Edition 93 April 2013
Th e B ow owll eers r s LLife i fe sstt yyle l e M a g a z in ine
Country Week Championships page 32-33
Metro Pennant Results page 22-23
Ultra Plus Dry Max Pro Master Pro Plus
• •
Woven Carpet Needle Punch
Do you require professional advice about your existing green or proposed green? Mark Frazer, the owner and operator of Evergreen Synthetic Grass has over 20 years of experience in Bowling Green construction and maintenance. Mark is available to provide a free, no obligation consultation.
Call Mark now on 9303 2130
Valley Bowls BC – Ellenbrook x 2 Newdegate BC x 1 Wongan Hills BC x 1 Koorda BC x 1 Waroona BC x 1 Treendale Village Bunbury Dalwallinu BC x 1 (14 rink) Armadale BC x 1 Balingup BC x 1 Elderbloom Retirement Village – Wanneroo x 1 Ravensthorpe BC x 1 Carnavon BC x 2 Kingsley Retirement Village Belswan Village Mandurah Geraldton Lifestyle Village Jurien BC Inc x 2 St Ives Village – Jollimont Parkland Villas Retirement – Booragoon Augusta BC Mullewa BC x 1 Bowling Greens Under Construction – Leonora BC x 1 9 Dowerin BC Lakelands Retirement Village Mandurah 9 Mundaring BC Kukerin BC x 1 9 Halls Head BC Meckering Sports Club x 1 (plus Synthetic Tennis courts)
The ‘new’ Ultra-Plus bowling surface has been installed at Wickepin BC x 2, Ballidu Bowling Club and NLV Busselton
23 Langar Way Landsdale W.A Phone 08 93032130 Mobile 0417 770 010 Fax 08 93032129 www.evergreensyntheticgrass.com email:evergreenwa@bigpond.com
Trans Tasman Series
Bowls News
Page 15
2013 Australian Open Page 20
President .......................................... 4 Membership & Participation ............... 4 CEO ................................................... 5 From the Umpires............................... 6 Country Director ................................ 8 Inclusive Practices ........................... 10 National News ............................ 16-20 State News ................................. 21-23 Club News ............................ 24, 28-31 Over 60’s ......................................... 26 Country News ............................. 32-38
Features WA Pennants Wrap up Page 22-23
Steve Glasson writes ........................ 15 Where to get a Game .................. 18-19 Club in Profile – Willetton.................. 31
Lifestyle Finance ............................................ 21 Legal Corner ................................... 31
Mens and Womens Country Week Results
Edi d tti tio tion oonn 9933 A Apr p r il i l 2201 3
Page 32-33
Country Pennant Wrap up Page 36-37
Country Week Cha ampionsh ips Metro Pe nnant Re sultss page e 22 2-2 -23 -23
On the Cover: Our Crown Perth Country Week Singles Champions Karen Cowin (Eaton) and Brad King (Geraldton)
Registered by Australia Post
This publication proudly produced for Bowls WA by Media Tonic. Telephone: 9388 7844 Fax: 9388 7866 Email: mfitzpatrick@mediatonic.com.au Advertising Sales: Michael Fitzpatrick Artwork: Jacqueline Holland Visible Ink Graphics Printing: Quality Press 8 Babel Road, Welshpool, WA 6106
Copyright © No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system without the permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed in Jack-hi are not necessarily those of Bowls W.A. Bowls W.A. believes that the material produced in this publication is accurate, but gives no warranty in relation thereto and disclaims all liability for claims against Bowls W.A. Media Tonic, its employees, agents, or any other person, which may rise from any persons action on the materials contained herein.
BOWLS WA 1st floor, 158 Main Street Osborne Park WA 6017 PO Box 123 Osborne Park WA 6917 Phone 9340 0800 Fax 9340 0888 Website: www.bowlswa.com.au President: Patrick Buller CEO: Ken Pride Editor: Aaron Delaporte All issues of Jack Hi are available from our website: bowlswa.com.au
Submissions: Clubs are reminded that the cut off day for copy for the next issue is 1st July 2013. Please email club articles to aaron@bowlswa.com.au
WA W A B wls News
It is strange that for many, immediately a season is over you look back and realize how quickly it has passed. Promotions have been earned, pennants celebrated and demotions accepted albeit begrudgingly. Early plans are made for the new season, although they are probably forgotten by June, and clubs move back into their winter cycle, whether that be social bowls, sponsored competitions or simply locking the door so as to enjoy a few months rest. To all clubs metropolitan and country thank you for the season passed and we trust to see all of your members back again for 2013/2014. On behalf of the board may I congratulate all players and clubs who achieved individual or club honours this year. There are of course many, but special mention can perhaps be made of: • The very fine year of Noelene Abe who followed up her state singles win, with country week pairs and fours titles, • The performance of the Merredin club who provided both finalists in the country week pairs – albeit within slightly different age categories (well done to the oldies !), • As much as it hurts to say, the excellent performance of the Osborne Park club in winning the metropolitan premier league. My thoughts were certainly with the family and teammates of Bob Couper, a terrific player and gentleman who ordinarily would have played in and celebrated a great day for the club, • The continued performances of the Manning Memorial Bowling Club in both ladies and men’s pennant – an amazing record of on-green achievement this past season.
Metropolitan Forums
Australia and takes an enormous amount of pre-competition work and hours of attendance each playing day – my thanks to all for a superbly run competition.
If it hasn’t already information will shortly be forwarded to clubs concerning discussion points for the season(s) ahead. It is very important that club committee’s as a whole discuss such issues and arm their relative delegates to the forums with the club’s view and not rely on personal agenda’s or crusades to be communicated. Although these forums are not in themselves decision making groups, they will provide valuable input to the relevant operational committees in framing the various rules, regulations and conditions of play for the new season. I urge all clubs to involve themselves in this process.
The social highlight of the bowling year; the Crown Perth Annual Dinner will be held at Crown Perth on the evening of Friday May 31st. It is a wonderful night of celebration and I would urge all clubs to form a table and attend, helping to celebrate the many achievements of both metropolitan and country players and clubs alike. Ticketing details will be elsewhere in Jack Hi.
Country Week
Sides Series
May I also express my thanks to all of those clubs, volunteers and officials and Bowls WA staff who made the 2012/2013 country week so successful. Numbers were again very strong and from all reports the event ran smoothly, on time and with very little to concern the players themselves. The event is one of the biggest of its type in
Finally I am sure all bowlers wish our state teams good fortune at the Australian Sides Series in Bendigo. It is a magnificent event and one that is very tough to win; good bowls and good fortune will be required in equal measures ! Enjoy the break and come back to your club refreshed and ready to assist wherever able.
Annual Dinner
MEMBERSHIP & PARTICIPATION Now that the pennant season is behind us, the cooler months provide more time for clubs to look at increasing membership. The Bowls Mobile is one tool that is under utilized by many clubs. It is an excellent promotional tool and a great opportunity for the general public in your area to have a go on a short mat and to encourage them to get on the green. To learn more about what the Bowls Mobile can do for your club contact Raj Suares at Bowls WA 9340-0800 or visit the Bowls WA Website under Governance Admin ---> Club Forms. For the club bowler just because we are entering winter doesn’t mean we can’t make the most of our club. Get to know what is happening at the club and nominate for the social events that the club works hard to promote. Bring along those friends you promised “to catch up with one day for a quick game”. There is something very convivial about being on the green on a bright winter’s day! The off-season is the best time to introduce non-bowling friends and family to the sport as there are always greens available for discovering how easy it is to put the bowls on the jack!
Casual winter events are a wonderful way to introduce to the game friends seeking new interests. Look back on how it has provided many friends and Wendy Ireland fun times for you. There is also another opportunity that the cooler months provide. It is one that many keenly participate in each year but there is so much more that could be done by the bowling community. Take a look at the club notice board, it is usually filled with invitations from other clubs to join them in events ranging from prestigious championships to social days. By participating in some of these events organized by other country or metropolitan clubs, many benefits accrue to both individuals and to the clubs including: playing against people that you may not have met previously; providing another level of competition; supporting other clubs which will, in return, also support your club invitation events and perhaps most importantly, assist in the consolidation and growth of the sport. mediatonic.com.au
WA B wls News
Another season of pennant has come and gone and as the President noted, heralding success for some and some measure of disappointment for others. Already we turn our attention to the 2013/2014 season in an effort to continue to improve what we offer as an administration to metro and country bowlers alike. And already in terms of fixturing there are plenty of challenges ahead. The various Forum’s in May will further discuss some of these issues with club representatives to seek their input, but already we see: • The relinguishing by the Northern Territory of the Australian Under 18 and Open Sides Series, originally schedule for July 2013 and May 2014 respectively. These will now be played in Western Australia (October 2013) and Tasmania (March 2014), • The Sides Series will commence on Friday 28th March, a date originally planned for our metro pennant finals – further compressing the season, • The National Over 60’s championships in Geelong, concluding on Friday 25th October, with pennant due to commence the following day – a busy schedule for those selected,
Australia Day falls on a Sunday in 2014, complicating the conduct of the state singles, which may be required to be “split” over two successive weekends, • The wish to remove the “double-header” next season, complicated by some of the issues above and the further extension of the AFL season in the end of the bowls calendar. Our Fixtures & Events Committee will consider these and other issues relating to the 2013/2014 calendar and look forward to club comment at the Forum. Key dates will be distributed for discussion beforehand. Of course issues surrounding the extreme weather policy, particularly as it relates to the ladies and predominantly Tuesday pennant will be discussed in full. However whatever outcome is reached it will not be satisfactory to all. There are differing views between clubs and differing views WITHIN clubs; however I do promise to hear all positions, to allow the Fixtures & Events Committee to recommend the most appropriate format for as many bowlers as possible. Many thanks to the clubs and regions who have forwarded submissions
stating their position in advance. In conjunction with Bowls Australia, the various states and territories have been working towards the introduction of a “whole of sport” information technology system. Previously BA and the various STA’s used their own system, some such as WA the SportingPulse model, but other states a varying array of platforms. The agreement to work towards a single national system will allow for many benefits for the sport as a whole, with the formation of a single national bowls database, the ability to transact for events, merchandise, player transfers and the like electronically and in due course the ability for clubs to enter both individual member and club results in order to build a complete historical profile. Similarly the days of faxing and telephoning results into head office may be coming to an end, with the opportunity for clubs to enter pennant results directly into the system. A decision is due from Bowls Australia and the combined STA’s at meetings to be held during the Sides Series in late April – exciting times ahead for all.
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a B ow l s We s t Pu b l i c a t i o n
WA W A B wls News
Michael Goble-Garratt
During the Pennant season just finished, several notable factors became evident, both good and not so good. Firstly, the revised Crystal Mark Edition 2 of the Laws of The Sport of Bowls introduced in January 2011 seems to have addressed many issues that were amiss in former editions and did not require any of the previously seemingly endless amendments to be pasted on pages to correct omissions. This has led to a much wider understanding and adherence to the rules by the majority of players at all levels. The season continued with the HEAT RULE included in the Field of Play Rules and there seems to have been a slightly better understanding of its application by the relevant officials and led to more correct decisions than not, when called upon to apply it. However, it was clearly apparent that several clubs simply did NOT comply with the correct “shade temperature” requirement for placement of thermometers and apparently defied the Greens Committee in doing so. Clubs that do not comply with the correct requirements may face the failure to approve their green/s for pennants play, should any review deem the HEAT RULE be retained for the coming season/s. The definition of the shade temperature standard is very simple and a Stevenson Screen (box) does provide the ideal solution, though proper placement of the thermometer under shade, clear of metal or brickwork, at 1.2m above the ground does just as well. Another factor that needs to be considered is that some of the thermometers used, particularly those of the mechanical type with dial faces, were severely out of calibration and hence unsuited. These need to be compared to a unit that is known to be within tolerance, such as a liquid-filled, glass thermometer with the graduation ON the glass (as opposed to on a backing to which the glass tube is affixed). Or better still, USE the glass thermometer. The Damaging the Green Rule was introduced in the Conditions of Play for WA events at the behest of several Clubs, that required players to deliver bowls in such a way as to avoid damaging greens, particularly synthetics that do not ‘heal’ when the subsurface is dented. General acceptance of this has led to a greater use of bowling arms, suitable walking stick support and/or coaching to enable players to adjust their delivery and, more importantly, being able to keep on participating in this sport of ours. DEAD ENDS - It was noticed that many players still do NOT to appear understand that Law 31.2 requires that bowls that need to be transferred to the opposite end of the rink following the end being declared dead, MUST be carried up the rink to avoid distracting adjacent rinks. By extension, this also applies to Skips who ‘declare’ their last bowl (see ‘From the Umpires’ Jack Hi issue 91) – after all it makes absolute sense. Club Umpires – some clubs still do not have enough Umpires/Measurers to enable them to supply one as required, as Umpire-of-the-Day, and seem not to be
bothered by this fact as they appear to fall back on an old definition of appointing “someone of sufficient standing” to act in the role. This is fraught with problems, not least the one of lack of knowledge - in spite of claims to the contrary by ex-officials, who are, more often than not, out of touch with progressive changes since their previous tenure. This lack of knowledge can lead to some potentially serious consequences. The BWA Rules Committee (previously Umpires Committee) will be pressing for an addition to the Field of Play Rules for coming seasons, to compel clubs to provide a playing or non-playing, qualified person as Umpire-of-the-Day to fulfil their obligations that form part of their participation in Pennants. The rule would ensure that clubs either provide a suitably qualified person or, if not able to do so, then contact the visiting club/s, prior to the match, to see if they can provide one. In the event that the Home club is unable to source a suitably qualified person, then some penalty could be applied to the Home side/s. Measuring – it has been noticed that many players who may be required to carry out measures, as thirds or markers in singles matches, do not fully understand what is really needed. The relevant measuring techniques are clearly illustrated in the publication “Umpires Handbook” which is available to purchase from Bowls WA or is given to every NEW applicant, included in the fee payable when attending an Umpires Course. An example is shown below of how to measure to a jack in the ditch from a bowl on the green. The measure is conducted from the bowl to the jack (as opposed to the usual jack-to-bowl) with an appropriate measure – ideally a suitable string measure, but a lockable tape with a flexible bullet-pointer would work too.
autumn WINTER
WA W A B wls News
Kerry Andersen
The Margaret River Bowling Club hosted the Men’s Inter Zone Fours on February 2, 3. After a great weekend of bowls, the Eastern Zone won the shield. The Women’s Inter Zone Pairs was held at the Eaton Bowling Club on March 9, 10. Once again, it was a close fought competition, with the Northern Zone regaining the shield. Country Week for men opened with the Country All Stars versus the State team and squad players, at the Osborne Park Bowling Club. For the first time, players representing the country were presented with All Stars caps. As usual, it was an entertaining evening of bowls, with the metropolitan players winning both the All Stars and Over 60s matches. Country Week was blessed with great weather and after a long week of bowls, the winners were: Singles: B. King (Geraldton) Pairs: T. Anderson, G. Skalco (Merredin) Fours: S. Fewster, J. Fewster, T. Cabassi, B. Watson (Gingin) The Merredin Bowling Club won the P.S. Bignall Trophy for the most successful club. Thanks to Brian Burton and his Match Committee for the excellent conduct of this successful event.
