Term 3 Newsletter 9th August 2018

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Volume 24 Issue 22

Thursday 09 August 2018

DATES TO REMEMBER term dates 2018 term 3 16 july - 21 sept 2019 term 1 30 jan - 05 apr

14 28 21 29



jim bell, principal


term 4 08 oct - 21 dec term 2 23 apr - 28 jun

arent Opinion Survey The Parent Opinion Survey is an annual survey offered by the Department of Education and Training that is conducted amongst a sample of randomly selected parents at each school. It is designed to assist our school in gaining an understanding of parents’ perception of school climate, student engagement and relationships with our parent community. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies.

jenny reid, assistant principal

jo-anne doran, assistant principal


ew Attendance Requirements If your child is sick or absent, you are required to notify the school as soon as possible on the day of absence. Notifying the school of your child’s absence either prior to, or on the day that they will be away, helps ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and will fulfil your legal responsibility. Parents have been advised of the changes and their legal responsibility. An update to CASES 21, the school’s administration program, enables SMS messages to be sent to mobile phones.

Upon receipt of the SMS, parents are asked to respond, however, if parents are aware that their child is going to be absent, notifying the school through the absentee form The survey will be conducted online by ORIMA available on skoolbag is preferable prior to the SMS Research Pty Ltd and only takes 15 minutes to forwarding. complete. The survey can be accessed via desktop computer, laptop, tablet or mobile at any convenient time within the fieldwork period from Monday 30thJuly to Sunday 26th August. Appr oximately 30 per cent of parents will be invited to participate in this year’s survey. All responses to the survey are anonymous.


verseas University Students Visitation The survey results will be reported back to our school at On Tuesday, a group of fifty university students the end of September and will be communicated back to from Jiangsu, CHINA visited Brentwood Park parents through our school newsletter and our annual Primary School. report. Survey results assists the school in planning for the successive year. The group is currently visiting Victoria under a To date, we have had 48 parents respond out of 240 scholarship program, and is attending training courses on education and teaching at Melbourne University. The recipients. This only equates to 20% of our sample. students expressed a desire to visit a primary school in In past years, when paper copies of the survey were Victoria and Brentwood Park Primary School came distributed we would receive an 80% - 85% response highly recommended. rate. Can we encourage all The purpose for the school visit was to learn about school parents who received the curriculum with special reference to language teaching survey through email to and learning, and to observe some classes in action. The respond. We would appreciate group also visited Ballarat Secondary College. and value your feedback.


chool Sports Uniforms There are many cross country, soccer and football uniforms that need to be returned to school. Can all items please be washed before being returned.


ear 4 Camp The camp date for Year 4 is 19th to 21st September. This year’s camp will be at Arrabri Lodge. Can parents please complete and return the relevant medical forms. Thanking you for your continued support. Jim Narayan and Mel Dennis, H. & P. E.


port Shorts: District Athletics The district athletics carnival is on the 29th August at Casey Fields Athletics Track. Our students have been training in preparation for this event. This is very exciting for the students involved and it’s great to see so many enthusiastic students at training. Parent assistance is required on the day, if you are able to assist please see Mel Dennis or Jim Narayan.


oin a sport It would be great to see and hear that your child is playing sport outside of school. Please help develop your child’s fitness and skill level by joining in an external activity. There are many options for sporting activities around the City of Casey that may be of interest for your family.


t John First Aid in Schools Program Over Monday and Tuesday all students from Foundation to Year Six participated in the St John First Aid in Schools Program. This program supports the school’s health inquiry which also incorporates the Life Education lesson in the Life Education Van and lessons taken by Jim Narayan as part of the Health and Physical Education program. St John Ambulance is a self-funded organisation that uses proceeds from our commercial operations and fundraising activities to invest in community programs like First Aid in Schools. The following is a summary of the modules the students participated in on the day: Module One - Foundation to Year2 Emphasis is on how to recognise an emergency situation and how to call for assistance, which is  Danger, response and Sending for Help component of the DRSABCD Action Plan  Practical: filling in of the ‘Most important information’ card Module Two - Year 3 to 4 Emphasis is on how to recognise someone is unconscious and how to maintain a clear airway  Danger, Response, Sending for Help, Airway and Breathing components of the DRSABCD Action Plan  Practical: Recovery Position  Basic management of bleeding  Management of a nose bleed

