Prime April 2023

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Bozeman Women’s Activities Groups

Longstanding group offer women opportunity to recreate outdoors together

Carol Weaver joined Bozeman Women’s Activities Groups (BWAGs) in 1991, shortly after moving to Montana. Over three decades later, she’s still skiing with the group multiple times a week.

She was drawn in and has continued to be involved with the organization by the “camaraderie” between women it offers and the shared mission of its members.

“We all want to be outside, we all want to be active and we all want to lead a long life,” Weaver


The organization was started in the late 1960 by Margaret Emerson, and has now grown to over 200 dues-paying members. Initially, featuring outdoor and indoor activities BWAGs now focuses primarily on outdoor recreation, such as skiing,

kayaking, hiking and biking together.

Women of all ages are welcome to participate with members in both their 20s and 80s, though the group is primarily composed of individuals in their 60s and 70s.

Having social opportunities

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in a kayaking
Photos courtesy of BWAGs
members participate

to get out in nature and exercise like BWAGs provides is especially beneficial for those at retirement age Weaver said as it keeps them mobile.

“You gotta move,” she said. “You just have to have to move to keep healthy.”

BWAGs Treasurer Patti Steinmuller agreed and added that their outings also have a social benefit.

“It keeps us active and interested in other people. “When you’re doing an activity you find out what’s important in other people’s lives,” Steinmuller said. “It’s pretty easy to develop new friendships.”

“We just get to know a lot of women, and it just makes life so pleasant,” Weaver said.

The connections formed through BWAgs have led to folks taking out-of-state and even international trips together, as well as meeting up in town for meals out, film screenings or to watch performances.

People also join the group to discover new trails and places they may have never been to before in a safe environment, Steinmuller said.

“It’s an opportunity where you can do activities safely, and there’s always people who have done them before and can show you the ropes.”

To participate in the group members pay an annual fee of $10. A portion of this money is used to help fund their annual luncheon, but the rest is donated to local non-profit organizations they wish to support at the end of the year.

“Everybody is pleased to give back and make those donations,” Steinmuller said. They frequently meet Tuesdays at 9 AM at the Museum of the Rookies parking lot for skiing or hiking outings, depending on the season, but dates and times can vary. Those interested in learning more about the organization and joining can visit and join the BWAGs Facebook group to learn more and sign up for the various activity email lists.

“We are interested in having people join who want to do activities and be together with other women,” Steimuller said. “There are a lot of hiking groups, but this is a special group.”

PRIME APRIL 2023 / 3
A Note from the Editor: Do you know a senior who should be featured in a future edition of prime? Email your suggestions to Jennifer Verzuh at How we really are .................................................. 4 Tax breaks aging taxpayers may be eligible for ... 7 Dr. Douglas Tallamy and Native Plants ................ 8 Old guy groceries ................................................ 10 Don’t Let Fear Drive Investment Decisions....... 12 Meal Service In Senior Centers ..................... 14-15 Bozeman Senior Center Fitness & Recreation .. 16 Boz e m a n L ions C Lu B e y e g l a s s e s c o l l e c t i o n b o x f o r p r e s c r i p t i o n o r n o n -p r e s c r i p t i o n a n d d a r k g l a s s e s a t T h e B o z e m a n s e n i o r C e nt e r, T h e B e l g r a d e s e n i o r C e nt e r, T h e m a n h a t t a n s e n i o r C e nt e r a n d T h e T h r e e R i v e r s s e n i o r C i t i z e n s C lu b i n T h r e e Fo r k s . For more infor m at ion , cont a ct R ic ha rd R e il e y at 40 6 -388 -78 40 Vi s it u s on t he we b a t ht t p://e - c lubhou se .or g /site s/ boz ema n mt
Photo by Terry Quatraro
A BWAGs member in 2018 participates in their long-standing burlap underwear ceremony, signifying that she has turned 70.

“W hy are you doing that?” asked Cora, my sixyear-old grandniece. We were at the breakfast bar, and Cora was waiting for her dad to make her blueberry pancakes as I applied my eye makeup.

“I like my eyes,” I said. “I like to make them look pretty.”

As she mulled that over, I

How We Really Are

continued, “But I don’t like my real hair. That’s why I wear a wig.”

“You wear a WIG?” Cora was clearly intrigued.

I can rarely resist an opportunity to entertain. Before I took my wig off, I made Cora promise not to laugh. She agreed solemnly, and I whipped it off.

Her face was carved from stone — except for her eyes which were suddenly huge. But her father, my nephew, was not so

well prepared. He stood by the stove, ready to flip a pancake, his mouth open in apparent horror.

There was a long pause. Then Cora demanded, “Why have you never shown me how you really are?”

“I didn’t want to frighten you,” I said.