NT EDITORIAL COMME er bumper After what has been anoth issue of Jack season of Bowls in this s from what Hi we cover the result l Country was another successfu s (pa ge s We ek Ch am pio ns hip Competition 32-33). All the Pennant litan (page results both Metropo and not ge 36-37) are covered 22-23) and Country (pa ing on Matthew Ayres amaz to be missed is the article en (page 20). run at the Australian Op
green we to keep active on the Those bowlers who like ” which son sea of to get a game out 19. have a full list of “Where and 18 es pag on the magazine is right in the middle of of Jack are this is our last issue For those not already aw ic. On Ton dia Me rs tne duction par Hi with our long time pro ector Dir nk uld sincerely like to tha and behalf of Bowls WA I wo ng tisi ver h Mike Fitzpatrick, Ad e David Fare, along wit hav y the rk wo Holland for the for Graphic Designer Jacky n bee has it s ces gazine the suc done in making this ma rs. so many yea can look will come out in July you In our next Issue which revamp the feel and design as we forward to a new style, utions to trib e to send in your con Magazine. Please continu aaron@bowlswa.com.au
Before a large crowd of spectators, women’s Country Week opened at the Manning Bowling Club on March 17, with the Country All Stars versus a selected Metropolitan side. Caps were presented to the All Stars, by the President of BWA, Mr Patrick Buller. The Metropolitan team, and Metropolitan Over 60s won both matches by narrow margins. Thanks to the Manning Bowling Club for providing lunches, and a delightful afternoon tea for players and guests, to conclude the afternoon. Country Week progressed in ideal weather conditions, with congratulations to winners: Singles: Karen Cowan (Eaton) Pairs: Noelene Abe, Nola Forbes (Corrigin) Fours: Noelene Abe, Nola Forbes, Karen Poultney, Judy Connelly (Corrigin) The Corrigin Bowling Club won the shield for the best performed club at Country Week. Thanks to Di Anderton and her Match Committee, for their tireless work during the week. Country players enjoy their visit to the city and I thank all of the clubs who provided venues and hospitality for these tournaments. Thanks to David King, representing Crown Perth, new sponsors of Country Week who attended the opening events. BWA has recently secured sponsorship for Inter Zone events, from Clubs WA. We welcome this announcement which will secure a bright future for these important events on the country calendar. I attended a Forum “Distance, Diversity, Change” at the Department of Sport and Recreation recently. The Forum provided an overview of funding opportunities for regional sport by DSR, and an update on agendas for regional development. Funding is paramount to the success of our sport and BWA work closely with DSR to facilitate these grants. A common question is asked re the playing position of substitutes, particularly relating to cross gender substitution. Mike Garrett (Chairman of BWA Umpires Committee) has confirmed with the National Officiating Committee that “A substitute may play in any position except Skip”. I know that this will cause angst in smaller leagues where cross gender substitution is common, but I can only suggest that clubs apply sportsmanship and integrity when placing substitutes in teams. Nominations for the Country Coaching Enhancement Scheme, the Penny Needham Award for country women, and the Country Club of the Year, close at the BWA office on April 30. The annual Country Forum will be held on May 31, and I invite clubs and leagues to submit agenda items. The Country Committee will consider all written submissions. The Annual BWA Awards dinner will be held on the evening of May 31, and I hope to see many of you at this event which will celebrate another successful bowling season.
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WA W A B wls News
INCLUSIVE PRACTICES Denise McMillan Inclusive Practices Officer
What’s New with Inclusive Practices at Bowls WA? The late summer weather has been kind to our Inclusive Bowls programs being held each Wednesday and Friday.
Rebecca and some of the St. Bartholomew’s Team at North Perth BC Wednesday’s see a new Reclink bowls program at North Perth Bowling Club host a number of different Reclink members with new groups showing up each week. The event is held in the morning between 9:30 am and 12pm and will run over three months until the 15th of May 2013.
Danny & Mark (Reclink & St. Bartholomew’s)
Glen & Keith (Reclink & St. Bartholomew’s)
Fridays see in the BowlAbility program at Kardinya Bowling Club, between 11 am and 1 pm, where a number of different disability organizations such as Kira from Greenwood, Intework Gosnells, and Malone Courts from Thornlie gather on the shaded greens to enjoy the game of bowls. This program is open to ANY individual or organization that would like to participate. As always, a warm thank you to Eric Payne, club secretary, for his continued support in running the program since it began in October of 2010! Top: Daryl from Malone Crts trying BowlAbility for 1st time Above: Josh from Intework Gosnells also trying BowlAbility for 1st time
Aydon, Jen and Steve learn to bowl with Ruah Inreach (sponsored by Reclink) at Fremantle BC Another new Reclink bowls program, operating in conjunction with Ruah Inreach Fremantle, is running each fortnight on Friday afternoon at the Fremantle Bowling Club between 1 pm and 3 pm. The participants are having a fantastic time enjoying the feeling of grass on their feet and learning new sporting skills.
Calling for Expression of Interest in creating a State Bowling Arm Team for WA!! Please call or email Denise to express interest as there are state and national event possibilities if we can get enough bowlers!
Kevin & Team from Romly House at Wednesday Reclink program
More updates on Inclusive Bowls Practices in WA will be included in the next issue of Jack Hi – if you have a story to tell, or would like more information on Inclusive Bowls, please let Denise know on 0449 619 841 or denise@bowlswa.com.au. Until then, happy bowling! mediatonic.com.au
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WA B wls w News
Club Business with Clubs WA Bowls clubs like most other
licensed clubs need to be aware of how valuable your facility is to your local community
Daniel Woodrow – Bowls Australia CDO
and confident your club being effectively utilized beyond when a bowls competition is being played. Clubs WA on your behalf has been very successful in broadening Liquor Laws that can suit your club and business and we
Peter Seaman Executive Director Clubs WA
Since I started my role 3 months ago I have built some great relationships with the clubs I have visited. I have met some incredibly passionate individuals wanting to
are hopeful of further extending
take their club to the next level and with the assistance I can
your capacities with laws that are currently under review.
provide I believe results are just around the corner.
Club Constitutions are your rules and determine how you must function so that you operate in a manner that is supported by your members wishes but is compliant with regulation which is governed by Department of Racing Gaming & Liquor and Consumer Protection. Clubs need to ensure that their constitution is worded in a way that supports good business and that is controlled in the main by two significant clauses “Objects of the Club” and “Member Classifications”. From a regulatory point of view Consumer Protection require that a series of model rules be included and that predominately means matters like how you conduct the AGM, how you discipline members and their rights of appeal and a process that can dissolve the Incorporated Club need to be compliant to the regulation. Clubs WA would suggest that if you have not updated your constitution in the past three or four years it is due for attention so that two issues can be achieved, one to fit what is now required but from our point of view the primary need would be to create an environment that can allow your club to do better business. Members of Clubs WA have access to a template document that seeks to achieve all those outcomes which we believe will dramatically reduce the work and controversy that has traditionally accompanied such work. Bowls Clubs have special nuances about how committees are constructed and all the elements of special groupings like house and green sub committees etc as well as lady or men bowler categories and our template does not address those needs which we believe the bowling fraternity has adequately addressed over time. Clubs WA believes a strong constitution should act as a proactive business tool that can satisfy the regulator but also meet the current needs of your bowling club and your community. Should your club be one of the few bowling clubs that do not currently belong to Clubs WA and seek more information on our total services, please call on 1300640616 to see if we can be of assistance. Bowling clubs that are members of Clubs WA can visit http://www.clubswa.com.au/members/club-templates/ to access the Constitution template and other templates to help you run your club, or call Clubs WA for more details.
I have been doing Club Health Checks with clubs which provide a great insight into how the club is operating and where improvements can be made. This is an Australian Sports Commission product and proves to be an exceptional resource for clubs to use for future planning. The idea of this is for me to be involved in an initial discussion with the executive committee and then follow through assisting with the results and implementation of ideas, strategies and initiatives to help the club become stronger. Who knows, this simple survey could be the answer to issues your club is facing! One of the main areas I have been working in with clubs is to work out ways to increase patronage. Bowls clubs are the perfect community venue and with some creative thinking and assistance from myself, local shires and other organisations there is no reason why every single club cannot start junior programs, have days where the community can come and try bowls, step corporate bowls up to another level and just generally open their doors for anyone wanting to try our great game. I am incredibly passionate about bowls and seeing the game grow and I want to work with everyone in the bowls fraternity to increase the number of people playing our game. I realise every club is different and I want to use my knowledge and expertise in as many ways as possible. Not only do I want to help clubs implement ideas, I plan on helping run the events. I am doing my best to get around to as many clubs as I can to simply introduce myself and start working on ways I can help. It is fantastic to be learning about the diversity of all clubs here in WA. I cannot stress enough how much I would love to hear from your club especially if I haven’t already visited. I will keep making phone calls to organise meetings but it would be great to see clubs show some initiative and get behind the Bowls Australia CDO program. It does not cost anything and there is absolutely nothing to lose. We are here to help! I can be contacted on 0408136831 or dwoodrow@bowlsaustralia. com.au
In the next edition we will focus on effectively and efficiently running your bar business and how to avoid risking fines for trading outside the terms of the Liquor Control Act.
Are you concerned that you won’t have enough superannuation to retire on?
Are you concerned that your retirement funds will run out too soon?
Are your Allocated Pension Payments exceeding the earnings generated by your Allocated Pension Fund?
If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then you should attend our retirement investment strategy seminar! The Global Financial Crisis has changed the way we need to invest our funds. In our seminar we will examine and demonstrate suitable investment strategies to use with your retirement funds in order to produce outcomes that will meet your needs in a post-GFC environment. Our seminar will be highly beneficial for the following groups of people. • Those looking to retire in the next five to seven years • Those that have already retired Peter Fisher, will be conducting the seminar. Peter’s 25 years of experience will enable him to demonstrate ideal investment strategies that cope well in a post GFC low interest rate environment. Seminar Details
RSVP Details
Date: Monday 10th June 2013 Time: 10.30am Venue: Level 6, 256 St Georges Terrace, Perth Duration: 1.5 – 2 hours
Please RSVP to Fisher GT Financial Group via Ph: (08) 9488 1175 or judy.wong@crowehorwath.com.au
Cost of Seminar There is no charge for the seminar and attendees are welcome to bring a friend or relative who may also benefit from the seminar. Light refreshments will be served.
Your confirmation is essential to be able to attend the seminar. Register by: Friday 31st May 2013 Alternative to Seminar If you are unable to attend the seminar but would like an appointment with Peter Fisher to discuss your situation personally, please call Judy on 9488 1175 to arrange a time to meet.
WA B w wls News
Volunteers Function BowlsWA
acknowledging many hard-working volunteers at their annual Volunteers Function in conjunction with the State Triples at Manning Memorial Bowling ClubThis function is in recognition of their importance and the enormous contribution they make to our bowling community.
Lyn Colmer accepting her Certificate of Service
Certificates of Appreciation were awarded to Roger Barns, John Bellenger and Mal Dempsey.
Certificates of Service: John Bowman, Allan Bunting, Daphne Cantrill, Lyn Colmer, Ray Dalziel, Garth Davis, Dickie Dawe, Otto Dawson, Keith Edson, Clive Garlick, June Haynes, Don Henderson, Paul Hutton, Gloria McDonald, Edna Milne, Kevin Murphy, Noela Newman, Patricia Robins, Joy Robinson, Angela Sharp, Doris Sharp and Ivor Thomas. A special presentation was made to Brian Jeppesen and Tony Hockey who completed the Bowls Australia Advanced Coach course. Congratulations everyone on your wonderful achievements and our heartfelt thanks for your tireless efforts.
