A magazine

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A RHM Publication

Vol. 1, Issue 7/August 2013

A sister publication of Alice24-7.com


Only at my H-E-B

No time like the present to get in shape


here’s no time like the present to get yourself in shape, and the City of Alice is affording you a great opportunity to do so with its new “Fitness in the Park” program. The program, which can be tailored to any fitness level, is in its infancy but already has developed quite a following. And with many options for classes, there is really no excuse not to make Fitness in the Park an “a Must” in your life. “We’ve been working on it for a couple of months,” Community Development Director Yolanda Bueno said. “It’ll be done at the park under the pavilion.” The program offers separate instruction for low impact aerobics and bootcamp-style fitness circuit training. During its initial phase, classes will be held three times per week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The program carries a fee of only $20 per month per participant, which can be paid at the Parks and Recreation Department located on the first floor of the Alice City Hall. Children can participate in the program, but a parent or guardian must sign a waiver with their child at the start of every class if he or she is under 18 years

story by anthonY rUIZ Photo by BrenDa Poe of age. Low impact aerobics and calisthenics will be offered during the morning classes scheduled from 6 to 7 a.m. and from 9 to 10 a.m. The classes will offer a form of exercise consisting of a variety of simple, often rhythmical movements without the aide of equipment. The evening classes

will consist of circuit training featuring high impact aerobics and is scheduled from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Conducting the classes for “Fitness in the Park” is retired U.S. Army Sgt. First Class Gilbrando “Rondo” Garza. Garza has worked as an aerobic instructor with the Corpus Christi YMCA and was recognized by

the United States Morale Welfare and Recreation for his cardio fitness program in Iraq during his 2009 deployment. He is also a former Army boxer and recipient of the Army Physical Fitness Badge, and has completed the Army’s Commander Fitness Course, the State of Texas Defensive Tactic Instructor Course, the Red Cross First Aid certification, Kettle Bell certification and Group Fitness certification. For more information, contact the City of Alice Community Development Department at (361) 6687250.

A publication of Real Hometown Media, LLC. 201 E. Main Street, Alice, Texas, 78332, 361-668-6397 Nicole D. Perez Publisher/Editor Tony Morris Publisher Emeritus Vickie Cummings Marketing Director Brenda Poe Writer Lois Stephens Writer Anthony Ruiz Writer Mark Molina Sports Editor Brittney Soliz Marketing Aaron Lopez Marketing Lisa Ketteman Office Manager Contributing Writers: Dr. Jason Bradford Pastor Kathleen Kasper Megan Hogan Jennifer Wallgren Billy Scoggins, R.N.

Gilbrando “Rondo” Garza, right, helped organize the city’s first 5K park run.

2 a Magazine August 2013

Distributed monthly in Alice24-7.com. ©2013 Real Hometown Media, LLC

August 2013 a Magazine 3


1259 E. Main St., Alice, Texas




Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.

4 a Magazine August 2013

Is there reason for hope?


e live in increasingly difficult days. The economy is perilously close to disaster. The threats of wars and rumors of war are on the rise. Government scandals are making the news with new scandals appearing before earlier ones are fully investigated and resolved. Our A More Excellent Way borders aren’t as secure as many By Pastor would like them to be. Terrorists Kathleen G. KasPer or would-be terrorists continue to plot and plan. Tornadoes and floods Pastor Kathleen holds degrees from devastate cities and regions, and texas tech University, Valparaiso drought threatens crops, livestock, University, and lutheran school of and the reservoirs all of us depend theology in Chicago. she is currently on for the water we all need for life. enrolled in the school of the holy With all that’s going on, it is a spirit. she is an avid reader and perfect time for us to address the enjoys mentoring others in the question: ‘Is there any reason for us Christian faith. she is the pastor of for us to have hope in times such as living Word Fellowship in alice and these?’ can be reached at The answer is both ‘no’ and livingwordradio@hotmail.com ‘yes.’ Truthfully, from the world’s

perspective the answer is ‘no,’ there is no hope, but from God’s perspective the answer is ‘yes’ - and plenty of it. The challenge that has always faced human beings is this one: ‘On whom or in what will we place our trust?’ Most people put their trust, their hope, and their confidence in other human beings, human institutions or organizations. The trouble with putting one’s hope and trust in other people is that people notoriously disappoint. It would be difficult for us to know the exact number of people who have lost thousands of dollars, even their entire life savings or retirement accounts, to scams and plots of various kinds. But we know that thousands of people lost all of their retirement investments when Enron failed and when Bernie Madoff made off with the billions of dollars he was given to invest by those who had put their future