Cora has asked an interesting question. How many of us— especially those in the mature adult category— are willing to show the world how we really


I have alopecia. It’s an autoimmune condition where you lose your hair. About six years ago, my dermatologist told me, “It doesn’t matter how much Rogaine you rub in. You’ll lose all your hair eventually.”

I’d been collecting cute hats as well as investing in welladvertised remedies. After my diagnosis, a good friend marched me off to the local wig store, saying, “At least try some on and

4 / APRIL 2023 PRIME

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see if you want to go that route.”

Some alopecia sufferers are completely comfortable letting their bald heads shine. After all, actress Jada Pinkett Smith’s willingness to show the world how she really is triggered last year’s Hollywood ruckus involving her husband, Will Smith, and Oscar host Chris Rock.

I bonded with a beautiful young woman from the Netherlands on a recent trip. Sometimes Karina showed up in the ship’s dining room or at lectures wearing one of her bright knit caps, but other times she let her lovely bare head speak for itself. She and I spent a cozy afternoon drinking tea and comparing notes on the sorrow of losing something we never realized we depended upon until it began to abandon us.

My head does not look lovely when it’s bare. My hairline has been marching back for 15 years, but I still have plenty of dark brown hair on the back of my skull.

Besides my incomplete baldness, another justification I used for that first wig was that I was getting undeserved sympathy. “Oh, I didn’t know!” people would say. Clearly, they thought I was undergoing chemo for cancer.

But do I really need an excuse?

Isn’t it okay for me to put my best

face forward?

A friend who’s ten years younger than I recently remarked that she thinks it is silly that people— women especially— spend a lot of time and money trying to look younger than they are.

“Why can’t we just be satisfied that we’re lucky we get old and then look our age?” she wondered.

But I think of another friend, ten years older than I, and how great she looked when I picked her up recently to go to a play. She was wearing makeup, and she had carefully arranged her hair. Seeing her made me smile. I wasn’t thinking, “She’s trying to look young.” Instead, I thought, “It’s so great to see her going out to see people and be seen.”

Some acquaintances feel I’m wasting time applying eye makeup daily. It’s part of my morning routine, like that first cup of coffee and texting my Wordle results to my daughter. I’m establishing my daytime persona as I brush on eyeshadow and paint a line on my eyelid. Perhaps that line marks a border between that strange ageless “me” that inhabits my dreams and the persona I prefer to take out in public.

In my 20s, I lived in the steamy tropical Mariana Islands and wore my long hair up in what we called a French twist. I remember

a friend moaning that when she finally returned to temperate climes, she’d be 30 and too old to wear her natural blonde hair down. That must have been a rule in Kentucky, where she grew up. These days I admire (well, okay, envy) women in their 70s and 80s who wear their beautiful

hair down to their shoulders. I visited an aunt some years ago in Oregon. She had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, yet there she was, her fine blue eyes nicely made up, shadowed and outlined. It cheered me up. She’s still Aunt Jan, I thought. That’s how she really is.

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Curiosity for Life. Join us. • 406-994-6550

More photos

From page 3

6 / APRIL 2023 PRIME
Photo courtesy of BWAGs BWAGs take to the trails on hikes of varying degrees of difficulty. Here a group of women and their dogs pose while out in nature. Photo courtesy of BWAGs Group members regularly ski together in the winter.

Tax breaks aging taxpayers may be eligible for

Growing older comes with many perks for those who are open to exploring the benefits. In addition to senior discounts on movies, meals and more, moving into one’s golden years could offer some breaks when it comes to taxes and finances.

It is always best to go over taxand finance-related plans with an accountant or certified financial planner to figure out what is in your best interest. However, generally speaking, here are some potential age-related tax perks.

Increase retirement savings

Older individuals can contribute more to employer-sponsored retirement accounts and Roth or traditional individual retirement accounts (IRAs), according to AARP. For 2023, the contribution limit for employees who participate in 401(k) and 403(b) programs, most 457 retirement savings plans and Thrift Savings Plan through the U.S. Federal Government can increase their contributions to $22,500 - a jump of $2,000 from last year. Those over age 50 can maximize contributions even more, up to a total of $30,000.

Larger standard deduction

The Balance Money says for tax year 2022, people age 65 or older can add an extra $1,750 to the standard deduction they’re eligible for if they are unmarried and not a surviving spouse. Those who are married and file joint returns can add $1,400. For tax year 2023, those amounts go up to $1,850 and $1,500. In addition, the standard eligible deductions increased. Most

older taxpayers feel the bigger standard deduction plus the extra standard deduction is more than any itemized deductions they can claim and choose this option when filing their returns.