Letter to the Editor
Dear Aaron, n for constructive ideas Prompted by Ken Pride’s invitatio your last issue, I would like on the subject of capitation in the steady decline in the to comment on the reasons for and also on ways to increase number of capitated members bowls. lawn participation in the sport of the decline in capitated There are two major reasons for ression from summer prog members. Firstly the natural now diverted into n ofte is is sports of cricket and tenn while there are So, s. van cara and ses boats, beach hou far outnumbered are t they young people entering the spor e have been major ther , ndly by the older ones retiring. Seco le now want to commit changes in lifestyles and less peop al pennants playing in themselves to 18 weeks of form r socks and backside at a clothes with an emblem on thei ufacturers. man cost which subsidises selected hasised by what is This latter point is clearly emp s attracting more social club happening in W.A. with many nt survey by Bowls rece A ers. play bowlers than pennant there were then 19,000 Australia estimated that while were approximately 60,000 capitated bowlers here, there made an effort to address ia social bowlers. Bowls Austral across the nation, with the mon com this situation, which is Green” program but this introduction of the “Get on the of attracting more capitated was done largely with the idea ifically for the majority of spec bowlers rather than catering the people now playing bowls. for “social bowlers” was set In Victoria, a formal program tion,. In this, bowlers peti com 0 up in the form of a 40/4 had a break and then played played a game for 40 minutes, . A registration fee was a second game for 40 minutes e registered, players could required for all players, but onc in clothing of their club any at t play in any 40/40 even
ce. As with golf, corporate and wearing dress of their choi ngly using bowls as the focus and family groups are increasi for a social outing. ed against Bowls WA Two common arguments are rais that the organisation does charging social bowlers. One is other is that charging the nothing for social bowlers and arguments are weak. Both n. atio icip them would lessen part e, rules and equipment Social bowlers use the structur y years and it is surely developed by the sport over man ute to the overall trib con fair enough that they should bowlers do. My own d tate capi as e administration the sam ity bowls at Kalamunda experience in organising commun a dollar per game or a for 15 yeas indicates that an extr ld have no lessening effect wou series charge of an extra $10 ly the point. on numbers. But that is not real mately three times The fact is that there are approxi bowls as there are type al soci as many people playing endous opportunity trem a r offe they and capitated bowlers developing by them to the administration to involve . Maybe the ents irem requ competitions which suits their if there are n Eve t. star good a be Victorian model would even and get involved only 40,000 social bowlers who ual ann is that , only $10 if they pay a registration fee of to used be d coul this of 0 income of $400,000. $200,00 0 to 0,00 $10 ts, even nise orga and employ staff to develop 0 0,00 $10 es and that leav provide prizes and incentives ion. towards the overall administrat 0 by continuing to 0,00 $10 the get d Perhaps we coul at present trends an increase increase the capitation fee but ssary and further deter of $10 per year will soon be nece ss what, involving those gue And bowlers from capitating. lt in some playing 1st social bowlers formally may resu r on as has happened at and 2nd division pennants late choice. a corner store owner who like Kalamunda. Doing nothing is d in the expectation that walk past because he rs ome This program was discontinue cust l watches 75% of potentia ve sustainable acti attr an ce odu intr ld wou s those customers want. Bowls Australia is not prepared to stock the good tuated. even not has this far so but lt in only 15,000 capitated program Doing nothing may also soon resu the hing roac app dly rapi is ls bowlers playing under a al bow It seems to me that lers in WA with 100,000 soci bow sort e som of golf ed have play situation in golf. Most people seperate administration. ll proportion have played sma a only but Peter Falconer s live r thei ing dur ing com of dom free the y enjo y Kalamunda Bowling Club pennant golf. The majorit partners own r thei up ing mak se, plea and going as they
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Nati nal n News
Steve Glasson Left: The Aussie Team in its entirety and it’s all smiles after winning 8 of the 9 trophies available.
WA Players Feature in Historic Trans Tasman Test Series Australia has just returned from NZ
The series itself went like this –
(Howick BC Auckland) following a historic
U18 Girls Series
Men’s Development Test Series
New Zealand. Within this touring party,
1st Test Australia 8 points (4 wins) def NZ 4 points (2 wins) with Australia + 9 shots 2nd Test Australia 10 points (5 wins) def NZ 2 points (1 win) with Australia + 43 shots 3rd Test Australia 4 points (2 wins) lost to NZ 8 points (4 wins) with NZ + 26 shots Australia won U18 Girls Test series 2 - 1
there were 30 players consisting of
U18 Boys Series
1st Test Australia 2 points (1 wins) lost to NZ 10 points (5 wins) with NZ + 4 shots 2nd Test Australia 11 points (5 wins, 1 draw) def NZ 1 points (1 draw) with Australia + 39 shots 3rd Test Australia 7 points (3 wins, 1 draw) def NZ 5 points (2 wins, 1 draw) with Australia + 29 shots Australia won Men’s Development Test Series 2 -1
and successful annual Trans Tasman Test Series. For the first time, a huge touring party of 36 campaigned to produce the results which would see Australia succeed against one of our premier combatants –
10 National/Open Team Members, 10 Development Team Members and 10 Under 18 Team Members. The venue – the Howick BC in Auckland was fantastic. The club featured 5 greens, 3 grass (which we played on) + 2 synthetic. The members, volunteers and committee couldn’t do enough to help us at any time and really made us feel at home. I recommend if you travel to NZ and you’re looking for a game and some great company; the Howick BC is a “must visit”! Onto the series itself and as usual, it was tense, exciting, challenging, etc..... everything one would expect from a Trans Tasman Test Series.... two nations with their finest exponents going head to head, spurred on by a friendly but competitive environment. No one was left disappointed. The Australian Team enjoyed some notable achievements/milestones along the way with Wayne Ruediger (SA) playing his 50th test, Natasha Van Eldik (NSW) playing her 100th test, Kelsey Cottrell (NSW) playing her 200th test and Karen Murphy (also NSW) playing her 450th test for Australia. (Karen is the most capped player for Australia in history). Elise Cowan (Aust Women’s Development Team) & Ellen Ryan (Aust Junior Girls team) both celebrated birthdays on the tour.
1st Test Australia 9 points (4 wins, 1 draw) def NZ 3 points (1 win, 1 draw) with Australia + 36 shots 2nd Test Australia 5 points (2 wins, 1 draw) lost to NZ 7 points (3 wins, 1 draw) with NZ + 5 shots 3rd Test Australia 4 points (2 wins) lost to NZ 8 points (4 wins) with NZ + 26 shots NZ won U 18 Boys Test Series 2 -1
Women’s Development Test Series 1st Test Australia 10 points (5 wins) def NZ 2 points (1 win) with Australia + 20 shots 2nd Test Australia 10 points (5 wins) def NZ 2 points (1 win) with Australia + 18 shots 3rd Test Australia 4 points (2 wins) lost to NZ 8 points (4 wins) with NZ + 26 shots Australia won Women’s Development Test Series 2 -1
Women’s Open Test Series 1st Test Australia 10 points (5 wins) def NZ 2 points (1 win) with Australia + 21 shots 2nd Test Australia 6 points (3 wins) lost to NZ 6 points (3 wins) with NZ + 10 shots 3rd Test Australia 9 points (4 wins, 1 draw) def NZ 3 points (1 win, 1 draw) with Australia + 28 shots Australia won Women’s Open Test Series 2 -1
Men’s Open Test Series 1st Test Australia 6 points (3 wins) def NZ 6 points (3 wins) with Australia + 5 shots 2nd Test Australia 5 points (2 wins, 1 draw) lost to NZ 7 points (3 wins, 1 draw) with NZ + 17 shots 3rd Test Australia 9 points (4 wins, 1 draw) def NZ 3 points (1 win, 1 draw) with Australia + 21 shots Australia won Men’s Open Test Series 2 -1
By far the closest series included the Open Men’s and Development Men’s series. The development men’s series actually came down to the last bowl of the 3 test series with Australia securing victory. The Open men’s test series “big moment” came in the last end of the first test when the men’s triples side scored a last end 4 to win their match by 1 thus securing the first test and ultimately the series. Suffice to say all test series were very hotly contested. WA’s representatives David Downey (Boys U 18) and Clive Adams (Men’s Development) both immensely enjoyed and embraced the opportunity to represent their countries and help in securing Australia’s overall success. Interestingly, and most certainly just between you and I, in a pre series team meeting, Clive “Plucka” Adams did outline details of when he once won a cheerleading contest. Go Clive! Onto other news and hot off the press, the Australian Junior Titles will now be held in WA. The Sorrento club looks to be the venue so come early October this year, all focus will be there and on show will be the best of the best from our Nation’s top U18 players. I know I’m certainly looking forward to that. That’s all for this edition. Don’t forget to email me at sglasson@bowlsaustralia.com.au if you have a topic you want covered or a question you may liked researched. Until next time.... “Good Bowling” Glas
Nati nal n News
WA Inclusion Team representing our State at the Australian Open 2013 The WA Inclusion Team arrived in Melbourne for the 2013 Australian Open (AO) bursting with excitement as, with the exception of Andrew Ness, the rest of the team was representing their State and Bowling Clubs for the first time!
Wayne Allsopp (Dowerin)
Garry Lockett (Stirling)
Wayne lets one roll during his game against James Reynolds from NSW in the Australian Athletes with a Disability category. The men were closely matched with their set game scores 6:9, 9:10. Chasing the game, Wayne went on to win his set against Anthony Brandolin from VIC 7:6, 12:4 – fantastic results for a first time attendance Wayne! Garry Lockett, competing in the Deaf category, started strong with a set win against Robert Morrall from VIC and came very close to a second set win against Barry Lynne from QLD with an 8:9 and 5:9 game. Well done Garry!
Andrew Ness (Cambridge) & Director Geoff Bann (Dunsborough)
Julie Srhoy (Spearwood)
Andrew rolls his bowl during a set game with opponent Glen Washington and Director from South Australia. Andrew is a blind bowler who is a member at both the WA Blind Bowlers Association at Perth & Tattersall’s Bowling Club and Cambridge Bowling Club, while his Director Geoff Benn comes from Dunsborough & Districts Bowling Club. Julie Srhoy, a member of Spearwood Bowling Club participating in the Intellectual Disability Category, lines up her bowl during a game with Rosemary Lane from South Australia. Julie showed great stamina during the games resulting in a game win on the final day.
Robert Hughes (East Fremantle) at the games and with Les Capes (President, East Fremantle) accepting sponsorship Robert Hughes, a member of East Fremantle Bowling Club participating in the Intellectual Disability Category, started off pregames with a club presentation from President Les Capes for partial sponsorship to attend the AO – you have to love the club spirit at East Fremantle! During the games Robert performed very well, winning his set against Wayne Farmer from VIC 7:7 and 11:9. Well done Robert, we hope you are looking forward to next year!
L-R: Geoff Benn, Andrew Ness, Robert Hughes, Michael Lowrie (SA), Joanna Lomagno (VIC), Julie Srhoy, Wayne Allsopp, Denise McMillan Robert, Wayne & Julie ready for the 1st Day!
Geoff & Andrew earned their Silver! The first day attending the AO saw Robert, Wayne and Julie waiting for their chariot ride to the games – good times to come! Geoff Benn (Andrew’s Director) and Andrew Ness proudly show their Silver medals from the games. Andrew bowled consistently well over the three days, going into the finals at the top of the ladder with seven sets won and 6 points. Andrew drew the final with Craig Newbery from NSW, who also had 6 set points after 4 sets won, the men challenged each other to the end; however, Craig won the Gold in a fantastic finals game!
The team gave it all they had and we are proud of their participation! Denise McMillan also attended the games as team manager and was extremely impressed with the team bonding experience and relationships made with other states. Considering WA is years behind attending the AO at Darebin compared to our state counterparts we did EXCELLENTLY – well done to everyone! We look forward to further participation in future years from the team, and remember if your club has a bowler with a disability they too can try out for the Australian Open – contact Denise McMillan at denise@bowlswa.com.au or 0449 619 841 for further information. mediatonic.com.au
6th to 14th July 2013
Welcome Fours 6th and 7th July Menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and Ladies events 10th and 11th July Farewell Fours 13th and 14th July The format for all events will be twelve fixed ends
Nomination Details: Registration Fee is $50 (inc GST) per event, per person. This fee includes morning and afternoon teas plus lunch.