hope in him. Nations typically ally themselves with other nations, depending on each other to honor the alliance and to help each other in the case of national security threats. But have you noticed, trusted allies don’t always follow through with their promises. The fact of the matter is this: God didn’t create us to put our hope and our trust in anyone or anything other than Him. He is our Creator. He loves us and cares for us. He is our hope, our help, our security. He alone is completely trustworthy. Such a bold statement as this comes under fire when troubles increase around us or when we suffer losses of various kinds – especially the loss of those we hold dear to us. But even in times of terrible loss, God remains the One able to hold us up and uu

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August 2013 a Magazine 5


league members include Mellie smithwick, Kookie Gutierrez, Bertha rodriguez, Brenda Gonzalez, Barbie Wymore, lelia Keliehor, april anzaldua and seana towler, shirley Dennis, Wanda McDaniel, Maureen Bergmann and ruth Ferrell

Extraordinary Ladies


ith a heart full of love and the ache to help others, Veronica Cantu turned the grief of a loss of a child into a non-profit organization that has helped bring happiness to countless children in Alice and the surrounding area. My Goodness Ministry was born from the pain of the loss of Steven Silva Cantu IV, who passed away at just two months old 10 years ago. He was the son of Steven and Veronica Cantu. “I know there are many women such as myself, who have experienced the loss of a child. I have met women who have lost a child in their womb, some have been days old, even a couple of years old. Then there are others who I know who have lost a child in their teens and as adults,” Veronica said. “Whatever the age, the heartbreak of

story by nICole D. PereZ

the loss is so hard and some days unbearable. The grieving processes is different for all women. I don’t believe there is a manual we are to follow on how to properly grieve. All I can say is what worked for me was to hold on tight to the hand of Jesus.” From the loss came My Goodness Ministry, so named as Veronica called baby Steven “my goodness.” “My Goodness Ministry is a ministry which began in memory of Estevan S. Cantu IV. Since the separation from our son we were left feeling empty each year during the time we should of been throwing a birthday party,” Veronica said. “My husband and I debated on what to do to fill that void in our lives. So we decided that we would have a birthday party anyway; and all the gifts would be donated to children in our area during Christmas. We now reach out to over 30 homes and countless children who are

struggling during Christmas and provide gifts and food baskets.” My Goodness Ministry recently celebrated its third anniversary. More than 400 children have benefitted from the efforts of the Cantu family, along with the help of volunteers from Cornerstone Baptist Church, other church volunteers and loved ones as toy drives are held each year at Christmas time. A food drive is also held to help the homeless in the area. Collections benefit children in foster homes, children in the hospital, the homeless and women and children in the Women’s Shelter. Veronica and her husband were blessed with another son,

Isaac, who was born in January. He joins siblings Angela, Allyson and Bryon. For her strength and courage to help others, Veronica joins A Magazine’s League of Extraordinary Ladies. Veronica said she would like to join with other mothers who have suffered the loss of a child and hold support group meetings which will focus not only on the need to grieve, but also on the importance of moving forward and enjoying life. For information on how you can help by donating to the ministry, you can contact Veronica Cantu at 361-5628561 or send an email to stevenveronica613@gmail.com.

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6 a Magazine August 2013


I can’t handle this


he never called in the early afternoon, so the moment her number appeared on caller ID, I knew something was wrong. “Nicki, its mom.” Her voice was shaky. She was crying. There were long pauses between words. It was hard to make out anything she was saying, but the first understandable words I By All heard shook Means my world. “I have...breast Health & cancer.” I sat Wellness down on the By BIllY couch, numb sCoGGIns, rn from those Wesley nurse four words. We spent the following few minutes talking about what this meant for her, her next steps and the long journey that was ahead. Deep in my soul, I knew her life was about to take a drastic turn. The next few months were hard — full of doctor’s visits, surgery, chemo treatments and radiation. The way cancer affected my mom’s body was difficult to watch. She lost her hair. Her skin became very thin, she became frail, and her mind fought its sanity. One afternoon, I sat with my mom during one of her last chemo treatments. The room was cold. Nurses were overbooked with patients. And many family members paced the floor anxiously