Reduce taxable income

The ability to contribute more to tax-defered retirement accounts enables older adults to reduce their taxable incomes. This, in turn, reduces the amount that needs to be spent on income taxes.

Changes in filing threshold

According to The Arbor Company, which oversees senior living communities, the filing threshold is the income that must be made before being required to file a tax return. Typical taxpayers who are either employees or retired and drawing pensions or Social Security find the threshold increases over age 65. Single filers over age 65 do not need to file returns if their incomes are $14,050 or under. Married filers over age 65 have a threshold of $27,400. If primary or sole income comes from Social Security or a pension, those over age 65 may not have to file returns at all.

Elderly or disabled tax credit

Differing from deductions, a credit for taxpayers is available to people age 65 or older or retired persons on permanent and total disability who receive taxable disability income for the tax year, according to the Internal Revenue Service. In addition, this credit is for those who have an adjusted gross income or the

total of nontaxable Social Security, pensions, annuities, or disability income under specific limits. The eligibility levels change from year to year. Credits range from $3,750 to $7,500.

These are some of the tax breaks

American seniors can expect when filing their income tax returns. Speak with an accountant and financial planner about other perks that come with aging. Individuals also can visit for further information.

Bozeman Health Hillcrest Senior Living sits atop Burke Park/Peets Hill, giving our residents beautiful views of Bozeman and easy access to outdoor spaces and trails. Bozeman Health Deaconess Regional Medical Center is also just down the street. Call today to schedule your tour and meet our team and residents. See why we call ourselves family here at Hillcrest Senior Living.


PRIME APRIL 2023 / 7

Dr. Douglas Tallamy and Native Plants

On Jan. 6, the Gallatin Valley Earth Day Committee, the Sacajawea Audubon Society and the Montana Native Plant Society brought Dr. Douglas Tallamy to Bozeman to speak

about conservation and native plants. Huge crowds showed up for his talk at the Emerson Center Auditorium and online to hear what this renowned researcher and speaker had to say.

Who is Dr. Douglas Tallamy?

He is a professor of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware. He has written three books and numerous articles on conservation and native plants. He is also one of the founders

of Homegrown National Park, a national grassroots movement that encourages the planting of native species in private backyards as a solution to our biodiversity crisis.

His message: We, here on earth,

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Jan Cashman has operated Cashman Nursery in Bozeman with her husband, Jerry, since 1975.

are losing essential insects and birds as we tame lands to live on, build roads, stores, parking lots, etc. Croplands and grazing lands also destroy habitat for native plants, insects and animals. Dr. Tallamy’s central thesis, according to his book, “Bringing Nature Home,” is that “unless we restore native plants to our suburban ecosystems, the future of biodiversity in the United States is dim.” But, on the other hand, he says it is not too late to save plants, as restoring native plants is easy.

We, as homeowners with yards and gardens, can change the fact that we’re losing the insects and the birds that rely on them at an alarming rate. Here are some ways he suggests to do this:

1.Shrink your lawn area by half. We do not have to get rid of 100% of all lawns to assist in conservation of native plants and animals, but if every homeowner could just cut their manicured grass areas in half, that could be half the battle.

2. Remove invasive plant species on our properties, ones that choke out native plants and therefore get in the way of the chain of beneficial insects and birds. (One definition of invasive plants is plants that are relatively new to an area and do not have natural enemies there. Oxeye daisy, cheatgrass,

spotted knapweed, leafy spurge, purple loosestrife and salt cedar are extremely damaging invasive species listed by the state of Montana.) But Dr. Tallamy is not talking about just these truly invasive species. He also means “introduced” plants, some of which might be beautiful but choke out native species.

3. Plant native plants to bring back native insects, especially bees and caterpillars, and therefore birds. Be generous and diverse with your plantings.

4. Plant for specialist pollinators. Many of our native bee species specialize on particular plant groups when gathering pollen for their larvae. Most of us know that Monarch Butterflies need milkweed plants to survive. Good plants for pollinator gardens include asters, goldenrod, helianthus (perennial sunflower) and lupine, but find more extensive lists on the internet.

5. Find out which trees are native here and will support caterpillars, and plant them in your yard. In this area, native willows, cottonwoods, quaking aspens and native birch all provide good homes for caterpillars. Caterpillars are one of the most important foods for birds to feed their young. Many native shrubs do well here and make good additions to our landscapes. Dogwoods, serviceberries, native currant and junipers, to name a few. And, there are many more shrubs and flowers, beautiful natives to plant in your landscapes.

6. Don’t rake up all the leaves under your trees as soon as they fall. Give insects a place to pupate and overwinter.

7. Turn off outside lights you have been leaving on at night. Or change your white light bulbs to yellow bulbs—more friendly to insects at night.