Co-ordinator: Frank Weir
Phone: 0414 954 629 Fax: 08 9172 1085 Email: boodariebowls@westnet.com.au
State News
Where to get a game out of season MONDAY Gender Any Gender Any Gender Men Men Men Mixed Any Gender
Club Bayswater Cambridge Dudley Park Halls Head Mandurah Indoor Mandurah Indoor Osborne Park
Event Pairs 2x4x2 Pairs Nominated Pairs Nominated Pairs Nominated Pairs Nominated Pairs Nominated Pairs
Fee (per player) $6 $6 $8 $6 $10 $8 $10
Gender Men Mixed Mixed Mixed Mixed Women Mixed Mixed Any Gender Men Women Women Women Mixed Mixed Men Mixed Men Women Mixed
Club Cockburn Como Dunsborough Eaton Gosnells Halls Head Hilton Park Innaloo Kardinya Mandurah Indoor Mandurah Indoor Melville Morley Mt Pleasant Nollamara Osborne Park Quinns Rocks Warnbro Warnbro Willetton
Event Mens Pairs Social Bowls Social Bowls Drawn Triples Drawn 4’s Winter Triples Drawn Fours Social Bowls (Popstick Draw) Drawn Triples Nominated Triples Ladies Pairs Drawn Pairs Scroungers Drawn Bowls Drawn Triples Drawn Pairs Scroungers Mens Pairs Drawn 3’s or 4’s Popstick Pairs/Triples
Fee (per player) $10 $6 $7 $8 $6 $5 $7 $5 $5 $10 $8 $4 $7 $8 $7 $10 $7 $5 $5 $7
Gender Mixed Mixed Men Men Women Mixed Any Gender Any Gender Men Mixed Any Gender Women
Club Byford Cambridge Eaton Halls Head Joondalup (Beaumaris) Mandurah Indoor Mosman Park Mundaring North Beach Quinns Rocks Stirling Wanneroo
Event 6 week comp Triples/Fours Drawn Pairs Social Bowls Scroungers Mixed Triples Nominated Triples Jackpot Pairs 2-4-2 Pairs Social Bowls Nominated Pairs Social Bowls
Gender Any Gender Men Any Gender Mixed Mixed Men Men Women Men Any Gender Men Men Mixed Mixed Mixed Any Gender
Club Bayswater Binningup Cambridge Cockburn Como Dunsborough Gosnells Halls Head Hilton Park Hollywood Subiaco Joondalup (Beaumaris) Kardinya Kwinana Mandurah Indoor Melville Morley
Event Mixed Modified Scroungers Drawn Pairs 3 Bowl Pairs Mixed Fours Drawn Fours Social (Drawn) Nominated Pairs Social Meat Pairs 3 Bowl Pairs Popsticks Jackpot Pairs Social Bowls Mixed Triples Drawn Fours Nominated Pairs
Dress Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti
Starting Time 12.30pm 1.00pm 12.30pm 1.00pm 6.30pm 1.00pm 1.00pm
Names By 12noon 12noon 10.30am 12noon 12noon 12.30pm 11.00am
9271 9387 9535 9581 9535 9535 9349
Dress Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Whites Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti
Starting Time 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 12.30pm 1.00pm 12noon 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 6.30pm 10.00am 9.00am 10.00am 1.00pm 1.30pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 10.00am 1.30pm
Names By 12.45pm 12.45pm 12.30pm 10.00am 12.30pm 10.30am 12.30pm 12.30pm 12.30pm 12noon 9.30am 8.30am 9.30am 12.30pm 1.00pm 12.00pm 12.30pm 12.30pm 9.30am 1.00pm
9418 9367 9755 9725 9398 9581 9337 9446 9310 9535 9535 9364 9276 9364 9344 9349 9305 9593 9593 9417
Dress Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Whites Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti
Starting Time 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 10.00am 1.30pm 1.00pm 10.00am 12.45pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 10.00am
Names By 12.30pm 12noon 12.30pm 12.45pm 9.30am 1.00pm 12.30pm 9.30am Tuesday 12.30pm 12noon 9.30am
9529 9387 9725 9581 9309 9535 9384 9295 0417 9305 9349 9405
Dress Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti
Starting Time 1.30pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 12.30pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.30pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm
Names By 1.15pm 12.45pm 12noon 12.45pm 12.45pm 12.30pm 12noon 12noon 12.30pm
4515 3018 2695 1726 1438 1438 5786
TUESDAY Phone 1102 3923 3250 1074 2491 1726 2897 9076 6107 1438 1438 5668 8312 8276 1974 1188 1242 3022 3022 9815
WEDNESDAY Fee (per player) $6 $5 $10 $6 $7 $7 $5 $8 $8 $5 $7.50 $4
Phone 1479 3018 1074 1726 9565 1438 7951 1109 903 006 1242 3516 1152
Fee (per player) $5 $6 $10 $7 $6 $7 $8 $6 $10 $5 $8 $10 $5 $7 $6 $7
1.00pm 12.30pm 12.30pm 12.30pm 12noon 12noon
Phone 9271 9796 0409 9418 9367 9755 9398 9581 9337 9381 9304 9310 9439 9535 9330 9276
4515 1146 889 362 1102 3923 3250 2491 1726 2897 8941 1131 6107 1810 1438 3370 8312
State News
Any Gender Any Gender Mens Mens Women Mixed Mixed Any Gender Men Mixed Women Men
Mount Lawley Mt Pleasant Nollamara Osborne Park Pinjarra Quinns Rocks Spearwood Toodyay Wanneroo Warnbro Willetton Willetton
Nominated Pairs Meat Triples Popstick Triples Meat Voucher 4’s Drawn Bowls Drawn Pairs Drawn 3 bowl Pairs Drawn Pairs Popsticks Drawn 3’s or 4’s Social Pairs/Triples
$10 $10 $7 $10 $6 $10 $7 $6 $6 $5 $7 $7
Gender Mixed Mixed Men Mixed Any Gender Men Mixed Mixed
Club Cambridge Denison Eaton Halls Head Jurien Mandurah Indoor Mandurah Indoor Melville
Event Triples/Fours Scroungers Open Cash Pairs Scroungers Scroungers Mens Pairs (Pirates) Nominated Pairs Nominated Pairs
Fee (per player) $5 $8 $10 $6 $5 $8 $10 $10
Gender Any Gender Mixed Mixed Mixed Any Gender Any Gender Men Mixed Men Men Mixed Any Gender Any Gender Any Gender Any Gender Mixed Any Gender Any Gender Mixed Mixed Any Gender Men Mixed Mixed
Club Bayswater Byford Cockburn Como Dunsborough Gosnells Halls Head Hollywood Subiaco Joondalup (Beaumaris) Kardinya Kwinana Morley Mosman Park Mount Lawley Mt Pleasant Nollamara Osborne Park Pinjarra Quinns Rocks Spearwood Stirling Wanneroo Warnbro Willetton
Event Pairs Drawn Triples Mixed Triples Drawn Fours Cash Pairs (Nominated) Nominated Pairs Social Drawn Popsticks Saturday Triples Social Bowls Nominated Pairs Drawn Triples Drawn Pairs Mixed Pairs Nominated Pairs Nominated Pairs Nominated Triples Social Bowls Nominated 2x2x2x2 Pairs Nominated Pairs Popsticks Drawn 3’s or 4’s Pairs/Triples
Fee (per player) $10 $6 $7 $6 $7 $8 $6 $2 $8 $10 $5 $7 $5 $10 $10 $7 $10 $8 $7 $7 $7.50 $6 $5 $7
Gender Any Gender Mixed Mixed Mixed Mixed Any Gender Mixed Mixed Any Gender Mixed Men Men Mixed
Club Cambridge Cockburn Como Hilton Park Joondalup (Beaumaris) Jurien Mandurah Indoor Morley Mt Pleasant Nollamara Osborne Park Wanneroo Willetton
Event 2x4x2 Pairs Scroungers Scroungers Scroungers Scroungers Scroungers Scroungers Scroungers Scroungers Scroungers Scroungers Scroungers Scroungers
Fee (per player) $10 $7 $5 $6 $7 $5 $10 $5 $7 $7 $7 $6 $7
Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Whites Mufti
12.30pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 9.30am 1.30pm
10.00am 12.30pm 12.30pm 12noon 12.30pm 12.30pm 12.30pm 12.30pm 12.30pm 12.30pm 9.00am 1.15pm
9370 9364 9344 9349 9531 9305 9418 9574 9405 9593 9332 6161
Dress Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti
Starting Time 2.00pm 2.30pm 12.30pm 1.00pm 2.45pm 1.30pm 6.30pm 1.00pm
Names By 1.00pm 2.00pm 10.00am 12.45pm 2.30pm 1.00pm 6.00pm 12noon
9387 9927 9725 9581 9652 9535 9535 9330
Dress Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti
Starting Time 1.30pm 1.00pm 1.15pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.30pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 12.30pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.30pm
Names By 1.00pm 12.30pm 1.00pm 12.45pm 10.00am 12noon 12.45pm 1.00pm 12.30pm 12.30pm 12noon 12.30pm 10.00am 12.30pm 12.30pm 12noon 11.00am 12.30pm 12.30pm 12noon 12.30pm 12.30pm 1.15pm
9271 9525 9418 9367 9755 9398 9581 9381 9304 9310 9419 9276 9384 9370 9364 9344 9349 9531 9305 9418 9349 9405 9593 6161
Dress Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti Mufti
Starting Time 1.15pm 10.00am 2.00pm 10.00am 1.30pm 10.00am 9.30am 9.45am 9.30am 10.00am 9.15am 9.30am 9.30am
Names By 12noon 9.45am 1.45pm 9.55am 1.00pm 9.45am 9.00am 9.30am 9.00am 9.45am 9.00am 9.00am 9.15am
0409 9418 9367 9337 9309 9652 9535 9276 9364 9344 9349 9405 6161
5070 4662 1974 1188 1840 1242 1021 4778 1152 3022 1823 2815
FRIDAY Phone 3018 1168 1074 1726 1339 1438 1438 3370
SATURDAY Phone 4515 7859 1102 3923 3250 2491 1726 8941 1131 6107 1937 8312 7951 5070 4662 1974 1188 1840 1242 1021 3516 1152 3022 2815
SUNDAY Phone 889 362 1102 3923 2897 9565 1339 1438 8312 4662 1974 1188 1152 2815
Nati nal n News
By Raj Suares
Matthew Ayres at the 2013 Australian Open “I’m stoked with getting through to the final. It was a tough battle, Nathan got ahead of me in the second set but I was able to come-back. I’ve got a bit of an attitude, like they are the guns and I’m just an unknown kid so I’ve got nothing to lose. I know Aaron is a very good player, I haven’t ever faced him before, but it should be a really good encounter.” And it was. Matthew Ayres, who had already knocked out some the game’s big names including Kelvin Kerkow OAM and Neil Burkett, had just beaten Jackaroo and the number three seed Nathan Rice but hardly had time to let it all sink in before contesting the final. The boy from ‘The Park’ has come a long way in a very short space of time. “All the boys from Dudley Park were behind me,” Ayres later reflected when considering his move to Stirling Bowling Club and the Premier
League. “I would have full exposure to state champions, state players and I would be getting my name out there more playing along side them.” While he remains down to earth, Ayres isn’t afraid of mixing it with the best and is certainly confident he belongs alongside such illustrious company. He defeated Premier League skippers Clive Adams and Simon Alden who he describes as, “top class players” just to qualify for the Australian Open. He was relieved to be drawn against a relative ‘unknown’ until a conversation sparked up with fellow rink mate Matt Ellul as the excitement and anticipation of the tournament drew nearer. Ayres recounts, “‘Neil Burkett, I’m not sure who he is.’ Ellul broke into laughter then said, ‘Matty, he’s an international star; a Commonwealth gold medallist with over 600 national appearances for South Africa.’ “And there goes any confidence I had for Round 1. It looks like I’m going to have more of a holiday than playing bowls!” was his reply. But in truth, Ayres was quietly confident he would play well. While not necessarily expecting to win, the opportunity to play against an International star and maybe, “grab a set” was more than he could ask for. Ayres is quick to remember where it all began, with his Nan and Pop first introducing him to the sport and continually providing him with plenty of coaching and support. Colin O’Brien is another coach who guided him early on and Pieter Harris, who was with him in Melbourne and also at the 2011 Under 18 National Championships, has been an important influence. Ayres is excited to be teaming up with Harris as part of the
National Training Centre (NTC) squad and says, “Hopefully we are successful in the future along with the other NTC members.” Halfway through the first set in the final, Ayres reflects on a conversation he had with his coach. “We had a quick chat and my main aim was forgetting the first set, getting my draw back and starting again in the second set.” Aaron Wilson, the 2011 Australian Open Singles semi-finalist was almost unstoppable. “I was blown away by the quality of Aaron’s bowls especially his first two being all over the jack; toucher after toucher.” The crowd certainly got behind the young West Aussie in the second set which helped spur a stirring comeback. “I fought hard and played some big bowls to win the second set.” Unfortunately the tie-breaker was over in a flash. “He never lost his confidence. He wasn’t rattled whatsoever.” Although naturally disappointed, Ayres also felt a sense of elation as his achievement began to sink in; making it to the final was far beyond anyone’s expectation. But the experience has hardened him and he now sets much higher standards for himself. “My future ambitions would be hopefully playing for the state; it would be an honour putting on the black and gold. Then further down the track would be great to play for Australia.” He thinks to himself, “High hopes, I know. But you’ll never get there if you don’t try.” With a wonderful temperament combined with the ongoing support he gets from his coaches, family and his ‘extended family’ at both Dudley Park and Stirling bowling clubs, it would be brave to bet against him.
Please see our advertisement on page 11 of Jack Hi
Final: Ayres def. by Wilson 3-12, 10-8 (1-4) Semi Final: Ayres d Rice 8-3, 10-10 Quarter Final: Ayres d Kerkow 11-5, 6-12 (4-3) Round of 16: Ayres d Hilton 8-3, 3-8 (3-1) 3rd Round: Ayres d Pauling 12-5, 10-7 2nd Round: Ayres d Ryan 9-4, 13-5 1st Round: Ayres d Burkett 8-6, 8-10 (3-2) mediatonic.com.au
State News Pieter Harris by Aaron DelaporteBywith special thanks to Joyce Caffell
Vale Bob Couper The victory of Osborne Park rk in winning the 2012/13 Men’s n’s Premier League title wass
Giving Little People a Head Start
a special win for many
Many parents say children never stop being a financial
reasons but perhaps the
burden, particularly those parents with adult kids still living
biggest reason of all was
at home! How then can parents and other family members
the players were doing
best provide for a child’s future and give them a head start?
it for team mate Bob
Objectives on this front may be to pay school or university
Couper who only a few
fees, provide capital for a home deposit, or to make capital
days before the finals
available to a minor once they reach a certain adult age.
began had passed awayy
Ideally, any money invested for a child would provide capital
from cancer.
growth over time, at least to stay ahead of inflation.
