Business Partnerships as a Force for Good | Learning Series | Business case 1 - September 2021

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The business case for exporting cut flowers by sea freight from Kenya to UK/Europe September 2021


Message from the Project Director, Business Partnerships for Global Goals In order to test and scale responsible and inclusive business initiatives in partnership with the private sector with a focus on improving lives, incomes and access to jobs as well as markets for the poorest and most marginalised people, Business Partnerships for Global Goals programme 1, funded by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) UK set up the Vulnerable Supply Chains Facility which runs a portfolio of projects in partnership with the private sector. I am delighted to be able to share the learnings from an exciting and innovative Vulnerable Supply Chains Facility project: Sea Freight Flowers. The project is one of four in our portfolio which sought to find responses to the challenges that COVID-19 posed African agricultural supply chains. Despite numerous logistical challenges, the project team maintained momentum by facilitating strong relationships across the supply chain to keep the project on track. As a result, 13 containers of flowers were shipped from Kenya to Europe and the UK, enabling a quality comparison with air freighted stems. The industry collaboration catalysed by the project continues to grow autonomously, with exporters organising regular shipments and experimenting with new routes. This Business Case shares the findings from the project trials as well as research into the carbon reduction and economic benefits of using sea freight for cut flower exports. I would like to thank the support of all our partners including Ian Michell (Flamingo), Jeroen van der Hulst (FlowerWatch), Ian Finlayson (PSI), Andy Ritchie (AgriFrontier) and Dr Adrian Williams (Cranfield University) as well as members of the Flower Hub, IPL and XPOL for their continued commitment to the project. I also thank Radana Crohva, Raania Rizvi, Kate Cooper, Rob Hale, Rachael Flaherty from FCDO and Dharmini Shah from Department for International Trade for their steer and support. Special thanks to Jane Marriott (British High Commissioner to Kenya) for her interest in the project. A Case Study partner document to this business case, How sea freight offers the Kenyan flower industry an opportunity for greener trade growth and increased employment, has also been published by the programme. The study tells the story of this specific project and shares insights from the Kenyan flower industry, as well as provides policy and infrastructure recommendations to secure expansion of the sea freight opportunity for greener and more cost effective trade which can lead to growth. Lessons learned from this project can pave the way for greener and more cost-effective trade routes for not only Kenyan flowers but also other products enabling trade led growth for the most vulnerable women and men across Kenya and Africa.

Business Partnerships for Global Goals is a UK-aid funded programme implemented by Mott MacDonald. We partner with 20 UK and international retail brands, Not for Profit organisations, 292 farms and factories across Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Myanmar, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe, to provide economic, social, and health benefits to around 1 million women and men impacted by COVID-19.



Contents 1. Executive summary .................................................................................................................... 4 2. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 5 2.1 Overview of sea freight trials .............................................................................................. 5 3. Quality assessment .................................................................................................................... 5 4. Financial and economic assessment ........................................................................................ 7 4.1 Direct savings per container ............................................................................................... 7 4.2 Direct savings for Kenyan industry .................................................................................... 9 4.3 Direct investment – farm level .......................................................................................... 12 4.4 Indirect investment – sea freight logistics ....................................................................... 12 5. Employment............................................................................................................................... 13 6. Uptake by other sectors ........................................................................................................... 14 7. Environmental assessment ...................................................................................................... 14 8. Conclusion................................................................................................................................. 14 Appendix 1 - Quality Performance .............................................................................................. 15 References ..................................................................................................................................... 19


