Bowls WA Annual Report 2023

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Office Bearers, Committee and Staff Sponsors Past Presidents Reports President Chief Executive Officer Country Club Development High Performance Umpires Greens and Infrastructure Inclusive Practices Fixtures and Events Regional Bowls Managers Finance Financial Statements Bowls WA Hall of Fame Bowls WA Events Country Pennant Winners Metropolitan Pennant Winners Bowls WA Awards Bowls WA 125th Anniversary Dream Teams Club Membership 2022/2023 BOWLSWA
CONTENTS Level 1, 158 Main Street OSBORNE PARK WA 6017 AllCorrespondenceto: PO Box 123, Osborne Park WA 6917 Ph: 08 9340 0800 Fax: 08 9340 0888 Email: enquiries@bowlswa com au Website: www bowlswa com au 3 BOWLSWAANNUALREPORT2023 4 4 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 20 21 23 25 27 43 44 51 53 55 61 63

BOWLS WA Office Bearers and Sponsors

Office Bearers 2022/23

Patron: His Excellency the Honourable Chris Dawson


VicePatron: Roma Dunn

President: Doug Kelly

DeputyPresident: Judith Flanagan

Board Directors: Vince Del Prete, Lisa Featherby, Marc Abonnel, Lee Bunney, Glenda Cooper, Phil Manning

Auditor: Reliance Auditing Services

General Committees

Audit, Risk and Finance: Lisa Featherby (Ch), Doug Kelly, Glenda Cooper

Club Development: Vince Del Prete (Ch), Lee Bunney, Ray Povey, Hailey Packer, Clive Adams, Troy Kinnane

Fixtures and Events: Leonie Potts (Ch), Ross Dolton, Cathy Taylor, Carol Lee, Scott Jaggs

Umpires: Sue Hogg (Ch), Anne Crabb, Vicki Eva, Werner Tubbe, David Killisch von Horn, Ryan Havercroft, Steve Beckwith, Hilton Dembo

Greens & Infrastructure: Jim Powell (Ch), Kevin Lynch, Ron Mance, Dicky Dawe, Colin Cooke, Warren Carslake, Ivan Campbell, Tony Greaves

High Performance: Kerry Andersen (Ch), Therese

Hastings, Tony Hockey, Linda Warburton, Blake Butler, Pieter Harris

Office Administration

ChiefExecutiveOfficer: Ken Pride

OperationsManager: Aaron Delaporte (part), Clive Adams (from April)

Competition&TalentDevelopmentManager: Pieter Harris

Office Staff: Clare Sopp (Reception and Administration), Liz Rolt (Finance and Membership), Denise McMillan (Inclusive Practices Officer and High Performance), Aaron Clark (Marketing)

RegionalBowlsManagers: Troy Kinnane, Clive Adams (part)

SundayTimesReporter: Clive Adams

Bowls WA would like to thank and acknowledge the following sponsors and business partners for their ongoing support


BOWLS WA Past Presidents


L Bandy

K Andersen

G Leeks

P Buller

F Lilley



B Gilbride

J Yandle

V McIntyre

G V Bainbridge

J W Morton

A F Ayres

K T Cadee

J J Carter

T H Joel

R G Wishart

P N Stanley

C W Hicks

N E Fraser MBE

A M Eddy AM JP

A W Hall

H G Charleson

J Murray JP

E I Paddick JP

H E Smith JP

A Cruikshank

Dr A P Davis

J L Rae

E C Lawrence

W J Sumpton

W Christie

E B McKenna

J Hammill

Dr F W Carter

G H Onley

J Holdcroft





Barron 2020-22 2016-20 2014-16 2010-14 2008-10 2006-08 2004-06
Nairn 2002-04 2000-02 1998-00 1996-98 1994-96 1992-94 1990-92 1988-90 1986-88 1984-86 1982-84 1980-82 1978-80 1976-78 1974-76 1972-74 1970-72 1967-70 1963-67 1961-63 1957-61 1953-57 1947-53 1945-47 1936-45 1934-36 1931-34 1930-31 1928-30 1927-28 1926-27
L Parsons
P Stevens
W Berry
A Evans
L Parkes
P Vincent L Alexander F Good J Stoddart J G Warner C
B Jackson 1921-26 1920-21 1919-20 1918-19 1917-18 1909-17 1908-09 1907-08 1906-07 1904-06 1903-04 1902-03 1901-02 1900-01 1899-00 1898-99
J Scaddan C M G L
N Samuel F Doran G Susac B
Repacholi C Hicks
Needham J Ellett J Shaw S Rogers M Fraser G Hulin I Allen A Neill A M Yates 2003-04 2001-03 1999-01 1996-99 1994-96 1993-94 1991-93 1989-91 1987-89 1985-87 1983-85 1981-83 1979-81 1976-79 1973-76 1969-73 1965-69 1961-65 1957-61 1952-57 1944-52 1935-44 5 BOWLSWAANNUALREPORT2023

BOWLS WA Reports - President

125 years and still going strong, enduring world wars, numerous conflicts, a pandemic or two, bowls is a resilientcommunity.

We celebrated in style at the Awards Night held this year at Optus Stadium with 277 in attendance. This Gala event saw us induct Kerry Andersen into the BWA Hall of Fame, welcome Roma Dunn as our new Vice Patron and acknowledge Kristina Krstic with the highlights of her Commonwealth Games Gold Medal Still spine tingling 9 months on


The Board and Staff saw several changes during the year Phil Manning has joined as our Country Director, his knowledge and passion for the game is great to see. Lee Bunney will not be seeking re-election and we thank her for her contribution, especially in the Club Development area in which she oversaw the set up and rollout of funding

Aaron Clark started in October 2022 and has had

The bowls calendar is a busy one and the year in review was no different We continued our Governance and Committee overhaul along with the Constitution review, that will be up for approval at an SGM later in the year

Memberships are decreasing but social participation is increasing at an exciting rate This is a massive opportunity for clubs and already we are seeing some great initiatives from many clubs in this area


Our charter at BWA is to Promote, Develop and Foster the game of bowls and we continued on with this during the year We expanded our live streaming of Country Round Robins - Men from Denison BC and Ladies from Halls Head BC This was enabled by generous sponsorship from the CBH Group and Liquor Traders Australia. This was added to the Country Week finals (AFGRI), State Singles Finals and Metro Pennant Finals (Professionals Real Estate Group) The numbers watching are easily justifying our financial commitment and exposing the sport and our Sponsors to all corners of the globe

an immediate impact with his IT and Social Media skill set He is an important part of our Podcast rollout

Aaron Delaporte's departure is a massive out, but his replacement Clive Adams is a massive in Aaron has been a key player in the development of Bowls Link His move to BA, albeit working from the BWA office, is a natural progression and he will continue to contribute at a National level We thank Aaron and welcome Clive


Exciting times ahead when we welcome all our interstate friends to WA Sorrento, Joondalup and Warwick have preparations well under way and hopefully other clubs are offering support, especially with the event being held here again in 2026

Warm up games mid September against Victoria will be good preparation for October and give our teams and high performance group a chance to fine tune their teams This massive opportunity is all on the back of the generosity of Tourism WA


BOWLS WA Reports - President


Albeit 125 years, this was a great initiative and well received by all The research, time and effort was staggering and Pieter Harris should be commended Pieter shouldered all the work around this with only some input from a few key people for the final selections, which was also greatly appreciated The teams are listed later in this report

Pieter now moves onto the Blitz during July which provides the ideal opportunity to players to prove their place, or push for inclusion in what will be a special Sides Series at home


Thank you to all that generously give of their time to keep this game going all year round Committee members, umpires, green keepers, selectors, the list is endless and everyone important and essential to the successful running of clubs


We have an outstanding staff at BWA and a Board that is cohesive and hard working Ken Pride provides the link between both groups and is outstanding in how he keeps all informed and involved Both groups share a common focus of delivering outcomes that are beneficial to the success and running of bowls in WA


BOWLS WA Reports - CEO

The COVID driven uncertainty experienced over the past two seasons would now appear to be behind us. Although it remains prevalent in our clubs it has not affected any fixtures per se, with events again stronglysupportedandthankfullynodisruptions.

A very mild summer was also experienced, nothing like the 2021/2022 season which was incredibly hot, particularly around the Christmas/New Year period Very few fixtures were interrupted by weather, which perhaps did not assist in the trial of the later start time for Thursday pennant nor the earlier start time for Tuesday pennant – but more of that later


The 2022/2023 season has provided some wonderful highlights, but none more so than the pulsating Gold Medal match in the Ladies Pairs at the Birmingham Commonwealth Games. Our own Kristina Krstic snatched the ultimate prize on an extra end, teaming with her great friend Ellen Ryan to deny the gallant home town heroes in one of the finest sporting moments, not only of the bowls competition, but of the entire games The emotion on the green and in our own clubs at the completion of the match will live long in everyone ’ s memories

Not far behind were the fairytale wins in the Australian Championships where Kaye Blackwell, Rhonda Prosser and Kerry Andersen upset a star-studded side of Comm. Games stalwarts to claim the triples Gold and Shari Solly, Amanda Masters, Shaan Saunders and Jennie Bruce grabbed the gold in the fours

A strong WA contingent was on hand to cheer the teams home in some memorable matches at the Broadbeach club

Perhaps the other standout performance was more club based, again from the Manning Memorial club. Back to back pennants for both the Men’s and Ladies Premier League teams shows the strength of the club – with the win an astonishing nine in a row and twelve of the last thirteen for the ladies – surely unsurpassed in high level WA sport and perhaps still unfinished


There is perhaps no more popular Hall of Fame ascension than Past President Kerry Andersen Formally inducted at the Annual Dinner & Awards Night following nomination from her club Mosman Park, Kerry’s on and off green record is a wonderful testament to her involvement in the game for many years The cherry on the top of her induction was the awarding of Life Membership of her beloved country club Shackleton, it was a lovely part of the evening and so very well deserved Throw in the triples title above and it has been some year to remember Kerry’s full record is shown elsewhere in the Annual Report


The Director of Finance will offer her full report on the state of the Association’s finances elsewhere, but safe to say, in a challenging year, Bowls WA is well placed to continue to meet those challenges head on. Although reporting a small deficit, the first in a number of years, the reasons behind that are simple; an unbudgeted expense in framing the Club Development and Modernization Strategy and the lack of dividends received from our investment portfolio, a common occurrence the world over.

The Association continues to operate in a conservative manner, ensuring that financial decisions made are consistent with the on-going stewardship of the sport


As are the requirements now-a-days there continues to be a focus on improving Governance standards at all levels. Following the completion of the Strategic Plan a number of other issues, many identified as important not only by the Board but also the State Government continued to be tackled Several of these will be determined by the clubs as changes have been recommended to the Constitution, which will be considered in due course

Other items are drawn from the Sport Australia standards or the higher authority of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) Although some are directed


BOWLS WA Reports - CEO

more at national authorities such as Bowls Australia (BA), many can be applied to ourselves to ensure we are compliant to the highest of standards in as many areas as possible – this will be an on-going, long term task

The annual review of the Bowls WA Governance Standards showed a “ score ” of 108, marginally below the benchmark of the standard to be deemed a high level Measured against others Bowls WA achieved an average of (2 95 out of 4) with the overall Bowls average (2 87), State Average all sports (2 98) and National average all sports (2 66) Given this Bowls WA is well placed, but will continue to strive to improve in all areas of Governance


For over a decade this section of an annual report would have been pretty easy to write : Nil But in April we did see some movement in the office with Operations Manager Aaron Delaporte taking up a great opportunity with Bowls Australia to head up the important BowlsLink program and continue its growth around the country His work over the period has been very significant and all clubs have benefitted from Aaron’s work, whether that be through BowlsLink and prior to that Bowls Connect training or as head of Club Development in all its forms, he will be hard to replace


The past season has seen some altered start times on both Tuesday and Thursday

In general the later start for Thursday and the earlier start for Tuesday’s was in response to a number of clubs concerned about the level of heat often encountered. Fortunately (or unfortunately) the summer was very mild in comparison to the previous season in particular, so the full effect of the changes was difficult to ascertain on that front Clubs were however given the opportunity to make comment on the two changes which provided differing responses

On Thursday there was a definite preference to returning to the 1 30pm start, although some of the reasons put forward strained commonsense, whereas responses from the ladies strongly favored the continuation of the earlier start There were of course issues at clubs which influenced their decision and these need to be taken into account for next season

The newly formed Game Development Committee will consider the responses, in addition to any other matters deemed important, to improve the pennant conditions of play and turnaround the longtime reduction of pennant numbers

But someone with the corporate knowledge to give it a go is Regional Bowls Manager Clive Adams, who swaps uniforms with Aaron and joins us from Bowls Australia The move has been seamless and each has benefitted from an easy handover (helpful that Aaron has remained in Perth and sits three desks away!)

