Bowen Tan
PHONE: +44 07410595505
Architectural Association School of Architecture
BA (Hons) Architecture RIBA Part 1
University of the Arts London Foundation Diploma in Art and Design
Architectural Assistant
2021 - 2024 London
2020 - 2021 London
July-Auguest 2022
Create an initial conceptual design for a car parking site situated in Setagaya, Tokyo. Research and identify 56 precedents to showcase in the client presentation. Generate a Site Condition Drawing using Rhino. RIBA stages 0-3.
KODAMA Furniture Apprenticeship
March - June 2021 Chengdu
Participated in a blend of Chinese traditional and tech-based furniture customisation, mastering tool and wood skills. Applied problem-solving from imagination to design, drawing, and making. Gained practical expertise in crafting wooden furniture, incorporating wood connections, CNC, Steam bend, and Finishing.
Tianhua Architecture Planning & Engineering Limited Architectural Assistant
June-July 2020 Chengdu
Aided in the Site Analysis of a shopping mall project in Chengdu while acquiring proficiency in architectural software such as AutoCAD and Adobe Suites. Gained familiarity with architectural workflow through collaborative meetings and discussions with supervisor.
AA First Year Studio Competition
Developed the conceptual design for the reconstruction of Nagakin Capsule Tower in Tokyo, involving the creation of a 1:100 scale model, floor plans, and collaboration within a team of 4 Colleagues.
AA Visiting School - AAVS
Gain exposure to various facets of timber building, encompassing forestry operations, traditional construction techniques, and robotic fabrication.
Used Frequently
Adobe Suite MS Office
V-Ray Blender
Unreal Engine Model-making
Final Cut Pro
Knowledge of C4D
June 2022
June-July 2023
English Proficient Chinese Proficient Japanese Basic
Sep. 2023 - June 2024 (EST.)
Narrative, Fictional, Creatures, Sustainable
Individual Work
Tutors: Ricardo De Ostos Nicholas Zembashi
Completed Nov. 2023
Completed March 2023 - June 2023
Interactive, Infatable Gizmo, Performative
Individual Work
Ricardo De Ostos
Nicholas Zembashi
Artifcial Intelligence, Practice, Digital, Generative
Individual Work
Ryan Dillon
David Greene
WIP. July 2023 - 2025 (EST.)
Collaboration, Infrastructure, High-Tech, Hand-craft, Reuse,
Team Work with AAVS (AA visiting School)
Working With:
Wyatt Armstrong
Joel De Mowbray
Sai Snigdha Pinasetti Design & Make Team
Bio-Technological Manifesto
We have not witnessed the ‘real’ forest, but only our notions of it. The old Forest is an abandoned place, that can no longer return to nature. Instead, it must revert to the next nature, becoming an involuntary park. The forest is an artifcial system once humans are involved in this technological matrix, the system becomes an untameable creature that mirrors the principles of nature, adhering to the laws of entropy, growth, ageing, and fnally decay.


On the far right side, the A0 sized drawing respond to a site visit in the London Green Belt, incorporating three mythical creatures that bring an artifcial authenticity into our immediate surroundings.
Whether its Engineered D-Log prospers by triggering human empathy, plug-in Jellies emit beautiful ambient light with intensity mirroring the pollution levels in the surroundings or Sylvapurex produces a loud sound as it faps its wings across the forest sky.

Journey Through an Artifcial Forest and Artifcial Lake 1

Virginia Water is a created landscape, designed as part of the Crown Estate and is typical of much of UK forestry in its variety and its history.
Through an examination of this landscape, with aim to ask how the public perceives forests and delve into the perspective of “silviculturists.”
Within this exploration, the concept of how we visually perceive a forest through subjective eyes becomes evident, giving rise to the notion that the forest operates as a system that requires subjective interpretation, planning, and management.

We are Living In Postcard Nature 2
51.409 ° N
-0.594 ° W

We live in a society where simulations often hold more infuence, satisfaction, and meaning than the things they are meant to represent. Media technologies play a pivotal role in our process of constructing meaning.
The concept of a viewing device is proposed as media between visitors and a waterfall, with the aim to provoke a reconsideration of the implications for our understanding of what is ‘made’ and what is ‘born.’
This concept is presented by recording a waterfall on video and employing artifcial intelligence (AI) to recreate a series of water simulations.

Sensory Catalogue:
Virginia Water
Duration of Capture:
- from: 1st October 2023, 9:30
- to: 1st October 2023, 14:00

London Green Belt - Threatened Areas 3
The Green Belt fnds itself on the brink of a paradoxical situation within London. On one hand, it serves as an initiative designed to shield the city from environmental disasters and enhance air quality. On the other hand, London grapples with a surge in population and the urgent necessity to accommodate residents amidst fnancial constraints and the soaring cost of living, leading to unsustainable living conditions.
With ample available land in the Green Belt, the question arises: What should it be utilised for?
Sensory Catalogue:
By gathering, classifying, labelling and organising
Location: London Green Belt
Duration of capture:
from: 30 October 2023, 11:01 to: 30 October 2023, 13:07

Technology Wants 4

From the humble stone axe to the ubiquitous mobile phone, humanity has continually ushered in a diverse array of technologies to enhance our inherent capabilities. It is nearly inconceivable to envision a world devoid of technology. Despite our symbiotic relationship with it and our inescapable immersion in a technological landscape, we often remain relatively oblivious to the pervasive infuence of technology in our lives.
needs, of operate Belt.

