Project 4/ A New Heart Unit 1A Boyan Hristov
Site Conditions
Map showing differerent areas of gentrification in London
/Consequences of Gentrification In many areas in London the process of regeneration has been more and more apparent in recent years. However, contrary to the supposed benefits, in most cases the local inhabitants suffer directily from the drastic change and feel neglected from higher institutions as the place they know as home vanishes. Elephant & Casle, part of Southwak council and situated south from the Thames is one of the newest areas that have undergone a drastic transformation. With the abolishion of the notorious Heygate Estate and the many luxurious high rises succeeding it many local residents fear their community can be forever lost.
/Site Location The large island inside one of the busiest roundabouts in London so far has been left unused. Being situated in the heart of the area and visible from every angle I decided to make use of the space while benefiting from its central location, this way attracting many visitors. In addition, The London College of Communication, part of the University of the Arts London, is in close proximity, therefore the project can be seen as an extention of the latter institution, acting as a new mini-campus.
Bird Eye VIew of the site as seen in context with Elephant and Castle
Project 4/ Unit 1A Boyan Hristov
Drivers and reasons for programme:
Local Heroes
Revival of Golden Ages
Sense of Community
/Desing Intent In such times of drastic change it is crucial for a community to be preserved. Introducing a new cultural centre that can educate, entertain and connect the people would be of benefit to the residents of Elephant & Castle. Resonating with the history of the area, particularly the time of the famous Trocadero Picturehouse as well as the birth and childhood of Charlie Chaplin the typology of a film and photography school comprising of a cinema and gallery space would be suitable.
/Public Journey
Gallery Cinema
Camera Obscura Tower
Film/Photography School
Screenings Discussions
Learning Making
Subterranean Connection
The new campus/centre is comprised of three main cores surrounding a public square accessible from subterranean level. These cores are connected through a series of underground tunnels that act as galley space creating a journey for the public, starting from the cinema, through the camera obscura tower and finishing inside the school. The aim of this journey is to evoke interest in visitors who may have the desire to enroll in the educating process for either short or long term and qualify for a creative profession.
Main Massing:
Public Square
1. School/Education Building 2. Cinema/Discussion Building 3. Camera Obscura Tower
Project 4/ Unit 1A Boyan Hristov
Bird Eye Perspective
Project 4/ Unit 1A Boyan Hristov
/Elephant & Castle Cinema The large cinema space would offer various screening events that are followed by discussion sessions.
Project 4/ Unit 1A Boyan Hristov
Lower Ground Level Starting from the cinema on ground level, the journey continues underground. After experiencing the camera obscura tower the public enter the school’s lower level. From there they can take the stairs and explore it further.
3 6 3
1. Set Design/ Modelling Studio 2. Analogue Post Production 3. WCs 4. Main Film Studio 5. Film Developing Area 6. Dark Room 7. Gallery Space 8. Camera Obscura Tower
Entrance from cinema
Camera Obscura Tower
7 4
Fillm School
0m 1m
20m 10m
Project 4/ Unit 1A Boyan Hristov
Ground (Subway) Level The scheme is only accessible through the subway system of the roundabout , with the Underground on the one side and the train station to the other. From this level the cinema and the school can be entered. The cinema comprises of a big spacious screening space and a corridor that leads to the underground gallery space that itself lead to the camera obscura tower. The school’s ground level has a shop for renting/buying photographic equipment and materials, a spacious reception and two large photographic studios that are accessible from a bridge that overlooks the set design workshop, allowing interraction.
3 3
1. Reception 2. Shop/Renting Equipment 3. Photo Studios 4. Large Screening/Discussion Space 5. Corridor leading to exhibirion tunnels 6. Public Square 7. Amphiteatre Seating
Slopedd Tunnel to Camera Obscura Tower
6 7
Camera Obscura Tower
Fillm School
0m 1m
20m 10m
Project 4/ Unit 1A Boyan Hristov
First Floor (Street Level) On this level the school is divided into two segments: public, being the cafĂŠ (the end of the journey) and private/educational one, where classrooms and seminar rooms are positioned. The top part of the tower is accessible from the public square via the stairs of the amphitheatre seating. The space is enclosed with copper mesh and on the outside of the tower instructions and infromation about the device are engraved onto the conrete.
1. CafĂŠ 2. Sound Dubbling Studio 3. Digital Post Production Space 4. Classroom 5. Seminar/Brainstorming Room 6. Camera Obscura Information
4 5
Camera Obscura Tower
Fillm School
0m 1m
20m 10m
Project 4/ Unit 1A Boyan Hristov
Second Floor On the top level of the school a large open library with mezzanine level is situated. From there the whole building can be seen, as well as the outside square. On one side a stepped reading space is placed that has a more private function. This space itself has a large window opening that overlooks roundabout of Elepant and Castle.
