34 minute read
We originally had our industry renowned trade awards planned to coincide with The Photography Show this year. But with that cancelled, just four working days prior to the NEC being due to open its doors to the public, we had to rapidly swing into action with a plan B – which meant awards couriered to recipients plus a couple of personal visits to those most local to us in London, pre official lockdown, naturally.
As we say in this issue’s editorial, unlike some, we’re not ones to sit on our hands in a time of crisis, reckoning on the industry being in need of a morale boost and support in challenging circumstances. We hope good deeds will flow both ways when the dust settles.
As detailed in our prior issue where we showcased those nominated, this year we’ve handed out 11 awards to cover the following key photo trade categories: Retailer of the Year; Pro Camera of the Year; Enthusiast Camera of the Year; Accessory of the Year; Printer of the Year; Print Media of the Year; Innovation of the Year; Launch of the Year; Campaign/Promotion of the Year; Overall Product of the Year.
We’ve also – forgive us – squeezed in an additional reward of ‘Shop of the Year’, feeling that Alex Falk’s Mr Cad, which featured in our Dec/Jan edition last year, was worthy of special recognition for over 60 years of service. If you think we’re missing a category or two – and we did have suggestions for ‘best distributor/supplier’ for example – drop us a line to info@bpinews.co.uk and we’ll consider adding them for the next one.
Without further ado, here then are the candidates with the most votes and acclaim in their particular categories for 2020. Disagree with any of ‘em? Then, as ever, we invite you to get in touch and have your say! And, in the meantime, stay safe out there… What better a way to lift spirits in a pandemic than giving out our annual industry awards to those we – and most importantly our readers and your customers – feel are most deserving of recognition and reward for their past 12 months of service…
“Winning the BPI News Retailer of the Year Award 2020 was thrilling and winning it for the second year in a row is very special. We are profoundly grateful to everyone that voted for us.“ Gray Levett, founder, Grays of Westminster

Paul Reynolds (with Marketing Manager Tim Berry on right), General Manager, Sigma UK
“We are absolutely delighted that Sigma’s L-Mount lenses have been recognised with the BPI Product of the Year award 2020. Widely acclaimed for their exceptional optical performance and robust build quality, this fastgrowing line-up of lenses can be used on Sigma’s new fp as well as Leica cameras and full-frame Panasonic cameras. These lenses have brought better choice to the consumer at affordable prices, which is fantastic news.”

“Receiving an award is always welcomed by the team at Swains International Ltd. Even more rewarding is being given it as a Winner. I would like to thank BPI News and wish all our customers a safe journey though these difficult and very challenging times. Please all stay safe!” Danny Williams, MD, Swains International PRINT MEDIA OF THE YEAR: SWAINS PHOTO GIFTS
Brixton’s Rapid Photo tells us how it is benefitting from selfproducing photo gifts in-store – and how you can do the same Hands on with the new X1D II 50C Hasselblad, plus digital back, slim-line camera & lens combo We catch up with Steven Lord of Lords Photography to discover how his store stands apart in a competitive market PHOTO GIFTS IN THIS ISSUE… MEDIUM FORMAT MIRRORLESS SHOP OF THE YEAR P 22 P 12 BPI News reports from Sigma’s exclusive Japanese themed event for UK photo retailers, showcasing its L series lenses DEALERS ASSEMBLE P 16 P 8 Putting the photo trade in the picture for over 35 years www.bpinews.co.uk JULY/AUGUST 2019 • £3 Photographic British Industry news AVOID A SUMMER SALES DROUGHT! Expert tips to stimulate spend HOW TO… PROFIT FROM PRINTS Advice from your peers on maximising income from photo gifts and more! PLUS: IN THIS ISSUE… P 8 Photographic HOW TO… PROFIT FROM PRINTS Advice from your peers on maximising income from photo gifts and more! BPI News Product Focus NEVER MISS AN ISSUE! Read BPI News online at issuu.com/bpinewsonline BPI News | July/August 2019 19 O ut o f the shadows: Tenba’s expanded Sk y li ne famil y f eatures camera bag options in all s hapes and sizes, blending minimalist desi gn with durable, high quality materials SKY’S NO LIMIT TO PROFIT FROM TENBA BAGS With your customers packing their bags for summer holidays, there’s rarely been a better time to introduce them to a new camera bag series – Skyline from Tenba bags, as distributed by MAC Group Europe – to affordably house all their photo accessories... Q uality items at affordable price points that will deliver you a competitive margin is what MAC Group Europe consistently promises and delivers for the UK photo trade. New products and innovations are similarly just as important to keep customers engaged and drive sales – and t hat’s just what t he distri butor is offering t his month via new additions to the Tenba branded Skyline camera bag collection. To en able MAC Group Europe’s retail partners to make a swift and easy sale, the latest Skyline products maintain its ‘keep it simple’ philosophy, which extends to their minimalist design and use of durable, high quality materials. “Like the existing Skyline bags, these n ew models have been desi gned to deliver healthy profit ma rgins at high -vol ume and consumer-friendly price points, all without compromising on excellent quality and great features,” says Brand Manager for Tenba bags, Loraine Morgan, by way of a pitch to potential stockists.