Module Two - Year 5 to 6 Athletics is popular and you can join the Casey Little Emphasis is on how to recognise someone is unconscious Athletics Club by registering at casey@lavic.com.au or by and not breathing calling 0458 284 154.  Danger, Response, Sending for Help, Airway, Breathing and CPR components of the DRSABCD The cricket season is approaching, with many local clubs Action Plan seeking girls and boys. Please contact Paula Williams  Practical: Recovery Position willfamily1@bigpond.com0419524426 for the Narre  CPR Warren Cricket Club.  Basic management of bleeding  Management of a nose bleed The Berwick Cricket Club contact is berwickjuniors@hotmail.com or paulsmilo17@gmail.com contact Paul Milo on 0435 802 307. The contact details for Berwick Springs Cricket Club is Russell Collier russc70@bigpond.com or on 0438 448 820. Basketball is also a popular sport. Please refer to the following links for the Berwick Panthers and the Berwick Saints. www.berwickpanthers.com.au and https:// berwicksaints.com/ Thanks Jim Narayan and Mel Dennis H&PE

JOHN MONASH SCIENCE SCHOOL MINI MATHEMATICIANS PROGRAM. Mehar, Vernicia, Dylan and Zhaoxi were surprised when they were greeted by a past student from Brentwood Park. Sachindi is in year 10 and assisted in the facilitation of the mathematics program at John Monash. Mehar volunteered to write the first report: On Wednesday, 1st August we went to the mini mathematics program. We travelled to the John Monash Science School. We met very nice people, such as a man in a café who gave us two tickets for free hot chocolates that we can use in the future visits. When we commenced our learning, we met Sachindi who had graduated from our school. She told us that she missed our school, the teachers and education, however, she was enjoying her learning at John Monash. She said she had made new friends, and if you want to go John Monash, Sachindi said you need to work hard and pass an exam and then complete an interview. She said, “Don’t worry about not being with your friends, as you will make new friends.” In the session, we learnt about coding and decoding. There are two types of coding; asymmetric and symmetrical. Asymmetrical is harder to decode. It was very challenging! Thanks you Jenny for taking us. I googled about decoding and found the following information as the teacher said that asymmetrical coding only commenced in the 1970s. Symmetrical coding is the simplest kind of encryption that involves only one secret key to cipher and decipher information. Symmetrical encryption is an old and best-known technique. It uses a secret key that can either be a number, a word or a string of random letters. It is a blended with the plain text of a message to change the content in a particular way. The sender and the recipient should know the secret key that is used to encrypt and decrypt all the messages. Asymmetrical encryption is also known as public key cryptography, which is a relatively new method, compared to symmetric encryption. Asymmetric encryption uses two keys to encrypt a plain text. Secret keys are exchanged over the Internet or a large network. It ensures that malicious persons do not misuse the keys. It is important to note that anyone with a secret key can decrypt the message and this is why asymmetrical encryption uses two related keys to boosting security. A public key is made freely available to anyone who might want to send you a message. The second private key is kept a secret so that you can only know. https://www.ssl2buy.com/wiki/symmetric-vs-asymmetric-encryption-what-are-differences Mehar, 5JG

Term 2

Week ending 09 August, 2018 FTL


for reading 50 of the first Oxford words. Well done!



for reaching level 11 for his reading. Absolutely amazing effort!





for trying hard to sound out words when writing your information report on cats. for your willingness to help others. You are a great friend to FSM.



for working hard to solve addition problems and not giving up!





for using your SUPER sounding out skills when reading 3 letter words. AWESOME WORK! for completing her work to a high quality. Keep up the good work.



for making excellent connections with his CAFÉ books. Well done!



for working hard to produce an excellent ‘Big Write’. Well done!







for her enthusiasm to learn and apply new ‘WOW’ words immediately and in context in her writing. for his eagerness to get every task done to his best efforts! He also loves challenge! Well done! for your hard work during subtraction. Well done!







for always showing lovely manners and being a good friend to the students of 1EN. for being focused on his reading and completing more detailed Reading Journals during CAFÉ this week. for your creative ideas and use of punctuation in your Big Write.



for always being a happy and friendly class member and a delight to teach!




