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Who is this course for?
Biology is the study of living things, right down to a molecular level to look at the very fundamental question of “what is life?” Biology centralises around an understanding of how cells function and interact to create complex life forms, and how those life forms are adapted and fit into a wider environment. Modern technology has allowed greater and greater levels of control and manipulation of this understanding to impact all areas of life from what food you eat to what medical treatments you could receive to advances in biotechnology that could have global consequences. If the 20th century was the century of physics, the 21st is definitely the century of biology.
Course Details
The biology course covers the following content:
Core Content
1. Cell biology 2. Molecular biology 3. Genetics 4. Ecology 5. Evolution and biodiversity 6. Human physiology
Additional higher level (AHL)
7. Nucleic acids 8. Metabolism, cell respiration and photosynthesis 9. Plant biology 10. Genetics and evolution 11. Animal physiology Plus an “option” unit on Ecology. There is also a piece of scientific investigation work which must be designed, conducted and analysed by the student. Full and detailed guidance is given and this covers 20% of the final grade.
Paper 1 Multiple choice questions 60 mins HL 20% 20% 45 mins SL Paper 2 Data based questions plus short 135 mins HL 36% 40% response questions plus an 75 mins SL extended response question Paper 3 Short response questions on 75 mins HL 24% 20% experimental technique plus 60 mins SL questions on the option unit Individual A full investigation into a 20% 20% Assignment topic/question of their choice
Career Opportunities
There are a great many fields open to biology that are obvious (medicine, veterinary science, nursing, dentistry etc) but biological research is a huge and diverse area. You could find yourself in any field of lab based research from looking for new cancer treatments to developing the next generation of food crop to studying climate change or analysing fossils of ancient beasts. Aside from that, any science teaches critical thinking and investigation skills. These are highly sought after in almost any field.