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7Myths About Natural Black Hair
There has been a hair revolution recently; a movement of sorts to have women wear their naturally amazing tresses freely and authentically. This movement has brought with it some less than accurate truths about black hair, and by black hair we mean kinky hair. The term “kinky” refers to tightly coiled, thick tresses often categorized in the hair industry as 4B or 4C hair. Though the standards may differ for everyone, here are some common misconceptions about this texture hair.
by Ayesha Barnett
MYTH 1: Natural Hair Is Healthier Than Relaxed Black Hair.
Properly maintained hair is the only form of healthy hair! Relaxed and natural hair can suffer from breakage if not properly cared and maintained.
MYTH 2: Natural Hair Care is Cheaper To Maintain Than Relaxed Hair.
Hair care can get expensive! Period. Regardless of whether you are purchasing natural hair care products or products for relaxed hair, the same effort is required. And that bill can get pricey.
MYTH 3: Black Hair is Hard to Manage.
As with anything, knowledge is power. Once you learn the dynamics of your particular hair type and what products and styles promote healthy hair growth, it becomes easier.
MYTH 5: Grease Is the Best Moisturizer For My Scalp.
False! The best moisturizer for black hair is actually water. Most grease products are made up of artificial ingredients such as petroleum and mineral oils which may clog your scalp. Water based moisturizers are great for the penetration of black hair and natural oils such as coconut oil and shea butter are great for sealing in moisture.
MYTH 6: Black Hair Grows Slow or Not At All.
“People assume that because my hair is kinky rather than curly or coily, it doesn’t grow.” Fact: Black Hair grows an average of 1⁄2 an inch every month or 6-inches a year like every other race. There is no genetic difference which makes one type grow faster. It all comes down to proper hair care and maintenance.
MYTH 7: Natural Hair Means You Are Making a Political Statement or You’re a Feminist.
Nope! I just can’t be bothered with relaxers anymore.