2014 Primary Election section

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1B alice24-7.com Sunday, February 16, 2014 Vol. 3, Issue 16

Elections Office ready for Primary races Early voting begins Tuesday

By Brenda Poe alice24-7.com

Jim Wells County Elections Administrator Tonie Kuhlman said Friday that she and her office staff are ready for the March 4, 2014 Democratic and Republican Party Joint Primary

Election. The Democrat ballot is the most active during this Primary, with the highly contested Jim Wells County Judge race, two contested commissioner’s seats and the newly formed County Court At Law judge seat up for grabs. As the new Elections Administrator, Kuhlman holds the responsi-

bility of overseeing the 2014 Primary. There are several contested races on the Democratic Party side, but Kuhlman is confident that all of the election office’s ducks are in a row and ready to start counting votes. “We have prepared for the Primary,” Kuhlman said. “Our electronic ma-

chines have been programmed and delivered to our early voting locations.” Kuhlman said the machines have been secured until Tuesday, Feb. 18, when early voting begins. “Our judges are all in place as well,” Kuhlman said. While Kuhlman says there has been a slight

increase in voter registration, her office is prepared. “I anticipate that there will be a higher voter turnout because of the number of contested seats in our county,” Kuhlman said. “But we are fully staffed and ready. I am confident that my staff is qualified to conduct this election.”

Kuhlman said she is feeling good about her first election, and has met all deadlines she had set for herself. Kuhlman reminded voters that a valid form of identification will be required to vote at every location. “Just bringing your voter registration card will not be enough to vote,” Kuhlman said.

Q&As with the candidates Jim Wells County Judge L. Arnoldo Saenz, incumbent

Age: 61 Family: married to Gretchen Saenz, two daughters and one son. Please indicate what experience you have that qualifies you to serve as Jim Wells County Judge: I have served as County Judge for 19 years and also served as an assistant county auditor and County Auditor for Jim Wells County. My experience in budget preparation, personnel issues, contract negotiations are attributes that have prepared me to be a county judge. As a sitting judge I am familiar with judicial matters such as civil and criminal matters, probate and guardianships which are handled within my court. I enjoy an excellent working relationship with other

elected officials of the county, 79th district as well as our state and national congressman. What do you see as the major challenges facing Jim Wells County in the next four years? Major challenges facing Jim Wells County include our deteriorating county roads and bridges. Continue to expand our tax base, keep our tax rate low to attract new businesses, provide adequate housing and have a trained workforce. With increasing financial demands from the state and the oil boom tapering off, how do you propose to best continue to provide services while maintaining a budget and low taxes? Continue working with our Economic Development Corporation, streamlining operations throughout the county. Encourage all entities to consolidate services when possible, such as a central dispatch for our law enforcement. Working with TxDot in obtaining surplus materials to help repair our county roads. What do you consider to be Jim Wells County’s best assets, and how can they be used to increase

business ventures here? Jim Wells County best assets are its employees. People who put in hours of work and try their best to provide good services to the residents of Jim Wells County, and the people themselves, low taxes, a business friendly environment and exceptional quality of service from the county allows motivated individuals, entrepreneurs and enterprise of all kinds to call Jim Wells County home. Incoming businesses and citizens expect basic services such as: • Law enforcement protection • Clean water • Emergency management services that provide protection and direction during emergencies. • Ambulance services • Fire services Larry Martinez, challenger

Age: 56 Family:

Wife: Celina Martinez Daughter: Clarissa Martinez; Son: the late Lawrence Martinez, III Please indicate what experience you have that qualifies you to serve as Jim Wells County Judge: For over 11 years, as either a city council member or mayor, I have been working with as well as improving municipal budgets. This includes prioritizing taxpayer money to get the best use for our entire community. I have had to with budgets when our sales tax revenue was low and when sales revenue was high. Each budget year is different and my 11 years of budgetary experience give the experience and knowledge on how to work with fluctuating budgets. I believe the job of the county judge is to facilitate communication between the taxpayers, commissioners’ court, sheriffs office and all other county offices in order to best appreciate taxpayer money. In these 11 years I have had the pleasure of working with finance for budgets, administration for contract negotiations, and public works to implement new ways of making city government more efficient. I spearheaded the implementation of the “Public Works Special

Crews Department”. There was a gap in trying to find contractors for the smaller public works projects such as small water lines, sewer lines and a few other small infrastructure projects. We were able to fill two crews labeled “Special Projects” and have since been able to save the taxpayers several millions dollars in infrastructure work. I will bring a tested but fresh perspective on how an efficient government should work and how to best look out for our taxpayers money. As The Mayor of the City of Alice, and with the previous years of City Councilman for 10 years, I believe my track record speaks for itself in balancing the budget, dealing with contracts, and negotiating various aspects of agreements for the city gives me the professionalism I need to do this job. What do you see as the major challenges facing Jim Wells County in the next four years? One of the major challenges facing Jim Wells County is going to be our roads and bridges. As blessed as we are with the oil boom, we are faced with deteriorating roads throughout the county. We must find a more proper and equitable method of allocating

BE INFORMED! Attend Alice24-7.com’s unbiased political forum

Featuring the Democratic candidates in the following county races: County Judge County Court-at-Law Judge Pct. 2 Commissioner Pct. 4 Commissioner

Candidates will give introductions and answer questions from the moderator as well as questions from the audience.