1. Executive summary The Sea Freight Flowers project aimed to test the viability of exporting flowers from Kenya to Europe/UK, spurred by the impact that COVID-19 has had on reduced availability and increased cost of air freight. Thirteen refrigerated containers of flowers were organised by the project over a nine month period to assess the quality of product on arrival compared to air freight. The project also commissioned an economic analysis of the long-term impact of sea freight on the growth of the Kenyan flower sector and a study on the carbon emissions reductions potential of sea freight. Quality case: The quality and vase life assessments confirmed that when the prescribed processing conditions and treatments are adhered to, sea freighted flowers are of a comparable standard to those that are air freighted. Financial case: As freight is paid per kilo, the comparison with sea freight shows that commercially material savings can be achieved for ‘heavy’ roses and carnations but are less significant for lighter flower varieties. Average savings for a base case scenario and based on trial data was $4,934 per container, equivalent to 1 euro cent per stem. Interviews with industry experts support a conservative estimated freight increase of 10% in the medium term (five years) and 25% in the long term (ten years). Optimistic scenarios of 25% and 50% would only likely be achieved through increasing importance placed on environmental benefits/carbon emission reduction, and investment in port logistics. These estimates equate to cumulative direct savings of $35.5m and $89.5m over five years for conservative and optimistic scenarios respectively, increasing to $141.8m and $305.9m over ten years. Employment: The Kenyan flower industry currently directly employs around 200,000 people (Tulezi, 2021). This is projected to increase by between 2,513 (conservative) and 5,050 (optimistic) over five years and respectively by between 7,626 and 15,510 over ten years as a direct result of adopting sea freight measures. This employment will be generated at the farm level from increases in production area, expansion of existing operations and from new entrants to the sector and transport and processing in Kenya. Environmental case: The project funded a study by Cranfield University to update carbon emissions analysis using data from the trials. This shows that a carbon emission reduction of up to 95% is achievable if sea freight is used rather than air freight to bring flowers from Kenya to the Netherlands (Williams, 2021). Using the projections for growth in the Kenyan flower sector, the carbon savings from transporting flowers from Kenya to Europe by sea could be between 650m (conservative) to 1.4bn (optimistic) kg CO2 Eq. per annum in ten years’ time. Conclusion: The insights gained from the sea freight trials, and the subsequent carbon impact and economic analyses, show that exporting flowers by sea from Kenya to Europe/UK is a burgeoning opportunity with positive commercial, employment and carbon reduction outcomes.


2. Introduction The Sea Freight Flowers project was funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO) as part of the COVID-19 Vulnerable Supply Chains Facility. The Facility sits under the Business Partnerships for Global Goals Programme funded by Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office, UK. The Facility is managed by Mott MacDonald. The Programme is testing and scaling responsible and inclusive business initiatives in partnership with the private sector with a focus on improving lives, incomes and access to jobs as well as markets for the poorest and most marginalised people, reaching more than 1 million women and men impacted by COVID-19 in 7 countries across Asia and Africa. This project is co-sponsored by Flamingo Horticulture and implemented by Practical Solutions International and FlowerWatch. The project trialed sea freighting flowers from Mombasa Port to Europe between September 2020 and May 2021. Eighteen farms were selected by project partners based on their interest and suitability to supply flowers to the buyers involved via sea freight. These farms were trained in the preparation of flowers for sea freight and have exported over five million stems on 13 containers. The following information is presented in this report: • The results of vase life tests comparing air and sea freighted flowers from the same farms. • Carbon emission reductions that can be achieved by using sea freight instead of air freight. • An economic analysis of the projected savings and increases in employment in the Kenyan flower sector as a result of the growth of sea freight for flower transportation. 2.1 Overview of sea freight trials The sea freight protocol requires attention to detail at every stage from harvest through to arrival cold store in UK/Europe. The project refined and developed the “FlowerWatch Sea Freight Protocol” which, in summary, requires low temperature, controlled atmosphere and in some cases a botrytis control step involving dipping flower heads. The control of temperature is crucial from point of harvest, and a target of all flowers to be below 2°C when loaded into containers was set during the project trials. The container transit time was expected to be approximately 30 days but during the trials it varied from 28 to 45 days, with many being affected by logistical issues or shipping delays. The shorter journey times in general saw flowers arriving with superior quality, but rejection rates were still low at 45 days.

3. Quality assessment The following flower varieties were shipped successfully by sea during the project: alstroemeria, bupleurum, carnations, craspedia, chrysanthemums, roses and scabiosa. Other flowers and foliage were shipped but the required level of quality was not achieved. Hypericum proved unexpectedly challenging. For the purposes of this report, results for roses and carnations have been selected as these are the most commonly exported flowers from Kenya. The quality assessments were completed by FlowerWatch in Netherlands in their vase life room under internationally recognised conditions. The ‘store phase’ of four days was followed by a simulated vase life test for seven days. Typically ten stems are tested per vase, all harvested on the same day, to compare air freight with sea freight performance. A selection of the most common varieties was tested from each farm. In total over 1,300 vase life tests were completed. Figures 1 and 2 below show the comparison between sea and air freight results for carnations and roses for all of the containers assessed in September and October 2020 (subsequent testing focused on sea freight alone).