Did you know



awaiting doctors to stop by. Watching my mom sleep in that chemo room was painful, and tears came to my eyes. Cancer is hard. I began to question God’s goodness, His sovereignty, and His faithfulness. In the midst of this frightening circumstance, a well-intended friend said, “God never gives us more than we can handle.” Something about that phrase just didn’t settle with me, so I went home and googled the phrase, looking for a verse to base it from. Guess what? The verse doesn’t exist. What does exist is God’s promise to sustain us during difficult times. “Cast your burden upon the Lord, and he will sustain you” - Psalms 55:22. My mom couldn’t handle cancer. Yet because she daily gave God her burden, He sustained her. It wasn’t easy. The road was long. But today she proudly wears her survivor hat. Maybe there is something in your life that you don’t feel like you can handle. Maybe it’s a job, a broken relationship, a sickness, or an unanswered prayer...whatever it is, know that burdens of life are normal. There is nothing wrong with saying, “God, I can’t handle this.” In fact, it releases our desire for power over to Jesus and allows Him to be our strength. “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” -2 Corinthians 12:9 Devotional adapted from: http://www.proverbs31.org/sheseeks/i-cant-handle-this-2011-10/ Nicki Koziarz

lue eye shadow and eyeliners are making a comeback and are the trend for the spring/summer 2013 season. Blue in various shades from aqua to midnight was seen on models’ eyes at fashion shows around the world. Blue eye shadow may call to

Tips to prevent Type II Diabetes Women’s Wellness By JUDY PerDUe



here are 3 different types of diabetes: Type I diabetes (formerly called juvenile diabetes) happens when the body’s immune system attacks and destroys the part of the pancreas that produces insulin. Type I diabetics must use insulin injections to regulate their blood sugar levels. Type I diabetes accounts for 5 to 10 percent of all diagnosed cases of diabetes. Type II diabetes (formerly called adult onset diabetes) usually develops in adults over the age of 40, but it is becoming more common in younger people. Type II diabetics either don’t make enough insulin or their body is unable to use insulin effectively. Type II diabetes accounts for 90 to 95 percent of all diagnosed cases. Gestational diabetes develops during pregnancy. Women who have had gestational diabetes are 40 to 60 percent more likely to develop Type II diabetes in the next five years.

mind over-the-top, almost clownish makeup transgressions of the 1980s, so women should use it sparingly to make it look fresh more than 20 years later. Keep blue to lining the eyes or used as a light pastel wash over the entire lid. Those who are still a bit frightened by blue

Type II diabetes can be delayed or prevented!!!! Studies have proven that just by losing 5 to 7 percent of body weight (10 to 14 pounds in a 200 pound person), being physically active for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week and making healthy food choices by limiting the amount of calories and fat in the diet can help to prevent Type II diabetes. Eat more whole grains. Look for breads and cereals that contain a lot of fiber. Eat smaller portions; NOBODY needs to supersize ANYTHING!! Start now to avoid problems with diabetes later on in life. Contact your health care provider or the American Diabetes Association for more tips on how to stay healthy and avoid developing Type II diabetes. Diabetes is a selfmanaged disease, meaning that you, the patient, must take responsibility for your day-today health care. The National Diabetes Education Program is another excellent source of support and information. Start today learning how live a healthier lifestyle and how to teach your children to make healthy choices as well. Judy Perdue spends four days each week as a women’s health nurse practicioner with Dr. Jason C. Bradford, M.D., at alice obstetrics and Gynecology associates.

can stick with darker shades that come close to looking like black or brown. A sharp, thick cat eye in an azure shade can add a pop of drama. When using blue on the eyes, keep the rest of the face neutral with nude lips and maybe just peachy cheeks.

August 2013 a Magazine 7

Make to Freer. Freer Make the Drive to Better Experience.Better BetterDeals. Deals. Better Service. Service. Better Better Experience.

