGP close to home,they would be safe andthey wouldn’t be in tears in my office becausethey needed adressing change anddidn’tdriveand hadnofamily,” says O’Neil.

“Storieslikethat cameupallthetime. Every couple of weeks, two stitchesandafamily had to spendthe whole day at emergency withthree kids.I just thoughtthisiscrazy, we need to have health care hereon Bowen,”sheadds.

“Theneed forit,thefactthat we hada really good workinggroup, and,luckily,mostoftheproblems cameone at atimeinsteadofin multiples,” says Rhodeson someofthe factorswhich kepthim going. “Andenoughexperienceon the board to look at aproblemand be able to say, okay this ishow you deal withthis,thisistheexpertise we need, and we would go andfindit.”

O’Neil hasnowmovedfrom Caring Circle to the Health Centre,andsaysit’sinspiringtoseethereactionofpeoplewho stepinside.

“I saw somebody who wasdoingalittlecircle going ‘In my entirelifeIneverimagined Bowen Islandcoulddothis. Ihearthat every dayin the hallway, people saying ‘Thisis amazing. I’d be in town all dayforthis,” says O’Neil. Rhodes hastakentheopportunity to retirefromhis boardduties,thoughhenotesthereare still many odds andendsthat popupforhim to take care of. Thereare stillplenty of peoplegratefulforhiseffortsas well. “People walkup to meonthe streetand saythank you,” says Tim. “It’s madea huge differenceforalldifferent levelsofhealth care on Bowen.”

Fornow, Colleenand Tim’sonly jobis to showupforthe startofthe parade,andthey say to perhapscoordinatetheir outfitsforthebigmomentas well. Whateverthey choose, theachievementsthey’ve madefor Bowen Island will make thema very popular sightthis Bowfest Saturday.

Man’ crownedDogof the Year

Coast Animal Welfare& Education Society (CAWES)

Pasqualeaka “Peanut” (and many other termsof endearment) wasthe outright winner of the2024 Dog of the Yearcompetition.

He isaneight-yearold Chihuahuaand Jack Russellcross (best guess)who has had two otherhomes before coming to live withhis current caregiver.

Darryl, Pasquale’s human, toldus “Heisthe best little big mantheisland has even seen.”

You canoften see Pasquale at the Beerand Wine Store onFriday eveningswherehegreets people withafriendly gaze anda wagofhistail. Pasqualeisfriends withmost humans,dogs, cats,little kids,andthe odd skunk. He’s also

rumoured to be pals withtheelusivecougar, but that is yet to be confirmed.

He spreads happinessand joywhereverhislittlelegs takehim. He is also very proficientin the snuggling department.

Congratulations Little Big Man! Theislandcommunity loves you.

Anhonourablemention goes to Shay and her human Emily. The twodogs were neck andneck formostofthe poll with Pasquale just pullingaheadinthe last fewhours Shay is a beautiful Golden Retriever witha very special job to do as Emily’scertified servicedog.

And to alltheothersthat took part inthecompetition: Thank you for being such great sports! The2025 competition will be here soonerthan you think, sowe hope to see you all againnext year.

Colleen O’Neil& Tim Rhodesarethe well-deserving 2024 BowenIsland Citizensofthe Year.



Seeyou Saturday!

Well everyoneitisonce againtimefor Bowfestthis weekend! This will be my 3rd Bowfestsincearrivinghereand it’s afestival Ihavereallycome to lookforward to.The paradeisalwaysacolourfulstart to theday andthecreativitythatgoesintothe floats, plus everybody’sinterpretation of the annual theme,isalotoffun.Andofcourse the parade features boththeCitizensand Dogofthe Year, whoyou’vehopefullyhadthe chance to read allabout earlierinthis week’s paper!

Afterthat it’s off to the BowfestFieldfor much morefun. Youcanfind afulllineupof events laterinthe paper, whichincludelots oflive music, the CountryFair, kidsactivities, andplenty oftasty food anddrink.Thisyear the Undercurrent willalsohavea table setup withtheothercommunity booths, so we hope you come sayhitoTraceyand I. We arelooking forward to seeingyou outthere, andhaveafun contestinstore too, so do be sure to drop by! We’vedug outthebigbannerfor ourtableso that we areplenty easy to find.

So getready and setforthis year’s Bowfest, and seeyou forallthefunon Saturday!And remember, thefestivalisnotcomplete without atriptothe Slug Races!

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Reader shares Back to School Memories

The earlier sunsetsandthe cooling evenings remindmeof going back to school -especiallyGrade One with Miss Dunbar. It wasthefirst time someoneother than my mother representedfemale leadershipand authorityandI wasall eyes and ears,alittle sponge of awareness soaking up everythingshe said, didand wore. Every day Miss Dunbararrived to classindressesof muted pattern, beige nylonsandpracticalblackheeled shoes that clip clopped her tinyframe around the classroom

Andunlike my mother’s softbrown curls, herimmaculateup-do hair stayed inplace likeahelmet,andherivorycomplexion spokeofadifferent kindof summerfrom which my family had just returned,all of us sunbronzed andfreckledfrom scrambling around King Edward Bay. Miss Dunbar was other-worldly.

Forthemost part Mom’suniform washer “Mom Jeans”. She wore dressesonlywhen sheand Dad were going outforthe evening andthenoh-boy couldshe turniton with sheerblack stockings, sparkly drop earrings and sometimes even amink stole. Witha hintof Chanel Number5, Mom would kiss me goodnight. She wasthemost marvelous thingin the world.

Ithrived inthe rulesand structurethat was Miss Dunbar’s kingdom. During those early yearsI wasthe kidwhoflourished inthe “colourinsidethelines” regime – so much so that when Jimmywho sat behindme(I may have hada crush on him)tapped my shoulderandwhispered a requestforme to colourhis policeman, Iobliged happily. More lines to colour within. Hurray.I candothat. He passed hissheetof paperup to meandIquietly filledinthebluesandblacks oftheuniformand passed it back.

