Kickoff: Bowl Season Official Newsletter – December 2023

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The Process. The Picks. The Places of Bowl Season. By KEVIN McNAMARA


hile most college football fans hold

ranking in October, we start projecting how that

only a cursory interest in the first

filters down and effects the Alamo Bowl and the

few editions of the College Football

Liberty Bowl, all of our bowl partners, for example.

Playoff rankings in October, that’s not the case in

It really never stops until the Bowl Season lineup is

conference offices from coast-to-coast. That’s when

announced in December.’’

the fun begins. Take the Big 12’s Scott Draper, for example. He’s the Vice President of Football and responsible for most everything that moves regarding the sport at the conference’s 14 schools. Like his contemporaries around the country, Draper keeps an eye on potential bowl destinations for Big 12 schools on a year-

As the college

“When that first top 10

football season unfolds

comes out, from the first ranking

programs around the

in October, we start projecting how that filters down … It really never stops until the Bowl Season lineup is

and more and more country celebrate their post-season eligibility by pulling on their Bowl Bound T-shirts, the excitement for a bowl trip builds. But where will

announced in December.”

your favorite team and


each team clicks the six-

Big 12, Vice President of Football

round basis. “All of our scenarios change week-to-week and

its fans be headed? As win eligibility minimum,

conferences start checking their bowl affiliations and forecasting which schools might land where. As

revolve around the CFP rankings,” Draper said.

the wins mount, the puzzle pieces get shifted on a

“When that first top 10 comes out, from the first

weekly basis. BOWL SEASON | December 2023


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