The city of Bozeman has an incentive program to encourage residents to conserve water by planting water-wise plants. Native plants usually use less water so, if you live in the city, check out this program.

As Dr. Tallamy says, these are easy steps, but steps that, if we can get our neighborhoods involved, could make a big difference in the life of insects, birds, animals and humans here, in the United States, and even the world!

PRIME APRIL 2023 / 9
Nor th 19th at Springhill Road Bozeman, MT 587-3406 85848-1 TREES, SHRUBS, BEDDING PLANTS, SEEDS & MORE

Old Guy Groceries

One of the fellows walked into the old guy waterhole this week carrying an empty cloth shopping bag. As he sat down, we all noticed that the bright red bag had a silk screened logo with mountains in the background and pine trees in the foreground. Underneath the nature scene was a bold banner stating, “Organic Oath Convention, 2008.”

Somebody asked our friend what he was doing with the cloth shopping bag.

The gent responded, “Since I retired, my wife has been teaching me how to grocery shop. It all starts with a reusable shopping bag. I wasn’t previously aware, but shoppers in a grocery store take great pride in their cloth grocery sacks. It’s a status symbol. The better the logo, the higher your status. Color is also important. The best color is green, but blue and purple are only a notch below. Commemorative bags are the best. If you have a bag with a limited edition cauliflower logo, a rock concert commemoration, or an Eco safari in Costa Rica, you could win the ‘shopping bag of

the day’ at Town and Country.”

Someone asked, “What else has your wife taught you about grocery shopping?”

The fellow responded, “I’ve learned to inspect every item before tossing it inside the shopping bag. I now read each individual product label and discard anything with sodium above 170 milligrams. Calories per serving is the secondary test. Nothing above 200 calories is allowed in the sack. Anything with at least 15 grams of protein is viewed favorably.”

Somebody asked, “How does

mayonnaise stack up?”

The fellow responded, “Mayonnaise is 7,310 calories per serving. My wife showed me that yogurt is only 12 calories per serving. I’ve learned from her that yogurt can be used as a reasonable substitute for mayonnaise on a peanut butter, onion and Vienna sausage sandwich. She says that yogurt is also very low in sodium.”

Somebody down the table commented, “My wife’s sodium cutoff is 250 milligrams. She really likes bread and butter pickles, so our household limit is above most

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One of the fellows responded, “My wife is a stickler for sodium so we always read the labels. The last time we went shopping together I asked if there is anything in the store that doesn’t have sodium. She replied that kale is relatively sodium free. After I asked the question, she said she had forgotten to put kale on her shopping list, then she headed for the vegetable aisle. My curiosity muddled the menu.”

A fellow at the end of the table commented, “Chocolate ice cream is low in sodium.”

Somebody else added, “So is beer.”

A third fellow suggested, “I think avocado dip might be low in sodium, but I’m not sure. My wife always buys it, so it must be alright.”

One of the gents reached inside a pocket and pulled out his spare can of Spam. He held the small blue container up to the light, peered at the label, then commented, “Spam has 790 milligrams of sodium, and 180 calories per serving. Is that outside a wife’s normal guidelines?”

Somebody responded, “It likely is, but my wife won’t touch a can of Spam. Most wives will probably never learn what’s on a Spam


A fellow across the table commented, “I went grocery shopping with my wife yesterday. She let me use my favorite blue cloth bag that says, ‘Old Guys Rock.’ While we were browsing, I had to pay special attention to her non verbal cues. When I reached for something containing sugar, sodium or excessive levels of saturated fats, she would look at me and grimace. You fellows all know what a wife’s shopping grimace looks like. When I studied a grocery item high in fiber, vitamins and certified pesticide free, she smiled at me. I get a warm feeling when she smiles, so I hung out near the carrots, broccoli and bell peppers for some positive reinforcement. Finally, when she began her own shopping in earnest, I slipped away to investigate the doughnuts, chips and processed meats. Grocery shopping with a wife is much like playing chess.”

One of the older members of the group commented, “I went grocery shopping with my wife last week and she disappeared down some aisle between the bananas and the bulk granola. I found myself searching for her up one aisle, and down another, but I couldn’t find her anywhere. Then I ran into a younger fellow in the canned vegetable section who was also looking for his wife. He asked me what my wife looks like, so I described her. I asked him what his wife looks like. He responded that she is blond, well shaped, long legs, brown eyes, a cute smile and her name is Allessandra. He then asked if he could help me find my wife.”

Somebody inquired, “Did you take him up on the offer?”

The first fellow replied, “I told

him I appreciated the thought, but that I’d much rather help him find his.”

PRIME APRIL 2023 / 11
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Don’t Let Fear Drive Investment DECISIONS

12 / APRIL 2023 PRIME

Inthe past year, we’ve seen some big swings in the financial markets. This volatility may make you feel as if you have little control over your investment success. But the truth is, you do have more control than you might think — as long as you don’t let fear guide your decisions.