There was Show and Tellwhere wewere allowed to bringin somethingprecious and stand at thefrontofthe classand explainwhyit wasdear to us. What Itruly wanted to Show and Tell was our old, smellyand beloveddog Fanny. She was precious to me

But apparently this wasn’tanoption so I broughtina stuffeddogthat I think I was supposed to care about. It hada bellythat zipped open –allegedlyaplace to stuff my pyjamasandleaveon my pillow.Icouldn’t

bebothered to useitthat way butIthought thezippered belly wascool.

A large picture waspropped up onthe classroom windowsill illustratingawhiterobed Jesus surrounded by baby animals. A perfectblue skyand sun rays illuminated theentire scene,and lambs gazed up at Jesuswhilehelooked down to themblissfully.

Every day we sang “JesuslovesmethisI know,forthebible tellsme so Littleones to him belong, they are weak butheis strong. Yes, Jesuslovesme…” etcetc. Iloved singing so I belted outthe wordsnotknowing what I was singing aboutotherthanthinkingno one had ever toldmeI was weak, but regardlessit was keenthat somebodyIdidn’tknow loved me.

Every day we recited the Lord’s prayer “Ourfather,whoartinheaven, hallowed would be thy name…” etc. Ididn’t getthiseither.I wondered why my name was Hallowed,andwhyI had to have “dailybread”.

Ididn’tknowwhat sins were,and evil wasnevertalked aboutin ourhome. My parents were Unitarian Universalistsand talked to my siblingsandme about right andwrong, we were told to “dounto others as you would have others dounto you”and “wastenot want not.” That was our brand of religion.

I barreledalong with Miss Dunbar’s prayers and songs becauseshe said to –butalso because itfelt good and powerful somehow to saythe words asan entire classroom, ourlittle voices ringing out withabrandof strengthI hadn’t experienced before. To my six-year old mind,it wasexhilarating to all be on the same page thinkingand sayingthe same thingallwhile ourleadersmiled with our groupeffort.

I remember my best friend Darlenewho every single daybroughtthe very same sandwichof bolognaand mustard on the whitestbreadI had ever seen,thebread matchingthecolour of her legs Our classroomdesks were setupin rows, each row namedaftera vegetable. Whenaproject was marked, each row would standin lineand waitfor Miss Dunbar to mark our masterpiece I remember Darlene standinginline withthe rest of her Radish row, wiggling andwrithing, vigorously reachingupher hand,desperate to get Miss Dunbar’s attention. It was clear to everyonethat sheneeded to be excused to go to the washroom.

Everyoneexcept Miss Dunbarwho was otherwise focused withthetaskof marking our papers.

Those were the days when you spoke onlywhen spoken to,and requestsand questions were only answered by raising your hand. When Darlenefinally made it to the front of the line the teacher brusquely gave her permission– butit

was too late and the worstthinginthe world happened righttherein front of the entire class.

Idiedalittlebitthat day for my friend. Andas the janitorarrived withhismop and sawdustand my rulesand structure world upturned,I wasleftthinkingthatat timesrules be damned- speaking up for oneself was worththe risk.

It’s justa few weeksuntilallIsland kidsheadback to school,including at BICS.

The HaiSea Kermode was recentlyspottedsailing Bowen waters Alongwith itssister tug, HaiSea Warrior, the LNG-fuelled tugs are billed as western Canada’smost powerfultugboats. HaiSea Kermode hasthe ability to generate 6,000kW of powerfrom its twin engines,and produce 100 tonnes of bollardpull. Bothtugboats willbeheadednorth to escort LNGcarries to andfromtheLNG Canada terminal in Kitimat, scheduled to begin operations later this year /

Haig Farrisphoto


An invitationtolearnmoreandshare your thoughts

Thisfall,BowenIslandProperties intendsto submita rezoningapplication foranareaof SeymourLanding asa nextstepin creatinga morecompletecommunity.

To helpaddress afew immediateandongoing needs—including housingoptions forageingin-place,supportforour Island economy,and creatingspacestosocialize—thisareacan accommodate:

•A rangeofcompact,comfortable andattainable housing typesandtenures;

•Neighbourhood-serving retailspaces,including small-scalehospitality uses;and,

•Indoor/outdoorspacesforsocial gathering.

Giventhe capacity of existinginfrastructure at Seymour Landing—includingpotablewater andsewage treatmentsystems—BowenIsland Propertiesis wellsuitedtoimplement thisvision.

Andwhilethelargervision of Seymour Landing— includingthepotential foran electricpassenger ferrydock,health and wellness services,andmore diversehousingoptions—continuestobeBowen IslandProperties’aspiration, this“pilotproject” canhappenmoreimmediately.

So… whilewehaveearly ideasabout thisarea and the opportunity, we want tohearfrom you!

Joinus, shareyourthoughts,& learn more: DROP INFORANOPENHOUSE

•Wednesday, September4 from 3–7pmatCollins Hall

• Saturday, September 14from 12–4 pm at CollinsHall


•Visit: (and pleasenote: this website willgrowasmore materialbecomesavailable)

Ecological Reserve Howe Sound
FairyFen& RadarHill
MountGardner CrownLand
SnugCove ContextMap
CowanPoint/ SeymourLanding *PilotProject

2024HandloggersHalfMarathonanearlysell out


BowenIslandTrail Society

On Saturday, August 31 at 9am theaxewillfalland approximately 200 runnerswill surgeacross the startinglineontheir waytoa fun butchallenging21+km runon someof BowenIsland’s finesttrails.

Therace,now entering its 11th year sinceinception(and 10thofficial running), startson the GovernmentDockandcompletes aloopofKillarney Lake, MountGardnerviaSkidTrail, HandloggersTrailandtheMidIslandTrail,takingintheGrafton LakeLoopfollowedbyadownhill cruisetothe spectacularfinish lineonthe Causeway.Thecourse is amixofmountainand park trail with alittle over700 mof climbinginvolved.

In similarformto2023,the race sold outearly in July and hasa growingwaitinglist. Theevent has become somethingofa destination eventhostinganinternationalfield ofrunnerswith registrationsfrom allacrossCanada, the USA, Europe,

United Kingdom,and Japaninthis year’sevent.

Alarge contingent oflocal runners from BowenIsland and the lower mainland have completed the runmultiple times and appear to be making it apart oftheir annual race plan.

