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“Baztán” Regional Plan + “Amaiur” Masterplan_Navarre_p

“Baztán” Regional Plan+ “Amaiur” Masterplan

2 Academic competitions _ 2 1st PRIZES


Navarre, Spain February 2006 - June 2006 November 2006 - January 2007

Academic project: University of Navarre, Spain (Student)

Regional planning + Urban Planning

The regional study aims to find the most suitable locations for the future housing/ working developments in the area between the towns of Elizondo and Irurita, in the region of Baztan, in Navarre. Following the Spanish planning rules the land is divided in different categories: land qualified and not qualified for urban development, environmentally protected, etc. The study also defines the building height restrictions, the limitations in the industrial sectors, etc.


With the knowledge of this regional overview, a second study, of one of the areas qualified for urban development, is conducted . The level of detail of the proposal increases, going from the boundaries of regional planning to the scope of urban design.

A third study of one of the villages of the region (Amaiur) is done following the line of this last project.

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