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Who is this course for?
This course is designed for study at both Higher Level (HL) and Standard Level (SL). The course considers essential components of Physics and covers a range of topics in both SL and HL. As well students also study an optional topic chosen from: astrophysics; imaging; engineering physics; relativity. Students are challenged to take their existing understanding of the topics and go deeper by considering new implications and situations, and to further develop their laboratory techniques by developing and carrying out a range of practical experiments.
Course Details
The IB Physics course requires the study of the following core content:
Core Content for Standard Level
• Measurement and uncertainties • Mechanics • Thermal physics • Waves • Electricity and magnetism • Circular motion and gravitation • Atomic, nuclear and particle physics • Energy production
Content for Higher Level
• Wave phenomena • Fields • Electromagnetic induction • Quantum and nuclear physics
Paper 1 Written exam, 30 marks multiple-choice 3/4 hour (SL) 20% at SL, 40 marks multiple-choice at HL 1 hour (HL) 20% Paper 2 Written exam, 50 marks short answer and 1 1/4 hours (SL) 40% extended response (SL); 95 marks short answer and extended response (HL) 2 1/4 hours (HL) 36% Paper 3 Written exam, 35 marks (SL), 45 marks 1 hour (SL) 20% (HL) short and long answer 1 1/4 hours (HL) 24% Internal Written Report (6-12 pages) 20% Assessment
Career Opportunities
Physics is a useful qualification for a wide range of science orientated university courses and careers. The skills developed on the course, such as the ability to analyse and evaluate situations mathematically and laboratory techniques, will ensure students have acquired valuable skills for application in the laboratory and classroom.