Paranormal Watch April

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Volume 1, Issue 2

April 2009

V o l u m e

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A p r i l

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THE UKBPA IN THE MEDIA... The UKBPA’s First Appearance in the National Papers and another Radio Interview

NEW WEBSITE LAUNCHED DUE TO HACKING UKBPA launch new website and forum

THE UKBPA AND TandIM VestiGo BRING YOU THE PARANORMAL LICENSE Find out more about TandIM VestiGo Inside

FEATURES : Pevensey Courthouse, L.E.A.P. Roche Abbey, The Kodak z7590, RAF Coleby Grange, Ghosts of the Norfolk Broads and Kent Paranormal Seekers All rights to UKBPA Paranormal Watch Magazine 2009 ©and Tech News PLUS…. Projects Teamreserved News, HBOS grant application Update, Location

The Haunted Control Tower At RAF Coleby Grange, Lincolnshire

Volume 1, Issue 2

The Editors’ Say... UKBPA 1— 1— Hackers 0 Inside This Months Issue Of The Paranormal Watch:

The Editors Say...


UKBPA Launch New Website due To Hacking Problems


TandIM VestiGo


The UKBPA In The National Media


projects team News


Featured Investigation — RIPS At Roche Abbey


SPRG Do Charity event For Comic


Featured Tech Kit — The Kodak Z7590


Featured Group — L.E.A.P


Strange Goings On At RAF Coleby


The UKBPA Award First Paranormal License


Featured Venue— Pevensey Courthouse Museum


The UKBPA In Featured On National Radio Show


The UKBPA In Last 25 For HBOA Grant Funding


Ghosts Of The Norfolk Broads


The Claus Schreiber Method, With Lance Reed


UKBPA Affiliated Venues


which the media attention we have had of late seems to have helped with, but it also means we must be creating quite a stir, otherwise the site would not have been hacked, not once, but three times in the space of 2 months.

In This issue “This month you will has seen a probably significant have noticed raise in the that we have BPA’s prochanged the file, with format, and both Nagone for a tional newsmagazine paper artiTam Kinnear-Swift, style format, cles and raEditor of the Paranor- Now, I don't about you, but as well as the more someone DOESdio shows mal Watch including N'T want me to do somefeaturing Welcome to the April edimore general thing, the more I WANT to us” tion of the PARANORstories, we do it. MAL WATCH! hope to make An attitude shared by the the PARANORMAL WOW! Well what HASN’T rest of the UKBPA staff, as WATCH more accessible happened this month…. was proved by everyone to a wider audience, From grant funding, partwho was involved with hav- thereby spreading the nerships with businesses, ing the site up and running word about the UKBPA media articles and interagain within 6 hours of it and our aims to more than views to website hacking, being hacked. just our members. the BPA has had it all! It turned out, however to be Of course the PARAThis month has seen a a blessing in disguise, as we NORMAL WATCH is significant raise in the now have a better website always glad to receive BPA’s profile, with both than at any point before, your news, stories, investiNational newspaper artiproving that there is no way gations and group write cles and radio shows feaof stopping an organization ups, so feel free to mail turing us. with the motivation to anything you think might We had both an article in change an industry that is be of interest to UKBPA national tabloid “The Sun” badly in need of reform. members, and we will do and our BPA Media Rep, our best to feature it in the News stories and articles Nick Thurston, was interhave been filtering in at all next months edition. viewed on Talk Sport rahours of the night/day The First paranormal Lidio station. As a result of which means I have been censes' have been handed this more members have working almost 16 hours a out to groups, marking a come forward and bought day on this months PARA- MAJOR step forward for licenses and affiliated NORMAL WATCH, both us and our members, their groups to us. something I wouldn't have which I believe to be the foreseen happening after The hacking incident first step to bringing some taught us a few things, last months issue, but as hard fought and long firstly , not to rest on our you can see, this months sought respect to this laurels, as it became clear issue is a much more prefield. that the UKBPA’s name pared, and well thought out Slainté! wasn’t as widespread as than last months, which we had first anticipated was literally put together in Tam Kinnear-Swift a few hours. and hoped, something

All rights reserved to UKBPA Paranormal Watch Magazine 2009 ©

Volume 1, Issue 2

UKBPA Launch New Website Due To Hacking Problems It’s been an interesting and a very productive month, to say the very least. The projects that we have all been working on, have now started to be rolled out, and become available for our members. The licensing price has come down again, making it more accessible to all involved in the paranormal world, be it in a club, group or individual basis. More about this on the next page. There were also a few setbacks that brought the BPA to a sudden halt for about 6 hours.

ning, an announcement was placed on the site looking for a web designer to offer help with building a new site, and following the radio interview on Talk Sport on sun night, several people have offered help.

paranormal licence number to use certain areas of the site. This hopefully will encourage more people to join and become members of the UKBPA, in order to gain access to our offers, rewards and benefits such as reduced insurance, venue discounts etc. The only downfall with all of this is that of course members of the old forum will have to re-register on the new forum. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about this because it is an entirely new site, hosted by a new host, and therefore we are trying to encourage all old members to re-register and help us get the forum back to the way it was.