Come experience hometown service at 805 E Riley in Freer. Come experience hometown service at 805 E Riley in Freer. 8 a Magazine August 2013

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Online at www.cantuchevy.com AndAnd Online at www.cantuchevy.com August 2013 a Magazine 9

Track Daddies the new Soccer Moms


arental support for student-athletes is a given in the city of Alice, where just about any child will tell you they want to become an orange-clad Coyote. You’ve heard of booster clubs and “soccer moms,” but have you ever heard of “Track Daddies?” Well, the Alice Coyote track and field teams have become familiar with the term in the last couple of years, as a small group of fathers have gone the extra mile in their support efforts. If you’ve attended a track meet, chances are you’ve seen John Michael Vela, Marc Pollok and Bruce Moore in the stands, down near the track or walking around, trying to get some photos of their runner. Pollok, who follows his daughter, sophomore Katherine

story by MarK MolIna

Ramirez closely, will be the first to admit they are there for the team and the other fathers. “Watching Katherine grow as an athlete and become a wonderful young lady has been and will be an experience I will cherish forever,” Pollok said. “We not only support our daughters individually, we support them collectively as well. We yell and support whichever one, or group is competing at the time.” However, their support doesn’t stop there. You’ll also see them lending a hand to the team and coaches where it is needed, bonding with the other fathers, and sitting in the stands at Memorial Stadium watching practice as if it was an actual meet. They’ll even lend a hand to measure and time the athletes if needed when Alice hosts events.

While the three want to let their daughters and team know that they’re there for them, some make the effort to make up for what they didn’t experience. It ’s the reason Vela has been by the side of daughter, Sydnei, the last four years, watching her become one of Alice’s most celebrated athletes. “When she first started as a freshman I made it a point that I wasn’t going to miss anything. My parents couldn’t make it to a lot of stuff when I was in high school,” John said. “I played football and everything in high school and my parents did not make one thing. So regardless of where the meet was or when the practice is, I have been there.” Now, with Sydnei graduating, Vela will have a little bit more time, but admits that he will miss not only watching his daughter run but watching other

fathers develop relationships with their daughters from a different point of view. Although not all the fathers are around to the extent of Vela, Pollok and Moore, most try to be visible as much as they can, like Javier Solis. Solis saw his daughter Gabriela graduate this spring and like Vela, he just wants to motivate where he can. “I work in the oilfield, but I get to whatever I can,” Solis said. “It’s all about the support, because when they see you there, it makes all the difference. I take whatever opportunity I get to support her and she’s a good kid who makes good grades. She makes it easy for us.” Daughters Sydnei Vela, Bailey Moore, Gabriela Solis and Katherine Ramirez made up the mile relay team this season.

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10 a Magazine August 2013


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August 2013 a Magazine 11

Whata-products a hit at Texas H-E-B stores


ver stockpile those little tubs of Whataburger ketchup because you love the flavor? Well H-E-B and Whataburger have teamed up to bring you Whataburger’s popular condiments, Fancy Ketchup, Spicy Ketchup and Original Mustard. But the rewards don’t stop there. The highly anticipated Whatatfries product — a potato chip version of the French fry — has also hit stores. H-E-B is carrying both of Whataburger’s ketchup varieties, Fancy Ketchup and Spicy Ketchup, in 20-ounce bottles and its Original Mustard in 16-ounce bottles at all of its stores. Bottled condiments will not be available for purchase at Whataburger restaurants at this time. “The level of excitement from our customers over our announcement of Whataburger ketchup and mustard coming to H-E-B stores was unprecedented,” said H-E-B Group Vice President of Grocery Procurement Reade Ahrens. H-E-B, with sales of more than $19.4 billion, operates more than 350 stores in Texas and Mexico. Known for its innovation and community service, H-E-B celebrated its 105th

anniversary in 2010. “We’re incredibly pleased with the enthusiastic response from customers of both Whataburger and H-E-B,” said Whataburger President and CEO Preston Atkinson. “It’s no secret Whataburger has really good ketchup and mustard, and, like our burgers, they have a loyal following all their own.” H-E-B is also launching a new, unique product called “Whatafries” that uses Whataburger’s legendary brand. The H-E-B product is a potato chip version of the French fry, cut from real potatoes and available in a 7.4-ounce bag. These crispy, delicious french fries are ready to eat straight from the bag. Original Flavor H-E-B Whatafries debuted this summer on the snack aisle exclusively at H-E-B stores. “Our customers’ reaction to the availability of our condiments and Whatafries has been incredible. H-E-B is pleased to continue our collaboration with Whataburger and to introduce new items for our customers to enjoy at home. We’re incredibly pleased with the enthusiastic response from customers of both Whataburger and H-E-B,” said Regina Garcia, H-E-B Public Affairs Manager , Gulf Coast

