FLANAGAN STATE BANK looks to make its mark in Montana


BRIDGER MOUNTAIN FIREPLACES keep Montanans cozy and warm
Plus more, SEE INSIDE!

FLANAGAN STATE BANK looks to make its mark in Montana
BRIDGER MOUNTAIN FIREPLACES keep Montanans cozy and warm
Plus more, SEE INSIDE!
BY SEAN BATURA Belgrade News
The change means access to the resources of an international company and all the economies of scale that go along with it. It also amounts to a slight economic boost for downtown, as the former staff of four at 29 W. Main St. has been expanded by four or five more real estate agents.
“It was a great opportunity to partner with Christie’s group and benefit from the resources and the branding that they have,” said Chris Awe, who moved Awe Real Estate there about five years ago.
Awe went into the real estate business in 2006. He purchased the 1,800-square-foot building downtown in July. The building formerly housed the Belgrade News
The downtown real estate office will now be known as PureWest Christie’s International Real Estate Belgrade.
“Our real estate [business] certainly cast a pretty big loop across the state and did everything from residential to farm, ranch, and luxury property, but the impetus for aligning with PureWest
See ESTATE on page 5
We’d like to extend a huge Thank You to our neighbors, friends, and members for your support as we continue to offer our Belgrade community the Above and Beyond financial guidance and involvement you have come to expect. Your stories and experiences give us purpose and fuel our products, service and passion for helping our members go Above and Beyond!
It is in this spirit that we say Thank You, and welcome you to explore our wide range of financial products with simple applications, dedicated service, quick approval, and exceptional rates!
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was that working together, we can all deliver a higher level of service to our clients,” Awe said.
Awe lives with his wife and children just outside Belgrade. Their 11-yearold attends private school and their 13-year-old attends Belgrade Middle School.
With the partnership, the office now includes real estate agent Kelley Schlauch. She’s very familiar with Belgrade, as she lives in the area with her husband. The couple’s two children attended the Belgrade public schools from kindergarten onward. Their oldest son coaches the girls JV soccer team at Belgrade High School.
“We’re embedded in this community. I’m looking forward to being more involved.” Schlauch said.
Another Christie’s real estate agent
at the Belgrade office is Lewis England, who lives in the Four Corners area. He serves the region as a firefighter/EMT full time and does real estate work on his days off. He was born and raised in Idaho and spent a lot of time in Montana visiting relatives.
Kelly Duncan also has joined the Belgrade real estate office from the Christie’s Bozeman location. A fifthgeneration Montanan, Duncan was born and raised in the Gallatin Valley. She lives north of Belgrade and has been in the real estate business for almost 20 years. Her husband and children graduated from Manhattan High School.
There’s a lot of potential for good things to happen in this region, she indicated.
“The growth from Bozeman is headed west – Belgrade, Manhattan, that area,” Duncan said. “So I think it’s a great opportunity to be out in this area and involved with the community
and the outlying communities.”
Not all the change in the Gallatin Valley has been detrimental, she said. Change can’t be stopped; one can only embrace it, make the best of it, and seize opportunities as they arise, she indicated.
“You have to be able to adapt and turn that to a good thing at some point,” Duncan said.
Duncan, Schlauch, England, and Awe all agreed they have an interest in making sure the quality of life in the area remains high.
“When buyers out of state come in, I like to talk to them about the importance of community and values.” Schlauch said. “We’re here to build lasting relationships with people.”
‘We hope to be a resource for the
Flanagan State Bank looks to make its mark in Montana
and began the Belgrade retail lending operation. As our client base grew, we decided to open a full-service bank in the State of Montana,” said Justin Yahnig, senior vice president for Flanagan State Bank.
“At our office in Belgrade, we are able to offer concierge-level services which include deposit account solutions and lending products,” he said.
Flanagan’s Montana base is centered at the Mercantile Building at 11 West Main St. in downtown Belgrade.
“I’ve always appreciated the
the community.”
Yahnig said Flanagan — which has $300 million in assets and 165 employees company wide — will provide banking and lending services at the renovated location in downtown Belgrade.
“We are a full-service bank that provides lending and deposit solutions for a full range of customers. We are very focused on home lending in the Gallatin Valley, and excel at offering a full range of products to first-time home buyers, to second homes to large land
purchases,” he said.
Flanagan also has retail mortgage branches in several states including California, Colorado, Missouri, Iowa, Texas and Indiana.
FSB is also looking to make its mark in the Belgrade community, Yahnig said.
“FSB is a family-orientated bank and that translates into helping advance the communities we serve. Locally, we regularly support the Museum of the
Rockies, Special Olympics and Belgrade HS athletics. We are always looking for ways to help make our community better.”
He also sees FSB as a community resource in a U.S. banking sector dominated by larger, national giants.