On Saturday 7th of march the BPA became aware that the site had been “we were planning a major brought down by a hacking program, overhaul of the forum and site or had even been hacked deliberately anyway, and it just speeded With this though, we have now to stop the name of the BPA moving things up through necessity rescinded the “Group Initials-First forward, although there is no way of Name” format for forum names, rather than want” knowing either way. this means that you can now sign Within hours of the emails and calls While it has caused us some prob- up with any name you want, as flooding in informing us that site was lems, mostly with making people long as it is in the bounds of dedown, we were on the case looking to aware of the new site and forum, it cency and taste. The reason for solve the mystery but sadly it was too has rather been a blessing in disthis is because on the last site, the late to rectify, with ALL the site data guise, as we were planning a major forum and site were all part of the being deleted. overhaul of the forum and site any- same website, and members of the forum could browse the whole We then set to work on rebuilding a way, and it just speeded things up through necessity rather than want. site, whereas now, we have two temporary site for our members, in separately hosted sites, meaning some cases, working straight I have been very busy this month, you don't have to be a member of through the night without rest. getting out and about, meeting the UKBPA to sign up for the foI would like to take this opportunity groups and handing out paranorrum. thank all that got stuck in and helped mal licences, but i have also spent a us rebuild it, those who took the time lot of time working on the new web- Once again, my sincerest thanks to inform us it had been hacked, and site format, which all being well will to all who have stuck by us this only be temporary, but just in case, last month. those of you who have patiently stuck by us through the difficulties, once again helping us get back on our feet again, showing that we can take the knocks and will ride the waves and always come back again. With a temporary site up and run-

it serves us well to make it look as Lets hope next month is better professional and easy to use as pos- than this one! sible. Brian—BPA Founder New features to the site include, The UKBPA’s New site can be locked off areas to non UKBPA found at members, and a new password system that requires you to enter your

All rights reserved to UKBPA Paranormal Watch Magazine 2009 ©

Volume 1, Issue 2

New ID Cards Puts UKBPA In High Spirits

TandIM VestiGO, ‘The Photo ID Card People’

The UK British Paranormal Association is in high spirits after the introduction of its new photo ID card for use by members when carrying out investigations at commercial properties and private venues.

Produced by Leeds-based TandIM VestiGO, ‘the Photo ID Card People’, the card is another step towards “TandIM achieving greater recogniVestiGO Ltd tion and profeshave sionalism for the teamed up association and with the its members. UKBPA to bring you The plastic card, which incorpothe first rates the associaParanormal tion’s distinctive License.” ‘haunted house’ logo, carries three pieces of information plus the member’s picture: the member’s name; the club to which he or she belongs; and the member’s unique paranormal licence number. Comments founder, Brian Lambert: “The card is intended to add value to UKBPA membership, advance our standing in the profession and, of course, provide clients with verification of the investigator’s credentials.”

“TandIM VestiGO worked closely with us throughout to meet all our particular requirements. From our own computer we can now access a UKBPA dedicated web space to generate all the cards we

TandIM VestiGO and the UKBPA’s Unique Paranormal License ID card need. These are then produced and shipped to us. It couldn’t be quicker or easier.” “Importantly for us as a not-for-profit organisation, there was no capital investment required and we retain complete control of the whole process from start to finish.” “I would recommend TandIM VestiGO to anyone wanting a different approach that makes card production safer, quicker and easier.” TandIM VestiGO have agreed to significantly lower the cost of producing these cards for the UKBPA and its members

so we can keep costs to a minimum in order to make our members lives easier and cheaper to go about your business. The NEW License costs, which are even LOWER than advertised in last months edition of PARANORMAL WATCH, now stand at £25 for a Club or Group license and £17 for an individual license. However, due to PayPal taking fees, there is also a £1.50 processing fee on top of this if you pay using this method.

There are many groups and venues out there who have a reputation of being unprofessional. Joining the BPA allows you not only be a part of an association which will support you, but will also work with you or on your behalf to obtain discounts, member's nights out as well as information services. By lowering costs for you, our members, the UKBPA can make it more accessible to ALL groups within the Paranormal Industry, and hope therefore to get more groups involved. To Apply for your Paranormal License, contact

All rights reserved to UKBPA Paranormal Watch Magazine 2009 ©

Volume 1, Issue 2

UKBPA Asked To Comment On Spooky Photo The article was on Colin Foster, who inadvertently captured this image whilst holidaying in Northern England.

The UKBPA was asked this month, to comment on the above photo by the Sun newspaper.

“MY girlfriend and I were looking through the photo’s, when she grabbed my hand and said ‘Stop’ “She insisted I zoom in on one particular photograph, at first I didn't see it, but as

we zoomed in, we both turned to each other with our mouths agape” Said Clint Symonds, the BPA’s Vice chairman of the photo “This is one of those pictures that makes you sit up and saw WOW. But obviously it also needs deep examination. “Its so easy these days to fool the public with paranormal phenomena, due to modern software.