This year Ihavebeensograteful tohaveamazingsupportwith race organizationandespeciallyvolunteercoordinationfromStephen EdwardsandAmandaOckeloen.

Therace requires almost 30 volunteerstogiveupmostoftheir LabourDay Saturday to standorsit besidethecourse providingdirections,refreshments,First Aid, safe roadcrossings, and raceofficiating allaroundthecourse,andthere is alotoforganization,shopping, procurement, permittingand registration to handle beforethe race can be held.

We’reso grateful to everyone who volunteerstohelp. We arestill lookingformorevolunteerstohelp withcourse marshallingand variousother race dayduties. Please emailhandloggershalf@gmail. comif you wouldliketohelpout.

If you’realready registeredthank you from the Race organizationand seeyou soon!The race will startat9amsharp and finish at approximately1pmonSaturday, September2.Our eventwillbecup free again this year.Please remembertobringyourown re-useable cupfor useataid stationsand finish line.

Everyoneis welcome to come alongand getinvolvedasavolunteeror to cheerrunnersonfrom the sidelines.

Fulldetails aboutthe eventare availableon ourwebsite (,oremail handloggershalf@gmail.comwith anyquestions.Our raceis sanctionedbyBCAthleticsand we have ariskmanagementplanin place to runasafeand happyrace foreveryone.

Proceeds willcontinuetosupport BowenIsland Trail Societyand other worthy causes benefittingthe BowenIslandcommunity. We are very gratefultohaveanumberof communitysponsorsand community-based volunteers supporting ourrace again this year.

Lane closureonCardena Drive andBowen Island TrunkRoad

Chevron Canada will be conductingsoiland ground water sampling on andoffsiteofthe former Chevronbulk station site locatedon BowenIslandTrunk Road at Cardena Drive.

The sampling will require drillingboreholesonboth Cardena Driveand Bowen IslandTrunk Road.Thisisanticipated to require temporallyclosing one and half lanes ontheseroads.Workis scheduledtostartasearly as September23, 2024, subjectto weather conditions,and is expectedtolastapproximatelytwo weeks.Crews arescheduled to work from8:00amuntil6:00pm sevendaysaweek.Weare committed to completingdrilling activitiesas safelyandefficientlyaspossible.

Chevron Canadais workingwith theBowen Island Municipality andthe BC MinistryofTransportation and Infrastructureto minimize trafficdelays anddisruptions to adjacentneighbours, island residents and visitors.

Formoreinformation,orif youhavequestionsor comments, pleasecallour CommunityFeedbacklineat1-800-538-8466or email us at

Runnersgather at Government Dock forlast year’s Handloggers Half Marathon. /Vanessa Ramirez Jassophotos

TheBowenIsland Fire Departmentwas recognizedwith aSalute to Safety awardlastweek fortheireffortsinpromoting firesafetyeducation in the community. CoreyDesJarlais,nationalsafetydirectorwithCommunity Safety Net(middleleft)presentedthe awardtothe Fire Departmentwho were representedbyDeputy ChiefIanThompsonand AssistantChief MikeHartwick(middleright&far right).Chuck Venhuizen,senior safetyadvisorwith CommunitySafetyNet (farleft) alsojoinedtheevent. Followingthe ceremony, CoreyshowedoffthemodifiedVolkswagenBuswhichhe andhis wifeLynnetteDesJarlais travelledherein,and use toteachfiresafetytokidsbackin Winnipeg. Therewasenthusiasm foradoptingtheunique vehicleasanofficalmemberofthe force. /AlexKurialphotos

July’s home salesonBowen

Threehomes soldon Bowen last month, along witha vacantlotin the southof theisland.

The top saleof July wasafour-bedroom, two-bathroomin Deep Bay. The two-storey home at 1156 Senator Road soldfor$1.468millionafter71 days onthe market.

The1972-build sits at theend of a cul-de-sac and totals2,033-squarefeetona0.26-acrelot. Thehomelooks east over Mannion Bayand isashort walk to nearby Pebbly Beach. The bottom halfofthehouse hasits own separate outdoor space,andisadvertised asa potential bedandbreakfastoperationorlong-term rentalifdesired. There’s multipledecksalong with acovered balcony,plusahot tub.

Alittle ways north wasthe second-highest saleofthemonth at 1424Eagle Cliff Road. Thenearly-identical-in-size 2,035-square foot home sitsnearthe main road,whilethelot spreads west into theforestfor several hundredmetres to create a2.49-acreproperty The final sale wasfor$1,353,500after41 days of beinglisted.

The33-yearoldhomeis two-storeysand a basementandcontainsthree bedroomsand bathrooms. Perchedhigh atopahillthishouse

alsooffers aview to Howe Soundand beyond. Wateris sourcedfromanartesian wellwhichis UV-treated and stored intanks.

Andfinally,alsocomingin at seven-figures in July isthe half-duplex at 941A Rivendell Drive The six-year oldproperty went in a speedythree days onthe market, closing for $1.01million.

Thethree-bed,three-bath rancher style home witha basementmeasures1,013-square feetona0.15acrelot. Sittingupon Cates Hill offerstheproperty viewsofthe oceanand mountains, particularly fromthewrap-around deck Forthose withagreenthumb, there’s plentyof work to be doneamongthe yard’s several raised garden beds.

Thelone Bowenlot saleof last month wasa 0.36-acre parcelalong Seymour BayDrive. The pentagon-shaped Lot5 went for$875,000after around18monthsoflisting. The south-facing spacelooking toward Vancouveris suggested asoptimal fora two-storey build.

Vacant lots were popular on Gambier Island in July asthree soldaroundtheisland. Two ofthese were at Fircom Plateauinthe southeast, withthe4.96-acre Lot23 selling for $373,000andthe equally-sized Lot20 closing for$243,000. Bothlistings lasted lessthan two weeksonthe market. In thenorthoftheisland Lot42 at Douglas Bay,2.95-acresin size, sold for$234,000afterthree monthsoflisting.