Diagram inspiration from Maslow’s classical hierarchy of human needs, which outlines fundamental requirements, the Pyramid Technology delineates the six levels at which technology can operate that align with the catalogued objects in London Green Belt.

Three01.distincttypesoftext-to-imageAImodelsare employedforconceptdevelopment
02. GraphicallinesthatanalysethestatesofAI
03. Promptsusedtogenerateimages
04. Methodfortransforminghand-sketchesintoimages.
05. aimingAmorehuman-eyevirtualAIimageiterationprocess, torefinethetransitionfromconceptualisationtoadesiredoutcome.
06. ThereturnofalllinesonthecharttotheoriginalY-axis signifiestheconclusionofthemid-journeyusage.
byAnenhancedcomputertakeoverprocess,characterised highaccuracy,withthegoalofimprovingthe resolutionofblurredimages.
08. Plug-InusedforStableDiffusion

09. Thebluelineindicatesagreaterlevelofdetail ininformationcomparedtotheprevious
10. Theresolutionincreased4timeswhen up-scaling
11. isTheGreenLinesuggeststhatinthisiteration,theAI notablyunder-fittingcomparedtotheprevious one,withminimalchangesininformation.
12. Midjourny,Thisinvolvesablendedwork-flowincorporating StableDiffusion,transitioningfromtexttoimage,andup-scaling.
The13.utilisationofPhotoshopAI.canalsoeliminatethe foreground.
14. andPhotoshopAIexcelsinmaskingtheoriginalimage changes.incorporatingintricatedetailsthroughsubtle
Sense Extension via Breathing
The project takes a half-scientifc, half-performative approach by reading human breath, interpreting data that refects stress through rhythm and pressure, amplifying the sensory experience by a wearable ‘architecture’.

Air as Intangible Medium to Extend Human Sense

The project’s initiation aims to prompt a critical inquiry into how we can raise environmental awareness without relying on conventional approaches. By staging an unconventional environmental protest in front of a construction site, it poses the question:
What if, under the conditions of dwindling fresh air, the Earth’s vast interconnected system surpasses the physical and mental capacities of humans to cope with?

1PROTOTYPE - Breathable Gizmo

Aim of this prototype is to speculate about a mysterious creature that interprets and decodes breath patterns to facilitate communication among individuals, which serves as a mediator, connecting people through breath.

. A highly precise thermal sensor integrated into a modifed face-mask captures data on both the exhalation and inhalation of air.

. Sending data to Arduino microcontroller

. Developing a program to compute and compare multiple data sets obtained from different individuals’ readings.

. Transmitting signal to the relay module to manage both the air pump connected to the infatable wearable around a person’s neck.

‘Telepathy’ is a term describing the direct communication of thoughts or feelings without using speech, writing, or other conventional methods.
Inspired by this terminology, introducing “airpathy,” where breath becomes a part of telepathy, employs the same methodology to facilitate communication between individuals.

Laser Cut File for Cutting Latex Patterns

Inflatable Testing with Controlled Air Pump for Timed Inflation.

Prototype Components Flat Pack

Type You Prompts to Design Here: _ _ ↵
The project aims to explore collaboration between AI And Architects with the integration of Virtual technology (AR, MX, VR) to manifest a scenario of a ‘Phygital’ (Physical and Digital) City Landscape.

London as a Collection of Urban Constellations 1

The project originates from the study of the 3x3 Rubik’s Cube. Inspired by the processes of solving (algorithm) and scrambling (creating new constellations) Rubik’s Cube, guides the project towards the idea of a concept that scrambles the existing elements in the city to create a new urban landscape.

A speculative new city landscape generator is proposed, utilising the collage of mirror patterns overlaying two photos taken in the city to create a series of new and imaginative images through an AI image generator.

Viewing Device to Scramble the City View

From 2D to 3D, where idea of Practice Emerge

A three-dimensional viewing device, drawing inspiration from the paper’s ghost effect, projects a acrylic plane overlay onto the background drawing with a linkage mechanism.
Eight 3D printed models in the drawer (1:100) are created based on images to prompt AI recognition from footage captured at the Tottenham Court Road site.




The third ion is the Bedford sq. Style motif, Giorgio, functionality habitation. And the last but not the lease, style motif contemporary, functionality Communication.
This time the reason way we pick up is that each of them typically represent the distinctive data we need. In a way to help me to generate 3 architecture form the prompts.
Their is huge potential for this space rearrangement, by outing them into a grid system, we can get 3674160 of combinations. This is same as all possibilities to scramble 20s Rubik’s cube.