“Its so easy these days to fool the public with paranormal phenomena due to modern software”

News From the Projects Team Well, this month has certainly been interesting if nothing else. On Saturday the 7th, at around 1800 hours, I received a phone call from Brian, telling me the BPA website had been hacked and completely removed. Understandably, he was pretty distraught that all the hard work had “gone for a burton” and was on the verge of calling it a day. I was both amazed and distraught that someone would destroy two years of hard work like that for seemingly no reason, but never once thought of giving up, only showing those responsible that we wouldn't be beaten by getting something better up and running ASAP. I quickly set to work on

building a new forum site, something which fortunately I had previous experience of doing, and within 6 hours had a running forum board for the UKBPA to work from again. Aside from this, the projects team have been working hard on a number of different things. Whilst Bex has been hunting down and trying to find a printer who can print our membership certificates cheaply and without fuss, I have been working on the UKBPA membership pack, Working with VestiGO, the company that produced the UKBPA membership cards on repaying their kindness towards us by promoting them, also i have been collating and editing this months PARANORMAL WATCH and also

trying to make people aware “I was both of the new website and forum that was necessitated amazed and by thoughtless hackers. distraught The MySpace and Facebook campaigns are ongoing and that someone both doing well, with more would and more supporters being destroy two made aware of the UKBPA than ever before due to the years of hard popularity of these two work like that internet mediums. Any enquiries, email me directly at

for seemingly no reason”

Tam Kinnear-Swift

All rights reserved to UKBPA Paranormal Watch Magazine 2009 ©

Tam and Bex, The UKBPA’s Projects Team

Volume 1, Issue 2

Featured Investigation — RIPS At Roche Abbey, South Yorkshire We started by walking around, tuning in and getting a feel for the environment, the sights and natural sounds of the place, taking a few photo's in the process.

Roche Abbey, just outside of Rotherham, South Yorkshire

“The strangest picture of all, was a rather dark photo taken in front of the ruined church”

We opened the investigation officially, on the south side of the Abbey, facing the two towers, with the usual opening protection prayers, as well as casting a circle of protection, and asked permission from anything that may be there and to re-assure them we meant no harm. My feeling of the place was a very calm, serene one, with nothing unusual detected by anyone, in fact one member commented on how calm it seemed there. We called out to any spirit to make themselves known by giving us a sign, either audibly or by giving us an orb and continued taking photographs. Unfortunately, none were seen by the naked eye, although plenty were seen in reviewing the photo's.

The Unexplained Floating Cloud in the SE corner of the Abbey Ruins

We carried on calling out whilst recording hoping that even if we didn't pick anything up with our ears that perhaps the recorders would. It was noted by several members of the team, that the temperature was slightly colder in the SE and the South

side of the Abbey, but Roche abbey sits in a valley and we put this down to ground temperature being lower here. during this time a movement was spotted by two different members of the team to our right, on top of the ridge, but as this was close to the public footpath, it is impossible to conclude with any certainty that it was paranormal, and so was dismissed. After closing the circle with prayers, we moved back around to the north end of the Abbey, taking more photo's on the way, (interestingly, this is when the orbs were captured on the camera) to the ruined church on the east side. there we again called out and took some photo's as well as recording. One of the members of the team was drawn to the door leading to what would have been the first floor of the old gatehouse, and several photo's were taken of said doorway, but nothing was recorded, except on one photo, when the above mentioned team member was recording and calling out, an orb was captured in close proximity to her. Conclusion : I came away from the Abbey slightly disappointed, as I had been looking at the

photo's after I had taken them, and seen nothing at the time, but when I got home, I found quite a lot of orbs (or light anomalies) had been captured, specifically in the SE corner of the Abbey. Almost all of the orbs we photographed appeared here, they were accompanied also by mist (although in two of the photo's it is actually my breath and after seeing this on the first shot, took another one as I breathed out to prove this) however, the mist that we caught on camera that was not my breath, was paler in colour, less opaque looking and hung in the air differently (indeed on the photo below, it appears at about 15-20 feet from the ground) it is also worth noting that an orb was captured right behind the mist seemed to be forming. Several distinct orbs were captured, whilst others were smaller or further away and not so distinct. The strangest picture of all was a rather dark photo taken in front of the ruined church (slightly to the front left of where the orbs were captured) where there appears to be a hooded figure crouching as if in prayer. Continued on next page

All rights reserved to UKBPA Paranormal Watch Magazine 2009 ©

Volume 1, Issue 2

RIPS At Roche Abbey — Continued Continued from overleaf The photo itself is quite grainy, but the image is clearly visible in the bottom left corner. We looked at the photo, ran it through a few filters to try and make it clearer and enhance the outline, and detail so perhaps we could prove it was maybe the mist from someone's breath, or the light reflecting of the frosted ground, but some of the figure appears above grass level (overlapping the Abbey wall) and is just as clear, thus discounting this theory. The enhanced photo only serves to sharpen the image and clarify the fact it looks like a praying monk. I have examined this photo a number of times, and can come up with no scientific reason

for the image captured in this picture,. as nothing was seen at the time of capture. Roche Abbey is a very interesting environment, although night investigations are difficult due to the fact that there is very little natural light in the valley in which Roche Abbey sits. Due to its layout i am pretty certain a day investigation would produce better results, as with a flash camera, the pictures were really only picking up close proximity detail with a lot of the background being dark due to the flash not illuminating it sufficiently. I think due to this fact, we will return and investigate again during daylight, and compare the two investigations

The Enhanced Picture of what appears to be a praying monk. What do YOU think? To find out more about Rotherham Investigative Paranormal Society, then visit their website,


