2 minute read

Supporting Members Right Across South Australia

Regional South Australia is a powerhouse of our economy and the MTA is committed to providing the highest level of support to businesses right across the state.

CEO Darrell Jacobs and General Manager of Apprenticeships Jodi Ryan recently visited local Eyre Peninsula businesses, the District Council of Cleve and the MTA’s Cleve Automotive Skills Centre. During the visit they met with Members Pringles Crouch and Ramsey Bros which hosted the MTA and highlighted their impressive operations.

With a proportion of MTA Members based in rural and regional SA, it is important that every business receives the support it deserves, regardless of its location.

On the training side, the MTA is hoping to grow the number of Eyre Peninsula apprentices as a result of its recent upgrades to the Cleve Automotive Skills Centre. The association is always looking at ways to deliver more courses and ultimately help business fill labour shortages.

With Jodi Ryan at the MTA’s Cleve Automotive Skills Centre.
Visiting Ramsey Bros in Cleve.
Inspecting the impressive facilities at Pringles Crouch.
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