Pr ashant

for being so focused on his learning this week and always demonstrating the school values! for working extremely hard in our CAFÉ sessions this week. Keep it up!



for showing resilience, friendship and an amazing smile everyday!



for displaying a positive attitude to all aspects of her learning. Well done!



for using VCOP strategies to make a very interesting fractured fairy tale.



for trying his best in all areas of his learning. Keep it up!




Aar av

for demonstrating initiative and persistence during science. Excellent job, Punya! for showing great persistence in all areas of his learning.


J ulieta




Cr ystal

for working so hard on your persuasive writing AND for your brilliant maths skills while working on maths problems. for always completing her work to the best of her abilities. for confidently sharing her maths knowledge during the pumpkin maths activities.

Term 2

Week ending 09 August, 2018 5LM




for demonstrating his ability to stay focused and on task during all class activities this week! for showing great resilience during a sad family time.



for making an amazing start at BPPS! 5SI is very lucky to have you!


Sar ah





for constantly being a kind and compassionate student who is always willing to assist in the classroom. for being a welcoming and friendly classroom member and working really hard on persuasive writing. for his thorough Reading Journal responses.




Chr is

for always completing homework and class tasks to a high standard. Well done! for always being polite and courteous and applying himself 100%. Impressive!


for your excellent organisation with your Chinese work book!

LOTE: Daisy 6JP

for your great effort on characters writing!

Performing Arts: Kenneth 5LF for confidently reading scripts and showing ‘team work’ by encouraging each other. Performing Arts: Troy FSM for treating instruments with respect during Performing Arts. 3MF for being amazing and learning the lines for the concert play with enthusiasm. Physical Education: Jim 2AA for outstanding work in sorting food into the food group. Physical Education: Mel 4VK for their fabulous work on the lungs. Visual Arts: Joi 6LM Visual Arts: Jessica 2AD

for the excellent use of fabric in their line drawings. for working co operatively and quietly to complete stage one of your looms. Well done, 2AD!



Please hand money and permission slip in sealed envelopes to classroom teacher first thing in the morning. By following this process teachers are aware that your child will be attending the excursion and mark them off their lists. Money is collected by office staff and processed each morning and a receipt given back to teachers along with permission slips. All money is tallied and banked daily – no money is left on the premises. If you wish to pay by credit card, a proforma is available from the office. This can be filled out with details and placed in a sealed envelope and handed to your classroom teacher Please deliver cash in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and grade on the front by 9.30 a.m. If you have a number of children attending an excursion you can place all money and permission slips in the one envelope with children’s names and grades on the front and deliver to one of the children’s teachers. The office staff will be able to allocate money to the children’s particular items and distribute permission slips and receipts back to teachers. Envelopes are available at the office. If you have a large amount to be paid or need to process an EFTPOS transaction through a savings account you can make arrangements to pay at the office. We also have a new Qkr payment system on our Skoolbag app. If you download our Skoolbag app and Qkr payment app you can now pay for your child’s excursion on line. All change will be delivered to the children in the afternoon. Re-imbursements will only be made under certain circumstances – they will be made by cheque (no cash transactions are made). Notices are sent out with a final collection time – please adhere to this time. All money and per mission slips ar e required to be sent back by this date – otherwise your child will not be able to attend. This enables us to confirm bookings and numbers with bus companies and organisations we are visiting. Also we need to send details to the Department of Education Emergency Management for all excursions, camps, etc. We also need to accommodate students who will not be attending. We would appreciate it if parents could please follow these processes.

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