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Bowls WA General Information
The office is situated on the 1st floor, 158 Main Street, Osborne Park. Official office hours are 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Thursday and 8am to 4pm Friday, excluding public holidays.
All correspondence must be addressed to: Bowls WA, PO Box 123, Osborne Park WA 6917, or emailed to: enquiries@bowlswa.com.au • Any mail that is of a private nature should be marked “private” on the outside of the envelope. • All mail is previewed and then passed on to the relevant personnel. • Please advise in writing any alterations to fixtures, club details, committee members or addresses.
Unless stated otherwise, all correspondence will be directed to the Hon Secretary. Please note: any other requests to amend club information and mailing details must be provided to Bowls WA in writing.
Bowls WA will allocate a date for all metropolitan clubs to collect stock for the season. This will include, Handbooks, Scorecards and Pennant Result Pads. If Leagues require stock prior to the Metropolitan season, they should advise Bowls WA. The collection of any/all items is the responsibility of the club. Information regarding this collection will be sent to the clubs.
Bowls WA will provide a mailout (email) to all clubs on a monthly basis. All information is emailed to the Club or nominated representative. The mailout will consist of general information and entry forms. All information sent in the mailout will also be available on the Bowls WA website.
Bowls WA distributes an e-newsletter on a regular basis during the bowling season. The e-news covers recent results, information on events, club development information etc. To be added to the mailing list email “Bowls WA e-news” in the subject line to enquiries@bowlswa.com.au. Clubs and members are strongly encouraged to register for the e-news.
Entry forms for Bowls WA events will be emailed to clubs and posted on the Bowls WA website at least one month prior to the event commencing. Please do not contact the office unless you have not received details by the expected date. Payments must be made as part of the entry process; Visa and MasterCard are both accepted.
BOWLS WA MERCHANDISE- PRICE LIST (Correct as at the time of print. Prices subject to change and include GST)
Bowls WA Eight (8) Badges * $3.00 50 Badges ****
$5.00 Club Eight (8) Badges** $3.00 Veterans Badges ***** $9.00 Professionals Bowls Stickers 1 sheet*** $1.50 Bowls Stickers (range of colours) 100 per roll $10.00 Laws of the Sport of Bowls $9.00 Officiating Manual $25.00 Activities Handbook $20.00 Friendships Badges $5.00 Scorecards - Sets Play (per 100) $8.00 Welcome Packs $6.00
Scorecards - 26 ends (per 1000) $30.00 “In The Groove” Booklet $4.00
Orders may be phoned, faxed or emailed. Merchandise can be posted or collected in person, the merchandise will be accompanied with an invoice including postage (where necessary). *Bowls WA Eight Badges - are only for players competing in Bowls WA events, State events, Pennants, League and Zone Championships. **Club 8 Badges - are only for club events, including gala days, carnivals etc. *** Four (4) stickers per sheet ****50 Badges - are only for players competing in Bowls WA events, State events, Pennants, League and Zone Championships. *****Veteran’s Badges - are only for players who have reached the age of 70 years or above.
Cheques should be crossed “Not Negotiable” and made payable to Bowls WA. Cheques need to be sent with relevant information attached or written on the back of the cheque. Payments can be paid direct into the Bowls WA account with a suitable invoice number or reference then please email liz@bowlswa.com.au advising date, amount and details of payment. Payments can also be made over the phone by Credit Card (Visa or Mastercard only), please call 9340 0800.
If you require any further information on PAYMENTS or ACCOUNTS, please contact our Finance Officer.
All photographs taken at Bowls WA events by the Official Photographer remain the property of Bowls WA. Photographs can be purchased through Bowls WA.
Bowls WA produces a quarterly magazine - Jack Hi. Jack Hi editions are available online via the Bowls WA website. Spring and Autumn editions are produced and distributed to clubs. Clubs or individuals are encouraged to submit stories and photographs for publication in this magazine. Please note that publication is at the discretion of the Jack Hi Editor. Jack Hi submissions are to be sent to: aaron@bowlswa.com.au.
Jack Hi Deadlines
* check the Jack Hi for exact submission deadlines of the next edition
Spring Summer
Submissions & Bookings Due* Published
Early July Early October Late July Late October
Late January Early April Late February Late April
Bowls WA’s insurance for Personal and Accident is for all bowlers above club level that suffer an injury as a result of an accident whilst playing bowls. The insurance is to cover bowlers in Bowls WA State Events. Please note that bowlers playing in pennant competition are representing their club and are not covered by Bowls WA Insurance. Clubs are strongly advised to consult their insurance broker to ensure that the club has the appropriate and adequate insurance in place. For further information on how to claim or what benefits you will receive from the BWA policy, please contact BCiB on 1300 657 058 or info@bcib.com.au
The Bowls WA Constitution is available on the website.
The Bowls WA By Laws are continually revised. The Bowls WA Board has the power to change these By Laws. These are available on the Bowls WA website.
Bowls WA Policies are reviewed and updated regularly, and are available on the website.
Bowls Australia Policies can be downloaded from the Bowls Australia website.
Please be advised that the staff members of Bowls WA are not permitted to provide personal phone numbers, email addresses or postal addresses of any member of a bowling club who does not hold an official position with Bowls WA. Staff can provide contact information of members on the Board and Committees who are acting in an official capacity.
Clubs are encouraged to foster junior programs. All volunteers or paid staff that work with children are required to obtain a Working with Children Check (WWCC). Clubs are responsible for ensuring that the volunteers/paid staff have their WWCC. Applications for WWCC can be obtained from the local post office. Refer to http://workingwithchildren. wa.gov.au. For more information of junior/schools programs please contact the Bowls WA Office.
Clubs are requested to provide Bowls WA with colour copies/photographs of their club uniform. If a club changes its uniform, it must have written permission from Bowls WA and be supplied by an approved Bowls Australia manufacturer. For more information, please refer to the Bowls WA Attire Policy on the website.
Information regarding Umpire accreditation and re-accreditation courses will be sent to clubs in the mailout. Metropolitan courses are generally held twice a year - prior to the season in September and after the season in May. Application forms are available online. For further information, contact the Umpires Committee Chairperson or the Bowls WA Office.
Bowls WA conducts courses for club coaches, introductory coaches and re-accreditations. Information including application forms will be sent to clubs in the mailout and is also available via the Bowls WA Website. Please contact the Bowls WA Office for more information.
The Greens & Infrastructure Committee will conduct metropolitan inspections at least once a year. For information regarding greens, please contact the Greens & Infrastructure Committee Chairperson or the Bowls WA Office.