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Who is this course for?
The course is designed for study at both Higher Level (HL) and Standard Level (SL). Studying chemistry after your GCSEs really develops your practical and mathematical skills. If you enjoy experimenting in the lab, you’ll love it. Chemistry is an experimental science that combines academic study with the acquisition of practical and investigational skills. Chemical principles underpin both the physical environment in which we live and all biological systems. Chemistry is often a prerequisite for many other courses in higher education, such as medicine, biological science and environmental. The skills developed on the course, such as the ability to analyse and evaluate data will ensure students have acquired valuable skills for application in the wider world.
Course Details
Both IB Chemistry SL and HL require the study of the following core content:
Core Content
• Physical chemistry • Organic chemistry • Inorganic chemistry • Practical skills
Paper 1 Multiple choice questions HL 60 mins 20% 20% SL 45 mins Paper 2 Data based questions plus short HL 135 mins 36% 40% response questions plus an SL 75 mins extended response question Paper 3 Short response questions on HL 75 mins 24% 20% experimental technique plus SL 60 mins questions on the option unit Individual A full investigation into a topic/ 20% 20% Assignment question of their choice.
Career Opportunities
Studying Chemistry at IB or degree level opens up plenty of career opportunities, such as: analytical chemist, chemical engineer, clinical biochemist, pharmacologist, medical doctor, research scientist, toxicologist, environmental consultant and much more.