1156 Senator Road(above) wasthe topsellinghomeofJuly at $1.468 million. It was followed by 1424 EagleCliff Road(below) for$1,353,500 / Zealty.caphotos


Bowfestmarkedits1980 festivalwithmany memorable floats, includingone with plenty ofballoon work (with Bowmartin background),anda kidsfloat saluting the home oftheEagles. And you couldsurelyget adrinkthat would make you feeloutofthis world at the AlienBar./ Museum& Archivesphotos

Schedule -SaturdayAugust24

● 10:40AM(ish):The Parade

Remember, theparadestartsshortly afterthe 10:40ferry departs,so if you’re entering, have your floats readyand meet at theschool by 10 AM.Ifyou’rewatching, grab your favouritespotand enjoythe show.Thank youtoFrazerElliotofBowen Homes forsponsoringthe parade this year!

● 11:00 AM:Gates Open,Country Fair Submissions


Bowfestisa non-profit event, so your ticket helpscover costsalongside allthe generous support from sponsors andvolunteers. Admission is by donation,withsuggested amountsof$15 foradults, $5 forteens, or $30for afamily(2adultsand up to 2teens). Kids under 12 getinfree.

Rightafter theparade, thegates will open!You’llfindgates atallthe entrancesto Crippen park,withvolunteersready to accept yourdonations.Yourfirst task when you getintothe park will be to submit your CountryFairsubmission,which will be opentil noon!

● 12:00PM: Welcome& Pipe Band Performance

Atnoon,the official welcome anda lively performancebythe pipe band will setthe tone forthe rest of the day. Thankyou to Sim’sMechanicalfor making sure ourpipe band couldjoinusagain this year,toCormorant fortransportingthem, andtoDoc Morgan’sfor feedingthemlunch!

● 11:00 AM -3:00PM: Kids Activities &Community Booths

We’ve gotinflatables!We’ve gotgames!Wewillkeep thekidsentertained!Grown upscan explorecommunity booths showcasing localorganisations,listentothe music,orjustenjoy abeverageprovidedbythe Legion.

● 2:00 PM -8:30PM: Live Music

Getready to dance! We’vegot an incrediblelineup of bands, includingSnugCove BluesBand, Boom Daddy, andour headlining actStraightupSevenhills. Ourvery ownMayor McCheese will also be DJ-ing,and don’tmissthe return of thefanfavouritelip sync performances!



Straightup Sevenhills: Our headlining act is our very own local folk rock group who will close the night outwithwhat will be an incredible set of Bowen-grown music.

Snug Cove Blues Band: Another local group will be keeping the vibes high and music mellowwith some beautiful blues beats.

Boom Daddy: Boom Daddy will bebraving the ferry for us and bringing their reggae funk talents all the way from big Vancouver!

Mayor McCheese: Did you knowour very own Mayor Andrew Leonard was also an incredible DJ? You can catch him on two sets at Bowfestthis year.

Inflatables & Games

Our community really showed up to make sure your Bowfestwas fun this year. Thank you all! Here’s what we’ve got in store:

- Train station: Sponsored by the Bowen Building Centre

- Turo Rush Obstacle Course: Sponsored by Allan Financial

- Field Games: Sponsored by Phoenix and hosted by Bowen Island Recreation

- Face Painting: Sponsored by Bowen Island Real Estate Group

- Inflatables: Big summer fun for kids of all ages!

- Grown up games: We’ve gottug of war (with a very strong rope) and more for the grown ups to showoff their skills

Country Fair

Think you’ve gotthe biggest zucchini, the tallest flower, the best underwater-themed Lego build, or the fastest slug? Enter your creations into the Country Fair and compete for top honours. Photos will be accepted for the Lego build. Winners will be announced at 3pm, so don’t miss out on the chance to earn bragging rights Home Farm and Sunset Gardens are sponsoring biggest zucchini and tallest flower this year and I don’t know, sounds like they might be scouting for talent! Thank you both!

Lip Sync

Fan-favourite lip sync is back this year Keep your eyes and ears peeled for jaw-dropping performances by local entertainers! Mary Lynn Machado Real Estate sponsored the lip sync contest,thank you Mary Lynn!

Food & Drink

We’ve got you covered for lunch and for snacks all day!

● Bowen Pizza Co.: Serving up pizza and burgers, with vegetarian options available.

● The Ruddy: Treat yourself to a tuna poke bowl ora crab roll.

● Branch: Tacos, with something for everyone, including vegetarians.

● J’s Disco Dogs: Wieners and smokies, with veg options for those who prefer.

● Rainbow Truck: Cooloff with some delicious cold treats.

● Cotton Candy Station: Sponsored by Strang Brother’s Electric, enjoy a tasty treat!

● The Legion: Quench your thirst with a selection of adult beverages available site-wide (19+ with ID check at the gate).

Tips from Islanders

Here’s howto make your Bowfest asamazing as possible!

Please bring cash! The ticket folks at the gates take cash only. Many vendors will have card readers but as we all know… service can be spotty in Crippen Park.

Get a good spot at the paradeearly, and don’t forget there’s plenty of space above the intersection.

The parade will probably be a bit late because the ferry will be a bit late Maybe if we all assume the ferry will be late it will actually be on time!

Parking is going to be tough in the Cove Carpool, use public transit,walk if you can.

Bring extra water, sunscreen, and other ways to cool down. There’s a water bottle filling station by the USSC ice cream window (whynot graba scoop while you’re there?)

Please leave dogs at home, as well as outside alcohol and vapes There’s no smoking or vaping allowed on site.

Bowfest is the perfect time to showoff your best beach or camping setup. Chairs, blankets, umbrellas, all are welcome. Get comfy!

Make use of the safe ride home sponsored by the Orchard and generously driven by Maureen Sawasy. Everyone should have a plan to get home safely if they plan to enjoy a few Bowfest beverages

Sponsors & Community Thank Yous

Bowfest would not bepossible withoutthe continued support from the community Our generous sponsors have helped bring you all the fun and games on the day, and you’ll see our wonderful volunteers wearing their one-of-a-kind t-shirts as they set up, tear down, and overallmake sure Bowfest runs smoothly. Special shout out to Bowen Dentaland the Bowen Pub for keeping our volunteers clothed and fed on the day It’s always sospecial to see Bowen come together for events like this, and even more so to knowwe’ve been doing it for 48 years. A big thank you to everyone whohas donated time, money, food, trucks, ad space, and more. You make Bowen proud!