Region. “The response from our customers has brought much excitement in our stores and sales are going well.” And for those Whataburger lovers outside of Texas who have been craving Fancy Ketchup, Spicy Ketchup and Original Mustard from miles away can celebrate. Whataburger is now selling bottles of its popular Fancy Ketchup, Spicy Ketchup and Original Mustard on its website, Whataburger.com. Since the retail launch in May, Whataburger fans outside of H-E-B’s Texas and Mexico service area have made several requests through Whataburger social channels to make the condiments available online. “When we announced our in-store retail partnership with H-E-B, we were incredibly pleased with the enthusiastic response from customers of

both Whataburger and H-E-B,” said Senior Vice President of Whataburger Retail Dino Del Nano. “At the same time, we heard from a lot of Whataburger fans outside of Texas who really wanted to get their hands on our popular ketchup and mustard. By making our condiments available online, we can help our out-of-state fans get their bottle of Fancy Ketchup, Spicy Ketchup or Original Mustard, whether they’re in Oklahoma or New York City.” Whataburger’s Fancy Ketchup, Spicy Ketchup and Original Mustard are available at Whataburger.com in a threepack for $19.99 or a six-pack for $26.99, which includes free ground shipping anywhere in the continental United States. Customers can purchase either multiple bottles of one product or a variety pack of all three.

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12 a Magazine August 2013

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ast month, I promised to share with you some of my family’s favorite canning recipes. Remember, these are recipes that only require hot water bath for processing and food safety. No clumsy or big high pressure canners needed. For those that are interested in the high pressure canning, I am including my favorite fresh tomato spaghetti sauce recipe that I’m sure will delight the senses! Double the recipe and you will have some left to can. (Follow directions according to your manufacturer) Fresh Tomato Spaghetti Sauce 4 lbs fresh tomatoes 1 medium onions, coarsely chopped 4 cloves garlic, finely chopped 2 tbsp dried basil 1/4 cup olive oil 1 tablespoon sugar (Optional) Directions: To remove tomato skins easily, bring a pot of water to boil and place tomatoes (after removing stems) into the boiling water for 30 seconds. Remove from water and allow to cool; skin will slide right off. Remove the top of the tomato where the stem was attached before quartering and placing into large stock pot. Bring tomatoes and their natural juices to a simmer for about 2 hours. Heat olive oil over medium heat in a large iron skillet and add onion, basil, and garlic, cooking until onions are ‘pearled’. Add to tomatoes. At this time, if you want to use sugar, add to mix-



ture. If you like chunky spaghetti sauce serve as is over your choice of pasta. My family prefers sauce that is not chunky so I use my potato masher to make it a little smoother. Enjoy! Soon, there will be more fresh figs than you can shake a stick at! My in-laws have a beautiful fig tree from which I get more than enough fruit to prepare and can 4-8 batches through the summer. One thing to share - if you like the lemon peel in this recipe - it can easily be doubled. Just make sure that you do not leave out the lemon as this is a very important part of the recipe and aids in the preservation process. Fig Preserves 4 quarts figs 8 cups of white sugar 4 cups water 1/2 lemon, seeds removed, sliced thin (left peel on)


Putting those homegrown fruits and veggies to work


merse filled jars in a rolling boil water bath for 10 minutes. Any jars that have not ‘popped’ on their own, put those jars into the refrigerator. I hope you are enjoying your summer and looking forward to the things you will be getting to do with your family. Please remember summer safety and don’t forget to look for those discount coupons when enjoying those amusement parks! If you have any questions about the art of canning and preserving fruits and veggies, please email me at jwallgren@alice 24-7.com.




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Directions: Wash figs in solution of 3 tbsp baking soda mixed with warm water. Wash well, then drain and rinse well. You can repeat as often as necessary. This process is best if you dissolve baking soda in water really well first so it doesn’t leave little white flecks of soda on figs. Combine water, sugar and lemon and simmer over heat for 10 mins. Add in washed figs and cook about 2 hours, stirring every 15 minutes or so. If lots of foam is present, skim it off and enjoy on toast while you are waiting for it to cook! Place well-thickened fruit into hot, sterilized jars (place jars into boiling water for 10 minutes). Place lids and finger tighten. Im-

August 2013 a Magazine 13

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14 a Magazine July 2013

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e ISD Superintendent ce ISD ISD Superintendent Superintendent Dr. Grace Everett Dr. Dr. Grace Grace Everett Everett August 2013 a Magazine 15

