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MTA member Casanova Crash Repairs is celebrating 70 years since its inception.
Q&A with Mark Warren, Chief Executive of the South Australian Motor Sport Board.
Q&A with SA’s New Small Business Commissioner, Neriss Kilvert
Member Profile: Casanova Crash Celebrates
Auto Unites on Call
MTA Presents to State Cabinet
Advocacy Leads To New GTO Boost
Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave
12 Q&A with Mark Warren, Chief Executive of the South Australian Motor Sport Board
End of an Era as Paul Unerkov Steps Down from the MTA
ADELCO Grand Opening
MTA Welcomes Trading Hours Decision
Apprentice Visits
MTA AGM Reinforces Ongoing Strength of Industry
Students in the Fast Lane to a Career in Automotive
New MTA Members
Two Leading Automotive Manufacturers Making a Difference at the MTA
Meals and Rest Breaks - Do You Know Your Obligations?
As a Spirit Super Member, You’ll Enjoy the Best in Customer Service
Five Tips on How to Attract and Secure Apprentices
Business Partners Index
Have You Heard? The Motor Vehicle Information Scheme Is Now Live
Back in the Day with MTA
Member Classifieds
The MTA SA/NT continues to push for a nationally consistent approach to manage the transition to zero and low emission vehicles.
In the current skills crisis, it’s even more important than ever to maximise how you attract new employees.
Business confidence is a term that is thrown around a lot and will continue to be used for the foreseeable future with rising interest rates and inflationary pressures affecting every aspect of the automotive industry. Add the removal of the fuel excise cut and consumers are likewise feeling the pinch.
As we have emerged from the worst of COVID restrictions, businesses continue to face mounting external pressures. Despite these factors, the public’s enthusiasm for spending has largely not dampened, with data revealing Australians have recently spent a record amount of retail. The MTA will monitor conditions and respond accordingly to ensure you can continue operating effectively for the remainder of 2022.
looking forward to focussing on some exciting new plans and projects.
Across his eight and a half years at the helm, he has brought unrivalled retail experience to his role and has been a fierce advocate for the automotive industry. On behalf of the board and our MTA membership, I would like to sincerely thank Paul for his dedication.
As an association we are privileged to have the talent of employees within our ranks to be able to promote from within upon Paul’s retirement. This is a testament to Paul who has developed an excellent leadership team.
To this end, the MTA Board unanimously endorsed a succession plan to promote Darrell Jacobs, current General Manager of Automotive Skills Development. Darrell has two decades of automotive experience and will provide the association with a strong knowledge base and connection to industry.
Critical to this ongoing viability will be adapting to consumer demand and new technologies. This includes zero and low-emission vehicles. The MTA’s study tour to Europe highlighted business lessons which the MTA will use to support members and shape evidence-based policy development into the new year and beyond.
2023 will present new opportunities and challenges – but it goes without saying the MTA has been privileged under the unwavering hard work of Paul Unerkov. In August Paul announced that he would be retiring as CEO at the end of this year. After 30 years in the automotive industry, he is
It is also important for the board itself to remain reinvigorated. Congratulations to Peter Roberts and Clive Polley on their re-election and Mark Flynn on his election to the MTA Board at the recent Annual General Meeting. They will help guide the leadership of the MTA moving forward and build on the expert industry advice, engagement and dedication of our wider membership.
The AGM proceedings were well received and it was a highlight to recognise milestones memberships. As a representative association we are only as strong as our members and such long-term affiliation reflects how important it is to remained focussed on our industry’s needs. This is why we exist.
On a personal note, it was incredibly humbling to be honoured with a Life Membership Award. It was not something I was expecting and surprised me at the time but is a recognition which I will closely cherish.
“The MTA will monitor conditions and respond accordingly to ensure you can continue operating effectively for the remainder of 2022.”
2023 will soon be upon us and the MTA has actively been engaging with governments and the wider industry to ensure members can get back to business as usual after the heavily disrupted past few years.
Critical to this is alleviating labour shortages. The MTA recently presented to a meeting of the South Australian Cabinet where the Premier and Ministers considered our advice and policy concerns. We know just how important it is that the industry has a strong number of apprentices beginning their training and we will continue to advocate for this on your behalf.
To this end, we welcomed news from the Federal Government that it is increasing permanent migration from 160,000 to 195,000 places this year and will speed up visas for foreign workers. Similarly, the Federal Government made the right decision by permitting senior Australians to return to the workforce and earn additional money without losing any of their pension.
The MTA’s Mentoring Program is also about to commence and this is yet another example of the inroads we are making, with government hearing our calls to do more to retain young people in the automotive industry. With the continual skills shortages the automotive industry is facing, the South Australian Government-funded program will deliver mentoring to first and second year apprentices. This will
help them where they may otherwise struggle and leave our industry.
In addition to the completion of training, we need to attract young people into a trade. We have apprenticeship opportunities available in the industry for anybody with a desire and willingness to learn. Today’s apprenticeships are at the cutting edge of an innovative career, where new technologies are developing new opportunities, including for electric vehicles.
As our uptake of zero and lowemission vehicles increases, we need to harness its economic benefits in an industry dominated by traditional skilled labour. My study tour last month to Europe with Chair Frank Agostino and our interstate MTA counterparts provided direct insights from markets that have significantly transitioned, including Norway, Sweden, Germany and the UK.
The lessons we learnt from visiting repair shops, manufacturers and industry leaders will ensure the local industry is best positioned to embrace, adapt or respond to the new technologies. The insights will also assist the MTA to help shape Australia’s first National Electric Vehicle Strategy and influence government policy.
The MTA has also ensured our sector’s interests aligned with recent policy reforms. The new State Government’s Shop Trading Hours
proposal has listened to the concerns of the retail vehicle sector by not pursuing a blanket deregulation approach. Similarly, through your feedback, the MTA ensured Return to Work legislation did not result in a cost blow out for businesses.
Central to this has been building on previous meetings with the South Australian Government to regularly let them know what automotive needs and how we can work together for the benefit of industry.
On a personal note, as you may know, I have made the decision to step down from my role as the CEO of the MTA. For me the timing is right and it has been an honour to support our members and industry as well as provide apprentices with the opportunity to get their start in a rewarding career.
The Board has unanimously promoted Darrell Jacobs, current General Manager of Automotive Skills Development, as CEO upon my retirement. There is much still to be done before now and the end of the year but I know the MTA is in good health and will be in a strong position moving forward under Darrell’s capable leadership.
It has been the highlight of this role to engage with our industry and members and I look forward to catching up with you between now and the year’s end.
Casanova Crash Repairs is celebrating 70 years since its inception. The business was established by the late John Casanova, and later taken over by John’s son Eric and Philip D’Angelo. In 2015, Eric retired, and Peter Impedovo and Val Smith bought into the business. Philip left the business in 2017 at the age of 82, and long-term employee Charbel Mansour joined the team of owners.
“We mostly offer crash repair services to our large customer base, which we have proudly built over a long period of time,” said Peter, who started his career in the motor trade industry as an apprentice panel beater at the age of 15. Now, 43 years later, his passion for cars is as strong as ever (in his spare time, he restores classic vehicles that remind him of his younger days).