Monday, Feb. 17 • 6 p.m. Activity Center - Alice High School

road and bridge money to each commissioner. We also need to work with our grant writers to find monies that either the state or federal government is allocating for roadwork. Another major challenge is the increased oil field waster business that is trying to come into Jim Wells County. As stewards of our county and charged the safety of our citizens, we must be diligent when certain types of business are trying to enter our county. We welcome business but not at the expense of the safety of our citizens. Another issues or challenge is to make sure our citizens are protected when it comes to our water resources. I will work closely with Corpus Christi, the City of Alice and the Brush country water district to make sure citizens of Jim Wells County are protected.

With increasing financial demands from the state and the oil boom tapering off, how do you propose to best continue to provide services while maintaining a budget and low taxes? By identifying and examining our budget to allocate the monies in the most efficient

Q&A, Page 2B

2B alice24-7.com Sunday, February 16, 2014 Vol. 3, Issue 16

way possible. If there is duplication of services, it needs to be eliminated. We need to be conservative on our spending and learn try to do more with less. We need to be more efficient. We need to make sure our capital outlay is justified and not repetitive. We also need to build our fund balance and reserves to acceptable amounts. This should be our priority. What do you consider to be Jim Wells County’s best assets, and how can they be used to increase business ventures here? Our best assets are the citizens of Jim Wells County, the availability of land in the county to develop and the existence of our Economic Development Corporation that is jointly funded by the county and the City of Alice. Another one of our assets is the great workforce we have in Jim Wells County. Even though we are not directly inside the Eagle Ford Shale, we still have many oil field service companies that rely on our skilled workforce. One of the best things we can do is to bring our entire county together. All areas including the school districts, the cities such as Orange Grove, La Gloria, Ben Bolt-Palito Blanco and the portion of San Diego that reside inside Jim Wells County can work together to make Jim Wells County a better to place to live. We can share ideas and goal and best practices with one another. We should be able to assist each other in creating jobs and new industries while working to get our county taxes lower. We need to make sure our sales tax revenue is spent in the best way possible. Pete Trevino Jr., challenger

Family information: 3 Sons Please indicate what experience you have that qualifies you to serve as Jim Wells County Judge: I am inspired by my family, friends, and constituents of Jim Wells County as a viable candidate for County Judge. My parents are Pedro “Pete” Trevino, Sr. and Maria Berta Chapa Trevino. One of the major influences for my pursuit of politics is my Grandfather the late Gonzalo V. Trevino, Sr. who worked for the County Welfare Department for several years and instilled in me a passion for helping others.

Election I received a Master of Arts in Psychology from Texas A & M University – Kingsville. Public Service has been the common denominator in seventeen years of administrative experience. I spent ten years with the 36th, 156th, and 343rd Judicial Districts – San Patricio County Community Supervision and Corrections Department where I moved up in ranks from Specialized Caseload Community Supervision Officer, Counselor, Clinical Director, up to the Director of the Coastal Bend Regional Substance Abuse Treatment Facility. As Director I maintained and sustained the budget, managed over twentysix employees, and assured compliance with state/federal guidelines. The past seven years have been with Coastal Bend College where I climbed the ladder from Counselor, to Interim Director of the Kingsville Campus, to Lead Counselor, to the Dean of Student Services. I currently oversee, monitor, and manage, the development and subsequent expenditures of a multi-million dollar student services budget. One of my deep rooted passions is teaching our children. I have devoted over twenty years of serving our youth and young adults by coaching in several Little/Junior/Senior leagues in several sports and supporting our youth organizations. What do you see as the major challenges facing Jim Wells County in the next four years? Going into the judgeship I recognize several challenges facing Jim Wells County: • One of the biggest challenges is retaining and expanding of businesses in Jim Wells County. If part of our tax base continues to move north Jim Wells County will not have revenues to maintain and improve our county roads and other infrastructure. • County roads and infrastructure are equally problematic. We must formulate plans of action with goals, objectives and targets that include improvements in phases. This would include the utilization of grant funds and County funds. With a goal to increase County funds and incorporate increases as a main stay on the budget for such projects. • Economic Development is another challenge. We need to collaborate with County officials, municipalities, and local government to formulate plans of actions that will encourage businesses to build in Jim Wells County. • An ongoing challenge is our youth, juveniles and young adults that have made bad decisions and are in our legal system. Goals to address this issue will include the effectiveness of treatment and assuring that our youth

are receiving services needed to foster sobriety and reduce recidivism. • Education has been increasingly challenging and effects our youth and all citizens in the County. The County needs to bridgethe-gap with area high schools to develop innovative ways to ensure students are attending and parents need to be held accountable. •Health services are also an ongoing challenge. I advocate for improved health care services by promoting safe, healthy, stable communities where citizens needing assistance can benefit. Long range goals should focus on effective and efficient delivery of County services and more importantly transportation. With increasing financial demands from the state and the oil boom tapering off, how do you propose to best continue to provide services while maintaining a budget and low taxes? My priority will be to cut waste and abuse from the County budget. I will review the budget and current policies and procedures related to reporting, approval, and auditing of expenditures, contracts, and purchases by the county officials and departments. Extensive review of the budget and procedures will allow for eliminating the excess expenses assuring that the county is following procedures to avoid unnecessary expenses on expenditures and contracts. It will also encompass a review of all departmental budgets beginning with the County Judges office. We will focus on departmental missions, goals, objectives and targets as we develop strategies to sustain organizational excellence while preserving financial restraint to achieve the best and most costeffective services. This plan will encourage inclusion of diverse interests and promotes equity and fairness between the citizens, businesses, and government agencies. It also ensures that the citizens of Jim Wells County are getting the biggest bang for their buck. What do you consider to be Jim Wells County’s best assets, and how can they be used to increase business ventures here? Jim Wells County is noted for having the best oil field related businesses and employees. Businesses are attracted to Jim Wells County because of the trained and experienced oil field related labor force. We are a prime location for servicing the oil field, we are the hub of South Texas. The oil field industry produces new business opportunities, increases labor force and training, and increases our over-

Q&A, Page 4B


Ventura Garcia Jr.