To have your investigations featured here, email

Featured Technical Kit—The Kodak z7590 The Kodak EasyShare Z7590 has a 10x optical zoom, a 5-megapixel resolution, an SLR-like electronic viewfinder and manual exposure controls. The Flash in Night mode will throw a flash a good 10- 15 meters, ideal for the sort of proximity expected investigating. With a beast like the Z7590, don't expect to be buying anything less than high quality lithium batteries to power it though, as normal

batteries wont even power it enough to take one photo, but this aside, it is an extremely good bit of kit. Close up pictures are sharp and well defined under the flash and in normal mode, unfortunately, it loses quite a lot of sharpness and focus in the later stages of the zoom, but a quick change of the settings rectifies this almost instantly. With up to 4mb of internal memory and on the memory card available, it is




The South East


The South West




East Anglia


The Midlands


Yorkshire And The Humber


The North West


Scotland and the Isles


Northern Ireland

ideal for any photo’s and videos you would take in the course of investigations, it even has a built in microphone for sound details as well. Prices range from £180 upward, but if you are prudent, you can pick one up, as I did for as little as 45 pounds from second hand shops. Rating : 8/10 Tam Kinnear-Swift

The Kodak Z7590— Sharp, powerful and inexpensive

All rights reserved to UKBPA Paranormal Watch Magazine 2009 ©

Volume 1, Issue 2

SPRG Do Charity Event For Comic Relief

Clint Symonds, the UKBPA’s Location and Technical Rep and Vice Chairman “unfortunately after arriving at the front gates we found a nice thick chain and padlock tied around the gate, but us being eager left the cars by the entrance and embarked on probably one of the longest paths leading up to a property we have ever seen”

On Saturday 14th March S.P.R.G Founder and UKBPA Vice Chairman Clint Symonds took his group SPRG up to Woodchester Mansion in the Cotswold's to help host a charity event in aid of Comic Relief. My team consisted of 16 members which also includes the BPA's Spiritual Adviser Angie Osborn and the BPA's Press/Media Rep Nick Thurston. We arrived in Nympsfield about 4pm and stopped of at a public house called The Old Fleece for a meal and chat about the evening, soon as we arrived at the pub my Sensitive's were picking up on spirit (not the drinking type!) and after chatting to the staff they confirmed to us that it was haunted. We could not gain access to Woodchester until about 8pm so it was nice after a 3 hour drive to relax and chill out before the night begun. We drove on to the mansion to get there for about 7pm as we thought that it was only the mansion that we couldn't gain access to and having heard that the grounds are just as haunted we wanted to have a walk around and get the feel of the place, unfortunately after arriving at the front gates we found a nice thick chain and padlock tied around the gate, but us being eager left the cars by the entrance and embarked on probably one of the longest paths leading up to a property we have ever seen. If any of you have been there you will know what I mean, little did we know it was going to

take us about 25mins of walking before we would get a glimpse of this outstanding venue, by the time we got there the drivers had to turn around and take a long walk back only to find the gates now open and a long queue of cars behind us. As we entered the mansion you could feel the eeriness that surrounds it, once everyone was together which also included about 18 members of sponsored public who have never done anything like this before, we were introduced to 2 of the members of the Gloucestershire group G.P.R.P who host the nights for groups every weekend, we were told about the Health and Safety issues of the place and then was taken on a quick tour around the mansion, now bear in mind the place is unfinished and will always be so there are rooms without floors and windows without glass, and being quite a windy night made the place very cold. Once all this was done S.P.R.G started to set up the equipment which just for this night only consisted of the 4 night vision camera system and DVR and numerous trigger objects scattered around. The investigation consisted of 4 teams of 10 and about 4 hour long vigils and a grand séance in the cellar and many fag and coffee breaks. The phenomena that was captured through

the night ranged from some very interesting photo's to people just bursting out crying for no reason, allot of information was picked up by my sensitive's, names, things that had happened, some not very nice. There was no physical activity that I know of that happened that night but then by the time 6am arrived most people just wanted their beds, so we didn't have time to get everyone together and discuss the night which was a shame. Once I arrived home, after checking various sites and write-ups from other groups a lot of the names and info that we picked up was also picked up by the other groups. All in all it was a good night, on a personal basis its not somewhere I would rush back to but it was an experience and a place my team and myself have been wanting to investigate for a long time and was grateful that we was invited to be part of it, it was a fun night especially watching members of the public under night vision near enough shivering in their boots in fear, bless, but then we have all been there in our own first investigations and jumping out of our skins with any noise and creak that heard. Thank you to Woodchester Mansion, G.P.R.G and Nick Thurston who had spent months arranging the event, and to spirit who did come forward and join us for a worthwhile cause. Clint Symonds Any queries, please feel free to contact me on

All rights reserved to UKBPA Paranormal Watch Magazine 2009 ©

Volume 1, Issue 2

This month we are covering a paranormal team known as London & Essex Area Paranormal Investigation Group. Can you tell us about your selves?

ing at the time and it is a great way to break the barriers down when meeting new people. So are you open minded or believers