Proportion of stems

100% 80%





60% 40% 18%

20% 0%


0% Air freight Sept



Sea freight Sept

Spray Cars- Good


Air freight Oct

Spray Cars- Average



Sea freight Oct

Spray Cars- Poor

Figure 1 - Vase life performance of spray carnations after 7 days in September and October

The chart for carnations shows sea freighted flowers as having very similar, and occasionally better, vase life than air freighted flowers. 90%


Proportion of stems




80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 10% 0%





0% Air freight Sept


Sea freight Sept Roses- Good

Air freight Oct

Roses- Average


13% 3%

Sea freight Oct

Roses Poor

Figure 2 - Vase life performance of roses after 7 days in September and October

Air freight 7 days vase life: Rose Fuchsiana

Sea freight 7 days vase life: Rose Fuchsiana

The chart for roses shows a similar picture to carnations. This shows the prolonged cold conditions in the container preserve the life of the flowers very well, and they perform as well as, and occasionally better than, the air freighted roses.


Table 1 below shows the summary of quality for roses across all shipments analysed in the project and further examples of vase life comparisons are shown in Appendix 1. Air freight

All sea shipments

Sea freight with incidental issues removed

Sea freight with 4 best growers all shipments

Average % passing 7-day vase life





Range of failure rate across growers at 7 days

6 - 32%

10 - 58%

9 - 25%

9 - 25%

Table 1 - Quality comparison of vase life and failure rate

The level of wastage (unsaleable flowers) from sea freight flowers across all the deliveries varied between 2% and 6%, and on average was 2.4%. This level is at a similar level to that of air freighted flowers. In conclusion, the quality of flowers shipped by sea, with significant focus and attention to detail by all in the chain, is very similar to that of air freighted flowers.

4. Financial and economic assessment 4.1 Direct savings per container There are several cost factors to consider in making the comparison between air and sea freight, as shown in the table below based on cost information collected during the trials. Note that since the flowers are currently loaded into containers at the airport in Nairobi, the transportation costs for sea and air are the same up to this point. Product Light roses

Weight per container (kg)

Air freight cost per kg ($)

Total air freight costs ($)

Indicative sea freight costs ($)





Heavy roses





Carnations (no controlled atmosphere, no dipping)





Table 2 - Comparative transport costs (Mombasa to Amsterdam)

The most significant differences are in the cost per kg for air vs sea freight transportation. The estimated component costs of transporting flowers by container are shown in Figure 3 below, totaling $14,142.


Consolidation, $1,680

Dipping flowers, 1,875

Inland freight, $2,828

Sea freight, $4,005

Conditioned atmosphere, $825

Inland freight, $988

Passive controlled atmosphere (CA), $1,500

Figure 3 - Component costs of transporting flowers by container

The cost of transporting the same volume of flowers by air freight is $19,076, assuming an average container of flowers weighs 8,671kg and air freight costs $2.20 per kg. The saving of using sea freight instead of air freight is therefore estimated to be $4,934 per container. The rationale for the key base case assumptions for the estimates above are outlined below:  Availability and cost of air freight: The base case assumes $2.20/kg. In June 2021, the cost of air freight was $2.30/kg (low season) and was projected to increase to $2.45 (high season) versus $1.90 (pre-COVID-19). Availability of air freight is projected to remain at a lower level than before the COVID-19 pandemic for some time, and only start to return to pre-COVID-19 levels once passenger aircraft return to Kenya in significant numbers. In June 2021, there was still a 40-50% reduction on passenger flight cargo when compared to pre-COVID-19 levels.  Conditioned atmosphere: This is not required for all crops, in particular stems that follow a strict cold chain, hardy rose varieties and spray carnations. Conditioned atmosphere costs between $1,500-$1,800 per container. This analysis assumes 50% of containers use conditioned atmosphere.  Dipping flowers to reduce botrytis: Labour and chemical costs can be as high as $3,500 per container. The choice over which chemical to use (low-cost chlorine versus high-cost proprietary products), the varietal susceptibility to disease and environmental conditions at the time of harvest will all impact this choice. As with conditioned atmosphere, not all situations require dipping. This analysis assumes 50% of flowers are dipped.  The weight per container: The average trial data assumes 8,671kg per container. “Light” rose varieties are typically lower than this (7,500kg/container) with heavy roses typically 10,000kg. Trials on packing density, including the use of different box sizes, have been undertaken to maximise box weight. The overall savings will be greater if the impact of further training on maximizing packing density is implemented.  Packaging: Sea freight has a higher cost of packaging, including pallets, corner posts and strapping. However, as the optimum sea freight box is larger than an air freight box the amount of box packaging is less. This cost analysis assumes no overall packing cost differential.  Interest cost on stock: For a sea journey of 30 days this is estimated to be $300 per container, whereas for shorter payment terms from customers may negate this.  Insurance costs: It is common for the industry not to insure the risks of loss through air freight. This analysis assumes no material insurance cost differential between air and sea freight.