Jim Wells County Commissioner Precinct #2


n 2006, it was with your confidence that I, Ventura Garcia, was elected as your Commissioner for Precinct #2, and it has been the focus of my administration to actively listen t the needs of my constituents and aggressively act to resolve them. As your Commissioner for over six years, and also as a businessman, I have gained experience, knowledge and an understanding of how to work within a budget while delivering exceptional service to my Precinct. Though the residents of our State and the nationat-large were affected by the most recent economical recession, I was a member of the Commissioners Court that oversaw the increase of our County Reserve Fund to over $6 million, while also lowering taxes for all residents of Jim Wells County. Even though these past few years have presented some challenges at all levels of government, I am proud to report that Jim Wells County, and especially Precinct #2, has preserved and continues to be an example of what a community can accomplish when an elected official works for the best interests of the people he represents. I will continue to work cooperatively with our County Judge, the other members of our Commissioner’s Court, and all other County and City officials to make Jim Wells County a community of progress. On March 4, 2014, I respectfully ask for your vote and continued support in my re-election as Jim Wells County Commissioner Precinct #2.

Through my leadership, and with the help of my dedicated staff, various county service have seen much improvement: • Improved County Fire Protection and Emergency Services through the approved grants that also provided for the attainment of state-of-the-art equipment; • Improved County System for interlocal communication between the Fire Department, Road & Bridge Departments and Law Enforcement; • Maintenance of levee, small dams and watersheds in the County that protect from floods; • Successful in attaining grants since 2007 for various projects ranging from Emergency Management to Law Enforcement and Infrastructure; • Assisted in acquiring grants for septic system replacements for Colonias; • Improved Jim Wells County fairgrounds and to be a year-round facility for mulitpurpose use which includes a functional climate control building; • Participation with Safety to increase employee’s quality of life in the workplace, resulting in lower worker’s compensation insurance rates.




Political Adv. paid for by Cirilo Zamora, Treasurer.

3B alice24-7.com

Sunday,February 16, 2014

Vol. 3, Issue 16

LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE PROGRESS There is only one real choice for Jim Wells County Judge


L. Arnoldo Saenz

Bringing 35 years of JWC government experience 16 Years as County Auditor 19 Years as County Judge As your judge, I have • Lowered tax rates for over 10 years • Secured EMS Services for Premont & Orange Grove • Made water and waste water improvements in Rancho Alegre • Helped 50 families in JWC receive new homes • Provided first-time water, sanitary improvements and drainage improvements to thousands of JWC residents • Earned millions of dollars in grants • Expanded fire services to Rancho Alegre DON’T be MISLED by MISINFORMATION It’s unfortunate during election season that individuals manipulate information for their own gain. But, the budget figures for Jim Wells County are clear. There was a decrease in the budget from 2012 to 2013:

JWC General Fund

2010 - $13.882 million 2011 - $14.630 million + 5% 2012 - $15.770 million + 7.2% 2013 - $15.511 million - 1.6% There is currently $2.75 million in reserves Jim Wells County does NOT pay secretaries $119,994 a year. That budget item includes the following full-time and temporary positions: Clerk: $49,876.81 Clerk: $32,205.82 Temporary: $5,732.50 Temporary: $4,500 Temporary: $1,160 Temporary: $10,001.34 Temporary: $7,877.25 Temporary: $2,538 Temporary: $348 Temporary: $123.25

JWC Has Increased Services While Keeping Your Taxes Low -



in 10 years

YR. Rate Per $100/val. 2005 - .73000 2006 - .705833 2007 - .658055 2008 - .654787 2009 - .633815 2010 - .64000 2011 - .561139 2012 - .486830 2013 - .454430

Re-Elect County Judge

L. Arnoldo Saenz Bringing KNOWLEDGE and EXPERIENCE to the office, entrusted to him by the people. Steering Jim Wells County on a path of PROGRESS for 19 years. Learn more about the people’s judge at


Early voting Feb. 18-28 Election Day March 4

Political Ad Paid For By Candidate

4B alice24-7.com Sunday, February 16, 2014 Vol. 3, Issue 16 all tax base. As a candidate for Jim Wells County Judge, I am eager to contribute to positive growth in our industry, provide Jim Wells County citizens with a choice. My focus is the future of our youth providing undivided attention and quality decisions going into the year 2020. The motivation is to “Inspire Change” and revitalize the office of the Jim Wells County Judge with inspiration, enthusiasm, and encouragement. I am eager to be elected to serve Jim Wells County’s best asset, the PEOPLE!!!! The people like you and I, the common everyday man and women that work hard and take pride in the County they live in. The people that expect a level playing field to be able to voice their concerns and “INSPIRE CHANGE”!