MAC GROUP EUROPE HAS SUMMER ‘IN THE BAG’ There are six new Skyline products being released for this summer in the existing contrasting colour schemes – black with silver logo plate and grey with blue logo plate. With this eye-catching laser engraved aluminium Tenba badge on each, MAC Group Euro pe believes the brand wi ll be highly visible in the m ar ket. What’s more, there is a Tenba camera bag to suit every budget and size of camera – whether that’s a compact, CSC or DSLR. Owners of small mirrorless cameras, such as the Sony Alpha 6800, or premium compact cameras, such as the same brand’s RX100 series, are directed to the Tenba Skyline 4 and 3 pouches (below, left) , respectively. These come in grey or black, and are priced at £15 SRP for the ‘4’ and £12 for the ‘3’. Durable and weather resistant, they’re made from water repellent fabric with reliable YKK zip fasteners an d a Velc ro l oop at the back for att achm ent to a belt, i f so desired. N ext up are the slightly bigger Skyline Top Load 8 & 9 bags (below) , which are designed to fit either a Canon EOS type DSLR in the smaller ‘8’ option (at £25 SRP) or a pro DSLR such as the Canon 5D plus 24-70mm f/2.8 lens in the roomier ‘9’ option (£30 SRP). It’s also suggested that a compact camera drone would fit. Aga in the bags are water repellent and c om e with attachment p oints such as shoulder strap and b elt loops at the rear. F or larger pro DSLRs there’s Tenba’s Skyline Messenger 13 (right) . As it sounds th is is a m essenger-style bag that can house a pro DSLR with a 24-70mm f/2.8 lens attached, plus further 70-200mm f/2.8 and 16-35mm f/2.8 lenses and a lapto p up to 13-inches.
Wit h q uick access top zip, side mesh pockets, padded walls and adjustable dividers, just one size choice here in black or grey, SRP is £75. The final (and roomiest) option for p ho t ograp hers is the stylish Sky lin e Backpack 13 (below, right) . This option should be pitched as a practical carrying option that doesn’t automatically scream ‘camera ba g’. Again with jus t one size c hoice in black or grey, SRP is £90. Selling points here are its capacity to fit a pro DSLR with a 24-70mm f/2.8 lens attached, plus further 70-200mm f/2.8 and 16-35mm f/2.8 lenses, along with a flash, while a padded front pocket can accommodate a laptop up to 13-inches. Like all options here it’s durable and weather resistant, while it singularly features a lightweight breat habl e harness with the ben e fit of a tro lley strap. www.macgroupeu.com www.tenba.com Get in touch with MAC Group Europe now to reque s t stock of Tenba Skyline bags on 01902 255500 or email orders@macgroupeu.com “Like the existing Skyline bags, these new models have been designe d to deliver healthy profit margins at high-volume and consumer-friendly pri ce points, all without compromising on excellent quality and great features” MAC Group Europe Brand Manager for Tenba, Loraine Morgan WINNER ACCESSORY OF THE YEAR TENBA BAGS VIA MAC GROUP EUROPE “This is a superb surprise!

The Mac Group Europe team are thrilled that Tenba Bags has won Accessory of the Year, and really appreciate the recognition. Thank you to all the BPI News readers who took the time to vote for us.”