 Carbon credits: Swiss supermarkets are paying for carbon credits to off-set carbon

emissions on air-freight shipments. Sea freight would be highly valued in such markets and may help cover some of the additional sea freight costs. This analysis does not include monetary value for carbon.

4.2 Direct savings for Kenyan industry The impact of sea freight on the growth of the flower industry in Kenya was estimated over the medium term (five years) and long term (ten years) using the following conservative and optimistic scenarios, as shown in Table 3 below. Medium Term (5 years)

Long term (10 years)





Annual incremental uptake





Year 5 & 10 uptake





Table 3 - Estimated uptake of sea freight

These scenarios were developed on the basis of interviews with leading industry sources, since the actual future uptake of sea freight will be dependent on a wide range of factors. The conservative annual incremental uptake is higher in the long-term scenario as it is assumed that later adoption will be faster than early adoption. In all interviews, the conservative scenarios of 10% uptake (within five years) and 25% uptake (within ten years) were considered achievable. The optimistic scenarios were considered to be achievable if the importance of carbon emissions reduction becomes increasingly valued in the market, together with significant investment in sea freight logistics to improve reliability and reduce sea freight journey times. The Kenyan flower industry is projected to grow at 4.7% CAGR (Mordor Intelligence, 2021). The following growth scenarios have been attributed to the positive impact of sea freight (i.e. cost, carbon reduction, risk mitigation) as shown in Table 4 below. Medium Term (5 years) Conservative


Long Term (10 years) Conservative


Annual growth (CAGR)





Annual growth (impact of sea freight)





Annual growth (base + impact of sea freight)





Table 4 - Kenya flower industry growth scenarios

In 2019, Kenya exported 173,700 tonnes of flowers (Statista Business Data Platform, 2021). Using the base case average of 8,671kg per container and an average saving of $4,934 per container as per Section 4.1 above, Figures 4 and 5 present conservative and optimistic scenarios of flower volumes and numbers of containers exported by sea freight, and Figure 6 shows potential savings per container. The latter equates to cumulative direct savings (sea versus air) of $35.5m and $89.5m over five years for conservative and optimistic scenarios respectively and increases to $141.8m and $305.9m over ten years.


Tonnes exported (MT ‘000)

350,000 284,964

300,000 250,000 200,000







150,000 100,000 50,000 0 Base (2019)


Medium Term (5yrs)


Long Term (10yrs)

Figure 4 - Projected increase in tonnes exported 17,028


Containers shipped

16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000




6,000 4,000


2,000 0



Medium Term (5yrs)



Long Term (10yrs)

Figure 5 - Projected increase in number of containers shipped



Cost in millions of USD



300 250 200 27.4

150 100 50 0

21.5 10.7 35.5 Conservative


89.5 Optimistic


Medium Term (5yrs) Direct saving - sea vs air freight



Long Term (10yrs) Low price to high price window margin

Figure 6 - Direct savings of sea vs air freight

Additional direct savings include the following: •

• • •

Low price to high price window margin: Flowers can be purchased in lower priced times of the year and shipped to arrive at high priced times, i.e. between week 52 and week 2 many flowers are discarded each year but could be shipped by sea to arrive for Valentine’s Day. An average increase in revenue of $0.05 equates to $10.7 and $21.5 million over five years for conservative and optimistic scenarios (1 week and 2 weeks production respectively). This increases to $27.4 million and $56.2 million over 10 years (two weeks and four weeks production respectively). The price of air freight increases at peak periods (for example from $2.20 to $3.50). If some of this volume switches to sea freight the savings are substantial. Farms can stop flushing the crop to achieve maximum yield of red roses for Valentine’s Day by sending flowers earlier by sea. This should increase the yield by 10-15%. Sea freight also opens the possibility for Kenyan farms to export to Middle East and East Asian destinations, which may currently be uneconomic due to the cost of air freight.