County Court At Law Judge Michael V. Garcia Age: 39 Family information: I am Michael Ventura Garcia and I am a lifelong resident of Jim Wells County. I am married to my beautiful wife and law partner Marisol Carvajal-Garcia who is also a

Election father-in-law, Juan and Margaret Carvajal, are both retired educators and both served over 35 years in the Alice Independent School District.

lifelong resident of Jim Wells County. We have two sons, John Michael Garcia (6) and Christian Ventura Garcia (4). Both of my sons attend St. Elizabeth Catholic School. My father, Ventura Garcia, Jr. is the Jim Wells County Commissioner for Precinct 2. My mother, the late Anna Lee Lopez-Garcia, was a long time school teacher for the Alice Independent School District. My sister Larissa Garcia-Hawkins, who is married to Tri Hawkins, resides in Alice, Texas and is the Administrator of VA Health Services, Inc. My brother Jacob Ventura Garcia resides in Alice, Texas and is the Chief Operating Officer of Standard Logistics, LLC. My youngest brother, Jason Ventura Garcia, is a local practicing attorney who is married to Venessa Smithwick-Garcia who is an Assistant Jim Wells County Attorney. My mother-in-law and


Please indicate what experience you have that qualifies you to serve as Jim Wells County Court At Law Judge: I have always aspired to be a Judge. All of my experience stems from my practice in the courtroom. Since commencing my practice 10 years ago, I have worked on many different types of cases. I have a broad interest in many areas of the law. My experience includes, but is not limited to the following: both lead and co-counsel in numerous jury trials involving landlord/tenant disputes, juvenile adjudications, misdemeanor and felony trials, misdemeanor and felony adjudications and revocations, family law disputes, personal injury cases, and election contests. I have also served as local counsel in both civil and criminal cases. Additionally, I have served as lead appellate counsel in civil and criminal matters, and have participated as lead counsel in civil and criminal bench trials. I am also proud to be one of a

Yvonne Yvonne Elect

“Experience counts in and out of the I cantime countto onmake your support courtroom. When“Iithope comes your vote just as you can count difficult decisions,and count on someone with the on me to continue working for knowledge and ability to do what is right.” Jim Wells County.”

Gonzalez Toureilles for County Court at Law Judge


Jim Wells County

County Court at Law Judge

Political ad paid for by the Yvonne Gonzalez Toureilles campaign in compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Fairness Campaign Act. Marc Toureilles; Treasurer, PO Box 4144, Alice, TX 78333.

Jim Wells County

As the most experienced candidate for this newly created court, I will always be fair, impartial and follow the law.



Early Voting “I hope I can count on your support Feb. 18-28and your vote just as you can count on me to continue working for Jim Wells County.”

Election Day Gonzalez Toureilles March 4, 2014 for County Court at Law Judge Jim Wells County

Political ad paid for by the Yvonne Gonzalez Toureilles campaign in compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Fairness Campaign Act. Marc Toureilles; Treasurer, PO Box 4144, Alice, TX 78333.

very few Alice lawyers that have obtained a reversal from the Fourth Court of Appeals in San Antonio, Texas for my client who was wrongfully convicted. One hundred percent of my practice has revolved around working in the courtroom and being a student of the law. I am a fulltime lawyer and have never left my practice to pursue another career or political position. I ask my voters to look at the quality of my experience. All of my experience has come from being active in the courtroom and learning from my adversaries, colleagues and judges. My experience has been gained in Jim Wells, Duval, Brooks, Kleberg, Nueces, and Live Oak Counties, amongst other counties, and all of my trials can be verified via Official Clerk’s Records. For these reasons, almost every attorney in our area wants me to be their judge. Explain the significance of this new court for Jim Wells County: When I started practicing law 10 years ago, there was ongoing talk by both lawyers and judges in coming together and propositioning the right people to establish a Court at Law. No action was

ever taken. However, when J.M. Lozano became our State Representative, himself and Senator Chuy Hinojosa listened to the needs of their constituents and the JWC Commissioners and created the Court at Law in a very timely manner. These two individuals realized the growing demands in Jim Wells County. Due to the oilfield boom, our county has grown and so has the court filings. The County Court at Law will alleviate the District Court’s Docket. The 79th Judicial District encompasses two counties, and the District Judge has many cases to resolve in Jim Wells and Brooks Counties. Due to the District Court’s caseload, handling court filings in two counties has become burdensome for litigants, attorneys, judges and all individuals involved in the process. By creating a Court at Law, many of the new filings can be heard in the new Court and the District Court’s backlog will gradually diminish. Also, the creation of the Court at Law coincides with newly implemented rules by the Supreme Court of Texas, wherein cases involving less than $100,000.00 must be resolved within a short amount of time.

What will be the biggest challenges for this new court in Jim Wells County: Since this is a brand new court, it’s going to take a lot of hard work by the judge and its staff to handle all of the different types of cases that will be filed in it and meet the needs of the citizens and litigants of Jim Wells County. How are you the best candidate to meet those challenges? I am the most qualified candidate for this position. The quality and not the quantity of a person’s experience must be closely looked at in this race. All of my experience has come from the courtroom. I live the law, I breathe the law, I am a student of the law, I have built a successful law practice from scratch and I am ready to show my experience as a judge. Before the court’s creation, I was approached by many attorneys and was asked to run for the position. I am humbled by my colleague’s belief in my skills, and my colleagues know that I have the judicial temperament, work ethic and knowledge to become your first Court

Q&A, Page 6B


Pedro “Pete”

Treviño, Jr. for

Jim Wells County Judge

“Inspiring Elect



Early Voting Feb. 18-28, 2014 •••• “I hope I can count on your support Election Day and your vote just as you can count March 4, 2014 on me to continue working for Jim Wells County.” Political ad paid for by the campaign to elect Pedro Trevino Jr for Jim Wells County Judge.