Investment-related fear can manifest itself in a few different ways:

• Fear of loss – Some investors may emphasize avoiding losses more than achieving gains. Consequently, they might build portfolios they consider very low in risk, possibly containing a high percentage of certificates of deposit (CDs) and U.S. Treasury securities. Yet, a highly conservative approach carries its own risk — the risk of not achieving enough growth to stay ahead of inflation, much less meet long-term goals such as a com

fortable retirement. To reach these goals, you’ll want to construct a diversified portfolio containing different types of assets and investments — each of which may perform differently at different times. Your objective shouldn’t be to avoid all risk — which is impossible — but to create an investment strategy that accommodates your personal risk tolerance and time horizon.

• Fear of missing out – You’re probably familiar with the term “herd mentality” — the idea

that people will follow the lead of others for fear of missing out on something. This behavior is responsible for fads or the sudden emergence of “hot” products, and it’s also relevant to investing. In fact, herd mentality may contribute to sharp jumps in the financial markets as investors drive up prices by buying stocks to avoid being left behind. And the same may be true in reverse — when the market starts dropping, skittish investors may accelerate the de cline by selling stocks so they, too, can get out before it’s too late. Buying or selling investments should be considered as needed to help advance your long-term financial strategy — not in response to what others are doing.

• Fear of the unknown – Some investors fall victim to “familiarity bias” — the tendency to invest only in what they know, such as local or domestic companies. But this behavior can lead to under-diversified portfolios. If your portfolio is dominated by just a few investments, and these investments are fairly similar to each other, you could experience some losses when the inevitable market downturn occurs. To help reduce the impact of market volatility, it’s a good idea to spread your investment dollars across large and small companies in a range of industries and geographical regions. And that’s just on the equities side — it’s also wise to consider further diversifying your portfolio by owning bonds and government securities. (Keep in mind, though, that diversification can’t guarantee profits or protect against all losses.)

• Fear of admitting failure –

Some individuals don’t like to admit when they’ve been wrong about something, and they may continue the same failed activities, hoping for eventual success. This behavior can be costly in the investment arena. Sometimes, a particular investment, or even an investment strategy, just doesn’t work out, but an investor is determined to stick with it — even if it ultimately means considerable financial loss. Don’t let this happen to you — if it becomes apparent you need to change your investment approach, move on to something better. Fear can hold us back in many walks of life — but don’t let it keep you from

Feeling like you paid too much in taxes this year?

Let’s work together to find the right strategy to help keep you on track. Call or email me today to get star ted.

making appropriate investment moves.

This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.

Edward Jones, Member SIPC

Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in all states and Washington, D.C., through Edward D. Jones & Co., L.P., and in California, New Mexico and Massachusetts through Edward Jones Insurance Agency of California, L.L.C.; Edward Jones Insurance Agency of New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward Jones Insurance Agency of Massachusetts, L.L.C. California Insurance License OC24309

PRIME APRIL 2023 / 13
Nathan M. Kirby Edward Jones Financial Advisor
Nathan M Kirby Financial
424 E Main St #202-C Bozeman, MT 59715 406-585-1141

Meal Service in Senior Centers:

Belgrade MENU

Belgrade Senior Center will be opening soon. Please go to our website at for updates as they become available.

92 E Cameron Ave, Belgrade, MT • (406) 388-4711 • Call in to order to go meals by 10:00 the day before! . Menu subject to change without notice!

APRIL 3 - Salad, BBQ Beef Sandwich, Vegetables, Fruit

APRIL 4 - Salad, Pork Chops, Roasted Red Potatoes, Vegetables, Dessert

APRIL 5 - Salad, Gyros, Vegetables, Fruit

APRIL 6 - Salad, Roasted Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Vegetables, Dessert

APRIL 7 - Salad, Beef Stroganoff, Egg Noodles, Vegetables, Fruit

APRIL 10 - Easter Lunch: Pea Salad, Baked Ham, Mashed Potatoes, Green Bean Casserole, Dinner Rolls, Carrot Cake

APRIL 11 - Salad, Fried Chicken, Cheesy Grits, Vegetables, Dessert

APRIL 12 - Salad, Frito Pie, Vegetables, Fruit

APRIL 13 - Salad, Swedish Meatballs on Rice, Vegetables, Dessert. Dinner Club: Scrabble

Night Pizza Party

APRIL 14 - Salad, Chicken Lo Mein, Vegetables, Yaki Soba Noodles, Fruit

APRIL 17 - Salad, Pork Fajitas, Peppers & Onions, Rice & Beans, Fruit

APRIL 18 - Salad, Chicken Pot Pie with Vegetables, Dessert

APRIL 19 - Birthday Lunch - Salad, Meat Loaf, Potatoes, Vegetables, Cake & Ice Cream