All of our members with the exception of the psychic meWe’re a team of enthusiasts dium are all open minded believers. Steve, the medium who all have one thing in has very firm beliefs that common, the paranorspirits or/and ghosts exist. I mal. Founded in 2008 and would love to say that based in Fobbing, Essex, the “ghosts” exist, but until that team consists of 5 regular members who are from the moment when it physically Essex and London area. The appears in front of me and team members are Alan Hall says BOO, then I must have my doubts. I do believe & Selina Dean (founder there is something there, members), Jim Leaver but I will always keep an (media analyst), Leanne open mind on things. Luxford (Historian and location researcher) and Ste- So what Sort of things ven Crouch (Psychic mehave you been up to? dium). On June 21st 2008, Selina and myself appeared on So are you new to the London’s XFM radio station paranormal reams? as part of the 24 hour breakNo we all have prior experi- fast show with T.V preence in investigating as we senter, Alex Zane. We did a have all been part of other small investigation of the groups. We are a small team XFM’s studio and offices but have a very close bond and then appeared on the between us. The biggest radio for a 20 minute interthing is trust. I wholeheart- view. We were also recently edly trust my fellow team invited to organize an invesand they trust me which is a tigation on behalf of another solid foundation for a sucradio station, which took cessful relationship. place in 9th century caves underneath the city of NotCan you tell us about tingham. It was a very interthe tools you use when esting evening, but sadly not out? much happened, but I had We have many items which my suspicions we weren’t we use. These include night alone. vision camcorders, digital Have you have any excameras, motion sensors, periences? dowsing rods, trigger objects, EMF meters, digital Over the years, the team temperature readers and have amassed plenty of inremote cctv camera and vestigations. Leanne is our monitor. All of the equipnewest member, and very ment is used by all of our open to attract spirits. members and when on loca- Leanne is a sensitive and tion we allow the hosts to picks up on many things as join in as much as they want they happen. She has had and if this means using the many experiences with the equipment, then fine. I want team and one springs to them to see what we are see- mind. We were at Coalhouse

Fort in Essex. During the investigation she began to speak French. She knew she was speaking French but had no idea what she was actually saying. At the same moment, I went into a small trance and started to say I was a young French man on a boat. Selina is probably the most open one of us all. I have seen her on many occasions sense spirits. She has accurately come up with names and has had a few experiences of channeling. We each bring our own little pieces to the group. What’s next for the team? Well. We will have to see, but on March 24th On Living TV show, “Living with the Dead” as myself and Selina are in this episode. It was filmed at our 700 year old house and I must say it will be pretty spooky. What happened on the vigils here opened my eyes even further, but you will have to watch to see what really happened.

“During the investigation she began to speak French. She knew she was speaking French but had no idea what she was actually saying. At the same moment, I went into a small trance and started to say I was a young French man on a boat. ”

Any last words? If anyone wishes us to attend a vigil or requires an investigation by us, Alan Hall, one of please get in touch. L.E.A.P’s Founder We don't charge for our time as we are a members non-profit making group. We do it because for the love of it. But also when entering any location we are covered by paranormal liability insurance up to the value of £5 million, with one of the U.K’s leading insurance company. to contact L.E.A.P visit or email Interview By Brian Lambert

All rights reserved to UKBPA Paranormal Watch Magazine 2009 ©

Volume 1, Issue 2

Strange Goings On At RAF Coleby Grange as last year, including a camera crew from the BBC , who on a warm summer’s night in August 2005, decided to investigate this phenomenon, and attempt to understand what was going on at Coleby Grange.

The Haunted Control Tower At RAF Coleby Grange, Lincolnshire Disused RAF Stations are notorious for their ghost stories, and RAF Coleby Grange is no exception to this rule.I

At first, nothing really happened. Then at 10:30pm the activity started. Lights, bangs and missiles were aimed at the team, which were caught on camera. Whoever was behind it, it was clear that they did not want them trespassing into their world. On the photographs, ghostly mists and orbs were recorded, hovering behind members of the team. They had certainly walked into something they couldn’t explain.

tom that looks out of the window, footsteps heard on the top corridor, and stones that have been thrown at people . The Staircase on the inside, where a young airman died after falling down and fracturing his skull, seems to be a particular hotspot and also has a strange effect on visitors, people have felt headpains near the stairs that disappears when they leave the vicinity, and voices have been heard. Many people have heard bangs, and unusual noises.

“Notoriously haunted, the control tower has affected several teams who have investigated there, as recently as last year, including a camera crew from the BBC”

The tower is well know locally for producing flying objects, with several people who walk their dogs around the fields at The ghost of an airmen in Given the amount of young night having WW2 flying kit has been seen men who gave their lives in reported in and around the control the war, it is no surprise having tower, stones have been then, that many WW2 airstones and thrown, a feeling of presence fields, refuse to fade away other oband not being alone has also into history, and continue to jects thrown been noted and a shadowy affect the psyche of so many at them figure moves on both levels of today. when lookthe control tower. The Peri track at RAF ing in from the outLocated in the quiet LincolnColeby Grange, Looking No-one really knows who the side. Upon investigashire countryside, about 6 towards the tower pilot is, who is usually seen tion the tower is almiles outside of Lincoln, and on the top floor gazing ways eerily quiet and now serving as farming land, mournfully across the overdeserted. The hangars are long gone – grown runway. Is he rememall that remains is the crumIf we take the theory of rebering fallen comrades, or bling old control tower which sidual hauntings as read, asking himself why the war sits in the SE corner overthen it probably comes as no had to be? looking the farm, as the refsurprise to anyone that the erence point to a bygone age. At other times, the drone of amount of emotion WW2 long gone bombers can be airfields had and still have Notoriously haunted, the heard on their flight path on them now, is the reason control tower has affected home. for these residual hauntings. several teams who have inOther stories include a phan- Tam Kinnear-Swift vestigated there, as recently RAF Coleby Grange, first opened in 1939 and closed for the final time in 1963, when RAF Coleby Grange saw its last aircraft and airmen leave , or did it?