“We hope to be a resource for the community for all walks of life. There’s
a lot of mega banks in the community that may have lost sight of personalized customer service and taking the time to really cater to individuals or businesses’ specific needs. We aim to treat every customer with a very personalized service that fits their needs.”
For more: https://www. flanaganstatebank.com/
BY SEAN BATURA Belgrade News
Replacing flooring in a casino is a unique type of project. Every minute a gambling machine isn’t available for use is money potentially lost to the house, so floor installers have to be very accurate and efficient with their time.
“They’ve got it down pretty good,” said Jennifer Turnquist-Linn of her installers at Bridger Mountain Floors.
Its reputation for speed and quality is what has given the company multiple opportunities to serve casinos, such as those at various Town Pumps. In fact, Bridger Mountain Floors is about to do another Town Pump casino in Forsyth. The company’s installers can get in there, tear out existing tile and get the floor replaced in 6-8 hours depending on the size of the casino.
“They’re busting it,” Turnquist-Linn said. Her husband, Bill Linn, owns the company, which has a retail location in Belgrade where people can browse a plethora of flooring types and even take home samples. It’s important to take home samples to see how a prospective flooring type interacts with
each place’s unique lighting situation – light has a big effect on a floor’s appearance, the couple said.
The couple has seven children, one of whom is already committed to a career as an installer at the
See FLOORS on page 12
flooring company. A younger boy, still in high school, occasionally helps out in the office. The other children also will have the option to work for the business, but it’s not expected of them. It’ll be there for them to fall back on if needed, according to their parents, who intend to maintain a family operation that will stand the test of time.
“The flooring industry isn’t a bad place to be,” Turnquist-Linn said. “People eventually always replace their flooring. You don’t really see people replacing their drywall unless there’s something catastrophic.”
Turnquist-Linn’s sister, Ashley Turnquist, also works in the business’ retail office.
Linn founded the company in July 2020 with J.W. Engelbert, who passed away at age 34 in an ATV accident in June 2022. Engelbert was born in Oregon, grew up in Idaho and moved to Montana in 2012 before settling in
Belgrade with the woman he would marry the next year. Described as a respected business owner, a master and artist of flooring, and a man of few words with a great sense of humor, Engelbert was survived by his wife and two young children, among other family members and friends.
The Linn/Turnquist family and their staff carry on the business and reputation Engelbert helped build. They pride themselves on running a transparent, honest operation.
“This is a small community,” Turnquist said. “We want to be known for quality work.”
About 50% of the company’s work pertains to commercial properties, while the rest is residential.
The company also has provided flooring in buildings owned by Bozeman Public Schools and the City of Bozeman. It also provided the floor at Belgrade Public Schools’ Heck-Quaw School.
“That’s the elementary school that
we went to,” Turnquist said, speaking of her and her sister.
“We also did the Catholic Church here in Belgrade,” she added.
The company’s other flooring projects include those at a local Lutheran church, Divine Mercy Academy in Belgrade, a Gardiner hotel, cabins in West Yellowstone, teacher housing in Gardiner, new homes at Bridger View Neighborhood in Bozeman, a FedEx building in Belgrade, Headwaters Golf Course clubhouse in Three Forks, a VA center in Wyoming, and Yellowstone Club facilities in Big Sky.
Bridger Mountain Floors’ clients also include various property management companies.
“We’ve done quite a bit in Yellowstone Park,” Turnquist-Linn said.
The company also installed flooring at the Cancer Support Center in downtown Bozeman.
“We donated the labor on that one,”
Turnquist-Linn said.
A common project these days involves flooring for homes being remodeled.
“A lot of people are buying homes now and remodeling them,” TurnquistLinn said.
The company has the capacity to level large concrete floors using a machine that dispenses a liquid that hardens into concrete. The machine was used to level East Middle School in Butte. Bridger Mountain Floors is just one of two companies in the Gallatin Valley with that capability, TurnquistLinn said.
“It’s a big investment to purchase that to set us apart from people who are having to do that by hand,” Turnquist-Linn said.
The company also does custom showers and site-finished hardwood, and also sells and installs carpet, carpet tile, laminate, luxury vinyl, waterproof
See FLOORS on page 14
403Gallatin FarmersAvenue
Whileotherinsurersjustseeyourhomeandcar asabundleoracombodeal,Itakethetimeto seewhattheymeantoyouandgivethemthe protectiontheydeserve.
flooring, solid surface, area rugs, and more.
Having their own installers means a faster turnaround time, TurnquistLinn said. They also use trusted subcontractors.
Bridger Mountain Floors has been a sponsor of the Belgrade Battle of the Bands.
The family is considering opening a second retail location. The Enterprise visited the business on Oct. 11 and noted it was bursting at the seams with flooring for sample and sale.
“We definitely need a larger space,”
Turnquist-Linn said that day. “So, we have a few irons in the fire right now.”