Finally, we welcome Aaron Clark (or A2 as he is now known) who fills an important role of communications in all its forms Already we have seen some great podcasts with greats of our sport, these will continue along with a relook at Newsletters, Awards Night’s, Facebook posts and the like

a growing area for sure

Thanks to the Staff, President Doug and the Board, Committee volunteers and Club executives who work hard for our sport. All no doubt have been challenged at some stage over the past 12 months but on face value we continue to operate well and by all measurements are operational leaders for a mid-sized sport Long may that continue.


BOWLS WA Reports - Country

This is my first annual report after just 12 months on the Board. I did find the first half of the year a little daunting with a lot going on and not really understandingtheBoard'sworkings.

I must admit there was a lot happening with the rewrite of the constitution along with a new strategic plan to organise I soon got to appreciate what the staff actually do for our great game Our CEO, Ken Pride, is the organiser and is ahead of everything bowls - he makes the job of being a Board Member very easy

The rest of the office staff from the administration staff recording and making sure everything is up to date and in the right place, to the two Aaron's and Pieter who run everything out there on the green, they are all so professional Their work sometimes goes without notice but it is very important and needs recognition

We lost Aaron Delaporte, our Operations Manager, to Bowls Australia this year, but he has been replaced with a fine replacement in Clive Adams Clive wears many hats and will fit in with our team easily as he has been around the office as a Regional Bowls Manager for many years

I would like to thank both Clive Adams and Troy Kinnane, our Regional Bowls Managers, for their great job helping out our Country clubs during the past year Originally our Southern Manager, Troy is currently covering the whole State, so please use him up as he has lots of knowledge and resources involving all facets of the game

Congratulations to the Southern Zone for winning both the Men's and Women's IZRR this year, great effort Thanks to our generous sponsor in CBH for the live streaming of some of the games for the first time All reports suggest it was well received around the bush and I must admit to enjoying my first foray into the commentary world

Both Men’s and Women’s Country Week were well attended and we ended up with lots of new faces on the winners podium, congratulations to all and once again a big thanks to CBH for funding the live streaming of all finals Country Week continues to have the magic that it always has had and it is such an important event on the calendar

The awards night was held at Optus Stadium this year and I think it was a real winner - good venue, food, drinks, presentation and well compered by the smooth Clive Adams

Big congratulations to Warren Holt and Karen Gaglia, our Country Bowlers of the Year, along with Pinjarra, Large Country Club of the Year and Gingin, Small Country Club

Looking forward to next year, enjoy your break and see you next season


BOWLS WA Reports - Club Development

The Club Development Committee (CDC) is responsible for providing support and assistance to clubs and their members, in whatever form that may take. The CDC works within a tight budget to achieve this objective along with promoting the sport, on behalfofclubs,tothepublicofWesternAustralia.

The continued focus areas were:

Governance: Strategic, Operations, Risk Management Plans and strategies; Financial viability: Sound and accountable financial management, Cash flow and investment management; Membership recruitment: management and marketing, retention targets and strategies;

Club environment: Activities and events, Member surveys and Volunteer Management Plan; Promotion and development: Strategies (community bowls, Jack Attack, attractive events); and Compliance: with Associations Incorporations Act; Liquor Control Act and Club Constitution.

The Strategic Plan continues to provide the future direction of work in this important area to support Clubs state-wide

Over the last 12 months the CDC has worked hard to deliver on a number of outcomes The ultimate success of these outcomes is not always instantly recognised with a focus in changing the perceptions of the sport so that it is viewed as accessible to all ages and demographics aligned to the Bowls WA Vision for Bowls for all Western Australians to connect with bowls during their lifetime

This is something that will be gradual and requires a longterm strategy and investment that will bear fruit in future years.

One of the key initiatives for 2022 was the formation of the Club Grants Program that benefited 22 clubs from a $40,000 investment to see clubs fund a participation program. The program has seen many great ideas emerge, and with clubs reporting on the success of their ideas, we will be looking to help more clubs succeed into the future Given the success of the program, the Board has agreed to continue this initiative in 2023 where will once again encourage clubs to think a bit differently and try new things


BOWLS WA Reports - Club Development

In January 2023, the CDC was renamed to become the Club and People Development Committee in line with the reforms to the governance structure of Committees We also had the release of the Club Development Modernisation Strategy 2023 to 2025, which will now guide the CPDC.

With the catch cry of Game On! 2025 it will provide the blueprint for how Bowls WA optimally supports a thriving state-wide network of member clubs to enhance the club experience and grow Bowls

By building capacity within our clubs and delivering attractive offerings, together, we will be able to welcome more people into the WA Bowls community, grow club membership and participation, modernise club business models and increase and diversify club revenue streams

GAME ON! 2025 has been developed to:

Enhance the trust the Bowls WA Club Network has in Bowls WA, through purposeful collaboration, for the benefit of clubs, and the sport

Ensure we are focussing on what is most important to future proof the Bowls WA Club Network – we don’t have the resources of some larger, commercially focused sports, so we can’t do everything We must be efficient

Maximise the relevance, visibility, and impact of Bowls and Bowls clubs within the WA sport and active recreation sector and the broader community.

The three above points will guide the CDPC in 2023 and beyond

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the Committee consisting of Lee Bunney, Hailey Packer, Ray Povey and Phil Manning for their solid contribution throughout the year They provided a wealth of knowledge from their Club and wider community experiences We also welcomed Aaron Clark to Aaron Delaporte’s team.

To the Bowls Australia Regional Bowls Managers Clive Adams and Troy Kinnane, you do a great job in being the conduit between the Clubs and Bowls WA in ensuring Club needs are understood and addressed in a timely fashion

Never have they been more important to Clubs than now, given the COVID-19 challenges in the last 3 years

Finally, to Aaron Delaporte, your work and support to Committee and particular to me cannot be measured Your commitment and professionalism are un-matched and I sure you will be very successful in your new role with Bowls Australia

I look forward to another year of continuing to provide Clubs our support in the 2023/2024 season


BOWLS WA Reports - High Performance

The 2022-23 High Performance team was a much more active unit this season with the Nationals back on after being cancelled last season due to Covid restrictions.

The State Selection Panel was appointed during the 202122 season and oversaw selection of the state squads with the final team selections occurring in August 2022 in preparation for The Nationals at Broadbeach, Queensland in October

Chair of the Selection Panel


Women’s Open State Coach/Selector


Men’s Open State Coach/Selector


Open Team State Selectors



Over 60’s State Selectors



Under 18’s State Coach


BWA Academy and Under 18’s Assistant



Unfortunately, WA was not able to send a girls team to the 2022 Under 18 Championships due to lack of numbers, but a full team of boys were selected and acquitted themselves extremely well

WA's boys fours team did wonderfully well, with Segan Pasalich, Tom Brooks, Brock Kilmurray and Cam Wellington claiming silver in a strong field WA's Singles representative Callum Alberti performed well and the experience will stand him in great stead for the future.

Cam and Brock also combined in the pairs to finish fourth, and Alex Wasley finished fourth in the fours, playing for the Combined States Side, comprising of selected players not already named in their own State Side


The Over 60s State teams went to Broadbeach full of confidence in their ability to press for a championship The Women’s Over 60s team had 2 debutants - Lexie Webster (Dudley Park) and Sharon Whana (Katanning). The Men’s Over 60s Team had 5 debutants in Jerome Clayton (North Beach), Eric Johannes (Cambridge), Kevin Pickering (Osborne Park), Neville Stevens (Osborne Park) and GregTaylor (Sorrento)

The Women’s team performed well with four wins and three losses to finish in fourth position The rink of Noelene Abe, Bev Davidson, Sharon Whana and Irene Leahy were WA’s leading rink with five wins Irene was also outstanding individually and a worthy Beryl Brennan medal winner

The Men’s team also had four wins and three losses but finished in fifth position on the ladder A slow start to the tournament cost the boys dearly but a strong second half put them close behind the leaders The rink of Eric Johannes, Neville Stevens, Ross Bolton and Jerome Clayton had a great tournament with six out of seven wins On debut, Jerome was outstanding and took home the McKenzie/Barns Medal.


After a two year wait the WA women ’ s team finally got to take to the big stage again and saw three ladies make their debut at Broadbeach - Chris Ace-Watson (Mosman Park), Kaitlin Tyrrell (Osborne Park) and Shaan Saunders (Osborne Park) Going into the last round against the undefeated New South Wales team, a win would have seen the ladies finish in second. Unfortunately, WA was outgunned and had to settle for a very respectable third with a five win and two loss record Lisa Featherby, Robyn O’Brien, Denise Kelly and Shari Solly were WA’s best rink with five wins and Kristina Krstic was again outstanding to win the Beryl Godfrey Trophy.

The WA men ’ s team was looking to improve on previous years as the selectors introduced five debutants into the side Warren Holt (Wagin), Blake Nairn (Cambridge), Dale Marsland (Mosman Park), JackEast (Osborne Park) and


BOWLS WA Reports - High Performance

Cameron Harris (Cambridge) - all looked at home at Broadbeach

In one of the most outstanding WA men ’ s wins in recent times, the whole twelve players picked themselves up after a slow start to come over the top to beat the powerful Victorian team

A win in the last game against NSW would have seen our boys take 2nd position They were with NSW the whole match but just fell short on the last end and had to settle for an overall fourth position with four wins and three loses

It was a very even performance amongst the rinks, with all contributing at different times Edging in front was Anthony Williams, Shane Knott, Bill Brandsma and Russell Bates with four wins and three losses Anthony was outstanding in the skip position to take home the Alan Eddy – Rod Wishart Trophy

Preparations for the 2023 Nationals are well underway Excitement is building with the Nationals (event as a whole) in Western Australia in October 2023 for the first time It has been quite a few years since WA supporters have been able to see our state teams take on the best in Australia. Host clubs Sorrento, Joondalup and Warwick are sure to do us proud as will our selected players


Congratulations to Kristina Krstic, Cody Packer and Lisa Featherby who were all honoured with Jackaroos selection this year Kristina, our Commonwealth Games Gold Medalist, and Cody selected in the Open Jackaroos squad, and Lisa in the Over 60s Jackaroos squad.

Kristina's performance showing that with sheer hard work and steely determination, the ultimate honour in our sport can be achieved, from right here in WA

PIETERHARRIS Competitionsand TalentDevelopment


BOWLS WA Reports - Umpires

The Charter of the Umpires Committee outlines the responsibilities of the committee, ensuring there is adherence to the Laws which control the sport of bowls, and associated to that the training, coordination and development in all its forms of umpiringthroughoutthestateofWesternAustralia.