APRIL 20 - Salad, Ham & Cheese Quiche, Vegetables, Dessert

APRIL 21 - Cooking Class: Salad, Hamburger Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Vegetables, Fruit

APRIL 24 - Salad, Chicken Alfredo, Pasta, Vegetables, Fruit

APRIL 25 - Salad, Chicken Fried Steak, Potatoes, Vegetables, Dessert

APRIL 26 - Salad Bar, Tuna or Egg Salad Sandwich, Potato Chips, Fruit

APRIL 27 - Breakfast Club - Salad, Tator Tot Casserole, Vegetables, Dessert

APRIL 28 - Salad, Cheeseburgers, Fries, Vegetables, Fruit

Meals on Wheels Delivery: Monday – Friday. Call to find out how to qualify for this program.

Center meals: Monday-Friday 12:00 -Call before 10:00 to sign up

Manhattan Senior Center MENU

102 East Main St., Manhattan, MT • 284-6501

APRIL 4– Green Salad, Goulash (Hamburger, Macaroni, Tomato, Green Pepper), Roll, Cookie

APRIL 5 – Pickled Beets, Vegetable Beef Barley Soup, 1/2 Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Applesauce

APRIL 6 – Easter Meal - Deviled Eggs, Ham, Scalloped Potatoes, Easter Dessert

APRIL 11 – Oriental Salad, Chicken Stir Fry, Fried Rice, Fruit

APRIL 12 – Veggies and Dip, Broccoli Cheddar Soup, 1/2 Chicken Salad Sandwich, Jello

APRIL 13 – Chick Pea Salad, Spaghetti and Meatballs, Garlic Toast, Dessert Bar













April 7, 2023: Fireside Book Club 1:00 p.m.

April 10, 2023: Easter Lunch 12:00 p.m.

April 13, 2023: Dinner Club: Scrabble Night Pizza Party

April 14, 2023: Computer Class 12:45 p.m.

April 19, 2023: April Birthday Lunch/Blood Pressure Check 12:00 p.m.

April 21, 2023: Cooking Class 1:00 p.m.

April 27, 2023: Breakfast Club 7:00-8:30 p.m.

April 29, 2023: Quilting Day- Call for more information

Call the center for current information


Check our website for updated information.

APRIL 18 – Paster Appreciation - Ramen Noodle Salad, Chicken Broccoli Alfredo, Roll with Butter, Jello with Fruit

APRIL 19 – Fruit, Quiche (Ham, Eggs, Cheese, Spinach), Chocolate Chip Scones

APRIL 20 – Black bean Salad, Mexican Lasagna (Taco Meat, Black Olives, Tomato, Cheese), Chips and Salsa, Cookie

APRIL 25 – Cucumber Salad, French Dip Sandwich, Potato Chips, Fruit Crumble

APRIL 26 – Winter Salad, Chicken Noodle Soup, 1/2 Turkey and Cheese Sandwich, Pudding

APRIL 27 – Birthday Meal - Green Salad, Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Veggie, Carrot Cake

14 / APRIL 2023 PRIME
Menu Options are subject to change without notice.
* Please call (406) 284-6501 the day before and leave a message for reservations and/or delivery. At the latest please call before 9 am and leave a message for reservations and/or delivery **Meals on Wheels will be delivered between 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. **
We will celebrate birthdays on the last Thursday of the month. All meals and activities are open to the public. Manhattan Senior Center is open for dining in. Come and join us -- dinner is served at 12 p.m.

Bozeman MENU

807 North Tracy • (406) 586-2421 •

Shannon Bondy, (Executive Director)

Kristi Wetsch, (Director Program & Marketing)

This menu is subject to change due to the availability of food. Call us at 586-2421 by 3:00p.m. the day before you want your meal. The cost of the meal is a suggested donation of $5.00 for people 60 and over and $7.00 for people under 60 (this is not a suggestion donation).

