TRM Nielsen 2012 English version

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Trade Readership Monitor 2012 syndicated study

Trade Press Readership Report Warsaw, November 2012

Nielsen – market research world leader Tasks and activities One of the main tasks of Nielsen is to support Brand Managers through monitoring and analysis of the competitive environment. Nielsen helps to develop clear strategies based on consumer insights.

• The company was founded in 1923 in the United States by Arthur Charles Nielsen • Since 2001, part of the company which is the world leader in marketing information, media measurement and trade press monitor • Currently active in over 100 countries • Nielsen focuses on supporting clients by: – Market measurement – Creating tools and analytical services – Support in evaluating the performance – Assistance in finding potential • Nielsen tracks the trends around the world and provides an integrated understanding of global change - reports are published on the website:

2 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Trade Readership Monitor November 2012 "Poradnik Handlowca" remains the leader of trade press in Poland Bartłomiej Strączak Customer Experience Leader Nielsen Polska

Nielsen conducted a survey of trade press readership in Poland in November 2012. This project has monitored the situation of leading papers distributed to retail stores regularly for several years. This year, for the second time it was a syndicated study, but for the first time in history with the participation of two major FMCG companies, who enhanced the survey. The publisher of ‘Poradnik Handlowca' decided to participate in the project.

Trade press readership studies describe a number of parameters enabling comparison of individual titles dedicated to retail industry with one another. The most important indicator, monitored by both advertisers and publishers is the level of reach of particular magazines to retail stores nationwide, which is the percentage of stores that receive trade press. This years’ study confirms that ‘Poradnik Handlowca' remains the leader in this field which is due to both high circulation of the magazine, and optimal distribution system that fits the structure of retail trade in Poland.

3 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Trade Readership Monitor November 2012 The methodology of the study. Similarly as in previous years the survey was completed by direct interviews on a sample of one thousand stores throughout the country. Respondents were people responsible for the supply of a store and reading trade press. To facilitate proper identification of particular titles available on the market, each survey participant was shown both a vignette with the logotype of respective magazines together with covers of the last three issues of the magazine. This is an extremely important aspect of the methodology, as it prevents confusion among respondents of often similarly sounding titles of trade press. The study was representative and was conducted on a sample of 1001 stores, prepared on the basis of data from the census of retail stores, conducted annually by Nielsen. Interviews were conducted in all major types of stores responsible for sales of FMCG articles. The obtained data was weighted according to the total number of stores in each province.

4 Copyright Š 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Trade Readership Monitor November 2012 The main results On all major indicators of the research, as in previous years, the leadership in 2012 was taken by ‘Poradnik Handlowca'. This magazine reaches and is now regularly read in three and a half out of ten retail stores in Poland, and its awareness reaches the level of 44%. Another three titles: ‘Wiadomości Handlowe', ‘Handel' and ‘Hurt & Detal' are also important in the stores. They reach respectively 29%, 20% and 14% of stores. Trade press is undoubtedly one of the most important sources of information for retailers helping them decide about supply of their stores. It is both a very useful medium of information about products and market news, it also provides valuable tips on how to conduct and effectively supply the store. The growth of importance of trade press as a source of information was highly rated – second best right after the sales representative - in terms of reliability and suitability by nearly half of respondents. The importance of trade press is confirmed in the high rate of reach and awareness of individual titles. Similarly as in previous years, the percentage of stores receiving trade press has been sustained. This year already 77% of the stores confirmed receiving trade press.

We would like to thank all the readers who participated in the study. Your opinions are of vital importance to raising standards of trade press in Poland. 5 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.


o Methodology of Trade Readership Monitor 2012 o Main results: • Magazine awareness

• The reach of trade press • Trade press readership • Other topics

6 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Methodology of TRM

Nielsen Standards • Applied statistical methods guarantee fulfillment of global quality standards concerning reported results: – Standard error for proportions at the level of a whole sample does not exceed 2 pp (percentage points) for the sample of 1001 stores. • Given maximum value of standard error concerns values reported for the whole country • The fulfillment of Nielsen global quality standards concerning the quality of reported data is provided

8 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Stores’ population represented in Trade Readership Monitor research 2012 Hypermarkets and Supermarkets

Food and Mixed Stores

Drug Stores


Sweet-Alcohol Stores

TOTAL 105 000

• Sales channels with significantly different assortment (gas stations, pharmacies) and those which have marginal impact on FMCG trade (food and multipurpose kiosks) have been excluded • Types of stores not considered in the research account for no more than 6% of turnover in trade of FMCG articles