All rights reserved to UKBPA Paranormal Watch Magazine 2009 ©

Volume 1, Issue 2

The UKBPA Awards First Paranormal License To Kent Paranormal Seekers things for as long as I can remember. I have always believed there is more than this life circle. When you look at things like trees and plants, they have a cycle of birth, death and rebirth so maybe its the same for humans, animals etc.

Kent Paranormal Seekers receive their licence from UKBPA Founder, Brian Lambert The BPA took to the roads last week to meet up with a paranormal team to hand the founder their Membership/ ID card. We thought it would be nice to meet and greet them personally as they are the first paranormal team to be processed and to receive our card that has been provided by TandIM VestiGo for the BPA. We arranged to meet them at a poplar haunted place in East Sussex called Michelham Priory, which is set on a medieval moated island and has the reputation of being one of the most haunted buildings in East Sussex.

Michelham Priory what are you hoping to find with your team We are hoping to get some more paranormal evidence and try to prove spirit's existence to our skeptics in the team.

“there are too many groups out How did you hear about the there who have no reBPA and what made you spect for think about joining Do you have any interI found the BPA after contacting places and esting stories that has with you regarding our group do- are just in it happen to you or your ing an investigation at Pevensey for the team when out Courthouse. I hadn't heard of the money so an organization before but was very organization Yes, we were at Arundel Jail interested to find some where and were asking spirit some that people could go to for advise like the BPA questions, when we noticed is a good that the candle which was on etc. Its also nice to see someone idea” wanting to help and advise a table in the centre of the group started moving to a yes groups on topics like health and safety etc. A lot of groups out answer. We tested to see if there seem unaware of the dananyone was blowing it etc. and were satisfied, well apart gers of walking about in the dark. They also see paranormal as some from the Skeptics who said we should do it another time kind of entertainment which it isn't so guide lines should help all wearing masks over our faces! We have had some very those people. interesting E.V.P’s too. Have you worked with others teams or clubs before?

What’s Your view on the ID Card /Membership

I think the membership is a great idea; It is nice to have somewhere I used to work with a friend to go when we need help and it’s and my cousin, but more regood that the BPA are trying to get cently I’ve been in 3-4 clubs. us lots of benefits. Venues are so A couple just folded due to expensive the discounts will help. Where are you and your lack of commitment. People Also there are too many groups out team from? don't realize how much time there who have no respect for We are all from Kent apart is spent just waiting for hours places and are just in it for the from Paul, who is from Esonly to get no results. I left a money so an organization like the sex, and has joined us from couple of other groups beBPA a good idea. I think the Photo the paranormal group I was cause of arguments, disorID part will also help to reassure a with before I started this one. ganization and egotistical lot of people that we are who we We are a new group which I people. this is a real shame as are and can also be vouched for by only started the end of last we are all seeking the same the BPA if required. I feel proud to year so are still looking for out come and are not in com- have become a member of the BPA petition with others. I set members to join us. and will certainly tell others. Kent paranormal seekers up to try and have all that attend To contact Kent Paranormal SeekHow long have you been on an equal footing, so that ers, visit its friendlier and hopefully interested in the will survive. normal? I have been interested in the Paranormal and spiritual

Tonight you are At

Interview By Brian Lambert

All rights reserved to UKBPA Paranormal Watch Magazine 2009 ©

Volume 1, Issue 2

Featured Venue — Pevensey Courthouse Museum castle, is housed in the old town hall dating from the 13th century. Courts met here right up until 1866 when the borough was dissolved. Widely believed to be haunted, the Courthouse Museum holds Haunted Ghosts Nights for the brave!

Pevensey Courthouse as it Stands Today The Pevensey Courthouse Museum in historic Pevensey Village alongside the

Also inside, the old courthouse is presented as it was in the past and two cells are also within. The Courthouse is the smallest town hall in England. UKBPA Members Gain a 10% discount on entrance with a team of 10 or more, and upon presentation of their UKBPA license Pevensey Courthouse Museum, High Street, Pevensey BN24 5LF. Tel.01323 760547.

UKBPA Featured On National Talk Radio Show march, the UKBPA were featured on a show on Talk Sport radio. Nick Thurston, the UKBPA’s Media rep talked about the BPA live on air on the Ian Collins show, at 2330 sun night.

Nick Thurston, The UKBPA’s Media Representative On Sunday the 22nd of

With the problems of hacking being highlighted, this elicited a response from several web design companies, offering help to build a new site.

“Located 5 minutes from Eastbourne is the interesting, historical little village of Pevensey.”

This has brought the UKBPA’s name into the mainstream as the foremost association for paranormal related topics, with several new groups coming forward and showing an interest in the paranormal licence. Nick also went on to talk about the aims of the UKBPA as well as how were are moving forward with every month that comes.

“This has brought the UKBPA’s name into the mainstream as the foremost association for paranormal related topics”

UKBPA In Last 25 For HBOS Grant Funding The UKBPA has recently received news from The HBOS group, that we have been selected to go into the last 25, from thousands of entrants, for an award donation of up to £500,000. The Grant was applied for last month, and we have been waiting for news, but

on Wednesday the 18th of march, the project developer received a phone call from the HBOS group confirming that we have been chosen to go into the last 25. The next step is to meet with the HBOS group in person and present a case as to why we should be chosen

for the award, and also breakdown what the award money will be used for in more detail. I’m sure you will join with us in wishing the projects team the best of luck with this.