4:04 -4:14 Thank you! So here is our Archive. The archive room collected all the information as input for the AI database. It can be considered as the nutrition to feed a more accomplished system.
4:15 - 4:36
Well come back, Mr cooper, here is the site recap today. The first site is Westminster abbey, style motif Gothic, functionality, political religious.
The second is St. Prances railway station, style motif Victoria, functionality transportation.
As we can see only 4 inputs helps me to training close to 10000 plan and section for the database.
That is the end of the meeting today, and will sent the future detail about model training you will work on later. ] Thank you for your attention, enjoy rest of your day.
This first section was built when the company had just been established. The holographic image projected on my glasses is the initial concept to manifest a mixture of digital and physical contexts.
By using Rotation movement and reflections to create a complex visual exercise for AI. The pattern of the screen's reflection and the object in front reconnect the two spaces.
4:37 4:55
This image reproduction diagram shows a users guide for architects to operate the system.
Here are more technical drawings for model fabrications. And on the left is the pattern analysis through the eyepiece from the model.
The screen shows various patterns that are all set for annotations.
Let's move to the next section.

4:56 5:10
The shelf on the left to displace some architectural components, to help study joint details.
Holographic building seamlessly integrated shelf. This dynamic objects to communicate prompt interactions, to digital information context.
5:12 5:25
Here, the training result the programme, which generate 3-dimensional strive to explore AI by utilizing existing documented by camera input, to generate the data set to re-editing


We picked Tottenham court road as our first editable zone.
also uses holograms architectural help artificial intelligence building components are integrated into the physical integration allows communicate their history, and provide access information related to their result of this section is which we used to 3-dimensional prompts. We as an aid to design site conditions camera devices as the output from these re-editing the city.
Finally, the Physical model promotes the training of AI by humans without clear objectives or a defined end goal when it comes to moving each block.
5:27 - 5:31
Here we designed an interface for viewers to determine and qualify what AI is generating. As the computer has no form of recognising, so we visualise those data from prompts.
5:31 - 5:39 Here is our new team member, who underwent an interview conducted by the AI system.
5:41 5:46
As AI shows more potential in the role of the mediator, which allows architects to focus more on the design part.

5:46 - 6:20
This is our meditation room, and play the role of the mediator here. This is a space, that serves various purposes, including conducting interviews, engaging in discussions about project expectations with contractors, and resolving any concerns or complaints they may have.
We are designed not just to respond with rationality, but by analysing speech patterns, social media activities, and personal profiles to customize our services for individual needs.

6:20 7:11
So here is our office working space, a space that used to be in front of the desk is now shifting to exploring by walking.
Thanks to Mixed reality and AI technology, we can easily be engaged with the material and virtual world simultaneously.
Today, I will work on these four new models just delivered on-site. The rail and platform holding the model help us to
The MX glasses will render the live

7:11 7:53 By

Cooper: 7:53 9:00
During the training, our focus lies primarily on observation and commentary rather than pursuing a specific objective. Each building component possesses the capability of dynamic modification, leading to an infinite number of iterations until we decide to halt the process.
envision a future where individuals replaced architects.
Our thoughts will be transformed into textual commands for AI. With the aid of MX glasses, as we stroll down the streets, we will witness a dynamic transformation.
Each person will showcase their unique designs, and we will have the opportunity to collaborate on these designs with others. This convergence of design will foster a sense of unity among people, allowing them to express themselves creatively.
9:00 - 9:49
Presently, architects can establish a framework for capturing buildings through lenses, while also constructing a comprehensive prompts database.
It is artificial intelligence, but it is evolving towards natural intelligence.
Mixed reality will transition into integration with reality itself. Our perception shapes our understanding of reality, and reality, in turn, reflects who we are. To observe the world is to have the power to edit it.
In-Between high and low-tech
This summer programme worked with a diverse team of specialists, from tree falling to robot controlling, to reestablishes the interconnected relationship among designer, maker, and artefact, fostering a holistic and collaborative design process.

Small beach branches are embraced for their natural shapes, with the goal of maximizing the inherent beauty of the trees.
Each piece undergoes an initial scanning process using Photogrammetry, and a robot then precisely cuts it to ft the truss cord.

The overall structure of the tree folk and truss (Credit to Design and Make)

CNC was employed to make this coffee table, utilising reclaimed plywood from discarded cutting materials.
The surface of the plywood is fnished with a Wood-burning effect.

This tea table was robotically cut from waste sourced from beach stumps originally intended for infrastructural foundations.
A steel-welded cantilever was used for structural support, processes involving welding, drilling, pocketing and fnishing.

(TOP) Neo-Nagakin:
Participants: Yixuan Geng, Shijie Li, Victoria Hua, Bowen Tan
Time Period: May. 2022 - June. 2022
Media Used: Rhino, 3D print, Adobe Suite

Participants: Studio-ito, Time Period: July 2022
Media Used: Rhino,