Those importers involved in the trial have incurred costs, but they anticipate that in the longer term, once growers are used to the process and further streamlining has been achieved in the supply chain, savings could be achieved. “Growers are currently charging an additional 1 euro cents per stem to cover the inconvenience of changing their internal systems to pack by sea versus air. This negates all cost savings for the importer, short term. However, longer term, as the proportion of sea freight increases, on farm logistics for sea freight will be embedded within normal day to day logistics process. We believe that cost savings of sea versus air must be shared along the value chain to ensure alignment of incentives. We summarise the benefits of sea freight as: 1. Carbon off-set, 2. Commercial benefit, 3. Risk mitigation.” Roberto Bonanno, General Manager, The Flower Hub


4.3 Direct investment – farm level Direct investment at the farm level is projected to increase from a base of 4,300 ha in 2019 (Tulezi, 2021) by an additional 54 ha and 109 ha over five years (conservative and optimistic) and by 164 ha and 333 ha over ten years as a direct result of the positive impact of sea freight as shown in Table 5 below. Medium Term (5 years) Conservative Incremental cumulative growth (impact of sea freight) (ha) Cumulative growth (base + impact of sea freight) (ha)

Long Term (10 years)












Table 5 – Projected cumulative growth in farm size

Typical investment at the farm level equates to $300,000 / ha (whole farm average cost per hectare), resulting in investment of $16.2 million and $32.6 million over five years (conservative and optimistic) and $49.2 million and $100 million over ten years. Direct investment in the non-farm supply chain is also shown, which is typically 40% of the supply chain. 120,000 100,038





60,000 40,000 20,000 0

49,189 32,574 16,205 10,803 Conservative



Medium Term (5yrs)




Long Term (10yrs)

Direct investment (farm level) ($’000) Direct investment (supply chain) ($’000)

Figure 7 - Increases in direct investment at farm and supply chain level

4.4 Indirect investment – sea freight logistics Sea freight facilities are already in place, consolidation agents have been created, and containers are already being shipped weekly. However, sea freight is unlikely to achieve the optimistic levels of uptake without significant investment in port logistics facilities dedicated to perishable sea freight. Investments of $10m (conservative scenario) and $100m (optimistic scenario) have been assumed. An investment in dedicated port facilities will stimulate growth in other perishable sectors that are also reliant on sea freight. It should also be noted that farms will need to invest in improved cold storage and consolidation centres (ideally near the farms) to allow containers to be closed near the point of production.


5. Employment The Kenyan flower industry currently directly employs around 200,000 people with an estimated total of 2 million in additional indirect employment (Tulezi, 2021). This is projected to increase by 2,513 and 5,050 over five years (conservative and optimistic) and by 7,626 and 15,510 over ten years as a direct result of adopting sea freight measures. New employment will be generated at the farm level from increase in production area, expansion of existing operations and from new entrants to the sector and includes the supply chain from farm through to export. With a base case of 200,000 employed by the sector and 2 million employed indirectly in 2019 (Tulezi, 2021), Figures 8 and 9 show the projected additional direct and indirect employment that might be achieved under conservative and optimistic scenarios. 18,000 15,510

Number of additional jobs

16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 7,626

8,000 5,050

6,000 4,000


2,000 0



Medium Term (5yrs)



Long Term (10yrs)

Figure 8 - Additional direct employment created

180,000 155,099

Number of addtional jobs

160,000 140,000 120,000 100,000 76,262

80,000 50,503

60,000 40,000


20,000 0



Medium Term (5yrs)

Figure 9 - Additional indirect employment created




Long Term (10yrs)

6. Uptake by other sectors Kenya has an ideal climate for a wide range of perishable crops but is unable to reach export markets due to disadvantages of sea freight duration versus other major producing countries. Investment in advances in the sea freight supply chain that result in a material reduction in the number of days to reach export markets will have a significant impact on the uptake of sea freight. Faster transportation times will benefit not only fresh cut flowers, but also other perishable crops most notably blueberries, avocados and bananas. There has been significant growth in blueberry production across the world and yet the uptake in Kenya, despite having an ideal climate for evergreen production has been low. Blueberries require sea freight to be economically viable as an export, and the number of days must be less than 30 days to compete on quality with other major producers, particularly Peru and South Africa. Bananas cannot compete against West Africa as a direct result of long sea freight duration.

