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Fixtures & Events
As a volunteer group, the Fixtures & Events (F & E) committee, with the support of Bowls WA Competition and Talent Development Manager Pieter Harris, attempt to provide a structure to the WA bowling community by delivering a pennant competition along with Leonie Potts State Championships, Over 60’s events, Under 18 Championships, Country Weeks and various other major bowls events. In order to do this, my committee dedicates many hours involving planning and drafting calendars, reviewing and updating Field of Play and Conditions of Play documents (all during the off bowling season), adjudicating pennant disputes, organising draws and venues for events and then attending the events to oversee the running of them. The F & E committee is currently made up of seven very dedicated members who go about their duties without expectation of any acknowledgement but enjoying being a part of the BWA organisation. I thank them for their commitment and, as a bowler, I appreciate the fact that without them Bowls WA would not be able to provide the competition structure that it currently does. I would also like to thank the Greens and Umpires committee members of Bowls WA for their contribution to events.
Obviously, many other match officials and umpires at a club level are required to assist the F & E committee and these volunteers play their part in providing the competitive structure for bowlers to enjoy. I thank them all and appreciate theefforttheyputintosupportingtheirindividual clubs and Bowls WA.
Another group that supports our committee are the green keepers and club officials who look after their clubs’ greens. Without the cooperation of clubs in making their facilities available for events, no competitions would take place. In
particular I would like to thank those clubs who offered greens late in the season for the Mixed State Pairs.
I would like to note the continual difficulties to get sufficient venues to hold events. Should this continue, as a committee, we will need to look at different strategies. The Bowls Management committee (BMC) is made up of another group of volunteers who represent bowlers throughout the State. They play an important role in considering recommendations made by the F & E committee before changes or decisions are implemented. The members of this committee form a vital connection with the bowling community of which they are all members. I thank them for the support and encouragement they give to the F & E committee.
This year, the season started earlier to complete Promotion Finals and Champion of Champion events from 2019-2020.
The participants entering both Men’s and Women’s State events showed an increase this season.
My thanks also to the BWA Board and staff who have encouraged and supported our committee throughout the past year. The pool of volunteers from the bowls community appears to be drying up and I implore lovers of the sport of bowls to consider taking on a role within one of the BWA committees. If you have ideas, suggestions or skills to offer that will support or improve our great game of bowls then bowls needs you now. Join the F & E committee and help make a positive difference to our sport.
Leonie Potts