The Umpires’ Committee consists of Stephen Beckwith (Gingin), Anne Crabb (Manning), Hilton Dembo (Mt Lawley), Vicki Eva (Mosman Park), Ryan Havercroft (South Perth), David Killisch Von Horn (Bassendean), Werner Tubbe (Warwick), Pieter Harris (Bowls WA representative) and the Chair – Sue Hogg (Manning) Unfortunately, Gavan Ebsworth (Merriwa) was unable to continue, and we thank him for his commitment and valued service during his time on the committee

The committee has been very busy this year becoming familiar with the requirements for the new online courses and the new laws as well as officiating at the many state events which have been conducted throughout the year


This year has seen many changes in the way umpiring courses are conducted Whilst ‘Face to Face’ umpire’s courses are the preferred method of training National Umpires, Bowls Australia has introduced ‘Self-Paced Learning’ and ‘Online Learning’ to ensure that those wishing to become accredited officials have choices available to cater for their needs

The ‘Self-Paced Learning’ course will be beneficial to country areas in future years where the tyranny of distance is a challenge for Presenters and Assessors, and their candidates

This year in the metropolitan area, the ‘Presenters and Assessors’ have conducted four ‘Face to Face’ courses, six reaccreditation courses, two Self-Paced learning courses and five Umpire’s Forums This is in addition to the many courses conducted in country areas by our country ‘P&As’

Many thanks to the following bowling clubs for making their facilities available to conduct courses in the Metro area - Mt

Pleasant, Cockburn, Yokine, Manning, Gosnells, Sorrento, Willetton, Warwick, Fremantle and Warnbro


The Umpires’ Committee has been very aware of the need to reach out to country umpires contacts, P&As and players to ensure they are kept informed of changes and developments in laws, policies and the training of officials This has been done by way of information notes and online Zoom meetings

With the initial contact with country P&As, the Umpires Committee realised there was a need to provide all P&As with guidance in conducting courses The Umpires Committee worked on an outline for both the ‘Reaccreditation’ and the ‘Self-Paced learning’ courses to ensure there was consistency throughout the state Files detailing the course outlines were distributed to all P&As and were followed up with Zoom meetings.

This year, courses for the on-green component for the SelfPaced learning course were conducted during Men’s and Women’s Country Week This gave country candidates the opportunity to complete their National Umpires accreditation while in Perth These will be continued in future years

Forums were also conducted via online Zoom meetings for country umpires and players, and these proved popular.


BOWLS WA Reports - Umpires


The Laws of the Sport of Bowls Crystal Mark 4th Edition and accompanying Domestic Regulations were introduced in April 2023 A couple of the new laws created much controversy amongst many Member National Authorities and have since been rescinded

Forums to discuss the new laws have been well attended


International Technical Official Assessments were conducted in Perth in April by World Bowls Congratulations to Stephen Beckwith (Gingin) and David Killisch Von Horn (Bassendean) who were successful in their assessments, and we wish them all the best for their future umpiring duties as ITOs

There are now ten accredited International Technical Officials in Western Australia – more than any other state in Australia

Vicki Eva and Sue Hogg were selected to officiate at the 2022 Commonwealth Games and Western Australian ITO officials were again very well represented at the Australian Open

The opportunities exist for National Umpires to become ITOs and officiate at a higher level and we look forward to assisting those who are interested in the future

On behalf of the Umpires Committee, I would like to thank all our umpires throughout the state for their contributions to our sport as officials.

In addition, the dedication and commitment to training our officials by the Presenters and Assessors (around 30) throughout the state is greatly valued and appreciated We look forward to working with you again in the 2023-24 season

A final thankyou to the team of members on the Umpires Committee for the many valuable volunteer hours contributed throughout the year


BOWLS WA Reports - Greens

Once again, the 2022-2023 Greens and Infrastructure Committee members have been a dedicated volunteer group and I would like to thank each and every one of them for their continued dedication to the important role they fulfill each season. I have been very lucky to have had such a stable committee over thepastfewyears.

The Annual Metropolitan Inspections carried out in October showed a majority of clubs had enough greens to start the season and in general, at a good standard however, there were a number of letters of concern where greens had deteriorated during the season We ask that all clubs stay vigilant and report to Bowls WA when a green may not be at the required standard We also ask that clubs are honest with themselves and their members by taking greens out of play when they are not at the required Pennant level

After a comprehensive review from McLaughlin Sports Consultancy, the Bowls WA Committee structure including the Greens and Infrastructure Committee has undergone some changes which will come into full effect in the 20232024 season Our valued volunteer greens inspectors will still be doing the annual inspections as well as inspections during the year to pass greens or following up on greens protests, but a smaller Committee will move into the advisory area and will be looking at more practical things that Bowls WA can do to assist all Metropolitan and Country Clubs in the greens and infrastructure area This will include advice on new synthetic or grass greens or infrastructure from the planning to implementation stage I look forward to producing meaningful information to help our clubs in whatever future plans they may have, as they make these important upgrades to their facilities

The number of synthetic greens in the Metropolitan area continues to rise as grass greens seem to be a luxury that clubs cannot afford financially As we head into the 2023-24 season, we will have slightly more grass greens than synthetic greens at our Metropolitan Clubs. However, with the knowledge that a number of clubs are planning to put in a new synthetic green, there is little doubt that we will finish the 2023-24 season with more synthetic greens than grass greens for the first time Clubs need to be taking advantage of the all year round availability of synthetic greens

Having a majority of synthetic greens has been a reality for our Country Clubs for a number of years and even this number continues to grow each year While the BWA Greens and Infrastructure Committee does not have direct involvement in country greens, we do field many calls during the season seeking advice on issues with both grass and synthetic surfaces We are always willing to help as much as possible and the material that the smaller committee will produce in the future will be tailored to both metropolitan and country situations

The breakdown of synthetic and grass greens at Clubs at the completion of the 2022-23 season is shown here

It has been my pleasure to work with my committee for another season and going forward the Bowls WA volunteer green inspectors will continue to work with clubs to improve the quality of our playing surfaces The new Committee structure will ensure Bowls WA are both looking after the present with green inspections and first hand interaction and advice, while also looking to assist clubs in future projects

Greens Metropolitan Country Syntheticonly 26 121 Grassonly 18 10 Both 20 5
JIMPOWELL GreensandInfrastructure

BOWLS WA Reports - Inclusive Practices

2022-23 showed a 27% increase in physical disability players at the All Abilities State Championships and a 20% increase in the Bowling Arm State Singles entries. Additionally, the National Bowling Arm Side Series was held in WA for the first time since inception in 2013. These events showcase our 2022 – 25 Strategic Plan of “#PLAY IT” where more people in WAplayBowlsinmoreways.


The side prepared stringently to participate in the National Bowling Arm Sides Championships, performing brilliantly

Despite the great preparation, WA could not push Victoria out of the top spot! While ending up tied on points with Queensland in second spot, the aggregate reared its head and WA came third and won four of five inter-state shields!


All Abilities State Championships were played at Kardinya Bowling Club with 45 participants and many new players in the Intellectual and Physical Disability categories

A significant increase in the physical para-players emphasizes the importance players place on the pathway from State to National representation via the newly developed Para Pathway by Bowls Australia


This year's IRRR was played at Morley Bowling Club as the host venue for the Eastern Region

The players compete in two competitions:

(1) a round robin tournament of 96 players competing to win the overall IRRR event, and

(2) An All Stars Competition where the best 8 players of each region are selected

This year ’ s winners, for the second year running, were the Northern Region Results shown for both games show why Northern is such a strong contender in this event.


The event was hosted at Warnbro Bowling Club with 54 entries that performed sectional play, alignment, and knockout rounds to whittle down to the 8 quarter finalists by the end of the first day of play The second day played quarter finals to the final and a new country player struck gold – congratulations to Warwick Glenister from Geraldton Second place went to last year ’ s champion, Eddie Gollan from Thornlie, while Equal Thirds (new in 2023) medals were presented to Gail Ecclestone and MichaelSpadaccini – both from Bunbury

The significant increase in entries this year has resulted in next year ’ s event expanding to three days

Thank you to all host venuesWarnbro for the National and State Arm Tournaments, Kardinya for the All Abilities, and Morley for the Women’s IRRR

InclusivePractices 20 BOWLSWAANNUALREPORT2023

BOWLS WA Reports - Fixtures & Events

The Bowls WA Calendar from October to May is generally an extremely busy one and this was no different in the 2022-23 bowls season. Aside from the 5 different Metropolitan Pennant Competitions, Bowls WA looks after 30 different events ranging from men’s to women’s to mixed, including Over 60s and Under 18s.

The 2021-22 season had seen quite a rise in entry numbers for many events, possibly due to fewer travel opportunities and players craving games after an interrupted past year In 2022-23, many of the events were down entries but generally still higher than prior to 2021 The standout event was Women’s Countryweek with 33 more singles players, 12 more pairs teams and 4 more fours teams The singles entries were the highest since 2012-13 and was brilliantly won by Karen Gaglia (Busselton) who would go on to win the Country Bowler of the Year award

Finding venues for all these events continues to be an issue, with a select few Metropolitan Clubs doing the heavy lifting We encourage clubs to consider why these events are held and look to find ways they can overcome some of the obstacles that stop them hosting These events are held for the benefit of your club members, that includes the ones who think they can win and the players who are looking to experience events outside their club This can only be a benefit to your clubs in the long run Bowls WA came dangerously close this season to cancelling or at least limiting entries in some events due to a lack of venues. There must be a solution going forward to allow State events to grow without the fear of cancellation and Bowls WA looks forward to working with clubs to find that solution

Metropolitan Pennant numbers have generally been steady for several years The introduction of limited Open Gender Pennant a number of years ago gave a large boost of 14 teams to Tuesday Pennant 3rd Division and they have stayed consistent since However, the introduction of Open Gender Pennant has not been without its issues as clubs and players alike adjust to the ramifications of it and who can and cannot play It is still the plan, as discussed at the Presidents Forum at the end of the 2021-22 season, that Men’s Saturday Pennant will become fully Open Gender at the start of the 2024-25 season with it going up one division

to 2nd Division and below in the 2023-24 season. As discussed at the same meeting, it is not intended to increase the number of Open Gender divisions in the Tuesday or Thursday Pennant Competitions It is also intended that Women’s Saturday Pennant will continue to be offered and it will be up to Metropolitan Clubs to decide which competitions they enter

Bowls WA has had many conversations regarding Open Gender Pennant with several Country Leagues as they also wrestle with similar issues involving open gender rules and dwindling Pennant Numbers in both the Men’s and Women’s Pennant Competitions Together, by sharing our successes and failures, we must continue to evolve the Pennant Competitions to cater for all our players, while running sustainable competitions Bowls WA looks forward to continuing and expanding those discussions and sharing ideas with all our metropolitan and country clubs

As it is every year, the heat rule continues to be a hotly discussed topic There are many different opinions as to the rights and wrongs of the rules and temperature gauges in general This season, Bowls WA trialed the ten minutes rest and 30 minutes playing when the temperature went over 38C method in state events, rather than just stop play until the temperature went below 38C On the few occasions this was required to be used, it was generally well received by players and umpires a like Further discussions will take place during the off season to consider if this method could be introduced in some form as the rule for the 2023-24 Metropolitan Pennant Season

Due to generous sponsorship from CBH Group and additional funds from Bowls WA, this season we were able to go to both the Men’s Interzone Round Robin at the Denison Bowling Club and the Women’s Interzone Fours at the Halls Head Bowling Club to provide livestreaming of the events Both events were extremely enjoyable, and we were wonderfully looked after by both clubs and the players This was on top of our usual livestreaming of Men’s and Women’s Countryweek, Men’s and Women’s State Singles and Tuesday and Saturday Pennant Finals It is a big undertaking to livestream an event with all the things that could go wrong with the technology required but we are lucky to have some great volunteers and a wonderful


BOWLS WA Reports - Fixtures & Events

relationship with Dean and Sharon from Lomax Productions Dean and Sharon Lomax are based in Bunbury, so it is an added bonus we are able to team up with a locally run small business that has such great knowledge in the field

A final thanks to all our volunteers who help make it possible for Bowls WA to run events that all Western Australian affiliated members can enter, we clearly couldn’t do it without your generosity Also, to the Bowls WA volunteers doing the work behind the scenes and on the front line, especially Leonie Potts who is fast becoming a stalwart and fan favourite at Bowls WA event finals While there are some changes in the Bowls WA committee structures going forward, Bowls WA continues to need people able to volunteer their time to be on the front line and run events If you are somebody who wants to volunteer to help run some Bowls WA events during the year, please let us know as we always need more It is generally a very rewarding experience and an opportunity to give back to a sport that has been so good for so many people

Competitionsand TalentDevelopment

"A final thanks to all our volunteers who help make it possible for Bowls WA to run events that all Western Australian affiliated members can enter, we clearly couldn’t do it without your generosity."