9 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Research description o Face-to-face individual interviews o Interviews conducted with a division by types of the stores and regions; according to the sample (sample selection by Neyman’s method) based on ACNielsen Retail Measurement Department stores database o Syndicated study with participants: Publisher of Poradnik Handlowca and two big FMCG producers. o Execution date: November 2012

o N=1001 interviews o Different types of stores o Interviews were conducted in whole country according to the division into rural and urban regions o Labels with logos of the trade press publications were shown to respondents (rotated)

o High volume

monthly – Handel, Hurt&Detal, Magazyn Życie Handlowe, Poradnik Handlowca i Wiadomości Handlowe o Low volume monthly - Handlowiec, Magazyn Kosmetyki, Wiadomości Kosmetyczne, Rynek Spożywczy * In the research participated magazines meeting two basic criteria: 1) title is currently registered in Association of Press Distribution Control (Związek Kontroli Dystrybucji Prasy) and 2) their circulation is at least 10 thousand copies.

10 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Sample databases Traditional shops and local chains – based on Nielsen retail census

Nielsen database shops<300 m2

Supermarkets and Hypermarkets – full list (interviews in shops)

Nielsen database shops>300 m2

11 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Shops’ sample selection in TRM Research o Sample of shops based on Nielsen list and exclusive shop database of Nielsen Polska. o Randomly chosen from the Nielsen database o Classification of shop types and regions according to Nielsen definition o Sample division into levels (disproportional) • By regions • By channels (type of a shop) • By area (rural/urban) o Random selection of shops in the levels o Results weighted by the number of shops (numerical) due to disproportional sample selection o As a result of weighting, given results are representative for the total amount of shops in Poland (in selected sales channels)

12 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Retail Stores

Sources of information helpful in taking purchase decision for the shop

TRM 2012

N=759 – Total stores in Poland – persons receiving trade press, Weighted data Which from the following sources of information helps you in taking purchase decision for the shop? ?


43% 29%

26% 18%

Sales Trade representative press



Customers Daily Internet of the magazines store





13 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Results: Magazine awareness

Spontaneous magazine awareness (total) (top-of-mind + next answers)

Retail Stores

TRM 2012

N=844 – Traditional Trade (Small Format), Weighted data What trade magazines have you ever heard of?

37% 32% 23% 14% 4% Poradnik Wiadomości Handlowca Handlowe


Hurt & Detal

Magazyn Życie Handlowe

Data presents results above 3%. Only high-volume magazines with monthly circulations of minimum 60 000 copies.

15 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Spontaneous magazine awareness (total) (top-of-mind + next answers)

Retail Stores TRM 2012

N=658 – All respondents in cities over 10 000 inhabitants, Weighted data What trade magazines have you ever heard of?

38% 33% 23% 17% 6% Poradnik Wiadomości Handlowca Handlowe


Hurt & Detal

Magazyn Życie Handlowe

Data presents results above 3%. Only high-volume magazines with monthly circulations of minimum 60 000 copies.

16 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Retail Stores

Prompted magazine awareness (aided with vignette and face of magazines)

TRM 2012

N=1001 – Total stores in Poland, Weighted data What trade magazines from this list have you ever heard of?

44% 38% 29% 24%


Poradnik Wiadomości Handlowca Handlowe


Hurt & Detal

Magazyn Życie Handlowe

Data presents results above 3%. Only high-volume magazines with monthly circulations of minimum 60 000 copies.

17 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Retail Stores

Prompted magazine awareness (aided with vignette and face of magazines)

TRM 2012

N=844 – Traditional stores (Small Format), Weighted data What trade magazines from this list have you ever heard of?

44% 38% 29% 23%


Poradnik Wiadomości Handlowca Handlowe


Hurt & Detal

Magazyn Życie Handlowe

Data presents results above 3%. Only high-volume magazines with monthly circulations of minimum 60 000 copies.

18 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Retail Stores

Prompted magazine awareness (aided with vignette and face of magazines)

TRM 2012

N=157 – Modern Trade (Large Format), Weighted Data What trade magazines from this list have you ever heard of?


34% 29% 24%


Poradnik Wiadomości Hurt & Detal Handlowca Handlowe


Magazyn Życie Handlowe

Data presents results above 3%. Only high-volume magazines with monthly circulations of minimum 60 000 copies.

19 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Retail Stores

Prompted magazine awareness (aided with vignette and face of magazines)

TRM 2012

N=343 – All respondents in cities under 10 000 inhabitants, Weighted data What trade magazines from this list have you ever heard of?



22% 13% 3%

Poradnik Wiadomości Handlowca Handlowe


Hurt & Detal

Magazyn Życie Handlowe

Data presents results above 3%. Only high-volume magazines with monthly circulations of minimum 60 000 copies.

