Volume 24 Issue 35
Thursday 08 November 2018
DATES TO REMEMBER term dates 2018 term 3 16 july - 21 sept 2019 term 1 30 jan - 05 apr
20 20 26-30 03
november november november december
jim bell, principal
term 4 08 oct - 21 dec term 2 23 apr - 28 jun
year 2—seaweed sally incursion year 3 history incursion book fair 8.30-9.00 & 3.30-4.00 report writing day jenny reid, assistant principal
jo-anne doran, assistant principal
urriculum Day—5th November As you are aware, Monday 5th November was approved by School Council as a student free day for the purpose of staff professional development. The day commenced at 8.00 a.m. and from the very onset, staff were immediately engaged in the session with Words Our Way Spelling program as the focus! Words Our Way is a literacy program, which the English team has adapted elements from the program W ords Their Way, to align with our synthetic phonics approach and incorporates THRASS as a learning tool. The program is based on a teacher-directed, student-centred approach to vocabulary growth and spelling development. The students engage in a variety of sound, pattern and meaning activities, sorting pictures and words. It caters for differentiated learning in the classroom. The Year One and Year Six teachers trialled the approach this year and found it to be beneficial in spelling skill development. A BIG THANKYOU to Judy , the English team and Year One and Year Six teachers.
ohn Monash Science School
On Monday night 30th October, a small group of grade five students from the school attended the John Monash Science Fair. My experiment was on convection currents and temperature inversion. The science fair went for around two and a half hours, even though it felt longer. Whenever someone new came to my table, I would repeat the experiment again. I had clear plastic bottles, two were filled with cold water (with blue dye) and two were filled with warm/hot water (with yellow dye). I had to place a cold bottle on top of a warm bottle to demonstrate convection currents. When I did this, the water turned green in both bottles. This is because the hot water in the bottom bottle (yellow) wanted to rise and the cold water wanted to go down. When this happens the blue and yellow dye mixes and turns green. When I placed the warm bottle on top of the cold bottle, the colours remained yellow on top, blue at the bottom with a small bit of green in the middle. This demonstrates temperature inversion-during the winter, the sun heats up the earth and the layer of air closest to the earth. The air rises and creates a blanket of hot air. Pollution that comes from cars and factories gets trapped between the hot air and the cooler layer of air, that creates a brown cloud of pollution (that is represented by the green in the middle of the two bottles). ——Bailey 5JG
y Experience at the JMSS Science Fair The long-awaited day had come. I and other Brentwood Park students were at the Science Fair to present our projects. I was very excited to show my research on the comparison between a highflying bird (the Alpine Chough) and a low-flying bird (the Superb Fairy Wren). I was really nervous about the questions that people might ask but I was glad that my partner, Shaun, and I were able to answer most of them. I felt like a bird expert! There were other fascinating projects at this fair too. A project I saw, “Terraforming Venus”, was ultra-cool as it was about changing the planet Venus into a liveable environment for humans. I enjoyed the Science Fair and learning from other school students’ projects. I was proud when many people complimented on my work. It was a very fruitful experience for me. - Jonah 5LF
un Smart In adherence to our Sun Smart policy, students are now required to wear their wide brimmed hat whenever out in the yard during Health and Physical Education lessons or at recess and lunchtimes. An amendment also now encourages the wearing of sunglasses! Parent support in ensuring the compulsory wearing of hats and wearing of sunglasses is strongly encouraged.
tudent Transfers and Enrolments 2019 In order for us to arrange staffing, grade structure, budget allocations and various other school functions for the 2019 school year, it is imperative that we are able to ascertain student numbers for next year. The more accurate with our future planning, the smoother we can make the transition for the children from one year level to the next. Parents are requested to contact the office of additional enrolments for Years Foundation – Year 6, if they have not already done so. If any of our families are aware that their children, other than the current Year 6 students, will not be attending Brentwood Park Primary School next year, could you please notify the office or your child’s classroom teacher.
As you can appreciate, other families who are out of our designated neighbourhood boundary are currently on a waiting list for enrolment in Brentwood Park Primary School should a vacancy eventuate through the relocation of others. Thank you for your cooperation. Your assistance is greatly appreciated!
tudent Placements 2019 The organisation of classes for next year will soon be underway. When we organise classes, we try to ensure an even spread of abilities within each class across the year level. Teachers take into consideration how individual children work together and use the knowledge of all teachers at the year level together with specialist teachers and senior staff in the final formation. We endeavor to design each class as a cohesive working and learning unit and, where possible, place children with at least one of their nominated friends. This in itself is a complex procedure but cannot be seen as the primary focus in class organization. Sometimes it is beneficial for students to explore new relationships and not be reliant on the same one or two class friends year after year. Additionally, sometimes it is the teachers’ considered opinion that particular children need to be separated from friends to enable them to develop and realize their potential. When organising classes for 2019, staff will be placing the children in class groups which are conducive to learning. This will remain as the primary focus. The staff are aware of the friendship groups and will also attempt to include a friend, however, attaining a positive learning environment will be the primary determining factor.
emembrance Day Service will be conducted this Friday at our assembly. The School and House Captains will conduct the service . This Sunday, 11 November 2018 marks the 100th anniversary of the Armistice which ended the First World War (1914 to 1918).
remier’s Reading Challenge Following the service , Premier’s Reading Challenge certificates will be presented to students who registered one hundred books. The challenge encouraged the students to read a set number of books over the year and record their efforts online. The Premier's Reading Challenge is a literacy initiative developed by Australian state governments. It is set not as a competitive event, but rather as an individual challenge to each student, as well as to promote a love of reading books.
