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Skills and Training Update Providing (Aur20520) Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology for Schools

MTA CEO, Paul Unerkov and St Patrick's Technical College Principal, Danny Deptula signing the new agreement.

As part of the State Government’s Flexible Industry Pathway Initiative, the MTA will be working with high schools to deliver the AUR20520 Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology for students.

This is exciting news for the industry as we increase automotive pathways for high school students into the industry, preparing them for an apprenticeship in a range of automotive trades.

In August, the MTA’s CEO, Paul Unerkov, signed an agreement with St Patrick’s Technical College for our RTO to deliver this training to their students.

St Patrick’s Technical College Principal, Danny Deptula said, “The MTA will be our training provider of choice in the automotive space in 2022.”

“This will give us a lot of opportunities for our students and we’re looking forward to next year and working in partnership with the MTA.”

The MTA will also be collaborating with a multitude of other schools to deliver the Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology making this training more accessible across both the Adelaide metropolitan and regional areas.

The latest batch of new apprentices, taking us to over 150 employed this year.

“This will give us a lot of opportunities for our students and we’re looking forward to next year and working in partnership with the MTA.”

The MTA is also working to accommodate this training with high schools who do not have the facilities to train Automotive at their facility. In these instances, our Registered Training Organisation (RTO) will be working with students and running groups at our facilities or referring them on to other partnering schools.

The course will deliver units covering basic servicing operations, identifying vehicle faults, how to inspect various automotive systems, following appropriate WHS and more.

As part of the training, it is essential that the industry gets behind this pathways initiative and provide real work experience for students. We are calling on automotive businesses who are capable of providing work experience to contact us: mtatraining@mtasant.com.au

St Patrick’s VET Manager, Steven Hicks, MTA SA/NT CEO, Paul Unerkov, St Patrick’s GM Business Development, Anthony Marzullo and St Patrick’s Principal, Danny Deptula.

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