Volume 24 Issue 20
Thursday 28 June 2018
DATES TO REMEMBER term dates 2018
28 28 29 16
june june june july
term 1 30 jan - 29 march term 3 16 july - 21 sept
term 2 16 april - 29 june term 4 08 oct - 21 dec
year 6 expo evening 6 - 7 pm student reports going home last day of term 2 finish at 2.30pm term 3 commences.
jim bell, principal
jenny reid, assistant principal
tudent Reports Student reports have been distributed today! We trust parents will find them informative and that they take the opportunity to celebrate their child/ren’s achievement with them.
eet our Environmentalists! Most of our students are very responsible and “do the right thing - put rubbish in the bin”, however, there must be some who don’t, otherwise, where would this bag of discarded snack wrappers have come from? Crystal, Narges and Hayley of Year 3MF as responsible young environmentalists took the initiative and cleaned up the discarded wrappers from various locations around the school yard. Thank you!!
ittle Scientists at John Monash Science School We arrived at John Monash Science School for the third session. After having our lunch in the school cafeteria, we lined up with the other schools to do the experiments. We started by getting the document for instructions on what to do for the Science Fair (a project for the Little Scientists to do and participate in). We began by having our instructor explain what we were going to do, beginning the plan for our projects. I partnered with my friend and we had a mentor to help us throughout the session, discussing what we could work on for our projects. We had to focus on one topic based on either physics, chemistry, nanotechnology or biology to exhibit on the day. Our entire group ended up doing different topics. We had a poster setup, and we also took some resources for our project. We had also viable plans for our project, like pamphlets, and a diorama. Our experiment was comparing two different bird types, the (Alpine Chough, and the Superb Fairy Wren) whilst my peers were creating a chemical traffic light, and how oil spills affect marine life. We have been really excited about the Science Fair, and we will have little stalls to place our projects, on the day. We have expectations, and we’re all confident, and a little nervous for the day.
In conclusion, we had an extraordinarily fun time meeting our mentors, getting to know them and to start the planning on our projects. I’m really excited for our However, how wonderful last visit on physics. would it be to have ALL of Shaun 5SI our students follow their example and keep our school grounds tidy by ensuring all wrappers and food scraps are placed in the rubbish bins provided.
chool Assemblies As you are aware, school assemblies are held in our gymnasium each Friday at 2:40 p.m. They provide us with the opportunity to address the children collectively and to give recognition to student achievement through the presentation of student awards such as Stars of the Week.
chool Holiday Golf Program This week middle and senior school classes participated in an introduction to golf. The classes were run by PGA professional (AAA coach) member, Paul Boxall. Over the school holiday period, Paul will be conducting numerous clinics at the Edithvale Golf Course. Please see the information below. This is a great opportunity to get your child into the sport of golf, which can be played your whole life.
egion Cross Country Last week, Wyatt Smith represented our school at Region Cross Country. This is the stage before state level, where a top twelve finish gains entry to the state final. Wyatt has been training for over three months preparing for each stage of the cross country calendar. At Eun-ju can be justifiably proud of their performance and Regional level, the competition equally pleased with their progress! To have thirty is immense and Wyatt was violinists playing in unison is quite an achievement! outstanding. Assemblies also provide the opportunity for students to perform. These performances are enjoyed equally, not only by parents and students in the audience, but also by the performers themselves! Last week, those children who are learning violin under the tuition of Eun-ju Lee had the opportunity to showcase their developing skills. Two songs were performed, ….. and Ode to Joy with Eun -ju accompanying them on the keyboard!
We are very proud of Wyatt, and his commitment and efforts have been faultless. A huge thank you to Stu and Mandy (Wyatt’s parents), as your support has been greatly appreciated. Well done! Jim and Mel ew Attendance Requirements If your child is sick or absent, you are required to notify the school as soon as possible on the day of absence. Notifying the school of your child’s absence either prior to, or on the day that they will be away, helps ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and will fulfil your legal responsibility.
