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Tell your customers the photo stalwart’s flagship full frame mirrorless has been given another under-the-bonnet operational tweak, including new features for both photos and video. Via firmware version 4.00, a new Auto Capture function, for example, promises to gift the ability to shoot both formats remotely and from a variety of angles without the need to attend to the camera directly. This feature is also being made available for use with its Pre-Release Capture function.
Video users are further getting an expansion of the minimum ISO sensitivity setting to Low 2 in N-Log format, allowing for clearer shadow tones. There’s an increase too in the options available for Hi-Res Zoom speed, affording more precise control. Still shooters are promised a superior performance when using 3D tracking, with more precise capture of small and fast moving subjects, while an exposure delay mode has been added to the Custom Settings menu to help reduce blur caused by camera shake if using a tripod. Other refinements include a selection of shutter release sounds that can be adjusted in volume, plus an increase in the amount of options that can be assigned to custom controls. www.nikon.co.uk