Casanova Crash Repairs has built a proud history in repairing prestige vehicles. In past years it has been recognised as a BMW accredited repairer, Subaru certified collision repairer and Peugeot preferred repairer.
“The thing that I enjoy the most is the satisfaction of seeing a badly damaged car, and with the help of the staff … handing it back to the customer looking brand new. That feeling never gets old,” said Peter. The company currently has 19 employees, from office staff to panel technicians, detailers, and Motor Trade Association (MTA) apprentices.
Further to this, Casanova Crash Repairs has been an MTA member for over 50 years.
“The reason [for the MTA membership] is to be part of an association specialising in just the motor trade,” said Peter. “We are able to access a lot of information that relates to our business and help with any issues we may have.”
While the business has remained consistent, Peter noted one of the greatest challenges of the company is keeping up with the ever-changing technology used in cars.
“Our greatest challenge that we are currently experiencing would be the fast pace that cars are progressing, and keeping up with new technology,” said Peter.
“We deal with that by purchasing equipment, accessing information from OEMs and training to successfully repair their cars to a
high standard. Another challenge we have with all the rising costs in running a business is continuing to repair cars to the high standard people expect, while remaining viable.”
Casanova Crash Repairs only advertises locally and relies mainly on reputation and word of mouth to acquire business. Peter said the company’s rich history, particularly the people who came before him, still inspire day-to-day workings.
“Since I have been involved with Casanova Crash Repairs, I would say it would be Philip D’Angelo who has contributed the most to the success and longevity of this business,” said Peter.
“His honesty, integrity, and effort to produce quality work would have to be the biggest factors to the success of Casanova Crash Repairs. We believe they have rubbed off on us and we try to run the business with the same attributes today.”
Casanova Crash Repairs Casanova Crash Repairs is now run by Charbel Mansour, Val Smith and Peter Impedovo (pictured).Go behind the scenes and meet a few of the team at South Australia’s leading automotive training provider.
David has been in the automotive industry for close to 50 years, starting his apprenticeship in the 1970s before working and owning a crash repair and restoration business.
Teaching apprentices the latest technology and keeping up with industry developments remain his passions. The variety of the work keeps David busy and helping instil an interest in a rewarding and exciting career for school leavers is at the forefront of his teaching.
After more than 10 years at the MTA, David encourages his apprentices to use their creativity and take pride in their work.
NICHOLAS REIRI, AUTOMOTIVE REFINISHING TECHNOLOGY TRAINER & ASSESSORNick brings a wealth of experience from a range of workplaces to his role, working in more than 10 workshops across multiple cities. Originally from New Zealand, he started his apprenticeship in 2005 before owning his own business for four-and-a-half years.
Nick loves working with cars and his favourite aspect is producing a finished paint product, as it is the first thing people see.
Having joined the MTA in January, he has enjoyed meeting apprentices when they first commence and tracking their progress throughout their learning.
The MTA SA/NT continues to push for a nationally consistent approach to manage the transition to zero and low emission vehicles.
In July, the Motor Trades Association of Australia chaired an historic, together with peak industries representing automotive manufacturers, retail dealerships and the repair sector, together with state and territory MTAs.
At this summit, participants reached agreement on more than 25 principles including:
• Embracing the electrification of the Australian motor vehicle fleet.
• Mandating CO2 targets, not Electric Vehicles (EV) targets.
• Supporting the Federal Government in developing a National Zero and Low Emission Vehicle (ZLEV) Electrification Transition Strategy.
• Considering the entire registered vehicle fleet and the needs and requirements of Australians who own and operate them.
• Maintaining the safety, security, service, repair, and efficiency of the legacy Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) fleet.
• Opposing the introduction of bans that limit consumer choice and remove options for meeting car owners’ needs and Australia’s emission reduction targets.
• Ensuring Government targets and milestones are ideally Federally led (or at least nationally consistent), are realistic, supported by facts and sound qualitative data, and applied to an Australian context.
The Australian Capital Territory’s announcement that it would become the first state or territory to set a date (2035) to ban the sale of new petrol and diesel vehicles has caused industry concern that policy makers do not understand the unintended consequences of their decisions.
This “go it alone” approach is not isolated. The newly-elected South Australian government has scrapped its predecessor’s plans to tax electric vehicles through per kilometre road user charging. However, Victoria continues to push ahead with the policy, which is now subject to a High Court challenge.
“This is an issue that affects all of Australia and we can’t afford to take a piecemeal approach, state by state,” said Kaes Cillessen, Policy and Communications Manager.
“It’s been likened to the railway gauges in Australian history, when different states adopted different gauge tracks. We need a national effort and national consistency.”
“Everybody knows EVs are in short supply so if we want to be attractive to
global manufacturers to increase the supply to Australia, the government needs to look at carbon targets, not EV sales targets,” said Kaes.
Pleasingly, the MTAA’s national summit appears to have captured the attention of the Federal Government, with Minister for Climate Change and Energy, Chris Bowen releasing a discussion paper on a National Electric Vehicle Strategy for consultation.
The automotive organisations welcomed the Fringe Benefits Tax exemption for Electric Vehicles and the MTA SA also encourages the government to also review luxury car tax as a method to encourage retail and fleet adoption of electric vehicles.
“I really can’t understate the significance of the automotive organisations uniting – and then being heard by government,” said Kaes.
“Some interest groups can be quite narrow in their perspective, offering ideology over fact in pursuit of their objectives.
“Affordability, availability and Australia’s electricity grid are challenges which must be met and peak automotive associations that met at the summit have put forward realistic policies on what a national strategy ought to look like.”
The MTA was one of the first industry associations to be invited to present to the newly-formed Malinauskas State Government.
“Many interest groups meet with individual Ministers one-on-one, but it is an extraordinarily rare opportunity to present to the entirety of the Premier’s Cabinet” said Kaes Cillessen, the MTA’s Policy and Communications Manager.
“We are well known to ministers with portfolios relating to our industry but most Cabinet ministers were really getting their first chance to understand who the MTA is and what we do as an industry association with more than 1,200 members, a registered training organisation that trains more than 900 young people, and an employer of more than 450 apprentices.
“It was also an opportunity to remind Cabinet the MTA’s commitment to industry and community as the only paint and panel trainer in SA, and
a trainer with significant presence in regional areas such as Cleve, Bordertown and Strathalbyn.”
During the presentation, MTA CEO Paul Unerkov took Cabinet through the importance of automotive training to South Australia in meeting skill shortages and in the transition to zero and low emission vehicles.
The presentation was also an opportunity to brief Cabinet on the challenges and opportunities of this transition, what the Government of South Australia can do to support the automotive industry during this transition, as well as matters such as taxation which should be dealt with at a national level.
“While we may not agree on everything, the government demonstrated itself as willing to engage and consult with us,” said Kaes.
“The Association is very appreciative of that.”
The State Government has announced a new wage subsidy payment which is available to host employers of apprentices from under-represented groups.
A wage subsidy of $100 per week per apprentice or trainee is available per new training contract from the 1st July 2022 to the 30th June 2023. The subsidy is for a period of twelve months totalling $5,200.
Eligible apprentices must be from the following cohorts:
• Adult Apprentice/Trainee (aged 21 years or over upon commencement)
• School-based Apprentice/Trainee
• Female Apprentice/Trainee
• Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Apprentice/Trainee
• An Apprentice/Trainee living with a disability.