BOWLS WA Reports - RBMs

It’s been a year of change as we have seen Clubs continue to thrive, whilst changes amongst our team have seen Regional Bowls Manager for the North/East, Clive Adams, depart the role to take on the Operations Manager role at Bowls WA – we thank Clive for his 8½ years of fantastic service to the role, and we look forward to seeing him make further contributionswithBowlsWA.

Troy Kinnane is currently filling both the North and South roles, as Bowls Australia conducts a full review of the RBM roles, from an operational standpoint


The Bowls WA Awards Night was held at Optus Stadium in June and was a wonderful night It is very satisfying, from an RBM point of view, to see our Clubs, Volunteers and Officials rewarded at such an occasion, as we see the effort and sheer volume of work that goes in at clubs firsthand.

North Beach took the honours as our Metropolitan Club of the Year – the award is rich reward for the years of work that has gone on at the Club Membership growth is a strength, with the club operating at capacity in terms of green space and hitting plenty of goals off the green

Mount Lawley went back to back to back in the Small Metropolitan Club of the Year award, with outgoing President Terry Conley very proud to once again receive the award Mount Lawley is a standout club in the Metropolitan area used as a benchmark for many and a place to go for advice

PInjarra might still be celebrating as it clinched the Country Club of the Year award Outstanding performance at pennant level capturing 5 titles, along with some great work around the greens and clubhouse, and some brilliant junior development saw them take the trophy in a very hard fought award this year.

Gingin backed up its award from last year with another gong A very keen Committee is seeing the club progress in leaps and bounds We look forward to seeing what this great country club can do in the future

Our wonderful volunteers were also acknowledged with Ivan Perica, Ryan Havercroft and Terry Koltasz all award winners, and perhaps a special award of the night going to Kelli Wray as Coach of the Year – Kelli’s work in the junior space has been second to none, and we can look forward to seeing the fruits of her labour stay in our sport for many years to come

For every award winner, we know there's another bunch of people out there that are doing amazing things for their club and for our sport To those people we say thank you

Remember that next year, a great way to reward your volunteers is by nominating them for an award - it shows how much you value their contribution You could even purchase tickets and treat them to a wonderful night out


It has been fantastic to see clubs embracing the Jack Attack competition and what it can bring to clubs This year plenty of clubs have continued their Jack Attack programs, with clubs like Como, Yokine, and Karlgarin dipping their toes in the water for the first time Karlgarin is a particularly special program as with a registered population of just 105 people they regularly had eight teams in attendance throughout the four week program

If your club still hasn’t had a go, or is looking for something just a little different, Jack Attack is a wonderful option. Under the standard licence agreement, you get your licence fee back after running just your first series, and then the sky is the limit from there


It’s been another bumper year in terms of school programs with many Primary Schools across the state getting a taste of bowls through the brilliant Rookie Rollers equipment The equipment has recently been expanded to provide more for schools with All Abilities equipment meaning our sport is reaching more and more young people

In terms of Junior Development, there are plans in the mix for a State Schools competition to happen later in the year,


BOWLS WA Reports - RBMs

with an eventual aim of sending a schools team to a National Competition supported by School Sport Australia

Credit goes to Cockburn’s Coach of the Year Kelli Wray and outgoing State Junior Coach Blake Butler for the work they have done in the junior space. Significantly increased numbers in Bowls WA’s state junior events shows that interest is growing, and both Kelli and Blake can take plenty of credit for that


There’s been big news in the grants space, with the State Government expanding its provisions under the Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund (CSRFF) program

With over $20 million on offer per year for WA’s sporting projects, across areas like facility development, greens, lighting, and other upgrades, it is a great time to be planning and executing projects you have desired for years.

The CSRFF process is an arduous one, however you simply don’t get the volume of assistance that CSRFF offers without the effort that goes along with it Our Regional Bowls Managers across Australia have access to successful grants from all over the country and have the great experience that you need to assist with a successful application Get planning and get us involved!

Of course CSRFF isn't where grants end. Make sure you have developed relationships with Council and other external stakeholders When you've got projects on the go, reach out and see how each of them can contribute It really only works if you have established relationships already though.

Bowls WA's Participation Grants were a big hit with clubs Yanchep can take a bow for its programs which centered around providing more opportunities for EVERYONE in its community to get involved.

Yanchep added some wheelchairs to their club equipment and are already enjoying the success of new members joining the club due to the increased opportunity to get involved and discover a new sport


Reality is that there is a fantastic team of Regional Bowls Managers travelling throughout Australia helping clubs improve the way they do things, leading to wonderful successes. Sometimes it is just a simple conversation that can start the ball rolling

This year, the RBM team helped clubs in the following areas:

Planning, through Business Plans and Sport Australia's Game Plan Grants, through assisting with CSRFF applications and other smaller applications

Programs, with offerings like Jack Attack, Rookie Rollers and Roll Back the Clock

BowlsLink - clubs can ask for assistance during a visit, or make a simple phone call

Technology - need help with your website or social media? We can assist.

Council Relationships - we already have existing relationships with many councils throughout WA Greens - whilst we aren't experts on green preparation, we have access to a world of resources and advice

Data Gathering - strengthening our sport through accurate participation data gathering

Membership Growth - by encouraging clubs to think differently and try new things

There's simply so many ways the RBM crew can assist, and it costs you nothing to get us to visit your club TROYKINNANE




BOWLS WA Reports - Finance

Bowls WA started the 2022/23 year projecting a small but manageable deficit (after depreciation) of ($30,899) knowing there was capacity to see improvements during the year. Covid was in fact positive to the cashflow in the last two years but this financial year there was a requirement to fully fund the nationalsidesprogram.

The outcome is a deficit for the year of ($6,618) Very close to a break-even outcome except for a $7,000 provision for an “Expected Credit Loss” (formerly referred to as a “doubtful debt”) due to a default from one of our sponsors A significant turnaround from the budgeted position

In the profit and loss statement you will notice there is some reliance on interest and dividend income from cash funds and the IOOF investments This has been increasing each year with reasonable dividend returns and an increasing investment balance but for 2022/23 income was well down (at $23,965), $22,035 below forecasts and $22,972 below the previous year This was partly offset by the State Government via the Industry Investment Program (IIP) with increased support to $200,000 on the commencement of the new triennial – an increase of $20,000 pa

We welcomed new sponsors this year – GenesisCare (Over 60s) and the CBH Group (IZRR Live Streaming) and the renewal of sponsorship from AFGRI Equipment; BCIB; Dyenamic Sublimation; Liquor Traders; the Senior Recreation Council and The Professionals Real Estate. These companies support the Association at over $100,000 pa which, along with the IIP funds, is invaluable in reducing Bowls WA's reliance on affiliation fees

It was pleasing to see that competition income has been maintained post Covid In looking at the numbers the Over 60’s events, Country Week(s) (Ladies in particular) and the mixed events are higher than the previous year Income coded as “Development Programs” includes the BPL Prizemoney which was well up on the previous year; in part due to better performances but also the timing of events with three held in this financial year

Rigorous cost management is always a priority and expenditure was down $44,681 on initial forecasts Small

savings were evident across many areas, but the biggest saving was against “employment expenses ” and “depreciation” Staff changes during the year resulted in some savings and a change in the provisions for annual leave; whilst a revaluation of the building last year (and a reduction in value) has lowered the depreciation expense for 22/23 As you will see the expenditure coded as “High Performance” includes costs associated with the The Nationals and this is well up on the 2021/22 year “Club Development” expenditure includes the great Club Grants program of $40,000 which was introduced in this period

The operating outcome was a good achievement; the impact of the revaluations on the financial assets (the IOOF funds) due to a volatile market – down $16,965, resulting in a comprehensive loss for 22/23 at $23,583

The Auditors state in the Annual Report that the information Bowls WA are presenting is a “true and fair view” of its position as at 30th April 2023; and that Bowls WA have the capability to meet all its financial obligations Again, a good audit with very view qualifications or concerns Just as an aside, Bowls WA are no longer bound by the need to incur the expense of a full audit, but the Board feel it prudent and responsible to continue to have that rigour and accountability within its financial management processes –good protection for the members

The 2023/24 forecast position shows a projected loss of $26,800. A deficit that is manageable given a commitment to cost restraint and the expectation that distributions and dividend income may not fully rebound Affiliation fee increases in this period are 3%, with the income raised representing 52 6% of total income - a smaller reliance than other States and Territories.

The Government IIP 3-year support of $200,000 pa continues and although we strive hard to meet the requirements of government to see the level of support increase, funding of the Association is reassessed on a 3year basis Securing additional, and maintaining existing, sponsors is an annual goal but a very hard job A naming rights sponsor for the Perth Suns was a priority in this period and we are pleased to have Dyenamic Sublimination on board with additional support


BOWLS WA Reports - Finance

With the National Sides Series in WA this year the Association benefits from less ongoing costs such as player accommodation and support – a saving of around $30,000

Financial challenges continue for the Association with one of the big decisions to be made in the next few years being the refurbishment, replacement or some alternative for the main office in Osborne Park Ensuring we have an equitable and fair affiliation fee structure for our members is also something all the States grapple with and securing Government funds; grants and sponsorship dollars is paramount

In every other year during my tenure as Finance Director the forecasts have been difficult but with upside on the horizon All credit to Ken Pride as CEO, and his staff who have turned them around into a surplus, break-even position

The Association remains well-resourced due to previous restraint and good management which enables us to move forward with confidence, and at no risk to the Association

Thanks go to Liz Rolt in the office who manages the accounts with great care and accuracy; to Ken Pride and the staff; also, the Finance, Audit, Investment and Risk Committee who work diligently and in partnership to produce a sound financial outcome for the Association

"Thanks go to Liz Rolt in the office who manages the accounts with great care and accuracy; to Ken Pride and the staff; also, the Finance, Audit, Investment and Risk Committee who work diligently and in partnership to produce a sound financial outcome for the Association."
LISAFEATHERBY Director-Finance,Audit, InvestmentandRisk(FAIR)

