3 minute read
From the General Manager
Crunch Time

WATCH VIDEO UPDATE: https://youtu.be/Mln5TsOfkGQ
Mandatory vaccinations for customers and staff are inevitable in South Australia.
Such mandates are a reality in all other states because those State Governments decided to make it compulsory for businesses and hospitality.
The SA Government have chosen not to. They say that the decision should be up to each business and not imposed by Government.
But the devil is in the detail!
The state’s COVID READY PLAN, released hurriedly on 25 October 2021 makes it very clear that when the State reaches a double vaccination level of 90% of 12-year olds and over, the current restrictions will be reviewed. Further, the COVID READY PLAN says quite clearly that ‘high risk’ activities such as night clubs (read this as code for dancing) and standing and consuming alcohol (as opposed to soft drink or water?) will only be available for those who are double vaccinated.
That’s right! If a venue wishes to benefit from removing restrictions then the venue must mandate double vaccinations for customers and therefore by default, all staff – or at least those who are customer facing. If a venue chooses NOT to require double vaccinations, which will be their right, it will mean they will be denied the right to trade without restrictions.
So, it’s essentially a Government imposed double vaccination mandate but via the back door. The venue has the ‘choice’ but the venue really has no choice as they will be placed at a significant commercial disadvantage compared to competitors who do require double vaccinations.
Similarly, with 90% plus of the community vaccinated appropriately ie. double vaccinated, a large part of the community will be ‘demanding’ such a standard be applied at their favourite pub, bar, dining room, hotel, etc.
Accepting this reality, members must start a process of consultation with employees.
The AHA|SA has developed an extensive resource handbook available on our website and we have the expertise to help you start that process (please note - members must be logged in to access resources).
The Government’s failure to mandate puts every SA business at some risk of litigation, protest and abuse. That said, the sooner you action a double vaccination plan, the sooner you will enjoy improved trading conditions.
Vale Doug Elefsen

The hotel industry was deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Doug “Dougie” Elefsen.
Doug was the publican of Minnipa Hotel and joined the Council in 1981 as the representative of the Eyre Peninsula region.
He served with great distinction on Council for 30 years, and was a highly regarded voice around the table when decisions were being made that affected regional hotels.
Doug was known as a man who was selfless in his service to others, both in the local and hotel community, and he always worked to ensure the position of the AHA|SA was understood by MPs and aspiring politicians in his electorate
He was awarded Life membership of the AHA|SA in 2001 for his support and dedication to the hotel industry and the AHA|SA council, before retiring from council in 2011.
Doug was born in Minnipa in 1926 and enlisted in Australia’s war effort in 1944, attaining the rank of Leading Aircraftman.
He was well known for his aviation skills - in fact he would fly his single engine plane to Adelaide to attend the AHA|SA Council meetings every month!
Doug was survived by Beryl, his wife of 71 years who was recently inducted into the Women In Hotels Hall of Fame, and 18 great grandchildren and 1 great, great grandson.
We send our deepest condolences to Beryl, Rick and Lorraine and families.