Sharethe Bounty


Low Hanging Fruit

Do you have backyard fruit to share with yourcommunity?

As we enter ourfourth yearofthe Low HangingFruit(LHF)initiative, we aregrateful to all Bowen volunteersfortheircontributionthat enabledus to harvest over1,500 poundsofhealthyfreshfruitsin2023

Overthe last three years we have harvested numerous varietiesof apples, pears, plums,andcrabapples. We share fruitthat wouldoften go to waste-from the harvestathird goes to thefruittree donor,athird to thefruit tree pickers,and athirdis sold at the Bowen Island Farmers

Market to assist the LHFinitiativeandthe Food Bank.

Asanon-profit, Low HangingFruit dependson ourcommunity. This year, we arethankfulforthe Governmentof Canada New Horizonfor Seniors Program, Neighbourhood SmallGrants,and Bowen Island Food Resilience Society. They support thisinitiativeintheformofgrants anddonationsthat strengthen Bowen Island’s food security by harvesting backyard fruittrees.

If youare interested inpicking and/ ordonatingfruitplease contact Hasan Hutchinson at

We are lookingforward to another yearof abundance,connectionand goodwill with you.

Crabappleson Bowen. /Submittedphoto

Threshold Singers share musical medicine withthe community


Threshold Singers

For over10 yearsnow,the Bowen Island Threshold Singers have offered theircomforting, healing musicinhomesand at bedsidesin hospitalsandhospices.

The Threshold Singer’s Repertoire is restorative, tranquiland soothing to anyonewho may require some musicalmedicine.

The Threshold Choirisaglobalnetwork of singerswhose purposeis to bring peace,comfort andhealing to people whoare sufferingonaphysical,emotionalor spirituallevel. Threshold singers recognizethevulnerability that comes withillness. They sing softly,inthree part harmony andcreate an atmosphereof calm and peacefulness.

The singers willaccompany anyonewho requestsemotional and spiritual support. Although we do sing to some peoplewho are palliative, itisnotnecessary

to be inanendoflife situation inorderforus to comeand sing to you,bringing our sereneand restful music.

If youare curious aboutthis uniqueandcompassionateoffering, pleasecome to the Eagle Gathering Stageon Thursday, Aug. 29 from 2:30 to 3:30pm. The Threshold Singers will be there to share some songsandofferan illustrationof what is available to you,hereon Bowen Island.

If youarea caregiver,a friend or family memberofa personneeding support,a personexperiencing adifficult passage inlife, or if you oralovedoneareina palliative situation, we wholeheartedly wish to offer you our Songbath. You can simply sit back and receivethemelodicand harmonious soundsdesigned to calm your nervous systemandtransport you to aplaceof equilibriumand well being.

Comeand joinus. We will sing for anhourand wouldlove to have you in ourmidst.

Bowen’s ThresholdSingers willbein the Cove on Aug. 29. / Lorraine Ashdown photo

Songof David

During the100th Birthday Celebrationofthe Old General Storethismonth DavidSmith,whoplayed an instrumental part in savingthe buildingdecades ago, shared songsofthe building’shistory andtheeffortsofallthose whofought to preserve it.Along withagroupof enthusiastic singing partners, they recountedthetales to the several hundred revellersin attentdance. Belowarethe lyrics to oneof those numbers, appropriately named “Songof David”.

It took peterthe builder, Mother nature too Peggythe Rose and Toffaletto too George and Bonnie, Bert and Bob, Regand Sam, Liland Dotty,Graemeand Scotty…

Chorus:Where? Men– Howe Sound Women - Bowen Island Clap,clap

It took Gussy, Vi and Edith, Neilandhis Crew, Brian, Glen, Rick, Bettyand Sue Fleamshop ladies

Jim, John,Agnes, Hugh Doctor Gibson, Connie,Freda too

Chorus:Where? Men– Howe Sound Women - Bowen Island Clap,clap

It took Tony Band RontheMP, Bruces, Sara, Elena, Pat, LindaandLawrie Mathwigbrothers, Keithand Rudy, EgonandLarry, Carol, Lyle, Mike, Joy, Jim, Johnand Gary

Chorus:Where? Men– Howe Sound Women - Bowen Island Clap,clap

It took Dave and Boband Donand Hal Jim, Brianand Bill, GwenandAl Hansand Gizella Ericand Dorothy, Em and Avory Dianeand Judy, Russ and Kirby

Chorus:Where? Men– Howe Sound Women - Bowen Island Clap,clap

Working together,it’s been mostlyfun Eachdoinghisbit– butthe worksnot done…. Theinside’s waiting

Andwhile todayisquitea bash I’mafraidI ran outof cash!

Chorus:Where? Men– Howe Sound Women - Bowen Island Clap,clap

That’s Ellen– That’s the way we were


ConstructionhasstartedatSeymourLanding’s newestsubdivision.Thesesunny,southeast-facing propertiesarenestledintothecoastalbluffs aboveSeymourBay,offeringviewsoftheStraitof Georgia,Vancouver,andMountBaker.Located justashortwalkfromBowen’s9-holepublicgolf course,thebeach,andanextensivetrailnetwork.

759 SeymourBay Drive(Lot8)

•1,400 sf,self-contained main floor with 2bedrooms, 2bathrooms.

•1,300sflowerfloor—finish noworlater.

•Optionalcarport or garage.

•Startingfrom$1,725,000 +GST (pre-construction price)

765 SeymourBay Drive(Lot7)

•1,900sf,2-storey, open-conceptliving.

•Multipledecks, includingcovered forallseason use.

•3 bedrooms +den,2.5 bathrooms.

•Optionalcarport or garage.

•Startingfrom$1,795,000 +GST (pre-construction price)

More BuildPackages availableat

Inquiries Cole

BowenGolf Coursechartsnewpath to keep youth golf accessible

The Bowen Island Golf Clubiscontinuingits push to offer kids barrier-free entryinto the sport withanew supportinitiative.