BOWLS WA Reports - Financial Statements


INCOME NOTE 2023 $ 2022 $ Administration Interest & Dividends Awards Night Affiliation Fees Registration Fees Coach Education Coaching - Player Development Development Programs Grants / Sponsorship Umpiring Competitions Stock Sales TotalIncome EXPENSES Administration – General Administration – Office Administration – Employment Awards Night Affiliation Fees Coach Education Coaching – Player Development Country Board Committees Development Programs Greens High Performance Club Development Umpiring Competitions Stock Purchases TotalExpenses Surplus/(Deficit)beforeincometax Income tax expense SURPLUS/(DEFICIT)FORTHEYEAR OTHERCOMPREHENSIVEINCOME Fair value gain/(loss) on financial assets Fair value gain/(loss) on land & buildings TOTALCOMPREHENSIVELOSSFORTHEYEAR 38,908 23,965 12,600 762,830 600 5,541 1,427 28,249 340,555 8,647 178,244 16,825 1,418,391 121,735 142,935 584,234 22,639 211,102 4,230 1,257 26,310 13,448 700 48,994 3,192 72,360 59,593 5,434 92,746 14,100 1,425,009 (6,618)(6,618) (16,965)(23,583) ======== 39,612 46,937 12,236 747,293 400 2,185 3,040 9,114 306,004 9,478 174,135 15,143 1,365,577 114,116 136,800 590,133 22,177 206,925 2,166 2,739 28,929 18,68339,567 3,081 18,474 38,932 6,030 99,460 12,025 1,340,237 25,34025,340 (46,293) (359,875) (380,828) ======== The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements

BOWLS WA Reports - Financial Statements


Cash & cash equivalents Investments Trade & other receivables Inventories Prepayments NON-CURRENTASSETS Property, plant & equipment Right of use asset TOTALASSETS CURRENTLIABILITIES Trade & other payables Income in advance Lease liability Provisions NON-CURRENTLIABILITIES Lease Liability TOTALLIABILITIES NETASSETS EQUITY Retained Surplus Asset Revaluation Reserve Investment Revaluation Reserve General Reserve TOTALEQUITY 8 9 10 13 13 13 3 4 5 6 7(a) 196,625 1,347,939 32,673 26,106 16,222 1,619,565 1,238,290 15,191 1,253,481 2,873,046 35,273 25,702 8,099 201,132 270,206 8,428 278,634 2,594,412 ======== 2,313,331 206,886 (25,805) 100,000 2,594,412 ======== 602,010 964,904 8,499 34,733 18,021 1,628,167 1,268,358 22,786 1,291,144 2,919,311 43,356 29,999 7,783 203,651 284,789 16,527 301,316 2,617,995 ======== 2,318,021 208,814 (8,840) 100,000 2,617,995 ========
28 The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements BOWLSWAANNUALREPORT2023

BOWLS WA Reports - Financial Statements


Total $ 2,998,823 25,340 ( 359,875) (46,293) ( 380,828)2,617,995 2,617,995 (6,618)(16,965) (23,583)2,594,412 ======== General Reserve $ 100,000--100,000 100,000--100,000 ======== Balanceat1May2021 Comprehensiveincome Surplus for the year Other comprehensive income: Asset revaluation adjustment for the year Investment revaluation adjustment for the year Totalcomprehensiveincome fortheyear Transfers between reserves Balanceat30April2022 Balanceat1May2022 Comprehensiveincome Surplus for the year Other comprehensive income: Asset revaluation adjustment for the year Investment revaluation adjustment for the year Totalcomprehensiveincome fortheyear Transfers between reserves Balanceat30April2023
29 Retained Surplus $ 2,283,953 25,34025,340 8,728 2,318,021 2,318,021 (6,618)(6,618) 1,928 2,313,331 ======== Asset Revaluation Reserve $ 577,417(359,875)(359,875) (8,728) 208,814 208,814-(1,928) 206,886 ======== Investment Revaluation Reserve $ 37,453(46,293) (46,293)( 8,840) ( 8,840)(16,965) (16,965)(25,805) ========
The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements

BOWLS WA Reports - Financial Statements


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30TH APRIL, 2023 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING NOTE ACTIVITIES: Receipts from Clubs Interest Received Grants / Sponsorship Development Programs Receipts Competition Fees Stock Sales Sundry Income Payments to Suppliers & Employees Net cash provided by / (used in) operating activities 11 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES: Fixed Asset Purchase Proceeds from Sale of Fixed Assets Cash Invested in Investments Net cash provided by / (used in) investing activities Net increase/(decrease) in cash & cash equivalents Cash & cash equivalents, beginning of financial year CASH & CASH EQUIVALENTS, END OF FINANCIAL YEAR 3 2023 $ 765,380 23,129 322,992 29,729 163,299 15,125 64,499 (1,388,646) (4,493) (892)(400,000) (400,892) (405,385) 602,010 196,625 =======
30 2022 $ 749,643 47,872 301,340 20,034 180,080 15,134 62,811 (1,305,119) 71,795 (3,074)(160,848) (163,922) (92,127) 694,137 602,010 ======= The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements BOWLSWAANNUALREPORT2023

BOWLS WA Reports - Financial Statements



The financial report of the Royal Western Australian Bowling Association Inc (‘the Association’) for the financial year ended 30 April 2023 was authorised for issue in accordance with a resolution of the Board on 3rd July, 2023

The Royal Western Australian Bowling Association Inc is an Association that is incorporated and domiciled in Australia

The nature of the operations and principal activities of the Association are the administration and promotion of the sport of Lawn Bowls in Western Australia

The principal place of business of the Association is First Floor, 158 Main Street, Osborne Park WA 6017


The financial report is a special purpose financial report which has been prepared in accordance with the Associations Incorporation Act 2015 The Board has determined that the Association is not a reporting entity, because there are no users of the financial report who are unable to command the preparation of reports to satisfy their information needs The financial report has been prepared on a historical cost basis, except for financial instruments at fair value and land and buildings and is presented in Australian dollars Statement

of Compliance

The special purpose financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Associations Incorporation Act 2015, the recognition and measurement requirements of the Accounting Standards, and the disclosure requirements of those of the Accounting Standards that apply to non-reporting entities Specifically, the following accounting standards have been applied:

AASB 101 – Presentation of Financial Statements

AASB 107 – Statement of Cash Flows

AASB 108 – Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors

AASB 1048 – Interpretation of Standards

AASB 1054 – Australian Additional Disclosures

New Accounting Standards and Interpretations

In the current year, the Association has adopted all of the new or amended Accounting Standards and Interpretations issued by the Australian Accounting Standards Board (“AASB”) that are mandatory for the current reporting period

Australian Accounting Standards and Interpretations relevant to the Association that have recently been issued or amended but are not yet effective, have not been adopted for the annual reporting year ended 30 April 2023 These Standards and Interpretations are listed in the following table:


BOWLS WA Reports - Financial Statements



New Accounting Standards and Interpretations (cont.)

Reference Summary

AASB 2020-1

Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards - Classification of Liabilities as Current or Non-current

AASB 2020-6

Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards - Classification of Liabilities as Current or Non-current - Deferral of Effective Date

[AASB 101]

AASB 2021-2

Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – Disclosure of Accounting Policies and Definition of Accounting Estimates

AASB 2022-7

Editorial Corrections to Australian Accounting Standards and Repeal of Superseded and Redundant Standards

This Standard amends AASB 101 to clarify requirements for the presentation of liabilities in the statement of financial position as current or noncurrent For example, the amendments clarify that a liability is classified as non-current if an entity has the right at the end of the reporting period to defer settlement of the liability for at least 12 months after the reporting period The meaning of settlement of a liability is also clarified

When these amendments are first adopted for the year ending 30 April 2024, there will be no material impact on the financial statements

1 January 2023

1 May 2023

The amendments provide a definition of, and clarifications on, accounting estimates and clarify the concept of materiality in the context of disclosure of accounting policies

When these amendments are first adopted for the year ending 30 April 2024, there will be no material impact on the financial statements

This Standard makes editorial corrections to six Standards and to Practice Statement 2 Making Materiality Judgements It also formally repeals superseded and redundant Australian Account Standards as set out in Schedules 1 and 2 to the Standard

When these amendments are first adopted for the year ending 30 April 2024, there will be no material impact on the financial statements.

1 January 2023

1 May 2023

1 January 2023

1 May 2023

Application date of standard Application date for Association



Significant accounting judgments, estimates and assumptions

The carrying amount of certain assets and liabilities is often determined based on estimates and assumptions of future events. The key estimates and assumptions that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of certain assets and liabilities within the next annual reporting year are:

(i) Estimation of useful lives of assets

The estimation of the useful lives of assets has been based on historical experience as well as manufacturers’ warranties (for plant and equipment) and turnover policies In addition, the condition of the assets is assessed at least once every year and considered against the remaining useful life. Adjustments to useful lives are made when considered necessary.

(ii) Revaluation of land and buildings

The Association uses valuation techniques in determining the fair value of the land and buildings This involves developing estimates and assumptions consistent with how market participants would price the land and buildings

Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents in the statement of financial position comprise cash at bank and in hand and short term deposits with an original maturity of three months or less, that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value


Inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realisable value Net realisable value is the net selling price in the ordinary course of business, less the estimated costs of completion and net selling costs

Property, plant and equipment

Freehold land and buildings are shown at their fair value (being the amount for which an asset could be exchanged between knowledgeable willing parties in an arm ’ s length transaction) Valuations are performed whenever the Board believes there has been a material movement in the value of the assets, or at least every five years

Increases in the carrying amount arising on revaluation of land and buildings are credited to a revaluation reserve in equity through other comprehensive income (OCI) Decreases that offset previous increases of the same asset are charged against the related revaluation reserve through other comprehensive income; all other decreases are charged to the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income

An annual transfer from the asset revaluation reserve to retained earnings is made for the difference between depreciation based on the revalued carrying amount of the asset and depreciation based on the asset’s original cost

Any accumulated depreciation at the date of revaluation is eliminated against the gross carrying amount of the asset and the net amount is restated to the revalued amount of the asset

BOWLS WA Reports - Financial Statements 33

BOWLS WA Reports - Financial Statements



Property, plant and equipment (cont.)

Plant and equipment are stated at historical cost less accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses. Such cost includes the cost of replacing parts that are eligible for capitalisation when the cost of replacing the parts is incurred All other repairs and maintenance are recognised in profit or loss as incurred

The cost of each item of property, plant and equipment is written off over its expected economic life, adjusted for any salvage value if applicable The depreciation rates used for each class of property, plant and equipment are as follows:

The depreciation methods used are Prime Cost for Buildings and Diminishing Value for all other classes. Assets of $300 or less are fully depreciated in the year they are purchased.


An item of property, plant or equipment is derecognised upon disposal or when no further future economic benefits are expected from its use or disposal


Property, plant and equipment is reviewed for impairment if there is any indication that the carrying amount may not be recoverable.

Employee Entitlements

Liabilities for wages and salaries, including non-monetary benefits, annual leave and long service leave expected to be settled within 12 months of the reporting date are recognised in respect of employees’ services up to the reporting date They are measured at the amounts expected to be paid when the liabilities are settled and reported as current liabilities in the statement of financial position

Revenue Recognition

Revenue comprises revenue from affiliation fees, sale of goods, rental income, interest revenue and other income

(i) Affiliation fees

Revenue in relation to affiliation fees is recognised over the period the performance obligation is met

(ii) Sale of goods

Revenue from sale of goods is recognised when the control of goods passes to the customer

2023 2022 Buildings and building improvements 2 5% 2
Motor vehicles 30% 30% Office furniture and fixtures 7 5-22 5% 7 5-22 5% Office and other equipment 15-40% 15-40%



Revenue Recognition (cont.)

(iii) Rental income

Rental income arising from agreements is accounted for on a straight-line basis over the agreement terms and included in revenue in profit or loss

(iv) Interest revenue

Revenue is recognised as interest accrues using the effective interest method This is a method of calculating the amortised cost of a financial asset and allocating the interest income over the relevant year using the effective interest rate, which is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash receipts through the expected life of the financial asset to the net carrying amount of the financial asset.