Osborne Park known as the Saints may have had an angel looking down, king down guiding them to victory. The players had photos of Bob placed at the end of the rink and his family was there to support the side and of course celebrate the victory. Bob was an all round sportsman representing Dowerin in football, cricket, tennis & basketball, he achieved many awards during his sporting career. As is generally the norm in small country towns he turned to the sport of Lawn Bowls to keep these sporting instincts going in later years. Whilst playing for Dowerin he played League & Zone Round Robins. He also won the Country Week Fours with Kevin Pickering in 2007/2008. Bob first joined Osborne Park Bowling Club in 2008/2009 when he came down from Dowerin with Kevin Pickering, his ambition was to play Premier League. Kevin was the more recognised player with Osborne Park keen to secure a quality skipper for the upcoming season whilst Bob not really known in the city was just looking to give it his best shot. During the practice games Bob played so well that Osborne Park had to put him into their first sixteen. This was a recognisable trait of the mild mannered Bob who always let his bowls do the talking. Bob became an integral part of the Osborne Park side playing as a leader and was part of the back to back premiership wins 2009/10 & 2010/11. During the 2010/11 season Bob became sick and doctors found a lump in his oesophagus which was malignant. He began chemotherapy which affected him in the final series (he did not play in the Preliminary final against Mosman Park and Ron Francesconi stepped in to take his place). However he was able to play in the grand final against Victoria Park the next day. Bob continued to play for Osborne Park and in 2011/12 improved his game to be runner-up in the Caffell Best Player Award. After playing the first fourteen games this season Bob fell ill again. Sadly the cancer was too aggressive and he passed away within a few months not long after turning 71. Bob is remembered by those at Osborne Park as a quiet man who never spoke a bad word about anyone, he was a team player who strived to perform at his best on the bowling green. The 2012/13 Premiership is dedicated to his memory. Bob’s funeral was held the week after the Grand Final in his hometown of Dowerin, a full bus load of Osborne Park players attended to pay their respects. Bob leaves behind his wife Joyce, three daughters Vanessa, Leanne & Renae, their husbands and grandchildren.
Decisions on whether to hold investments in the name of a grandparent, parent or child should take into account tax implications, who should have control of the money, at what age the control should be passed over, and any social security issues that may arise. The considerations will also be affected by the age of the intended beneficiary, particularly whether they are under or over age 18. As children under age 18 are not able to enter into legal contracts, investments such as shares and managed funds may not be held in the name of a minor. Whilst a common way around this legal issue is for a parent or grandparent to hold an investment in their own name in trust for a child, tax and ownership issues may arise. Whilst the child is under age 18, any taxable income flowing from the investment held in trust is taxable income for the adult, and taxable at the adult’s marginal tax rate of up to 46.5 % (including the Medicare levy of 1.5%). Further, the child has full legal entitlement to the capital upon reaching age 18, irrespective of whether the child may be considered financially responsible. An alternative approach is to hold investments for a child in an insurance bond, which is a long term tax-paid investment. Any earnings are taxed within the fund at a maximum level equal to the corporate tax rate of 30%, and no tax is paid by the investor upon redemption of the investment should the investment be held for at least 10 years. Further, it is possible in some circumstances to nominate a vesting age for an insurance bond investment, such that capital is only made available to a beneficiary at a pre-determined age up to 25 years, and may only be used for a specific purpose such as a first home deposit. Aside from general tax-effective investment purposes, insurance bonds may be used for a child’s specific endowment plan, education funding, or estate planning purposes. Estate planning benefits arise due to insurance bonds not being an estate asset that must be distributed in accordance with a Will, and that the 10 year tax-free investment period is brought forward to the date of death of an investor. Further, social security gifting regulations are avoided until such time as an insurance bond vests. As always, there are various issues to consider when providing for loved ones and traps for young players may be avoided by seeking professional advice. Andrew Hopkins is the principal of WealthForm Financial Services, a privately owned financial planning business that has no ownership links with any financial institution and is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Securitor Financial Group Ltd ABN 48 009 189 495 AFSL 240687. Information in this article is of a general nature only, and should be considered together with your particular needs and circumstances. For more information phone 08 6272 0888 or visit www.wealthform.com
State News
Pennant winners Manning BC
Men’s Premier League winners Osborne Park
WA Pennants Wrap Up Osborne Park triumph in Premier
Cockburn back to the top grade
Osborne Park have once again claim the Men’s Premier League
Cockburn Bowling Club who were once a power house in
Flag after defeating Doubleview 74-59 at Yokine Bowling Club.
Premier League pennant during the 80’s, 90’s and 00’s winning
The Club had previously claimed back to back flags in 2010
16 flags have returned to the top grade and in the process
and 2011.
claimed the 1st White Pennant.
Doubleview went into the final having defeated Osborne Park three times during the year, twice in regular season play and also a comprehensive 94-72 Semi Final victory but in the one that counted most they couldn’t produce a win. Osborne Park getting to the final with a strong 81-68 win in the Preliminary Final over Premier League newcomers Manning who would have been thrilled to play finals at their first appearance in the top flight. The final was keenly contested as the large crowd were treated to some terrific play on a true 15 second surface. In the early stages Doubleview were holding a slight advantage largely thanks to the rink skippered by Stuart Bainbridge who was having a day out against Stein Davies side. His rink of Pat Buller, Aaron Delaporte and Greg Crisp at one stage holding a 15-1 advantage and keeping Doubleview in the contest. However a couple of timely scores along with a lift in performance from Davies saw the side continue to reduce the deficit before going down just 21-15. Osborne Park proved much too good on the other three rinks. Gary Caffell’s team of Graham Evans, Paul Pendergast and Grant Nicol getting the better of Kyle McIlroy’s rink 21-16, likewise John Goddard, Ian Payne, Daniel Adam and Gordon King recorded a 5 shot win over David Rankin’s rink 18-13. Both skippers pulled off some brilliant shots during that encounter. The big winner for Osborne Park proved to be the team of Steve O’Neill, Pat Caffell, Mike Dewson and Lewis Grigg who defeated the best performed rink for the regular season of John Slavich, Bill Brandsma, Chris Hickman and Alan Dawson 20-9. The play of Grigg and Dewson who consistently put bowls close to the jack setting it up for Caffell and O’Neill who also had top games for Osborne Park. The win was especially touching for many players and supporters at Osborne Park with fellow team mate and well respected club member Bob Couper having just passed away with cancer.
The Preliminary Final victory over Bedford produced a remarkable 116-47 win before a thrilling final saw them just finish the stronger defeating Kardinya 76-71. Kardinya will join them in a return to Premier League, they played there in 2010/11 and performed well but couldn’t avoid relegation and will no doubt be keen to improve that performance and stay in the top grade next year.
Manning show their class A mix of youth and experience but plenty of class took Manning to their third straight Women’s Premier League title, the win was in fact the fifth in six years for Manning who continue to prove a dominant force in Women’s bowls. Surprisingly Manning finished third on the ladder in the regular season but when it came to the business end they produced the goods. In the Semi Final they accounted for North Beach 68-58 before a solid 62-45 Preliminary Final win over Osborne Park set up the tilt for another title. Against regular finals rivals Mosman Park and played at Morley the match was evenly poised right throughout. Helen Morss and her team of Liz West, Sue Hogg and Bev Williams were in terrific form and proved the catalyst for the victory with a 22-8 win over the rink skippered by Bev Baker. With Morss’s side having finished their match the other two rinks had one end each to play with Manning just two in front on the main scoreboard. Therese Hastings rink managed two shots to finish 18-14 down against Lisa Featherby’s side of Linda Warburton, Wendy Stower and Judy Suba. This left Kerry Andersen’s team of Janne Gibsone, Audrey Stokes and Carol Wight needing five shots to send the game into an extra end however the Manning team skippered by Kristina Krstic held one shot and despite losing their match 22-17 could celebrate a 53-48 aggregate win.
State News
BCiB Pennant Results
Division Premier 1st White 1st Green North 1st Green South 2nd Div Red 2nd Div White 2nd Div Green 2nd Div Blue Division 3rd Div Red 3rd Div White 3rd Div Green 3rd Div Blue 4th Div Red 4th Div White 4th Div Blue 4th Div Green 4th Div Orange
Pennant Manning* Vict Park Carl* Innaloo* Willetton* Scarborough*
Promotion n/a Manning Osborne Park Mt Pleasant
Division Premier
Pennant Stirling*
Promotion n/a
1st White
South Perth
1st Blue North
1st Blue South
Division 2nd Div Red 2nd Div White 2nd Div Blue 2nd Div Gold 3rd Div Red 3rd Div White 3rd Div Blue 3rd Div Gold 4th Div Red 4th Div White 4th Div Blue 4th Div Gold 5th Div Red 5th Div White 5th Div Blue 5th Div Gold 6th Div Red 6th Div White 6th Div Blue
Top Spot Morley Thornlie* Scarborough Manning Merriwa East Fremantle Valley Hollywd Subi* Doubleview Gosnells* Scarborough Mt Pleasant Lake Monger1* Armadale Bedford Fremantle Safety Bay Doubleview Sports Assoc*
Promotion Mt Lawley Leeming Doubleview Como Yokine Cockburn Bassendean Mt Pleasant Beaumaris Safety Bay Kalamunda Mills Park Sorrento1 Belmont City Bullsbrook Belmont City Mt Pleasant North Perth Beaumaris
Division Friday Blue Friday Red Friday White
Pennant Bayswater*
Division 1st Div Red
Pennant Manning(1)*
1st Div Blue
Roleystone Dalkeith-Ned Kalamunda Promotion Rossmoyne Innaloo Forrestfield Bayswater to be advised to be advised to be advised to be advised to be advised
Top Spot Byford* Warwick Mills Park Melville Nollamara Willetton* Sports Assoc Safety Bay Belmont City
Demotion Sorrento Melville Safety Bay Morley Cambridge Warwick2 Thornlie Vict Park Carl Warwick Valley Kwinana Safety Bay East Fremantle Safety Bay Mt Lawley Yokine Demotion Leeming Spearwood North Beach Quinns Rocks Glen Forrest Vict Park Carl Wanneroo Bedford n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
*won Pennant Flag MENS SATURDAY Division Premier
Pennant Osborne Park*
Promotion n/a
1st White
1st Blue North
Osborne Park2
1st Blue South
South Perth
Safety Bay
Division 2nd Div Red 2nd Div White 2nd Div Blue 2nd Div Gold 3rd Div Red 3rd Div White 3rd Div Blue 3rd Div Gold 4th Div Red 4th Div White 4th Div Blue 4th Div Gold 5th Div Red 5th Div White 5th Div Blue 5th Div Gold 6th Div Red 6th Div Blue 6th Div Gold 6th Div Lime 6th Div Purple
Top Spot Thornlie1 Mt Lawley* Rossmoyne North Beach Armadale Nollamara* Manning North Beach Bullsbrook Armadale Manning Quinns Rocks* Bassendean Melville Como* Innaloo2 Willetton1 Warwick1 Yokine Belmont City1 Lake Monger*
Promotion Kalamunda Safety Bay Rockingham Doubleview Melville Innaloo Cambridge Osborne Park Kalamunda Rockingham Rossmoyne Yanchep Sorrento Warnbro Mt Pleasant Merriwa Manning Yanchep South Perth Mills Park Forrestfield
MEN’S THURSDAY Demotion Cambridge Kalamunda Warnbro Yokine Morley Mosman Park Wanneroo Mundaring Warwick Osborne Park1 Spearwood Leeming Wanneroo Hilton Park
Demotion Gosnells Byford Sorrento Bayswater Mills Park Mosman Park Osborne Park Warwick Thornlie Kalamunda Yokine Bedford Cannington Mt Pleasant Dalkieth-Ned Beaumaris Sports Assoc Midl Morrison East Fremantle Spearwood Mt Lawley Cambridge Osborne Park Stirling Morley Bedford Kardinya Cockburn Cambridge Bullcreek AFA Sorrento Wanneroo n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Demotion Cambridge Vict Park Carl Spearwood Osborne Park Melville Kardinya2 Stirling Midl Morrision Quinns Rocks Lake Monger Gosnells Yokine Rockingham South Perth Demotion Osborne Park Quinns Rocks Fremantle Hilton Park2 Sorrento2 Cambridge Rossmoyne Mt Lawley Warwick North Beach Thornlie Spearwood Stirling Wanneroo Forrestfield South Perth Yanchep Wanneroo Kwinana Thornlie Cambridge2 Midl Morrision Kardinya Mt Lawley Lake Monger2 Sorrento2 Manning Willetton Bassendean Yokine Rossmoyne Maylands n/a n/a n/a
WOMEN’S FRIDAY Top Spot Kardinya Innaloo
2nd Div Lemon 2nd Div Lime 2nd Div Orange 3rd Div Blue 3rd Div Pink 3rd Div Purple 3rd Div Yellow
Promotion n/a Gosnells Osborne Park Mt Pleasant Willetton
Dalk-Nedlands Mt Pleasant Nollamara* Warwick Dalk-Nedlands
Demotion Sorrento Safety Bay Leeming Beaumaris South Perth Hilton Park Armadale Perth & Tatts Bassendean Beaumaris Yokine n/a n/a n/a n/a
Club News
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Club News
Another successful S & B Challenge at North Beach The fourth annual S & B Challenge was held at the North Beach Bowling Club on Sunday 20th January. The event is a mixed handicap event and this year we had 24 teams entered, up from 14 last year, with total prize money on offer of $10,000. All participants were provided with lunch and the day finished off with a fabulous roast meal provided by the club’s Polish chef George Bieganski and his team. Winners on the day were the team of Robbie Ball, Ross Dempsey, Mal Dempsey and Glenda Cooper who took home the first prize of $6,000. Runners up were Terry Jones, Trudy Edwards, Sam Sheahan and Jenny McLaughlin who shared prize money of $3,000. A great day was had by all and finished off with music and dancing well into the night. Look out for next year’s event which co founder, Ross Stewart of RD Stewart & Associates, has promised will be bigger and better.