Sunday, February 16, 2014



Early Voting Locations


Pct. 1 - Jim Wells County Courthouse, 200 North Almond St, Alice Precincts voting at this location: Pcts 1-20 and 22 Days and hours of operation: Tuesday through Friday, Feb. 18-21 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, Feb. 24-28 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Serna, Jr.

Pct. 2 - Orange Grove City Hall, 305 W. Pundt Ave. Orange Grove Precincts voting at this location: Pcts. 2, 3 & 8. Days and hours of operation: Tuesday through Friday, Feb. 18-21 from 8 a.m. to noon & 1 to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, Feb. 24-28 from 8 a.m. to noon & 1 to 5 p.m.


Pct. 3 - Premont City Hall, 200 SW First St., Premont Precincts voting at this location: Pcts. 4, 11 & 14. Days and hours of operation: Tuesday through Friday, Feb. 18-21 from 8 a.m. to noon & 1 to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, Feb. 24-28 from 8 a.m. to noon & 1 to 5 p.m.

Jim Wells County

Pct. 4 - Jim Wells County Fresh Water District, 114 Salazar, Ben Bolt Precincts voting at this location: Pcts. 5, 10 & 17. Days and hours of operation: Tuesday through Friday, Feb. 18-21 from 8 a.m. to noon & 1 to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, Feb. 24-28 from 8 a.m. to noon & 1 to 5 p.m.

2014 Democratic Party Election Day locations

Pct 1 Jim Wells County Courthouse, 200 North Almond St, Alice Pct 2 Ray’s Roundup, 8086 North Highway 281, Orange Grove Pct 3 Sandia Community Center, 301 Nueces (Highway 359), Sandia Pct 4 Premont High School, 400 East Elaine, Premont Pct 5 BB-PB Elementary, 2754 FM 735, Alice (Palito Blanco) Pct 6 Springfield Co. Building, 501 S. Ventura, San Diego Pct 7 The Church of Christ, 1396 Morningside Dr, Alice Pct 8 OG Intermediate School Special Project Building, 106 Bulldog Lane, Orange Grove Pct 9 Alice High School, #1 Coyote Trail, Alice Pct 10 Mary R Garcia Elementary School, 3051 Old Kingsville Road, Alice Pct. 11 Premont Library, 115 Agnes St, Premont Pct. 12 Schallert Elementary, 1001 Jim Wells, Alice Pct. 13 Hi-Rise Apartments, 600 East Front St., Alice Pct. 14 La Gloria School, 182 E. County Road 401, Falfurrias Pct. 15 Noonan Elementary, 701 W. Third St., Alice Pct. 16 Saenz Elementary, 400 Palo Blanco St., Alice Pct. 17 BB-PB High School Ag Building, 172 Badger Lane, Ben Bolt Pct. 18 Tecolote County Building, 197 County Road 120, Alice Pct. 19 Bentonville-Eggemeyer Residence, 5656 E. Highway 44, Alice Pct. 20 Alice Boys and Girls Club, 793 S. Texas Blvd., Alice Pct. 22 Jim Wells County Building, 1106 Castillo St., Alice

2014 Republican Party Election Day Locations

Pct. 1 including voting Pcts 1, 12 & 13 - Schallert Elementary, 1001 Jim Wells, Alice Pct. 2 including voting Pcts 2 & 18 - Ray’s Roundup, 8086 North Highway 281, Orange Grove Pct. 3 - Sandia Community Center, 301 Nueces (Highway 359), Sandia Pct. 4 including voting Pcts 4, 11 &14 - Premont High School, 400 East Elaine, Premont Pct. 5 including voting Pcts 5 & 17 - BB-PB High School Ag Bldg, 172 Badger Lane, Ben Bolt Pct. 6 including voting Pcts 6, 15, 16 & 22 - Noonan Elementary, 701 W. Third St., Alice Pct. 7 including voting Pcts 7, 9 & 19 - The Church of Christ, 1396 Morningside Dr, Alice Pct. 8 - OG Intermediate School Special Project Building, 106 Bulldog Lane, Orange Grove Pct. 9 including voting Pcts 10 & 20 - Alice Boys and Girls Club, 793 S. Texas Blvd., Alice Super Saturday information will be announced on the Commissioners Court Bulletin Board online.

Commissioner Pct. 2 Experienced • Qualified • Dedicated • Full-time Commissioner • Maintain and/or lower property taxes • Upgrade county roads • Apply for grants • Expand tax base Early voting begins Feb. 18-28, 2014 Election Day March 4, 2014 Political ad paid for by the candidate, Serapio Serna Jr., 1504 Rose Drive, Alice, Texas 78332

ATTENTION: Jim Wells County Taxpayers

Wells County Taxpayers LOOK ATATTENTION: THE GENERALJim FUND “OUT OF CONTROL SPENDING” LOOK AT THE GENERAL FUND “OUT OF CONTROL SPENDING” Expenditures fromfrom Jim County General Fund Expenditures JimWells Wells County General Fund (Administered by Arnold Saenz) (Administered by Arnold Saenz) According to Jim County According to JimWells Wells County WebsiteWebsite

http://www.co.jim-wells.tx.us, thenthen click Transparency, then click on Budgets http://www.co.jim-wells.tx.us, clickon on Financial Financial Transparency, then click on Budgets Jim Wells County Judge Office

Total General Fund


The Salary Arnold Saenz Paid Himself

Arnold’s Secretaries Salary(s)