The targeted approach is being implemented to maximise outcomes for under-represented groups across all industries and also leverage new initiatives to help address labour shortages.
This wage subsidy will be paid monthly to the GTO which is passed directly to the host employer.
This incentive is only available to host employers. Direct employers are not eligible.
The consistent message the MTA receives is that skills shortages remains the number one challenge for businesses. The MTA has consistently advocated for policies to improve the attraction, retention and completion of local apprentices, particular whilst the labour market remains shallow.
For more information contact Jason Polgreen – General Manager Apprentice Employment Services on 0427 396 007 or at jpolgreen@ mtasant.com.au
On 28 July 2022 the Federal Government introduced the Fair Work Amendment (Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave) Bill 2022 (the Bill).
If the Bill passes through Parliament as predicted, all employees will be entitled to 10 days of paid family and domestic violence leave. This leave will be paid for by employers and will be available to full-time, part-time and casual workers. Unlike other leave entitlements, the 10-day entitlement does not accrue or accumulate year to year and will be available immediately upon first starting in a position.
In 2019 an entitlement of 5 unpaid leave days for family and domestic violence was introduced to the National Employment Standards (NES), allowing employees to take unpaid time off if a close relative was seeking to coerce or control the employee or cause them harm or fear by way of violent, threatening or other abusive behaviour. The new paid entitlement seeks to replace the existing entitlements.
These changes will take effect from 1 February 2023 for large businesses (businesses with 15 or more employees) and from 1 August 2023 for small businesses. As this payment is funded by employers, small businesses will likely require more time to budget for this entitlement. Employees will be able to take the
paid family and domestic violence leave if they:
• experience family and domestic violence; and
• need to do something to deal with the impact of that violence; and
• it is impractical to do that thing outside their ordinary hours of work.
There has also been a change to the examples of what constitutes an action by an employee experiencing family and domestic violence under this leave entitlement. It now includes arranging for the safety of the employee or a close relative (including relocation), attending court hearings, accessing police services, attending counselling and attending appointments with medical, financial or legal professionals.
As with any other leave entitlement, there will be a requirement for evidence to be provided to the employer prior to being paid. This evidence would need to satisfy a reasonable person that the employee needs to take Family and Domestic Violence Leave. As this can be complex, the MTA’s Workplace Relations team are available to discuss each situation and confirm the required evidence for particular scenarios.
As this leave is available for casual workers, it is important to mention that
they will only be able to be paid for the shifts they were actually rostered to work. For example, if a casual worker was rostered on for 3 days in a week and they were unable to make those shifts due to a domestic or family violence situation, they would only be able to get those 3 days paid from the 10-day balance. They are able to take further time off but will only be paid for the days/times they were actually rostered to work.
Payment for Family and Domestic Violence Leave will be at the employee’s full rate of pay, worked out as if the employee had not taken the period of leave, not the base rate of pay which is normally applicable to leave entitlements. This will apply to casuals as well, but only for the hours they were rostered to work.
Business are advised to start drafting or amending currently existing policies around the paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave in preparation for 2023. Employment contracts may also need to be amended to reflect additional leave. The MTA will be producing a template policy in this regard which will be available for members.
For more assistance in this area, or if you have any questions relating to this likely new change in legislation, please contact the MTA Workplace Relations Team on (08) 8291 2000 or email wr@mtasant.com.au
What first drew you to motorsport?
It started first with a love of cars. When I was 10, I wanted to either be a race driver or micro surgeon who drove a Sandman panel van. I built my first engine at 14 and inherited my mother’s Renault 15 that I rebuilt with twin-webers and a Gordini cam. Then came a string of VW fastbacks that my future wife loved. The motorsport interest naturally followed from being a boy-racer.
What are the long-term goals of South Australia’s Motor Sport Board and the local motorsport industry?
The Premier is committed to grow and build motor sport events in South Australia in a way that adds significantly to our vibrancy and prosperity. Prosperity comes from not only the economic benefits of attracting visitors for major events, but also from inspiring people to engage in motor sport as an industry sector that is integral to developing advanced engineering and manufacturing. It is the role of the Board to inspire that engagement with motor sport. You have previously been in the position from 2010 to 2016.
Now in your second stint, what new challenges does motorsport and the racing industry face as we gear up for the return of the VALO Adelaide 500?
The automotive landscape has changed significantly over the last decade with trends towards SUVs and electrification. Motorsport’s challenge is to remain relevant and inevitably transition to electrification as we’re already seeing with enthusiasts taking their EVs to track days, so the desire for performance hasn’t gone away where ‘fast and loud’ will be celebrated on the racetrack. The VALO Adelaide 500 will be the last time a Holden V8 competes in Supercars which is the end of an era not to be missed. In 2023 we’ll see the new Gen 3 Supercars competing on Adelaide’s streets.
How can we leverage events such as the VALO Adelaide 500 to support South Australia’s automotive, retail and service industry?
The VALO Adelaide 500 shines a spotlight on all things automotive and motorsport. That creates an opportunity for the industry to engage with the public in a dynamic and entertaining way. Supercars is the pinnacle of motorsport in Australia
and the sport continues to lead the charge in terms of performance technology and safety enhancements in road cars.
How do you foresee new and emerging technological advancements, within the automotive industry, will affect or evolve motorsport in the future?
Together with electrification, vehicles are full of control systems. Race teams now have more computer technicians and data analysts than they have on the wrenches. The precision engineering and CAD design of components will always be critical, however the gains of a few tenths on the track now come down to car setup and analysing the data to deliver the performance. There has never been more relevance or transferability between motorsport and the automotive sector.
Businesses across the state have faced skilled labour shortages and supply chain issues. Has the motorsport industry experienced these challenges, and if so, how has it been addressed?
Highly skilled workers are always in demand and it’s no different in the motorsport industry, particularly with the well-published shortages in defence and mining industry sectors. The advantage for the automotive and motorsport sectors is it is driven by passion for the product and generally is a fantastic entry point for people to become skilled. Motorsport can set up highly skilled workers for life in technical and engineering fields.
So what can fans expect this year on the track?
The 2022 VALO Adelaide 500 will showcase world-class motorsport categories, with the Repco Supercars Championship to be supported by the popular Dunlop Super2 Series, Fanatec GT World Challenge Australia Powered by AWS, Gulf Western Oil Touring Car Masters, the S5000 Tasman Series and the Battery World Aussie Racing Cars Super Series.
After more than eight years in the role, MTA CEO Paul Unerkov is retiring from his position at the peak industry organisation. He explains in his own words about the decision and why the MTA remains well positioned to support the industry’s future.
In August, I announced that I will retire as the CEO of the MTA at the end of the year. The MTA has been a pillar of industry for 96 years and I am confident that it is in good health, with a strong plan for the future and a capable team which will be able to successfully deliver it.
Looking back, it has been a successful eight and a half years where the MTA has increased its membership, expanded services and achieved sustainable growth. For me, now is the right time. It really has been an honour to support our members and industry as well as provide apprentices with the opportunity to get their start in a rewarding career.
All sectors of our automotive industry face unique challenges but collectively the sector is stronger because of the willingness of our members to give back through their ongoing engagement. I know that they have only ever been a phone call away and I have relied on their expertise and judgement on a daily basis.
