FRIDAY SEPT. 14 2012 VOL. 39, NO. 19
including HST
Run around Killarney Lake
Bowen Island’s Terry Fox Run starts at the little red church this Sunday
Best espresso?
You bet! Beans roasted on Bowen made it to the semifinals
What islanders value
NOW Communications Ad # 8534-043 Colour Client: BC Teachers Federation Size: 3� x 3� Position: Post it note Campaign: Awareness Campaign Publication: as per booking order (Black Press Media) Ad Title: Teachers Awareness Booking: Carrie Barlow Media Insertion Date: As per booking order
Householders survey shows high importance of trails, beaches, waterfronts and parks SUSANNE MARTIN EDITOR
rom May 25 to July 3, Bowen Islanders had a chance to communicate their priorities and levels of satisfaction to the Bowen Island Municipality in the form of a householders survey. Now, the results are in and they may give council guidance on decisions regarding the 2013 budget as well as the five-year financial plan. At the council meeting on September 10, Michael Cornelissen, chair of the Bowen Island Municipality’s Finance Review Task Force, presented the numbers. He started with a slide that captured the comments received as part of the survey. “This shows the responses we received from the public that included 633 different comments,� he said, “The size of the font relates to the number of times the word or phrase was mentioned.� Cornelissen said that the feedback covered a broad range of comments, suggestions, observations and questions. Cornelissen explained that the survey was conducted both online and through a manual hard copy and was administered by the Finance Review Task Force with no cost to the taxpayer other than the software. “The ultimate aim was to ensure that the public’s priorities are identified and they can
This week, representatives of the Islands Trust visited Bowen to attend the Trust’s quarterly business meeting. Trustees had the opportunity to learn and ask questions about oil spill response and representatives from the Western Canada Marine Response Corporation demonstrated how to set up a shoreline boom in Snug Cove. More photos on page 12. Debra Stringfellow ohoto
Islands Trust holds town hall meeting on Bowen MARCUS HONRO CONTRIBUTING WRITER
he Islands Trust council held three days of meetings at Cates Hill Chapel on Bowen this week, from Sept. 11-13, meetings that included a town hall. Chair of the council, Sheila Malcolmson, a trustee from Gabriola, said the group accomplished a number of initiatives. “We adopted new administrative policies, received a number of briefings on planning issues, for example encouraging local agriculture, and Riparian Area protections
for fish habitat,� Malcolmson said. She said “all of these are on issues affecting all 465 islands in the Trust Area� but noted that they’re not local zoning issues, which are in the jurisdiction on Bowen by local committees or BIM. Malcolmson added that council also adopted a strategic plan for the 2012-2014 term. The town hall meeting was on Wednesday and, while intended for the public, there were only about 15 islanders there, including councillors Cro Lucas and Alison Morse (councillors Wolfgang Duntz and Andrew Stone are members of the trust
as Bowen’s municipal trustees). The town hall gave islanders and residents of other islands in the Trust a chance to voice concerns on issues. Locals who spoke to council found they were either preaching to converted ears or that council was not able to help their cause because it was not a part of their jurisdiction. Jayeson Hendyrsan of Citizens for Safe Technology talked about smart meters being installed on Bowen and across the province. He asked council to support continued, PAGE 2
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First Credit Union invites you to join us for the following FREE Movie Under the Stars event this summer:
August 13 Crippen Park, Bowen Island
Live Music at 8:00! LORNE WARR and THE STREELS!
For movie title and event information visit:ďŹ rstcugroup/events Concession provided with proceeds going to local charity. t &WFSZPOF XFMDPNF t /P DIBSHF t 8FBUIFS QFSNJUUJOH t