Retirement Benefits

Group Insurance Benefits

Social Security Taxes

Total Salary Cost of Taxpayers

Budgeted Expense Transfer and Reserve Total General Fund

















*2013 Budget Estimate

** PLUS drive W. County Credit for“OTHER Gas and “OTHER ITEMS” and $10,000 retirement plus ** PLUSa aNew New TAHOE TAHOE totodrive andand J. W.J.County Credit Card forCard Gas and ITEMS” and $10,000 retirement plus Health Insurance ** TOTAL COST of Arnold’s Annual Compensation Package to the TAXPAYERS is at least $140,000.00/year Health Insurance Note: COST of Arnold’s Annual Compensation Package to the TAXPAYERS is at least $140,000.00/year ** TOTAL Note 1. In1:3 years Arnold Saenz increased his secretaries salary(s) expense to $119,994 from $56,402 (112%). 1. 2. InIn3 3years Saenz increased his secretaries to $119,994 $56,402 years Arnold Arnold Saenz increased his overall office salarysalary(s) expense expense (including Arnold’s salary)from to $298,409 from(112%). $198,188 (50%). 2. 3. InIn3 3years Saenz increased his overall (including salary)(40%). years Arnold Arnold Saenz increased the overall Generaloffice Fund salary expenseexpense to $19,450,969.00 fromArnold’s $13,882,886.00 toThat $298,409 from $198,188 (50%). 4. $5,568,083.00 GF increased spending (40%) came from our Citizens and Businesses, (Property Taxes, Sales Taxes, Fine, Etc.) 3. In 3 years Arnold Saenz increased the overall General Fund expense to $19,450,969.00 from $13,882,886.00 (40%). (NO GRANT MONEY) and little or NONE of Arnold Saenz General Fund increase ($5,568,083.00) was spent on fixing our County Roads. 4. That $5,568,083.00 GF increased spending (40%) came from our Citizens and Businesses, 5. Compare Arnold’s salary and Benefits to the $90,000 salary of the Nueces County Judge ( Nueces is 800% larger then JWC). (Property Taxes, Sales Taxes, Fine, Etc.) (NO GRANT MONEY) and little or NONE of Arnold Saenz General Fund 6. Compare Arnold’s salary ($106,623) to the $51,350 salary of the Kleberg County Judge. increase ($5,568,083.00) was spent on fixing our County Roads. 7. Compare Arnold’s Arnold’s Secretaries salary(s) ($119,994) the $32,345 salary of the KlebergCounty County Judge’s Manager. (Nueces is 800% larger then JWC). 5. Compare salary and Benefits to the to $90,000 salary of the Nueces Judge Secretary/Court


6. Compare Arnold’s salary ($106,623) to the $51,350 salary of the Kleberg County Judge. 7. Compare Arnold’s Secretaries salary(s) ($119,994) to the $32,345 salary of the Kleberg County Judge’s Investigation and Distribution Secretary/Court Manager.Expense Pol. Adv. Pd. by Newell W. Atkinson III (a very Concerned Taxpayer) P. O. Box 3336. Alice, TX 78333) Note 2: Arnold Saenz brags that he has lowered Tax Rates over ten years. He may have lowered “Tax Rates” but he did not tell you that he has actually increased County Property Tax Revenues about $2 million (over 10 years). Why didn’t he tell the “Rest of the Story?” According to the 2014 Budget: “Revenue from Property Taxes were increased by $621,521 (5.63%) over the 2013 budget.”

Combine increased County Property Taxes with increased Sales Taxes and there is no telling how much our County Taxes have actually increased!


Investigation and Distribution Expense Pd. by Newell Atkinson III (a very Concerned Taxpayer) Box 3336. Alice, TX

6B alice24-7.com Sunday, February 16, 2014 Vol. 3, Issue 16 at Law judge. I’m excited about the court’s creation and I am passionate about the law. I will approach each case with enthusiasm, give litigants their day in court and actively and alertly participate. Yvonne Gonzalez Toureilles

Age: 43 Family information: Married to high school sweetheart Marc Toureilles. Two children Genevieve Isabela (12 years old) Christopher John Marc (8 years old)

holders. The group was formed to improve court performance in child abuse and neglect cases through improvement in technology, training and court pilot programs. One of the Commission’s top priorities is to eliminate and remove barriers to moving children from foster homes to permanent homes. Texas is the legal guardian of about 30,000 children because of allegations of abuse or neglect. Explain the significance of this new court for Jim Wells County: This Court will help alleviate the back log of the 79th Judicial District Court. Our district judge currently serves two counties; Jim Wells and Brooks. The District Judge also handles the Child Protective Service cases and the Child support Cases. This year there are only 6 criminal jury trial settings and six civil regular jury settings. Therefore, there is a tremendous back log for both civil and criminal cases that need jury trials. I have seen this first hand both as a civil lawyer and a prosecutor because we are currently trying cases that are several years old. This causes a lot of problems especially in criminal cases because evidence can become stale or lost, witnesses and victims sometimes move away or forget details or even pass away. What will be the biggest challenges for this new court in Jim Wells County? The biggest challenge will be finding courtroom space for the new court. The district court is used weekly for civil, criminal, CPS, and child support cases. The County Courtroom is used for commissioner’s court meetings, misdemeanor cases, juvenile hearings and truancy hearings.

