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Reports President
Bowls and life throw up challenges that must be addressed, and the 2021/2022 season certainly has done that.
Doug Kelly Covid continued to try and derail the season, and we saw some new terms like Covid Marshall, Vaccination Passport and CDE (conditions of entry) become part of our vocabulary. As much as this has shaped the season it did not stop it. LARRY BANDY The loss of Larry in mid February, our colleague, friend and President was a shock for all, and our thoughts and prayers are with Pam and their families.
Larry was a tireless contributor to Bowls in WA and his knowledge and guidance will be sadly missed.
As per the constitution, rule 14.8.1, I assumed the role as President on the passing of Larry. Judy Flanagan has taken on the role as Deputy President. Judy brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in sports administration. Judy’s extensive skill set has already impacted our Board and is a great asset to Bowls WA. Judy also reminded us of her bowling prowess winning the over 60’s Mixed Pairs with husband Fred.
The board has embraced a massive workload over the last twelve months.
Governance review, strategic plan, constitutional changes and open gender bowls. All this in the midst of Covid and uncertainty of the season continuing. The board is an impressive group of people who are focused and committed to delivering better outcomes for bowls in WA. Judy Flanagan as mentioned has been our most recent addition to the board and will be a key to this organization as it moves forward in these changing and challenging times. Ross Warburton has decided not to stand for re-election on the board. Ross started in 2016, taking on the Country Directors position in the same year. Ross has embraced change and left a positive impact on the structure of country bowls and has had a valuable input to the entire bowls community. Thanks Ross and happy bowling. Ken Pride and his team have again proven to be professional, dedicated and committed to delivering better outcomes for bowls in WA. Aaron Delaporte as Operations Manager has continued to enhance Bowls link and produce quality editions of Jack Hi. Pieter Harris embraces the challenges of everything from fixturing to high performance. BPL, commentary and the Bowls Blitz - a busy man doing a great job. Denise McMillan continues to impress with her important role in the all abilities capacity. The number of armed bowlers continue to grow and the all abilities championships fills the greens. Denise is always organized, professional and has earnt a high level of respect from all those involved in the sport. We also bid farewell to Kaitlin Tyrell who has been a hardworking and respected part of our team since 2018 and it was sad to see her go. Regional Bowls Managers has seen a change with the departure of Steve Unsworth who has had a significant input into the Southern region. Troy Kinnane has come onboard. He has a wealth of business knowledge and a strong understanding of bowls, business and people and we are privileged to have someone with his capabilities service this region. Clive Adams continues to work tirelessly, not only in WA but Australia wide with his RBM, commentary and his MC work for Bowls WA and Bowls Australia.
Volunteers are the backbone of bowls in WA and we are blessed to have these champions of the game filling these roles. Some are taking their skills to the next level officiating in Bowls Australia events, with Sue Hogg and Vicki Eva going one step further, off to Birmingham for the Commonwealth Games. Well done.
Whether it’s at your club, league or state association all volunteers within our sport are to be respected and congratulated for the work they do to keep the sport moving forward especially in recent times.
SPONSORSHIP & GRANTS Bowls WA appreciates the continued loyalty and generosity of our sponsors. AFGRI and Professionals Real Estate have joined us as major sponsors this year. BCIB, Dynamic Sublimation, Henselite, Seniors Recreational Council and Liquor Traders have all continued with their sponsorship which is greatly appreciated. Please acknowledge and support these businesses whenever possible. Government funding is still a corner stone of our financial stability, and we thank the State Government and in particular the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries for their support and recognizing our importance in the community. FINANCIAL The Association continues to maintain a sound financial position due in some part to no Australian Sides Championships. Financial Director, Lisa Featherby, Accounts Manager, Liz Rolt, CEO Ken and the finance committee are diligent in their role and responsibilities to the Association’s finances. 2021/2022 saw a modest surplus, however the next twelve months are shaping as challenging times. On recommendation from the CDC and approval from the board, $40,000 has been made available via the Club Grants program to enhance clubs and bowls participation. We trust clubs will take advantage of this opportunity and look forward to seeing some positive outcomes. HIGH PERFORMANCE Kristina Krstic’s Commonwealth Games selection has been the standout success story of the year by far. Cody Packer’s elevation to the Jackaroo’s leadership group and good form during the trials has left his name firmly in sight for future Australian representation and hopefully the next Commonwealth Games.
Every person involved in High Performance is of the highest calibre. With the addition of Blake Butler Under 18’s and Kyle McIlroy as a state selector enhancing the talent pool of high performance officials, we have a very good group of people dedicated to helping Western Australian bowlers make their mark within the sport. The Australian Championships at Broadbeach resulted in a lot of medals, including several gold medals, but it was the sportsmanship and camaraderie of the group that made me feel proud to be a West Australian. MOVING FORWARD Open gender, timing of games and heat rules will be issues on the table going forward and I urge all guardians of the game to embrace and help shape the future of our game. As you will read in more details within the CEO’s report, Bowls WA continues to evolve with a number of Governance and Strategic projects slated for completion in the near future. I look forward to seeing these presented in due course; a lot of consultation has taken place to deliver these, which will place the Association in good stead moving forward. In closing may I wish everyone good health and good bowling as we move into the 2022/23 season.