Loraine Morgan, Brand Manager, MAC Group Europe
Theo Georghiades, General Manager, Fujifilm UK

Brixton’s Rapid Phot o tells us how it is benefitting from selfpro ducing photo gifts in-store – and how you can do the same Hands on with the new X1D II 50C Ha sselb la d, p lu s digital back, slim-line camera & lens combo We catch up with Steven Lord of Lords Photography to discover how his store stands apart in a competitive market PHOTO GIFTS IN THIS ISSUE… MEDIUM FORMAT MIRRORLESS SHOP OF THE YEAR P 22 P 12 BPI News reports from Sigma’s exclusive Japanese themed event f or UK p hoto reta ile rs, showcasing its L series lenses DEALERS ASSEMBLE P 16 P 8
Putting the photo trade in the p icture for over 35 ye ars www.bpinews.co.uk JULY/AUGUST 2019 • £3 Photographic British Industry news AVOID A SUMMER SALES
DROUGHT! Expert tips to stimulate spend HOW TO… PROFIT FROM PRINTS Advice from your peers on maximising income from photo gifts and more! PLUS: IN THIS ISSUE… P 8 Photographic HOW TO… PROFIT FROM PRINTS Advice from your peers on maximising income from photo gifts and more! BPI News Extra 18 July/Au gust 2019 | BPI News www.bpinews.co.uk A winning pro position: Fujifilm UK’s Genera l Manager Theo Georgh i ades is ple ase d w ith the positive reaction t o, and pre-orders for, the GFX1 0 0 (in ha nd & a bove right) Burst of colour: The GFX100’s 100 megapixel shots display plenty of de licate d etai l, though your customers will need a fast/large capacity med ia ca rd plus an up-to-date computer to be able t o hand le the mega file si zes HANDS ON WITH FUJIFILM’S 102MP ‘BEAST’ BPI News was invited to get hands on last month with Fujifilm’s biggest medium format mirrorless camera launch t o date. Retailers and their customers can expect stock towards end of August A t a London preview last month, we finally got to try out a working s ample of Fujifilm’s much-anticipated medium format mirrorless camera in the GFX100 , firs t unveiled at Ph o tokina 2018 and certainly its manufacturer’s b iggest an d most prestigious la un ch f o r quite some time in t erms of specification and intended audience. “ Demand has been quite un e xpec ted in terms of the numbers,” admits Fujifilm’s Marketing M anager Andrea s Georghiades, with the result that sp e ci alist retail ers an d their customers should be able to get hold o f stoc k towards the en d of August, once those who pre-ordered are taken care of. A s we lear n t l ast issue, at t he core of the camera is a new 102MP sensor, which Fuji told us is the same backside illuminated c hip as found in the X-T3. The sensor supports 16 bit Raw (Raw files being a massive 200M B in size, uncompressed). The camera also offers users the option of a new ‘M’ JPEG setting for when u s ers don’t need or want to end up with a massive file size. This would also co me in ha n dy w hen review in g shots. While, for those photographers who also shoot v ideo o n occ asion, the camer a can shoot 4K v ideo at up t o 30f p s, we were told it isn’t yet possible to get 60fps on the GF X10 0 at this point in time. Nevertheless its maker believes that it is in the realm of h igh-end ci n ema ca mer as. Th ere’s also t he fa ct that, according t o Andreas, “in the cine world the GFX100 The trade should look to the end of August for fresh availability on Fujifilm’s 102MP medium format mirrorless GFX100 is seen as inexpensive… so t here’s huge in t erest from the vide o wo rl d for this camera.” Impressively, 4K recording of up to 60 minutes in duration is possible, though Fuji couldn’t tell us how warm the came ra m ight get if tha t was attempted . BIG ON SPEC BUT NOT PROHIBITIVE IN SIZE I mages ar e composed in the fir st place via the aid of a 0.5-inch, 0.86x magnification 5.76 million dot EVF, th e re’s an X-processor on b oard and the camera to all intents and purposes has been designed, in t erms o f u s ability and operation to “perform like a mirrorless camera, not a large camera,” adds An d rea s. Those w ho may no t h ave ha ndled a m edium form at camera before should be able to pick it up and s ta rt us ing it pretty much instantly. The magnesium alloy constructed camera i s weat her an d dust resistant and can o p erate down t o tem p eratures of -10°C. To help avoid vibration, the c amera is actuall y made up of a separate outer and inner construction. Its image s ta bili sa t ion mec ha ni s ms provide the equivalent of 5.5 stops and we were t old that there are 10,000 calculations being don e by th e camera ev ery second for users to be able to end up with a steady image. In to tal there are 95 weat her sealed parts. “It’s very durabl e and ‘g o anywhere’, like most of our cameras,” A ndreas confirms. A case in point: it weighs 1400g including EVF and two batteries – or 13 20g exclud ing the EVF . Operation wise, the camera has “a lot more custom buttons”, says F uji , plus two LCD windows – one o n the to p an d one on the back as expected, plus a new rear s ub monitor. This b eing a Fuji camera we also get 16 Film Simulation modes, ape-ing the analogue film look, whi le thi s is t he first GFX to offer Eterna Film Simulation mode. Photographers add itio n ally have the optio n to apply Smooth Skin Effect mode “as we recognise this c amer a w ill be used for portra it pho t ography,” says Andreas. Another bonus is Face Detection AF, that also su pports sm all er face tracking. Its maker admits that the former is “not as quick as the X-T3, but here w e have four sensor s that have come to g ether.” We were also told the camera’s quick and silent shutter mechanism is the sa me a s on its mirrorless X-H1 model and that the shutter itself is good for 15 0 , 0 00 a ctuations. Connectivity wise, the GFX100 offers USB Type-C, and, conveniently, it can als o be charged that way. Naturally the audience for this camera may well want to shoot teth ered, and in t his it’s supported by Ca p ture One Pro software. As noted at the start of this ar ticle, availability is curr e ntl y towards the back end of August for reta il a n d any new orders. www.fujifilm.co.uk
Editor Gavin Stoker on why Fujifilm won: “The medium format GFX100 mirrorless, which finally appeared last summer having been teased at Photokina 2018, is not only Fuji’s highest resolution camera but also its biggest and most prestigious launch for quite some time.”
