4 / December 2020 PRIME
magination, visualization, insight, vision, and self-reflection are all characteristics of our 6th energy center - AJNA CHAKRA (sounds like Agna). This is the energy center that allows us to have “second sight” through our “third eye”. It is located in the space between the eyebrows, within the skull. It encompasses the pituitary gland, eyes, head and lower part of the brain our ancestral seat of survival. The sixth lets us see with an inner sense, such as the reality and truth of our life, our relationships, our self and our planet. Our sixth chakra is how we use, as Caroline Myss so wisely calls it, “symbolic sight” to interpret our dreams, as well as the signs, symbols and the divine winks that arise throughout our ordinary waking life.
This chakra helps us see the totality of our existence, click on the big picture, see the forest through the trees, and gain a bird’s eye view of our life. Just as you turned to the third chakra in the area of the solar plexus to guide you with comfort or discomfort, it is most helpful to pay attention to this seat of wisdom as you navigate your life path.
SEEING IS BELIEVING When we have a healthy sixth chakra we are willing to see “what is,” not just what we want to see or what others want us to see. We have no problem evaluating situations and we are open to learning from others. We have a calm inner wisdom that we easily share and we are the one our friends come to when they need to glean some insight about their relationships,
spiritual path, career, and so on. We are willing to look at the light and the dark - our genius and our ignorance, our lover’s generosity and selfishness - while not becoming overly attached to either extreme. A balanced sixth chakra heightens the intellect and the intuition and makes us highly perceptive and imaginative. We understand that the universe often speaks through symbols. We might experience psychic phenomenon - quite literally seeing angels, spirits, auras, or energy.
THIRD EYE BLIND Hallucinations, delusions, illusions, obsessions, nightmares, or just a hard time concentrating are a few characteristics of an
imbalanced sixth chakra. If our third eye is shut, we rarely use or trust our imagination, we don’t remember our dreams, and we have a hard time visualizing our future or seeing alternatives for our life. We mistake the trees for the forest and tend to have more of a myopic vision.
CLEAR VISION Ajna is best developed through meditation. Often, new meditators will report having a tingling feeling in the third eye or equate it to a headache. A tingling or pulsating sensation around the area of the third eye during or after meditation is a sign that you are opening this blocked chakra. Some of you may even see colours or images that represent clear messages for you. An effective Pranayama (breathing technique) to help calm and open your third eye is called Brahmari, or buzzing bee breath. Bring both hands to your face. Place the your first two finger over your eyes. Allow the middle finger to rest alongside the nostrils and the pinky fingers at the corners of your mouth. Close your ears with your thumbs. This Audra (hand gesture) represents quieting down your sense. Take a deep inhalation and