2 minute read

Congratulations to the Exceptional Graduates and all the Deserving Award Winners

Apprentice of the Year Award

Sponsored by Spirit Super

Samuel White, hosted at Detrac Diesel

Royal Park Training Centre Student of the Year Award

Sponsored by Capricorn Society

Steven Iosefellis, employed at JVS Bodyworks

Bordertown Training Centre Student of the Year Award

Sponsored by Tatiara Truck & Trailers

Tom Fulcher, employed at Brandt Tractor

Cleve Training Centre Student of the Year Award

Sponsored by Cleve Hotel Motel

Jake Cunningham, employed at Pringles Crouch Ag Plus

Most Outstanding First Year Apprentice Award

Sponsored by Axalta Coating Systems (Australia)

Jaxon Webb, hosted at Fulton Hogan

Most Outstanding Second Year Apprentice Award

Sponsored by RAA Group

Amelia Larsen, employed at Evolution Crash Repairs

Most Outstanding Third Year Apprentice Award

Sponsored by MAS National

Lewis Sinnott, employed at Solid Mechanical and Engineering

Bob Goldsworthy Award

Sponsored by PPG Industries

James Tucker, employed at JVS Bodyworks

School-based Apprentice of the Year Award

Sponsored by St Patrick’s Technical College

Jakob Lawrance, hosted at Hull Mechanical

VET Student of the Year

Sponsored by MEGT (Australia)

Alexander Brice, from Findon High School

VET Coordinator of the Year Award

Sponsored by Government of South Australia, Department for Education

Matthew McDonald, VET Coordinator at Waikerie High School

Commitment to Safety Award

Sponsored by ADAS Solutions

Mark Harding, employed at Tatiara Truck & Trailers

Innovative Excellence Award

Sponsored by Myenergi

Joshua Will, employed at Tatiara Truck & Trailers

MTA SA/NT Trainer of the Year Award

Sponsored by Rayton Electrical

Jeff Evers, MTA SA/NT Regional Trainer and Assessor

MTA SA/NT Emerging Trainer of the Year Award

Sponsored by Motor Trade Association of SA/NT

Tynam Dean, MTA SA/NT Light Vehicle Trainer & Assessor

Apprentice Employer of the Year Award

Sponsored by Motor Trade Association of SA/NT North East Isuzu

2023 MTA Apprentice of the Year, Samuel White.

MTA CEO, Darrell Jacobs.
Automotive Awards and Graduation Ceremony guests.

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