APRIL 3 – Baby Boomer Day– Dress Up and get a prize– Waldorf Salad, Ham and Swiss on Rye, Chips, Parmesan Peas

APRIL 4 – Jell-O, Swiss Steak, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Green Beans, Dinner Roll, Dessert

APRIL 5 – Cottage Cheese and Fruit, Baked Cod with Dill Sauce, Wild Rice, Broccoli

APRIL 6 – Easter Lunch: Ambrosia Salad, Baked Ham, Twice Baked Potato, Broccoli Salad, Dessert

APRIL 7 – Green Salad, Beef on Noodles, Green Beans, Roll

APRIL 10 – Cucumber and Onion Salad, Pulled BBQ Chicken Sandwich, Hash Browns, Green Beans, Roll, Dessert

APRIL 11 – Mandarin Oranges, Meatloaf, Baked Potato, Brussel Sprouts

APRIL 12 – Green Salad, Chili, Baked Potato Bar, Carrots, Bread Stick, Dessert

APRIL 13 - Sliced Apples, Hamburger Steak & Gravy, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Corn, Roll

APRIL 14 – Donate a Gently Used Book – Get some Caramels: Corn Salad, Chicken Fried Steak, Hash Browns, Vegetables, Dessert

APRIL 17 – Extra Change Monday – Bring your change in for Meals-On-Wheels and get some caramels: Pea Salad, Paella, Vegetables, Roll

APRIL 18 – Tossed Salad, BBQ Chicken, Baked Beans, Green Beans, Dessert

APRIL 19 – Scottish/American Lunch: Scottish Green Salad, Scottish Beef and Mushroom Pie, Rumbledethumps, Scottish Shortbread

APRIL 20 – Sliced Apples, Pork Stir Fry, Rice, Egg Roll, Dessert

APRIL 21 – Corn Salad, Fish Taco, Brown Rice

APRIL 24 – Meatless Monday: Caesar Salad, Vegetarian Lasagna, Italian Vegetables, Dessert

APRIL 25 – Green Salad, Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Broccoli

APRIL 26 – Bozeman Job Service Job Fair, Soup Bar, Sandwich Bar, Salad, Bowl, Dessert

APRIL 27 – Green Salad, Spaghetti and Meat Sauce, Steamed Italian Vegetables, Garlic Bread

APRIL 28 – Pet Parent Day: Relish Plate, Chicken Strips, Potato Salad, Bread Stick, Dessert

Allergy statement for all Meals-On-Wheels foods: Menu items may contain or come into contact with WHEAT, EGGS, PEANUTS, TREE NUTS, FISH, SHELLFISH, SOYBEANS, and MILK. Meals are now being served at the Bozeman Senior Center.

West Yellowstone Senior Center MENU

APRIL 5 – Green Salad, Fried Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Mixed Vegetables, Cake

APRIL 7 – Green Salad, Pork Chop,, Cheesy Potatoes, Green Beans, Brownie

APRIL 12 – Green Salad, Lasagna, Mixed Vegetables, Garlic Toast, Cake

APRIL 14 – Green Salad, Chicken Fajita, Fajita Vegetables, Refried Beans, Brownie

APRIL 19 – Green Salad, Pulled Pork, Baked Beans, Tater Tots, Cake

APRIL 21 – Green Salad, Chili, Macaroni and Cheese, Brownie

APRIL 26 – Green Salad, Salisbury Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Cake

APRIL 28 – Green Salad, Pot Roast, Pot Roast Vegetables, Biscuit, Brownie

• The Board meeting is held on the third Friday of each month at 10:00 a.m.

• Bozeman Senior Center’s Second Hand Rose is open on MondayFriday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

• The Bookstore is open Monday –

Friday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00p.m.

• These dates and times are subject to change dependent upon volunteer and staff availability.

• Please call 586-2421 to be sure before you come to the center to shop!

Travel with the Bozeman Senior Center


807 North Tracy• Bozeman, Mt.   59715 • 1-406-586-2421


We have many great travel options for you, so come travel with us. Slide Presentation: Wednesday, April 5, 10:00 a.m, Basement Rec Room Slide presentation for an October, 2024 cruise on the Seine River, to Normandy and Paris. Slides will also be shown for : Washington D.C. Cherry Blossom trip scheduled for April, 2024 and a possible trip to Hawaii in early 2024


SPAIN AND PORTUGAL, February, 2024

For those of you who are already on the interested list, please fill out your registration forms with  your deposits and get them back to Judy to hold your space on this great trip.

SOUTH AFRICA, Fall Of 2024

This trip is full. You can get your name on the list in case there are cancellations. Brochures should be available soon.

Trips for 2023: There may still be room for you on three great trips.

Alaska:  Call of the Wild, August 2023

America’s Canyonlands,   Sept.  2023

Nashville and the Smoky Mountains Holiday, December 14, 2023

Pick up a brochure from the Travel Kiosk in the Senior Center lobby.  Fill out the registration form and the deposit information and get them back to Judy so you can enjoy any or all of these fun trips.

Summer day trips for 2023:

Trips are in the planning stages for this summer.

Helena: Gates of the Mountains

Butte: Lady of the Rockies and Trolley Tour

Blackfoot Pathways: Sculpture in the Wild, in Lincoln

Anyone is welcome to have dinner with us. You don’t have to be a Senior Citizens’ Club member. You don’t even have to be a senior citizen!