(v) Grant income

Grant income for contracts with sufficiently specific performance obligations is recognized over time as the performance obligations are satisfied Grant income for contracts that do not have sufficiently specific performance obligations is recognised immediately upon receipt


Other revenue

Other revenue is recognised when the Association gains control, economic benefits are probable and the amount can be measured reliably


Revenues, expenses and assets are recognised net of the amount of GST except:

when the GST incurred on a purchase of goods and services is not recoverable from the taxation authority, in which case the GST is recognised as part of the cost of acquisition of the asset or as part of the expense item as applicable, and receivables and payables, which are stated with the amount of GST included

Commitments are disclosed net of the amount of GST recoverable from, or payable to, the taxation authority

Income taxes

The Association is exempt from income tax under Division 50-A of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997

Financial instruments

Recognition, initial measurement and derecognition

Financial assets and financial liabilities are recognised when the Association becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the financial instrument and are measured initially at fair value adjusted by transactions costs, except for those carried at fair value through profit or loss, which are initially measured at fair value. Subsequent measurement of financial assets and financial liabilities are described below Financial assets are derecognised when the contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial asset expire, or when the financial asset and all substantial risks and rewards are transferred A financial liability is derecognised when it is extinguished, discharged, cancelled or expires

BOWLS WA Reports - Financial Statements 35



Financial instruments (cont.)

Classification and subsequent measurement of financial assets

The Association classifies its financial assets in the following measurement categories:

those to be measured subsequently at fair value (either through other comprehensive income (OCI) or through profit or loss), and those to be measured at amortised cost

The classification depends on the Association’s business model for managing the financial assets and contractual terms of the cash flows

For assets measured at fair value, gains and losses will either be recorded in profit or loss or OCI. For investments in equity instruments that are not held for trading, this will depend on whether the Association has made an irrevocable election at the time of initial recognition to account for the equity investment at fair value through other comprehensive income (FVOCI)

All financial assets are subject to review for impairment at least at each reporting date to identify whether there is any objective evidence that a financial asset or a group of financial assets is impaired. Different criteria to determine impairment are applied for each category of financial assets, which are described below. All income and expenses relating to financial assets that are recognised in profit or loss are presented within finance costs or finance income

Debt instruments

The Association’s debt instruments include trade receivables Trade receivables are measured at amortised cost Interest income from these financial assets is included in finance income using the effective interest rate method. Any gain or loss arising on derecognition is recognised directly in profit or loss and presented in other gains/(losses)

Impairment losses are presented as separate line item in the statement of profit or loss

Equity instruments

The Association’s equity instruments include listed and unlisted securities The Association subsequently measures all equity investments at fair value Where management has elected to present fair value gains and losses on equity investments in OCI, there is no subsequent reclassification of fair value gains and losses to profit or loss following the derecognition of the investment Dividends from such investments continue to be recognised in profit or loss as other income when the Association’s right to receive payments is established


The Association assesses on a forward-looking basis, the expected credit losses associated with its debt instruments carried at amortised cost The impairment methodology applied depends on whether there has been a significant increase in credit risk

For trade receivables, the Association applies the simplified approach permitted by AASB 9, which requires expected lifetime losses to be recognised from initial recognition of the receivables

Comparative information

Comparative information has been restated where required for consistency with current year disclosures

WA Reports -
Statements 36

BOWLS WA Reports - Financial Statements



Cash on Hand Cash at Bank Cash on Deposit


a) Loans and receivables

BankWest Gold Term Deposit

b) At fair value through other comprehensive income

Dimensional World Allocation 50/50 Trust at fair value

Vanguard Balanced Index Fund at fair value

Strategic Australian Equity Fund at fair value

Strategic Cash Plus Fund at fair value

Strategic Fixed Interest Fund at fair value

Strategic Global Property Fund at fair value

Strategic International Equity Fund at fair value

Total Investments:

Navigator Australia Limited as Service Operator of Shadforth Portfolio Service – Investment, provides the administration service for the investments Investment advice is received from Shadforth Financial Group Ltd 5.TRADEANDOTHERRECEIVABLES

2023 $
Trade Debtors Provision for Doubtful Debts Other Receivables
Inventory at cost 350 17,253 179,022 196,625 ======= 50,000 50,000 293,157 256,374 70,059 432,188 139,344 69,562 37,255 1,297,939 1,347,939 ======== 39,370 ( 7,700) 1,003 32,673 ======= 26,106 26,106 ======= 350 20,599 581,061 602,010 ======= 50,000 50,000 295,879 259,537 75,170 29,997 137,988 80,239 36,094 914,904 964,904 ======= 8,332167 8,499 ======= 34,733 34,733 =======

BOWLS WA Reports - Financial Statements



a) Details of the Association’s property, plant and equipment and their carrying amount are as follows:

b) The Association adopted a valuation of land and buildings based on an appraisal by independent valuer, Jones Lang LaSalle This was made on the basis of direct comparison and capitalisation of net income approach, resulting in a value as at 30th April, 2022 of $1 238m, (including $28,000 of fixtures)

c) Land and buildings comprise of land ($508,000) and buildings ($702,000) Buildings are subject to depreciation 8.TRADEANDOTHERPAYABLES

Total 1,268,358 892-( 30,960) 1,238,290 Bowls Mobile Equipment---Balanceat1May2022 Additions Disposals Transfer Revaluation Depreciation Balanceat30April2023
38 Motor Vehicles 19,576-( 5,873) 13,703 Furniture& Fittings 32,532-( 4,031) 28,501 Equipment 6,250 892-( 3,506) 3,636
Land& Buildings 1,210,000-( 17,550) 1,192,450
Trade Creditors Accrued Expenses Mastercard GST and PAYG Tax Payable
Revenue Received in Advance Grants/Sponsorship Received in Advance 10.PROVISIONS Provision for Annual Leave Provision for Long Service Leave 6,880 20,061 999 7,333 35,273 ====== 10,429 15,273 25,702 ====== 91,312 109,820 201,132 ======= 8,679 22,452 4,279 7,946 43,356 ====== 4,413 25,586 29,999 ====== 97,296 106,355 203,651 ======= 2023 $ 2022 $ BOWLSWAANNUALREPORT2023



Reconciliation of net cash provided by/(used in) operating activities to operating surplus/(deficit):

Operating surplus/(deficit)

Non-cash flows in operating surplus/(deficit)

on asset disposal

– Depreciation – Right of use


There are currently no contingent liabilities


a) Asset Revaluation Reserve

The asset revaluation reserve records increments and decrements in the fair value of land and buildings

b) Investment Revaluation Reserve

The investment revaluation reserve records increments and decrements in the fair value of investments

c) General Reserve

This includes funds transferred from Retained Surplus for expected future infrastructure requirements


The auditor for the year ended 30th April, 2023 is Reliance Auditing Services


No circumstances or events have arisen subsequent to the end of the year that have had, or are likely to have, a material impact on the operations of the Association or the financial statements

BOWLS WA Reports - Financial Statements 39
& liabilities Decrease/(Increase) in Trade
other receivables Decrease/(Increase) in Inventories Decrease/(Increase) in Prepayments Decrease/(Increase) in Right of use asset Increase/(Decrease) in Trade & other payables Increase/(Decrease)
Lease liability Increase/(Decrease)
Provisions Net cash
operating activities ( 6,618) 30,9607,595 ( 24,174) 8,627 1,799( 8,083) ( 4,297) ( 7,783) ( 2,519) ( 4,493) ====== 25,340 41,137 688 7,596 15,745 ( 14,745) ( 9,272)390 ( 1,466) ( 7,480) 13,862 71,795 ====== 2023 $ 2022 $
Changes in assets
in Income in advance
provided by/(used in)
Payable to Reliance Auditing Services: Audit fees for audit of the financial report 7,350 7,350 ===== 7,000 7,000 ===== 2023 $ 2022 $


This special purpose financial report has been prepared to satisfy the reporting requirements of the Associations Incorporation Act 2015

The financial statements and notes of The Royal Western Australian Bowling Association Inc are in accordance with the Associations Incorporation Act 2015, including:

(i) giving a true and fair view of the Association’s financial position as at 30th April 2023 and its performance for the financial year ended on that date;

(ii) complying with Australian Accounting Standards (including Australian Accounting Interpretations) as described in Note 2; and

(iii) there are reasonable grounds to believe that the Association will be able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable

This declaration has been made in accordance with a resolution of the Board and is signed for and on behalf of the Board by:

BOWLS WA Reports - Financial Statements
BOWLS WA Reports - Financial Statements 41 BOWLSWAANNUALREPORT2023
BOWLS WA Reports - Financial Statements 42 BOWLSWAANNUALREPORT2023

Bowls WA Hall of Fame - Kerry Andersen



Australian Triples Gold Medal 2021-22

Australian Emerging Team v NZ 2003-04, 2002-03

Australian Squad 2002-03


Bowls WA President 2016-20

Bowls WA Country Director 2011-16

State Games: Open - 110, Over 60s: 55

Australian Sides Championship 2010

State Pairs (4): 2015-16, 2010-11, 2008-09, 2004-05

State Triples (1): 2021-22

State Fours (5): 2015-16, 2013-14, 2012-13, 2005-06, 2002-03

State Champion of Champion Singles 2004

Over 60s Bowler of the Year (3): 2022, 2015, 2014

Over 60s Titles: 9


Shackleton Bowling Club (presented 2nd June 2023)


Bowls WA Events - Men


267 participants

Winner: C Packer (Osborne Park)

R/Up: B Butler (Manning)


342 participants

Winners: W Holt & M Wunnenberg (Composite)

R/Up: M Sear & C Alberti (South Perth)


198 participants

Winners: J Opie, L Such & B Manton (Composite)

R/Up: B Davis, L Sanders & P Hillz (Swan)


384 participants

Winners: B Eagles, M Hulbert, P Flack, P Morgan (Sorrento)

R/Up: J Opie, G Pauling, T Kinnane, S Walker (South Perth)


57 participants

Winner: J East (Osborne Park)

R/Up: J Clayton (North Beach)


45 participants

Winner: T Perrella (Roleystone)

R/Up: H Mayers (Thornlie)


Bowls WA Events - Women


87 participants

Winner: I Arndt (Safety Bay)

R/Up: K Andersen (Mosman Park)


126 participants

Winners: K Blackwell & D Blackwell (Mount Pleasant)

R/Up: J Jones & S Collins (York)


144 participants

Winners: C Ace-Watson, I Leahy, J Adam (Composite)

R/Up: H Morss, L Brannan, H Heal (Composite)


176 participants

Winners: L Butler, T Hastings, K Tyrrell, L Smith (Composite)

R/Up: R Coote, M Cooney, J Parker, J Zadow (Composite)


43 participants

Winner: C Ace-Watson (Mosman Park)

R/Up: L Smith (Perth & Tattersalls)


43 participants

Winner: T Arnold (Yanchep)

R/Up: M Thomas (Mount Pleasant)


264 participants

Winners: R Butcher, B Gillingham (North Beach)

R/Up: K Ward, R Marinoni (Composite)


Bowls WA Events - Inclusion Events



Winner: D Ravlich (Cockburn)

R/up: H Wong (Belmont City)


Winners: A McLean, D Ravlich (Composite)

R/Up: H Hughes, P Kozuh (Composite)


Winner: J Lehane (Gosnells)

R/Up: A Maddy (Kardinya)


Winner: C Rodgers (Harvey) Dir: J Scheutjens

R/Up: M Pullinger (Perth & Tatts) Dir: E Williams


Winners: C Rodgers & M Pullinger (Composite)

R/Up: S Ansquer & R Graham (Composite)


Winner: E Gollan (Thornlie)

R/Up: N Richardson (Mandurah)


Winners: M Garrett & C Nottle (Pingelly)

R/Up: E Gollan & G Twist (Composite)


Winner: W Glenister (Geraldton)