By now, parents should have received a letter in the post advising them again of the changes and their legal responsibility. Parents are asked to complete the PERMISSION SLIP—SMS MESSAGES. This will allow Brentwood Park Primary School to update CASES 21 and enable SMS messages to be sent to mobile phones beginning July 16th. Email addresses are also requested. Confidentiality of the information provided will be maintained and only used for the specific purpose, unless otherwise required by law.
hinese Language and Culture
Enrolments need to be finalised to ensure the children
SCHOOL currently out of our DNB and on a “waiting list” for Year Prep 2019 can finalise their enrolment.
We have been advised that our Chinese sister school delegation will arrive at our school on Monday 23 July at approximately 3:30 p.m. and stay with us through the week to Sunday 29 July until departure at 9:30 a.m. Ten children, eight boys and two girls, in Years 4 6 and two staff members will be billeted within our community. Sincere thanks are extended to those school families who are welcoming the visiting children into their homes. A special welcome event for students and teachers from sister schools in Jiangsu Province, China and their Victorian arking Restrictions counterparts is to be organised. The event will We have been advised by the be held between 9.45 a.m.—12.00 midday on Brentwood Park Kinder that Tuesday 24 July 2018 at Government House quite a few of their parents are and will include a light lunch for guests. complaining that they are unable to This year marks the 39th anniversary of the park within the kinder’s car park due sister-state relationship between the State of to parents parking both within parking Victoria and Jiangsu Province. The Governor bays and double parking to drop off of Victoria, the Hon. Linda Dessau AM will and pick up their children from our welcome our visitors and the visitors of other school. schools from Jiangsu. School parents are reminded that this space is for Upon their arrival to our school, we will hold Kindergarten and Maternal Health families only. our own Welcoming Ceremony for our visitors with host students and visiting students Bi-laws will be contacted and their support will be introducing themselves in each others’ enlisted to support authorised parking only. Parents need to be aware that parking infringement notices resulting in respective language being a highlight! monetary fines could be issued.
esignated Neighbourhood Boundary and Future Enrolments The Victorian Schools Building Authority [VSBA] has analysed the enrolment pattern of schools for 2018 against their Designated Neighbourhood Boundaries [DNB] and current excess space, and have provided schools a ranking on a priority matrix for relocatable building provision. As a result of this and changed policy in relation to the provision of additional relocatable classrooms, we have been advised to manage our future enrolment within the facilities we currently have on site. This results in “capping” the number of students we can enrol from outside our Designated Neighbourhood Boundary. We ar e actively tr ying to ascertain enrolments within our DSB to enable us to confirm enrolments with families who are out of our DSB. Principal projections of enrolment will be forwarded to the Department of Education and Training in August.
Alison Johnson Educator City of Casey Brentwood Park Kindergarten
chool Canteen Bellbrook catering would like to wish all staff, students and families a safe and happy holiday break and inform you that the last canteen day for term 2, is Friday 29th June and the first canteen day for term 3 is Wednesday 18th July.
onclusion of Term At the conclusion of Term 2, reflections again reveal the accomplishments of a very industrious term and, as such, I thank all concerned for their efforts! With reports now distributed, parents can now share in the achievements of the children. That done, I hope rep Enrolments 2019 everyone has a relaxing school break and a safe return to Prep enrolments are now being taken for next school at the commencement of Term 3 on Monday 16 year! If any of our current families have a child July. who is commencing Year Prep next year, could they please ensure that they complete the enrolment procedure. Tania Lucas, our Year Prep transition coordinator has already been visiting kindergartens and other early learning centres to introduce herself and to ascertain if prospective families reside within our Designated Neighbourhood Boundary [DNB].