All rights reserved to UKBPA Paranormal Watch Magazine 2009 ©

Volume 1, Issue 2

Ghosts Of The Norfolk Broads From Sir Thomas Bolyns’ headless ghost riding over the 12 bridges into Suffolk, to the black shuck stories of Mundesley and Happisburgh, Norfolk is as rich in history, as it is ghost stories. But unusually, a lot of these seem to centre around a 20 mile stretch of the Norfolk broads. Here, I will attempt to bring some of the more famous and well loved stories to life. The Ferry Inn, Horning is home to a rather tragic story. Local lore has it that a pretty, 25 year old girl was raped and murdered by a group of monks from nearby St. Benets Abbey, Ludham, and her battered, naked body was dumped into the river. It is said that she is seen every year on the anniversary of her tragic death walking along the riverbank by the Ferry Inn, and toppling into the river.

tery so he could seize the land, but news of this reached the Abbot who had him strung up and hanged from what now is the last remaining doorway of the old monastery , laying a curse to anyone who dares to walk St. Benet’s at night. The Stories tell, that every year upon the anniversary of his death, the treacherous monk can be seen and heard kicking and screaming his last, hanging from the doorway. But it doesn't end there, a recent investigation by local groups have turned out that their might be more to this legend that meets the eye.

When Norwich based group, NPEG and Great Yarmouth based Paranormal Beyond Belief investigated St. Benets Abbey together in 2008, one member was pushed and held against the wall, and groped by an unseen force, whilst another member was Nearby St. Benets Abbey, 3 left with scratch marks on miles outside of Horning, is their neck, after being clawed the only Abbey that was by an unseen hand. Could never dissolved by Henry the these have been the vengeful IIIV. The Abbey itself is now monk? in ruins, apart from the old Hickling Broad, 2 miles up mill and gatehouse, but it has its own menacing ghost. the river from Ludham, has one particular story, which At the time of the dissolution has 2 ghosts, that date from of the monasteries, the Abthe Napoleonic war. bot was fearful the land One cold Winter In the early would be turned over to the local landowner, so sent one 1800’s, a drummer boy was on leave from the wars in of his monks to negotiate Europe, and had starting seepeacefully. ing a local farmers daughter. The greedy monk, took a The Farmer was not happy payment from the landowner about this match and to let him in to the monas-

promptly banned them from meeting. The drummer boy would then skate across the ice every night, beating his drum to alert his love he was on the way, till one night, late in February, when the ice was melting, he fell through the ice never to be seen again, except on the anniversary of his death, when he is either seen or heard skating across Hickling Broad, beating his drum.

“From Sir Thomas Bolyns’ headless ghost riding over the 12 bridges into Suffolk, to the black shuck stories of Mundesley and Happisburgh, Norfolk is as rich in history, as it is ghost stories.”

His young lover has also often been sighted rowing across Hickling broad calling his name in a lost and lonely tone. 10 miles up the road from Horning, lies Aylsham, Home to Blickling Hall. Once owned By Sir Thomas Bolyn, father of Anne Bolyn, Henry the IIIV’s wife, the King seized the home after he had sir Thomas beheaded for treason shortly before he beheaded Anne. Sir Thomas’ headless ghost is said to drive a coach and team of 4 headless horses through Norfolk passing by 12 bridges before arriving at Bigod's Castle, Bungay, Suffolk. Legend tells, that if you see the apparition and pay Sir Thomas any attention, he will carry your soul off with him on his journey for all eternity.

Bigod’s Castle, Bungay, Suffolk, Where Sir Thomas Bolyn ends his yearly ride

Tam Kinnear—Swift

All rights reserved to UKBPA Paranormal Watch Magazine 2009 ©

Volume 1, Issue 2

An In Depth Look At Instrumental Trans Communication And The Klaus Schreiber Method Are all pictures spirits? I would say with certainty NO! 9o% is noise that the feedback produces. So that leaves us with a very small percentage to work with to keep us on our toes. 10% of the remaining I would consider to be spirits! The loop is the vehicle not the picture itself! What I find with most of the Stand out knock your socks off pictures is that they are not part of the loop.

Lance Reed—One Of the Countries Leading ITC Experts Klaus Schreiber was a German ITC researcher back in the 1980's. He had messages via E.V.P to point his Camera recorder towards the TV set and feed the output of the camera into the input of the TV set, thus causing a Visual feedback loop. Klaus worked long sleepless nights on the method, until he had and on screen effect of a pulsating mist, from out of these mists came pictures from people he recognized that had crossed over. Over time Klaus refined the method so he had the right onscreen effect he search for, from which pictures of his daughter and wife that had passed to the other side, became clear for him and all to view. Also Famous people such as Einstein came through. Klaus called the Pictures 'Drop in's' as he felt spirit were showing him and everyone else, that life continued after the physical body died. How does the Feedback Loop produce pictures from the afterlife? So far, I believe that light and the replay/recycle of light as the feedback works is the key factor here. If we think of the loop as a highly sensitive ray of electronic frequency and that spirit is energy, Spirit could and would manipulate the frequency of this source , there by achieving. the desired pictures.

