2 minute read


Iremember sitting in my then children’s boutique and calling my good friend and master photographer Dwayne Watkins one evening in February 2012. I shared with him a wild idea that I wanted to start a magazine about Caribbean parenting. He listened to my lofty dream knowing full well that I had neither the money nor the manpower to make it happen in the way that I dreamed about. He picked up the phone and he too called a friend - another

Dwayne, (Jureidini) whose design mastery would impress our readers for years to come.


Our core team was born, and parenting conversations shifted from an antiquated textbook view of only generational lessons, to a sexy redefinition of today’s parent as modern, global and relevant.

What began as a chic and classic children’s clothing store blossomed into a parenting platform with several related arms. Ten years of parenting on this stage saw us traveling the region, both physically and virtually to share the beauty of parenting as a lifestyle, while capturing the attention of thousands of readers and followers the world over.

Today, 10 years later, it is a joy to see what we have become. Like a multifaceted child with a variety of strengths and talents,

B3 - Bump, Baby and Beyond became a springboard for awareness for parents and confidence-building platforms for children with events and activities such as A Big Baby

Shower, B3 Parenting Expo, Expectations & Answers, Parenting Seminars, Our Sons,

Island Child Style, BOLDgirl, and most recently, The BossMom Network and The

BossMom Magazine. In all things, we remain in a celebration of the matriarchs of our nations who continue to build our families, while building their businesses.

This issue of The BossMom Magazine is a ‘fusion celebration’ of years gone by with B3 Parenting and the continuation of shining the spotlight on our moms.

As we celebrate our 10th anniversary of redefining Caribbean parenting, we say cheers to better communication and relationships between parents and children, and better familial connections everywhere we go. I’ve never wavered from saying that when we fix our families, we will fix our nation. Our cover girl for this issue BossMom Terri-Karelle Reid, underscores this message at the heart of her story starting on page XX.

This past Mother’s Day saw the BossMom Community come together to impact the lives of 3 mothers-in-need. In partnership with The Food for the Poor charity organization, corporate sponsorship and private donations, 15 like-minded BossMoms brought heart and strength together to build homes in three parishes across Jamaica. See more about our lifechanging initiative on page XX. It was an honour and a privilege to play a small part in fixing our nation.

Take a walk with us down B3 Memory Lane, and thank you, for 10 eventful years of redefining parenting lifestyle with beauty, style and grace.



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