3 minute read

CEO’s Message


As we creep ever closer to the end of 2021, it’s evident this year hasn’t quite been the reprise from the turbulent 2020 we had all hoped for.

Further lockdowns and tough restrictions have hit South Australia, while continuing issues on the eastern seaboard have resulted in ongoing stock supply problems for many members.

The entire MTA team has kept their finger on the pulse to ensure members have access to the best information possible when making important business decisions during this period.

If you haven’t already, our online COVID-19 Business Portal is regularly updated to answer your vital questions about trading through current restrictions and provide useful resources like downloadable signage and information on government grants.

Trying not to get consumed by the day-to-day hurdles of this pandemic, we have still witnessed impressive innovation and adaptability from many businesses, along with great advocacy wins and developments over the past few months.


In a big step forward for the collision repair industry, the Member for Waite and former presiding member of the Economic and Finance Committee, Sam Duluk MP, introduced his Bill in SA Parliament to mandate the Motor Vehicle Insurance and Repair Industry Code of Conduct in South Australia, with a robust mediation process and penalties for breaches.

The Bill has passed South Australian Parliament’s lower house with support from Labor, independent MPs as well as some MPs within the Liberal Party. An amendment was also introduced by the Labor Party to compel insurers to clearly state whether an insurance policy has a choice of repairer option. This amendment was also passed by the House. The Bill will now enter the upper house where the MTA will engage with members of the Legislative Council to push for this Bill to become law in South Australia.


In September, we submitted our response to the draft South Australia’s Road Safety Strategy to 2031 which aims to reduce road deaths by 50% and serious injuries by 30% by 2030.

Our key message to the government is that ‘all South Australians deserve the safest car they can afford’. To read more about our submission, turn to page 6.


A discussion paper released in August by the Federal Government is looking at potential further reform of the automotive franchising code of conduct. This reform is part of a wider consultation process the Government is undertaking to make the interactions between automotive businesses and manufacturers fairer.

We hope these potential reforms will consider whether motorcycle, farm machinery and heavy vehicle dealers should be included in the recent significant reforms gained for new car dealers. It is clear that the Government has been listening to our calls and we hope to lobby further for these reforms to benefit a wider crosssection of members.


The Government has released the Unfair Contract Terms (UCT) exposure draft legislation and Explanatory Memorandum. On preliminary reading, the proposed changes address significant concerns regarding the availability of UCT protections to most automotive businesses.

The lifting of the employee number threshold to 100 from 20 will still see most businesses eligible for UCT protections. However, there is ambiguity around pathways for small businesses to raise concerns and have them acted on, which still requires additional clarity through a submission from the MTAA.

As an MTA member, if any or all of these issues are impacting your business, I encourage you to get involved at your next division meeting or contact us on 8291 2000 or mta@mtasant.com.au to find out how you can help advocate for change. We are stronger together.

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