Pct. 2 Commissioner Ventura Garcia, Jr., Incumbent

I have run my budget conservatively, so that we can continue to provide services to my precinct without interruptions. What goals do you have for Pct. 2? My goals are to: • Continue to run a conservative budget. • Improve the quality of life in rural areas. • Continue to make improvements to our county roads Serapio Serna, Jr., Challenger

Age: 66 Family: Son of the late Ventura & Maria (Luz) Garcia I was married to the late Anna Lee Lopez Garcia Four children: • Larissa & Tri Hawkins • Jacob Garcia • Jason and Venessa (Smithwick) Garcia and their son Maximo Ventura Garica • Michael and Marsiol (Carbajal) Garcia, and their sons Jon Michael Garcia and Christian Ventura Garcia Please indicate what experience you have that makes you the best candidate for Pct. 2 Commissioner: Being your commissioner for the past several years, I have come to know my constituents and their needs. I have been given the opportunity to serve as a member of the commissioners court. I have helped create conservative budgets, that have allowed us to build our reserves while lowering residents’ taxes.

Age: 65 (retired from Healthcare and Alice ISD) Family information: Married to Rosa Linda Serna for over forty years with three children: Melissa, Caesar, and Stefanie Please indicate what experience you have that makes you the best candidate for Pct. 2 Commissioner:

With increasing financial demands from the state and the oil boom tapering off, how do you propose to best continue to provide services for your precinct? 1. Apply for state and federal grants

What goals do you have for Pct. 2? 1. Be a full-time Commissioner for Pct. 2 2. Maintain and or reduce property taxes 3. Apply for grants 4. Upgrade county roads 5. Upgrade the courthouse 6. Hold town hall meetings to keep Pct 2. Transparent and residents informed on matters pertaining to Pct. 2

Pct. 4 Commissioner

Javier N. Garcia Incumbent Age: 65 Family information: Son of the late Romeo G. Garcia and Lupita L. Garcia of Ben Bolt. Married to Margot Martinez Garcia of Alice for 42 years. Two Daughters, Marisa Yvette Utley, owner of in Motion fitness studio for women in Alice and Dr. Clarisa Ysela Gar-

Q&A, Page 7B

For JWC Judge Early voting Feb. 18-28

March 4, 2014

“I believe I can bring a different and positive perspective on how we operate our county government and how we develop budget. I also want to bring a more effective approach of how we appropriate taxpayer monies.”

Experienced to lead Jim Wells County for the betterment of all residents

Current Mayor of Alice and former Alice City Councilman Former Alice Planning and Zoning Commissioner Retired United States Postal Service Letter Carrier for 33 years St. Joseph Catholic Church parishioner for 35 years Partnered in the development of the Forrest Creek subdivision located off of South Texas Blvd., Alice.

∆ ∆ ∆

With increasing financial demands from the state and the oil boom tapering off, how do you propose to best continue to provide services for your precinct? Knowing that the economy will someday stabilize at a lower rate,

What do you see as the major challenges facing Pct. 2 in the next four years? 1. Maintaining and or reducing property taxes. 2. Upgrading a 100 year old courthouse and outside offices. 3. Upgrade and maintain county roads in pct. 2. 4. Have a full-time commissioner for pct. 2 who will respond to the public promptly

2. Market businesses to come to Jim Wells County to increase tax base. 3. Work with the City of Alice to share services. 4. Work with the EDC to set-up program to bring CEO’s from Corporate America to come visit Jim Wells County and invest in our County.


I also operate my precinct within the budget, with exceptional service while improving our equipment; and as a member of the emergency management team, I am on call, 24/7 for any disaster or unforseen crises that would affect our County. What do you see as the major challenges facing Pct. 2 in the next four years? Maintaining County roads is definitely Precinct 2’s biggest challenge. Working efficiently, with limited funds, will allow us to maintain our roads in fair conditions. Starting this year, and over the next few years, receiving a grant from TxDOT will not be the answer; but it is the start to solving this great challenge.

1. I have 20 yrs experience in the healthcare field (Director of Ed.. Human Recourses, Personnel, Public Relations, Physician Recruiting, and Government Relations.) 2. Managed budgets for several depts. in the hospital. 3. I have served as Mayor and Mayor ProTern for the City of Alice. Served in many committees in the hospital and on civic committees and boards in the community. 4. I have fifteen years as a teacher with the Alice ISD.


How are you the best candidate to meet those challenges? I have experience solving problems and working with everyone to find common ground and solutions to resolve issues and challenges. I work well with others. After only serving two terms in the Texas House, I was appointed by a Republican speaker to be the first woman to chair the Agriculture & Livestock Committee. This shows I can work with everyone regardless of their political beliefs or associations. I have always been in public service and have worked well with elected officials at all levels of government to solve problems, improve our community and make this a better place for our families and children. I am hard working, ethical, dedicated, committed, loyal, experienced, and I have a strong believe in justice and the law. My promise to the voters is that I will always be fair and impartial and

make rulings based on the facts and the law, and always do what is in the children’s best interest. I respectfully ask for your vote on March 4, 2014, for Jim Wells County Court at Law Judge. Thank you.

