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Country Pennants

Country Pennants

Once again, the National Side Series for Under 18’s, Over 60’s and the Open Team were cancelled due to Covid restrictions.

Pieter Harris

This season it was even more devastating than the previous year as teams had been selected with a number of players being selected for the first time or in the Under 18’s case becoming too old. Although extremely disappointing, Bowls Australia in conjunction with the State Associations had no other course of action under the circumstances.

At the end of October, all the members of the state selection panels came to the end of their term of appointment. However, due to the circumstances the Bowls WA Board offered all those who wished to continue a one-year extension to their term. Therefore Kerry Andersen (chair of the selection panel), Therese Hastings (women’s coach and open team selector), Tony Hockey (men’s coach and open team selector), Helen Stevens (open team selector), Lindsay Thorn (Over 60’s selector) and Linda Warburton (academy coach and under 18’s selector)) were all reappointed. Ken Perks (under 18’s coach and selector), Jaewyn Norton (over 60’s selector) and Pieter Harris (open team selector) all decided not to take up the extension for various reasons. As with all volunteer positions, being a dedicated coach and selector does take a lot of time and Bowls WA thanks those retiring members very much for their contribution over the years. To fill the positions, advertisements were made, and it was very satisfying to be able


to appoint dedicated and experienced replacements. Blake Butler (under 18’s coach and selector), Margaret Anderson (over 60’s selector) and Kyle Mcilroy (open team selector) all came with renewed enthusiasm and have made wonderful contributions this season. As it was only a one-year appointment to bring them in line with all the High-Performance positions, all coaching and selection positions will be readvertised in November 2022.

After a successful inaugural Bowls Blitz concluding in August 2021, a second bowls blitz began and will run for a three-week period during July 2022. Blooms The Chemist Stars were the inaugural winners with a team makeup of Kristina Krstic (captain), Blake Nairn, Blake Butler, Lisa Brannan, Matthew Whitely, Ryan Brown, Joel Leeson, Segan Pasalich, Therese Hastings (manager). All players and high-performance managers enjoyed the opportunity to showcase their skills and push for either state team selection or future state squad selection.

Unfortunately, due to Western Australian Covid Restrictions and a decision by Bowls WA to keep people as safe as possible at the time, the annual Men’s and Women’s Country versus Metropolitan games were not played before Countryweek this season. We look forward to seeing those matchups continue in the 2022-23 season.

The Bowls WA Academy under the guidance of Linda Warburton, continued to hold regular sessions to upskill our potential state squad members. Members have been added and some have left after being involved for an extended period of time, as Linda continues to expose the players to drills and talks/ exercises with current and past state team members. Different clubs have also been exposed to what the Academy is about as sessions are taken to different clubs over the metropolitan area. If you are a club that has a clubhouse and a green available to host our future state players, then Linda would like to hear from you. On behalf of the High-Performance State Selection Panel and I am sure all the players, we offer our congratulations to both Kristina Krstic and Cody Packer on their achievements and involvement in the Australian Jackaroos squad. Especially Kristina and her selection in the 2022 Commonwealth Games, a great achievement for a dedicated lady who has already given so much to the sport despite her young age. In next year’s report we hope to be able to celebrate our success from the 2022 Nationals due to be held at Broadbeach BC, Queensland and we wish all the success to those selected for those teams competing, the Under 18’s team, Over 60’s teams and the Open Teams.

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