7. Environmental assessment A carbon footprint analysis comparing air freight and sea freight was completed by Cranfield University in May 2021 (Williams, 2021). The scope is limited to transport of roses from the consolidation point in Kenya (Jomo Kenyatta International Airport) to Schiphol International Airport in the Netherlands. The impacts quantified are limited to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, expressed as CO2 Equivalent (CO2 Eq.) (on a 100 year timescale) using the IPPC (2013) factors for global warming potential (GWP) in which all GHG are related to the CO2 Eq. Data on emission factors from transport came from two sources: the commercial Ecoinvent 3.6 database (Notten et al, 2018) and the UK.GOV Company reporting factor data (GOV.UK, 2020). The comparison of air and sea freight emissions for light and heavy roses is shown Table 6 below. Activity

Light roses 50cm (kg CO2 Eq.)

Heavy roses 50cm (kg CO2 Eq.)

Air freight with contrails



Total impacts per container by sea





Sea freight emissions as a percentage of air freight emissions Table 6 - Summary of the carbon footprint analysis, May 2021

Using the economic projections for sea freight growth cited earlier, the carbon savings from transporting flowers from Kenya to Europe by sea could be between 650m (conservative) to 1.4bn (optimistic) kg CO2 Eq. per annum in ten years’ time.

8. Conclusion The Sea Freight Flowers project trials successfully demonstrated the viability of achieving quality flowers exported by sea from Kenya to UK/Europe. In addition, the subsequent carbon impact and economic analyses conducted under the project show that exporting flowers by sea from Kenya to Europe/UK is a burgeoning opportunity with positive commercial, employment and carbon reduction outcomes. However, further significant investment in port logistics facilities dedicated to perishable sea freight will be required to achieve the more optimistic of the sector growth scenarios.


Appendix 1 - Quality Performance Vase life performance roses air freight January – May 2021 100% Poor, 8.18%

Excellent, 6.36%

Average, 8.18% 50%

Good, 75.45% Excellent





Very Poor

Diagram 1- Vase life comparison of air freight roses Jan- May 2021, 78% good or excellent

Vase life performance roses sea freight January – May 2021 100%

Excellent, 26.39%

Poor, 8.33% Average, 8.33%



Good, 54.17% Excellent




Very Poor

Diagram 2 - Vase life comparison of sea freight roses Jan - May 2021, 81.5% good or excellent


Photographs after 7 days vase life Air freight – Day 7

Sea freight – Day 7

Rosa Athena

Rosa Athena

Rosa Boogy

Rosa Boogy

Rosa Fuchsiana

Rosa Fuchsiana


Vase life performance carnation air freight November 2020 Poor, 11.11%

Good, 22.22%

Excellent, 66.67% Excellent




Very Poor

Diagram 3 - Vase life comparison of air freight spray carnations Nov 2020, 89% good or excellent

Vase life performance carnation sea freight November 2020

Excellent, 41.67%

Good, 58.33%





Very Poor

Diagram 4 - Vase life comparison of sea freight spray carnations Nov 2020, 100% good or excellent


Air freight – Day 7

Sea freight – Day 7

Dianthus Promesa

Dianthus Promesa

Dianthus White Bunny

Dianthus White Bunny


References Tulezi, C., 2021. Chairman, Kenya Flower Council [Interview] (June 2021). Statista Business Data Platform, 2021. Statista Business Data Platform. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2021]. Mordor Intelligence, 2021. Mordor Intelligence - KENYA FLORICULTURE MARKET - GROWTH, TRENDS, COVID-19 IMPACT, AND FORECASTS (2021 - 2026). [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2021]. Notten et al, 2018. Ecoinvent. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2021]. GOV.UK, 2020. Greenhouse gas reporting: conversion factors 2020. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2021]. Williams, A., 2021. Comparison of transport of roses from Kenya to The Netherlands by air and sea freight, s.l.: Cranfield University.


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