“Or open like 10 more different stores,” her husband interjected.
“He just likes to stress me out,” Turnquist-Linn joked in response.
“Really, we’re just a small family business, locally owned and operated. We just really love our community... There’s always a lot of debate about how Belgrade isn’t the same. But the people here are the same. The spirit – we still have the spirit of the community here, and it’s a fun thing to be part of. I think that’s a treasure we have that not every even small community has.”
Andy’s Glass, Inc.
Andy ’s Glass, inc
166 Briar Place • Belgrade
166 Briar Place • Belgrade 406-388-1487 www.andysglass.net
Andy ’s Glass, inc
166 Briar Place • Belgrade
Andy Mitchell – Owner Debbie Briggs – Office Manager
Andy Mitchell – Owner
Debbie Briggs – O ffice Manager
Andy Mitchell – Owner
Debbie Briggs – O ffice Manager
8 29 years Your one stop glass shop for autoglass, windshields, rock chips, residential glass, windows, entrance doors, shower doors, window film, window repair, commercial storefront and entrance doors, automatic doors, screen repair, mirrors, plexiglass & miscellaneous.
BaseCamp Gallatin
21 Forkhorn Drive in Four Corners
BaseCamp Gallatin
406-586-9141 www.basecampgallatin.com
21 Fork horn Drive in Four Corners 406-586-9141 www.basecampgallatin.com
BaseCamp Gallatin
Ryan Streich
Ryan Streich
19 4 years in Belgrade, moved to Four Corners in spring of 2013
4 years in Belgrade, moved to Four Corners in spring of 2013
Authorized Polaris dealership, new and used ATVs, Side by Sides, Snowmobiles, Yamaha ORVs, Accessories and Repair
Your onest opglassshopf or aut oglass , windshields, rock chips, residential glass, windows, entrance doors, shower doors, window film, window repair, commercial storefront and entrance doors, automatic doors, screen repair, mirrors, plexiglass & miscellaneous
Your onest opglassshopf or aut oglass , windshields, rock chips, residential glass, windows, entrance doors, shower doors, window film, window repair, commercial storefront and entrance doors, automatic doors, screen repair, mirrors, plexiglass & miscellaneous
Authorized Polaris dealership, new and used AT Vs, Side by Sides, Snowmobiles, Yamaha OR Vs, Accessories and Repair
Proud contributor to the Belgrade community, Belgrade Chamber of Commerce member
21 Fork horn Drive in Four Corners 406-586-9141
Billings Clinic Bozeman, 3905 Wellness Way, Bozeman, MT 59718, 406-898-1200 https://www.billingsclinic.com/ billings- clinic-bozeman/
Billings Clinic Bozeman, 3905 Wellness Way Bozeman, MT 59718 406-898-1200 https://www.billingsclinic.com/ billings-clinic-bozeman/
Billings Clinic Bozeman, 3905 Wellness Way, Bozeman, MT 59718, 406-898-1200 https://www.billingsclinic.com/ billings- clinic-bozeman/
Bozeman Health
Bozeman Health
Belgrade Clinic Urgent Care
Belgrade Clinic Urgent Care 206 Alaska Frontage Road • Belgrade 406-414-3334
206 Alask a Frontage Road Belgrade 406-414-3334 www.bozemanhealth.org
Bridger Mountain Floors Llc
Bozeman Health
Lauren Nowak, Executive Director of Regional Operations
Lauren Nowak, Executive Director of Regional Operations
267 Clinic (3 Years), OB/GYN since 1976, Pediatrics since 2017
Clinic (2 years), OB/GYN since 1976, Pediatrics since 2017
Clinic (2 years), OB/GYN since 1976, Pediatrics since 2017
Behavioral Health,Dermatology, ENT, Gastroenterology, General Surgery, Neurology, Occupational Medicine, Primary Care, Internal Medicine, Cardiology, OB/ GYN, Reproductive Medicine and Fertility Care, Nutrition/ Registered Dietitians, Orthopedics, Spine and Sports Medicine, Pulmonology, Pediatrics, Pediatric Cardiology, Pediatric Endocrinology, Podiatry, Urology, Ophthalmology, Infusion Center, Infusion Pharmacy, Rehabilitation/PT/ OT, Lab, Radiology and Mammography, Imaging, Retail Pharmacy, Outpatient Surgery Center, Urgent Care and MedFlight Air Ambulance
William Linn 7 4.5
Authorized Polaris dealership, new and used AT Vs, Side by Sides, Snowmobiles, Yamaha OR Vs, Accessories and Repair
Bozeman Health is proud to serve Belgrade at Bozeman Health Belgrade Clinic. In addition to family medicine, Bozeman Health Belgrade Clinic offers urgent care, laboratory and diagnostic imaging services, physical therapy, and pediatrics. Urology and oncology specialists are also available at the Belgrade Clinic via appointment.