“Can we simply say: Thank you very much.” Mark Thackara, Marketing Director Olympus UK

Jane Nicholson, Marketing Manager “We are absolutely delighted to have won the BPI News award for Launch of the Year. The Transcontinenta UK team would like to thank everyone that voted for us. “

Open your issue now for our hands-on look at the new Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark III – and its key selling points Snapperstuff shares new bags from Think Tank Photo and MindShift Gear, sure to prove popular with photo specialists How a multi-channel approach can combat Internet giants & tips on how to get the best ROI from any photo trade show NEW CAMERA IN THIS ISSUE… NEW ACCESSORIES BUSINESS ADVICE P 28 P 15 AWARDS 2020 Pick your winners from the suggested nominees in our BPI News Trade Awards! Hurry, as winners will be named in April! BPI AWARDS NOMINEES P 24 P 8 Putting the photo trade in the picture for over 35 years www.bpinews.co.uk FEB / MARCH 2020 • £3 Photographic British Industry news DON’T GO TO… UNTIL YOU’VE READ OUR PREVIEW ISSUE BRICKS OR CLICKS? PLUS: Fresh report on the future of photo retail: inside! BRICKS OR CLICKS? Fresh report on the future of photo retail: inside! PREVIEW ISSUE IN THIS ISSUE… P 8 Photographic DON’T GO TO… UNTIL YOU’VE READ OUR PLUS: BRICKS OR CLICKS? Fresh report on the future of photo retail: inside! PREVIEW ISSUE Ask in-store or visit enjoy.photo for details. Conditions apply. Offer ends 29/02/2020 BONUS: PRE-ORDER & GET CAPTURE ONE PRO 20 WORTH £299 Take your professional photography to new heights and never get weighed down. The new Olympus E-M1 Mark III is amazingly compact and lightwei ght and fi ts perfectly in your hand. It packs pro-level technology and superior image stabilization – so you’re free to go further with you r handheld shooting style. With uncompromising image quality and weathersealed construction, the E-M1 Mark III is your ult imate tool for getting the breathtaking results you want in all conditions – from nature, landscape, and night shot s to videos. Find out more at your local Olympus retailer or go to olympus.co.uk #breakfreewitholympus NO LIMITS. BREAK FREE. BPI News Extra 8 February / March 2020 | BPI News www.bpinews.co.uk New from Olympus: the OM-D E-M1 Mark III plus M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-45 mm f/4 Pro lens to go with it. www.olympus.co.uk OLYMPUS: THIS IS THE ‘ONE’ On your ‘Marks’, get set: the new third generation OM-D E-M1 is still ‘breaking rules’, according to Olympus As good in the wet as the dry: the weather sealed E-M1 Mark III takes on the challenge of a hothouse... and an iguana With Georgina Pavelin recently departed, Marketing Product Specialist Claire Voyle (pictured with new camera) has stepped up into a more prominent role The third generation of the OM-D E-M1 camera – sitting in the line up between the E-M1X an d the E-M5 Mark III – has arrived, along with new 12-45mm f/4 Pro lens . BPI News got hands on at Kew Gardens to discover how sales could promote fresh growth for your own business R ather than changing the model number of an already successful and identifiable camera series with each new iteration, the trend of late has been to simply add extra numerals on the end: witness the just announced version of Olympus’ former flagship in the OM-D E-M1 Mark III . “We’re still breaking rules when it comes to technology,” Olympus’ In-store Support Specialist Clare Harvey-May told us by way of an introduction, referencing the tagline of the promotional campaign that runs alongside the camera: ‘No Limits: Break Free.’ You’ll also be able to catch the brand at The Photography Show this March, where it’ll be located on Stand D91 . A MINI E-M1X WITH SHARED FEATURES Described as a “mini E-M1X”, which sits just above it in the line up, the third generation E-M1 features “the world’s best image stabilisation”, according to Olympus, with body-integral IS offering the equivalent of 7 stops, and 5-axis sync IS up to 7.5 stops. The latest version includes a brand new TruePic IX processor too, plus a 50MP hand held high resolution shot mode, comprised of 16 images shot with miniscule position shifts. Construction wise, the weather-sealed Mark III features a slightly bigger grip, the