WA RSL Bowls GIANT KILLERS CHASE HAT-TRICK Fresh from a resounding victory in the Bishop Riley- City of Perth Trophy Mixed Fours, the Graham Dick team also won the Cliff Sadlier VC Mixed Fours at Osborne Park. Runners up were President Ian Marshall, wife Liz and Graham with the Cliff Sadlier VC Trophy) newcomers Beth McCormack and Jim Woodward. Third were Judy Savell (lead), Tanya Colley, John Groves and Skip Bill Savell. First game winners were Bob Mulroy, Skip, Stella Garretson, Charlie Burns and Lyn Moffat. Ray Bourne skipped the second game winning team with Tony and Lois Harris and Thelma Ennor. In what seems to be a sign of the times ten teams turned out. A far cry from days gone by!!! Thanks to Osborne Park and staff.
Stars Shine At Innaloo
Competition Winner
Congratulations Bill Stewart from Cooloongup WA Bill is the overall winner of the Henselite “Spot the Jack” competition that aappeared in Jack Hi during the 2012/13 season. A representative from Henselite will contact you shortly Bill and arrange for you to receive your prize of a brand new set of Henselite bowls.
Gordon Wooldridge skipped a team of stars at Innaloo to win the Simplicty Funerals Fours. Ably supported by Rod Beazley, John Groves and Bill Savell they won from Keith Cannon, who skipped Phil Griffiths, Noel O’Halloran,and Leo Mola. Third with a couple of “Bush Boys” Skip Paul Hutton, Bruce Rock, were Willie Tan, Merv Hughes and Corrigin member David Abe. Yokine stalwarts Skip Graham Stevens, Gordon Becker, John Freedman and Eddie Hammond won the first game, the last game was won by Wanneroo regulars Echo Widermanski, Skip, Bill Cowan, John Weir and Bob Anderson. Thanks to sponsors Simplicity Funerals, who, should you die will engrave your coffin with your club’s logo. How good is that? And Innaloo club staff for their support.
XLVIII RSL Bowls Nationals 2014-15 Tournament Director Phil Griffiths needs volunteers for this carnival. If you can help tell him. His contact number is 9271 1636. SIGN EM UP!!! We still need bowlers on the greens. Get your Nomination Forms from Max Plester Hon Secretary/PRO 9405 8991 or Email: mplester@ bigpond.net.au or any committeeman.
Mick Delfs from Bunbury WA correctly selected J2 as the shot bowl from the February 2013 edition of the Spot the Jack competition. Mick will receive a special Henselite gift pack. Henselite and Jack Hi magazine would like to thank everyone who submitted entries in the Spot the Jack competition.
Henselite – “The choice of champions
Over 60â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
All the way for Safety Bay Girls The Safety Bay team of Maureen Beard, Jennifer Kite and Maggie Main have won a dramatic final in the Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Over 60â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s State Triples. After the regular 21 ends, the two teams could not be separated and an extra end was needed for them to take the title from Beverley Duff, Lorraine Jones and Kaye Bott (Mundaring) 21-20. Quarter Final: M Beard (Safety Bay) b R Coote (Thornlie) 15-12, B Lorencs (Composite) b F Ietto (Brunswick) 14-11, B Duff (Mundaring) b K Blackwell (Composite) 18-13, F Watson (Composite) b W Saul (Sorrento) 18-10 Semi Final: M Beard b B Lorencs 13-12; B Duff b F Watson 15-14 Final: M Beard b B Duff 21-20
Bluesky Healthcaree
Proud sponsors of the 20% off plus Bluesky will Bowls WA Over 60â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Comp donate $100 to your club
Thornlieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Glyn Vaughan has capped off a big Over 60â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s season with another State Over 60â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s title. Earlier in the year Vaughan, along with Thornlie teammates Peter Reed and Jim Stean, took the Over 60â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s State Triples title. Now Vaughan has added the singles title to his trophy cabinet. Playing for his first Over 60â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Singles title, Tony Cocodis (Kardinya) put up a valiant fight but couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get over the line. Colin Fleay (Osborne Park) and Ben Marino (Midland Morrison) had terrific tournaments and finished as equal thirds. Knockout: B Heesom (Osb Pk) d P Loveland (Bed) 21/16; B Marino d L Thorn (Dview) 21/20; D Nagle (Warn) d R Hill (War) 21/10; G Vaughan d N Silich (Spear) 21/15; C Fleahy d R Murray (Deni) 21/15; J Sheridan (Mor) d K Nadilo (Spear) 21/13; A Cocodis d G Reagan (S Per) 21/20; D Pattullo (Warn) d J Rollnick (Val) 21/12. Quarter Final: B Marino b B Heesom 21/5, G Vaughan b D Nagle 21/8; C Fleahy d J Sheridan 21/9; A Cocodis d D Patullo 21/19. Semi Final: Glyn Vaughan d Ben Marino 21/8; Tony Cocodis d Colin Fleay 21/9 Final: Glyn Vaughan d Tony Cocodis 25/16
Show your card & get
Menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Over 60â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s State Singles Finals
Bluesky Healthcare Over 60â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Carnivals
Lift & recline chairs
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15th Apr LEEMING 20th May LAKE MONGER v
Please contact Trevor Barron 0431 160 008 or Roger Barns 0418 959 930 mediatonic.com.au
Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been bowling for over 20 years. Green Planet Grass has joined with KCL Sports to provide over 20 years experience in the synthetic turf industry and over 100 bowling green construction and conversions across Australia. The most recent design and construction in WA was two 40m x 40m bowling greens at Forrest Sports Precinct, York.
Ray Hooper, Shire of York CEO Jon Hastings from KCL Sports is the leading lawn bowls synthetic green innovator in Australia. He personally designed the Dry Max Pro bowls surface approved by World Bowls and widely used as the bowling green surface of choice throughout the country.
Green Planet Grass provide a full turn-key solution including: Consultation, design and plans for approvals Construction of drainage system, base, banks, lighting, shelters, fencing, and retainer walls Installation of a World Bowls approved surface by accredited installers 7 year warranty on both workmanship and synthetic surface Comprehensive care and maintenance guide and training THE GPG DRAINAGE SYSTEM IS THE MOST EFFICIENT IN THE MARKET
Call (08) 9240 8448 to discuss your next bowling green project. www.greenplanetgrass.com.au
Follow Us Onine:
York Bowling Green 2012
Club News
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Club News
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Club News
Club News
Rossomyne Bowling Club New Greens Rossmoyne
opened its new under-cover synthetic green on Friday 1st February, 2013. Officials present at the opening were: Hon. Terry Waldron (Minister for Sport and Recreation), Mr Ron Alexander (CEO, Department of Sport and Recreation), Mr Andrew Sharpe (CEO, City of Canning), Dr M Nahan (Member of Riverton), and Mr John Hughes (John Hughes Motors). Pennants in action under cover at Rossmoyne Bowling Club
Negotiations started in February, 2012 under the supervision of Eric Charlton and his helpers, the $900,000 upgrade included two synthetic greens - one of which has a
steel roof over it with open sides that will give players all year protection from the weather. The club now has three synthetic greens which are all under lights. Thanks must go to the members who worked tirelessly on the project to bring it up to its present standard. The Club commenced in 1959 and was named Riverton Bowling Club; in 1974 it was changed to Riverton Rossmoyne Club, and in 2012 was changed to Rossmoyne Bowling Club. Please feel welcome to come and have a look at our facilities, if you would like to be part of this exciting club, contact the secretary on 9457 2497, or email to riverto@ bigpond.net.au.
Club News
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Club News
Mitchell’s talent on show at Doubleview Master Pairs Sixty Four of the best Men’s Pairs combinations in WA took to some nicely prepared Doubleview greens where Thomas Mitchell (Victoria Park Carlisle) and Mike Murray (Scarborough) were crowned champions in the Nexus Men’s Master Pairs. The brilliance of newly promoted WA State Skipper Thomas Mitchell came to the fore in the final in an outstanding display. Ably assisted
by Mike Murray, Mitchell produced every shot in the book to outplay a very competitive Lindsay Thorn (Doubleview) and Ken Screech (South Perth) who performed at their best before eventually losing the final 16-10. Mitchell and Murray had a heart stopper in the Quarter Finals when pushed all the way by Armadale combination of Daniel Brown and John Rochford. Mitchell up two on the board but two down on the head played weight and successfully removed one of the counters with his last bowl to take the match by a single shot. Mitchell and Murray had a much easier victory in the semi final accounting for John Fransisco and Peter Cole of Manning 24-9. Thorn and Screech got to the final with successive wins over Doubleview combinations, a 15-9 quarter final win over Mike Browne and John Barasic was followed by a 15-10 semi final victory over Chris Hickman and Barry Whitmore.
WA BOWLS RANKINGS Unofficial based on prestigious events over 3 years with decay
Thomas Mitchell superb in winning the Master Pairs title.
Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 18 19 20
Name Provost, Anthony Mitchell, Thomas Brown, Daniel Richardson, Luke Trewhella, Daniel Rankin, David Knott, Shane Bainbridge, Stuart O’Neill, Steve Withers, Steve Mazga, Len Adam, Daniel Berecz, John Caffell, Pat Grigg, Lewis McKay, Kevin Murray, Mike Goddard, John Adams, Clive Screech, Ken
Club Vict Park Carlisle Vict Park Carlisle Armadale Cambridge Doubleview Doubleview Vict Park Carlisle Doubleview Osborne Park Manning Busselton Osborne Park Quinns Rocks Osborne Park Osborne Park Armadale Scarborough Osborne Park Wanneroo South Perth
Total 223 187 152 128 120 102 90 80 72 69 66 64 64 64 64 64 64 52 51 49
Club Corrigin Manning Gingin Capel Manning Mosman Park Manning Mosman Park Mosman Park Osborne Park Mosman Park Geraldton Dudley Park Mosman Park Gingin Manning Boulder Manning Manning Manning
Total 520 206 174 167 167 163 160 123 123 122 116 115 104 95 82 67 54 50 49 44
Women’s Rank 1 2 3 4 4 6 7 8 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Name Abe, Noelene Hastings, Therese Gobbart, Kathy Scott, Bev West, Liz Andersen, Kerry Morss, Helen Baker, Bev Featherby, Lisa Chalmers, Pam Warburton, Linda Poletti, Lee Spragg, Vicki Gibsone, Janne Keefe, Noeleen O’Brien, Robyn Leahy, Irene Krstic, Kristina Jolly, Robin Cole, Rechelle
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Club C lub N News ews
Apia Competition – congrats to WIlletton The Apia “boost your membership” competition asked clubs to tell us about an idea, promotion or event that was successful in attracting new members and participation at their club. Congratulations go to Willetton Bowling Club who were announced as the winners!! Willetton’s entry was centred around A4 posters that were displayed in local shopping centres and magnetic signs that were fixed to members cars. These signs promoted bowls as a fun new sport to try and a way to make new friends. Willetton attracted in excess of 10 new members via this promotion which is terrific for a relatively small club.
Willetton Bowling Club was presented with their prize of eight CoolJack units by Sara Smith (Apia Representative) and Bowls WA CEO Ken Pride. The Cool Jack units are installed at the end of the green and allow bowlers to keep drinks and food cool while they play. The Willetton members are looking
0 0 0 ONEY 8 M E $ Z I Inaugural IN PR
Teams will consist of not less than four players with two women and two men. Juniors are welcome to play in teams.
Entry Fees
$200 per team of four players.
Hosted by
Completed Nomination Forms are required to be submitted by 31 July 2013. THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TEAMS IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO 24 - ON A FIRST-IN BASIS. Nomination Forms can be forwarded on request and will be included in the brochure being distributed at the end of April.
13-15 SEPTEMBER 2013
Contact details: Phone (08) 9192 2010 Fax (08) 9192 3817 e: broomebowls@westnet.com.au www.broomebowlingclub.myclub.org.au 30
forward to giving them a try in the new season ahead. A special mention goes to runners-up Dalkeith-Nedlands and Esperance Bowling Club who both presented excellent entries. Bowls WA Membership and Participation Committee has recently announced this competition will run again in 2013. More will be announced in the next issue of Jack Hi.