Behavioral Health,Dermatology, ENT, Gastroenterology, General Surger y, Neurology, Occupational Medicine, Primar y Care, Internal Medicine, Cardiology, OB/GYN, Reproductive Medicine and Fer tility Care, Nutrition/ Registered Dietitians, Or thopedics, Spine and Spor ts Medicine, Pulmonology, Pediatrics, Pediatric Cardiology, Pediatric Endocrinology, Podiatr y, Urology, Ophthalmology, Infusion Center, Infusion Pharmac y, Rehabilitation/PT/ OT, Lab, Radiology and Mammography, Imaging, Retail Pharmac y, Outpatient Surger y Center, Urgent Care and MedFlight Air Ambulance
Behavioral Health,Dermatology, ENT, Gastroenterology, General Surger y, Neurology, Occupational Medicine, Primar y Care, Internal Medicine, Cardiology, OB/GYN, Reproductive Medicine and Fer tility Care, Nutrition/ Registered Dietitians, Or thopedics, Spine and Spor ts Medicine, Pulmonology, Pediatrics, Pediatric Cardiology, Pediatric Endocrinology, Podiatr y, Urology, Ophthalmology, Infusion Center, Infusion Pharmac y, Rehabilitation/PT/ OT, Lab, Radiology and Mammography, Imaging, Retail Pharmac y, Outpatient Surger y Center, Urgent Care and MedFlight Air Ambulance
Bozeman Health is proud to ser ve Belgrade at Bozeman Health Belgrade Clinic In addition to family medicine, Bozeman Health Belgrade Clinic offers urgent care, laborator y and diagnostic imaging ser vices, physical therapy, and pediatrics Urology and oncology specialists are also available at the Belgrade Clinic via appointment
Bozeman Schools Foundation, Gallatin High and Bozeman High Biomed Science Program, Montana Professional Firefighters, Thrive, Bozeman Help Center, Bridger Ski Foundation, United Way, Downtown Bozeman Partnership, Prospera Business Network, Montana Chamber, Bozeman Chamber, Big Sky Chamber, Eagle Mount, Warriors and Quiet Waters, Reach, Cody Dieruf Foundation, Gallatin High Boys & Girls Soccer, Gallatin Elite Soccer Club, Gallatin Ice Foundation, MSU Bobcats, Museum of the Rockies, Pack the Place in Pink, Cancer Support Community and Casting for Recovery
Bozeman Schools Foundation, Gallatin High and Bozeman High Biomed Science Program, Montana Professional Firefighters, Thrive, Bozeman Help Center, Bridger Sk i Foundation, United Way, Downtown Bozeman Par tnership, Prospera Business Network, Montana Chamber, Bozeman Chamber, Big Sky Chamber, Eagle Mount, Warriors and Quiet Waters, Reach, Cody Dieruf Foundation, Gallatin High Boys & Girls Soccer, Gallatin Elite Soccer Club, Gallatin Ice Foundation, MSU Bobcats, Museum of the Rock ies, Pack the Place in Pink, Cancer Suppor t Community and Casting for Recover y
Proud contributor to the Belgrade community, Belgrade Chamber of Commerce member
Adding up all community benefits provided in 2015–financial assistance and unreimbursed costs, community health improvement services and community benefit operation, health professions education, subsidized health services, research and cash and in- kind contributions to community groups– totaled an impressive $23.85 million dollars.
Bozeman Schools Foundation, Gallatin High and Bozeman High Biomed Science Program, Montana Professional Firefighters, Thrive, Bozeman Help Center, Bridger Sk i Foundation, United Way, Downtown Bozeman Par tnership, Prospera Business Network, Montana Chamber, Bozeman Chamber, Big Sky Chamber, Eagle Mount, Warriors and Quiet Waters, Reach, Cody Dieruf Foundation, Gallatin High Boys & Girls Soccer, Gallatin Elite Soccer Club, Gallatin Ice Foundation, MSU Bobcats, Museum of the Rock ies, Pack the Place in Pink, Cancer Suppor t Community and Casting for Recover y
Adding up all community benefits provided in 2015–financial assistance and unreimbursed costs, community health improvement ser vices and community benefit operation, health professions education, subsidized health ser vices, research and cash and ink ind contributions to community groups–totaledanimpressive$23.85milliondollars.