menu button has been moved, an ISO button and multi selector/joystick added, while four custom settings have been squeezed around the shooting mode dial. USB charging is also possible while operation can be supported via a power bank should battery levels dip when photographers are out shooting. Naturally there have been ‘under the bonnet’ tweaks too. Its Supersonic Wave Filter dust reduction system has had a brand new coating applied while several thousand G’s of acceleration help shift any dust that should attach itself. The new camera further features the same shutter as the E-M1X, which has been tested for 400,000 operations. Two card slots are provided for image capture. Slot 1 can handle both UHS-I and UHS-II SD cards, while slot 2 is for the UHS-I only. While its 121-point allcross type AF system is as before, Clare told us: “the algorithms for the AF system are pretty much the same as the E-M1X.” As well as being compact, the OM-D E-M1 Mark III is also speedy, capable of up to 18fps in mechanical shutter mode or 60fs in electronic shutter mode. A Starry Sky AF mode has been added £2,199.99 or with an M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-100mm f/4 IS Pro lens at £2,499.99. Providing a suitable partner for the camera is a further new lens, in the M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-45mm f/4 Pro . At 254g, it’s being pitched as the world’s smallest and lightweight model in its standard zoom category. With construction comprised of 12 elements in 9 groups, like the OM-D cameras it’s dust proof, splash proof and freeze-proof. Available from late March in black, SRP is £599.99. www.olympus.co.uk for night time / astro photography, plus we get Advanced Face Priority AF, for which accuracy and tracking performance have been improved. Naturally the camera can shoot 4K resolution video and Olympus has added OM Log functionality for cinematographers, as well as more AF options for video than before and high speed 120fps capture to produce slow motion video effects when said footage is replayed. The camera can also been hooked up to a monitor via HDMI if desired. As if all of the above wasn’t enough to entice your customers into ownership, the Mark III offers a Pro Capture Mode that takes 35 frames before the shutter release is fully depressed and 120 frames afterwards, while in Live Composite/ Live Bulb mode users can leave the shutter open for a whopping six hours. The black-bodied camera arrives late February for £1,599.99 SRP, or in kit versions that pair it with an M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-40mm f/2.8 Pro lens at WINNER ENTHUSIAST CAMERA OF THE YEAR OLYMPUS OM-D E-M1 MKIII

“It’s a delight and a pleasure to receive such a prestigious award, even if it’s such an untimely moment, for this country, the world and the whole photo trade. The future of our industry is at a crossroads. How many retailers will survive this time of closure and what shape will retailers be in? We do not know the answer to the above questions, but one thing that we do know is that we must continue to enjoy the image taking process, whether on film, digitally, or using your telephone. Images are very important for one generation to pass on to the next.” Alex Falk, Owner, Mr Cad
With the UK’s biggest photo independent back in the news we separate fact from fiction and ask what’s next for the high street? Nikon’s ‘Z’ series swells to a trio with the introduction of the mirrorless enthusiast-targeted Z 50, just in time for Xmas Our resident business expert explains why you should be placing ‘velvet handcuffs’ on valued staff to prevent loss of talent & knowledge RETAIL LATEST IN THIS ISSUE… NEW PRODUCT BUSINESS ADVICE P 26 P 6 Northumberland’s Stait Photography tells us why it has refocused 85% of business towards photo printing & photo gifts MINILAB CASE STUDY P 22 P 5