Simple ways to cut calories


eople take a variety of approaches when attempting to lose weight. Some try fad diets that may or may not produce results, while others commit to a daily exercise regimen. One of the more popular ways men and women attempt to lose weight is to cut calories from their diets. Cutting calories can be an effective way to shed extra pounds, but it should be done in a way that does not compromise your overall health for the sake of a slimmer waistline. Any changes adults make to their diets should be discussed with their physicians prior to going forward, but the following are a handful of healthy ways to cut calories. Put away the potato chips. Potato chips are a favorite snack of many people, but those delicious chips could be a reason your belt size is getting bigger. Instead of potato chips, opt for air-popped uu

Kasper, From 5

bring us through those times. Our friends, even our closest friends, may abandon us, but God never will. He will never leave us or forsake us. God’s Word has much to say about our placing our hope and confidence in God. A few examples from the Psalms are: “No one who hopes in you will ever be put to shame.” (25:3) “We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield.” (33:20) “You answer us with awesome and righteous deeds, God our Savior, the hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest seas.” (65:6) The Psalmist writes before the coming of God’s Son Jesus, yet he knew his God and he knew that God and no one else was his hope; his confidence. God, through His prophet Isaiah declares: “Those who hope in me will not be disappointed.” Only God can make such a bold statement as this and it be completely true. Naturally, the greatest hope a person can have is the hope one has in God through His Son

16 a Magazine August 2013

popcorn, which contains roughly one-fourth the amount of calories of potato chips. Popcorn also is a whole grain, which means you’ll be adding fiber, minerals and vitamins to your diet while decreasing your caloric intake. Add healthy flavor to your pasta. Perhaps because it’s become increasingly available in recent years, whole grain pasta has risen in popularity. But men and women looking to cut calories can go even further when cooking up some pasta for dinner. When making whole grain pasta, cook about half the amount you normally would, and then add fresh or even frozen vegetables to the mix. Reducing the amount of pasta will reduce the amount of calories you consume, and the vegetables will add nutrients to your diet. Another way to cut calories from your favorite pasta dishes is to leave the parmesan

Jesus. Before God created the earth and everything in it…before rebellion entered enter earth’s history…God planned for the rescue of humankind from eternal destruction. Through Jesus, God carefully carried out that plan. Even now, as the inhabitants of the earth race toward what can only be described as a frightening future, all who hope in God and in His Son Jesus are being told to not be afraid. We are being told to ‘look up’ for our redemption is getting closer and closer to us with each passing day. From the Word of God we know that this present world will come to an end. However, from the same Word of God, God tells us that He is planning to create a new heaven and a new earth. This new heaven and new earth will not be tainted by sin, disease, death, war or any of the troubles we presently face. We’ll enjoy all of the future God plans for us if our hope is in Him and in Jesus His Son. Now is the time to move our hope from people to God. He alone is worthy of our hope.

cheese on the sideline. Parmesan cheese can be loaded with calories, and the vegetables should add all the flavor you need. Choose the right condiment for your sandwich. Many people love a good deli sandwich slathered in mayonnaise. But while that sandwich might be delicious, that mayo could be adding a significant number of calories to your meal. One tablespoon of mayonnaise can have as many as 57 calories, while an alternative like mustard can be just as flavorful while containing far fewer calories. Say “so long” to soft drinks. Perhaps no method to cutting calories is more effective for soft drink lovers than cutting soft drinks from their diets. Sugary beverages are not only loaded with calories, but such drinks offset the body’s blood sugar, increasing appetite as a result.

Instead of reaching for a soft drink at the convenience store or at home, try water. It’s a much healthier alternative, and it’s sure to help you achieve a slimmer waistline. Don’t forget to eat fruit. Fruit is not just a fresh and delicious snack, it’s also a fiber- and antioxidant-rich and low-calorie alternative to more popular snack foods. Strawberries are a popular fruit, and men and women might be surprised to learn that a pound of strawberries contains nearly the same amount of calories as a half-cup of vanilla ice cream. When eating breakfast in the morning, add some fruit to your cereal or oatmeal. Allowing the fruit to occupy some of the space that would otherwise be occupied by more cereal or oatmeal will lower your caloric intake while adding fiber and antioxidants to your diet.

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