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Urban Park “Isla Cautín”_Temuco_p

International Competition for ideas

Temuco, Chile May 2011


Professional project: as independent in collaboration with Ben & Jáquez architects and urbanists and the University of Navarre, Spain (Project leader)

Urban planning + Landscape Architecture

The proposal incorporates into the city an abandoned urban area of 60 ha of excellent landscape potential, located on the banks of the Cautin River. The new urban park aims to become the cultural, sport and administrative center of Temuco as well as of the region of Araucania.

The new park incorporates the culture of the Mapuche, the ethnic group native to this area of the country, through a social urban-landscaping vision that integrates their culture and traditions.

The use of unconventional renewable energy sources creates a zero emissions project. Those energetic points are located all over the park in relation to the new administrative and cultural buildings proposed.

The design pays special attention to the native flora species present on the site complementing them with other compatible species that enrich the flora diversity.


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