To this end, I have thoroughly enjoyed working with and reporting to the MTA Board. It has been comprised of highly passionate members who have volunteered significant time for the industry.
As you may know, the MTA Board has unanimously endorsed a succession plan to promote Darrell Jacobs, current General Manager of Automotive Skills Development, as CEO upon my departure. I will work closely with Darrell over the remainder of the year to ensure a smooth transition. We have personally worked together for many years and I know that our industry and members will be in safe hands with his appointment.
The MTA is a respected association with an impressive history of providing our sector a voice and I know this will continue well into the future.
After 30 years in the automotive industry, I am looking forward to focussing on some exciting new projects and I hope to remain in touch with you all.
Four MTA CEOs. Gerard Miller (Marque Restoration) & Paul Unerkov. Paul Unerkov, Malcolm & Benjamin Eglinton (Eglinton Bros Pty Ltd). Brian Breed (Palmerston Auto Clinic), Frank Agostino, Paul Unerkov. Paul speaking at his first AGM as CEO, 2016. Darrell Jacobs, Frank Agostino, Paul Unerkov.General
19th OCT
20th OCT
10th NOV
15th NOV
23rd NOV
26th OCT
2nd NOV
6th DEC
2nd FEB
8th FEB
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MTA House, 81 Greenhill Road, Wayville or online
Click here to register for meeting
MTA House, 81 Greenhill Road, Wayville or online
Click here to register for meeting
MTA House, 81 Greenhill Road, Wayville or online
Click here to register for meeting
MTA House, 81 Greenhill Road, Wayville or online
Click here to register for meeting
MTA House, 81 Greenhill Road, Wayville or online
Click here to register for meeting
MTA House, 81 Greenhill Road, Wayville or online
Click here to register for meeting
MTA House, 81 Greenhill Road, Wayville or online
Click here to register for meeting
MTA House, 81 Greenhill Road, Wayville or online
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Port Pirie or online
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Nuriootpa or online
Click here to register for meeting Kingscote or online
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Barmera or online
Click here to register for meeting Seaford or online
The name ACDelco has been synonymous with quality service parts in Australia and across the globe for the past 50 years.
Recently, General Motors Australia New Zealand has stepped up the brand’s presence by assisting in the establishment of ACDelco Service Centres across Australia.
The newest Service Centre in South Australia was recently opened in the west of Adelaide, situated perfectly between Old Port and Port Rd in Queenstown.
The area holds significance for the brand, having been the birthplace of GM products during the era of manufacturing at the former Woodville General Motors plant.
“It seemed fitting that this was also the best space to invest into a new era of vehicle care and service for the ACDelco marque,” said Service Manager, Colin Baker.
“With its modern facility, manufacturer trained technicians and state of the art equipment, the ACDelco Portside Service Centre has been established to take care of the service and repair requirements of all makes and models of vehicles.”
The grand opening was held on July 28 to much excitement and fanfare from a swelling crowd.
Colin believes that the electric atmosphere was, in part, due to the attendance of some special guests on the evening, including the Red Bull Ampol Racing Team.
Current Supercars champ Shane Van Gisbergen, Supercars rookie Broc Feeney, and all-round motorsport legend Craig Lowndes were on-hand to meet and greet fans and sign more than a few memorabilia items on the night.
Port Adelaide Mayor, Clair Boan, was also in attendance, helping with the
official opening of the Portside Service Centre by cutting the ribbon with one of the outlets owners, Paul Page.
“Other noteworthy guests on the night included local AFL ‘big guy’ Charlie Dixon from Port Adelaide Football Club, and AFL Hall of fame inductee John ‘The Rat’ Platten to chat with and take the odd pic or two with a few fans,” Colin stated.
“With around 200 people in attendance, it was a great way to showcase the new facility and allow for all to see what the ACDelco Portside team have on offer regarding the service and repair of vehicles.”
The air-conditioned workshop is well equipped, sporting four hoist bays and some of the most advanced technology available, including the SafeTstop Brake Test platform. Set up at the workshop entrance, the SafeTstop platform enables quick and efficient testing of customer
vehicle braking performance and wheel alignment positions.
The clean and clear epoxy flooring highlights the efficient use of LED lighting throughout the workshop, giving technicians the best visibility possible to work under customers’ cars.
Capping off the launch night was a charity auction of some fantastic motorsport memorabilia, with all proceeds heading to Variety, The Children’s Charity.
“Over $3000 was raised thanks to some fantastic support of those that attended on the night,” Colin explained.
“It was a great evening out for all, and a top way to kick start the all-new ACDelco Service Centre Portside.”
For more information on the ACDelco Service Centre, please go to www.adelcoservice.com.au or call (08) 8256 2655.
“Glue Pull it is less invasive repair process it doesn’t destroy the integrity or molecular structure of the metals whether its alloy or steel.. The other big plus is it doesn’t destroy or burn any of the inner panels. Leaving the factory E-Coat intact and all factory corrosive protection in place.”
“Glue Pull is definitely a game-changer and a huge asset in our business”
“It’s not only safer for our staff and the integrity of the vehicle, but it’s also much cleaner... The speed at which the technology of Glue Tabs & Glue is changing is very exciting; it’s allowing us to do more and more complex repairs.”
Miranda Auto Body
Authorised Mercedes Benz Auto Body Shop Managing Director, Paul Mackay
The MTA is pleased the State Government has listened to its concerns and will not extend trading hours for vehicle and boat dealers.
On September 8, the government introduced legislation to Parliament to allow trading on Sundays from 9am, instead of 11am.
Premier Peter Malinauskas said the Shop Trading Hours (Extension of Hours) Amendment Bill achieved “the right balance”.
The MTA opposed the previous government’s policy of full deregulation, which it warned could lead to a “free for all”.
“Opening at 9 am on Sunday is fine for supermarkets but not for car dealers and boat dealers who are covered under the Shop Trading Act,” said Kaes Cillessen, the MTA’s Policy and Communications Manager.
“We know from experience in Victoria and New South Wales that extending trading hours does not lead to any increase in vehicle sales.
“All it does is increase costs, especially staffing expenses incurred on a Sunday.”
The MTA has commissioned numerous surveys over many years, and MTA member opposition to Sunday trading has always been over 90%.
Evidence suggests that people are now attending dealerships less than ever before. In the pre-internet era, people would visit multiple dealerships to undertake research. This is now done online and purchasers make an average of just 1.4 visits per sale.
“If there is a proposal that led to more sales, the MTA would be open to discussions,” said Kaes.
“But members are able to get exemptions now. A good example of this is the tradition in the industry of trading on Easter Saturday.”
He said suggestions that unions may have a power of veto over granting exemptions to what is largely a non-unionised sector would be a “concern”. In response, the MTA has written to the Minister for Industrial Relations, Kyam Maher, with suggested amendments to the Bill to allow the Minister the ability to grant exemptions in the event that a union or peak employer association sector would not reasonably apply to a trading exemption request.
Minister for Industrial Relations, Kyam Maher, said: “I trust this legislation will help deliver certainty for shoppers, workers and businesses about the trading landscape in South Australia going forward.”
“Opening at 9 am on Sunday is fine for supermarkets but not for car dealers and boat dealers who are covered under the Shop Trading Act.”