20 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Results: The reach of trade press

Retail Stores

Reach of magazines in retail stores (aided with vignette and face of magazines)

TRM 2012

N=1001 – Total stores in Poland, Weighted data Which of the magazines from this card reach your shop?

36% 29% 20% 14% 5% Poradnik Wiadomości Handlowca Handlowe


Hurt & Detal

Magazyn Życie Handlowe

Data presents results above 3%. Only high-volume magazines with monthly circulations of minimum 60 000 copies.

22 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Retail Stores

Reach of magazines in retail stores (aided with vignette and face of magazines)

TRM 2012

N=343 – All respondents in cities under 10 000 inhabitants, Weighted data Which of the magazines from this card reach your shop?



19% 9% 3%

Poradnik Wiadomości Handlowca Handlowe


Hurt & Detal

Magazyn Życie Handlowe

Data presents results above 3%. Only high-volume magazines with monthly circulations of minimum 60 000 copies.

23 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Retail Stores

Reach of magazines in retail stores (aided with vignette and face of magazines)

TRM 2012

N=844 – Traditional stores (Small Format), Weighted data Which of the magazines from this card reach your shop?

37% 29% 20% 14% 5% Poradnik Wiadomości Handlowca Handlowe


Hurt & Detal

Magazyn Życie Handlowe

Data presents results above 3%. Only high-volume magazines with monthly circulations of minimum 60 000 copies.

24 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Retail Stores

Reach of magazines in retail stores (aided with vignette and face of magazines)

TRM 2012

N=157 – Modern Trade (Large Format), Weighted Data Which of the magazines from this card reach your shop?


29% 23% 17%

4% Poradnik Wiadomości Hurt & Detal Handlowca Handlowe


Magazyn Życie Handlowe

Data presents results above 3%. Only high-volume magazines with monthly circulations of minimum 60 000 copies.

25 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Retail Stores

Reach of magazines in retail stores (aided with vignette and face of magazines)

TRM 2012

N=648 – Traditional stores (Small Format) – persons receiving trade press, Weighted data Which of the magazines from this card reach your shop?

51% 41% 28%

19% 6% Poradnik Wiadomości Handlowca Handlowe


Hurt & Detal

Magazyn Życie Handlowe

Data presents results above 3%. Only high-volume magazines with monthly circulations of minimum 60 000 copies.

26 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Results: Trade press readership Readership of Seasonal Cycle (RSC) Magazines read regularly

Retail Stores

Readership of Seasonal Cycle (RSC)

TRM 2012

N=1001 – Total stores in Poland, Weighted data Have you read... in the past 6 months?

35% 29% 19% 14% 4% Poradnik Wiadomości Handlowca Handlowe


Hurt & Detal

Magazyn Życie Handlowe

Data presents results above 3%. Only high-volume magazines with monthly circulations of minimum 60 000 copies.

28 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Retail Stores

Readership of Seasonal Cycle (RSC)

TRM 2012

N=343 – All respondents in cities under 10 000 inhabitants, Weighted data Have you read... in the past 6 months?




10% 3% Poradnik Wiadomości Handlowca Handlowe


Hurt & Detal

Magazyn Życie Handlowe

Data presents results above 3%. Only high-volume magazines with monthly circulations of minimum 60 000 copies.

29 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Retail Stores

Readership of Seasonal Cycle (RSC)

TRM 2012

N=844 – Traditional stores (Small Format), Weighted data Have you read... in the past 6 months?

36% 29% 19%

14% 5% Poradnik Wiadomości Handlowca Handlowe


Hurt & Detal

Magazyn Życie Handlowe

Data presents results above 3%. Only high-volume magazines with monthly circulations of minimum 60 000 copies.

30 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Retail Stores

Readership of Seasonal Cycle (RSC)

TRM 2012

N=648 – Traditional stores (Small Format) – persons receiving trade press, Weighted data Have you read... in the past 6 months?

50% 40% 26% 20% 6% Poradnik Wiadomości Handlowca Handlowe


Hurt & Detal

Magazyn Życie Handlowe

Data presents results above 3%. Only high-volume magazines with monthly circulations of minimum 60 000 copies.

31 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Retail Stores

Readership of Seasonal Cycle (RSC)

TRM 2012

N=521 – respondents in cities over 10 000 inhabitants – persons receiving trade press, Weighted data Have you read... in the past 6 months?

50% 46%




Poradnik Wiadomości Handlowca Handlowe


Hurt & Detal

Magazyn Życie Handlowe

Data presents results above 3%. Only high-volume magazines with monthly circulations of minimum 60 000 copies.

32 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Retail Stores

Magazines read regularly

TRM 2012

N=759 – Total stores in Poland – persons receiving trade press, Weighted data Which of the following magazines do you read regularly?