Belgrade Clinic Urgent Care
Career Transitions
226 Arden Dr. Belgrade, MT 59714
206 Alask a Frontage Road Belgrade 406-414-3334
189 Arden Dr • Belgrade 388-6701 www.career transitions.com
Churchill Equipment
7150 Churchill Rd • Manhattan 406-282-7252 www.churchillequipment.com
Career Transitions
189 Arden Dr. • Belgrade
Career Transitions
Manager: Jennifer Sipes
Flooring and Tile Retail, Flooring and Tile Installation, Custom Showers, Leveling, Repairs
Manager: Jennifer Sipes
Manager: Jennifer Sipes
189 Arden Dr. • Belgrade 388-6701
www.career transitions.com
Churchill Equipment
Churchill Equipment
7150 Churchill Rd • Manhattan
7150 Churchill Rd • Manhattan 406-282-7252
Career Assessments/Counseling, HiSE T/ GED Preparation, Non-Traditional Occupations/Entrepreneurship, Job Seeker Ser vices, Employer Ser vices, Community Education Training
Farm Implement & Machiner y
Bozeman Health is proud to ser ve Belgrade at Bozeman Health Belgrade Clinic. In addition to family medicine, Bozeman Health Belgrade Clinic offers urgent care, laborator y and diagnostic imaging ser vices, physical therapy, and pediatrics Urology and oncology specialists are also available at the Belgrade Clinic via appointment
Career Assessments/Counseling, HiSE T/ GED Preparation, Non-Traditional Occupations/Entrepreneurship, Job Seeker Ser vices, Employer Ser vices, Community Education Training
1981 Career Assessments/Counseling, HiSET/ GED Preparation, Non-Traditional Occupations/Entrepreneurship, Job Seeker Services, Employer Services, Community Education Training
Farm Implement & Machiner y
Private community-based nonprofit: mission is to assist & strengthen communities, families, & individuals to become self-sufficient through workforce development, education, training & employment
Adding up all community benefits provided in 2015–financial assistance and unreimbursed costs, community health improvement ser vices and community benefit operation, health professions education, subsidized health ser vices, research and cash and ink ind contributions to community groups–totaledanimpressive$23.85milliondollars
Manhattan Christian Schools, Amsterdam Churchill Community events
Belgrade Booster, Belgrade Bandits Sponsor, Belgrade Youth Baseball Sponsor, Cancer Community Center Expansion, Battle Of The Bands Sponsor, Gallatin Valley Wranglers Sponsor, Belgrade Highschool Pro-Start Sponsor, Belgrade Community Coalition Sponsor, Fall Festival Sponsor, Future Panther Sponsor, Belgrade Highschool Athletics, Belgrade Middle School Orchestra Sponsor, Gallatin Valley Christian Homeschool Association Sponsor, Bozeman Bucks Sponsor, Belgrade Senior Send-Off Sponsor, MadisonGallatin Chapter Of Trout Unlimited Sponsor, Delaney Doherty Batting Facility Contributor
Private community-based nonprofit: mission is to assist & strengthen communities, families, & individuals to become self-sufficient through workforce development, education, training & employment
Private community-based nonprofit: mission is to assist & strengthen communities, families, & individuals to become self-sufficient through workforce development, education, training & employment
Manhattan Christian Schools, Amsterdam Churchill Community events.
Manhattan Christian Schools, Amsterdam Churchill Community events.
Dokken Nelson Funeral Service & Crematory 113 S. Wilson Ave. • Bozeman 587-3184 www.dokkennelson.com
Chris & Monica Remely
Donna S. Gottsch, CPA 11 West Main, Suite 219 Belgrade 406-388-2180 donna@donnagottschcpa.com
Edward Jones-Belgrade 103 W Jefferson Ave Suite B
Belgrade, Mt 59714
Edward Jones-Bozeman
1010 E Main St Ste B Bozeman, Mt 59715
Elliot Insurance Agency INC State Farm Insurance 403 Gallatin Farmers Ave Ste 101
Belgrade, MT 59714
First Security Bank
511 W. Main St. • Belgrade 388-3700 www.ourbank.com
Donna Gottsch, CPA 2
More than 100 Locally owned and operated, full- service funeral home. Customized memorial items and video tributes. Pre-planning leader in the Gallatin Valley, offering pre-planning seminars as well as tailored presentations for local organizations.
Individual & Business Tax Planning & Preparation, Small Business Consulting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Assistance
Edward Jones is a financial services firm headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri.
Preparing for retirement, investing for college, tax-efficient investments
Providing the families we serve with caring, compassionate service. Offering free community events such as our annual Service of Hope during the holidays and community seminars on grief/loss. Also, both financial contributions and volunteering time to community organizations and events.
Ty Elliot 7 Started in 2001
Provide insurance and financial services
Belgrade Chamber member, former treasurer; locally owned family run business; active supporter of Belgrade Fall Festival many years; Belgrade Community Library Foundation, Inc. contributor; supports area schools, contributes to local economy.
Flanagan State Bank 11 W Main Street, Ste 104 Belgrade, MT 59714
Christine MacDonald Branch President
200+ employees in Gallatin County
Since 1919
First Security Bank offers a friendly staff of experts to help you with business, real estate, consumer and agricultural loans, Internet banking, and a full range of deposit accounts.
