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Textiles, Design and Fashion
Who is this course for?
This course is designed for Art & Design students who have studied at GCSE level, have prior knowledge of and an interest in art, design, textiles and fashion.
Course Details
The OCR A LEVEL Textiles Design and Fashion course builds on the knowledge gained at GCSE Art and Design level. This course covers a twoyear period and prepares students for further courses in art, design, textiles and fashion. The 2 year course comprises of 2 components.
Component 01: Personal investigation (2 parts)
In response to a theme, students will produce the following elements. Part 1. The Personal Portfolio: an extensive sketchbook, several practical studies and final outcomes covering the assessment objectives. Part 2. The Related Study: an extended piece of writing demonstrating an understanding of an area of art related research. The related study should consist of a minimum of 1000 words. These 2 parts contribute 60% to the overall weighting of OCR’s Art and Design A Level.
Component 2: Externally Set Task
Externally set task. The early release paper will be issued on 1 February in the year of certification. It will provide learners with a range of themes each with written and visual starting points, a brief and stimuli. From these, one option must be selected by the learner on which they must base their personal response. The Externally set task is a non exam assessment. It is internally marked and externally moderated. It contributes 40% to the overall weighting of OCR’s Art and Design A Level.
Core Content
This component allows students opportunities to generate and develop ideas, research primary and contextual sources, record practical and written observations, experiment with media and processes, and refine ideas towards producing personal resolved outcome(s). Learners are required to choose one or more area(s) of study, such as: • Garments/Fashion • Accessories • Soft furnishings • Printed and/or dyed textiles • Constructed textiles • Textile installation • Expressive textiles This will require students to address each of the Assessment Objectives. AO1 Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding. AO2 Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops. AO3 Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting critically on work and progress. AO4 Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and, where appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements. Students must work within the specific discipline of Textile & Fashion Design.
Career Opportunities
Students will gain a broader understanding of the art, design and textiles industry for pathways including: Retail for Fashion & Business; Buying, Merchandising, Visual Merchandising, Creative Director, Fashion Marketing, Teaching & Lecturing (up to University level), Fashion Design and Interior Design, Printmaking.