Term 4
Week ending 02 November, 2018 FTL
for making a great start at Brentwood Park .
for staying focused during our Pixar short film big write.
for working hard in all areas in the classroom. You are doing a fabulous job. for using various strategies when reading. I’m very proud of you!
for doing an AWESOME job at finding short vowel sounds on your THRASS chart! for answering lots of questions about the letters and sounds on the THRASS chart. Well done! for working had to improve all areas of his learning.
for trying so hard all week with his learning. Well done!
for always working hard during CAFÉ sessions. Well done!
for consistently using lovely manners, contributing to class discussions and always sharing a smile. for showing patience and kindness to his peers when solving problems! Well done! for having clear and detailed steps in your procedure!
for such a confident start to your time at BPPS. We’re looking forward to getting to know you! The amazing 2CM, for being excellent during the last four weeks.
for always showing kindness with others. Well done!
Var r sa
for always showing respect and using your manners. You’re such a delight to teach. for demonstrating our school values, showing resilience and getting along.
J ack
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for her happy, helpful and enthusiastic attitude to school and learning.
for being a super champion at time tables! Well done!
for applying herself diligently to complete the ’Africa’ project to a fantastic standard.
for including more detail when completing your reading journal in our CAFE sessions. Well done! for her improved quality and quantity of CAFE work this week.
for his terrific use of extended language and classroom engagement. Well done! for working hard on your comprehension skills. You’re a super reader. for always showing the BPPS values and being a wonderful member of 3MF. Well done! for always having a go and trying her best in all areas of learning.
Term 4
Week ending 02 November, 2018
5LM crown 5LF
5J G
6J P
6J A
for their outstanding performance of ‘Porridge’ in front of a huge at Bunjil Place! for an amazing performance of ‘Porridge’. So proud of you all! The fantastic 5SI, for putting on a spectacular performance in the production of ‘Porridge Pot’! You’re all stars! for their outstanding focus and dedication during the rehearsals and performance of ‘Porridge’. for always looking out for her peers when they need cheering up! for their dedication towards learning lines, songs and dances and producing a standout performance. for the hard work and dedication put into production! Amazing 6JA, WOW! What an awesome job and lots of hard work and fun at the production! Congratulations!
for your excellence in speaking and writing ‘I can speak Chinese language’ sentence. Well done 3MS!
for your enthusiasm and your concentration in Chinese characters writing! I am proud of you all! Performing Arts: Kenneth Year 5 & 6 for your positive and enthusiastic involvement in the amazing performance of ‘Porridge’. Performing Arts: Troy n/a Physical Education: Jim 4GD for very accurate throwing with the softballs. Physical Education: Mel FVC WOW! You were superstars at skipping and hitting the cricket ball. Well done. Visual Arts: Joi 3SH for their fantastic focus when sewing feet on their hessian owls. Visual Arts: Jessica 2AA
thank you 2AA for always entering the art room with a positive attitude and willingness to do your best.
Please hand money and permission slip in sealed envelopes to classroom teacher first thing in the morning. By following this process teachers are aware that your child will be attending the excursion and mark them off their lists. Money is collected by office staff and processed each morning and a receipt given back to teachers along with permission slips. All money is tallied and banked daily – no money is left on the premises. If you wish to pay by credit card, a proforma is available from the office. This can be filled out with details and placed in a sealed envelope and handed to your classroom teacher Please deliver cash in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and grade on the front by 9.30 a.m. If you have a number of children attending an excursion you can place all money and permission slips in the one envelope with children’s names and grades on the front and deliver to one of the children’s teachers. The office staff will be able to allocate money to the children’s particular items and distribute permission slips and receipts back to teachers. Envelopes are available at the office. If you have a large amount to be paid or need to process an EFTPOS transaction through a savings account you can make arrangements to pay at the office. We also have a new Qkr payment system on our Skoolbag app. If you download our Skoolbag app and Qkr payment app you can now pay for your child’s excursion on line. All change will be delivered to the children in the afternoon. Re-imbursements will only be made under certain circumstances – they will be made by cheque (no cash transactions are made). Notices are sent out with a final collection time – please adhere to this time. All money and per mission slips ar e required to be sent back by this date – otherwise your child will not be able to attend. This enables us to confirm bookings and numbers with bus companies and organisations we are visiting. Also we need to send details to the Department of Education Emergency Management for all excursions, camps, etc. We also need to accommodate students who will not be attending. We would appreciate it if parents could please follow these processes.