Justin Yahnig, Senior Vice President 3 locally, 165 total 114 years Home loans, land loans, personal deposit accounts such as checkings/ savings, business bank accounts.
Volunteer golf coach – Gallatin High School, FCA volunteer + board member,
Elliot Insurance is a big supporter of the Belgrade School District as well as the Belgrade Booster Club. Ty also serves the community as the President of the Belgrade Education Foundation and is the Chairman of the Board for Central Valley Fire District. Elliot Insurance has always been community oriented and likes to give back where ever needed.
As the area’s largest locally-owned bank, we feel fortunate to be able to help local community organizations through employee volunteerism, donations, sponsorships, and charitable giving
Belgrade Athletics, Museum of the Rockies, Special Olympics, Tanya’s Dance Studio
L & L Site Services, Inc.
Manhattan Bank 124 S. Broadway
Manhattan 284-3255 www.manhattanbank.bank
Lance Johnson, Owner/ Manager
Parkhaven Retirement & Assisted Living Community 100 Hamilton Ct
Manhattan 406-282-7488 www.parkhavenretirement.com
Ken Fenno, CEO
40 Est. 2017 Trust L & L Site Services for:
• Roll-off containers for major construction and demolition debris
• Residential services including curbside garbage pick up and large-sized totes
• Commercial services including 2- to 8-yard containers and trash compactors
Demolition services
45 Since 1905 118 years
Locally owned and operated full service bank offering financial products and services. Something for everyone from personal to business to agriculture and more. We now offer on the go options like mobile banking, mobile deposit and person to person payments. One of our Customer Service Representatives would love to explore the right options for you.
John & Rebecca Murray 25 Since 2007 24 hour staffing, repite stay available, emergency response team, financial progams, scheduled transportation, dining, maintenance free, independent cottages, studio, 1 & 2 BRs, activities
As the only locally owned and operated waste hauler in Gallatin County, we proudly support our community any chance we can. We donate to local schools like Belgrade, Manhattan, Three Forks and Amsterdam via scholarships, Teacher Grants and Fundraisers. We’ve donated our services to local organizations that help Veterans. We are also a corporate sponsor of the MSU Bobcats.
Manhattan Bank is involved in the community through many employees volunteering in community service opportunities ranging from Rotary, Fire Department and the Chamber to name a few. The bank also assists the community throughout the year in the way of donations, scholarships and other ways we can to give back to the community.
Active in Manhattan Rotary, contributes to graduating seniors w/ scholarships, active with Senior Center, Potato Festival and Adopt a Senior.
PureWest Christie’s International Real Estate, 29 West Main Street, Belgrade MT 59714
Southwest Montana Regional Managing Broker - Wallis Morger Bryan
Rich’s Flooring
310 Gallatin Farmers Ave.
Belgrade 388-7955
RichDamjanovich Owner
Statewide we have 256 agents and in our Southwest Montana offices, that includes Belgrade, we have 35
PureWest Christie’s was established in Southwest Montana in 2010.
5 29 years
Our mission is to guide clients seamlessly through the complexities of selling or purchasing real estate, whether it’s a home, business, investment, or commercial property. We are committed to providing expert support every step of the way.
Flooring: quality you can stand on at prices you can afford,with installation you can rely on
Although we’re not new to southwest Montana—with established offices in Ennis, Bozeman, and Big Sky— we’re excited to bring our expertise to Belgrade. As leaders in real estate across the state, we are honored to serve the communities we call home and proud to be members of local clubs and the Chamber of Commerce. Our agents are actively engaged in various volunteer efforts, with several already involved in the Belgrade Booster Club, the Belgrade Community Coalition and the Gallatin Valley Food Bank.
Belgrade owned business. Supports Belgrade sporting events, contribute to Belgrade area schools and the local economy.
Rocky Mountain Supply
Store location address
350 Jack rabbit Lane • Belgrade
Administration O ffice address
210 Gallatin Farmers Avenue
Sky Federal
95 N. Weaver • Belgrade
Brad Gjermo – CEO
Bill Balliet–Retail Division Manager
Randy Craig – Agronomy Division Manager
Jason Rorabaugh –Petroleum Division Manager
Elizabeth Flikkema –Belgrade Store Manager
Annamarie DeYoungCEO
par t and fulltime 30+ (Belgrade location) 120+ (Company)
8 Belgrade location
Established 1999 Previously as Gallatin Farmers In Belgrade since 2008
Farm and ranch supplies, Animal Health products, Clothing/Boots, Convenience Store items, Spor ting Goods, Agronomy, Petroleum
4H and FFA suppor ters
Local School suppor ter
Active par ticipants in many local groups and fundraisers
Stock man Insurance
161 W Madison • Belgrade
https://www.stock manbank.com/ si/belgrade
Stock man Bank
6050 Jack rabbit Lane
Stock manbank.com
KC Keith, AFIS Vice President/General Manager
Southwestern Market
Paul Pahut 406-556-4151
VP, Belgrade Branch Manager
Ryan Ballenger 406-556-4136
The Belgrade Bank opened in 2005 Belgrade Branch has 19 employees and Stock man Bank employs more than 800 people statewide
We strive to go above and beyond the usual “customer ser vice ” O ffering online bank ing, mobile bank ing, credit and debit cards, and insurance on accounts. Our new ATM now accepts check deposits, offering another convenient a alternative the drive -up Our online bank ing, mobile bank ing and telephone teller ser vices are all great ways to make transactions.