APRIL 4 – Spaghetti

APRIL 5 – Beef Stew


APRIL 11- Hamburgers

APRIL 12 – Polish Sausage

APRIL 13 – Meatloaf


APRIL 19 – Pork Roast

APRIL 20 – Finger Steaks

APRIL 25 – Biscuits and Gravy

APRIL 26 – Hot Dogs

APRIL 27 – Cod

Meals include entree, sides, coffee and other beverages and dessert. The price is $7.00 for those younger than 60. Older folks are requested to pay $5.00. If you are a regular, you might want to pay by the week or the month.

Persons wishing to dine in, if they are not on the list of regulars, must call the Center before 8:00 a.m. and leave a message on the answering machine. This also applies to those receiving Meals on Wheels.

If you want an extra meal, ask when you sign in if one will be available. The extra meal costs the same as the first one, but may not include beverages or dessert. If a plate is turned upside-down, that spot has been reserved. People are requested to only reserve a maximum of two spots, and to do it only on the same day.

PRIME APRIL 2023 / 15
Three Forks Senior Center MENU 19 East Cedar St., Three Forks, MT • 285-3235 • Director: Jean Farnam • 570-0800

Bozeman Senior Center Fitness Classes




(Tues, Thurs 1:00 p.m.)

Strength building class focuses on increasing bone density and muscle mass. Class follows accepted protocol for people with bone loss. Participants work at their own level increasing weights as they build strength. Each class also includes exercises to strengthen the core and finishes with stretching. All are welcome and weights are provided.



(Mon, Wed 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.)

A great class for men and women looking to increase muscle mass and overall body strength. Body weight, dumbbells, leg weights, and bands are all incorporated into a full body workout. Strength training doesn’t have to be intimidating; drop in for a

class and see how much fun you can have getting stronger. Just bring a water bottle.


(Mon, Wed 9:30 a.m.)

This is a full hour’s workout. We do 35 minutes of cardio (which can vary in intensity depending on your own ability). After that we do 10 minutes of targeted weight lifting and 15 minutes of stretching. Come join this dynamic workout!


(Mon,Wed 10:35 a.m.)

Pilates inspired. Gentle mat work and stretching.


(Mon,Wed 10:35 a.m.)

Pilates inspired. Gentle mat work and stretching.


(Mon, Wed 1:00 p.m.)

Yoga is based on classic Hatha Yoga poses that are appropriate for all levels. Focus is on physical,

mental and spiritual balance as we practice poses that challenge and enhance posture and balance, strength and flexibility. Balance focuses on strength and flexibility to gain and improve good posture and balance.


(Tuesdays & Thursdays

10:00 to 10:45 a.m.)

Beginning line dancing is a fun form of exercise with physical, mental, emotional and social benefits. Learn and practice common line dance steps. Then dance to a variety of music including rock, Latin, country and waltz. Beginners who have no prior dance experience of any kind are encouraged to arrive 15 minutes early on their first day for some pre-instruction.


(Tuesdays & Thursdays

10:45 to 11:30 a.m.)

More complex and challenging dances will be taught and danced. Experienced dancers are invited to participate in this class.


(Friday at 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.)

More complex and challenging dances will be taught and danced. Experienced dancers are invited to participate in this class.


(Thursday at 11:00 a.m.)

Tai Chi is a graceful form of exercise characterized by slow, methodical, gentle movements and deep breathing exercises that are low impact, relaxing and somewhat aerobic. People of almost any age and fitness level can participate. In this class you will be learning the Enlightenment Tai Chi Form, some other easy short forms, warm-up and deep breathing exercises, and Tai Chi positions. Tai Chi can be a positive part of an overall approach to improving and maintaining your health.

Activities at the Bozeman Senior Center

Monday: 9:30 a.m. Wood Carvers, 1:00 p.m. Duplicate Bridge, 1:00 p.m. Hand & Foot Canasta

Tuesday: 1:00 p.m. Bingo, 1:00 p.m. Cribbage

Wednesday: 9:30 a.m. Watercolor, 12:30 p.m. Ukulele, 12:45 p.m. Rubber Bridge, 1:00 p.m. Mah Jongg and Pinochle

Thursday: 10:00 a.m. Fly Tying, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Foot Clinic

(must make an appointment. Cost is $20.00), 11:00 a.m. Scrabble, 1:00 p.m. Bingo, 1:00 p.m. Pinochle

Friday: 12:45 p.m. Duplicate Bridge, 12:45 p.m. Rubber Bridge, 1:00p.m. Find a Friend Circle

SPECIAL EVENTS; Events are in the planning stage. Please go to our website www. at the end of the month to see the exciting things happening in April

16 / APRIL 2023 PRIME

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