R/Up: E Gollan (Thornlie)


Bowls WA Events - Over 60's



176 participants

Winner: J Goddard (Osborne Park)

R/Up: W Brandsma (Kalamunda)


248 participants

Winners: J Goddard & G Caffell (Osborne Park)

R/Up: M Ryan & J Rollnik (Ellenbrook)


168 participants

Winners: J Goddard, G Caffell, G Nicol (Composite)

R/Up: D Radford, K Stower, J Terrell (Composite)



150 participants

Winner: J Goddard & J Bruce (Composite)

R/Up: D Radford & J Savell (Composite)



68 participants

Winner: K Gobbart (Gingin)

R/Up: I Arndt (Safety Bay)


160 participants

Winners: K Blackwell & N Abe (Composite)

R/Up: B Davidson & I Leahy (Composite)


117 participants

Winners: I Leahy, C Ashworth, R Butcher (Composite)

R/Up: L Warburton, P Bourne, J Parker (Composite)


Bowls WA Events - Under 18s


16 participants

Winner: C Alberti (South Perth)

R/Up: E Manifis (Osborne Park)


4 participants

Winner: C Byfield (Manning)

R/Up: S Hays (Joondalup)


20 participants

Winners: C Alberti, D Burnham (Composite)

R/Up: Z Parker, T Delacy (Club Merredin)


21 participants

Winners: C Alberti, T Delacy, Z Parker (Composite)

R/Up: T Way, M Passeretto, J Headland (Composite)


Bowls WA - International/National



Women's Pairs GOLD: Kristina Krstic (Manning)


Kristina Krstic (Manning) - Open Jackaroo

Cody Packer (Osborne Park) - Open Jackaroo

Lisa Featherby (Mosman Park) - Over 60s Jackaroo



WA Women's State Team: 3rd (5 wins)

WA Men's State Team: 4th (4 wins)


WA Women's Over 60s State Team: 4th (4 wins)

WA Men's Over 60s State Team: 4th (4 wins)


State Debutants: Chris Ace-Watson, Jack East, Cameron

Harris, Warren Holt, Dale Marsland, Blake Nairn, Shaan

Saunders, Kaitlin Tyrrell

100games: David Rankin

50games: Shane Knott, Shari Solly


Men's Singles Bronze: Matthew Mitchell (Emu Point)


Women's Triples Gold: Kaye Blackwell, Rhonda Prosser, Kerry Andersen

Women's Fours Gold: Jennie Bruce, Amanda Masters, Shaan Saunders, Shari Solly


Boy's Fours Silver: Cam Wellington, Brock Kilmurray, Tom Brooks, Segan Pasalich


Women's Fours Gold: Laura Butler (Manning)

Women's Fours Silver: Kristina Krstic (Manning)


Bowls WA Country Week




465 participants

Winner: W Holt (Wagin)

R/Up: M O'Neill (Ongerup)


896 participants

Winners: B Ball & D Milbourne (Pinjarra)

R/Up: T Cosgrove & P Bradley (Shackleton)


908 participants

Winners: J Leeson, P Leeson, I Payne, P Hitchcock (Denison)

R/Up: M Currie, J Currie, R Hayter, B Parsons (Narembeen)


Best Performed Club in Men's Country Week

Winner: Denison




218 participants

Winner: K Gaglia (Busselton)

R/Up: K Bryan (Moora)


424 participants

Winners: B Broom & S Bilney (Kojonup)

R/Up: K Ward & A Bateup (Dumbleyung)


412 participants

Winners: K Ward, M Mance, N Sutherland, L Bright (Eaton)

R/Up: M White, V Cliff, J Lang, A Horley (Composite)


Best Performed Club in Women's Country Week

Winner: Busselton


Bowls WA Country Pennant - Men


1st Division: Northam

2nd Division: Beverley


1st Division: Denison Blue

2nd Division: Mullewa


Saturday: Pemberton

Midweek: Pemberton


Moora Black




Jurien Green




1st Division: Quairading Red

2nd Division: Quairading White


Kalgoorlie White




1st Division: Emu Point Red

2nd Division: Emu Point Purple

3rd Division: Emu Point White


Gingin Gold


Saturday 1st Division: Pinjarra

Saturday 2nd Division: Halls Head 1

Saturday 3rd Division: Pinjarra

Saturday 4th Division: Halls Head 1

Midweek 1st Division: Pinjarra

Midweek 2nd Division: Yunderup

Midweek 3rd Division: Pinjarra

Midweek 4th Division: Halls Head 1






Esperance White


Corrigin Blue


Saturday 1st Division: Bunbury

Saturday 2nd Division: Harvey

Saturday 3rd Division: Capel

Midweek 1st Division: Eaton Blue

Midweek 2nd Division: Harvey

Midweek 3rd Division: Eaton Blue

Midweek 4th Division: Eaton Blue


1st Division: Brookton

2nd Division: Williams


Bowls WA Country Pennant - Women




1st Division: Wonthella Maroon

2nd Division: Geraldton Blue












Kalgoorlie Gold




Saturday 1st Division: Margaret River

Saturday 2nd Division: Margaret River Green

Midweek: Dunsborough White


1st Division: Mt Barker Golf

2nd Division: Emu Point




Saturday 1st Division: Dudley Park Gold

Saturday 2nd Division: Halls Head Red

Saturday 3rd Division: Halls Head Blue

Saturday 4th Division: Comet Bay Green








Merredin Civic


1st Division: Busselton

2nd Division: Collie




Bowls WA Metropolitan Pennant - Men



Premier: Manning *

White: Bassendean *

BlueNorth: Doubleview

BlueSouth: Manning *


Red: Rockingham

White: Dalkeith-Nedlands *

Blue: Morley

Gold: Joondalup


Red: Kalamunda

White: Fremantle 2

Blue: Osborne Park *

Gold: Joondalup


Red: Kardinya

White: Byford

Blue: Quinns Rocks

Gold: Dalkeith-Nedlands *


Red: Leeming 1

White: Willetton

Blue: Bedford *

Gold: Ellenbrook

Purple: East Fremantle


Victoria Park-Carlisle *



PremierNorth: Osborne Park *

PremierSouth: South Perth *

BlueNorth: Warwick 1

BlueSouth: Fremantle *


Red: Cockburn

White: Forrestfield

Blue: Mount Lawley *

Gold: Dalkeith-Nedlands


Red: Kwinana

White: Gosnells

Blue: Dalkeith-Nedlands

Gold: Merriwa AFA *


Red: Kardinya *

White: Forrestfield

Blue: Sorrento

Gold: Innaloo


Red: Melville *

White: Thornlie

Blue: South Perth

Gold: Doubleview


North Perth *

* Denotes Division Pennant Winners

Supported by ProfessionalsRealEstate 53 BOWLSWAANNUALREPORT2023

Bowls WA Metropolitan Pennant - Women




Premier: Manning *

White: North Beach *

GreenNorth: Morley *

GreenSouth: Cockburn *


Red: Gosnells

White: Mt Pleasant *

Blue: Dalkeith-Nedlands

Green: Yokine


Red: Mt Pleasant

White: Rossmoyne

Blue: Perth & Tattersalls

Green: Joondalup *


Red: Como

White: South Perth *



Red: Manning

Blue: Bayswater *



Red: Manning *

BlueNorth: North Beach *

BlueSouth: Thornlie *


Lemon: Mt Pleasant *

Lime: Cockburn

Orange: Mount Lawley


Pink: Cockburn

Blue: South Perth *

* Denotes Division Pennant Winners ProfessionalsRealEstate 54 BOWLSWAANNUALREPORT2023

Bowls WA Annual Awards

Awards Night Held at OptusStadium(June2,2023)


Most Outstanding Under-18 bowler CALLUMALBERTI


Most Outstanding Volunteer at Club Level IVANPERICA


Most Outstanding Official at Club Level RYANHAVERCROFT


Most Outstanding Official at Club Level TERRYKOLTASZ


Bowls WA Annual Awards

Awards Night Held at OptusStadium(June2,2023)


Most Outstanding Coach at Club level KELLIWRAY


Most Outstanding Male Bowler at the Interstate Sides


BOWLSWAHALLOFFAME Outstanding Career Achievements



Most Outstanding Female Bowler at the Interstate Sides



Bowls WA Annual Awards

Awards Night Held at OptusStadium(June2,2023)


Most Outstanding Over 60s Female Bowler of the Year



Most Outstanding Over 60s Male Bowler of the Year



Most Outstanding Female Bowler - Senior Interstate Sides



Most Outstanding Male Bowler - Senior Interstate Sides



Bowls WA Annual Awards

Awards Night Held at OptusStadium(June2,2023)


Outstanding Club Achievement


Outstanding Club Achievement



Bowls WA Annual Awards

Awards Night Held at OptusStadium(June2,2023)


Outstanding Club Achievement



Outstanding Club Achievement



Bowls WA Annual Awards

Awards Night Held at OptusStadium(June2,2023)


Most Outstanding Male Country Bowler of the Year



Most Outstanding Male Bowler of the Year



Most Outstanding Female Country Bowler of the Year



Most Outstanding Female Bowler of the Year



Bowls WA 125th Anniversary DREAM TEAMS



Bowls WA 125th Anniversary DREAM TEAMS


Bowls WA Club Membership

2018/19 Men Women 2019/20 Men Women 2020/21 Men Women 2021/22 Men Women 2022/23 Men Women 60 91 57 56 49 45 29 56 91 21 90 48 107 104 51 57 77 70 29 154 74 39 36 34 112 76 120 51 42 138 138 20 64 70 57 85 121 64 90 58 48 166 13 20 29 27 30 23 17 34 34 3 33 9 52 17 28 15 29 17 16 96 24 12 25 38 65 37 44 23 4 79 65 9 43 45 36 40 55 36 33 42 26 101 52 101 67 64 55 30 28 73 77 24 88 49 92 87 44 61 76 83 36 152 76 37 37 32 121 74 122 48 46 137 123 18 65 66 51 96 84 72 85 57 51 168 14 29 31 31 29 16 14 40 28 3 38 10 44 17 20 24 35 18 19 86 27 9 30 35 65 40 39 22 2 76 66 10 52 42 30 46 49 32 26 34 22 104 50 99 53 56 53 32 32 72 70 26 86 48 63 81 39 54 65 81 35 101 79 32 35 32 136 75 119 55 40 129 132 26 67 67 45 84 67 67 69 40 44 151 15 22 27 32 27 17 14 39 21 3 36 8 33 21 12 28 26 17 18 69 25 10 19 35 62 43 32 2472 65 10 50 47 20 37 54 28 31 33 19 97 48 107 64 54 37 30 31 84 68 14 100 45 73 93 38 49 69 80 31 103 63 34 31 31 161 69 126 55 33 130 136 23 70 64 41 84 66 70 70 37 43 156 10 27 30 37 22 17 13 45 23 2 36 13 36 22 12 27 25 18 16 63 19 11 15 24 70 34 37 27 1 77 66 10 54 40 16 37 52 29 24 27 12 102 51 107 58 52 37 25 23 72 68102 47 85 101 45 61 76 79 35 118 58 40 25 30 166 71 104 56 41 142 114 22 59 59 45 69 61 76 76 44 40 148 17 28 28 38 20 12 10 41 2539 13 40 18 15 20 24 18 17 63 17 13 15 20 58 35 40 29 2 80 59 8 37 36 14 33 48 39 41 28 15 98
METROPOLITANCLUBS ClubName Armadale Bassendean Bayswater Bedford Belmont City Bull Creek AFA Bullsbrook Byford Cambridge Claremont Cockburn Como Dalkeith-Nedlands Doubleview East Fremantle Ellenbrook Forrestfield Fremantle Glen Forrest Gosnells Hilton Park Hollywood-Subiaco Inglewood Innaloo Joondalup Kalamunda Kardinya Kwinana Lake Monger Leeming Manning Maylands Melville Merriwa AFA Midland Morrison Morley Mosman Park Mount Lawley Mount Pleasant Mundaring Nollamara North Beach 63 BOWLSWAANNUALREPORT2023