Putting the photo trade in the picture for over 35 years www.bpinews.co.uk NOVEMBER 2019 • £3 Photographic British Industry news OUT OF THE SHADOWS! Latest & greatest photo innovations & accessories from Canon, Fujifilm, Kodak Moments, MAC Group, Olympus, Panasonic, PhotoXport, Vanguard, Viking Optical, Ultimat & more to inspire winter sales – SEE INSIDE! At a glance: Epson SC-P7500 & SC-P9500 n Epson’s first ever 12-colour ink set, claiming to deliver its widest ever colour gamut with 99% Pantone coverage for increased accuracy n Advanced print heads use up to 800 nozzles for each colour n High speed & quality are combined, thanks to a μTFP12 print head with 300dpi resolution and 12 channels n 4.3-inch touch panel LCD with a range of configuration options n Deeper blacks achieved through black enhancement over-coating technology which results in even more striking and dramatic prints n Support is given for fine art papers, canvases, photo paper and more BPI News Product Focus 20 November 2019 | BPI News www.bpinews.co.uk Book an Epson large format demo with DPS Group now on 020 8460 3690, ema il sales@dpsb.co.uk or visit www.dpsb.co.uk Left: Both printers feature a larger 4.3-inch user- customisable touch screen Top: The DPS Group is offering up Epson’s new wide format printers in the SC-P7500 (left) & even larger SC-P9500 (right) DPS GROUP ENCOURAGES YOU TO AIM BIG WITH EPSON T he busiest season of the year for anyone in retail is coming up fast – so now is very definitely the time for those in the photo trade to make sure they’re suitably equipped to make the most of any opportunities. “If you’ve been thinking of adding a wide format printer to your set up for a while, to meet demand or expand your customer base, then last month’s announcement of two new Epson offerings in the 24-inch SC-P7500 and the 44-inch SC-P9500 should have you sitting up and taking notice,” enthuses Maneesh Patel, Managing Director of Epson re-seller the DPS Group. As we learnt last issue, both of the manufacturer’s ‘big beasts’ offer the ability to print on fine art paper, canvases, photo paper and more. They’re very much workhorse devices, boasting a solid, proven build, with Epson itself proudly claiming they set a new benchmark. Part of this is down to the SC-P7500 and SC-P9500’s deployment of a 12 colour Ultrachrome Pro ink set with K3 technology, which, conveniently, can be individually replaced if they run low. The promise is that these inks – like the printers, available directly via the DPS Group – offer exceptional dynamic range, meaning that there’s no more choosing between ink sets. The devices’ With December availability promised, retailers looking to aim big this Christmas can broaden th eir horizons with Epson’s latest SC-P7500 and SC-P9500 large format printers – that’s the message from re-seller the DPS Group print heads use up to 800 nozzles for each colour to produce accurate dot placement and eliminate misprints, while printing up to 4.3x faster.
FASTER, MORE ACCURATE & MORE EFFICIENT Furthermore, the SC-P7500 and its bigger brother in the SC-P9500 are almost completely sealed to prevent any possible intrusion of dust via their front and back covers. That said there’s the ability for operators to still access the print head, if needed, for maintenance purposes. A quicker change of media is promised too, thanks to a new auto feed mechanism, while a newly installed 4.3-inch touch screen further improves usability this time around. The user can also customise the screen’s background colour and layout if so desired. “In short, whichever of the new printers you choose it all adds up to exciting new business potential for our customers,” confirms DPS Group MD Maneesh Patel. “Don’t forget that we are also able to offer you the complete solution – in supplying inks and media too.” Interested parties are strongly advised to book a demo with the DPS Group in their Kent showroom, or simply make a call in order to chat through prices and the bespoke options the re-seller can tailor to your business. So don’t miss out on the opportunity to take your income to the next level in the run up to Christmas. Contact sales@dpsb.co.uk or call 020 8466 7230 now. www.thedpsgroup.co.uk www.dpsb.co.uk “If you’ve been thinking of adding a wide format printer to your set up for a while, then two new Epson offerings in the 24-inch SC-P7500 an d the 44-inch SC-P9500 should have you sitting up and taking notice.” DSP Group MD Maneesh Patel “Wow, what a welcome surprise.
As an official reseller, Epson has done us proud with its two new wide format machines. Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote!”