On Thursday September 29 members convened for the MTA SA/NT Annual General Meeting. It was also an important occasion to recognise milestone memberships and one Life Membership Award.
I’m born and raised in South Australia and live in the Adelaide Hills.
In terms of my educational and professional background, I have completed a Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice and am admitted to practise as a solicitor and barrister of the Supreme Court of South Australia and the High Court of Australia. I have also completed a Bachelor of Behavioural Science and a Diploma in Project Management.
While I have worked as a solicitor at the Crown Solicitor’s Office and in private practice, my most recent work has been within regulatory environments. Immediately prior to commencing as the Small Business Commissioner, I headed up the Regulatory Service section at Consumer and Business Services where I was responsible for achieving agreement with industry and other stakeholder groups on legislative reform proposals, such as implementation of the state’s fuel price transparency scheme and progressing amendments to the Second-Hand Vehicle Dealers Act 1995 and regulations.
The value of the small business sector from an economic perspective is resoundingly clear.
But, just as importantly, the small business sector plays a vital role in building, fostering and maintaining the social fabric and connection within our communities.
I think it’s fair to say that owning and running a small business has never been more challenging and small business owners need to be, and to feel, supported.
To step into this role at such a challenging time for the small business sector brings with it an even greater sense of responsibility to deliver on the Office’s mandate –
To facilitate alternative dispute resolution processes between small businesses, and between small businesses and state or local government;
• To amplify the views, challenges and experiences of small business operators on issues that impact their ability to do business, including assisting them navigate complexity & challenges in dealings with state and local government bodies;
• To collaborate and engage with small business operators, governments, industry and the community to create a thriving business environment.
The most rewarding type of work is when you have a clear sense of making a difference, and this role provides a very unique opportunity to work with others to assist them with such a major aspect affecting their lives and livelihood. I feel privileged and excited to be entrusted with the role of the Small Business Commissioner.
Small businesses have indeed faced unprecedented challenges in recent years. Businesses are still feeling the impact of COVID-19 on a daily basis, and now they are up against what I describe as the perfect storm of balancing these COVID impacts with a raft of other issues:
• Many businesses are facing pressures from the rising costs of material, overheads and supply chain issues.
• Skills and labour shortages are affecting more than half of South Australian small businesses.
• Rising inflation, increases in interest rates and wage increases are creating stress and worry for small business owners.
Some of the immediate areas of priority for the SASBC include:
• Implement the Government’s election commitment to mandate the Motor Vehicle Insurance and Repair Industry Code of Conduct under the Fair Trading Act 1987;
• Continuing to strengthen and embed relationships with small businesses operators to understand their views and experiences;
• Collaborating with stakeholders to provide a solutionsfocused service to the small business sector;
• Increasing the awareness and understanding within the small business community of the role of the SASBC and the assistance it can provide to small business operators.
• Strengthen further the Office’s improved dispute resolution process to increase efficiencies and reduce time taken to resolve small business disputes.
COVID-19 has been hard on the small business sector. It has highlighted how resilient and hard-working small business owners are and how agile the sector can be to the need to adapt to challenges.
But no matter how hard-working and resilient small business owners are, the impacts of the last few years have been significant and, for many, enduring. This legacy not only relates to financial impacts, but also the very real toll on their mental health and well-being.
So for me, the takeaway learning as we emerge from COVID-19 is that I hope that the small business community know and feel that they are supported. Supported by your communities, by your state and local government, your industry representative associations, and by offices such as the SASBC.
As an independent voice, the Small Business Commissioner is an avid supporter and advocate for South Australian small businesses. Another core role of the SASBC is to provide fast, fair and low-cost dispute resolution on matters impacting the day-to-day operation of small businesses.
The types of enquiries and disputes that the SASBC can help with include:
• Tenancy disputes between small business operators and landlords (eg repairs and maintenance)
• Business transactional issues (eg late or non-payment for goods and services, issues with the quality of goods supplied, non-delivery of goods)
• Problems with business related motor vehicles and equipment
• Franchising matters, and
• Payment disputes.
The SASBC has a dedicated team of dispute resolution officers who work with small business owners and act as a conduit to negotiate an outcome with the other party to resolve their issue.
Where a dispute is not able to be resolved with the assistance of one of our dispute resolution officers, the SASBC can facilitate a more formal mediation with an independent mediator. Our panel of mediators are experienced in assisting parties to explore flexible, creative and business driven options to achieve a quick resolution of their dispute by agreement.
The goal of mediation is to help small businesses resolve issues and disputes in a way that is quick, low cost and efficient and help small businesses avoid the court system.
Another core function of the SASBC is to assist small business owners by amplifying their views, challenges and experiences on issues that impact their ability to do business.
This can take on many different forms. It can include assisting them navigate complexity & challenges in dealings with state and local government bodies or providing a foot in the door on a matter relating to a government department, through to providing independent advice and recommendations regarding small business issues to the Government of the day.
For more information visit www.sasbc.sa.gov.au
To wrap up, as Small Business Commissioner, I am committed to:
• Helping small business owners resolve disputes quickly and with minimum expense;
• Amplify your views, challenges and experiences on issues that impact your ability to do business;
• Assist you navigate complexity & challenges in dealings with state and local government bodies; and
• Collaborate and engage with you, the government and other stakeholders to create a thriving business environment.
The automotive industry is a pathway into an exciting and secure future –that was the message the more than 400 students received at the MTA’s recent Open Days.
In June the Royal Park Training and Employment Centre played host to students from 38 South Australian schools where they were able to interact with and explore the wide range of opportunities currently available in the automotive industry.
New and emerging technologies grabbed their attention, while handson experiences with tools students had never picked up before sparked clear excitement. Central to this was highlighting the immediate positions available through the MTA’s Group Training Organisation. With 65 apprenticeships available at the time, students enjoyed learning about the scope of possibilities that awaited them across the breadth of the sector.
The 60 displays and interactive experiences not only appealed to the students but also some of our state’s most senior politicians. South Australian Deputy Premier, Susan Close and Minister for Education, Training and Skills, Blair Boyer attended the event. Both were keen to get hands on with the exhibitions and find out more about what the MTA is doing to promote the industry to young South Australians.
The Deputy Premier Susan Close said she loved how young people could get a first-hand insight into an exciting career.
“I think it’s wonderful that young people will be able to see that they can get jobs, they can have apprenticeships and they can have a future in this industry,” she said.
MTA CEO Paul Unerkov said with local businesses facing acute labour
and skilled shortages, it was more important now than ever to attract the next generation of skilled technicians.
“It was great to have such a strong response from students and schools as we showcased the diverse and exciting careers available to them across the automotive industry.”
Some of the vehicles and activities on display at the MTA Open Days included:
• Three fully-electric vehicles, including:
- an MG ZS EV
- a Harley Davidson Livewire
- an Audi e-Tron
• An autonomous bus
• Virtual Reality mechanical experience
• A Formula 1 pit stop tyre change challenge
• A remote-control car drift course.
“I think it’s wonderful that young people will be able to see that they can get jobs, they can have apprenticeships and they can have a future in this industry.”Deputy Premier Susan Close and Minister Blair Boyer at the MTA Open Day.
Here at the MTA, we value all our relationships with our industry automotive partners.