Since2020, teetimes, club rentalsandmore have been offered forfree to theisland’s junior golfers This wasoneof the first ordersof businessforthen-incoming general manager Les Meszaros–along with making sure thecourse was petfriendly.

“We have thistremendous jewelofa golf course, and it wasimportant to methat this wasaplace for kids so theywouldn’t have to leavetheisland. They could come andplay at whateverhighest levelthey want to achieve,” says Meszaros.

Oneoftheactivitiesthecourse runsisthe First Teeprogram,a six-weekdevelopment camp for kids to learnnot only the basicsof golf, butalso to promotehealthy lifestyles and characterdevelopment. Thanksto local support, First

Teeisalsooffered forfree to Bowen kids.

Now,another avenueof supporting youth golf– the Bowen Island Junior Golf SupportProgram – is set tolaunch inthecoming weeks. Thecourse will becomeoneof just two inthecountry to offerthisopportunity,whichallowsdonors to receivetaxdonation receipts.

“The reasonthat we wanted to create a Junior Support Fund–and we worked with Golf Canada on thisfor over two years to putitinplace– isthat we want the kids to be able to continue to play forfree here,” says Meszaros. “The community hopefully will supportthat initiative… andthat really goesalong way toward keepingthe golfcourse as availableas we canforthe kids. We’re reallyproud tolaunchthat program, and we hopethat it continues to succeed as we go along.”

Theinitiativecomes at a timewhen kids golf participationis boomingontheisland. Meszaros says in2020 there were less than100 roundsof youth golf beingplayed at thecourse each year. Now,that numberisnorthof 800annually. Thisincludes studentsfrom Bowen Island

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Community Schooland Island Pacific School, plus kids fromhigh schoolsonthe mainlandincludingmembers of the Rockridge golf teams.

Theinfluxof youth golfers hasled to more offerings at the course as well. TheTK Performance Center,completed last yearand namedforoneofthecourse’s strongest supporters Tim Kerr,provides kids(andadults) withanew range to work ontheir game,eitherprofessionallyor recreationally. Boththepractice bays and simulator roomarecovered,allowing them to be open year-roundno matterwhat the weather.

OutsidetheTK Centerliesthe Acre,a9,000-squarefoot playing surfacedesignedfor puttingandpitchingpractice. All of thenewfacilities have alsoallowedthecourse to establisha Junior Golf Academy,whichalso receives funding to helpoffsetitscosts.

Meszarosemphasizesthat thereisaprogramforall kids at the club,whetherthey want to pursue the gameprofessionally or have never swunga club before.

“I look at thecourse asaplacefor kids to come play and aspire to whatever they want to aspire to,” says Les.

Colin Lavers(left)isthePGA Professional Coach at thegolf course, teachinga varietyofprograms to kidsandadults. Ryland Bentall(right)isa member ofthe Junior Golf Academy, andhas worked his way to a very impressivehandicap overthepast few yearsofpractice. Thisincludesplenty of swings (andpointersfrom Colin) at theTK Centerpractice bays,shownabove./ Alex Kurialphoto

Specialized programs availablecertain days of the week have beendesignedinpartnership withtheCanucksAutism Network, alongwithAnne WilsonandSophieWaltersfrom Vancouver Island. “Feedbackfromthe parentshas been quiteheartwarming,”saysMeszarosofthe kids inthoseprograms.Hisnextgoalisto build anartificialputtinggreen inthe spacewhichwill be fullyaccessible for kidsof all differentphysicalabilities.

Theincreasedenthusiasmamonglocalyouthgolfersalsobrings regional attention,andthis yearthecourseis home to apairof provincialcompetitionstakingplace at theend of August.Sixty of thetopyounggolfersinB.C.willcompeteintheBantamProvincial ChampionshipsandtheDrive,Chipand Putt Competitionfrom Aug. 27-29. ColinLavers is thegolfcourse’s PGAProfessional Coach,apositionhe’s nowheldfor around ayear. He workswith both kidsandadultsonthe game,including teaching theFirst Tee Program. Hisson Carter will be taking part inthecompetitions next week.

“It’saperfect venueforit,thecourseisn’t toolong,butit’s challengingandit’s alwaysingoodshape,” he says.“I’ve been to quiteafewdifferentBantamand Juvenileprovincial championships,andthis will be one of thebettercourses that hostsit. Sometimestheyget some really rickety golf courses.Sothis will be agoodtestofgolf.”

Lavers says heisthoroughlyenjoyinghis roleon Bowen,and ismotivatedbyallthe recentdevelopments at thecourse, along with variousfutureprojectsintheworks.

“Asthis (TKCenter)is finished,more people discoverit,and everymonththings seem to getalittlebit better,” says Lavers. “It’sagreat spot,Ibroughtprovincial kids overhere, Ibroughtmy friends overhere, everybodywhocomesin says if you drop this in MetroVancouverit would be thebusiest place in theworld.”

“I don’tthinkthe peopleof Bowenknow howlucky they are quite yet. They’vegot agreat golfcourse,it’schallenging, it’s tricky,it’s beautiful. You’ve gothightechstuff,you’vegot this greatpracticefacility,andit’s only gettingbetter,”saysLavers.


MeetChunky!Heisthebest boy!Chunkylovestosnuggleup inthewinter,playwithhistoys andyou’lloftenfindhimsitting orsleepinginstrangepositions. Heenjoyedplayingintheriver on arecentcampingtripand wasverywellbehaved.Healso looksafterhistoysandhumans andisthebestbuddy!