Womens’s Masters Singles A field of 32 players competed for the Key Choice Masters Singles played over two days in excellent conditions at Mosman Park Bowling Club on the 2nd & 3rd March. In two very, tightly contested semi-finals Noelene Abe (Corrigin) defeated Linda Warburton (Mosman Park) 25/21 and Angela Sharp (Gosnells) was beaten by Kerry Andersen (Mosman Park), also 25/21. The final saw Abe continue her fine form this season to clinch the title 25/11 from a valiant Andersen. Key Choice Financial Solutions were again the proud sponsors and while everyone involved enjoyed this great event, the club is confident it will be even bigger and better next year. Mark it in your diaries! mediatonic.com.au
B w wling Lifestyle y
CLUB IN PROFILE By Aaron Delaporte and Margie McLeish
Willett on
Bowling Club
The Willetton Bowling Club was formed in 1985. It was a division of the now defunct Willetton Sports Club. As a result of the link to the Sports Club finances and resources were always difficult to obtain. Any development was then, as is now, done by members own efforts and as a result the Bowling Club has never been able to have any significant funds in its own right. Notwithstanding this it has been able to position itself as a low (men) and top to mid range (ladies) club in the bowls WA network and competition. It has however not had real ability to grow to any great extent or “modernise” its basic facilities to keep pace with the community and bowlers needs. Following the closure (late 2011) of the Willetton Sports Club, the Willetton Bowling Club Inc. has extricated itself from that position. It is now an Incorporated Body, it holds its own Liquor Licence. The Canning City Council has provided Security of Tenure and we are in negotiation for a club house to be built on the site. Operating from a small transportable building located next to the bowling greens which have been extended and renovated each year. This is done with difficulty as the only way of servicing the needs of bowlers and visitors is to sit them outside under the patio. Willetton also provide bowls coaching, as part of their curriculum, for approximately 250/300 High School Students from surrounding schools, per year. The students attend on a weekly basis. The club also run community bowls during summer and hold many functions during the year particularly over the festive period. Willetton’s pennant teams have done extremely well this year and are going from strength to strength. The Tuesday Ladies lst division Blue and 4th white division went on to win the Pennant flags whilst the Saturday 2nd division won promotion after finishing on top of the colour. In the Men’s Pennant the Midweek 3rd Division competed in the pennant play offs and our Saturday 6th Red were top of their colour, gaining promotion. Willetton Bowling Club is a very friendly and social club with a great deal of pride and enthusiasm for our future with all of the members work very hard to make life comfortable. They have also become a very successful amalgamated club due to the fact that the men and ladies are in the clubhouse at the same time most days and have to give and take to make it work, this has also given us the opportunity to meet and know all of our members better. With three grass greens maintained by a full time greenkeeper with some voluntary assistance the club has built steadily to have 150 members (75 women and 75 men). Willetton are keen to increase those numbers and continue to run initiatives like the one that saw them win the Apia Competition and attract new members, they offer free coaching with three qualified coaches. If you are interested in being a member at Willetton contact Peter Maxwell (Vice President) phone 9354 5686, Mobile 0408 852 500
Legal Corner Who has control over my body when I die? The majority of people give little thought to what happens after they have passed. However, it is important to be aware of what may follow during the days after your death. If you have a valid will… The person you appoint in your will as executor of your estate has the discretion as to how your body will be disposed of and is responsible for your funeral or cremation arrangements. Generally your executor will follow the instructions in your will, if any, but the final decision is ultimately the executor’s This is because the law provides there is no property (ownership) in a corpse and a person cannot by will dispose of his or her own body . Thus, any directions in your will regarding disposal of your body are only declaratory and have no legal force. Your executor is expected to consult with family members regarding this, however he/she is not legally bound to do so. If you do not have a valid will… If you do not have a will then there will be no one appointed as your executor. This means that the person who has the highest rank to administer your estate under the law governing intestacy will be responsible . The rights of a surviving spouse or de facto will generally be preferred over the rights of any children. What if there are disputes over the funeral arrangements? If there are disputes regarding your funeral arrangements the Court will ultimately decide who has the right to handle the disposal of your body. In the recent case of Spratt v Hayden, 22 year old Carlene Hayden died without leaving a will. Her father was a Wongi, with tribal lands including Kalgoorlie, but her mother was a Noongar with her country being around Kellerberrin. Part of the Noongar custom is to bury members where they have close ties to family and land. In 2006 Carlene had begun living with the plaintiff, her de facto spouse, with whom she had two children. He stated that Carlene wished to be buried in Kalgoorlie, near her paternal grandmother, however her Noongar relatives objected to burying a Noongar in another tribal group’s land. The court held that where there is no executor named, the person with the highest right to administer the estate will have that privilege of deciding where the burial place would be. In this case, the decision was left to her de facto spouse. Customary or traditional values did not carry significant weight in this determination, particularly because it was also Carlene’s wish to be buried in Kalgoorlie. It is important to note, however, that this type of decision is not always made, and that in other cases a special cultural interest may be sufficient to allow another to choose the burial place. . Your executor, or the holder to the right of your burial, cannot use their power to exclude your friends or family members from expressing their affection as long as it is in a reasonable manner, such as putting flowers on your grave and so forth. They also do not have the power to donate your organs on your behalf unless you are officially registered as an organ donor. Conclusion Ultimately, it is very important to have your affairs in order before you pass away to avoid any potential disputes. Call Friedman Lurie Singh & D’Angelo on 9254 0000 to speak to us today about preparing a will or to discuss your deceased estate planning requirements.
FRIEDMAN LURIE SINGH & D’ANGELO Your Smart Lawyers Level 2, 139 Newcastle Street, Perth Tel: 9254 0000 Suite 3, 7 Railway Terrace, The Boardwalk Rockingham Tel: 9520 2729 Suite 1, 11 Boas Avenue, Joondalup Tel: 9301 4999 Email: flsd@flsd.com.au Internet: www.flsd.com.au
Country Week
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Men’s and Women’s Country Week Results Men - Singles Brad King was the toast of the Geraldton Bowling Club when he became the club’s first winner of the Crown Perth Men’s Countryweek Singles since one of the club’s Life Members, Mr C. W. Starr, won the title in 1972. In good conditions at the Dalkeith Nedlands Bowling Club, King produced outstanding draw bowls to defeat Wagin’s Warren Holt 21-15 in the final. In front of a healthy crowd the game was a nip and tuck affair with both players having periods of control early in the match. As the game continued, King slowly pulled away on the scoreboard and held game at 20-14 and three close bowls in the head. However Holt continued to produce quality bowls and a drive to remove two of the shots with his second last bowl was followed up with his last bowl of the end sitting on the remaining King shot to extend the game to another end. Again King put the pressure on, but this time Holt couldn’t come up with the game saving bowl and Brad King claimed the title. Earlier in the day, the standard of the semi finals showed the crowd what they would be in for later in the day. The first semi final saw Brad King take on brother Chris King (Perenjori), with not only a shot at the title but also bragging rights on the line. With no quarter asked and none given, the game went right to the line before Brad finally prevailed 21-18. The second semi final had Warren Holt taking on the giant killing Glen Jones (Dalwallinu). Earlier in the tournament Jones had defeated Countryweek Legend Eddie Dodd (Wonthella) as well as former State Squad member, Mark Simpson (Gingin). Holt set the scene early in the game and never looked back as he cruised to a comfortable 21-11 win.
Men - Fours The 2012-13 Crown Perth Countryweek titles was a year of firsts, with the fours
Men - Pairs Going into the final of the Crown Perth Countryweek Pairs, Merredin Bowling Club was assured of welcoming home both the Champions and the Runner Ups. In an all Merredin affair, club mates Terry Anderson and George Skalko (pictured) were up against a couple of Merredin young guns, Ashley Sharp and Matthew France. Both teams travelled through the knockout stages fairly easy on the scoreboard until their semi finals. Anderson and Skalko were made to work hard before defeating Ashley Schultz and Phil Sorfleet (Bunbury) 17-15 in the first semi final. Sharp and France had nearly identical scores in their 17-14 win over the Eaton combination of Mick Salmon and Geoff Hookham. Ashley Sharp and Matthew France have only recently returned to Merredin after short stints playing Premier League Pennant in Perth. That added experience was expected to hold them in good stead for the pressure cooker situation of a Countryweek Final. However it was Terry Anderson and George Skalko who came out firing and they quickly put some distance between them and the Sharp/France pairing. Although Sharp and France continued to try and turn things around, it was the steadiness and consistency that gave Anderson and Skalko a 16-6 victory and the Merredin Bowling Club’s first ever Crown Perth Countryweek Pairs title.
discipline being no different. Stephen Fewster, John Fewster, Tom Cabassi and Bruce Watson took home the Gingin Bowling Club’s first countryweek fours title when they defeated the gallant Brett Taylor, Herb McClelland, Ray Griffiths and Peter Nicholls from Kellerberrin. With barely a shot between the two teams all day, it took great pressure bowls from the Gingin team to come away with the 12-10 win. To reach the finals both teams were made to work hard in both the quarter and semi finals. The Fewster team squeezed through their quarter final against the experienced Moora combination of Bruce Manning, Phil Manning, Michael Rodan and Peter Manning 11-10. While the scoreboard looked easier, they again had to work hard against Wonthella’s Henry Slawinski, James Hooper, David Gunsser and Brian Walter with a 18-9 victory. Kellerberrin’s Brett Taylor set up a semi final against club mates Geoff Cox, Geoff Main, Scott O’Neill and Mark White (Kellerberrin) with an extremely close 12-11 win over Neville Woods, Bryce Attwood, Richard Howlett and Darren Kellond (Eaton). With Kellerberrin assured of its first countryweek fours finalist, it was the Taylor ran team that came away with the win 16-8. At the end of the competition the P.S Bignell Memorial Shield for the Most Outstanding Country Club during Countryweek was presented to the Merredin Bowling Club for the second time in three years. mediatonic.com.au
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Women - Singles A change of tactics helped Karin Cowin (Eaton) overcome Julie Watson (Gingin) and claim her first Crown Perth Women’s Countryweek Singles title. Cowin raced to an early lead of 7-1 before Watson found her range to haul her in. The lead continually changed hands when first Cowin got on top and then Watson. When Watson lead 18-16 it looked like Gingin would be welcoming a winner but a change of mat position by Cowin proved to be a decisive decision. Cowin grabbed a single to trail 17-18 when she pulled the mat right up the green and put the jack on the tee. The change resulted in a three on that end to put Cowin within a single of the title. With the mat in hand, Cowin again journeyed up the green
with the mat and proceeded to draw the match winner to win the game 21-18. To reach the final, both ladies over came stern opposition in their semi finals. Cowin was too good for the determined Tricia Tyson with a 17-11 win, while Watson took on the hardest game in current day lawn bowls. Noelene Abe has been a phenomenon in Women’s bowls for the last two years and was the defending Countryweek Singles Champion. However Watson prevailed over Abe 17-14 and showed she will be one to watch in the future.
Women - Pairs Noelene Abe and Nola Forbes (Corrigin) are no strangers to Crown Perth Countryweek Pairs success. After having previous success in 2006 and 2010, this year’s title was number three for a combination that obviously work very well together. For their opponents Jill Kennedy and Julie Crameri (Dudley Park) this was their first taste of Countryweek finals success. The game started with close bowls from all players but the Corrigin pairing were always able to find the bowl that mattered. The longer the game went the better the Abe/ Forbes combination got, with them eventually running out 20-6 winners. With the Dudley Park Bowling Club being one of the premier clubs in the country, it wasn’t surprising to see Kennedy and Crameri having to go against club mates for a place in the finals. Multiple State Title holder Vicki Spragg teamed up with Irene Grout (Dudley Park) to take on Kennedy and Crameri in the semi finals. With club bragging rights on the line as well as the chance at the title, it was a
game of quality before Kennedy and Crameri got the better of Spragg and Grout to win 13-8. The other semi final saw the favorites Noelene Abe and Nola Forbes take on the Wonthella pairing of Margaret Kupsch and Julie Sims. Although the Wonthella girls fought hard they could not contain the talented Corrigin duo and went down 17-8.
Women - Fours The final of the Crown Perth Women’s Countryweek Fours was set up to crown a brand new champion team. Surprisingly the Corrigin Club had never had a winner in the fours competition and Mandurah had not had success since 1982. Both teams were looking forward to taking the title back and celebrating success. After setting up an lead early, it was the Corrigin team of Noelene Abe, Nola Forbes, Karen Poultney and Judy Connelly, who were too strong for Lynette Godfrey, Jeanette Hislop, Kerry West and Glenda Hollingsworth (Mandurah) winning 16-7. The score line did not tell the true tale of a closely fought contest, but when the big bowls needed to be played, it was the Corrigin team members who played them. The semi finals had seen a stark difference between the two teams game into the final. The Abe combination had to work extremely hard and had to endure an extra end to beat the Capel four of Bev Scott, Suellen Payne, Beverley McKenna and Joy O’Brien 14-13. On the other
hand, the Godfrey team stormed into the final with a 26-7 win over Gail Barry, Diane Tas, Jem Coupar and Sharon Sharpe (Dunsborough). Further testament to the successful week of the Corrigin players was the achievement of taking home the Bowls WA Shield as the most successful club at the 2012-13 Crown Perth Countryweek.
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Batavia Bowling League Earlier in the season the Batavia Bowling League Ladies went to Gingin to compete in the Northern Zone ILRR FOURS. The competition was played in great spirit and the proud winners were the Batavia Bowling League Ladies who played extremely well.
Was It Hot At Denison? NORTHERN ZONE ILRR PAIRS were held at Denison on greens that were in excellent condition, Moore District were the winners and the games were of very high standard. The games were played early in the morning and then later in the afternoon when the slight breeze made conditions bearable.
Elaine Barnetson, Kaye Burton, Glenys Teakle, Pauline Forrester, Eva Watson, Nannette Hamilton, Norma Follington, Audrey Williamson, Margaret Kupsch, Julie Sims, Norma Lodge, Julie McCabe, Kathleen Hill, Erica Vermeer, Di Reudavey, Gayl Wilson, Lee Poletti and Pat Williams Vice President of the Northern Zone.
