2 minute read
New AHA|SA Bronze Corporate Partner – Make it Cheaper
Make it Cheaper is here to help members reduce and manage their energy costs. AHA|SA members will receive an obligation-free review of their energy bills and contract together with details of alternative moneysaving energy offers, where available.
Many businesses in the hotel and hospitality industry typically have a high energy consumption profile and it isn't just high electricity bills, many have very high gas usage too. It can often be the case when hotels and hospitality venues are starting out, they are hesitant to commit to long term commercial contracts. For this very reason it is essential to engage with an energy
procurement specialist like Make it Cheaper to ensure you contract your business correctly.
Make it Cheaper’s energy experts continually monitor the market to find great offers, and they take care of the paperwork and retailer notifications to make switching simple. Hotels that move from current contracts into the cheaper price cycle can make substantial savings, and a number of plans now offset carbon emissions from energy usage for no extra cost.
For a free review of your hotel’s energy bill click this link: www.makeitcheaper.com.au/landing/ahasa
Chip in for Mary Potter Passes $1 Million

The 10th Chip in for Mary Potter Golf day raised over $150,000 this year, taking the accumulated total to over $1.1 million.
The event’s Chair, Jenny Hurley, said the funds raised will enable the completion of the refurbishment project at the Mary Potter Hospice.
“October 22nd, another great day of golf, great drinks, food and camaraderie – with the weather on our side - a near perfect day,” she said.
“Along with the patients, their families and the staff at the Mary Potter Hospice, plus the staff, volunteers and board of Mary Potter Foundation - I would like to express my sincere appreciation for your generous support.
“And a special mention to our joint Major Sponsors - Coopers, Lion and CUB.”
Hole Sponsors were Thomas Foods International, Peter Kittle Toyota, SA Power Networks, Hurley Hotel Group, Coca Cola, PFD Food Services, Sip’n Save, Burke Urban/Wicks Estate Wines, Franklin Advisory, Bidfood, Perks Accountants, Bradley Trade Services, Adelaide Tools, Big Screen Video (BSV) and AON. Calvary North Adelaide Hospital was drink cart sponsor.
Team sponsors were Ouwens Casserly Real Estate, Diageo, JB Were, BankSA, Built, JRCM Commercial Joinery, Treasury Wine Estate, Nelson Teamwear, ANZ Bank, Hugo Wines, Lane Print and Post and Joc & Co.