Term 2
Week ending 22 June, 2018 FTL
for using initial sounds when writing his sentence.
for successfully writing her name on every piece of work! Congratulations!
for having a smile on his face and trying extra hard in maths.
for her enthusiastic attitude to learning. Well done.
for always staying on task during reading groups. You are a great role model! for being a SENSATIONAL reader with AWESOME sounding out skills. You are a superstar! for being such a fantastic “bucket of kindness” filler!
for showing an excellent understanding of partitioning.
for writing excellent student reflections and goal setting. Well done, Faryal! for concentrating and trying to achieve your ‘personal best’ with all learning tasks. WELL DONE. for doing a great job with partitioning numbers when adding them together.
for trying your best during writing and spelling this week.
for developing an excellent understanding of doubles and near doubles in maths. WELL DONE. for being so focused and persistent with his procedural writing this week. Well done, Riyan! for working so hard to solve subtraction equations using partitioning.
for being a Mathletics Super Star! Well done on all your achievements!
Shr eya
for solving subtraction equations, using the partitioning method. Well done! for writing an amazing procedure on how to brush your teeth. Well done.
for displaying our school values, working hard and being resilient.
Gr ace
for always working diligently in all aspects of your learning.
Er ic
for your detailed and WOW word filled procedure on how to make a shark.
Tr istan
for always showing our school values and being a wonderful member of 3MF. for his polite and obliging attitude and being a true blue friend.
for her ability to work co-operatively and respectfully with all class members. for always trying his best in all areas of the curriculum.
Ibr ahim
for always sharing his knowledge and having a fantastic sense of humour.
for his super effort in researching on the iPad and collecting information.
Term 2
Week ending 22 June, 2018 5LM
for having a positive attitude towards all learning tasks this week!
for working hard to complete all learning activities this week. Well done! for creating an extremely professional artistic and engaging Gold Rush project! for being an active audience member during the grade 5 Metro Rail incursion and asking great questions! for her detailed planning during our ‘Big Write’ sessions.
Mathisha for her classroom planning during our ‘Big Write’ sessions.
for excellent use of the VCOP strategies in her narrative ‘Big Write’!
Ar mia
for progressing so well in his ‘Words Our Way’ spelling and for always being a great student.
LOTE: Daisy 5SI
for consistently demonstrating excellent participation in learning Chinese over the last two terms. Well done, FJF! for great designs and neat writing on your Chinese restaurant menu! I am so proud of you all.
Performing Arts: Kenneth 2AK for developing a higher understanding of woodwind instruments, both reed and air sub-sections. Performing Arts: Troy FTL for using great performing arts skills when creating “Little Dentist” plays. Physical Education: Jim 5SI for completing cross ball games superbly; the best in the senior school. Physical Education: Mel 6JP for their amazing team work and demonstrating excellent netball skills. Visual Arts: Joi 6LM Visual Arts: Jessica 2AA
for combining pinch pots, slabs and coils to create amazing clay models. for listening carefully and staying on task to complete your directed
Please hand money and permission slip in sealed envelopes to classroom teacher first thing in the morning. By following this process teachers are aware that your child will be attending the excursion and mark them off their lists. Money is collected by office staff and processed each morning and a receipt given back to teachers along with permission slips. All money is tallied and banked daily – no money is left on the premises. If you wish to pay by credit card, a proforma is available from the office. This can be filled out with details and placed in a sealed envelope and handed to your classroom teacher Please deliver cash in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and grade on the front by 9.30 a.m. If you have a number of children attending an excursion you can place all money and permission slips in the one envelope with children’s names and grades on the front and deliver to one of the children’s teachers. The office staff will be able to allocate money to the children’s particular items and distribute permission slips and receipts back to teachers. Envelopes are available at the office. If you have a large amount to be paid or need to process an EFTPOS transaction through a savings account you can make arrangements to pay at the office. We also have a new Qkr payment system on our Skoolbag app. If you download our Skoolbag app and Qkr payment app you can now pay for your child’s excursion on line. All change will be delivered to the children in the afternoon. Re-imbursements will only be made under certain circumstances – they will be made by cheque (no cash transactions are made). Notices are sent out with a final collection time – please adhere to this time. All money and per mission slips ar e required to be sent back by this date – otherwise your child will not be able to attend. This enables us to confirm bookings and numbers with bus companies and organisations we are visiting. Also we need to send details to the Department of Education Emergency Management for all excursions, camps, etc. We also need to accommodate students who will not be attending. We would appreciate it if parents could please follow these processes.