Maneesh Patel, DPS Group MD DPS Group MD

“We’re delighted to have won this award. Kodak has long been known as a pioneer in the world of photography, so I’m particularly pleased we have won the award for innovation. I shared this news with the team, just as we were adjusting to our working from home restrictions, and it was the perfect lift! Thanks to everyone who voted for us.” Paul Austin, Business Director, Kodak Moments Division
DEALERS’ CHOICE: FUJIFILM CONFERENCE INSPIRES SALES SUCCESS Fujifilm’s Photo Print Services held its annual Conference for retailer members last month, which this year comprised an expanded two days’ worth of workshops, awards and trade fair. BPI News brings you this inspiration packed report to showcase how you could benefit from joining the group… A cross a weekend last month in the surroundings of the Forest of Arden Marriott Hotel, Fujifilm, its partner Swains and key retailers held court, seeking to help motivate its dealer membership to realise their businesses’ potential when it comes to profiting from print. Indeed, this year the manufacturer was asking attendees to tag their social media posts with #fujifilmpotential. Once again, Fujifilm’s Marketing Manager Peter Wigington acted as ringmaster and mentor – though this year the Conference had a bittersweet air, as it was Peter’s final appearance before a well-earned retirement. He is succeeded by new Fujifilm recruit, Gloria McCann, who was also present at the event by way of introduction. HELPING RETAILERS TO HELP THEMSELVES This year, the first day of the Conference was divided into six workshops, attendees split into groups. Our first workshop was ‘ Planning Your Marketing Year ’, given by Peter himself, followed by ‘ Creating and is where we’re putting it all.” As a further push, Peter revealed that Fujifilm has produced an A3 marketing calendar for its dealers, highlighting various promotions and ideas plus providing space for shop owners and staff to be able to note down sales targets and how well they’re doing. With Swains distributed mini photo Dealers assemble! Super heroes and heroines of the fight to profit-from-print gather for Fujifilm’s annual weekend of workshops, awards and trade show. Below, the departing Peter Wigington welcomes attendees Fujifilm Advertorial To discover how Fujifilm can inspire ideas an d help boost the profile and bottom line of your o wn store or minilab, Using a Monthly Newsletter ’, with advice from InSpires Consultancy’s Wendy Gray. Peter’s advice to the audience of retailers was to regularly check its online marketing ‘ Hub ’, to which all its members have access. This resource provides point of sale materials; topically, a new POS campaign starts this June. Fujifilm is also looking to produce a new series of productrelated videos, such as encouraging customers to put together a photo book, that retailers can host on their own sites and social media feeds. The aim is that these videos will be engaging enough to be ‘thumb stopping’, when customers are idly scrolling through social media. “We can act as your marketing department, but we’re not retailers, so it’s up to you to do the rest,” Peter outlined. “The Members HUB is where we put our marketing tools, so any time we create new posters we will put them up there. If there’s a particular poster you need then give us a call. “We try to give you as many different promotional items as possible, including an article on 1000 different marketing ideas. Content is king and the Hub 16 June 2019 | BPI News www.bpinews.co.uk Fujifilm Advertorial Turn to page 31 of this magazine now to see more o n the winners of this year’s Business Endeavour Awards! told us that in cluding vid eo c o ntent can act as both a way of keeping people on yo ur site f or lo nger and as a call to act io n: “Video is the most important thing, as it gets the highest engagement level out of anything”. The other way to be more search engine friendly is to include a regularly up dat ed blog. Th is co uld also be a way to make your business more approachable to a first time customer. “People buy from people,” Sian concluded. 20% of promotional activity posted, you should post 80% of ‘other stuff ’. Namely people want online content that inspires, informs, educates and entertains – and, ultimately, tells a story. How to’s, practical tips, relevant insights, interesting facts and community news are all ways of drawing customers in. Again, consistency plays its part here – and be consistent when it comes to the times of the day you post. The final two sessions of the Saturday, for us, were workshops with Lindsey Trundle, owner of retailer Click Click, previously featured as a case study in BPI News February 2019. We also heard from Pete Davies of Marlborough Photo Services, who previously featured in our March 2019 edition. Lindsey talked about ‘ How to Design Your Shop Layout For Maximum Impact & Increased Sales ’ with her advice on how spending a modest £200 on new brick effect vinyl wall coverings and using a scented air fresher in store really can make a difference. Pete advised on ‘ How to Engage With Your