Hyundai Australia and Kia Australia have been particularly supportive of the MTA in the light vehicle area, generously donating the latest new model pre-production vehicles for apprentices to learn and work on.
Hyundai Australia recently donated a number of pre-production vehicles, including three vehicles from their premium brand, Genesis. Kia Australia also continue their support with the donation of a PHEV and other recent model releases.
Lachlan Fotheringham, Skills Manager of Light Vehicle, Paint and Panel at the MTA said “these donations are
Genesis GV70 2.2D.
key to training the next generation of technicians. Working with terrific vehicles equipped with state of the art technology is exciting for everyone. The students and trainers take pride in working with the newest tools and machinery. We are all very grateful.”
It is imperative, not just for our members' businesses but also for our economy that we are able to keep cars and trucks on our roads. Of course, we need skilled and qualified tradespeople to do that.
At the MTA, our apprentices receive training that is comprehensive and up to date. These vehicles will be part of their weekly instruction in automotive repair and maintenance, panel beating, and vehicle painting.
Everyone benefits from highly trained and equipped apprentices. The MTA owes Hyundai Australia and Kia Australia much gratitude for their generous donation.
Working together with the MTA creates a perfect opportunity to build a brand new generation of knowledgeable and equipped mechanics for the future. A great investment in their own future!
Donated Cars Include:
Genesis G70 3.3T
Genesis GV70 2.2D
Hyundai i30 Sedan N Line 1.6T
Hyundai Staria-Load
Two Kia Sorentos
Two Kia Sorentos.Major fast food chain McDonald’s is facing a class action from the Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees Association representing around 250,000 employees who allege they were denied paid rest breaks. The compensation is estimated to be at least $250 million for past and present employees who allege they were offered a free drink or a trip to the toilet in exchange for their Award entitlement of a paid ten minute break for shifts of four or more hours. Workers allege they were not told of their entitlement and had to seek permission to take a break and breaks were only granted to go to the toilet or take a drink, not the ten minute rest from work they were entitled to.
What does this mean for me?
Protect yourself from an underpayment claim:
This case is a reminder to ensure that you as an employer are paying your workers correctly and providing the appropriate breaks that employees are entitled to under their Award.
Under clause 26.1 of the Vehicle Repair, Services and Retail Award 2020 (‘Vehicle Award’), workers are entitled to an unpaid meal break of no less than 30 minutes and not more than 60 minutes. Employees cannot be required to work for more than 5 hours without a meal break. You must provide your employees their entitlement to a meal break, even when work gets busy, otherwise you might be faced with an underpayment claim. In terms of rest breaks, there is no obligation for you to provide these
like the requirement in the hospitality industry. The Vehicle Award states under 26.1(e):
“In addition to a meal break, an employer may provide to an employee either a morning or afternoon tea break not exceeding 15 minutes. Where a break is unpaid it must not exceed 15 minutes duration. Where both a morning and an afternoon tea break are provided on the same day or shift, at least one of these breaks must be paid.”
As employers, you have the option as to whether to provide your worker tea breaks. You may provide a paid tea break but if it is unpaid, it must not exceed 15 minutes. However, if you provide two tea breaks in one shift, one of them must be paid. We highly recommend including your policy on meal breaks and tea breaks in your employment contracts, so employees know exactly what their rights are. For example, your employee’s contract should include details as to whether their unpaid meal break is 30 minutes or 1 hour.
However, please check your obligations under each Award that applies to your employees. For example, the Clerks—Private Sector Award 2020 outlines different rules regarding paid rest breaks for standard employees versus shiftworkers. Please contact us if you have any questions in interpreting your Award obligations.
Protect yourself from civil penalties:
In 2020, the operator of a South
Australian petrol chain store was ordered to pay almost $65,000 to a low-paid employee after being found to have deliberately exploited the vulnerable worker through systematic underpayments while he worked between November 2015 and December 2016.
The company was ordered to pay penalties of $27,000 for failing to pay for work, $24,300 for taking pay deductions for meal breaks that did not occur, and $13,500 for failing to pay overtime. Magistrate Lieschke said the larger pecuniary costs should act as a warning.
"There is a high need to deter this employer from further contraventions regarding unpaid work and proper meal breaks," he said. "The penalty should also serve as a deterrent to other employers in the retail industry and generally."
We recommend that employers need to be vigilant and continually update their awareness of their obligations towards their employees as you can face not only underpayment claims, but severe civil penalties for breaking the law.
Furthermore, the SA Government is likely soon to propose wage theft laws in South Australia which will criminalise the deliberate and dishonest underpayment of employees and likely carry penalties of up to 10 years imprisonment and fines exceeding $1 million.
We recommend timely audits to ensure your business is not at risk of significant underpayment claims. We offer an MTA package which includes training on how to pay your staff correctly and a payroll audit to check that your current practices are compliant with your obligations.
If you want to book a training package, need assistance reviewing your employment contracts, or have any other questions on the above information, please contact the MTA Workplace Relations Team on 8291 2000, or at wr@mtasant.com.au
As a fund that returns profits to members, it’s in our nature to put our members first. While our history of strong performance and low fees is helping to grow your super, it helps to know that you’ll also receive great customer service when you need it.
Our promise at Spirit Super is delivering service our members can count on. That’s why our service delivery team see themselves as your partners as you save for retirement and beyond.
Spirit Super has recently been awarded best customer experience in super from Customer Service Benchmarking Australia. As part of the firm’s SenseCX benchmarking report, which considers the ease, sentiment and success of customer interactions, Spirit came out on top.
CSBA also awarded Spirit Super most consistent customer service in 2021 . In Finder’s Superannuation satisfaction scores Spirit Super only just missed out on top place,
coming second. We’re so proud that 95% of members surveyed said they’d recommend Spirit Super to a friend.
But we’re not letting the success go to our head. Spirit Super CEO Jason Murray says “with our increased capacity, capabilities and bold new vision, our focus now is to build upon the excellent work we've already done. This means continuing to listen to our members and finding new and better ways to improve our products, services, and advice so you can have more in retirement. As a profit for member industry super fund, everything we do is for your benefit. I look forward to delivering on that promise — with spirit.”
Naomi Edwards, Spirit Super Chair agrees.
“While awards are never our focus — that’s you and your super — they're a good sign we’re giving you the information and support you need, how and when you need it. We’re
delighted that we’ve been able to maintain our high standards and continue to give you the value, service and support you deserve.”
Spirit Super Chair Naomi Edwards has reflected on the last 12 months, that has been a challenging one for many. “I know that many of our members are living in a time of great uncertainty, with rising interest rates, rising food, rent and petrol prices and a new postCovid work environment. Our goal is to make sure super is not one of the things you need to worry about. We want you to feel confident, well informed and valued by your super fund. Your super is a long term and crucial asset for you and your family.” So please give us a call, email us or meet with a member of the Spirit Super team. You can contact us in a number of ways – the details are on our website . You can feel confident that you’ll be getting award winning service.
Advice on Spirit Super is provided by Quadrant First Pty Ltd (ABN 78 102 167 877, AFSL 284443) and issuer is Motor Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd (ABN 14 008 650 628, AFSL 238718), the trustee of Spirit Super (ABN 74 559 365 913). Read the PDS and TMD at spiritsuper. com.au/pds before making a decision. This article is for general information only and doesn’t take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should assess your financial position, personal objectives and needs before making a decision based on this information. Past performance isn’t a reliable indicator of future performance. The value of investments can rise or fall, and investment returns can be positive or negative.