44% 38%


18% 6% Poradnik Wiadomości Handlowca Handlowe


Hurt & Detal

Magazyn Życie Handlowe

Data presents results above 3%. Only high-volume magazines with monthly circulations of minimum 60 000 copies.

33 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Retail Stores

Magazines read regularly

TRM 2012

N=648 – Traditional stores (Small Format) – persons receiving trade press, Weighted data Which of the following magazines do you read regularly?

45% 38%

23% 18% 6% Poradnik Wiadomości Handlowca Handlowe


Hurt & Detal

Magazyn Życie Handlowe

Data presents results above 3%. Only high-volume magazines with monthly circulations of minimum 60 000 copies.

34 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Retail Stores

Magazines read regularly

TRM 2012

N=521 – respondents in cities over 10 000 inhabitants – persons receiving trade press, Weighted data Which of the following magazines do you read regularly?

48% 42%




Poradnik Wiadomości Handlowca Handlowe


Hurt & Detal

Magazyn Życie Handlowe

Data presents results above 3%. Only high-volume magazines with monthly circulations of minimum 60 000 copies.

35 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Results: Readership of the last edition Magazine worth recommendation Magazines possesed in store

Retail Stores

Readership of the last edition

TRM 2012

N=759 – Total stores in Poland – persons receiving trade press, Weighted data Have you read the last edition of ... magazine?

39% 33% 20% 15% 5% Poradnik Wiadomości Handlowca Handlowe


Hurt & Detal

Magazyn Życie Handlowe

Data presents results above 3%. Only high-volume magazines with monthly circulations of minimum 60 000 copies.

37 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Retail Stores

Readership of the last edition

TRM 2012

N=648 – Traditional stores (Small Format) – persons receiving trade press, Weighted data Have you read the last edition of ... magazine?

40% 34% 20% 15%

5% Poradnik Wiadomości Handlowca Handlowe


Hurt & Detal

Magazyn Życie Handlowe

Data presents results above 3%. Only high-volume magazines with monthly circulations of minimum 60 000 copies.

38 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Retail Stores

Magazine worth recommendation to other tradesmen

TRM 2012

N=648 – Traditional stores (Small Format) – persons receiving trade press, Weighted data

Which of the following magazines you consider as worth recommending to other people in the industry?

39% 33%

18% 12%

3% Poradnik Wiadomości Handlowca Handlowe


Hurt & Detal

Magazyn Życie Handlowe

Data presents results above 3%. Only high-volume magazines with monthly circulations of minimum 60 000 copies.

39 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Magazine worth recommendation to other tradesmen

Retail Stores

TRM 2012

N=521 – respondents in cities over 10 000 inhabitants – persons receiving trade press, Weighted data Which of the following magazines do you consider as worth recommending to other people in the industry?

43% 33% 18% 13% 4% Poradnik Wiadomości Handlowca Handlowe


Hurt & Detal

Magazyn Życie Handlowe

Data presents results above 3%. Only high-volume magazines with monthly circulations of minimum 60 000 copies.

40 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Results: Other topics

Activities after looking through the magazine – add impact

Retail Stores

TRM 2012

N=759 – Total stores in Poland – persons receiving trade press, Weighted data

Buy the product to the store described or advertised in the trade press


Buy more than usual because it was information on consumer promotion


Buy more than usual because it was information on trade promotion


The information contained in the advertisement or sales letter caused a change in the brand of the product purchased to store


42 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Retail Stores


TRM 2012

N=759 – Total stores in Poland – persons receiving trade press, Weighted data

Education 29%

25% 18%

13% 7% 1% Primary






Age 28%

27% 23% 15%

20-29 y.o.

30-39 y.o.

40-49 y.o.

50 y.o. and above

43 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Disclaimer (should stay in Polish language) Badania i raporty z badań opracowane są przez AC Nielsen Polska Sp. z o.o. w Warszawie. Badania i raporty z badań stanowią przedmiot praw autorskich majątkowych AC Nielsen Polska Sp. z o.o. w Warszawie. Publikowanie całości lub części, powielanie, rozpowszechnianie wyników badań i raportu końcowego oraz wykorzystywanie ich w całości lub części w jakiejkolwiek formie pozostającej w sprzeczności z przepisami prawa autorskiego bez zgody wymienionego podmiotu, stanowić będzie naruszenie majątkowych praw autorskich i będzie ścigane na drodze postępowania karnego oraz stanie się przedmiotem stosownych roszczeń na drodze postępowania cywilnego.”

44 Copyright © 2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.

Contact: Bartłomiej Strączak Customer Experience Leader Nielsen, Poland Phone (+48 22) 338 73 50 Fax (+48 22) 338 73 09

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