Insurance: Individual & Business
Belgrade Chamber of Commerce member. Proud to suppor t the Belgrade Community and our local schools.
Stock man Bank is Montana’s largest, family- owned, community bank, with 36 full-ser vice locations across the state. Founded in 1953, Stock man is uniquely focused on Montana, with comprehensive bank ing products and ser vices, along with state - of-the -ar t online and mobile bank ing, wealth management and insurance ser vices
Donates countless hours to the promotion of the Belgrade area business & community Past Chamber of Commerce presidenc y & Mason’s Lodge Sponsorships & donations to numerous local organizations and events
Stock man Bank is proud to suppor t Belgrade and all the communities that we ser ve throughout Montana. Our employees actively volunteer in many ser vice organizations, local schools and spor ts. Contributions include the Belgrade Librar y, Chamber of Commerce, SWMBIA, and many other community organizations
Chilly winters are the norm in Montana, and locals are staying cozy with gas, wood, electric, and pellet stoves from Bridger Mountain Fireplaces.
The 2021-established, familyowned company sells, services, and installs stoves and fireplaces – helping homeowners lower their energy costs with alternative heating systems.
“Our customers tell us every day how much they appreciate us and the great work we do and the friendly staff we have,” said owner Joseph Pelletier, who runs Bridger Mountain Fireplaces with his business partner, Brady Ferriter. “We strive to have the best customer service in the Gallatin Valley.”
The company has a showroom in Manhattan with a wide selection of stoves, hearths, fireplaces, and accessories.
“While running the business out of our home and searching for a commercial space to open our showroom, we finally found the perfect
spot in Manhattan,” Pelletier said. “We have been welcomed with open arms and couldn’t be happier in this amazing community.”
Pelletier and Ferriter have been in the fireplace industry for more than 12 years. They gained their business knowledge from longtime friends and local business owners J.D. and Deb Engle of Burning Stoves & Stuff in Belgrade.
“We are grateful for their ongoing support and mentoring,” Pelletier said about the Engles. “Our vision for our business is to provide warmth, comfort, and excellent customer service to the greater Gallatin County and surrounding areas.”
Pelletier and Ferriter also support numerous local organizations and charities, and sponsor softball teams. They hope to continue growing their business and their community impact.
“We are hoping to be able to expand as we grow. We started as two and
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now there are five of us,” Pelletier said. “We can’t wait to transform our customers’ homes into cozy havens with our fireplaces.” For
Whether his clients’ financial dreams are for five years from now or 50, Connor Hausauer wants them to know he’s there for them, assessing his client’s specific needs by matching strategy with discipline.
The Bozeman-born and now based, financial advisor for Edward Jones provides assistance to come up with a high-quality game plan for financial freedom, whether that’s planning for an early retirement, saving for college or paying for a down payment on a new house.
“My approach and the Edward Jones approach is seeking to understand what my client is after,” Hausauer said. “If somebody has financial questions as simple as they are, as complex as they might be, I’m happy to welcome anybody into my office.”
A former educator, Hausauer has a passion for teaching, and most recently, he’s made the transition to helping clients weave through the complexities of personal finances, working with
people young and old to plan out their futures.
He’s Bozeman through and through, having been born and raised here, only leaving to attend Carroll College and get his degree. The Montanan then spent eight years teaching social studies at Bozeman High School, focusing on history, government and economics, a passion he continues today.
Hausauer is also an avid golfer, having spent time outside of the classroom as an assistant coach for the school’s golf team and now continues to volunteer for Gallatin High School’s team.
Transitioning from teaching to finance was a career move that Hausauer says allowed him to continue his love for teaching, by helping people learn, identify their goals and work to develop an inherently unique financial strategy.
“I’ve always loved teaching and that hasn’t changed in my career, it was important to me when switching that I felt like I had a career where there was still service of individuals,” he said.
Whether he’s working with his youngest client or someone in their 90s. Hausauer works to execute a strategy, fully aware that money is a key to doing so much more.