3 2
1. Library 2. Private Reading Space 3. Lecture Theatre/ Screening Room Camera Obscura Tower
Fillm School
0m 1m
20m 10m
Project 4/ Unit 1A Boyan Hristov
/The Camera Obscura Tower Since the pinhole camera is thought to be the beginning of photography it is appropriate that it is encorporated in the design as a key space and an important part of the journey. The tower is built from reinforced concrete and comprises of a small perforation on top which lets light that is reflected onto a white paper screen with a mirror projecting a live image of the outside. On ground (subway) level the tower is covered with copper skin supported by a steel exosceleton. Inside on the outside of the tower instructions on how the deviice functions are engraved onto the concrete.This has an aim to evoke interest in the public and persuade them to take the journey and experience an exciting show of how the area is changing right before their eyes.
/Hierarchy of scheme The school building is divided vertically into different zones, each having their own functions. On underground level all the analogue processes of photography (film development, post production) are placed. The reason for this stays behind the fact that such activities would be disrupted from natural sunlight. In addition, a set design workshop would be appropriate so that it has direct access to the big film studio. In order for the working studio to be efficiently lit, a rooflight is introduced at the back. As we go up, the space becomes more open. All the teaching /learning activities are placed there, as well the digiral branch of filmmaking/photography. The overall play with multiple heiight spaces allows interraction and creates various glimpses of different activites, interesting for both the public and the students. The hierarchy can also be expressed materially with having rough concrete panels on the lower levels and large glazed facade above.
Project 4 Boyan
4/ Unit 1A Hristov
Sectional Perspective
Exploded Axonometric
Perspective 1/ Seeing the Island The Elephant and Castle roundabout is one of the busiest roads in London, this meaning that thousands of people pass through it every day. Since the building is sunk at subterranean level and the speed of the passing vehicles people are only able to catch glimpses of the vibrant atmosphere. Because of that many would be intriguied and would be interested to pay the school a visit.
Perspective 2/ Glimpse of Privte Reading Space A large opening lets people see part of the school and acts as an invitation to go inside and explore it. With the stepped private reading space on focus and the mezzanine library behind it the school reveals its friendly spaces . In addition, an interesting contrast is created between the juxtaposition of the rusted copper facade and the exctiting interior.
Project 4/ Unit 1A Boyan Hristov/
Perspective 8/ View from the Library Once one has reached to the top level, the school reveals itself. The multiple height atrium creates visibility and interraction between different levels. The glass facade opens up a view towards the public square and the concrete waffle slab’s circular skylights create a dramatic lighting effect mimicing a camera lens.
Perspective 9/ The Big Film Studio This space is one of the main cores of the school. Its big size green screen allows shooting of various scenes.
Project 4/ Unit 1A Boyan Hristov/
Perspective 7/ The CafĂŠ The public cafĂŠ is the end point of the journey. After walking through the underground exhibition space, the camera obscura tower and the whole school, people can have the privilege of observing films being shot at the scene while having a drink.
Perspective 3/ The Public Square As one enters the plaza from the dark subway he is striked by the vibrance of the place. The whole sheme opens up and reveals an atmosphere that is in contrast to the streets of the roundabout. The exoskeleton mesh of the camera obscura tower on the right evokes interest while the open glazed facade of the school on the left invites to come inside and explore. The giant transparent media facade screens intriguing visuals and invites people to sit in the amphitheatre seating and watch.
Project 4/ Unit 1A Boyan Hristov/
Perspective 4/ Underground Gallery Space As people enter the underground exhibition space they will be shown work produced by the students of the school. The photographs will be exhibited in the form of projections onto the walls, making them stand out in the rather dark underground passage. This corridor is kept unlit intentionally so that the visitors’ eyes can adjust for the camera obscura space, thus being able to see the image that is reflected.
Perspective 5/ Camera Obscura Tower This space is a key part of the journey as it allows the public to observe Elephant and Castle changing right before their eyes.
Project 4/ Unit 1A Boyan Hristov/
Perspective 6/ Interraction While climbing the stairs to the cafĂŠ visitors will be able to see all the various activities that occur in the school..
Transparent Media Facade Part Model Detail
2 Reinforced Concrete Waffle Slab External
3 4
Transparent LED Mesh
Steel Exoskeleton
Alumium Window Frame
Steel Columns
1. Transparent Media Facade 2. Vertical Steel Exostructure 3. Horizontal Steel Exostructure 4. Tension Cable Eyebolt 5. Aluminium Window Frame 6. Steel Column
Concrete Columns
1 2
3 4
5 6
Exploded Axonometric of Part Model
1. LED Lights 2. Covering 3. Horizontal Steel Rod 4. Tension Cable Fixing 5. Tension Metal Cable 6. Plastic Disc
Project 4/ Unit 1A Boyan Hristov