Please indicate what experience you have that qualifies you to serve as Jim Wells County Court at Law Judge: I am running for this position because I am the most qualified candidate for this office. I have been practicing law for over 16 years. I graduated from UT Law School in 1996. As a former assistant attorney general, private lawyer and prosecutor, I have successfully tried hundreds of jury and bench trials in state and federal court. This new court will cover juvenile cases, family law cases, probate cases, misdemeanors and civil cases up to $200,000.00. I have extensive experience in all areas of the law covered by this new court. As a current assistant district attorney I have tried juvenile cases and during my extensive legal career I specialized in family and civil law and handled many probate cases. I am also a trained civil and family law mediator. I understand and know the law. As your former state representative, I passed and supported many bills covered by this new court, so I understand both the intent of the laws and their legislative history. I currently serve on the State Bar of Texas’ Family Law Council. This organization is composed of the most experienced and talented family law attorneys in Texas. We write and recommend legislation to improve the family code and write amicus briefs to the Texas Supreme Court on important family law cases. I am also a former member of the Texas’ Supreme Court’s Permanent Judicial Commission for Children, Youth & Families. The commission is a group composed of (Child Protective Service) CPS officials, attorneys, judges, legislators and child welfare stake-


I Support... √ Attracting New Industry √ Financial Transparency √ Working With Local & State Elected Officials √ Rehabilitating County Roads √ Conservative Government √ Positive Leadership

Political ad paid for by Celina Martinez, Treasurer, 1131 Cobblestone, Alice, Texas.

Sunday, February 16, 2014



Depending on where you live in Jim Wells County, your ballot will look like these sample ballots.

Q&A From B6

cia, who is presently undergoing her Fellowship specializing in Pediatric Cardiology at Children’s Hospital in Dallas and seven grandchildren. Please indicate what experience you have that makes you the best candidate for Pct. 4 Commissioner:

• I am independent in my decision making and am only influenced by the county’s needs • I have consistently maintained a positive fund balance in my pct’s budget without burdening taxpayers • I bring experience in management and have learned to be a team leader within my staff. What do you see as the major challenges facing Pct. 4 in the next four years? • Seeking resolutions to the repair of eroded roads • Develop areas in the community that are “ family friendly” and promote a healthy environment for our youth

• Eliminating litter on our county roads With increasing financial demands from the state and the oil boom tapering off, how do you propose to best continue to provide services for your precinct? • Maintain our surplus • Conservative spending in the event of funding loss • Explore avenues of federal funding What goals do you have for Pct. 4? • Find additional funds for repairs of county roads • Beautify communities with facilities and recreational areas that promote a healthy lifestyles • Work hand in hand with city, schools and communities to establish overall safety.

Javier N. Garcia was the only candidate for Pct. 4 Commissioner to respond to requests for participation.

8B alice24-7.com

Sunday,February 16, 2014

Vol. 3, Issue 16

VOTE GARCIA For Jim Wells County Court At Law Judge

“The love and passion I hold for the law and my community are the reasons I have chosen to become a public servant.” √ Garcia is the candidate with COURTROOM EXPERIENCE!

√ Garcia has the CHARACTER to be a Judge! √Garcia has a strong WORK ETHIC!

√Garcia is the PREFERRED candidate of local, area attorneys!


am a proud graduate of Alice High School and have maintained a general law practice in Alice, Texas since May 2004. I graduated from Texas A&M University in College Station with a Bachelor of Science in Economics. I received my Juris Doctorate from Thurgood Marshall School of Law in Houston in December 2003. As a lawyer, I have participated in the following organizations and have held several leadership positions: • Alice Chamber of Commerce, President 2012, Board of Directors since 2010 • Gulf Coast Federal Credit Union, Board of Directors since 2005 • Coastal Bend Bar Association, Vice President (2007-2009), Treasurer (2012-2013) • Knights of Columbus Member • Pan American Golf Association Member • Jim Wells County Bail Bond Board Board Member since 2009 • Association of Former Students, Texas A&M University

JIM WELLS COUNTY COURT AT LAW JUDGE Michael Ventura Garcia Yvonne Gonzalez-Toureilles www.michaelvgarcia4judge.com

Supported and trusted by his colleagues ENDOREMENTS: Baldemar Gutierrez Javier Gutierrez Ana Laura Gutierrez-Castillo Marisol Carvajal-Garcia Jason Ventura Garcia Armando G. Barrera Charles L. Barrera Jennifer Barrera-Solis Rumaldo Solis Joel Resendez Jesusa Sanchez-Vera Linda Flores-Resendez Venessa Smithwick-Garcia J. Michael Guerra Giancarlo Nisimblat Jennifer S. Basart David O. Gonzalez Roman Gonzalez John Lemon Joe Torres Kenneth Oden, Jr. Gray Scoggins Mark Paisley Robert Michael Appell Clyde L. Wright, Jr. Cristina Rosales-Soliz Christina Z. Flores David T. Garcia Jon Kelly Jaime O. Garza Sam Fugate Nathan Fugate Jaime Carrillo Ricardo O. “Rocky” Carrillo

Frank Alvarez David Davila Randy Flores Mark Gonzalez Frank Gonzales Armando Gonzalez Antonio Gonzalez Carlos “Charlie” Garcia, Jr. Mark B. Blackburn Blake C. Erskine, Jr. Michael M. Guerra Alex Benavides Juan Reyna Joe Flores Charles C. Webb Benny M. Cason Catherine Tobin Robert Hilliard Thomas J. Henry Darrell L. Barger Jerry Guerra Patrick L. Beam Jason Hoelscher Randall Pretzer Randal “Randy” Hill Carlos Hughes, Jr. Laura Hughes Victor Ramirez John Guevara Monica Solis Raynaldo “Ray” Rodriguez, Jr. Michael P. Trejo Frederick J. McCutchon Blake Brunkenhoefer


March 4, 2014

Early voting through Feb. 28

Pol. Adv. paid for by the Michael V. Garcia Campaign, in compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Fairness Campaign Act, Jason V. Garcia, Treasurer, 405 Highland, Alice, Texas 78332

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