Let me explain more, imagine the loop pulsating in and out flashing driving the blue mist off the core, off the mist you will have break up and fringe edges which is natural for a highly sensitive energy that is hard to control, the break up or noise is the energy needed for the pictures to travel. We are talking 28 frames per second, some times you can see the picture building up to form a detailed face, others will just appear like 'pop up'! Remember the loop is just the vehicle, from which the pictures are carried. Then when you grab some of these frame that has potential and examine them in greater detail, the eye sees what they are for certain within the first few seconds. I often wonder what are the chances of a face appearing with eyes and nose, mouth hairline etc, all being where they should be? As with all I.T.C methods there appears to be a weak signal of communication from which spirit are able to work with and communicate with us. My mission is to boost this signal via "The Schreiber Method" to gain more clearer pictures. There has been E.V.P telling us that spirits communicate via "Plasma"! So is this the way forward? Now for those who don't already know Plasma is a energy, being responsible for the Northern lights shinning its aura beauty over the night sky's. So If we look at plasma as a energy and how it has found its way into main stream living such as:-Plasma TV's, Lamps etc could this be the key we are searching for? So I put 2+2 together and hopefully come up with 4?

What is Resonance? Resonance to me simply means to have a “What I good working relationfind with ship with my spirit most of the team. Resonance Stand out means to send out good vibrations of knock your thoughts before and socks off during the session, pictures is this way you will gain the right kind of spirit that they communication. In lay are not mans terms Resopart of the nance has been men- loop” tioned as 'like attracts like' whatever kind of person you are is the kind of spirit you will attract or connect with. This is not just about spiritual communication this also goes for life. Have you ever talked to someone or been with someone in work that you feel, 'we just don't click as people'? This is physical resonance! Same goes for the communication of spirits, you will click spirits with certain souls that are very similar to you. ITC is not just turning on the recorder or TV and hoping for the best, resonance or a good working relationship has got to be gained to open the right channels for ongoing solid progressive communication, all relationships have got to be built, here is nothing different. But spirit to spirit or like attract like, the same level of resonance is present. So keep building the relationship you have with your spirit team!

An example of some of Lances’ Work

Lance Reed

All rights reserved to UKBPA Paranormal Watch Magazine 2009 ©

Volume 1, Issue 2

UKBPA Affiliated Venues

Advertising with the BPA monthly paranormal magazine ? Displayed below are supporters that have come forward in helping our members with discounts.

The Royal Hippodrome opened in 1883 as the New Theatre Royal and Opera House. It changed to the Royal Hippodrome in 1904 following refurbishment.

All products found in the Store are completely unique. If our products have not been designed and manufactured in-house, at the very least they have been specially sourced to complement our site.

Has over 60 years of history - During this time over 15,000 personnel have passed through this establishment - So there is a fair amount of basis for paranormal activity - The following information is all based on actual sightings and genuine historical fact.

One of the most wonderfully spooky and unique experiences you are ever likely to encounter. If you are visiting Arundel, West Sussex, in the UK

Just 5 miles east of Eastbourne and a mile inland from Pevensey bay, lays the old ancient town of Pevensey. Seeped in history since being the roman fort and port of anderida and the landing place of William the conqueror, nestling halfway along its old high street ,is the Tudor court hall or ( house ) ,once the smallest working town hall and Jail in England. Please be advised that contact between them and us will take place to ensure you are a certified members to the BPA, you will be asked to display your BPA Paranormal License & Membership ID card when entering, therefore any proclaiming that are will be contacted by the BPA. We would very much like to thank the venues and paranormal stores for coming forward in offering their help and support to us and our members we also are looking forward to the others that will also offer their support.

All rights reserved to UKBPA Paranormal Watch Magazine 2009 Š

Volume 1, Issue 2

The Paranormal Watch Team Editor —”Wee” Tam Kinnear-Swift Interviews/Articles — Brian “Spanner” Lambert Articles — Clint “Sailor” Symonds Guest Writer — Lance Reed Phone: 07845616406 E-mail: Web: Bringing The Paranormal Together

The UKBPA is a vast growing voluntary organization, that was established in later part of 2006. The role of the BPA is to help paranormal groups maintain professionalism when conducting investigations at a commercial property or venue. We at the BPA are here to help, to act as a guide in the legal and health legislation's that you will be dealing with as you conduct your investigations, and by offering support & advice. Our principles and resources within the association are to provide a professional, free service and offer reassurance to you and your paranormal club from all around the UK Within this our target is to highlight the growing problems and issues that are being reported to us by you , where we will work on achieving a positive change to the outcome.

Submit your stories for the next issue the PARANORMAL WATCH is always glad to receive your news, stories, investigations and group write -ups, so feel free to mail anything you think might be of interest to UKBPA members, and we will do our best to feature it in the next months edition.

interest to the paranormal world, to your investigations and research and updates on your groups progress and events that you may be running or are aware of.

With your help and others we can work on building and altering the standards with in the paranormal world and also with in the British Paranormal Association. Stories can be from anything that is generally of

All stories and articles submitted are subject to approval and /or editing before publication. We at the British Paranormal Association will not be responsible for your news articles, therefore we advise you to be sure that your news or others topics are 100% accurate to the best of your knowledge before summiting them . Therefore any untruths or slanderous act towards other individuals/groups/ associations will not be published.

Paranormal Watch

All rights reserved to UKBPA Paranormal Watch Magazine 2009 ©

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