Chunkyrecentlyvisitedusat Bowen VeterinaryServicesfor hisannualwellnesscheckupan vaccinations. We’rededicatedto keepingalloutlocalpetshealthy andhappy.Toensureyourfurry friendsstaysintopshape,call oremailustobooktheirnext appointment!

their programsallowyouthgolfersonBowen 604.947.9247

TheTimKerrPerformanceCenterseenwiththe Acre inthebackground.Togetherthe facilities and
to hone their skillsand have fun too. /AlexKurial photo

Bowfesthitsthe High Seas

It wasa rainyBowfest in August1990,but thatdidn’tstopthe town from comingoutin their finest Pirate gear forthe occasion.Partoftheday’sentertainment included“TheGarbage Busters”, consisting of (L-R)Alexis Tupper, Ayla Lepine,ZairaGreenlaw,Elizabeth Merkley,performinga themeddance on recyling. YoungstersSam and Millie Fincham (bottomleft) took in the Parade,whileNicole Cannell receives aballoonanimalfromapiratewhile her father Rick Cannell watches (abovemiddle).Hamish Miller had an important jobasthe “Poop Pirate”incharge of cleaning up the“Poop Deck”duringthe BowfestParade./Museum &Archivesphotos



We’reoffona Safari

Islanders went ona Safari Adventure forthe2010editionof Bowfest. HighlightsincludedaKorean MarchingBand, Citizenofthe Year Murray Atherton ridingaboard“Lucille” theJeep,andplenty of exoticlandandsea creaturesappearingthroughouttheparade. / Museum & Archivesphotos



SunsetSummer Jazz

TheTunstallTrio +Twoisperforminga public showat the Tunstall BayClubhousefrom7to9pm. Tickets$20 in advanceor$25 at thedoor,bydonationfor TBCA members. Julian Selody,BuffAllen,CindyFairbank, Russ Botten,& Katya Kovshunareyourmusicians. BYOBB. More infoat

Saturday, August24

Bowen Island Rotary Run Runorwalk10Kor5Kinthe park.Kids’ 1.5K runtoo!

Saturday, August24


48thAnnual Bowfest, from11am to 8pm. Music,Food, Kids Inflatables,Slug Races,Biggest Zucchini, Best Lego Build, HouseDJMayor McCheese,and MUCHmore.

Saturday, August24

BlackMollyatthe Pub

Comeup to the Pubafter Bowfestwrapsuptokeepthe partygoingwith BlackMolly. Tickets$10inadvance or$15 at thedoor.Happy Bowfest!

Sunday, August25 &Friday,August30

SKY Hangouts

Dropin at the CottageonCardena Drive. We will be offeringawelcomingplace to stop infor acoffee, tea and atreat whilevisitingwithfellowseniors orfriends. From 1to3 pm.

Tuesday, August27

SKY Musical Movement

With Marc Gawthroponpiano at BowenCourt.Freefor 55+,from10 to 11am.

Tuesday, August27

MedalCeremony&Party attheLibrary

Celebrateyourreadingachievementsthis summer witha specialSummer ReadingClubmedalceremony and party!

MayorAndrew Leonardwill be giving outmedals!1 to 3pm at theLibrary Stage. Ages5-12 —Guardiansencouraged to attend. Registeryourchild at

Wednesday, August28


JoinDianafor yogaat BowenCourt from10 to 11am.$5 feefor non-members free for SKYmembers.


Threshold SingersPerformance

Jointhe Threshold Singersfor an hour of soothingsong at theEagle GatheringStage from2:30 to 3:30pm.Findfull detailson Page 20.


SKY Walk

Meet at the Golf Course at 9:45am.

To Saturday, August31

MountGardnerExhibit at theMuseum&Archives

Visitthe Museum& Archivesfor “Mount Gardner Park: Art, History, Family TiesandtheEastman/McNeill Journey”.

To Monday,September2


Dominion: My Land on BowenIslandartshowatthe Hearth Gallery featuring worksbyJeanBradbury.



TheBowen Island FarmersMarketisbackfor the summer. Come sayhitoallthevendorsand checkout all thefood, crafts,clothes,&moreatBowen Island CommunitySchool. Market runs from10am to Noon.

Nevermissa thing.

Bowfest Schedule

10:40AM(ish): TheParade

Thefestivities kick off with ouralways-anticipated parade!Join us on the sidelinesor show off your creativity by entering afloat.Remember, the parade starts shortly after the 10:40amferrydeparts,soifyou’reentering, have your floatsready andmeet at the school by 10am. If you’rewatching, grab your favouritespotand enjoy the show.

11AM: GatesOpen

Once the gatesopen, the fun reallybegins! There’ssomethingfor everyone,fromkids’activitiesand adult olympics to community boothsandthe countryfair,and of course delicious food and refreshingbeverages.

11AM -12PM: CountryFairSubmissions

Think you’ve gotthe biggestzucchini,the best underwater-themedLegobuild,orthe fastest slug?Enter yourcreations into the CountryFairandcompete for tophonours. Photos will be accepted for the Lego build. Winnerswill be announcedat3pm, so don’t miss outonthe chance toearn bragging rights.

11AM -3PM:Kids Activities&Community Booths

We’vegot inflatables!We’ve gotgames! We will keepthe kids entertained!Grownups canexplorecommunitybooths showcasinglocal organisations,listentothe music, or just enjoy abeverageprovidedbythe Legion.

12 PM:Welcome &PipeBandPerformance

AtNoon, the official welcome and alivelyperformance by thepipeband will setthe tone for the rest of the day.

2 PM -8:30 PM:LiveMusic

Getready to dance! We’vegot anincredible lineup of bands,including Snug Cove Blues Band,BoomDaddy, andourheadliningact Straightup Sevenhills.Our very own MayorMcCheesewillalsobeDJ-ing, anddon’tmissthe return of the fan-favourite LipSync Contestat12:30pm!

Vancouvercompany fined $25K fordronefilmingtoo close to whales



Glacier Media

Aheftyfine hasbeenhanded toa Vancouverfilmcompany for operatinga drone tooclosetokillerwhales.

TheDepartment of Fisheriesand Oceans Canada (DFO)announcedthe$30,000penalty on Aug. 19 sayingthisisthe first time afine hasbeenissuedin Canada forthe unlawfuluseofadrone to capturekiller whalefootage.

Aninvestigation by afisheryofficerfound RiverRoadFilms Ltd.operated adrone too closetonorthern residentkillerwhaleson Vancouver Islandin August 2021.

Northern residentkillerwhales are currentlydesignated asthreatenedin Canada underthe Species at Risk Act, due to theirsmall population size andlow reproductiverate.