Batavia Bowling League Ladies Pennant Finals Wonthella Bowling Club were the hosts to the 1st and 2nd Division Thursday Pennant Finals 13th & 14th February 2013. Geraldton Gold won the 1st Division by 2 shots overall from Wonthella Gold in a thrilling finish. Wonthella Gold was the victor in 2nd Division from Geraldton Blue with some very good bowls played. It was 10 years since Wonthella Gold 2nd Division had won the Pennant. The greens were in excellent condition. From left: Geraldton Gold 1st Division ladies and Wonthella Gold 2nd Division ladies in action during the finals.
Keeping it in the family “Double Whammy” Married couples Beryl and Greg Cooper
Phillip Lee have Margaret Bird(Skip), Misty Richards, Glenys Collins and Vera Sheen. Vicki Ellis (Skip), Marg Peck, Shirley De Jong and Denise Kelly. Dale McGill (Skip), Maxine Watts, Jan Bywaters and Sian Smith. Carol Ashworth (Skip), Wendy Mitchell, Dot Glass and Di Hudson. ReserveTricia Hinchliffe and Manager – Di Sewell.
Eastern Bowling Zone Inter League Round Robin Fours – 9th & 10th February 2013 On what was predicted to be a very hot weekend, the Avon Valley League hosted the Eastern Zone ILRR Fours at the Beverley Bowling Club. Thankfully the south east breezes prevailed and the temperatures didn’t get above 37 degrees. The dry max greens which were only laid in 2012 played very true and of good speed and are a credit to the Club and its members. The competition was finally decided by a drawn game, with the Avon Valley League winning with 6 points and 10 ½ rink wins from the South Eastern League, with 6 points and 10 rink wins.
set a precedent at
Beach Bowling Club in Albany. The two gentlemen have been selected to play in the 2013 ILRR Fours, IZRR Left to right - Beryl Cooper, Greg Cooper, Fours and the Sue Lee, Phill Lee Country All Stars. Not to be outdone by their husbands, Beryl and Sue were also selected to play 2013 ILRR & IZRR Fours. Both couples are good friends and play bowls together quite frequently. mediatonic.com.au
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The much loved Junction Grill is open for breakfast every day from 8am! Choose from a range of classic favourites such as fluffy omelettes, big breakfasts or delicious pancake stacks. Junction Grill is an 18+ venue.
Visit the Casino each Thursday for your chance to win a huge cash jackpot at 9pm. Plus there’s up to $2,000 † cash to be won at 7pm, 8pm and 10pm! †Conditions apply, visit our website for details. You must be present to win.
Wyalkatchem Ladies Win Third Consecutive Pennant Congratulations to Wyalkatchem for winning the Central Wheatbelt Bowling League Ladies’ Pennants. Wyalkatchem has been struggling for players all season, having had a man fill in frequently and had to play with seven players instead of eight to win the semi final against Mukinbudin. They then went on to beat Beacon in the grand final with wins on both rinks. With three players over 75 a great effort! In other Wylie news, for the first time in the history of the Club a man and wife have taken off the men’s and ladies’ singles. Congratulations to Des and Robin Tilbrook.
Back row: Sue Tait, Lorraine Mulroney, Helen Price, Joyce Lyon Middle row: Peta Paterson, Wilma Warburton, Trish Williams, Eileen McCahon, Eileen Smith. Front row (skips): Gwenda Andrews, Marg Ryan, Darralyn Page.
Pingelly ladies bring home the pennant after 41 years Williams and Brookton played the first game of 21 ends with Williams winning 57-51 over Brookton. Pingelly then played Williams for the pennant and won a close game with 66-59. This will certainly go into the books as a wonderful achievement for the Pingelly Bowling Club. A “quiet” celebration was enjoyed back at the club and a customary article of clothing was hoisted up the flagpole as part of this longed for celebration!
York Bowls Over Opposition In an exciting finish to the Avon Valley Bowling League season, York Bowling Club has won both the Men’s 1st Division and 2nd Division pennant finals to add to that won by the York Ladies. The dominance of the York teams was evident when the two Ladies teams, York Blue and York Gold, played off in the Ladies final. York Blue had finished top of the ladder but lost the semi-final to York Gold. After winning through to the final, York Blue overcame their sister team to win by 31 shots. Men’s 1st Division finished six points clear on top of the ladder and met second placed Northam Blue in the semi-final. A 26 shot win put York into the final and their opponents were once again Toodyay who recorded a 29 shot win over Northam in the qualifying final.
A big rink win by Rob Parker and his team (42 to 11) ensured that York avenged their 1 shot defeat by Toodyay in last year’s final. With all rinks winning the final score was 112 to 59. This was the third pennant final win for the team after playing in the last five finals. Men’s 2nd Division finished second on the ladder after hardly winning any games last year and took on the much stronger Northam Gold. After losing the semi-final by ten shots, the boys won their way into the final with a fighting win over Dowerin on the Sunday morning. A spirited contest ensued with York winning 108 to 89. The turnaround of 39 shots between Saturday’s semi-final loss to victory in Sunday’s final, was a great effort by all players and an historic win for the club. York Bowling Club captain Robin Gentle described the weekend performances as “extraordinary”. mediatonic.com.au
COUNTRY PENNANT RESULTS 2012/13 Avon Valley Bowling League YORK Men’s League Pennant Div 1 YORK Men’s League Pennant Div 2 YORK BLUE Women’s League Pennant Batavia Bowling League GERALDTON GOLD Men’s League Pennant Div 1 DENISON BLUE Men’s League Pennant Div 2 GERALDTON GOLD Women’s League Pennant Div 1 WONTHELLA GOLD Women’s League Pennant Div 2 Blackwood Bowling League DONNYBROOK WHITE Men’s League Pennant Sat Div 1 BRIDGETOWN Men’s League Pennant Sat Div 2 DONNYBROOK Men’s Mid Week Pennant MANJIMUP GREEN Women’s League Pennant Central Midlands Bowling League MOORA Men’s League Pennant DALWALLINU GOLD Women’s League Pennant Central Stirling Bowling League not played at time of print Men’s League Pennant JERRAMUNGUP Women’s League Pennant Central West Coastal Bowling League JURIEN GOLD Men’s League Pennant DANDARAGAN Women’s League Pennant Central Wheatbelt Bowling League NUNGARIN Men’s League Pennant WYALKATCHEM Women’s League Pennant East Avon Bowling League TAMMIN Men’s League Pennant Div 1 QUAIRADING GREEN Men’s League Pennant Div 2 CUNDERDIN GREEN Women’s League Pennant Goldfields Unified Bowling League KALGOORLIE GREEN Men’s League Pennant BOULDER BLACK Women’s League Pennant Great Southern Bowling League not played at time of print Men’s League Pennant Div 1 not played at time of print Men’s League Pennant Div 2 WAGIN Women’s League Pennant Leeuwin Bowling League DUNSBOROUGH BLUE Men’s League Pennant Div 1 AUGUSTA Men’s League Pennant Div 2 AUGUSTA Women’s League Pennant Lower Great Southern Bowling League MIDDLETON BEACH GOLD Men’s League Pennant Div 1 CRANBROOK Men’s League Pennant Div 2 MT BARKER GOLF WHITE Men’s League Pennant Div 3 MIDDLETON BEACH GREEN Women’s League Pennant Div 1 MT BARKER GOLF Women’s League Pennant Div 2
Moore Districts Bowling League GINGIN RED Men’s League Pennant GINGIN RED Women’s League Pennant Murray Districts Bowling League YUNDERUP Men’s League Pennant Div 1 BODDINGTON Men’s League Pennant Div 2 YUNDERUP Men’s League Pennant Div 3 PORT BOUVARD 1 Men’s League Pennant Div 4 PORT BOUVARD Men’s Midweek Pennant Div 1 HALLS HEAD Men’s Midweek Pennant Div 2 YUNDERUP Men’s Midweek Pennant Div 3 WAROONA Men’s Midweek Pennant Div 4 DUDLEY PARK GOLD Women’s League Pennant Div 1 HALLS HEAD Women’s League Pennant Div 2 WAROONA Women’s League Pennant Div 3 PINJARRA Women’s League Pennant Div 4 North Midlands Bowling League MINGENEW Men’s League Pennant THREE SPRINGS Women’s League Pennant Pilbara Bowling League played in September Mixed League Pennant South Central Arunga Bowling League KULIN Men’s League Pennant NEWDEGATE Women’s League Pennant South East Coastal Bowling League ESPERNACE-CASTLETOWN Men’s League Pennant ESPERANCE Women’s League Pennant South Eastern Bowling League MERREDIN BLUE Men’s League Pennant CIVIC Women’s League Pennant South West Bowling League BUSSELTON RED Men’s League Pennant Div 1 EATON BLUE Men’s League Pennant Div 2 BUSSELTON RED Men’s League Pennant Div 3 BUSSELTON RED Men’s Midweek Pennant Div 1 EATON BLUE Men’s Midweek Pennant Div 2 COLLIE BLUE Men’s Midweek Pennant Div 3 CAPEL Women’s League Pennant Div 1 BUSSELTON RED Women’s League Pennant Div 2 BUNBURY Women’s League Pennant Div 3 Upper Great Southern Bowling League BROOKTON Men’s League Pennant Div 1 BROOKTON Men’s League Pennant Div 2 PINGELLY Women’s League Pennant
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Port Bouvard Recreation and Sporting Club Inc. Patron Dr Kim Hames, MLA Deputy Premier and Member for Dawesville, is also the Patron of Port Bouvard Recreation and Sporting Club Inc.
Inaugural Junior Singles Championship On Sunday 23rd March, in beautiful conditions, the first ever Junior Singles Championship was held at the Halls Head Bowling Club in Erskine. It was designed to coincide with the finals of the Men’s Singles on the same day. Five boys competed in the competition. With a 9am start and two sections playing to 13 shots up the spectators were provided with some nail biting bowls. Up for grabs was the Perpetual Shield, a trophy for the winner and the honour of being the first to take away this Singles Final. Everyone was extremely impressed with the standard of bowls provided by the boys. The spectators were on the edge of their seats watching it. After having to play three games, Brock Dhu made his way into the final against Patrick O’Reilly. Patrick had Brock down 8 nil until Brock began to make a come-back. Then it was shot for shot, with Brock finally clawing his way back to win. It was a great spectator sport and all boys played with great sportsmanship and in a friendly fashion. With ages ranging from7 to 13 they are to be commended for their bowls and conduct on the green. We’re all looking forward to next year’s Championship. Meanwhile, the State Under 18s competition is looming in early next month. Well done to all the boys; Brock Dhu (12) the winner, Patrick O’Reilly (13), runner up and fellow competitors, Izak Bennett (11), Harvey Boyce(13) and youngest of them all, Jase Dhu (7). We are grateful to the sponsors of our Junior Bowls Program, Halls Head Community Branch of Bendigo Bank. Thanks to them and our energetic and keen volunteers, we are able to provide free bowls coaching for Juniors (bowls provided) every Monday afternoon during school term from 4pm. Our current group of Junior bowlers has come from the annual inter-school bowling carnival which will be held again towards the end of this year.
Kim visited the Club and joined in Friday afternoon scroungers competing with Club President Ron Jones and Director of Finance Bob Court. He has been a past member of the WA Government Parliamentary Bowls Team and although has had limited opportunity to play in recent times he performed admirable and defeated our Club regular Pennant players. Dr Hames took the opportunity of greeting a group of year 6 and 7 students from Ocean Road Primary School who were attending the Club as part of the School development program.
Kim has generously agreed to be Quizmaster at the Club’s annual Quiz Night on April 13th and a big crowd is expected to be in attendance. It’s excellent to see our Patron and a very senior State Leader participating in our great game and also making valuable time available to a regional Recreation & Sporting Club.
South Western Bowling Zone Inter League Round Robin Fours – 13th & 14th February 2013 This event was held at the Halls Head Bowling & Recreation Club in windy, but cooler conditions than the preceding few days. South West League made an impressive start on the first day with three rink wins (6 Points) from Leeuwin Bowling League and Blackwood Bowling League with two rink wins each (4 points), and Murray Districts Bowling League on one rink win (2 points). However, the second and third rounds on Day Two saw a complete change in fortune, with Murray Districts League sweeping the competition with wins on all rinks for a final
total of 18 points. Congratulations to the only unbeaten team of the competition. Vicki Spragg (Skip) Pat Cant (Third) Shirley Melvin (Second) Glenne Carter (Lead) of Murray Districts league.
Results Murray Districts League South West League Blackwood League Leeuwin League
18 points 12 points 10 points 8 points
Northern Bowling Zone Inter League Round Robin Pairs - 9th & 10th February 2013 The Moore District Ladies Bowling League had a very successful weekend playing at Denison in the Northern Bowling Zone Inter League Round Robin Pairs competition run over two days under very hot conditions. Starting play at 7:30am coming off at 10am, the ladies were back on the green at 3pm to miss the midday heat. It was a very close competition between Moore District, Batavia, Central West Coast, Central Midlands and North Midlands. Moore District was able to secure their win by two rink wins from Batavia in the last match of the day. Winning Team Moore District Bowling League
L-R Back Row: Jenny Treasure,(Bindoon), Michelle Greene(Gingin) Sylvia Fragall(Lancelin). Noeleen Keeffe (Gingin), Di Rubery (Ledge Point), Terese Leete (Bindoon), Kerry Fewster (Gingin) Front Row: Prue Pearce (Lancelin), Kathy Gobbart (Gingin), Lynn Donato (Lancelin), Chris Moyle (Ledge Point), Pat Williams (Lancelin), Julie Watson (Gingin) mediatonic.com.au