Bowls WA Club Membership

2018/19 Men Women 2019/20 Men Women 2020/21 Men Women 2021/22 Men Women 2022/23 Men Women 47 166 44 30 77 107 36 103 229 46 197 76 76 59 60 152 60 119 201 146 95 46 88 5305 2 90 20 13 40 4637 127 32 69 18 22 17 6 61 34 53 89 78 76 19 59 2432 48 174 47 30 79 100 44 97 243 34 208 76 71 53 59 101 54 107 166 155 83 37 93 5164 2 93 15 13 40 43 2 33 131 23 70 19 22 17 5 41 31 53 74 73 62 17 60 2343 50 114 45 30 87 105 41 99 219 41 194 77 59 60 57 130 47 90 155 143 76 41 82 4829 4 61 13 13 41 33 5 33 128 21 62 26 24 13 4 54 31 57 80 64 66 15 47 2193 51 113 44 32 63 88 36 97 230 39 156 79 53 62 52 128 51 86 137 137 74 50 67 4736 5 54 14 12 34 35 5 35 131 23 49 29 23 15 6 49 29 50 68 65 65 20 27 2121 60 121 42 35 65 93 33 98 148 36 167 81 55 51 49 129 54 84 143 138 71 50 67 4658 5 49 14 12 33 36 4 40 87 23 60 31 24 14 9 54 29 44 59 64 62 17 28 2049
METROPOLITANCLUBS ClubName North Perth Osborne Park Perth & Tatts Pickering Brook Quinns Rocks Rockingham Roleystone Rossmoyne Safety Bay Scarborough Sorrento South Perth Spearwood Stirling Swan Thornlie Victoria Park Carlisle Wanneroo Warnbro Warwick Willetton Yanchep Yokine TOTAL 2018/19 Men Women 2019/20 Men Women 2020/21 Men Women 2021/22 Men Women 2022/23 Men Women 81 36 19 21 15 15 14 49 19 36 38 24 15 32 15 12 2 10 9 9 19 11 21 14 13 2 91 44 19 18 17 17 13 53 18 38 43 24 14 33 15 14 2 9 12 11 23 11 18 11 13 2 84 38 17 19 14 16 15 46 17 37 36 23 16 31 16 11 2 9 10 10 15 12 18 12 14 2 84 38 18 17 15 16 15 47 16 40 37 23 13 29 13 11 2 10 10 9 17 10 26 13 14 2 80 35 17 17 17 17 14 50 14 49 32 22 18 29 13 11 1 10 8 10 16 8 26 13 14 2 COUNTRYCLUBS ClubName Albany Augusta Badgingarra Balingup Ballidu Beacon Bencubbin Beverley Bindoon Binningup Boddington Bolgart Borden 64 BOWLSWAANNUALREPORT2023

Bowls WA Club Membership

2018/19 Men Women 2019/20 Men Women 2020/21 Men Women 2021/22 Men Women 2022/23 Men Women 41 28 20 27 18 27 16 45 88 192 126 14 14 27 34 36 54 53 27 14 49 21 19 38 37 15 32 20 58 54 37 24 46 148 19 60 117 67 73 26 17 115 12 13 13 14 12 1520 51 61 57 24 9 9 13 21 21 24 11 1 30 11 10 17 11 5 14 1 38 38 17 1 19 87 12 35 66 45 34 18 9 64 41 24 17 27 14 29 18 45 58 148 118 34 15 27 30 35 46 54 30 20 52 21 19 31 28 13 26 20 61 52 32 25 48 181 21 63 99 73 53 21 16 96 11 10 11 14 9 1818 41 55 50 23 7 10 12 14 21 18 10 1 30 11 12 13 10 4 13 1 41 38 14 1 19 103 12 36 62 38 17 13 6 63 39 26 14 17 13 30 17 47 59 127 97 24 14 25 29 40 42 59 27 20 46 22 18 32 28 13 28 20 46 39 35 21 42 189 15 53 107 68 48 12 17 99 12 8 9 13 11 1319 41 34 43 22 8 8 11 14 21 18 11 1 28 12 13 14 10 4 13 1 23 21 13 1 13 112 9 23 61 36 15 3 6 63 40 27 13 20 12 32 21 44 67 123 101 28 15 27 28 42 44 60 22 20 45 22 17 35 28 10 29 20 54 35 35 17 39 151 16 52 108 69 48 14 17 106 3 9 8 11 10 1216 38 30 45 20 10 10 11 12 19 22 1031 11 14 14 9 1 13 1 28 22 12 1 13 83 9 26 71 39 16 3 1 72 38 29 11 20 12 30 20 45 61 122 99 31 14 21 29 41 39 68 24 18 46 16 17 30 30 12 26 20 58 40 32 19 40 132 16 57 112 64 52 14 17 92 5 7 8 13 8 1215 45 35 41 22 7 10 10 13 18 27 1033 11 14 14 9 2 12 1 30 26 12 1 12 79 10 23 59 39 15 3 1 74
COUNTRYCLUBS ClubName Boulder Boyanup Boyup Brook Bridgetown Broadwater Brookton Broomehill Bruce Rock Brunswick Bunbury Busselton Capel Carnamah Carnarvon Cervantes Civic Merredin Collie Comet Bay Condingup Coorow Corrigin Cowaramup Cranbrook Cunderdin Dalwallinu Dampier Dandaragan Darkan Denison Denmark Donnybrook Doodlakine Dowerin Dudley Park Dumbleyung Dunsborough Eaton Emu Point Esperance Exmouth Frankland River Geraldton 65 BOWLSWAANNUALREPORT2023

Bowls WA Club Membership

36 30 4917 12 220 47 21 17 45 14 8 46 14 15 17 40 40 22 16 14 24 20 13 19 15 11 17120 34 36 68 23 46 103 13 17 31 22 35 32 11 11 213 106 30 18 6 32 9 5 36 6 8 11 10 27 11 12 5 12 16 7 22 1 1 1267 14 15 491 41 6 10 21 4 18 14 40 32 4618 16 167 42 25 16 45 14 8 48 15 15 20 39 45 22 15 14 24 23 14 19 17 12 28124 33 42 67 22 36 86 16 16 34 23 34 45 11 12 2210 98 28 16 6 32 6 5 35 6 8 12 10 31 13 10 5 19 17 7 21 1 8 1071 13 18 4337 6 11 20 4 17 15 32 28 4817 13 212 44 16 17 41 14 8 36 16 14 18 33 35 21 13 15 26 20 11 15 14 13 1893 29 41 61 19 46 87 18 16 30 22 31 44 14 10 226 103 29 14 6 24 6 5 28 5 8 1126 11 11 5 19 10 6 154 1060 12 17 3434 7 11 16 4 15 15 46 30 3618 13 235 50 17 17 37 14 8 47 15 2 17 32 35 20 16 12 27 22 11 16 15 13 22100 28 42 51 20 52 86 16 18 31 23 31 45 13 10 225 117 33 14 5 25 3 2 35 61522 12 12 4 19 10 6 14 2 2 1176 13 15 3141 5 12 16 4 15 17 49 29 35 9 16 15 248 47 14 20 37 17 10 46 16 5 14 31 33 18 15 12 22 20 11 16 15 15 20 6 93 28 44 40 19 53 98 14 14 31 22 29 43 11 9 21 64 124 31 10 8 27 4 4 39 7 4 1617 10 13 5 17 10 4 14 3 1 9 3 74 14 14 17 146 3 10 15 3 7 20 2018/19 Men Women 2019/20 Men Women 2020/21 Men Women 2021/22 Men Women 2022/23 Men Women
COUNTRYCLUBS ClubName Gingin Gnowangerup Goomalling Green Head Green Range Guilderton Halls Head Harvey Hopetoun Jerramungup Jurien Kalannie Kalbarri Kalgoorlie Karlgarin Karratha Katanning Kellerberrin Kojonup Kondinin Koorda Kukerin Kulin Lake Grace Lake Yealering Lancelin Latham Ledge Point Leeman Leonora Mandurah Manjimup Margaret River Meadow Springs Meckering Merredin Middleton Beach Mingenew Moodiarrup Moora Morawa Mt Barker Mt Barker Golf 66 BOWLSWAANNUALREPORT2023

Bowls WA Club Membership

2018/19 Men Women 2019/20 Men Women 2020/21 Men Women 2021/22 Men Women 2022/23 Men Women 31 34 13 42 31 20 50 36 14 9 18 21 10 37 52 141 60 12 25 18 5 6 16 35 28 21 1632 22 34 25 31 38 31 146 18 18 27 43 68 5166 1417 1 12 35 17 9 5 2 12 7 26 38 65 31 4 13 2 2 5 9 16 6 10 1017 12 29 14 17 15 15 100 12 2 10 23 41 2537 38 30 5 37 31 18 52 33 15 1 21 17 12 42 60 153 49 11 24 21 5 5 16 30 24 23 1520 21 33 28 32 40 33 149 19 29 23 45 69 5026 142 18 5 12 37 15 7 3 7 12 7 25 34 65 29 4 13 3 2 4 9 16 4 10 810 11 21 16 18 15 13 102 14 6 9 23 45 2456 40 25 5 45 29 21 52 29 17 1 20 16 13 36 51 88 50 11 20 24 5 5 15 35 23 22 15 7 21 20 33 24 31 38 34 89 18 18 25 44 65 4667 152 17 3 14 36 21 8 3 6 10 5 22 33 47 29 4 12 3 2 6 7 12 4 4 9 4 13 11 17 15 12 16 13 59 1610 17 43 2186 34 28 12 41 36 19 52 28 1319 18 15 36 58 107 48 6 19 21 4 7 17 32 25 26 11 7 29 17 34 25 31 39 31 94 22 20 20 44 72 4735 101 17 5 13 33 22 86 10 6 20 35 51 32 4 9 3 2 4 8 13 6 5 9 4 11 10 17 14 10 19 12 54 12 2 7 11 44 2175 32 26 11 39 33 22 44 28 15 22 8 15 14 36 68 116 45 5 26 20 417 29 24 20 14 6 28 18 35 26 23 39 31 97 24 20 19 45 66 4695 101 19 5 12 32 20 6 6 2 11 5 18 42 57 30 4 12 3 26 13 6 10 8 3 12 11 23 16 10 15 11 54 10 2 6 10 39 2164
ClubName Mukinbudin Mullewa Nannup Narembeen Narrogin Newdegate Northam Northampton Nungarin Nyabing Ongerup Pemberton Perenjori Pingelly Pinjarra Port Bouvard Quairading Ravensthorpe Scaddan Shackleton Shark Bay South Hedland Tambellup Tammin Three Springs Toodyay Trayning Varley Wagin Walpole Waroona Westonia Wickepin Williams Wongan Hills Wonthella Wyalkatchem Yarloop Yilgarn York Yunderup TOTAL 67 BOWLSWAANNUALREPORT2023

Bowls WA Club Membership - Summary

2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 7737 7703 15440 7507 7482 14989 7022 6853 13875 6857 6910 13767 6707 6859 13566
MEMBERSHIPNUMBERS Metro Country TOTAL 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 65 136 201 65 136 201 65 137 202 65 136 201 64 138 202 CLUBNUMBERS Metro Country TOTAL 68 BOWLSWAANNUALREPORT2023


Level1,158MainStreet, OsborneParkWA6017

AllCorrespondenceto: POBox123, OsborneParkWA6917

Phone: 08 9340 0800



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