RiverRoadFilms Ltd. wasfound to have used dronesandalsounderwatervideo to capturethe pod.

RiverRoadFilms Ltd.pleadedguiltyto unlawfullycapturing dronefootage ofa pod at a“rubbingbeach.” Northernresidentkillerwhales willhead to shallow waters near the shore andbrush against thesmooth pebbles below.DFOsaysthis strengthensfamilybondsandfeelslike amassage.

A$25,000fine wasgiven to RiverRoad Films Ltd.forusingordistributingthe dronefootage.DFO didnot specifically

saywhatthefootage wasusedfor,only that it wasadocumentary.A $5,000 fine wasissuedtothe droneoperator, Matthew Hood.

Glacier Mediahas reached outtoboth Hood andRiver Road FilmsLtd.for comment aboutthe fines.

“Boththefilmcompanyand thedrone operator arefirst-timeoffenders,” saysa spokesperson withDFO.

Marinemammal regulations notfollowed

DronesareconsideredaircraftandDFO says marine mammalscan be disturbed by them.

In 2020, RiverRoads Film Ltd.andthe sistercompany United Kingdom applied for aDFO permit to filmspecies at risk such as killerwhalesfor adocumentary.Thisapplication wasdeniedand not approved.

In Canada,itisillegaltoapproach marine mammals with anaerialdrone at analtitude below1,000feetand within half anautical mile. It is also againstthe lawtodisturba marine mammal.

“Disturbingincludes trying to feed,swim or interact withit,cause it to move,separate it from itsgroup,get betweenitand acalf, trap it betweenavesselandtheshore,or betweenanother vessel,andtagormarkit,” statesDFO.

Marine mammal regulations requirevessels to be 400metresawayfromall killer

whalesin southern B.C. waters or200metres from killerwhales in allother Canadian Pacificwaters.

‘Pretty disheartening’

Suzie Hall with OrcaLabwasmonitoring the charity’s remote cameraatthe rubbing beachnearTelegraphCovewhen shespottedadroneflying overnorthern resident killerwhales.

“Wewitnessedthedrone beinglaunched andhovering what seemed about10metres overtheorcas as they were rubbing during the event,”she tells Glacier Media.

“Itwaspretty disheartening to seejust becauseIknowthe beach. Iknowwhatit’s usuallylikewhenthere’snopeopleonit,” she says,addingpeoplewereonthe beacha few days prioras well.

Afterthe team at OrcaLabwitnessedthe incidenttheynotifiedDFO of thefilming.

“Thatunderwaterfootage wasthenactually used inthe Island of theSea Wolves,” says Hall.

That footageHall referred to remains inepisodethree of Island oftheSea Wolves,an Emmy-award-winning2022 Netflix series.

“Theyhave[underwater]footage and footage takenfroma surface camerawhich theywereoperatingonthe cliffnexttoour remote camera,”she says.

Hall explained capturingthe underwaterfootage required strappingacamera to aweight. Then,asthewhales camein,the

peopleleftbutthe camerasremainedwaiting“for the rubbing to happen.”

ForHall, theincidentsends an importantmessage.

“Weshould be adoptingazero-tolerance policytothedisturbance of wildlife,especiallywhenthereare very clear marine mammal regulationsin place whenit comes to filmmaking… ethics have to be the number onepriority,” said Hall.

“SoI’m…sortofgladthatthishas happened,butitisunfortunate because it wasa very B.C.,local B.C.-based production.”

Shesaysclearer regulationsare needed.

“Thereare very clearregulations arounddrone usage, butbeach rubbing as abehaviourthat we knowhappens up anddown the coast… Currently, you can be standing with your feet touchingthe water, andnot technicallybegoingagainst anyregulations,but youmay still be be disturbingthemwhenthey’re metres away.SoI’d liketosee that come into consideration for the nextround of marine mammal guidelines.”

Thesocietyisworking on gettingthe rubbingbeach protected. In themeantime, Hall says anyone whois fortunate enough to seeanorcafromthe shoredoingsomethinglikebeach rubbing, should “sit calmly,bestill.”

“Enjoy itandtryanddisturbthemaslittle as possible and just enjoyitfor yourselves,” shesays.


CATESHILLCHAPEL 604-947-4260 (661 Carter Rd.)

Dear Undercurrent Readers,

Today –andeveryFriday– we do somethingveryspecial;we deliver copiesof theBowen Island Undercurrent to everyneighbourhoodon theisland.

We tell thestoriesof Islanders, whether that’s acontroversialdecisionatcityhallora community-wide effortto make theislandabetterplace to call home. Readersturntothe Undercurrent forinformationon everythingfromcommunityfestivalstotheatre productions to what’s happening in area schoolsorwith local sports teams. We keep youintouchwithyour surroundings whichinturnallows youtostayengaged withyour community.

We do this byemploying trainedand reputablejournalists,likeAlex, to do thework. They attend council meetings,public hearings,schoolboardmeetingsand countless events. We holdpublic officialsand institutions to account.Weorganize photographersand contributorstocaptureimportant momentsfor individual familiesandgreater milestones in our island’shistory.

Many localcommunities across Canadano longerhavealocalnewspaperor journaliststotake on these tasks, andpublic discourse haseroded. We arefortunatetohaveanaward-winning team at the Undercurrent.Ultimately,itismyroleasPublisher to make thebusinessdecisions to keep thesefolks employedand in servicetoour community.

In aneffort to keep the BowenIslandUndercurrent sustainable,andproviding local printed news foryearstocome, we haveadopted asubscription model. For afee of $62.50/year,wewill continue to deliver acopyof theBowen Island Undercurrent to your mailbox each Friday. PleasecallDeniseat604-947-2426 or to update yourbillingdetails.

Forthosewho want even more BowenIsland Undercurrent,weinviteyou to join the 700+ Undercurrent readers whoalready subscribetoour freeemailnewsletter:

We are committedtodeliveringyour localnews, however it serves youbest, and we areworking towards a sustainable future foroneof BC’s top-ranked community newspapers; theBowen Island Undercurrent.

Alex,Tracey, Denise andMatt

Your BowenIsland Undercurrent Team



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