“I recognize that money is important, but money is important in that it allows people to accomplish the goals that they’re far more passionate about them,” Hausauer said. “The money is just a vehicle to help support what matters in their life.”
Edward Jones, where Hausauer works in an intimate office on East Main Street in Bozeman, is a leading financial services company.
Regardless of who the client is, Hausauer wants them to know he’s working for them. He seeks to build trust so that his clients feel confident in sharing their specific needs, and to identify their appetite for risk and their willingness to stick it through for the long run as the market changes.
“There’s a lot of people asking finance questions right now,” he said. “Does the election matter? What should I do
if the Fed cuts rates?... that can affect their strategy in terms of how they’re planning for their goals,” he said.
For Hausauer, it comes down to developing a disciplined strategy, working with a client to identify what makes the most sense and how they can take advantage of their current budget to make smarter money moves.
“A disciplined strategy is going to be the best chance that somebody has of making those goals and those things that are important to life happen to them,” Hausauer said. “And if they’re serious about their goals, they should be serious about the method to reach them.”
Whether that’s saving, playing it safe or offering a more aggressive strategy, or identifying space in budgets for monthly deposits or investments, Hausauer wants his clients to stay on top of their portfolios in meaningful ways.
And even if they just have a simple question or want to learn more, his office is always open.
Klebenow’s experiences with her grandmother’s Alzheimer’s fuel her passion
to help others with elder, memory care
Belgrade News
Lindsey Klebenow found her path and purpose in life at a young age. Klebenow was nine years old when her father passed away and her grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.
Growing up in Washington state, Klebenow said there were not substantial resources or facilities to help with her grandmother’s situation.
“We did the best we could do with whatever we had,” she said. “That’s what a lot of people have to do.”
Klebenow said a lot of families and loved ones still cobble together do-ityourself (DIY) care plans to help loved ones dealing with Alzheimer’s or other memory care and health concerns.
Her grandmother lived with Alzheimer’s for 18 years. “That was really, really hard on our family,” Klebenow said. “That’s why I care.”
That’s where her path and purpose comes in.
MONTANA ROOTS Klebenow founded Heart to Heart Home Care LLC in 2019 — first in Bozeman and later moving to Belgrade — to help offer better care paths to families throughout the region.
The local home health and memory care company offers in-home care and bought the Stockman Insurance building in Belgrade earlier this year and is offering adult day services there.
The 2,500-square-foot space can accommodate as many as 16 clients. Klebenow said it is the first such facility in Montana.
The adult care center at 161 West Madison Avenue in Belgrade is open Tuesdays through Thursdays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and by appointment other days.
She hopes it offers a place for families and caregivers to drop off loved ones during the day when needed — offering an alternative to assisted living situations.
Heart to Heart also currently serves 22 home health clients and is looking for more opportunities locally and statewide.
“We’re hiring,” she said.
Klebenow just doesn’t have life experience and entrepreneurial spirit. Her family has roots in Montana. Her grandmother was born in Lambert, Montana and lived in Livingston.
Klebenow sought out her Montana roots and moved back to Manhattan to help her cousin take care of her great uncle.
She earned a community health degree with a certificate in gerontology from Montana State University and then a master’s degree in gerontology from the Leonard Davis School of Gerontology at the University of
Southern California.
USC ranks as one of the top gerontology schools in the world, according to a number of rankings.
Klebenow worked for a home health care franchise in Montana before embarking on her own entrepreneurial path. She said she avoided the franchise path — pointing to their marketing and other requirements on franchise owners.
“It’s very scary and it’s very hard — but it is so rewarding,” she said of starting and running her own business, noting Montana’s unique status of being among four U.S. states that don’t regulate home health care.
The latter means home health care and adult day care services are not covered by Medicare or Medicaid in Montana.
In the midst of her career path,
Klebenow said her husband, a welder, suffered a traumatic brain injury on the job in 2020.
The home health care field is known for high turnover rates. Klebenow said labor is a challenge, and she has found middle age and older workers are more likely to stay longer in the jobs and often it’s those who have experience with older relatives.
“They are the best staff members that I have,” she said.
Klebenow is proud of her Montana roots, and Heart to Heart currently offers dementia, memory care and home health services in Bozeman, Three Forks, Belgrade, Big Sky, Livingston, Townsend, Manhattan and Ennis. She’s also looking at eventually expanding to eastern Montana.
Like many small business owners and those who have found purpose and passion in their vocations, Klebenow lives and breathes her work.
“It’s never ending,” Klebenow said of her 24/7 focus on Heart to Heart’s
clients and care services. “It’s just my daily life.”
But she also doesn’t lose sight of her experiences growing up and the core mission of her business — helping families navigate elder and memory care situations.
Heart to Heart Home Care LLC is owned by Lindsey Klebenow.
“It really shaped my life,” Klebenow said.
For more: https:// hearttohearthomecare.net/
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