Local Community for Additional Sales ’ with striking candour, discussing how partnerships with local schools let him market to people who might not necessarily otherwise come into his shop. See our relevant back issues for more! With the Sunday of the Conference weekend being all about the trade show element – with Swains showcasing its photo gifting and framed print ideas, Novachrome promoting dye sub gifts, Pictures To Fabric promoting personalised prints on cushions, Photowonder talking all things photo restoration and enhancement and H.Lehmann Showing the trade what it’s all about: Sunday of the Convention witnessed a plethora of print products showcased. Peter shown here with his Marketing Manager replacement Gloria McCann Bal Basra of Birmingham’s Focus Studio, recieves his Outstanding Contribution award from Peter and Wendy Photographic Services offering members its camera servicing expe r tise as wel l as a Veritek Technical Services and Fujifilm’s S oftware Sup port helpdesk – the Saturday evening played host to Fujifilm’s a nnual Business Endeavour Awards . See side panel for the list of winners! In all, this was an information- packed we ekend that left the retailers we spoke to feeling very positive and engaged about their businesses and thei r industry. No mean feat! The second of two w orkshops was given by social media manager Suzanne McDougall, who focused on ‘ Making Social Media Work For Your Small Business ’. She divulged that, whereas Twitter gives you immediacy in getting your message across, Instagram is all about the aesthetics. Also worth knowing is that 91% of customers now research their purchases online before committing, and that 50% of us engage with relevant social media content/ ads at least once as part of that process. “Have a look at competitors’ social media accounts and see what’s working for them,” she advised. “Then consider where you think your business sits.” If you want to have maximum impact on social media, then Instagram ‘Stories’ are ‘huge’ at the moment, according to Suzanne, who noted that retailers should always include hashtags on their Instagram posts to get more traction. The ‘optimum’ number of hashtags for any one post is, she says, anything between seven and nine, though can be as high as 30. She also advised using vertical ratio images at dimensions of 1080x1350, and tagging your location – particularly important when your marketing to a local community. In terms of using Twitter as a promotional tool, the advice here is to always use images, utilise Twitter lists, and connect with your followers during relevant Twitter hours. Twitter polls are also a good way of generating interest and responses, as are including @ mentions and tagging photos. However, you don’t want to bore your Twitter audience by constantly selling to them. The advice here is to follow the ’80:20’ rule – so, for every
The full list of Award winners: n Shop of the Year: Lords Photographic , Brighouse n Business Endeavour Award Winner: Click Click , Bishops Stortford n BEA Highly Commended: Photos2Print , Andover; Salisbury Photo Centre & Y Stiwdio Brint , Lampeter n Shop Assistant of the Year: Rosie Payne, Colorgrafix , Louth n Swains Regional Sales Manager: Neil Wooldridge , South West Region n Mystery Shopper Result of the Year: Fivemiletown Pharmacy , Co. Tyrone & Treorchy Photolab , Rhondda n Best Marketing Campaign: Island Photo Centre , Ryde I.O.W (Capture Perfect) & Photos2Print , Andover (My Dad’s Shop) n Best Window Display: Y Stiwdio Brint , Lampeter (St David’s Day) n Best Social Media Campaign: Morrison Photos , Douglas, Isle of Man See also the congratulatory winners’ page this issue, for photos from this year’s awards gala. FUJIFILM’S SPECIAL AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTION TO INDEPENDENT PHOTO RETAIL 18 June 2019 | BPI News www.bpinews.co.uk Prints & the revolution: BPI News picks up tips & tricks of the trade to share with readers at Fujifilm’s annual conference A sound choice: Reach a new audience with Saramonic pro audio kit for stills, video & smartphone photographers Save & protect: Our resident expert shares details of tax breaks for anyone looking to undertake a shop re-fit this summer EVENT REPORT IN THIS ISSUE… NEW PRODUCT FOCUS BUSINESS ADVICE P 2 8 P 20 It’s Hama time: Affordable new gear that’s convenient to stock and easy to sell with the summer holiday season fast approaching PHOTO ACCESSORIES P 2 2 P 16 Putting the photo trade in the picture for over 35 years www.bpinews.co.uk JUNE 2019 • £3 Photographic British Industry news DIVE IN TO DISCOVER COOL NEW IDEAS TO BOOST YOUR PHOTO BUSINESS DIVE IN TO DISCOVER COOL NEW IDEAS TO BOOST YOUR PHOTO BUSINESS DIVE IN TO DISCOVER COOL NEW IDEAS TO BOOST YOUR PHOTO BUSINESS WINNER PROMOTION OF THE YEAR FUJIFILM PHOTO PRINT SERVICES CONFERENCE

“We’re absolutely thrilled to receive this award, especially as it’s for an activation that supports our valued Independent Retail Partners. Thank you to BPI News for their support of Fujifilm initiatives. We’re incredibly grateful for this accolade.” Gloria McCann, Fujifilm UK Marketing Manager