Donating your time to speak with students and highlight career journeys, and a day in the life of a tradesperson, in your workplace is of value to both students and teachers alike.
Promote to your local school that you are willing to provide work experience to students in your workplace. A key challenge for career advisors and
teachers is knowing who to approach for work experience in an industry they are not familiar with.
A School-based Apprenticeship allows a student to continue working towards completing their studies while working in a part-time apprenticeship. Students in years 11 and 12 can attend your workplace between two to five days per week and transfer over to a fulltime apprenticeship upon completion of high school.
Female, Aboriginal and applicants with a disability are underrepresented in our industry and can often possess a greater level of drive and loyalty
to your business than traditional employees. There are also often incentives and support available in addition to the standard apprentice employment incentives.
Adult applicants (applicants who are 21 years of age or over) often come with experience from other roles and are much clearer on what they want to do for a long-term career as a result. Adult apprentices also often attract additional employment incentives. Want to know more? The MTA has experience in all of the areas mentioned above and can assist you to find the perfect candidate for your business. Contact Jason Polgreen General Manager Apprentice Employment Services for more information 0427 396 007.
P: 8241
When you host an apprentice through the MTA, you don’t have to worry about advertising, interviewing, medical checks or being the legal employer for the Contract of Training. We shortlist based on the criteria you set, meaning we’ll find you an apprentice that is right for your business. Forget WorkCover, payroll tax, annual leave, sick leave, training fees, wages and super - we’ll take care of that. And there’s more - MTA Field Officers also conduct regular workplace visits and contacts to ensure you and your apprentice have the support you need.
The MTA offers ultra-competitive EFTPOS transaction rates for members through our partnership with Commonwealth Bank. Please email mta@mtasant. com.au
The MTA can provide WHS & HR workplace inspections and provide recommendations and support to fill the gaps required.
and we will put you in touch with a CBA business banking representative.
Services to MTA members at the sessional rate of $145 plus GST (discounted rate) plus a small retainer to cover promotional materials etc. Convenient locations include: Adelaide, Bedford Park, Christies Beach, Salisbury, Mount Barker and Murray Bridge. Phone, Zoom and face-to-face appointments available.
MTA members can benefit from environmental compliance advice, briefings, training and on-site assessments. GreenStamp is an accreditation program that recognises and promotes businesses which have implemented sound environmental practices.
The Officeworks partnership gives business pricing only available to MTA members on a wide range of office essentials. By signing up to a 30 Day Business Account you will receive free delivery across South Australia including regional areas (excluding large or bulky items).
Society Limited
largest independent
parts buying co-operative in Australia, providing the majority of parts and services to mechanical workshops, service stations and crash repairers throughout the country. Call toll free to find out how
can save your business both time and money.
through Capricorn!
MTA Print is your one stop shop when it comes to your printing needs – we are more than just business cards! We are small run digital & offset specialists, with services including motor trades stock stationery, forms & products, printing, digital advertising and social media, special product sourcing (you ask, we find), books, pads, sequential numbering and perforation for invoice books, job cards, flyers, stickers (service & lube as well), booklets and training manuals. MTA members get a 20% discount on all products.
Spirit Super is the national industry-based super fund that has proudly served the motor trades and allied industries for over 25 years. We make administering super simple and efficient. It’s what makes us the preferred choice of over 40,000 employers. Call 1800 005 166 or visit spiritsuper.com.au/Employers/supportfor-your-business You should consider the PDS in making a decision.
MTA offers Upskilling courses to upgrade the skills of qualified automotive technicians. Courses include Air Conditioning, Forklift, Hybrid & Battery Electric Vehicles, Recognition of Prior Learning, SRS Airbags, and Wheel Alignment. Members receive a discounted price on courses.
MTA offers courses designed to help manage staff, ensure compliance, navigate the complex regulatory environment and tackle difficult workplace issues. Courses include:
• WHS and Safe Work Compliance
• Performance Management Misconduct Investigations and Discipline
• Paying Staff Correctly
• Debt Recovery
• Consumer Law
• Emergency Fire Warden Training Members receive a discounted price on courses.
The Motor Vehicle Information Scheme (MVIS) has been established to mandate all service and repair information be made available for Australian repairers and Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) to purchase at a fair and reasonable price. Vehicles manufactured on or after 1 January 2002 will be covered under the scheme. However, two-or three-wheeled vehicles - along with motor homes, buses, heavy vehicles recreational vehicles and farm machinery - are currently excluded from the scheme.
It will create a fairer opportunity for Australian repairers to compete for more business and supports more choice for consumers in the Australian automotive industry.
A repairer is a person who carries on a business of diagnosing faults with servicing, repairing, modifying, or dismantling motor vehicles in Australia.
This includes:
• specialist repairers such as auto electricians, transmission, brake, suspension, and windscreen technicians
• vehicle body or smash repairers
• vehicle recycling/dismantlers.
The scheme excludes individuals who do not run these businesses but repair their own vehicles as a hobby.
General repair information can be purchased to aid diagnose faults, service and repair a vehicle directly from the data provider. Commonly, data providers will publish what information is available on their website in an easily accessible format.
The scheme information may include but not be limited to the following:
• Technician – this will give the subscriber access to automaker websites, the ability to submit an Assisted Initialisation and Reprogramming (AIR) request, and
the ability to request assistance with problems.
EV and Hydrogen Certified –add-ons that enable access to High Voltage vehicle service information and, as they come to market, Hydrogen vehicles. NOTE: this access is only available to appropriately qualified technicians who have completed AURETH101 Depower and reinitialise batter electric vehicles. The MTA offers this course at a discounted rate for members.
• Vehicle Security Professional –access to vehicle security codes unique to a vehicles. There are also some brands that validate certain security related scan tool routines using the Vehicle Security Professional ID.
WHERE DO I REGISTER? Registrations are now open via the Australian Automotive Service and Repair Authority (AASRA) portal. A list of data provider information links is also available on the portal.
• Average price of petrol: 30c/L
• Bathurst 1000 winners: Peter Brock and Jim Richards, for the third consecutive year in a Holden Commodore
• Top selling car: Holden Commodore
• Aria Top single: ‘I Got You’ – Split Enz
• SANFL winner: Port Adelaide Football Club
The 2T Compucruise Driving Computer. This amazing new yet thoroughly tested car computer performs 44 different functions as simply as touching a button. Space age technology makes it possible to install Compucruise as easily as any traditional cruise control device.
Our evaluation team told us: “It’s the most amazing product we’ve ever seen”! A few minutes and you’ll be familiar with your Compucruise. If you do make an error, the display will read “Error” and the alarm will buzz. Simple, isn’t it!
Called “A workshop for first-time computer buyers”, this new workshop is directed to the needs of small businessmen and professionals who are considering the introduction of computer technology to improve productivity, but need neutral advice.
CARAVANNING & CAMPER TRAILER NEEDS Refurbishing a new or old caravan? Need parts or advice? Want to book a service or repair? Looking for a new or used van? Contact Dario Caravans & Repairs. 08 8277 4388 or info@dariocaravans.com.au We are here to help with all your caravanning & camper trailer needs.
