erasmus meeting

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1st Gymnasio of Pyrgos, Greece

Erasmus+ KA122 Project Meeting


13th-17th May, 2024

Sustainability at

1st Gymnasio of Pyrgos

our school has been built with “green” specifications based on bioclimatic architecture

recycling corner where staff and students can recycle their waste properly

paper plastic batteries

light bulbs ink toners

Classroom recycling competition

Sort out your classroom's waste!

Soft skills lab

a new course of the school curriculum in Greece

I live better Ι take care of the environment

I create and I innovate I'm interested in and I take action

The aim is

One of the modules included in this course is

“I take care of the environment”

o to address the problem of climate change in the classroom

o to raise students’ awareness of its consequences

o to enhance their critical thinking and cooperation in order to actively participate in problem-solving activities related to this issue

Activities in the framework of Soft Skills Lab and Erasmus+ project

Earth Day 2024

“Planet vs Plastics”

Earth Day 2024 “

Planet vs Plastics”

Let’s choose to be more sustainable, as a tribute to mother earth

Environmental project

“The natural environment as a source of inspiration in art”

o The natural environment has always been a source of inspiration to all forms of art

o Artistic movements, such as Land art, Eco art through their work raise public awareness and promote the protection of the natural environment.

o Interaction between nature and art

Goulandris Museum of Natural History

Gaia Centre


Change and Us”

Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center


and Art“ Land art, Eco art, Upcycled art

cyanotype workshop

eTwinners go green”

eTwinning Projects

It was inspired by the 2030 agenda and the goals set by the United Nations at the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) to reduce the planet’s ecological footprint

The project received both National and European eTwinning quality labels

Tree planting activity in the school yard

o Groups of students planted five new trees in the school yard. Then each group adopted a tree and chose a name for it.

o We are proud to introduce our baby trees: Atlas, Calypso, Asclepius, Ariadni and Socrates!

eTwinners also made zero waste products such as home-made olive soap bars and toothpaste

“Join in-be green” ongoing project

The aim of the project is to raise awareness of the critical issue of climate change and environmental sustainability and the challenges involved in trying to address the problem

Think new-Act green

The aim of the project is:

o to help students become aware of the environmental problems our planet faces, such as deforestation, pollution, loss of biodiversity and climate change

o to promote environmental sustainability and

o to encourage students to adopt a more eco-friendly lifestyle

Municipality of Pyrgos installs underground garbage bins

Four bins of total capacity 10,000 litres were installed

o one for recycling and one for mixed waste with automatic compression and o two more underground mixed waste bins

Clothing and textile recycling bins outside our school

After sorting

o clothes of better quality are donated to vulnerable groups or cover basic needs in case of emergency situations such as natural disasters

o The remaining percentage is exported to Recycling Centers for reuse

o With the correct recycling of clothes and proper management, only 2% ends up in the garbage

The Greek Erasmus+ team

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