EXPERIENCED SENIOR MECHANIC REQUIRED for small and busy Darwin city workshop. Lots of daily variety, all vehicle servicing, manufacturing a variety of cables onsite, clutch and brake specialists. Rate of pay negotiable with demonstration of experience. Check out our website www.pkservicecentre. com.au for photos and contact details. Send resume outlining experience to adminpksc@bigpond.com .
FULLY QUALIFIED DIESEL MECHANIC - Wingfield, South Australia. Full-time employment with overtime available. Above award salary $40-$50 per hour. Ph 08 8465 7380 or email resume to accounts@pipli. com.au
EAST FARM MACHINERY GROUP Employment Opportunities - Mechanics –Parts Interpreters – Apprentices. Across all sites - Kadina, Crystal Brook, Strathalbyn. Contact Amanda on 0428 833 117 or email aelefsen@efmg.com.au
KC AUTO ELECTRICS in Alice Springs is looking for a Qualified Auto Electrician. Above award wages. Please contact Ken for more information on 0408 897 860 or kcracing@bigpond.com
SPRAY PAINTER & ASSISTANT WANTEDCasanova Crash Repairs is a privately owned collision repairer operating from Kent Town. We require the services of qualified spray painters with experience in painting late model and prestige vehicles using water borne paints. Attention to detail and able to work unsupervised. Contact Charbel 0411 507 558.
MOTORCYCLE TECHNICIAN NEEDED - Well above award wages. Great working hours 8.30am-4.30pm, no Saturdays. Modern workshop. Great place to enjoy working.
February 2023 Motor Trade magazine: Email your listing of no more than 50 words to Madelaine at mraschella@boylen.com.au by Friday 6 January 2023.
Northern suburbs. Resumes to sjpjohn@ bigpond.com .
If you’re good at what you do, you can work anywhere. If you’re the best at what you do, come work at Auto Masters South Australia. Soon to be 23 branches. Please email your resume to Tara at recruitment@automasters. com.au
AUTO ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL - Specialist in electrical diagnostics, air conditioning and mechanical work. All makes and models. J.W.Lawrence Auto-Electrical, Adelaide CBD. Contact 8231 2587 or jwlawrence@internode.on.net
- Join the award-winning team at Southern Volkswagen. Send resume and cover letter to Matt Canny via email mcanny@southgate. com.au
PANEL BEATER WANTED - Looking for a workplace that takes care of you? Varricchio’s Crash Repairs is looking for a skilled, reliable Panel Beater to join our team. You will work in a fully equipped workshop complete with industrial heating/cooling. Hours/salary negotiable (per experience). Contact us now info@varricchiocrash.com. au or 08 8362 7333.
NORTHPOINT need to fill the following automotive positions: NORTHPOINT TOYOTA - Automotive Technicians, Workshop Controller, Sales Consultant, Sales Trainee, New Car Administrator. NORTHPOINT MURRAYLANDS - General Sales Manager, Service Advisor, Automotive Technicians. NORTHPOINT PORT AUGUSTA - Service Manager, Automotive Technicians, Car Washer. NORTHPOINT FLEURIEU - Used Vehicle Sales Consultant. To apply, email hr@northpoint.com.au .
FULL-TIME PANEL BEATER POSITION – Experience necessary. Great working conditions, modern and up-to-date workshop. Wage negotiable. Contact Glenn Forbes at Plympton Crash Repairs - 0418 830 705 or email admin@plymptoncrash.com.au
HAMILTON AUTOMOTIVE GROUP located in Somerton Park seeks additional Mechanics through to Senior Diagnostic Technicians. Monday to Friday hours only. We offer security of tenure, interesting & varied work, career advancement opportunities
and a friendly working environment. Salary negotiable depending on experience. Applications to contact@hamiltonag.com. au
MULTIPLE POSITIONS VACANTQUALIFIED LIGHT VEHICLE TECHNICIAN & ACCESSORIES FITTER – come to the country for a simpler life! Mazda & Nissan Dealership in Bordertown and Naracoorte. Part-time hours considered if preferred. Contact Karen 0428 170 992 or email hr@lcauto.com.au Willing to assist with moving expenses.
NORTHBANK MARINE & CHRISTIES BEACH MARINE in Adelaide’s south produce some of Australia’s finest boats. We require a number of qualified trades to join our team in both locations. Applicants must have experience in the marine industry, a good work ethic and a high level of self-motivation. Call Mel on 0409 188 252 for more information.
SPARE PARTS INTERPRETER & HEAVY VEHICLE TECHNICIAN – Full-time positions exist within our parts and service teams. Ongoing training and support from our dynamic team and OEM suppliers. Relocate to a company where employees are treated like family. Full details via tttbt.com.au Careers or contact Donna on 08 8752 0077 or hr@tttbt.com.au .
WORKSHOP SUPERVISOR/ADVISOR wanted for Yamaha Motorcycle Franchise. Limestone Coast Motorcycles is a thriving family-owned business located in Naracoorte SA. We are offering competitive salary 80k+ (negotiable) for the successful candidate to lead our workshop. Motorcycle or small engine trade essential. Email admin@lscmotorcycles. com.au to apply.
FOR SALE - BEISSBARTH MICROTECH 787-WHEEL BALANCER: suits car, 4WD and light truck wheels, wheel lifter attachment, with accessories, excellent condition, $2700.
FULLY REFURBISHED BOAT TRAILER rated to 3500kg, suits up to 8m boat, re-galvanised, new stainless, Demmaxx ventilated brake system, 1600psi hydroelectric breakaway, SS braided brake lines, new LED lights, new LT tyres, alloy wheels inc. spare, fully Australian made with Aussie steel, bargain at $12,500, first to see. Contact John at Adelaide Brake & Mechanical (08) 8349 9934.
IN SA - 7 days a week - Lonsdale, Elizabeth and Gillman. DOORS $108 TAIL LIGHTS $43 GAS STRUTS $15. Stock List online at upullit.com.au
THE DIRT OFF ROAD CAMPERS has Adelaide’s best and largest range of premium off-road hybrid vans. Multi Award Winning Dealer. More details go to www.thedirt4wd. com.au . or visit our showroom at 26 Light Cres, Mt Barker SA.
FOR SALE OR LEASE - Chigros Motors Pty Ltd
Renmark. Used car business in prominent location. Corner Renmark Avenue and Sturt Highway. Approx. 2600 square metres. John is retiring after 50 years of successful business. P 08 85864060.
SA OIL RECOVERY. Parts, washer, solvent for sale. Free waste oil collection. Rag and oil filter collection. Phone 0408 876 552.
NISSAN Pintara * NISSAN Silvia * NISSAN Maxima DATSUN 1000, 1200, 120y, SUNNY 1600 180b, 200b, 240k Bluebird & Stanza models in all body types. Wrecking late model NISSAN Xtrail, Daulis. FREE CAR PICK UP. Grand Auto Wreckers - NISSAN & DATSUN SPECIALISTS www.grandauto.com.au or call 8382 6066.
U-PULL-IT PAYS CASH FOR CARS – We want cars in any condition: crashed, damaged, scrapped, running or not running. FREE REMOVAL - Call Justin on 0408 782 480 for an instant cash price and same day collection, visit www.upullit.com.au/sellyour-car
(08) 8233 9433